ÚMBR - Ústav molekulární biologie rostlin


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Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

087728 - UMBR-M 20010001 RIV NL eng J
Bertaccini, A. - Davies, D. - Fialová, R. - Fránová, J. - Karešová, R. - Martini, M. - Navrátil, M. - Paltinieri, S. - Brighetti, M.
A molecular survey to identify phytopalasmas associated with apple trees showing different diseases symptoms.
Acta horticulturae, 550, 371-376 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA522/98/0792; GA ČR(CZ) GA522/98/P115; GA AV ČR (CZ) IBS5051014

087729 - UMBR-M 20010002 RIV NL eng J
Bertrand, M. - Schoefs, B. - Šiffel, P. - Roháček, K. - Molnar, I.
Cadmium inhibits epoxidation of diatoxanthin to diadinoxanthin in the xanthophyll cycle of the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornatum.
FEBS letters, 508, 153-156 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA206/00/1051
[Impact factor:3.505(92) 3.339(93) 3.600(94) 3.842(95) 3.750(96) 3.504(97) 3.581(98) 3.720(99) 3.440(00) 3.644(01) 3,912(02) 3.609(03) ]

087730 - UMBR-M 20010003 SIGLE CZ eng A
Bystřická, D. - Lenz, O. - Mráz, I. - Petrzik, K. - Šíp, M.
Parallel detection of potato pathogens.
In: Book of Abstracts from 4th International Symposium "Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology: Plant Molecular Biology for the New Millennium". - České Budějovice, ÚMBR AV ČR 2001. - S. 38.
[Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology: Plant Molecular Biology for the New Millennium /4./. Třeboň (CZ), 01.09.17-01.09.21 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA522/01/1105

092462 - UMBR-M 20023058 RIV NL eng J
Durchan, M. - Vácha, F. - Krieger-Liszkay, A.
Effects of severe CO2 starvation on the photosynthetic electron transport chain in tobacco plants.
Photosynthesis research, 68, [-] 203-213 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA6051702; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96085
[Impact factor:2.469(91) 3.017(92) 2.664(93) 2.903(94) 2.964(95) 2.947(96) 1.948(97) 1.689(98) 1.714(99) 1.633(00) 1.739(01) 1,567(02) 2.239(03) ]

087731 - UMBR-M 20010004 SIGLE CZ eng A
Fousek, J. - Mráz, I. - Petrzik, K.
Genome analysis of phytopathogenic bacteria Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus using rep-PCR method.
In: Book of Abstracts from 4th International Symposium "Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology: Plant Molecular Biology for the New Millennium". - České Budějovice, ÚMBR AV ČR 2001. - S. 41.
[Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology: Plant Molecular Biology for the New Millennium /4./. Třeboň (CZ), 01.09.17-01.09.21 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA522/00/0887

087744 - UMBR-M 20010017 RIV SK eng J
Fránová, J.
Occurence of graft-transmissible of the strawberry in the Czech Republic.
Acta virologica, 45, 151-157 (2001).
[Impact factor:0.438(91) 0.275(92) 0.205(93) 0.347(94) 0.362(95) 0.481(96) 0.454(97) 0.500(98) 0.476(99) 0.558(00) 0.644(01) 0,660(02) 0.683(03) ]

087745 - UMBR-M 20010018 DE eng J
Fránová, J. - Karešová, R. - Šimková, M. - Nebesářová, J. - Navrátil, M.
The occurence of a rhabdovirus in Daphne mezereum in the Czech Republic.
Journal of phytopathology, 149, 293-296 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA522/98/0792
[Impact factor:0.484(92) 0.475(93) 0.348(94) 0.496(95) 0.444(96) 0.516(97) 0.476(98) 0.434(99) 0.442(00) 0.723(01) 0,567(02) 0.557(03) ]

087746 - UMBR-M 20010019 RIV NL eng J
Fránová, J. - Mráz, I. - Petrzik, K. - Špak, J. - Šíp, M. - Bertaccini, A. - Erbenová, M. - Karešová, R.
The occurence of strawberry viruses and phytoplasmas in the Czech Republic.
Acta horticulturae, 551, 81-86 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK2052601

087732 - UMBR-M 20010005 SIGLE CZ eng A
Fránová, J. - Šimková, M. - Nebesářová, J.
Electron microscopy study of phytoplasma movement in sieve tube cells.
In: Book of Abstracts from 4th International Symposium "Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology: Plant Molecular Biology for the New Millennium". - České Budějovice, ÚMBR AV ČR 2001. - S. 42.
[Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology: Plant Molecular Biology for the New Millennium /4./. Třeboň (CZ), 01.09.17-01.09.21 (WRD)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IBS5051014

