ÚTAM - Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky


Zpět na seznam ústavů                     Domovská stránka ASEP

Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

059118 - UTAM-F 990044 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Berka, L. - Běhal, J. - Václavík, P. - Minster, J.
Experimental Analysis of Plastic Strains near the Fatigue Crack.
In: Significance of Hybrid Method for Assessment of Reliability and Durability in Engineering Sciences. - (Ed. Jírová, J.). - Praha, UTAM AV ČR 1999. - S. 1-4.
[Bilateral Czech/German Symposium /7./. Liblice (CZ), 99.04.13-99.04.15]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA101/97/0649; GA ČR(CZ) GA101/97/0730

061757 - UTAM-F 990071 RIV SIGLE SK eng C
Bradáč, J. - Marek, P.
Application of Simulation-based Reliability Assessment, SBRA, for Lifetime Prediction of Concrete Structures.
In: Life Prediction and Aging Management of Concrete Structures - Proceedings of the 8th International Expertcentrum Conference. - (Ed. Jávor, T.). - Bratislava, Expertcentrum 1999. - S. 67-72.
[Life Prediction and Aging Managment of Concrete Structures. Bratislava (SK), 99.07.06-99.07.08]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/98/0215

061796 - UTAM-F 990110 RIV SIGLE NL eng C
Doanh, T. - Ibraim, E. - Dubujet, P. - Matiotti, R. - Herle, I.
Static Liquefaction on Very Loose Hostun RF Sand: Experiments and Modelling.
In: Physics and Mechanics of Soil Liquefaction. - (Ed. Lade, P.; Yamamuro, J.). - Rotterdam, Balkema 1999. - S. 17-28.
[Inter. Workshop on the Physics and Mechanics of Soil Liquefaction. Baltimore (US), 98.09.10-98.09.11]

061787 - UTAM-F 990101 RIV SIGLE ES eng C
Drdácký, M.
Historic Structures and Materials.
In: IASS-Historical Structures. - (Ed. Ozsen, G.). - Madrid, CEDEX 1999. - S. 39-42.
[IASS-Historical Structures. Madrid (ES), 99.09.20-99.09.24]

061785 - UTAM-F 990099 RIV CZ cze V
Drdácký, M. - Bartoš, F.
Experimentální vyšetřování buňky se sendvičovými stěnami Techingstav. Praha 9, UTAM 1999. - 17 s.

061784 - UTAM-F 990098 RIV CZ cze V
Drdácký, M. - Bartoš, F. - Sokol, F.
Experimentální výzkum styčníku historických dřevěných krovů. Praha 9, UTAM 1999. - 69 s.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/97/S051

059130 - UTAM-F 990056 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Drdácký, M. - Kratěna, J. - Lesák, J.
Contactless Measurements of Dynamic Deflections of Web Girders.
In: Significance of Hybrid Method for Assessment of Reliability and Durability in Engineering Sciences. - (Ed. Jírová, J.). - Praha, UTAM AVČR 1999. - S. 13-16.
[Bilateral Czech/German Symposium /7./. Liblice (CZ), 99.04.13-99.04.15]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/96/0633

061788 - UTAM-F 990102 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Drdácký, M. - Sadovský, Z.
Stochastic Buckling of Plate Strip Degraded by Localized Corrosion.
In: Proc. Eurosteel 99. - (Ed. Studnička, J.). - Praha, ČVUT Praha 1999. - S. 129-136.
[Eurosteel 99. Praha (CZ), 99.05.26-99.05.29]

061786 - UTAM-F 990100 RIV SIGLE GB eng M
Drdácký, M. - Válek, M. - Procházka, P.
Spalling of Historic Mortars.
In: Composite Materials. - (Ed. Kelly, A.). - Cambridge, Pergamon Press 1999. - S. 99-108.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/97/S051

061789 - UTAM-F 990103 RIV SIGLE GB eng C
Drdácký, M. - Wald, F. - Mareš, J.
Modelling of Real Historic Timber Joints.
In: Structural Studies - Historical Buildings VI. - (Ed. Brebbia, C. A.; Jäger, W.). - Southampton, Witpress 1999. - S. 169-178.
[Sixth Inter. Conf. Structural Studies, Repairs and Maintenance of Historical Buildings.. Dresden (DE), 99.06.15-99.06.18]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/97/S051

061783 - UTAM-F 990097 RIV SIGLE ES eng C
Drdácký, M. - Wald, F. - Sokol, Z.
Sensitivity of Historic Timber Structures to Joint Response.
In: Shell and Spatial Structures. - (Ed. Astudillo, R.; Madrid, A.). - Madrid, CEDEX 1999. - S. 3-11.
[Congress of the Intern. Association for Shell and Spatial Structures. Madrid (ES), 99.09.20-99.09.24]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/97/S051

061743 - UTAM-F 990057 RIV SIGLE CZ cze C
Feda, J.
Bifurkace, kolaps a predikce.
In: Chaos, science and philosophy. - (Ed. Nosek, J.). - Praha, Filosofia 1999. - S. 282-291.
[Chaos, věda a filosofie. Praha (CZ), 99.11.05-99.11.07]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2071501

061745 - UTAM-F 990059 RIV SIGLE CZ eng J
Feda, J.
Cataclastic compression of soils.
Acta technica CSAV, 44 [4] 225-237 (1999).
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) OC C7.10

061746 - UTAM-F 990060 RIV SIGLE CZ eng J
Feda, J.
Indeterminism in the soil behaviour.
Engineering mechanics, 6 [3] 171-178 (1999).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2071803

061747 - UTAM-F 990061 RIV CZ cze J
Feda, J.
Problematické zeminy.
Geotechnika, 2 [3] 39 (1999).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2071803

061748 - UTAM-F 990062 RIV SIGLE DE eng J
Feda, J.
1-g model loading tests: methods and results.
Darmstadt Geotechnics, 2 [4] 371-381 (1999).
[Int.Conf. on Soil-Structure Interaction in Urban Civ. Engineering. Darmstadt (DE), 99.10.08-99.10.09]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) OC C7.10

068351 - UTAM-F 20000008 RIV SIGLE CZ eng J
Feda, J.
Classification of Collapse Modes of Soils.
Acta technica CSAV, 44 [4] 377-392 (1999).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2071803

