UEM - Ústav experimentální medicíny


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Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

049807 - UEM-P 980056 RIV US eng C
Albertini, R. J. - Šrám, R.
Biomarker responses in butadiene exposed Czech workers: A transitional epidemiological study.
In: Proceedings of HEI Annual Conference. - Massachussetts, Organizing Committee 1998. - S. 15.
[HEI Annual Conference. Boston (US), 98.04.05-98.04.07]
Grant: HEI(US) 97-1

049880 - UEM-P 980135 US eng A
Anděrová, M. - Chvátal, A. - Žiak, D. - Syková, E.
Differences between K+ taul currents of astrocytes and oligodendrocytes in rat spinal cord slices.
In: Proceedings the Journal of Physiology. - Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 1998. - S. 15P.
[Joint Meeting with the Czech Physiological Society. Praha (CZ), 98.06.22-98.06.24]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/96/0881

049791 - UEM-P 980037 RIV NL eng J
Anděrová, M. - Duchene, A. D. - Barbara, J. G. - Takeda, K.
Vasoactive intestinal peptide potentiates and directly stimulates catecholamine secretion from rat adrenal chromaffin cells.
Brain Research, 809, 97-106 (1998).
[Impact factor:2.590(91) 2.865(92) 2.854(93) 2.869(94) 2.687(95) 2.526(96) 2.119(97) 2.150(98) 2.302(99) 2.526(00) 2.489(01) 2,409(02) 2.474(03) ]

049879 - UEM-P 980134 CZ eng A
Balázsová, K. - Šimonová, Z. - Komárek, V. - Brožek, G. - Syková, E.
Postnatal hypobaric hypoxia impairs neuronal and glial morphology and learning abilities in young rats.
In: Proceedings of the Czech and Slovak Physiological Societies. - Praha, Institute of Physiology Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic 1998. - S. 27P.
[Physiological Societies /74./. Brno (CZ), 98.02.03-98.02.06]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/96/0884; GA MZd(CZ) IZ9517

059804 - MBU-M 990081 DE eng A
Bendjelloul, F. - Malý, P. - Jirkovská, M. - Mandys, V. - Prokešová, L. - Tučková, L. - Tlaskalová, H.
The role of ICAM-1 in development of acute and chronic colitis in mice.
In: Intestinal Mucosa and its Diseases - Pathophysiology and Clinics. - Titisee, - 1998. - S. 102.
[Falk Symposium /110./. Titisee (DE), 98.10.16-98.10.17]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7020716; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7020808

049827 - UEM-P 980076 CZ cze A
Binková, B.
Nové poznatky v hodnocení genotoxicity ovzduší.
In: Nové poznatky v genetické toxikologii. - Brno, IDVPZ Brno 1998. - S. 2.
[Pracovní dny Společnosti pro mutagenézu zevním prostředím /21./. Brno (CZ), 98.05.04-98.05.06]

049829 - UEM-P 980078 CZ cze A
Binková, B.
Využití metod molekulární epidemiologie při hodnocení rizika expozice pracovníků koksáren.
In: Teisingerovy dny. - Praha, Organizátoři symposia 1998. - S. -.
[Teisingerovy dny. Praha (CZ), 98.06.09]
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) IZ3159; EU(XE) CIPA-CT94-0113

049783 - UEM-P 980029 RIV NL eng J
Binková, B. - Leníček, J. - Beneš, I. - Vidová, P. - Gajdoš, O. - Fried, M. - Šrám, R.
Genotoxicity of coke oven and urban air particulate matter in in vitro acellular coupled with 32P-postlabeling and HPLC analysis of DNA adducts.
Mutation Research. Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, 414, 77-94 (1998).
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) IZ3159; EU(XE) CIPA-CT94-0113
[Impact factor:1.727(91) 1.960(92) 1.868(93) 1.975(94) 2.065(95) 2.060(96) 1.754(97) 2.067(98) 2.107(99) 2.148(00) 2.545(01) 3,158(02) 3.433(03) ]

049819 - UEM-P 980068 RIV AT eng C
Binková, B. - Rossner, P. - Šrám, R.
Formation of DNA adducts by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in culture of human diploid lung fibroblasts.
In: Proceedings of the 28th Annual EEMS Meeting. - Salzburg, Organizing Committee 1998. - S. 297.
[Annual EEMS Meeting /28./. Salzburg (AT), 98.09.07-98.09.11]
Grant: GA MŽP(CZ) ZZ/340/1/97

049784 - UEM-P 980030 RIV NL eng J
Binková, B. - Topinka, J. - Mračková, G. - Gajdošová, D. - Vidová, P. - Stávková, Z. - Peterka, V. - Pilčík, T. - Rimár, V. - Šrám, R.
Coke oven workers study: The effect of exposure and GSTM1 and NAT2 genotypes on DNA adducts levels in white blood cells and lymphocytes as determined by 32-P-postlabelling.
Mutation Research. Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, 416, 67-84 (1998).
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) IZ3159; EU(XE) CIPA-CT94-0113
[Impact factor:1.727(91) 1.960(92) 1.868(93) 1.975(94) 2.065(95) 2.060(96) 1.754(97) 2.067(98) 2.107(99) 2.148(00) 2.545(01) 3,158(02) 3.433(03) ]

049805 - UEM-P 980054 RIV US eng C
Binková, B. - Topinka, J. - Mračková, G. - Gajdošová, D. - Vildová, P. - Kalina, I. - Dobiáš, L. - Peterka, V. - Šrám, R.
Biomarkers in coke oven study.
In: Proccedings of 89th AACR Annual Meeting. - New Orleans, Organizing Committee 1998. - S. 285.
[AACR Annual Meeting /89./.. New Orleans (US), 98.03.28-98.04.01]
Grant: GA MŽP(CZ) ZZ/340/1/97

049813 - UEM-P 980062 RIV US eng C
Binková, B. - Topinka, J. - Mračková, G. - Gajdošová, D. - Vidová, P. - Kalina, I. - Dobiáš, L. - Peterka, V. - Pilčík, T. - Šrám, R.
Biomarkers in coke oven study.
In: ISEE/ISEA Joint Conference. - Boston, Organizing Committee 1998. - S. 145.
[ISEE/ISEA Joint Conference. Boston (US), 98.08.15-98.08.18]
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) IZ3159; EU(XE) CIPA-CT94-0113

049803 - UEM-P 980051 SE eng A
Buckiová, D. - Janoutová, J. - Jelínek, R.
Arsenic-induced heart deffects in the chick embryo: the oxidative stress response.
In: European Teratology Society. - Stockholm, Organizátoři symposia 1998. - S. 19A.
[Conference European Teratology Society /26./. Stockholm (SE), 98.08.30-98.09.02]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA304/96/0909

049782 - UEM-P 980027 RIV ES eng J
Buckiová, D. - Kubínová, L. - Soukup, A. - Jelínek, R. - Brown, N. A.
Hyperthermia in the chick embryo:HSP and possible mechanisms of developmental defects.
International Journal of Developmental Biology, 42, 1-5 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA304/94/1716
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 0.000(93) 1.431(94) 1.356(95) 1.702(96) 1.619(97) 1.559(98) 1.743(99) 1.963(00) 1.650(01) 1,465(02) 1.306(03) ]

049877 - UEM-P 980132 CZ eng A
Chvátal, A. - Anděrová, M. - Žiak, D. - Syková, E.
Glial K+ currents in rat spinal cord gray matter.
In: Proceedings of the Czech and Slovak Physiological Societies. - Praha, Institute of Physiology Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic 1998. - S. 32P.
[Physiological Societies /74./. Brno (CZ), 98.02.03-98.02.06]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/96/0881

049886 - UEM-P 980141 US eng A
Chvátal, A. - Anděrová, M. - Žiak, D. - Syková, E.
Glial potassium tail current in spinal cord of the rat.
In: 12th General Meeting of the European Society for Neurochemistry. - US, Lippincott-Raven Publishers 1998. - S. S4D.
[General Meeting of the European Society for Neurochemistry /12./. St.Petersburg (RU), 98.07.19-98.07.24]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/96/0881; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96130

049890 - UEM-P 980145 US eng A
Chvátal, A. - Anděrová, M. - Žiak, D. - Syková, E.
Rat spinal cord glial tail currents are affected by the size of the extracellular space.
In: Abstracts Society for Neuroscience. - Los Angeles, Organizing Committee 1998. - S. 314.
[Annual Meeting /28./. Los Angeles (US), 98.11.07-98.11.12]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/96/0881; GA MZd(CZ) IZ3423

049872 - UEM-P 980127 GB eng A
Chvátal, A. - Žiak, D. - Anděrová, M. - Syková, E.
Glial tail currents in rat spinal cord gray matter.
In: Abstracts Forum of European Neuroscience. - Berlin, Blackwell Science 1998. - S. 66.
[Forum of European Neuroscience. Berlin (DB), 98.06.27-98.07.01]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/96/0881; GA MŠk(CZ) PG98434