087733 - UMBR-M 20010006 SIGLE CZ eng A
Fránová, J. - Šimková, M. - Přibylová, J. - Válová, P. - Nebesářová, J.
Identification of phytoplasmas infecting Helichrysum bracteatum.
In: Book of Abstracts from 4th International Symposium "Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology: Plant Molecular Biology for the New Millennium". - České Budějovice, ÚMBR AV ČR 2001. - S. 43.
[Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology: Plant Molecular Biology for the New Millennium /4./. Třeboň (CZ), 01.09.17-01.09.21 (WRD)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IBS5051014

087747 - UMBR-M 20010020 RIV US eng M
Galbraith, D. W. - Macas, J. - Pierson, E. A. - Xu, W. - Nouzová, M.
Printing DNA microarrays using Biomek Laboratory Automation Workstation.
In: Methods in molecular biology. - (Ed. Rampal, J. B.). - Totowa, Humana Press 2001. - S. 131-140. - ( 140).

087789 - UMBR-M 20010062 CZ eng A
Gális, I. - Smith, J. L. - Jameson, P. E.
Expression of defense-related genes in cytokinin-treated WCIMV-infected bean plants.
In: Book of Abstracts from 17th International Conference on Plant Growth Substances. - Brno, Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry 2001. - S. 43.
[International Conference on Plant Growth Substances /17./. Brno ( CZ), 01.07.01-01.07.06 (WRD)]

087749 - UMBR-M 20010022 RIV NL eng J
Květoň, J.
Activities of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase and oxygen evolution in transgenic tobacco plants.
Biologia plantarum, 44, 447-450 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA206/00/0162
[Impact factor:0.203(91) 0.215(92) 0.114(93) 0.168(94) 0.299(95) 0.413(96) 0.393(97) 0.566(98) 0.414(99) 0.424(00) 0.426(01) 0,583(02) 0.919(03) ]

087774 - UMBR-M 20010047 SIGLE CZ eng C
Lenz, O. - Bystřická, D. - Mráz, I. - Petrzik, K. - Šíp, M. - Dědič, P.
DNA - chip for diagnosis of potato viruses.
In: Proceedings of the 11th EAPR Virology Section Meeting. - Havlíčkův Brod, Výzkumný ústav bramborářský 2001. - S. 76.
[EAPR Virology Section Meeting /11./. Třešť (CZ), 01.10.07-01.10.13 ( EUR)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA522/01/1105

087734 - UMBR-M 20010007 SIGLE CZ eng A
Libantová, J. - Vrba, L. - Moravčíková, J. - Matúšová, R. - Matušíková, I. - Mlynýrová, L. - Nap, J. P.
The preparation of plant transformation vector for introduction of chitinase and glucanase genes fused to pathogen inducible promoter into potato.
In: Book of Abstracts from 4th International Symposium "Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology: Plant Molecular Biology for the New Millennium". - České Budějovice, ÚMBR AV ČR 2001. - S. 60.
[Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology: Plant Molecular Biology for the New Millennium /4./. Třeboň (CZ), 01.09.17-01.09.21 (WRD)]

087750 - UMBR-M 20010023 NL eng J
Macas, J. - Mészáros, T. - Nouzová, M.
PlantSat: a computer database integrating sequence and experimental data about plant satellite repeats.
Chromosome research, 9 [Suppl.1] 97 (2001).
[Impact factor: 0.000(96) 2.006(97) 2.256(98) 1.576(99) 1.725(00) 1.835(01) 1,828(02) 2.038(03) ]

087775 - UMBR-M 20010048 SIGLE CZ eng C
Matoušek, J.
Analysis of virus and viroid variability by TGGE and by the method of cDNA heteroduplexes.
In: Proceedings of the 11th EAPR Virology Section Meeting. - Havlíčkův Brod, Výzkumný ústav bramborářský 2001. - S. 34-35.
[EAPR Virology Section Meeting /11./. Třešť (CZ), 01.10.07-01.10.13 ( EUR)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA522/01/0227; GA ČR(CZ) GA521/96/1308; NAZV(CZ) EP9111; GA AV ČR(CZ) IBS5051014