059115 - UTAM-F 990041 RIV SIGLE NL eng C
Feda, J. - Boháč, J.
Soft Soil Improvement by Mixing with Sand or Cement.
In: Geotechnical Engineering for Transportation Infrastructure. - (Ed. Barends, F.B.J.; Lindberg, H.J.). - Amsterdam, Balkema 1999. - S. 1483-1488.
[European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering /12./. Amsterdam (NL), 99.06.07-99.06.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/97/1053

061744 - UTAM-F 990058 RIV SIGLE SK eng C
Feda, J. - Boháč, J.
Structural models of soil behaviour.
In: Prediction and verification in geotechnical engineering. - (Ed. Baliak, F.). - Bratislava, STU Bratislava 1999. - S. 83-87.
[Prediction and verification in geotechnical engineering. Bratislava (SK), 99.09.16-99.09.17]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2071803

061749 - UTAM-F 990063 RIV SIGLE DE eng J
Feda, J. - Simonini, P. - Arslan, U. - Georgiodis, M. - Laue, J. - Pinto, I.
Shallow foundation model tests in Europe.
Darmstadt Geotechnics, 2 [4] 447-475 (1999).
[Int. Conf. on Soil-Structure Interaction in Urban Civ. Engineering. Darmstadt (DE), 99.10.08-99.10.09]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) OC C7.10

059091 - UTAM-F 990016 RIV SIGLE CZ cze C
Fiala, P. - Jírová, J. - Heřt, J.
Způsob namáhání horního konce femuru - trvale řešený problém.
In: SKELET 99. - (Ed. Radovský, P.; Poušek, L.). - Praha, ČVUT 1999. - S. 10-11.
[SKELET 99. Praha (CZ), 99.02.24-99.02.25]

059129 - UTAM-F 990055 RIV SIGLE CZ cze C
Fiala, Z. - Zemánková, J.
Krajová nestabilita u rozhraní dvou materiálů.
In: Metodické a aplikační problémy lomové mechaniky 99. - (Ed. Mentl, V.). - Plzeň, Pobočka Škoda výzkum 1999. - S. 3-13.
[Metodické a aplikační problémy lomové mechaniky 99. Žinkovy (CZ), 99.05.11-99.05.13]

059086 - UTAM-F 990011 RIV SIGLE NL eng C
Fischer, C.
Decomposition of the Seismic Excitation.
In: Structural Dynamics,EURODYN 99. - (Ed. Frýba, L.; Náprstek, J.). - Rotterdam, BALKEMA 1999. - S. 1111-1116.
[EURODYN 99. Praha (CZ), 99.06.07-99.06.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/99/0122

059107 - UTAM-F 990033 RIV SIGLE NL eng C
Frýba, L.
Resonance Vibration of Railway Bridges.
In: Structural Dynamics. - (Ed. Frýba, L.; Náprstek, J.). - Rotterdam, Balkema 1999. - S. 1136-1139.
[Eurodyn 99. Praha (CZ), 99.06.07-99.06.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/97/0139

059109 - UTAM-F 990035 RIV SIGLE GB eng B
Frýba, L.
Vibration of Solids and Structures under Moving Loads. (Ed. Frýba, L.). - Praha - London, Academia Praha 1999. - 494 s.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/97/0139

059110 - UTAM-F 990036 RIV SIGLE DE ger J
Frýba, L.
Statische, dynamische und Erm"udungseigenschaften Orthotroper Platten mit Flachrippen.
Stahlbau, 68 [1] 15-23 (1999).
Grant: XX(CZ) ERRI D 191

080280 - UTAM-F 20013007 RIV GB eng R
Frýba, L.
Y. Ben-Haim : Robust reliability in mechanical systems.
Rec.: Y. Ben-Haim : Robust reliability in mechanical systems.
Journal of Sound and Vibration, 228 [3] 1212-1213 (1999).
[Impact factor:0.495(91) 0.751(92) 0.570(93) 0.696(94) 0.580(95) 0.642(96) 0.681(97) 0.699(98) 0.710(99) 0.799(00) 0.821(01) 0,829(02) 0.724(03) ]

061804 - UTAM-F 990118 RIV SIGLE GB eng C
Frýba, L. - Ben-Haim, Y. - Yoshikawa, N.
Robust Reliability of Dynamically Loaded Beam on an Uncertain Foundation.
In: Computing Developments in Civil and Structural Engineering. - (Ed. Kumar, T.). - Edinburgh, Civil-Comp Press 1999. - S. 10-14.
[Computing Developments in Civil and Structural Engineering.. Oxford (GB), 99.09.13-99.09.15]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/97/0139

059113 - UTAM-F 990039 RIV SIGLE GB eng J
Frýba, L. - Gajdoš, Ĺ.
Fatigue Properties of Orthotropic Decks on Railway Bridges.
Engineering Structures, 21 [7] 639-652 (1999).
Grant: XX(CZ) ERRI D 191
[Impact factor:0.242(91) 0.288(92) 0.264(93) 0.407(94) 0.231(95) 0.277(96) 0.331(97) 0.256(98) 0.364(99) 0.515(00) 0.415(01) 0,521(02) 0.717(03) ]

059112 - UTAM-F 990038 SIGLE NL eng G
Frýba, L. - Náprstek, J.
Structural Dynamics. (Ed. Frýba, L.; Náprstek, J.). - Rotterdam, Balkema 1999. - 1236 s.
[Eurodyn 99. Praha (CZ), 99.06.07-99.06.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/97/0139; GA ČR(CZ) GA103/99/0122

059106 - UTAM-F 990032 RIV SIGLE GB eng C
Frýba, L. - Pirner, M. - Urushadze, Š.
Experimental and Theoretical Analysis of Plates Stiffened by Two Girders.
In: Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements IX. - (Ed. Brebbia, C.A.). - Southampton, Boston, WIT Press 1999. - S. 391-397.
[Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements /9./. Sorrento (IT), 99.04.27-99.04.29]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/97/0139

059111 - UTAM-F 990037 RIV SIGLE DE ger J
Frýba, L. - Studnička, J. - Agocs, Z.
Stahlbau in der Tschechischen und Slowakischen Republik.
Stahlbau, 68 [1] 1-2 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/97/0139