059496 - UEM-P 990025 RIV US eng J
Costa, D. J. - Slott, V. - Binková, B. - Myers, S. R. - Lewtas, J.
Influence of GSTM1 and NAT2 genotypes on the relationship between personal exposure to PAH and biomarkers of internal dose.
Biomarkers, 3 [6] 411-424 (1998).
Grant: GA MŽP(CZ) ZZ/340/1/97
[Impact factor: 0.000(96) 1.303(97) 1.554(98) 1.427(99) 0.987(00) 1.118(01) 0,929(02) 1.605(03) ]

049773 - UEM-P 980018 RIV US eng J
Čejková, J.
Invited review: Enzyme histochemistry of corneal wound healing.
Histology and Histopathology, 13, 553-564 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA304/96/0908
[Impact factor: 1.005(96) 1.028(97) 1.601(99) 1.553(00) 1.859(01) 1,881(02) 1.830(03) ]

049775 - UEM-P 980020 RIV US eng C
Čejková, J.
Allopurinol prevents severe corneal damage evoked by UVB rays.
In: Annual Meeting Fort Lauderdale. - Florida, The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology 1998. - S. 1019.
[Annual Meeting Fort Lauderdale. Florida (US), 98.05.10-98.05.15]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA304/96/0908

059490 - UEM-P 990019 NL eng J
Čejková, J.
The appearance and possible role of plasminogen activator of urokinase type (u-PA) activity in the cornea related to soft contact lens wear in rabbit.
Documenta Ophthalmologica, 95, 165-179 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA304/96/0908; GA ČR(CZ) GV307/96/K226; GA MZd(CZ) NG16
[Impact factor:0.254(91) 0.464(92) 0.292(93) 0.349(94) 0.225(95) 0.234(96) 0.450(97) 0.419(98) 0.289(99) ]

049774 - UEM-P 980019 RIV DE eng J
Čejková, J. - Labský, J. - Vacík, J.
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated by xanthine oxidase in the corneal epithelium and their potential participation in the damage of the corneal epithelium after prolonged use of contact lenses in rabbits.
Acta Histochemica, 100, 171-184 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA304/96/0908
[Impact factor:0.370(91) 0.442(92) 0.517(93) 0.472(94) 0.731(95) 0.734(96) 0.750(97) 0.878(98) 0.726(99) 0.943(00) 0.865(01) 0,867(02) 0.656(03) ]

049793 - UEM-P 980040 RIV CZ eng J
Čermáková, P. - Peterka, M. - Čapková, J. - Turečková, J. - Ruch, J. V. - Lesot, H. - Peterková, R.
Comparison of the tooth shape and size in tabby and non-tabby mice.
Acta Veterinaria Brno, 67, 3-14 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7039503; GA MŠk(CZ) OC B8.10
[Impact factor:0.075(91) 0.052(92) 0.075(93) 0.076(94) 0.079(95) 0.120(96) 0.132(97) 0.288(98) 0.227(99) 0.240(00) 0.274(01) 0,370(02) 0.336(03) ]

049832 - UEM-P 980081 DE ger A
Dejmek, J.
Der Effekt von PM10 auf den Schwangerschaftsausgang.
In: Workshop zu humanmedizinischen Untersuchungen uber die Wirkungen von Luftbelastungen unter besonderer Berucksichtigung des sachsischen Grenzgebirge. - Rohrsdorf, Organizing Comittee 1998. - S. 10.
[Workshop zu humanmedizinischen Untersuchungen uber die Wirkungen. Rohrsdorf (DE), 98.06.19-98.06.20]
Grant: GA MŽP(CZ) ZZ/340/1/97

049814 - UEM-P 980063 RIV US eng C
Dejmek, J. - Jelínek, R. - Beneš, I. - Šrám, R.
Impact of air pollution on human fertility: acute effects of SO2NOX and PM10.
In: ISEE/ISEA Joint Conference. - Boston, Organizing Committee 1998. - S. 148S.
[ISEE/ISEA Joint Conference. Boston (US), 98.08.15-98.08.18]
Grant: GA MŽP(CZ) ZZ/340/1/97

049826 - UEM-P 980075 CZ cze A
Dejmek, J. - Jelínek, R. - Beneš, I. - Šrám, R.
Účinky znečištění ovzduší na lidskou plodnost: bezprostřední efekt SO2, NOX a PM10.
In: Nové poznatky v genetické toxikologii. - Brno, IDVPZ Brno 1998. - S. 4.
[Pracovní dny Společnosti pro mutagenézu zevním prostředím /21./. Brno (CZ), 98.05.04-98.05.06]
Grant: GA MŽP(CZ) ZZ/340/1/97

049825 - UEM-P 980074 CZ cze A
Dostál, M. - Průcha, M. - Binková, B. - Topinka, J. - Dobiáš, L. - Šrám, R.
Fenotyp lymfocytů periferní krve u pracovníků koksárny.
In: Sborník, 2.dny průtokové cytometrie. - Praha, Organizátoři symposia 1998. - S. 38.
[Dny průtokové cytometrie /2./. Praha (CZ), 98.04.20-98.04.21]
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) IZ3159; EU(XE) CIPA-CT94-0113

049811 - UEM-P 980060 RIV US eng C
Dostál, M. - Skokanová, V. - Dejmek, J. - Šrám, R.
Serum immunoglobulins of mothers and newborns in areas with high and low air pollution.
In: ISEE/ISEA Joint Conference. - Boston, Organizing Committee 1998. - S. 92.
[ISEE/ISEA Joint Conference. Boston (US), 98.08.15-98.08.18]
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) IZ3159; EU(XE) CIPA-CT94-0113

049765 - UEM-P 980007 RIV CZ eng J
Dostálová, S. - Šmahel, Z. - Šonka, K.
Craniofacial abnormalites in sleep apnoea syndrome.
Acta Chirurgiae plasticae, 40, 49-53 (1998).

049840 - UEM-P 980089 CZ eng A
Druga, R. - Syka, J.
Influence of cortical lesions on NADPH-diaphorase staining in the inferior colliculus of the rat.
In: Proceedings of the Czech and Slovak Physiological Society. - Praha, Institute of Physiology Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic 1998. - S. 30P.
[Physiological Societies /74./. Brno (CZ), 98.02.03-98.02.06]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/97/0830

049844 - UEM-P 980093 US eng A
Druga, R. - Syka, J.
Decreased NADPH-diaphorase expression in the inferior colliculus following deortication.
In: Proceedings of the Scientific Meeting held at. - Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 1998. - S. 44P.
[The Physiological Society. Praha (CZ), 98.06.22-98.06.24]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/97/0830

049848 - UEM-P 980097 GB eng A
Druga, R. - Syka, J.
Calbindin D-28k immunoreactivity in the central auditory system of the rat.
In: Abstracts of European Neuroscience. - Cambridge, Blackwell Science 1998. - S. 410.
[Forum of European Neuroscience. Berlín (DE), 98.06.27-98.07.01]
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) IZ3108

049876 - UEM-P 980131 GB eng A
Fuxe, K. - Jansson, A. - Mazel, T. - Syková, E. - Malinovsky, D. - Bartfai, T. - Zoli, M. - Agnati, L. F.
Role of volume transmission in neuron/glia communication.
In: Abstracts Forum of European Neuroscience. - Berlin, Blackwell Science 1998. - S. 322.
[Forum of European Neuroscience. Berlin (DB), 98.06.27-98.07.01]

049823 - UEM-P 980072 RIV TH eng C
Georgiadis, P. - Stoikudou, M. - Topinka, J. - Autrup, H. - Gioka, M. - Bekyrou, M. - Kaila, S. - Katsouyanni, K. - Šrám, R. - Kyrtopoulos, S. A.
Biomarkers of genotoxicity of urban air pollution (The AULIS project): Relationship between PM2.5 and PAH exposures, DNA adducts and genotypes in a Western European population.
In: Proceedings of International Conference on Environmental Mutagens in Human Populations. - Bangkok, Organizing Committee 1998. - S. 110.
[International Conference on Environmental Mutagens in Human Populations. Bangkok (TH), 98.11.29-98.12.04]
Grant: EU(XE) ENV4-CT96-0203

049802 - UEM-P 980050 US eng A
Glogarová, K. - Koppová, I. - Buckiová, D.
Altered N-CAM immunolocalisation in the splotch mutant (SP2H).
In: Teratology Society Meeting. - San Diego, Organizátoři symposia 1998. - S. P32.
[Teratology Society Meeting. San Diego (US), 98.06.22-98.06.23]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA304/96/0909

049795 - UEM-P 980043 RIV US eng J
Gonzales-Melendi, P. - Testillano, P. S. - Mena, C. G. - Muller, S. - Raška, I. - Risueno, M. C.
Histones and DNA Ultrastructural Distribution in Plant Cell Nucleus: A Combination of Immunogold and Cytochemical Methods.
Experimental Cell Research, 242, 45-59 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV304/96/K002; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96129
[Impact factor:2.527(91) 2.839(92) 2.907(93) 2.980(94) 3.525(95) 3.567(96) 3.056(97) 3.051(98) 3.256(99) 3.860(00) 5.096(01) 4,712(02) 3.949(03) ]