087790 - UMBR-M 20010063 CZ cze J
Matoušek, J.
"Ozdravné" pivo.
Kvasný průmysl, 47, 292-294 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA503/95/1583; GA ČR(CZ) GA521/99/1591; NAZV(CZ) EP7254

087791 - UMBR-M 20010064 BE eng A
Matoušek, J. - Bříza, J. - Pavingerová, D. - Niedermeierová, H. - Novák, P.
Cloning of chrysanthemum and Rhododendron chs-specific sequences and preparation of antisense genes.
In: Book of Abstracts from 20th International Eucarpia Symposium. Section Ornamentals - Strategies for New Ornamentals. - (Ed. Van Huylenbroeck, J.; Van Bockstaele, E.). - Ghent, CLO 2001. - S. 68-69.
[International Eucarpia Symposium, Section Ornamentals - Strategies for New Ornamentals.. Melle (BE), 01.07.03-01.07.06 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA521/99/1591; GA AV ČR(CZ) IBS5051006

087763 - UMBR-M 20010036 DB eng C
Matoušek, J. - Novák, P.
Identification and variability of hop chalcone synthase genes.
In: International Hop Grovers Convention. Proceedings of the Scientific Commission I.H.G.C. - (Ed. Seigner, E.). - Hull, BLBP 2001. - S. 21-24.
[International Hop Grovers Convention. Canterbury (GB), 01.08.05-01.08.07 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA521/99/1591

087764 - UMBR-M 20010037 DB eng C
Matoušek, J. - Orctová, L. - Matoušková, H.
New sequence variants of "low level" HLVd appear due to heat stress of hop.
In: International Hop Grovers Convention. Proceedings of the Scientific Commission I.H.G.C. - (Ed. Seigner, E.). - Hull, BLBP 2001. - S. 116.
[International Hop Grovers Convention. Canterbury (GB), 01.08.05-01.08.07 (WRD)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA85051014; NAZV(CZ) EP1183

087735 - UMBR-M 20010008 SIGLE CZ eng A
Matoušek, J. - Orctová, L. - Vrba, L. - Apfelbeck, F.
Viroid variability is induced under stress conditions: The consequences for viroid evolution.
In: Book of Abstracts from 4th International Symposium "Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology: Plant Molecular Biology for the New Millennium". - České Budějovice, ÚMBR AV ČR 2001. - S. 37.
[Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology: Plant Molecular Biology for the New Millennium /4./. Třeboň (CZ), 01.09.17-01.09.21 (WRD)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IBS5051014

087751 - UMBR-M 20010024 RIV US eng J
Matoušek, J. - Patzak, J. - Orctová, L. - Schubert, J. - Vrba, L. - Steger, G. - Riesner, D.
The variability of hop latent viroid as induced upon heat treatment.
Virology, 287, 349-358 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IBS5051014; GA MZe(CZ) EP0960996299; GA MZe(CZ) EP9111; GA MŠk(CZ) ME 463
[Impact factor:4.412(92) 3.946(93) 3.879(94) 3.901(95) 3.612(96) 3.540(97) 3.550(98) 3.548(99) 3.507(00) 3.270(01) 3,363(02) 3.391(03) ]

087752 - UMBR-M 20010025 RIV DE eng J
Matoušek, J. - Schubert, J. - Kuchař, M. - Dědič, P. - Ptáček, J. - Vrba, L. - Lichtenstein, C. P.
The design and partial analysis of RNAseIII anti-PVS antisense complex system to induce plant resistance.
Archiv fuer Phytopathologie und Pflanzenschutz, 33, 381-394 ( 2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA521/96/1308; NAZV(CZ) EP9111; GA MŠk(CZ) ME 463

087736 - UMBR-M 20010009 SIGLE CZ eng A
Matoušek, J. - Škopek, J. - Patzak, J. - Svoboda, P.
Analysis of apple mosaic irlavirus (ApMV) sequence variation and distribution of specific quasispecies infecting hop Humulus lupulus L.
In: Book of Abstracts from 4th International Symposium "Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology: Plant Molecular Biology for the New Millennium". - České Budějovice, ÚMBR AV ČR 2001. - S. 45.
[Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology: Plant Molecular Biology for the New Millennium /4./. Třeboň (CZ), 01.09.17-01.09.21 (WRD)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IBS5051014