059088 - UTAM-F 990013 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Gajdoš, Ĺ.
Stiffness Changes Due to Stress Corrosion Cracks.
In: Proc. Significance of Hybrid Method for Assessment of Reliability and Durability in Engineering Sciences. - (Ed. Jírová, J.). - Praha, Český plynárenský a naftový svaz 1999. - S. 17-21.
[Bilatelar Czech/German Symposium Significance of Hybrid Method for Assessment of Reliability and Durability in Engineering Sciences /7./. Liblice (CZ), 99.04.13-99.04.15]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2071903

061782 - UTAM-F 990096 RIV SIGLE SK eng J
Gajdoš, Ĺ.
Directional Dependence of Fracture Properties of X70 Steel.
Materials Engineering, 6 [17] 19-24 (1999).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2071903

059087 - UTAM-F 990012 RIV SIGLE CZ cze/eng C
Gajdoš, Ĺ. - Srnec, M.
Zbytková únosnost trubky poškozené sítí trhlin koroze pod napětím.
In: Rehabilitace vysokotlakých plynovodů po dlouhé době jejich provozu. - (Ed. Crha, P.). - Praha, Český plynárenský a naftový svaz 1999. - S. 1-16.
[Mezinárodní kolokvium Rehabilitace vysokotlakých plynovodů po dlouhé době jejich provozu /8./. Praha (CZ), 99.03.16-99.03.17]

061798 - UTAM-F 990112 RIV SIGLE CZ cze C
Herle, I.
Ztekucení písčitých výsypek lužických hnědouhelných dolů.
In: Sb. příspěvků 27. konference zakládání staveb. - (Ed. Nový, J.). - Brno, CERM 1999. - S. 5-9.
[Konference zakládání staveb /27./. Brno (CZ), 99.11.08-99.11.09]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/99/P005

061797 - UTAM-F 990111 RIV SIGLE NL eng C
Herle, I. - Doanh, T.
Verification of a Hypoplastic Model with Static Liquefaction Tests on Hostun RF Sand.
In: Pre-failure Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials. - (Ed. Jamiolkowski, M.). - Rotterdam, Balkema 1999. - S. 525-532.
[Int. Symposium Pre-failure Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials. Torino (IT), 99.09.26-99.09.29]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAB2071901

059084 - UTAM-F 990009 RIV SIGLE US eng J
Herle, I. - Gudehus, G.
Determination of Parameters of a Hypoplastic Constitutive Model from Properties of Grains Assemblies.
Mechanics of Cohesive-Frictional Materials, 30 [2] 1-20 (1999).

061795 - UTAM-F 990109 RIV SIGLE NL eng C
Herle, I. - Herle, V. - Novotná, I. - Karcher, C. - Nübel, K.
Settlement Calculations of Highway Embankment on Soft Ground.
In: Geotechnical Engineering for Transportation Infrastructure. - (Ed. Barends, F.). - Rotterdam, Balkema 1999. - S. 1089-1094.
[European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering /12./. Amsterdam (NL), 99.06.07-99.06.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/97/1053

061791 - UTAM-F 990105 RIV SIGLE DE ger J
Herle, I. - Mayer, P.
Verformungsberechnung Einer Unterwasserbetonbau Grube auf der Grundlage Hypoplastisch Ermittelter Parameter des Berliner Sandes.
Bautechnik, 76 [1] 34-48 (1999).

061799 - UTAM-F 990113 RIV SIGLE NL eng C
Herle, I. - Nubel, K.
Hypoplastic Description of the Interfale Behaviour.
In: Numerical Models in Geomechanics - NUMOG VII. - (Ed. Pande, G.; Pietruszczak, S.). - Rotterdam, Balkema 1999. - S. 53-58.
[Int. Symp. on Numerical Models in Geomechanics. Graz (AT), 99.09.01-99.09.03]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/99/P005

061792 - UTAM-F 990106 RIV SIGLE JP eng J
Herle, I. - Tejchman, J.
A "Class A" Prediction of the Bearing Capacity of Plane Strain Footings on Sand.
Soils and Foundations, 39 [5] 47-60 (1999).
[Impact factor: 0.478(03) ]

061800 - UTAM-F 990114 RIV SIGLE SK cze C
Herle, I. - Tejchman, J.
Chování modelového základu na povrchu písku. Prognóza typu"A" a srovnání s experimenty.
In: Prognóza a verifikace v geotechnickém inženýrství. - (Ed. Nový, J.). - Bratislava, STU Bratislava 1999. - S. 89-94.
[Geotechnická konferencia s medzinárodnou účasťou /4./. Bratislava ( SK), 99.09.16-99.09.17]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) OC C7.50

061765 - UTAM-F 990079 RIV SIGLE NL eng J
Hlaváček, M.
Lubrication of the Human Anklejoint in Walking with the Synovial Fluid Filtrated by the Cartilage with the Surface Zone Worn-out:Steady Pure Sliding Motion.
Journal of Biomechanics, 32 [10] 1059-1069 (1999).
[Impact factor:0.720(91) 1.020(92) 1.058(93) 1.548(94) 1.302(95)1.512(96) 1.461(97) 1.484(98) 1.536(99) 1.474(00)1.856(01) 1,889(02) 2.005(03) ]

061766 - UTAM-F 990080 RIV SIGLE NL eng J
Hlaváček, M.
A Note on an Asymptotic Solution for the Contact of Two Biphasic Cartilage Layers in a Loaded Synovial Joint at Rest.
Journal of Biomechanics, 32 [9] 987-991 (1999).
[Impact factor:0.720(91) 1.020(92) 1.058(93) 1.548(94) 1.302(95)1.512(96) 1.461(97) 1.484(98) 1.536(99) 1.474(00)1.856(01) 1,889(02) 2.005(03) ]

059114 - UTAM-F 990040 RIV SIGLE NL eng C
Horyna, T. - Ventura, C. E. - Foschi, R. O.
Analysis of Sliding of a Base-Exited Model of a Concrete Gravity Dam Monolith.
In: Proc. Eurodyn 99. - (Ed. Frýba, L.; Náprstek, J.). - Rotterdam, Balkema 1999. - S. 1007-1012.
[Eurodyn 99. Praha (CZ), 99.06.07-99.06.10]

061771 - UTAM-F 990085 RIV SIGLE PL eng J
Jíra, J. - Jírová, J. - Micka, M.
Strain State and Strength of Acetabular Component of Total Hip-Joint Endoprosthesis.
Acta Bioengineering and Biomechanics, 1 [2] 79-83 (1999).
[Polish Scientific Conference Biomechanics 99 /4./. Polanica Zdrój ( PL), 99.09.08-99.09.11]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/97/0729