049788 - UEM-P 980034 US eng J
Heringová, L. - Dostál, M. - Jelínek, R.
Cell-Cycle Alterations Within Chick Embryonic Anlagen After Cyclophosphamide Treatment.
Teratogenesis, Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, 18, 63-72 (1998).
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) 0479/96
[Impact factor:0.831(91) 0.732(92) 0.564(93) 0.780(94) 0.981(95) 0.695(96) 0.441(97) 0.607(98) 1.018(99) 1.106(00) 0.841(01) 1,189(02) 0.796(03) ]

049835 - UEM-P 980084 RIV MX eng C
Hozák, P. - Blafková, J. - Philimonenko, A. - Philimonenko, V. - Pestic-Dragovich, L. - Nowak, G. - deLanerolle, P.
The nucleoskeleton and the dynamics of the cell nucleus.
In: 14th International Congress on Electron Microscopy. - Cancun, Organizing Comittee 1998. - S. 36-37.
[International Congress on Electron Microscopy /14./. Cancun (MX), 98.08.31-98.09.04]

049833 - UEM-P 980082 RIV US eng C
Hozák, P. - Philimonenko, A. - Philimonenko, V. - Špátová, M. - Pestic-Dragovich, L. - Nowak, G. - deLanerolle, P.
Presence of an actin-based molecular motor in the cell nucleus.
In: The Wilhelm Bernhard Workshop. - Quebec, Organizing Comittee 1998. - S. 68.
[The Wilhelm Bernhard Workshop. Qubec (CA), 98.02.12-98.02.17]

059497 - UEM-P 990026 RIV US eng J
Jantunen, M. J. - Hanninen, O. - Katsouyanni, K. - Knoppel, H. - Kuenzli, N. - Lebret, E. - Maroni, M. - Saarela, K. - Šrám, R. - Zmirou, D.
Air pollution exposure in European cities: The "EXPOLIS" study.
Journal of Exposure Anlaysis and Environmental Epidemiology, 8 [ 4] 495-518 (1998).
Grant: -(EU) ENV4-CT96-0202; -(EU) ERB IC20-CT96-0061; -(FI) 36586; BBW(CH) 95.0894
[Impact factor: 0.853(99) 1.489(00) 1.446(01) 1,715(02) 1.263(03) ]

049785 - UEM-P 980031 RIV NL eng J
Kalina, I. - Brezáni, P. - Gajdošová, D. - Binková, B. - Šalagovič, J. - Habalová, V. - Mračková, G. - Dobiáš, L. - Šrám, R.
Cytogenetic monitoring in coke oven workers.
Mutation Research. Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, 417, 9-17 (1998).
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) IZ3159; EU(XE) CIPA-CT94-0113
[Impact factor:1.727(91) 1.960(92) 1.868(93) 1.975(94) 2.065(95) 2.060(96) 1.754(97) 2.067(98) 2.107(99) 2.148(00) 2.545(01) 3,158(02) 3.433(03) ]

049863 - UEM-P 980116 CZ cze A
Klepáček, I. - Jirsa, M. - Peterka, M.
Embryotoxické účinky fotosenzitivních látek /TPPS4, Photosan 3) na kuřecí embryo před a po ozáření a jejich distribuce v orgánech.
In: Sjezd Čs.anatomické společnosti s mezinárodní účastí. - Olomouc, Česká anatomická společnost 1998. - S. 46.
[Sjezd Čs.anatomické společnosti s mezinárodní účastí /38./. Olomouc (CZ), 98.09.01-98.09.03]
Grant: GA UK(CZ) 144/97

049778 - UEM-P 980023 RIV FR eng J
Koberna, K. - Landa, V. - Kaňka, J. - Pliss, A. - Eltsov, M. - Staněk, D. - Raška, I.
Non-isotopic detection of nucleolar transcriptin in pre-implantation mouse embryos.
Reproduction, Nutrition, Development, 38, 117-126 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV304/96/K002; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96129; Wellcome grant (XX) 049949/Z/97/JMW/JPS/CG; GA AV ČR(CZ) IPP2020702
[Impact factor:0.516(91) 0.579(92) 0.743(93) 0.549(94) 0.716(95) 1.116(96) 0.619(97) 0.685(98) 0.922(99) 1.351(00) 1.567(01) 0,872(02) 0.780(03) ]

049856 - UEM-P 980106 CZ eng A
Koberna, K. - Pliss, A. - Eltsov, M. - Staněk, D. - Jirsová, K. - Malínský, J. - Raška, I.
Replication and Transcription in HeLa Cells.
In: Folia Biologica. - Prague, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic) 1998. - S. S6.
[Biological Days /14./. Praha (CZ), 98.09.03-98.09.06]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV304/96/K002; MŠk(CZ) VS96129; -(GB) 049949/Z/JMW/JPS/CG

049824 - UEM-P 980073 CZ cze A
Kryštůfková, O. - Fučíková, T. - Bártová, J. - Průcha, M. - Poch, T. - Marečková, H. - Macurová, H. - Dostál, M.
Subpopulace lymfocytů u pacientů s protilátkovou imunodeficiencí.
In: Sborník, 2.dny průtokové cytometrie. - Praha, Organizátoři symposia 1998. - S. 18.
[Dny průtokové cytometrie /2./. Praha (CZ), 98.04.20-98.04.21]

049846 - UEM-P 980095 GB eng A
Kvašňák, E. - Šuta, D. - Popelář, J. - Syka, J.
Neuronal connections and types of responses in the medial geniculate body of guinea pig.
In: Abstract of European Neuroscience. - Cambridge, Blackwell Science 1998. - S. 411.
[Forum of European Neuroscience. Berlín (DE), 98.06.27-98.07.01]

048561 - UMCH-V 980308 CZ cze P
Labský, J. - Vacík, J. - Čejková, J.
Polymerizovatelné UV absorbéry benzofenonového typu pro kontaktní a intraokulární čočky. Heyrovského n. 2, 162 06 Praha 6, Ústav makromolekulární chemie, AV ČR 1998. - 6 s.

048562 - UMCH-V 980309 CZ cze P
Labský, J. - Vacík, J. - Čejková, J.
Kontaktní a intraokulární čočky s absorbéry ultrafialového záření a způsob jejich výroby. Heyrovského n. 2, 162 06 Praha 6, Ústav makromolekulární chemie, AV ČR 1998. - 9 s.

049893 - UEM-P 980149 RIV GB eng B
Laming, P. - Syková, E. - Reichenbach, A. - Hatton, G. I. - Bauer, C.
Glial Cells and Their Role in Behaviour. Cambridge, University Press 1998. - 424 s.

037184 - UEM-P 970113 RIV US eng J
Lesot, H. - Peterková, R. - Vonesch, J. L. - Viriot, L. - Turečková, J. - Peterka, M. - Ruch, J.
Early stages of tooth morphogenesis in mouse analyzed by 3-D reconstructions.
European Journal of Oral Sciences, 106 [Suppl.1] 67-70 (1998).
[Impact factor: 0.597(96) 0.827(97) 1.283(98) 1.384(99) 1.808(00) 1.118(01) 1,218(02) 1.248(03) ]

059502 - UEM-P 990031 RIV GB eng J
Mandys, V. - Jirsová, K. - Jirsa, M. - Vrána, J.
Neurotoxicity of tetraphenylporphinesulfonate (TPPS4) and a hematoporphyrin derivative (Photosan) in organotypic cultures of chick embryonic dorsal root ganglia.
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology. B:Biology, 47, 197-201 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA304/95/0255; GA ČR(CZ) GA312/96/0518
[Impact factor:1.677(91) 1.791(92) 1.861(93) 1.784(94) 1.668(95) 1.398(96) 1.381(97) 1.365(98) 1.835(99) 1.529(00) 1.251(01) 1,573(02) 2.275(03) ]

049777 - UEM-P 980022 CZ cze J
Mandys, V. - Lukáš, M. - Frič, P.
Zvláštní případ tzv. polypózní kolitidy.
Časopis lékařů českých, 137 [2] 61 (1998).

049766 - UEM-P 980009 RIV CZ cze J
Mandys, V. - Lukáš, M. - Vernerová, Z.
Bizarní zánětlivá polypóza tlustého střeva při chronické ulcerúzní proktokolitidě.
Česko-slovenská patologie, 34 [2] 63-66 (1998).

049865 - UEM-P 980120 CZ cze J
Mandys, V. - Lukáš, M. - Vernerová, Z.
Neobvyklý případ chronické ulcerózní kolitidy s nenádorovou polypózou tlustého střeva.
Česká a slovenská gastroenterologie, 52, A23 (1998).