087753 - UMBR-M 20010026 RIV NL eng J
Navrátil, M. - Válová, P. - Fialová, R. - Špak, J. - Přibylová, J.
First attempt on identification of phytoplasma associated with full blossom of red and white currant in the Czech Republic.
Acta horticulturae, 551, 51-54 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK5020115

087754 - UMBR-M 20010027 NL eng J
Navrátil, M. - Voráčková, Z. - Válová, P. - Karešová, R. - Fránová, J. - Fialová, R. - Petrová, K. - Nebesářová, J.
Survey for stone fruit phytoplasmas in the Czech Republic.
Acta horticulturae, 550, 377-382 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA522/98/0792

087755 - UMBR-M 20010028 NL eng J
Navrátilová, A. - Mészáros, T. - Neumann, P. - Nouzová, M. - Požárková, D. - Macas, J.
Comparative analysis of Vicia karyotypes using in situ hybridization with repetitive sequences.
Chromosome research, 9 [Suppl.1] 98 (2001).
[Impact factor: 0.000(96) 2.006(97) 2.256(98) 1.576(99) 1.725(00) 1.835(01) 1,828(02) 2.038(03) ]

087756 - UMBR-M 20010029 RIV CA eng J
Neumann, P. - Nouzová, A. - Macas, J.
Molecular and cytogenetic analysis of repetitive DNA in pea (Pisum sativum L.).
Genome, 44, 716-728 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA521/00/0655
[Impact factor:1.537(92) 1.539(93) 1.623(94) 2.069(95) 1.792(96) 1.876(97) 1.960(98) 1.847(99) 1.610(00) 1.710(01) 1,815(02) 1.861(03) ]

087757 - UMBR-M 20010030 NL eng J
Neumann, P. - Požárková, D. - Vrána, J. - Doležel, J. - Macas, J.
Chromosome flow-sorting and integration of genetic and physical maps in pea.
Chromosome research, 9 [Suppl.1] 98 (2001).
[Impact factor: 0.000(96) 2.006(97) 2.256(98) 1.576(99) 1.725(00) 1.835(01) 1,828(02) 2.038(03) ]

087758 - UMBR-M 20010031 RIV NL eng J
Nouzová, M. - Neumann, P. - Navrátilová, A. - Galbraith, D. W. - Macas, J.
Microarray-based survey of repetitive genomic sequences in Vicia spp..
Plant molecular biology, 45, 229-244 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV521/96/K117; GA ČR(CZ) GA521/00/0655
[Impact factor:3.361(92) 3.493(93) 3.415(94) 3.089(95) 3.291(96) 2.852(97) 2.966(98) 3.102(99) 3.226(00) 3.592(01) 4,529(02) 3.795(03) ]

087737 - UMBR-M 20010010 SIGLE CZ eng A
Novák, P. - Matoušek, J.
A novel homologue of chalcone synthase from hop (Humulus lupulus L.).
In: Book of Abstracts from 4th International Symposium "Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology: Plant Molecular Biology for the New Millennium". - České Budějovice, ÚMBR AV ČR 2001. - S. 96.
[Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology: Plant Molecular Biology for the New Millennium /4./. Třeboň (CZ), 01.09.17-01.09.21 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA521/99/1591

087759 - UMBR-M 20010032 RIV SK eng J
Ondřej, M.
Transgenosis of Arabidopsis thaliana for undestanding gene functions and interactions.
Biológia, 56 [1] 1-5 (2001).
[Impact factor:0.050(91) 0.050(92) 0.038(93) 0.043(94) 0.079(95) 0.110(96) 0.283(97) 0.194(98) 0.220(99) 0.165(00) 0.208(01) 0,169(02) 0.183(03) ]

087760 - UMBR-M 20010033 CZ cze J
Ondřej, M. - Doubková, Z. - Drobník, J.
Aplikace zákona o nakládání s geneticky modifikovanými organismy u transgenních rostlin.
Farmář, 7, 24-29 (2001).