061773 - UTAM-F 990087 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Jíra, J. - Jírová, J. - Micka, M.
Modelling of Behaviour of Notches in Wall of Spiral Welded Pipeline.
In: Proc. of 7th ANSYS Users Meeting. - (Ed. Novák, J.). - Brno, SVS FEM 1999. - S. 1-6.
[ANSYS Users Meeting /7./. Čejkovice (CZ), 99.09.16-99.09.17]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/97/0729

059092 - UTAM-F 990017 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Jiroušek, O.
Stress State of the Splint and the Bones in Carpal Arthrodesis.
In: Significance of Hybrid Method for Assessment of Reliability and Durability in Engineering Sciences. - (Ed. Jírová, J.). - Praha, UTAM AV ČR 1999. - S. 33-36.
[Significance of Hybrid Method for Assessment of Reliability and Durability in Engineering Sciences.. Liblice (CZ), 99.04.13-99.04.15]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/96/0268

061774 - UTAM-F 990088 RIV SIGLE PL eng C
Jiroušek, O.
Finite Element Analysis of the Splint and the Bones in Carpal Arthrodesis.
In: Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics. - (Ed. Bedzinski, R.). - Wroclaw, Oficyna wydawnicza politechniki wroclawskiej 1999. - S. 211-214.
[Biomechanics 99. Wroclaw (PL), 99.09.09-99.09.11]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/96/0268

059094 - UTAM-F 990019 RIV SIGLE CZ cze C
Jiroušek, O. - Máca, J.
Dlaha pro artrodézu zápěstí a její napjatost.
In: SKELET 99. - (Ed. Radovský, P.; Poušek, L.). - Praha, ČVUT 1999. - S. 33-34.
[SKELET 99. Praha (CZ), 99.02.24-99.02.25]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/96/0268

059095 - UTAM-F 990020 RIV SIGLE CZ cze C
Jiroušek, O. - Máca, J.
Výpočtové modelování chování krátkých kostí.
In: Inženýrská mechanika 99. - (Ed. Kratochvíl, C.; Kotek, V.; Krejsa, J.). - Praha, ÚT AV ČR 1999. - S. 545-550.
[Inženýrská mechanika 99. Svratka (CZ), 99.05.17-99.05.20]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/96/0268

059093 - UTAM-F 990018 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Jiroušek, O. - Máca, J. - Jíra, J.
Computational Analysis of the Spint and the Bones in Carpal Arthrodesis.
In: First International Conference on Advanced Engineering Design. - (Ed. Smrcek, L.). - Glasgow, University of Glasgow 1999. - S. 54-61.
[First International Conference on Advanced Engineering Design. Praha (CZ), 99.05.31-99.06.02]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/96/0268

059098 - UTAM-F 990024 RIV SIGLE BR eng C
Jírová, J.
Biomechanics of Hand Implants.
In: Applied Mechanics in the Americas. - (Ed. Goncalves, P.B.; Jasiuk, I.; Pamplona, D.). - Rio de Janeiro, American Academy of Sciences 1999. - S. 35-38.
[Sixth Pan-American Congress of Applied Mechanics. Rio de Janeiro ( BR), 99.01.04-99.01.08]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/96/0268; GA ČR(CZ) GA103/97/0729

059099 - UTAM-F 990025 RIV SIGLE CZ cze C
Jírová, J.
Výpočtová analýza chování implantátů ruky Swansonova typu.
In: SKELET 99. - (Ed. Radovský, P.; Poušek, L.). - Praha, ČVUT 1999. - S. 21-22.
[SKELET 99. Praha (CZ), 99.02.24-99.02.25]

061770 - UTAM-F 990084 RIV SIGLE PL eng J
Jírová, J.
Modelling of Hand Implants.
Acta Bioengineering and Biomechanics, 1 [2] 67-78 (1999).
[Polish Scientific Conference Biomechanics 99 /4./. Polanica Zdrój ( PL), 99.09.08-99.09.11]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/96/0268; GA ČR(CZ) GA103/97/0729

061772 - UTAM-F 990086 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Jírová, J. - Jíra, J. - Micka, M.
Hybrid Method for Analysis of Deformation Process of Spherical Acetabular Cup.
In: Proc. of 7th ANSYS Users Meeting. - (Ed. Novák, J.). - Brno, SVS FEM 1999. - S. 1-6.
[ANSYS Users Meeting /7./. Čejkovice (CZ), 99.06.16-99.09.17]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/97/0729

059096 - UTAM-F 990022 RIV SIGLE CZ cze C
Jírová, J. - Micka, M. - Jíra, J.
Modelování chování sférické kyčelní jamky.
In: EAN 99. - (Ed. Macura, P.). - Ostrava, VŠB TU Ostrava 1999. - S. 75-78.
[International Conference on Experimental Stress Analysis //37./. Frenštát p. R. (CZ), 99.06.01-99.06.03]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/97/0729

059097 - UTAM-F 990023 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Jírová, J. - Micka, M. - Jíra, J.
Numerical and Experimental Analysis of an Acetabular Component.
In: Significance of Hybrid Method for Assessment of Reliability and Durability in Engineering Sciences. - (Ed. Jírová, J.). - Praha, UTAM AV ČR 1999. - S. 37-40.
[Bilateral Czech/German Symposium Significance of Hybrid Method for Assessment of Reliability and Durability in Engineering Sciences /7./. Liblice (CZ), 99.04.13-99.04.15]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/97/0729

059077 - UTAM-F 990002 RIV NL eng C
Kafka, V.
On Mathematical Modelling of the material Structure Changes in the Plastic Localization Bands.
In: IUTAM Symposium on Micro-and Macrostructural Aspects of Thermoplasticity. - Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publischers 1999. - S. 231-240.
[IUTAM Symposium on Micro- and Macrostructural Aspects of Thermoplasticity. Bochum (DE), 97.08.25-97.08.29]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/97/1255

059078 - UTAM-F 990003 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Kafka, V.
Necking in Specimens of Different Length: Mesomechanical model.
In: Engineering Mechanics 99. - (Ed. Kratochvíl, C.). - Brno, Ústav mechaniky těles VUT 1999. - S. 357-362.
[Engineering Mechanics 99. Svratka (CZ), 99.05.17-99.05.20]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/97/1255