049869 - UEM-P 980124 CZ cze A
Mandys, V. - Strejc, P.
Neurotoxicita etanolu a etylenglykolu v orgánových kulturách kuřecích embryonálních spinálních ganglií hodnocená pomocí časosběrného videozáznamu.
In: Český sjezd společnosti soudního lékařství a soudní toxikologie. - Praha, Společnost soudního lékařství a soudní toxikologie 1998. - S. 3.
[Český sjezd společnosti soudního lékařství a soudní toxikologie /3./. Praha (CZ), 98.11.05-98.11.06]

059501 - UEM-P 990030 RIV US eng J
Mandys, V. - Viale, M. - Cafaggi, S. - Esposito, M.
Neurotoxic effect of cisplatin and the cisplatin-procaine complex DPR studied in organotypic cultures of chick embryonic dorsal root ganglia.
Anti-Cancer Drugs, 9, 659-663 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA304/95/0255
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 0.923(93) 1.258(94) 1.418(95) 1.397(96) 0.985(97) 1.320(98) 1.594(99) 1.570(00) 1.506(01) 2,013(02) 1.938(03) ]

104416 - MBU-M 20030272 RIV AU eng C
Martínková, L. - Patáková-Juzlová, P. - Havlíček, V. - Hovorka, O. - Říhová, B. - Veselý, D. - Veselá, D. - Ulrichová, J. - Přikrylová, V. - Křen, V.
Preparation and biological testing of monascus pigments.
In: IACM International Association of Color Manufactures /1998./. - Hamden, - 1998. - S. 221-224.
[IACM International Association of Color Manufactures /1998./. Hamden (AU), 98.04.19-98.04.22 (WRD)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906; CEZ:AV0Z5020903

049768 - UEM-P 980012 RIV CZ cze J
Mazánek, J. - Mandys, V. - Holakovský, J.
K maligní přeměně cyst v orofaciální oblasti.
Česká stomatologie, 98 [2] 69-75 (1998).

049770 - UEM-P 980015 RIV US eng J
Mazel, T. - Šimonová, Z. - Syková, E.
Diffusion heterogeneity and anisotropy in rat hippocampus.
Neuroreport, 9, 1299-1304 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/96/0884
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 2.277(93) 3.079(94) 2.570(95) 2.487(96) 2.262(97) 2.591(98) 2.682(99) 2.696(00) 2.374(01) 2,265(02) 2.503(03) ]

049873 - UEM-P 980128 GB eng A
Mazel, T. - Šimonová, Z. - Syková, E.
Diffusion anisotropy in the rat hippocampus.
In: Abstracts Forum of European Neuroscience. - Berlin, Blackwell Science 1998. - S. 41.
[Forum of European Neuroscience. Berlin (DB), 98.06.27-98.07.01]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/96/0884; GA ČR(CZ) GV309/97/K048

049881 - UEM-P 980136 GB eng A
Mazel, T. - Šimonová, Z. - Syková, E.
Anisotropic diffusion in the rat hippocampus.
In: Proceedings the Journal of Physiology. - Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 1998. - S. 19P.
[Joint Meeting with the Czech Physiological Society. Praha (CZ), 98.06.22-98.06.24]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/96/0884; GA ČR(CZ) GV307/96/K226; GA MZd(CZ) IZ3423

049861 - UEM-P 980111 US eng A
Melčák, I. - Cermanová, Š. - Jirsová, K. - Koberna, K. - Malínský, J. - Raška, I.
Nuclear architecture associated with (pre-)mRNA processing.
In: Dynamic Organization of Nuclear Function. - New York, Organizing Committee 1998. - S. 11.
[Dynamic Organization of Nuclear Function. New York (US), 98.11.07-98.11.11]

049862 - UEM-P 980112 GR eng A
Melčák, I. - Cermanová, Š. - Jirsová, K. - Koberna, K. - Malínský, J. - Raška, I.
Nuclear architecture associated with /pre-)mRNA Synthesis and processing.
In: 2nd Euroconference on Cell Dynamics. - Kréta, Organizing Committee 1998. - S. 21.
[Euroconference on Cell Dynamics /2./. Kréta (GR), 98.10.24-98.10.28]

049857 - UEM-P 980107 CZ eng A
Melčák, I. - Jirsová, K. - Němcová, Y. - Cermanová, Š. - Koberna, K. - Malínský, J. - Raška, I.
Nuclear Architecture Associated with (pre-)mRNA Processing.
In: Folia Biologica. - Prague, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic 1998. - S. S9.
[Biological Days /14./. Praha (CZ), 98.09.03-98.09.06]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV304/96/K002; MŠk(CZ) VS96129

049763 - UEM-P 980005 CZ cze J
Michelová, S. - Šmahel, Z. - Obenberger, J. - Smékal, V. - Šonka, K.
Cefalometrie u spánkového apnoického syndromu.
Česká radiologie, 52, 23-27 (1998).

049776 - UEM-P 980021 RIV SI eng C
Míšek, I. - Witter, K. - Lesot, H. - Peterka, M. - Peterková, R.
Comparison of the dental lamina segmentation in heterodont and homodont dentition.
In: European Congress of Veterinary Dentistry. - Ljubljana, Organizátoři symposia 1998. - S. 45-50.
[European Congress of Veterinary Dentistry /7./. Ljubljana (SI), 98.05.15-98.05.16]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA6045606

049760 - UEM-P 980002 CZ cze C
Míšek, I. - Witter, K. - Peterka, M. - Peterková, R.
Epitelo-mesenchymální signalizace během vývoje zubních základů.
In: Čs.biol.spol. a Čes.ant.spol. - Brno, Organizátoři symposia 1998. - S. -.
[Čs.biol.spol. a Čes.anat.spol.. Brno (CZ), 98.06.03]

048319 - UZFG-Y 980197 CZ cze A
Míšek, I. - Witter, K. - Peterka, M. - Lesot, H. - Peterková, R.
Časný vývoj oligodontní a polyodontní dentice u placentálních savců.
In: Sborník abstrakt z 38. sjezdu Čs. anatomické společnosti s mezinárodní účastí. - Olomouc, Univerzita Palackého Olomouc 1998. - S. 77.
[Sjezd české anatomické společnosti s mezinárodní účastí /38./. Olomouc (CZ), 98.09.01-98.09.03]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA6045606

064357 - UMG-J 990152 CZ eng A
Moos, J. - Pěknicová, J. - Geussová, G. - Filimoněnko, V. - Hozák, P.
Association of protein kinase A type I with mammalian sperm cytoskeleton.
In: 4. Symposium českých reprodukčních imunologů s mezinárodní účastí. - Žďár nad Sázavou, - 1998. - S. -.
[Symposium českých reprodukčních imunologů s mezinárodní účastí /4./. Žďár nad Sázavou (CZ), 98.05.29-98.05.31]

058268 - UMG-J 990187 RIV GB eng J
Moos, J. - Pěknicová, J. - Geussová, G. - Philimonenko, V. - Hozák, P.
Association of protein kinase a type with detergent - resistant structures of mammalian sperm cells.
Molecular reproduction and development, 50, 79-85 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV524/96/K162; GA MZd(CZ) IZ3911
[Impact factor:2.003(92) 2.212(93) 2.425(94) 2.229(95) 2.513(96) 2.189(97) 2.399(98) 2.658(99) 2.535(00) 2.296(01) 2,322(02) 2.543(03) ]

049796 - UEM-P 980044 RIV CZ cze J
Mračková, G.
Metabolický polymorfismus: faktor individuální vnímavosti k procesu karcinogeneze.
Biologické listy, 63 [3] 161-184 (1998).

049762 - UEM-P 980004 CZ cze N
Mullerová, Ž.
Chirurgicko-stomatologická péče u rozštěpů obličeje.
Zdravotnické noviny. Lékařské listy, 43 [22] 9 (98.06.05).

051773 - UEB-Q 980299 SK eng A
Navrátil, O. - Vojtěchová, M. - Fischer, L. - Blafková, J. - Linhart, M.
Characterization of transgenic potato plants with an additional bacterial gene coding for phosphofructokinase.
Chemical Papers, 52 [Focus issue] 598 (1998).
[Biochemický zjazd /14./. Stará Lesná (SK), 98.10.12-98.10.16]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:-
[Impact factor:0.380(91) 0.342(92) 0.179(93) 0.224(94) 0.131(95) 0.140(96) 0.150(97) 0.156(98) 0.067(99) 0.154(00) 0.349(01) 0,336(02) 0.226(03) ]

049769 - UEM-P 980014 RIV GB eng J
Nicholson, C. - Syková, E.
Extracellular space structure revealed by diffusion analysis.
Trends in Neurosciences, 21, 207-215 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/96/0884
[Impact factor:14.090(91) 15.426(92) 17.299(93) 20.194(94) 19.972(95) 17.755(96) 17.084(97) 18.463(98) 19.925(99) 17.417(00) 16.475(01) 14,474(02) 12.631(03) ]

049830 - UEM-P 980079 CZ cze A
Novák, P. - Táborský, L. - Hyánek, L. - Dubský, L. - Dostál, M.
První zkušenosti s automatickým systémem UF 100 Sysmex pro analýzy močových sedimentů.
In: FONS 98. - Karlovy Vary, Organizátoři symposia 1998. - S. -.
[FONS 98. Karlovy Vary (CZ), 98.09.26-98.09.28]

049855 - UEM-P 980105 RIV US eng J
Novotná, B. - Kubínová, L. - Vaňková, J. - Jelínková, L.
Quantitation of cell death and DNA cleavage during chick embryo limb development.
Fluorescence Microscopy and Fluorescent Probes, 2, 255-259 ( 1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA302/96/0604