087761 - UMBR-M 20010034 RIV NL eng J
Patzak, J. - Matoušek, J. - Krofta, K. - Svoboda, P.
Hop latent viroid (HLVd)-caused pathohenesis: effects of HLVd infection on lupulin composition of meristem culture-derived Humulus lupulus.
Biologia plantarum, 44, 579-585 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA521/99/1591
[Impact factor:0.203(91) 0.215(92) 0.114(93) 0.168(94) 0.299(95) 0.413(96) 0.393(97) 0.566(98) 0.414(99) 0.424(00) 0.426(01) 0,583(02) 0.919(03) ]

087762 - UMBR-M 20010035 DB eng C
Patzak, J. - Matoušek, J. - Krofta, K. - Svoboda, P.
Pathogenic effects of HLVd.
In: International Hop Grovers Convention. Proceedings of the Scientific Commission I.H.G.C. - (Ed. Seigner, E.). - Hull, BLBP 2001. - S. 52-56.
[International Hop Grovers Convention. Canterbury (GB), 01.08.05-01.08.07 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA521/99/1591; NAZV(CZ) EP1183; GA MZd(CZ) EP0960996299

087765 - UMBR-M 20010038 RIV NL eng J
Pavingerová, D. - Bříza, J. - Niedermeierová, H.
Timing of transposition of Ac mobile element in potato.
Biologia plantarum, 44, 347-353 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK2052601
[Impact factor:0.203(91) 0.215(92) 0.114(93) 0.168(94) 0.299(95) 0.413(96) 0.393(97) 0.566(98) 0.414(99) 0.424(00) 0.426(01) 0,583(02) 0.919(03) ]

087738 - UMBR-M 20010011 SIGLE CZ eng A
Pavingerová, D. - Matoušek, J. - Bříza, J. - Novák, P. - Niedermeierová, H.
Modification of flower color in Chrysanthemum and Rhododendron by sense and antisense CHS-specific sequences.
In: Book of Abstracts from 4th International Symposium "Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology: Plant Molecular Biology for the New Millennium". - České Budějovice, ÚMBR AV ČR 2001. - S. 64.
[Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology: Plant Molecular Biology for the New Millennium /4./. Třeboň (CZ), 01.09.17-01.09.21 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA521/99/1591; GA AV ČR(CZ) IBS5051006

087793 - UMBR-M 20010066 CZ cze J
Petrzik, K.
Jsou rostlinné viry jen škodlivé?
Živa, 49, 54-56 (2001).

087794 - UMBR-M 20010067 FR eng A
Petrzik, K. - Lenz, O. - Vašková, D.
Natural variability of Apple mosaic, Prune dwarf and Prunus necrotic ringspot ilarviruses.
In: Book of Abstracts from Workshop "Potential environmental impacts associated with virus-resistant transgenic plants". - Versailles, European Science Foundation 2001. - S. 14.
[Potential environmental impacts associated with virus-resistant transgenic plants.. Versailles (FR), 01.06.05-01.06.06 (EUR)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IBS5051014

087766 - UMBR-M 20010039 RIV SK eng J
Petrzik, K. - Mráz, I. - Kubelková, D.
Preparation of recombinant coat protein of Prunus necrotic ringspot virus.
Acta virologica, 45, 61-63 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA522/99/0437
[Impact factor:0.438(91) 0.275(92) 0.205(93) 0.347(94) 0.362(95) 0.481(96) 0.454(97) 0.500(98) 0.476(99) 0.558(00) 0.644(01) 0,660(02) 0.683(03) ]

087767 - UMBR-M 20010040 NL eng J
Požárková, D. - Koblížková, A. - Roman, B. - Torres, A. M. - Lucretti, S. - Lysák, M. - Doležel, J. - Macas, J.
Targeted retrieval of molecular markers from defined part of field bean chromosome 1.
Chromosome research, 9 [Suppl.1] 100 (2001).
[Impact factor: 0.000(96) 2.006(97) 2.256(98) 1.576(99) 1.725(00) 1.835(01) 1,828(02) 2.038(03) ]

087768 - UMBR-M 20010041 RIV GB eng J
Přibylová, J. - Špak, J. - Fránová, J. - Petrzik, K.
Association of aster yelow subgroup 16SrI-B phytoplasmas with a disease of Rehmannia glutinosa var. purpurea.
Plant pathology, 50, 652-657 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA522/98/0792
[Impact factor: 0.831(96) 1.070(97) 0.842(98) 0.950(99) 0.903(00) 1.025(01) 1,167(02) 1.264(03) ]

087788 - UMBR-M 20010061 GB eng A
Přibylová, J. - Špak, J. - Fránová, J.
Further investigation on full blossom disease of currant in the Czech Republic.
In: Abstracts of 8th International Rubus and Ribes Symposium. - Dundee, Scottish Crop Research Institute 2001. - S. 48.
[International Rubus and Ribes Symposium /8./. Dundee (GB), 01.07.09-01.07.11 (WRD)]

087776 - UMBR-M 20010049 SIGLE CZ eng C
Ptáček, J. - Dědič, P. - Matoušek, J.
The diversification of potato virus Y (PVY).
In: Proceedings of the 11th EAPR Virology Section Meeting. - Havlíčkův Brod, Výzkumný ústav bramborářský 2001. - S. 8-11.
[EAPR Virology Section Meeting /11./. Třešť (CZ), 01.10.07-01.10.13 ( EUR)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA522/00/0227; NAZV(CZ) 1167

092448 - UMBR-M 20023044 CZ cze J
Rakouský, S.
O hodnocení rizika GMO.
Zemědělec, 9, [-] 12 (2001).