059079 - UTAM-F 990004 RIV SIGLE IT eng C
Kafka, V.
Continuum Damage without Change of Young,s Modulus.
In: Computational Modeling and Simulation of Materials. - (Ed. Vincenzini, P.). - Faenza, Techna 1999. - S. 395-402.
[CIMTEC-World Ceramics Congress and Forum on New Materials /9./ Symposium-Computational Modeling and Similation of Materials /1./. Florencie (IT), 98.06.14-98.06.19]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/97/1255

059080 - UTAM-F 990005 RIV SIGLE CZ eng J
Kafka, V.
Shape Memory under Complex Loading: Mesomechanical Modeling.
Acta Technica CSAV, 44 [1] 17-33 (1999).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2071801

061803 - UTAM-F 990117 RIV SIGLE CZ eng J
Kafka, V.
Cumulative Damage and its Localization in Concrete: Mesomechanical Model.
Acta Technica CSAV, 44 [4] 333-348 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/97/1255

059116 - UTAM-F 990042 RIV SIGLE NL eng C
Koudelka, P.
Some Uncertainties of the Elastic - Plastic Earth Pressure Model.
In: European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. - (Ed. Barends, F.B.J.; Lindberg, J.). - Rotterdam, Balkema 1999. - S. 369-374.
[EC SMGE /12./. Amsterdam (NL), 99.06.07-99.06.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/97/0702; GA ČR(CZ) GA103/98/0632

061769 - UTAM-F 990083 RIV SIGLE NL eng C
Koudelka, P.
Comment of Conventional Access Inaccuracies and Advanced General Earth Pressure Model.
In: Proc. IS Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Constru ction in Soft Ground. - (Ed. Fujita, F.). - Rotterdam, Balkema 1999. - S. 11-12.
[IS Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Constru ction in Soft Ground. Tokyo (JP), 99.07.11-99.07.13]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/97/0702; GA ČR(CZ) GA103/98/0632

061775 - UTAM-F 990089 RIV SIGLE NL eng C
Koudelka, P.
Earth Pressure Model with Curved Slip Surfaces by AIM.
In: Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground. - (Ed. Fujita, F.). - Rotterdam, A.A.Balkema 1999. - S. 377-382.
[Conf. of Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground. Tokyo (JP), 99.07.07-99.07.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/98/0632

061781 - UTAM-F 990095 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Koudelka, P.
Research of Bicomponent Lateral Pressures of Multiphase Granular Mate rials.
In: Proc. of 11. Inter. Scient. Conf. - 5th section Geotechnics. - (Ed. Kratochvíl, C.). - Brno, VUT Brno 1999. - S. 41-44.
[Inter. Scient. Conf. - 5th section - Geotechnics /11./. Brno (CZ), 99.10.17-99.10.20]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/97/0702

061790 - UTAM-F 990104 RIV CZ cze V
Koudelka, P.
EC7-1 par.8.5-Změna-Návrh č.l. Praha 9, UTAM 1999. - 9 s.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/97/0702; GA ČR(CZ) GA103/98/0632

059117 - UTAM-F 990043 RIV SIGLE CZ cze C
Koudelka, P. - Fischer, C.
Boční tlak zrnitých těles s rotačními smykovými plochami.
In: Inženýrská mechanika 99. - (Ed. Kratochvíl, C.). - Brno, VUT Brno - ÚMT 1999. - S. 379-384.
[INženýrská mechanika 99. Svratka (CZ), 99.05.17-99.05.20]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/97/0702

061751 - UTAM-F 990065 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Krejsa, M. - Marek, P.
Reliability Assessment of Structural Steel Members Exposed to Multicomponent Load Effect.
In: Proceedings of the Second European Conference on Steel Structures Eurosteel 99. - (Ed. Studnička, J.; Wald, F.; Macháček, J.). - Praha, ČVUT Praha 1999. - S. 649-652.
[The Second European Conference on Steel Structures Eurosteel 99. Praha (CZ), 99.05.26-99.05.29]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/98/0215

061752 - UTAM-F 990066 RIV CZ cze J
Krejsa, M. - Marek, P.
Ověření spolehlivosti ocelové konstrukce pravděpodobnostním výpočtem.
Stavební obzor, 8 [2] 54-58 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/98/0215

061761 - UTAM-F 990075 RIV SIGLE RO eng C
Krejsa, M. - Marek, P.
Transition from Deterministic to Probabilistic Structural Steel Reliability Assessment with Special Attention to Stability.
In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Colloquium on Stability and Ductility of Steel Structures. - (Ed. Dubina, D.; Ivanyi, M.). - Timisoara, Elsevier 1999. - S. 19-26.
[Stability and Ductilityy od Steel Structures. Timisoara (RO), 99.08.09-99.08.11]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/98/0215

061753 - UTAM-F 990067 RIV CZ cze J
Lokaj, A. - Marek, P.
Vliv doby působení účinků zatížení na únosnost dřevěných konstrukcí.
Stavební obzor, 8 [6] 171-176 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/98/0215

061756 - UTAM-F 990070 RIV SIGLE DE ger J
Marek, P.
Von Deterministischen zu Probabilistischen Bemessungs Verfahren in der Ausbildung der Bauinenieure.
Ehrenkolloquium f"ur Prof. W. Grasse, 7 [6] 55-59 (1999).
[Ehrenkolloquium f"ur Prof. W. Grasse. Dresden (DE), 99.04.16]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/98/0215

061762 - UTAM-F 990076 RIV SIGLE CZ cze C
Marek, P.
Poznámka k vývoji posudku spolehlivosti konstrukcí na poddolovaném území.
In: Sborník konference Stavby na poddolovaném území v současných podmínkách. - (Ed. Novák, P.). - Ostrava, Dům techniky Ostrava 1999. - S. 44-51.
[Stavby na poddolovaném území v současných podmínkách.. Ostrava (CZ) , 99.09.14-99.09.16]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/98/0215

061755 - UTAM-F 990069 RIV SIGLE DE ger J
Marek, P. - Guštar, M.
Probabilistische Verfahren in der Bemessung von Stahltragwerken.
Stahlbau, 68 [1] 62-69 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/98/0215