049801 - UEM-P 980049 RIV BE eng J
Novotná, B. - Sedmera, D. - Dušek, Z. - Holejšovská, I. - Bílá, V. - Křen, V.
Apoptopic fragmentation of DNA during limb morphogenesis of rats with polydactyly-luxate syndrome.
BEMS Journal, 1, 40-47 (1998).
Grant: EU(CZ) ERBBIO 4CT960562

049839 - UEM-P 980088 CZ eng A
Nwabueze, O. - Druga, R. - Syka, J.
The distribution of NADPH-diaphorase-positive neurons in the auditory cortex of the rat.
In: Proceedings of the Czech and Slovak Physiological Society. - Praha, Institute of Physiology Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic 1998. - S. 31P.
[Physiological Societies /74./. Brno (CZ), 98.02.03-98.02.06]
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) IZ3108

049868 - UEM-P 980123 FR eng A
Otová, B. - Panczak, A. - Francová, K. - Mandys, V. - Marinov, I. - Kohoutová, M. - Sladká, M. - Kudláčková, M. - Votruba, I. - Holý, A.
Experimental therapy of T-cell lymphomas in inbred SD/cub rats.
In: Cancer Detection and Prevention. - Nice, Organizing Committee 1998. - S. S244.
[International Symposium on Predictive Oncology and Therapy /4./. Nice (FR), 98.10.24-98.10.27]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/0519; GA ČR(CZ) GA203/96/0284

049866 - UEM-P 980121 CA eng A
Otová, B. - Sladká, M. - Damoiseaux, J. - Panczak, A. - Mandys, V. - Francová, K. - Kudláčková, M.
T-cell lymphomas in inbred Sprague-Dewley/cub rats - a model of spontancous hematological malignancy.
In: Alloantigenic Systems in the Rat. - Halifax, Organizing Committee 1998. - S. 9.
[International Workshop on Alloantigenic Systems in the Rat /12./. Nova Scotia (CA), 98.07.07-98.07.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/0519; GA ČR(CZ) GA203/96/0284

049867 - UEM-P 980122 FR eng A
Otová, B. - Sladká, M. - Panczak, A. - Kaveri, S. - Poncet, P. - Mandys, V. - Staňková, J. - Damoiseaux, J.
Spontaneous T-cell lymphomas in inbred SD/cub rats - a model of hematological malignancy.
In: Cancer Detection and Prevention. - Nice, Organizing Committee 1998. - S. S69.
[International Symposium on Predictive Oncology and Therapy /4./. Nice (FR), 98.10.24-98.10.27]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/0519; GA ČR(CZ) GA203/96/0284

049761 - UEM-P 980003 CZ cze N
Peterka, M.
Vývojové poruchy orofaciální oblasti a týmová léčba.
Zdravotnické noviny. Lékařské listy, 43 [22] 8 (98.06.05).

049759 - UEM-P 980001 DK eng J
Peterková, R. - Peterka, M. - Vonesch, J. L. - Turečková, J. - Viriot, L. - Ruch, J. V. - Lesot, H.
Correlation between apoptosis distribution and BMP-2 and BMP-4 expression in vestigal tooth primordia in mice.
European Journal of Oral Sciences, 106, 667-670 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7039503
[Impact factor: 0.597(96) 0.827(97) 1.283(98) 1.384(99) 1.808(00) 1.118(01) 1,218(02) 1.248(03) ]

084459 - UEM-P 20010017 RIV US eng J
Pfeuffer, J. - Dreher, W. - Syková, E. - Leibfritz, D.
Water signal attenuation in diffusion-weighted 1H NMR expeetiments during cerebral ischemia: influence of intracellular tortuosity, and exchange.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 16 [9] 1023-1032 (1998).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906
[Impact factor: 1.389(99) 1.452(00) 2.037(01) 1,444(02) 1.420(03) ]

049834 - UEM-P 980083 RIV US eng C
Philimonenko, A. - Špátová, M. - Janáček, J. - Krekule, I. - Jackson, D. A. - Cook, P. R. - Hozák, P.
The microarchitecture composition and dynamics of replication foci:an ultrastructural study.
In: Dynamic organization of Nuclear function. - Cold Spring, Organizing Comittee 1998. - S. 288.
[Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. US (US), 98.10.07-98.10.11]

049858 - UEM-P 980108 CZ eng A
Pliss, A. - Staněk, D. - Jirsová, K. - Koberna, K. - Eltsov, M. - Malínský, J. - Raška, I.
Heparin induced Changes in the Nuclear Architecture.
In: Abstracts of Papers Presented at the 14th Biological Days. - Praha, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic 1998. - S. S12.
[Biological Days /14./. Praha (CZ), 97.09.03-98.09.06]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV304/96/K002; MŠk(CZ) VS96129; -(GB) 049949/Z/97/Z/JMW/JPS/CG

049810 - UEM-P 980059 RIV US eng C
Polanský, L. - Tischerová, E. - Šrám, R.
Personal vs.microenvironmental exposure monitoring in EXPOLIS study: Prague experience.
In: ISEE/ISEA Joint Conference. - Boston, Organizing Committee 1998. - S. 86.
[ISEE/ISEA Joint Conference. Boston (US), 98.08.15-98.08.18]
Grant: GA MŽP(CZ) ZZ/340/1/97

049841 - UEM-P 980090 CZ eng A
Popelář, J. - Valvoda, J. - Syka, J.
Effects of electrical stimulation of the contralateral ear on otoacoustic emission in guinea-pig.
In: Proceedings of the Czech and Slovak Physiological Society. - Praha, Institute of Physiology Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic 1998. - S. 31P.
[Physiological Societies /74./. Brno (CZ), 98.02.03-98.02.06]
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) IZ3108

049842 - UEM-P 980091 US eng A
Popelář, J. - Valvoda, J. - Syka, J.
Suppression of transient-evoked otoacoustic emissions by acoustical and electrical stimulation of the contralateral ear in guinea-pigs.
In: Proceedings of the Scientific Meeting held at. - Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 1998. - S. 45P.
[The Physiological Society. Praha (CZ), 98.06.22-98.06.24]
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) IZ3108

049845 - UEM-P 980094 AT eng A
Popelář, J. - Valvoda, J. - Syka, J.
Suppression of the 2f1-f2 distortion product by acoustical and electrical stimulation of the contralateral ear in guinea pogs.
In: Abstract brochure 35th Workshop on Inner Ear Biology. - Innsbruck, Organizing Committee 1998. - S. 31.
[Workshop on Inner Ear Biology /35./. Innsbruck (AT), 98.08.27-98.09.01]
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) IZ3108

049889 - UEM-P 980144 US eng A
Prokopová, Š. - Anděrová, M. - Chvátal, A. - Eliasson, C. - Pekny, M. - Syková, E.
Extracellular space diffusion parameters and membrane properties of astrocytes in GFAP-deficient mice.
In: Abstracts Society for Neuroscience. - Los Angeles, Organizing Committee 1998. - S. 55.
[Annual Meeting /28./. Los Angeles (US), 98.11.07-98.11.12]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/96/0881; GA ČR(CZ) GV307/96/K226; GA MZd(CZ) IZ3423

049878 - UEM-P 980133 CZ eng A
Prokopová, Š. - Syková, E.
Extracellular space diffusion parameters in the frog spinal cord and filum terminale.
In: Proceedings of the Czech and Slovak Physiological Societies. - Praha, Institute of Physiology Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic 1998. - S. 28P.
[Physiological Societies /74./. Brno (CZ), 98.02.03-98.02.06]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/96/0884; GA MZd(CZ) IZ3423

049875 - UEM-P 980130 GB eng A
Prokopová, Š. - Šimonová, Z. - Syková, E.
Extracellular space volume and geometry in the frog spinal cord and filum terminale.
In: Abstracts Forum of European Neuroscience. - Berlin, Blackwell Science 1998. - S. 406.
[Forum of European Neuroscience. Berlin (DB), 98.06.27-98.07.01]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/96/0884; GA MZd(CZ) IZ3423

049882 - UEM-P 980137 GB eng A
Prokopová, Š. - Šimonová, Z. - Syková, E.
Extracellular space diffusion parameters in the frog spinal cord and filum terminale: Effect of elevated potassium and hypotonic stress.
In: Proceedings the Journal of Physiology. - Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 1998. - S. 15P.
[Joint Meeting with the Czech Physiological Society. Praha (CZ), 98.06.22-98.06.24]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/97/K048; GA MZd(CZ) IZ3423

049859 - UEM-P 980109 CZ eng A
Raška, I. - Melčák, I.
Compartmentalization in the Cell Nucleus: a Kaleidoscope.
In: Abstracts of Papers Presented at the 14th Biological Days. - Praha, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic 1998. - S. S12.
[Biological Days /14./. Praha (CZ), 97.09.03-98.09.06]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV304/96/K002; MŠk(CZ) VS96129; -(GB) 049949/Z/97/Z/JMW/JPS/CG