061758 - UTAM-F 990072 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Marek, P. - Guštar, M.
From Partial Factors Method to Probabilistic Concepts in Structural Steel Design.
In: Proceedings of Second European Conference on Steel Structures Eurosteel 99. - (Ed. Studnička, J.; Wald, F.; Macháček, J.). - Praha, ČVUT Praha 1999. - S. 645-648.
[Eurosteel 99. Praha (CZ), 99.05.26-99.05.29]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/98/0215

061763 - UTAM-F 990077 RIV SIGLE GB eng J
Marek, P. - Guštar, M. - Anagnos, T.
Codified Design of Steel Structures Using Monte Carlo Techniques.
Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 52 [1] 69-82 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/98/0215
[Impact factor:0.112(91) 0.078(92) 0.151(93) 0.113(94) 0.178(95) 0.357(96) 0.259(97) 0.237(98) 0.341(99) 0.418(00) 0.388(01) 0,296(02) 0.543(03) ]

059083 - UTAM-F 990008 RIV SIGLE NL eng J
Marek, P. - Guštar, M. - Permaul, K.
Transition from Partial Factors Method to Simulation-Based Reliability Assessment in Structural Design.
Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 14 [1] 105-118 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/94/0562; GA ČR(CZ) GV103/96/K034
[Impact factor: 0.612(97) 0.886(98) 0.522(99) 0.403(00) 0.514(01) 0,972(02) 0.586(03) ]

061750 - UTAM-F 990064 RIV CZ cze K
Marek, P. - Krejsa, M. - Lokaj, A.
Ověření spolehlivosti OK pravděpodobnostním výpočtem.
In: Sborník konference Vítkovice. - (Ed. Měřínský, T.). - Ostrava, ČAOK 1999. - S. 22-25.
[Konference Vítkovice. Ostrava (CZ), 99.05.10-99.05.12]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/98/0215

061754 - UTAM-F 990068 RIV SIGLE US eng C
Marek, P. - Le-Wu Lu, L.
Issues Related to Achieving Qualitative IMprovements in Reliability Assessment in Structural Design.
In: Structural Engineering in the 21st Century - Proceedings of the 1999 Structures Congress. - (Ed. Avent, R.; Alawady, M.). - Reston, Virginia, ASCE 1999. - S. 464-467.
[New Orleans Structures Congress. New Orleans (US), 99.04.18-99.04.21]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/98/0215

061760 - UTAM-F 990074 RIV SIGLE NL eng C
Marek, P. - Pirner, M.
Simulation-based Reliability Assessment of Structures Considering Dynamic Response to the Wind.
In: Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Structural Dynamics Eurodyn 99. - (Ed. Frýba, L.; Náprstek, J.). - Rotterdam, A.A. Balkema 1999. - S. 1051-1056.
[Eurodyn 99. Praha (CZ), 99.06.07-99.06.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/98/0215; GA ČR(CZ) GV103/96/K034

059082 - UTAM-F 990007 RIV SIGLE TW eng C
Marek, P. - Tung, A.
Current Trend in Structural Reliability Assessment.
In: APSSRA 99-Proc. of Asian-Pacific Symposium on Structural Reliability and its Applications. - (Ed. Taipei, N.). - Taipei, National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering 1999. - S. 127-136.
[Asian-Pacific Symposium on Structural Reliability and its Applications. Taipei (TW), 99.02.01-99.02.03]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/96/0017; GA ČR(CZ) GA103/98/0215

059119 - UTAM-F 990045 RIV SIGLE CZ cze C
Minster, J. - Fiala, Z. - Václavík, P.
Současné sledování polí posunutí UAV v Moirové interferometrii.
In: Sborník Mezinárodní konference experimentální analýza napětí EAN 99. - (Ed. Macura, P.). - Ostrava, TU Ostrava 1999. - S. 115-118.
[EAN 99. Frenštát p.R. (CZ), 99.06.01-99.06.03]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA101/97/0730

059120 - UTAM-F 990046 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Minster, J. - Hristova, J.
Momentary Viscoelastic Compliance of Longterm Physically Aged Particle Thermosetting Polymer Composites.
In: Engineering Mechanics 99. - (Ed. Kratochvíl, C.). - Brno, ÚMT - FS - VUT Brno 1999. - S. 705-710.
[Inženýrská mechanika 99. Svratka (CZ), 99.05.17-99.05.20]

059085 - UTAM-F 990010 RIV SIGLE CZ cze C
Náprstek, J.
Stochastic Identification of Linear Systems with Random Parametric Noises.
In: Proc. Colloquium Dynamics of Machines 99. - Praha, Inst. of Thermomechanics 1999. - S. 183-192.
[Colloquium Dynamics of Machines 99. Praha (CZ), 99.02.09-99.02.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA101/98/1508

059121 - UTAM-F 990047 RIV SIGLE NL eng C
Náprstek, J.
Quasi Optimum Approximation of a Posteriori Probability of a System Response.
In: Structural Dynamics. - (Ed. Frýba, L.; Náprstek, J.). - Rotterdam, Balkema 1999. - S. 67-78.
[Eurodyn 99. Praha (CZ), 99.06.07-99.06.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/99/0122; GA ČR(CZ) GA101/98/1508

061776 - UTAM-F 990090 RIV SIGLE NL eng C
Náprstek, J.
Optimal Filtering of Stochastic Signals Influenced by Autocorrelated Noises in Observations.
In: Computational Stochastic Mechanics. - (Ed. Spanos, P.D.). - Rotterdam, Balkema 1999. - S. 41-50.
[Inter.Conf. on Computational Stochastic Mechanics /3./. Thera (GR), 98.06.14]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/96/0017; GA ČR(CZ) GA101/98/1508; GA AV ČR (CZ) IPP1075701

061778 - UTAM-F 990092 RIV SIGLE NL eng C
Náprstek, J.
Identification of Linear and Nonlinear Dynamic Systems with Parametric Noises.
In: Stochastic Structural Dynamics. - (Ed. Spencer, B. F.; Johnson, E. A.). - Rotterdam, A.A.Balkema 1999. - S. 395-402.
[Fourth Inter. Conf. on Stochastic Structural Dynamics 98. Indiana ( US), 98.08.06-98.08.08]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/96/0017; GA ČR(CZ) GA101/98/1508

068357 - UTAM-F 20000026 RIV SIGLE GB eng J
Náprstek, J.
Strongly Non-linear Stochastic Response of a System with Random Initial Imperfections.
Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 14 [2] 141-148 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/96/0017
[Impact factor: 0.612(97) 0.886(98) 0.522(99) 0.403(00) 0.514(01) 0,972(02) 0.586(03) ]

061780 - UTAM-F 990094 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Náprstek, J. - Fischer, O.
Stochastic Stability of Slender Profiles Vibrations in Wind.
In: Proc. of Third Inter. Conf. Engineering Aero-Hydroelasticity. - (Ed. Horáček, J.; Zolotarev, J.). - Praha, Czech Techn. University 1999. - S. 302-308.
[Inter. Conf. Engineering Aero-Hydroelasticity /3./. Praha (CZ), 99.08.30-99.09.03]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/99/0122; GA ČR(CZ) GA103/99/0756

059122 - UTAM-F 990048 RIV SIGLE CZ cze C
Náprstek, J. - Pospíšil, S.
Dynamická anlýza s použitím Hilbertovy transformace.
In: Inženýrská mechanika 99. - (Ed. Kratochvíl, C.). - Brno, ÚMTFS VUT Brno 1999. - S. 151-158.
[Inženýrská mechanika 99. Svratka (CZ), 99.05.17-99.05.20]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/99/0122

061777 - UTAM-F 990091 RIV SIGLE GB eng C
Náprstek, J. - Pospíšil, S.
Modal Analysis of Damaged Structure by Means of Transform of the Hilbert Type.
In: Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements. - (Ed. Carlomagno, G. M.; Brebbia, C. A.). - Boston, Witpress 1999. - S. 429-442.
[Ninth Inter.Conf. on Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements. Sounthampton (GB), 99.04.07-99.04.09]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/96/0017

061779 - UTAM-F 990093 RIV SIGLE CZ eng J
Náprstek, J. - Schenk, V.
Characteristics of the Random Excitation of Mechanical Systems.
Acta Montana IRSM, 113 [7] 91-105 (1999).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2071602

068356 - UTAM-F 20000024 RIV SIGLE DE ger J
Nubel, K. - Karcher, C. - Herle, I.
Ein einfaches Konzept zur Abschatzung von Setzungen.
Geotechnik, 22 [4] 251-258 (1999).
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) OC C7.50

059102 - UTAM-F 990028 RIV SIGLE SK eng C
Pirner, M.
Identification of Imperfections of Reinforced Concrete Structures.
In: RILEM 99. - (Ed. Jávor, T.). - Bratislava, RILEM 1999. - S. 21-30.
[RILEM 99. Bratislava (SK), 99.07.19-99.07.21]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV103/96/K034

059103 - UTAM-F 990029 RIV SIGLE BR eng C
Pirner, M.
Reliability Assessment of Structures Exposed to Wind, invited lecture.
In: Wind Effects on Buildings and Structures. - (Ed. Shiraishi, N.). - Rio Grande, Universidate de Rio Grande 1999. - S. 61-80.
[Wind Effects on Buildings and Structures. Sao Paulo (BR), 98.04.05-98.04.08]

059076 - UTAM-F 990001 RIV NL eng J
Pirner, M. - Fischer, O.
Long-time Observation of Wind and Temperature Effects on TV Towers.
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 79 [ 1-2] 1-9 (1999).
[EECWE 98/2./. Praha (CZ), 98.11.07-98.11.09]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV103/96/K034
[Impact factor:0.250(92) 0.106(93) 0.114(94) 0.229(95) 0.106(96) 0.146(97) 0.241(98) 0.259(99) 0.259(00) 0.358(01) 0,513(02) 0.403(03) ]

059081 - UTAM-F 990006 RIV SIGLE IT eng C
Pirner, M. - Fischer, O.
Performance of Some Historical Buildings Subdued to Technical Seismicity.
In: Assisi 99-International Workshop on Seismic Performance of Built Heritage in Small Historic Centres. - (Ed. Cicop, I.). - Umbria, Universita Firenze 1999. - S. 3-12.
[International Congress on Restoration of Architectural Heritage-Firenze 2000 /5./. Assisi (IT), 99.05.22-99.05.24]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/96/1635

068354 - UTAM-F 20000022 RIV SIGLE NL eng C
Pirner, M. - Fischer, O.
One Experience with the Absorption of Vibrations on a Small TV Tower.
In: Wind Engineering into the 21st Century. - (Ed. Larsen, A.). - Rotterdam, Balkema 1999. - S. 525-530.
[Inter. Conference on Wind Engineering. Copenhagen (DK), 99.06.21-99.06.24]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV103/96/K034

068355 - UTAM-F 20000023 RIV SIGLE US eng J
Pirner, M. - Fischer, O.
Experimental Analysis of Aerodynamics Stability of Stress-Ribbon Footbridges.
Wind and Structures, 2 [2] 95-104 (1999).

059101 - UTAM-F 990027 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Pirner, M. - Frýba, L. - Uruschadze, S.
Structural Damage Assessment Using Dynamic Response Procedures.
In: Significance of Hybrid Method for Assessment of Reliability and Durability in Engineering Sciences. - (Ed. Jírová, J.). - Praha, UTAM AV ČR 1999. - S. 57-60.
[Bilateral Czech/German Symposium Significance of Hybrid Method for Assessment of Reliability and Durability in Engineering Sciences /7./. Liblice (CZ), 99.04.13-99.04.15]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV103/96/K034

059104 - UTAM-F 990030 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Pirner, M. - Marek, P.
SBRA of Structures Considering Dynamic Response to Wind Load.
In: Structural Dynamics. - (Ed. Frýba, L.; Náprstek, J.). - Praha, UTAM AV ČR 1999. - S. 45-54.
[Eurodyn 99. Praha (CZ), 99.06.07-99.06.10]

061759 - UTAM-F 990073 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Pirner, M. - Marek, P.
Application of the SBRA Method in Case of Steel Structures Exposed to Dynamic Load Effects.
In: Proceedings of the Conference Eurosteel 99. - (Ed. Studnička, J.). - Praha, ČVUT Praha 1999. - S. 403-406.
[Eurosteel 99. Praha (CZ), 99.05.26-99.05.29]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/98/0215; GA ČR(CZ) GV103/96/K034

059123 - UTAM-F 990049 RIV SIGLE NL eng C
Pospíšil, S. - Náprstek, J.
Analysis of Damaged Structure Using Instantaneous Attributes of a Time Series.
In: Structural Dynamics. - (Ed. Frýba, L.; Náprstek, J.). - Rotterdam, Balkema 1999. - S. 331-338.
[Eurodyn 99. Praha (CZ), 99.06.07-99.06.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/99/0122