049794 - UEM-P 980042 RIV DE eng J
Raška, I. - Pliss, A. - Mandys, V. - Risueno, M. C. - Lojda, Z.
Processing of free cells for electron microscopy using a fibrin clot.
Acta histochemica, 100, 309-313 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV304/96/K002; GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/1482; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96129; Wellcome grant(XX) 049949/Z/97/JMW/JPS/CG
[Impact factor:0.370(91) 0.442(92) 0.517(93) 0.472(94) 0.731(95) 0.734(96) 0.750(97) 0.878(98) 0.726(99) 0.943(00) 0.865(01) 0,867(02) 0.656(03) ]

049772 - UEM-P 980017 RIV GR eng C
Roitbak, T. - Šimonová, Z. - Syková, E.
Increase in extracellular space volume and tortuosity during astrogliosis in rat cortex.
In: European Meeting on Glial Cell Function in Health and Disease. - Athens, Conference Management 1998. - S. 146.
[European Meeting on Glial Cell Function in Health and Disease /3./. Athens (GR), 98.05.06-98.05.10]

049883 - UEM-P 980138 GB eng A
Roitbak, T. - Šimonová, Z. - Syková, E.
Injury-evoked reactive gliosis produces diffusion barriers in the rat cortex.
In: Proceedings the Journal of Physiology. - Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 1998. - S. 17P.
[Joint Meeting with the Czech Physiological Society. Praha (CZ), 98.06.22-98.06.24]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/97/K048; GA MZd(CZ) IZ3423

049864 - UEM-P 980119 RIV CZ cze J
Rosa, J. - Mandys, V. - Charvát, F.
Eozinofilní fasciitida s eozinofilní kolitidou a poruchou motility jícnu.
Česká Revmatologie, 6 [4] 182-187 (1998).

049789 - UEM-P 980035 RIV NL eng J
Rossner, P. - Šrám, R. - Bavorová, H. - Očadlíková, D. - Černá, M. - Švandová, E.
Spontaneous level of chromosomal aberrations in peripheral blood lymphocytes of control individuals of the Czech Republic population.
Toxicology Letters, 96, 97, 137-142 (1998).
Grant: GA MŽP(CZ) ZZ/340/1/97
[Impact factor:0.987(91) 0.774(92) 0.661(93) 1.112(94) 1.242(95) 0.895(96) 1.128(97) 1.303(98) 0.773(99) 1.401(00) 1.587(01) 2,242(02) 2.224(03) ]

049817 - UEM-P 980066 RIV AT eng C
Rubeš, J. - Musilová, P. - Vozdová, M. - Bláhová, K. - Šrám, R.
Translocations in laboratory workers exposed to 1,3-butadiene by FISH.
In: Proceedings of the 28th Annual EEMS Meeting. - Salzburg, Organizing Committee 1998. - S. 232.
[Annual EEMS Meeting /28./. Salzburg (AT), 98.09.07-98.09.11]
Grant: GA MŽP(CZ) ZZ/340/1/97

049843 - UEM-P 980092 US eng A
Rybalko, N. - Brožek, G. - Syka, J.
Gap detection thresholds in young and old adult pigmented rats.
In: Proceedings of the Scientific Meeting held at. - Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 1998. - S. 45P.
[The Physiological Society. Praha (CZ), 98.06.22-98.06.24]
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) IZ3108

049837 - UEM-P 980086 CZ eng A
Rybalko, N. - Popelář, J. - Syka, J.
Changes in the function of the auditory system in rats after noise exposure.
In: Proceedings of the Czech and Slovak Physiological Society. - Praha, Institute of Physiology Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic 1998. - S. 31P.
[Physiological Societies /74./. Brno (CZ), 98.02.03-98.02.06]
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) IZ3108

049847 - UEM-P 980096 GB eng A
Rybalko, N. - Popelář, J. - Syka, J.
Postnatal development of susceptibility to noise in rat.
In: Abstract of European Neuroscience. - Cambridge, Blackwell Science 1998. - S. 410.
[Forum of European Neuroscience. Berlín (DE), 98.06.27-98.07.01]
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) IZ3108

049849 - UEM-P 980098 US eng A
Rybalko, N. - Popelář, J. - Syka, J.
Age-related changes in the hearing function in pigmented rats.
In: Abstracts of the twenty-first midwinter research meeting. - St.Petersburg Beach, Association for Research in Otolaryngology 1998. - S. 78.
[Association for Research in otolaryngology. St.Petersburg Beach ( US), 98.02.15-98.02.19]
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) IZ3108; GA ČR(CZ) GA309/97/0830

049812 - UEM-P 980061 RIV US eng C
Řeřicha, V. - Sandler, D. P. - Shore, D. L. - Solanský, I. - Hnízdo, E. - Šrám, R.
Non-lung cancer incidence in Czech uranium miners.
In: ISEE/ISEA Joint Conference. - Boston, Organizing Committee 1998. - S. 99.
[ISEE/ISEA Joint Conference. Boston (US), 98.08.15-98.08.18]
Grant: NIEHS(US) NO1-ES-45381

049809 - UEM-P 980058 RIV US eng C
Sandler, D. P. - Shore, D. L. - Solanský, I. - Řeřicha, V. - Hnízdo, E. - Šrám, R.
Lung cancer in Czech uranium miners.
In: ISEE/ISEA Joint Conference. - Boston, Organizing Committee 1998. - S. 44.
[ISEE/ISEA Joint Conference. Boston (US), 98.08.15-98.08.18]
Grant: NIEHS(US) NO1-ES-45381

049854 - UEM-P 980104 RIV NL eng J
Sedmera, D. - Novotná, B. - Bila, V. - Křen, V.
The role of cell death in limb development of rats manifestig Lx allele on different genetic backguounds.
European Journal of Morphology, 36 [3] 173-181 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA302/96/0604
[Impact factor: 0.477(95) 0.348(96) 0.265(97) 0.568(98) 0.405(99) 0.850(00) 0.622(01) 0,342(02) ]

049797 - UEM-P 980045 RIV DE eng J
Smetana, K. - Jirásková, L. - Sedláčková, M. - Dvořák, R. - Špátová, M. - Hozák, P.
Preferential silcer reaction of nucleolar regions adjacent to fibrillar centers in ring shaped nucleoli of leukemic lymphocytes.
Acta Histochemica, 100, 257-270 (1998).
[Impact factor:0.370(91) 0.442(92) 0.517(93) 0.472(94) 0.731(95) 0.734(96) 0.750(97) 0.878(98) 0.726(99) 0.943(00) 0.865(01) 0,867(02) 0.656(03) ]

049852 - UEM-P 980101 GB eng A
Syka, J.
Peripheral and Central Effects of Noise Exposure in Rats.
In: Abstracts of the Symposium Cochlear Phyrmacology and Noise Trauma: Prevention and Progress. - London, Organizing Committee 1998. - S. 15.
[Symposium Cochlear Pharmacology and Noise Trauma: Prevention and Progress. London (GB), 98.05.01-98.05.02]

049853 - UEM-P 980102 US eng A
Syka, J. - Druga, R.
Calbindin D-28k immunoreactivity in the central auditory system of normal and noise exposed rats.
In: Abstracts 28th Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience. - Los Angeles, Organizing Committee 1998. - S. 906.
[Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience /28./. Los Angeles (US), 98.11.07-98.11.12]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/97/0830

049850 - UEM-P 980099 US eng A
Syka, J. - Hájek, M. - Dezortová, M. - Burian, M. - Jilek, M.
In vivo quantification of metabolites in the human auditory cortex with proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy.
In: Abstracts of the twenty-first midwinter research meeting. - St.Petersburg Beach, Association for Research in Otolaryngology 1998. - S. 35.
[Association for Research in otolaryngology. St.Petersburg Beach ( US), 98.02.15-98.02.19]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/97/0830; GA ČR(CZ) GV308/97/K048

049836 - UEM-P 980085 RIV US eng M
Syka, J. - Popelář, J. - Kvašňák, E. - Šuta, D.
Processing of vocalization signals in neurons of the inferior colliculus and medial geniculate body.
In: Central Auditory Processing and Neural Modeling. - (Ed. Poon, P.; Brugge, J.). - London, Plenum Press 1998. - S. 1-11.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/94/0735; GA ČR(CZ) GA309/97/0830

049838 - UEM-P 980087 CZ eng A
Syka, J. - Rybalko, N. - Brožek, G.
Gap detection in pigmented rats.
In: Proceedings of the Czech and Slovak Physiological Society. - Praha, Institute of Physiology Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic 1998. - S. 30P.
[Physiological Societies /74./. Brno (CZ), 98.02.03-98.02.06]
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) IZ3108

049851 - UEM-P 980100 AT eng A
Syka, J. - Rybalko, N. - Popelář, J.
Aging of the hearing function in rats.
In: Abstracts of the 4th International Symposium on Neurobiology and Neuroendocrinology of Aging. - Bregenz, Organizing Committee 1998. - S. -.
[International Symoposium on Neurobiology and Neuroendocrinology. Bregenz (AT), 98.07.23-98.07.31]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/94/0735; GA MZd(CZ) IZ3108

049870 - UEM-P 980125 RIV US eng M
Syková, E.
Extracellular pH and lonic Shifts Associated with Electrical Activity and Pathological States in the Spinal Cord.
In: pH and Brain Function. - (Ed. Kaila, K.; Ransom, B. R.). - New York, Wiley-Liss 1998. - S. 339-357.

049871 - UEM-P 980126 GB eng A
Syková, E.
Extracellular space as a communication channel: its composition and diffusion properties.
In: Abstracts Forum of European Neuroscience. - Berlin, Blackwell Science 1998. - S. 322.
[Forum of European Neuroscience. Berlin (DB), 98.06.27-98.07.01]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV307/96/K226; GA ČR(CZ) GV309/97/K048; GA MZd(CZ) IZ3423

049884 - UEM-P 980139 GB eng A
Syková, E.
Diffusion barriers evoked by cell swelling, astrogliosis and pathological states in the CNS.
In: Proceedings the Journal of Physiology. - Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 1998. - S. 9S.
[Joint Meeting with the Czech Physiological Society. Praha (CZ), 98.06.22-98.06.24]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/97/K048; GA MZd(CZ) IZ3423; GA ČR(CZ) GV309/97/K048; GA ČR(CZ) GA309/96/0884; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96130

049887 - UEM-P 980142 US eng A
Syková, E. - Chvátal, A.
Astroglial regulation of the extracellular milieu during neurotransmission.
In: 12th General Meeting of the European Society for Neurochemistry. - US, Lippincott-Raven Publishers 1998. - S. S4D.
[General Meeting of the European Society for Neurochemistry /12./. St.Petersburg (RU), 98.07.19-98.07.24]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/96/0881; GA ČR(CZ) GV307/96/K226

049892 - UEM-P 980148 RIV GB eng M
Syková, E. - Hanson, E. - Ronnback, L. - Nicholson, C.
Glial Regulation of the Neuronal Microenvironment.
In: Glial Cells and Their Role in Behaviour. - (Ed. Laming, P. R.; Syková, E.; Reichenbach, A.; Hatton, G. I.; Bauer, C.). - Cambridge, University Press 1998. - S. 130-163.

049888 - UEM-P 980143 US eng A
Syková, E. - Mazel, T. - Frisch, C. - Šimonová, Z. - Hasenohrl, R. U. - Huston, J. P.
Spatial memory and diffusion parameters in aged rat cortex corpus callosum and hipocampus.
In: Abstracts Society for Neuroscience. - Los Angeles, Organizing Committee 1998. - S. 1420.
[Annual Meeting /28./. Los Angeles (US), 98.11.07-98.11.12]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/96/0884; GA ČR(CZ) GV307/96/K226; GA MZd(CZ) IZ3423

049891 - UEM-P 980146 AT eng A
Syková, E. - Mazel, T. - Šimonová, Z.
Diffusion constraints and neuron-glia interaction during aging.
In: Abstracts 4th International Symposium on the Neurobiology and Neuroendocrinology of Aging. - Bregenz, Organizing Committee 1998. - S. 13.
[International Symposium on the Neurobiology and Neuroendocrinology of Aging. Bregenz (AT), 98.07.03]

084460 - UEM-P 20010018 RIV US eng J
Syková, E. - Mazel, T. - Šimonová, Z.
Difusion constraints and neuron-glia interaction dduring aging.
Experimental Gerontology, 33 [7/8] 837-851 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/96/0884; GA ČR(CZ) GV307/96/K226; GA MZd(CZ) IZ3423; GA ČR(CZ) GV309/97/K048
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906
[Impact factor: 1.762(99) 2.622(00) 2.493(01) 3,535(02) 2.857(03) ]

049767 - UEM-P 980010 RIV DE eng J
Šedo, A. - Malík, R. - Křepela, E.
Dopeptidyl Peptidase IV in C6 Rat Glioma Cell Line Differentiation.
Biological Chemistry, 379, 39-44 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA303/93/0541
[Impact factor: 2.429(96) 2.551(97) 2.636(98) 3.356(99) 2.978(00) 2.606(01) 2,548(02) 3.366(03) ]

049874 - UEM-P 980129 GB eng A
Šimonová, Z. - Prokopová, Š. - Vargová, L. - Syková, E.
Changes in spinal cord geometry during glial swelling and astrogliosis evoked by 50 mM K+ or hypotonic stress.
In: Abstracts Forum of European Neuroscience. - Berlin, Blackwell Science 1998. - S. 337.
[Forum of European Neuroscience.. Berlin (DB), 98.06.27-98.07.01]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV309/97/K048; GA MŠk(CZ) PG98446; GA MZd(CZ) IZ3423

049800 - UEM-P 980048 RIV CZ cze J
Šmahel, Z.
Jak mění kosti tvar.
Živa, 5 [5] 230-232 (1998).

049764 - UEM-P 980006 RIV US eng J
Šmahel, Z. - Mullerová, Ž. - Nejedlý, A. - Horák, I.
Changes craniofacial development due to modifications of the treatment of unilateral cleft lip and palate.
Cleft Palate Craniofacial, 35, 240-247 (1998).
[Impact factor:0.845(91) 0.815(92) 0.629(93) 0.785(94) 0.530(95) 0.579(96) 0.699(97) 0.658(98) 0.994(99) 0.718(00) 0.686(01) 0,523(02) 0.888(03) ]

049798 - UEM-P 980046 RIV CZ eng J
Šmahel, Z. - Šabík, D.
Basic characteristic of the postnatal developmental of the human cranium.
Anthropologie, 36, 211-225 (1998).

049781 - UEM-P 980026 RIV US eng J
Šrám, R.
Effect of glutathione S-transferase M1 polymorphisms on biomarkers of exposure and effects.
Environmental Health Perspectives. Supplement 1, 106, 231-239 ( 1998).
Grant: GA MŽP(CZ) ZZ/340/1/97
[Impact factor:1.647(91) 1.213(92) 1.481(93) 1.217(94) 1.194(95)1.688(96) 2.119(97) 2.268(98) 2.469(99) 3.033(00)3.137(01) 3,452(02) 3.038(03) ]

049816 - UEM-P 980065 RIV AT eng C
Šrám, R.
Genetic damage in population in Northern Bohemia.
In: Proceedings of the 28th Annual EEMS Meeting. - Salzburg, Organizing Committee 1998. - S. 77.
[Annual EEMS Meeting /28./. Salzburg (AT), 98.09.07-98.09.11]
Grant: GA MŽP(CZ) ZZ/340/1/97

049831 - UEM-P 980080 DE ger A
Šrám, R.
Das Teplice Programm - Einwirkung von Luftverunreinigungen auf die menschliche Gesundheit.
In: Workshop zu humanmedizinischen Untersuchungen uber die Wirkungen von Luftbelastungen unter besonderer Berucksichtigung des sachsischen Grenzgebirge. - Rohrsdorf, Organizing Comittee 1998. - S. 9.
[Workshop zu humanmedizinischen Untersuchungen uber die Wirkungen. Rohrsdorf (DE), 98.06.19-98.06.20]
Grant: GA MŽP(CZ) ZZ/340/1/97

049804 - UEM-P 980053 RIV US eng C
Šrám, R. - Binková, B. - Dejmek, J. - Lewtas, J. - Mračková, G. - Perreault-Darney, S. - Podrazilová, K. - Rubeš, J. - Selevan, S. G. - Topinka, J.
Genetic damage in population in Northern Bohemia.
In: Annual Meeting of EMS (29.). - Anheim, Organizing Committee 1998. - S. 73.
[Annual Meeting of EMS /29./. Anheim (US), 98.03.21-98.03.26]
Grant: GA MŽP(CZ) ZZ/340/1/97

049822 - UEM-P 980071 RIV TH eng C
Šrám, R. - Binková, B. - Dejmek, J. - Perreault-Darney, S. - Rubeš, J. - Selevan, S. G. - Topinka, J.
Adverse reproductive outcomes from exposure to environmental mutagens.
In: Proceedings of International Conference on Environmental Mutagens in Human Populations. - Bangkok, Organizing Committee 1998. - S. 59.
[International Conference on Environmental Mutagens in Human Populations. Bangkok (TH), 98.11.29-98.12.04]
Grant: GA MŽP(CZ) ZZ/340/1/97

049821 - UEM-P 980070 RIV TW eng C
Šrám, R. - Binková, B. - Topinka, J. - Gajdošová, D. - Kalina, I.
Biomarkers in coke oven study.
In: Proceedings of Taipei Int.Conference of Environ. and Occup. Mutagenesis. - Taipei, Organizing Committee 1998. - S. 27.
[International Conference of Environ. and Occup.Mutagenesis. Taipei (TW), 98.11.26-98.11.27]
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) IZ3159; EU(XE) CIPA-CT94-0113

049780 - UEM-P 980025 RIV US eng J
Šrám, R. - Podrazilová, K. - Dejmek, J. - Mračková, G. - Pilčík, T.
Single cell gel electrophosresis assay: sensitivy of peripheral white blood cells in human population studies.
Mutagenesis, 13, 99-103 (1998).
Grant: GA MŽP(CZ) ZZ/340/1/97
[Impact factor:1.941(91) 1.965(92) 2.355(93) 2.381(94) 2.459(95)2.176(96) 1.802(97) 2.145(98) 2.007(99) 2.226(00)1.538(01) 1,864(02) 1.821(03) ]