059089 - UTAM-F 990014 RIV SIGLE CZ cze C
Srnec, M.
Pevnostní únosnost trubního tělesa DN1000 oslabeného trhlinami.
In: Aplikovaná mechanika 99. - (Ed. Jeníček, J.). - Brno, ÚMT FS VUT Brno 1999. - S. 181-188.
[Aplikovaná mechanika 99. Brno (CZ), 99.03.16-99.03.18]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2071903

059090 - UTAM-F 990015 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Srnec, M.
The limit State Analysis of a Tube with Longitudinal Cracks.
In: Significance of Hybrid Method for Assessment of Reliability and Durability in Engineering Sciences. - (Ed. Jírová, J.). - Praha, ITAM 1999. - S. 61-65.
[Bilateral Czech/German Symposium Significance of Hybrid Method for Assessment of Reliability and Durability in Engineering Sciences /7./. Liblice (CZ), 99.04.13-99.04.15]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2071903

059124 - UTAM-F 990050 RIV SIGLE DE ger J
Škaloud, M.
Ermüdungsverhalten von Stahltr"agern mit schlanken Stegblechen unter wechselnder Beanspruchung.
Stahlbau, 68 [1] 3-8 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/96/0063; GA ČR(CZ) GA103/97/0002

059127 - UTAM-F 990053 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Škaloud, M. - Brož, P. - Novák, M.
Experimental and Theoretical Investigation into the Breathing of Thin-Walled Steel Girders.
In: Eurosteel 99. - (Ed. Studnička, W.). - Praha, ČVUT 1999. - S. 87-90.
[European Conference on Steel Structures Eurosteel /2./. Praha (CZ), 99.05.26-99.05.29]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/97/0002

061767 - UTAM-F 990081 RIV SIGLE US eng C
Škaloud, M. - Duchene, Y. - Maquoi, R.
Towards a Better Knowledge about the Web Breathing Phenomenon.
In: Stability and Ductility of Steel Structures. - (Ed. Dubina, D.; Ivanyi, M.). - Amsterdam, Elsevier 1999. - S. 620-627.
[Stability and Ductilityy of Steel Structures. Timisoara (RO), 99.09.09-99.09.11]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/97/0002; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2071701

059125 - UTAM-F 990051 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Škaloud, M. - Maquoi, R.
Fatigue Assessment of Slender Webs Breathing under Repeat Loading.
In: Eurosteel 99. - (Ed. Studnička, W.). - Praha, ČVUT 1999. - S. 79-82.
[European Conference on Steel Structures Eurosteel /2./. Praha (CZ), 99.05.26-99.05.29]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/99/0003; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2071701

059126 - UTAM-F 990052 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Škaloud, M. - Zörnerová, M. - Kuhlmann, V. - Spiegelhalder, V.
Prague and Stuttgart Experimental Research on Web Breathing.
In: Eurosteel 99. - (Ed. Studnička, W.). - Praha, ČVUT 1999. - S. 75-78.
[Eurosteel 99. Praha (CZ), 99.05.26-99.05.29]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/99/0003; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2071701

061801 - UTAM-F 990115 RIV SIGLE SK cze C
Tejchman, J. - Herle, I.
Effect of Dilatancy Constraint on the Shear Behaviour of Granular Bodies.
In: Prognóza a verifikace v geotechnickém inženýrství. - (Ed. Lacký, L.). - Bratislava, STU 1999. - S. 89-94.
[Geotechnická konferencia s medzinárodnou účasťou /4./. Bratislava ( SK), 99.09.16-99.09.17]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) OC C7.50

061793 - UTAM-F 990107 RIV SIGLE US eng J
Tejchman, J. - Herle, I. - Wehr, W.
FE-Studies. On the Influence of Initial Void Ratio, Pressure Level and Mean Grain Diameter on Shear Localisation.
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 23 [15] 2045-2074 (1999).
[Impact factor:0.288(92) 0.289(93) 0.452(94) 0.453(95) 0.382(96) 0.370(97) 0.436(98) 0.489(99) 0.428(00) 0.459(01) 0,621(02) 0.594(03) ]

061764 - UTAM-F 990078 RIV SIGLE US eng J
Václavík, P. - Minster, J.
Moiré Interferometry with Elliptically Polarized Waves.
Optical Engineering, 38 [4] 630-635 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA101/97/0730
[Impact factor:0.765(92) 0.600(93) 0.650(94) 0.614(95) 0.706(96) 0.636(97) 0.559(98) 1.171(99) 0.942(00) 0.997(01) 0,899(02) 0.877(03) ]

061768 - UTAM-F 990082 RIV SIGLE US eng C
Vokoun, D. - Kafka, V.
Mesomechanical Modeling of Shape Memory Effect.
In: Smart Structures and Materials 1999 - Mathematics and Control in Smart Structures. - (Ed. Varadan, V.V.). - California, SPIE 1999. - S. 596-601.
[Smart Structures and Materials 1999. Newport Beach (US), 99.03.01-99.03.04]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/98/P104; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2071801

061802 - UTAM-F 990116 RIV SIGLE CZ eng J
Vokoun, D. - Kafka, V. - Hu, C. T.
Return Point Memory in NiTi Shape Memory Alloys.
Acta Technica CSAV, 44 [4] 411-419 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/97/1255

061794 - UTAM-F 990108 RIV SIGLE NL eng C
Wehr, W. - Herle, I. - Kudella, P. - Gudehus, G.
Case Study of a Liquefiable Mine Taailing Sand Deposit.
In: Slope Stability Engineering. - (Ed. Yagi, N.). - Rotterdam, Balkema 1999. - S. 847-852.
[IS-Shikoku 99. Matsuyama (JP), 99.11.08-99.11.11]

059128 - UTAM-F 990054 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Zemánková, J. - Vavřík, D.
Identification and Role of Plasticity in Fracture of Cracked Ductile Bodies.
In: Signification of Hybrid Method for Assessment of Reliability and Durability in Engineering Sciences. - (Ed. Jírová, J.). - Praha, UTAM AV ČR 1999. - S. 77-80.
[Bilateral Czech/German Symposium /7./. Liblice (CZ), 99.04.13-99.04.15]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA106/99/1467

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