049818 - UEM-P 980067 RIV AT eng C
Šrám, R. - Rossner, P.
Chromosome aberrations and sister chromatid exchanges in laboratory workers exposed to 1,3-butadiene.
In: Proceedings of the 28th Annual EEMS Meeting. - Salzburg, Organizing Committee 1998. - S. 234.
[Annual EEMS Meeting /28./. Salzburg (AT), 98.09.07-98.09.11]
Grant: HEI(US) 97-1

049787 - UEM-P 980033 RIV NL eng J
Šrám, R. - Rossner, P. - Peltonen, K. - Podrazilová, K. - Mračková, G. - Demopoulos, N. A. - Stephanou, G. - Vlachodimitropoulos, D. - Darroudi, F. - Tates, A. D.
Chromosomal aberrations, sister-chromatid exchanges, cells with high frequency of SCE, micronuclei and comet assay parameters in 1,3-butadiene-exposed workers.
Mutation Research. Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, 419, 145-154 (1998).
Grant: HEI(US) 97-1
[Impact factor:1.727(91) 1.960(92) 1.868(93) 1.975(94) 2.065(95) 2.060(96) 1.754(97) 2.067(98) 2.107(99) 2.148(00) 2.545(01) 3,158(02) 3.433(03) ]

049808 - UEM-P 980057 RIV US eng C
Šrám, R. - Rossner, P. - Peltonen, K. - Podrazilová, K. - Mračková, G. - Demopoulos, N. A. - Stephanou, G. - Vladimiropoulos, D. - Van Dam, F. J. - Tates, A. D.
Chromosomal aberrations, sister-chromatid exchanges, cells with high frequency of SCE, micronuclei and comet assay parameters in 1,3-butadiene-exposed workers.
In: Proceedings of HEI Annual Conference. - Massachussetts, Organizing Committee 1998. - S. 53.
[HEI Annual Conference. Boston (US), 98.04.05-98.04.07]
Grant: HEI(US) 97-1

049820 - UEM-P 980069 RIV TW eng C
Šrám, R. - Rossner, P. - Rubeš, J. - Peltonen, K. - Podrazilová, K. - Mračková, G. - Demopoulos, N. A. - Stephanou, G. - Vladimiropoulos, D. - vanDam, F. J.
Cytogenetic biomarkers in 1,3-butadiene exposed workers (CA, FISH, SCE, MN, Comet Assay).
In: Proceedings of Taipei Int.Conference of Environ. and Occup. Mutagenesis. - Taipei, Organizing Committee 1998. - S. 4.
[International Conference of Environ. and Occup.Mutagenesis. Taipei (TW), 98.11.26-98.11.27]
Grant: HEI(US) 97-1

059507 - UEM-P 990037 RIV GB eng C
Tlaskalová-Hogenová, H. - Štěpánková, R. - Tučková, L. - Cukrowska, B. - Hudcovič, T. - Bendjelloul, F. - Malý, P. - Jirkovská, M. - Mandys, V. - Kofronová, O.
Effector mechanisms in intestinal immunity and inflammation.
In: Innovative Concepts in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. - (Ed. Emmrich, J.; Liebe, S.; Stange, E. F.). - Rostock, Kluwer Academic Publishers 1998. - S. 74-83.
[Falk Symposium 105. Rostock (DE), 98.04.30-98.05.02]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA310/96/1366; GA ČR(CZ) GA310/96/0516; GA ČR(CZ) GA311/97/0784; GA ČR(CZ) GA306/98/0433; GA MZd(CZ) IZ3761; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96149

049828 - UEM-P 980077 CZ cze A
Topinka, J.
Použití transgenních zvířat pro detekci mutací in vivo.
In: Nové poznatky v genetické toxikologii. - Brno, IDVPZ Brno 1998. - S. 27.
[Pracovní dny Společnosti pro mutagenézu zevním prostředím /21./. Brno (CZ), 98.05.04-98.05.06]

049806 - UEM-P 980055 RIV US eng C
Topinka, J. - Schwarz, L. R. - Kiefer, F. - Gajdoš, O. - Vidová, P. - Šrám, R. - Wolff, T.
DNA adducts induced by fractionated extract from coke oven emissions in cells expressing various activating enzymes.
In: Proccedings of 89th AACR Annual Meeting. - New Orleans, Organizing Committee 1998. - S. 491.
[AACR Annual Meeting /89./. New Orleans (US), 98.03.28-98.04.01]
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) IZ3159; EU(XE) CIPA-CT94-0113

049786 - UEM-P 980032 RIV NL eng J
Topinka, J. - Schwarz, L. R. - Kiefer, L. R. - Wiebel, F. J. - Gajdoš, O. - Vildová, P. - Dobiáš, L. - Fried, M. - Šrám, R. - Wolff, T.
DNA adducts formation in mammalian cell cultures by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and nitro-PAH in coke oven emission in cell extract.
Mutation Research. Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, 419, 91-106 (1998).
Grant: GA MŽP(CZ) IZ3159; EU(XE) CIPA-CT94-0113
[Impact factor:1.727(91) 1.960(92) 1.868(93) 1.975(94) 2.065(95) 2.060(96) 1.754(97) 2.067(98) 2.107(99) 2.148(00) 2.545(01) 3,158(02) 3.433(03) ]

049815 - UEM-P 980064 RIV AT eng C
Topinka, J. - Šrám, R. - Wolff, T. - Schwarz, L. R.
Usefulness of primary rat hepatocytes in genotoxicity testing of pharmaceutical and environmental compounds.
In: Proceedings of the 28th Annual EEMS Meeting. - Salzburg, Organizing Committee 1998. - S. 63.
[Annual EEMS Meeting /28./. Salzburg (AT), 98.09.07-98.09.11]

049885 - UEM-P 980140 GB eng A
Vargová, L. - Tao, L. - Syková, E. - Ulbrich, K. - Šubr, V. - Nicholson, C.
Diffusion of large polymers in rat cortical slices measured by integrative optical imaging.
In: Proceedings the Journal of Physiology. - Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 1998. - S. 6P.
[Joint Meeting with the Czech Physiological Society. Praha (CZ), 98.06.22-98.06.24]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV307/96/K226; -(CZ) NS28642

049771 - UEM-P 980016 RIV GR eng C
Vargová, L. - Prokopová, Š. - Šimonová, Z. - Syková, E.
Astrogliosis and changes in extracellular space diffusion parameters in spinal cord gray and white matter.
In: European Meeting on Glial Cell Function in Health and Disease. - Athens, Conference Management 1998. - S. 77.
[European Meeting on Glial Cell Function in Health and Disease /3./. Athens (GR), 98.05.06-98.05.10]

049860 - UEM-P 980110 CZ eng A
Velický, J. - Titlbach, M. - Dušková, J. - Lojda, Z. - Vobecký, M. - Štrbák, V. - Raška, I.
The Effect of Potassium Bromide on the Rat Thyroid Gland.
In: Abstracts of Papers Presented at the 14th Biological Days. - Praha, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic 1998. - S. S17.
[Biological Days /14./. Praha (CZ), 97.09.03-98.09.06]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA311/94/0810; MŠk(CZ) VS96129; -(GB) 049949/Z/97/Z/JMW/JPS/CG

049779 - UEM-P 980024 RIV DE eng J
Velický, J. - Titlbach, M. - Lojda, Z. - Dušková, J. - Vebecký, M. - Štrbák, V. - Raška, I.
Long-term action of potassium bromide on the rat thyroid gland.
Acta histochemica, 100, 11-23 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV304/96/K002; GA ČR(CZ) GA311/94/0810; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96129; Wellcome grant(XX) 049949/Z/97/JMW/JPS/CG
[Impact factor:0.370(91) 0.442(92) 0.517(93) 0.472(94) 0.731(95) 0.734(96) 0.750(97) 0.878(98) 0.726(99) 0.943(00) 0.865(01) 0,867(02) 0.656(03) ]

049799 - UEM-P 980047 RIV CZ eng J
Vlček, E. - Šmahel, Z.
Roentgen cephalometric analysis of the scull of the Luxembourgs, second Bohemian royal dynasty.
Acta chirurgiae plasticae, 40, 114-126 (1998).

049790 - UEM-P 980036 RIV CA eng J
Woerly, S. - Pinet, E. - De Robertis, L. - Bousmina, M. - Laroche, G. - Roitbak, T. - Vargová, L. - Syková, E.
Heterogeneous PHPMA hydrogels for tissue repair and axonal regeneration in the injured spinal cord.
Journal Biomaterials Science Polymer Edn, 9 [7] 681-711 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV307/96/K226
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 0.000(93) 1.418(94) 1.213(95) 1.431(96) 0.901(97) 1.228(98) 1.192(99) 1.669(00) 1.234(01) 1,401(02) 1.593(03) ]

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Glutamate, kainate and N-methyl-D-aspartate-evoked membrane currents in identified glial cells in rat spinal cord slice.
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Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/96/0881; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96130
[Impact factor: 0.588(95) 0.526(96) 0.807(97) 0.616(98) 0.521(99) 1.366(00) 1.027(01) 0,984(02) 0.939(03) ]

Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

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