087787 - UMBR-M 20010060 PL eng C
Rakouský, S. - Tejklová, E. - Wiesner, I.
Recent advances in flax biotechnology in the Czech Republic.
In: Natural Fibres 2001. Proceedings from 2nd Global Workshop "Bast Plants in the New Millenium". - Poznan, INF Scientific Information Centre 2001. - S. 151-15.
[Bast Plants in the New Millenium.. Poznan - Borovets (PL), 01.06.03-01.06.06 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA521/97/1135; GA ČR(CZ) GA521/00/0075; NAZV(CZ) EP7044

087778 - UMBR-M 20010051 SIGLE CZ eng A
Roháček, K.
Kinetics of the minimum chlorophyll fluorescence yield (Fo) during a light induction period.
In: Book of abstracts from IXth days of plant physiology. - České Budějovice, ÚMBR AV ČR 2001. - S. 34.
[Days of Plant Physiolology /9./. České Budějovice (CZ), 01.09.17-01.09.21 (EUR)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA206/00/1051

087769 - UMBR-M 20010042 RIV US eng J
Schreiber, L. - Skrabs, M. - Hartmann, K. D. - Diamantopoulos, P. - Šimáňová, E. - Šantrůček, J.
Effect of humidity on cultivar water permeability of isolated cuticular membranes and leaf disks.
Planta, 214, 274-282 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA6051002
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:MSM 123100004
[Impact factor:2.953(91) 2.920(92) 2.828(93) 3.300(94) 3.318(95) 3.120(96) 3.323(97) 3.093(98) 2.977(99) 3.199(00) 3.349(01) 2,960(02) 3.053(03) ]

087777 - UMBR-M 20010050 SIGLE CZ eng C
Schubert, J. - Matoušek, J. - Mattern, D. - Rabenstein, F. - Dědič, P. - Sukhacheva, E.
NIb-mediated resistance of potatoes to PVY infections.
In: Proceedings of the 11th EAPR Virology Section Meeting. - Havlíčkův Brod, Výzkumný ústav bramborářský 2001. - S. 26-29.
[EAPR Virology Section Meeting /11./. Třešť (CZ), 01.10.07-01.10.13 ( EUR)]

087779 - UMBR-M 20010052 SIGLE CZ eng A
Šantrůček, J. - Schreiber, L. - Šimáňová, E. - Hronková, M. - Květoň, J. - Šimková, M.
Spatial heterogeneity of the leaf gas exchange.
In: Book of abstracts from IXth days of plant physiology. - České Budějovice, ÚMBR AV ČR 2001. - S. 113.
[Days of Plant Physiolology /9./. České Budějovice (CZ), 01.09.17-01.09.21 (EUR)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA206/00/0162; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA6051002

087780 - UMBR-M 20010053 SIGLE CZ eng A
Šantrůčková, H. - Wong, C. S. - Yong, W. H. L. - Šantrůček, J.
Growth response of banksia to elevated CO2 and concomitant changes in rhizosphere microbial community.
In: Book of abstracts from IXth days of plant physiology. - České Budějovice, ÚMBR AV ČR 2001. - S. 66.
[Days of Plant Physiolology /9./. České Budějovice (CZ), 01.09.17-01.09.21 (EUR)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:MSM 123100004

083976 - UPB-H 20013154 SIGLE CZ eng A
Šantrůčková, H. - Wong, C. S. - Yong, W. H. J. - Šantrůček, J.
Growth response of Banksia to elevated CO2 and concomitant changes in rhizosphere microbial community.
In: 9th days of plant physiology, Book of abstracts. - České Budějovice, Ústav molekulární biologie rostlin AV ČR 2001. - S. 66.
[Days of plant physiology /9./. České Budějovice (CZ), 01.09.17-01.09.21 (CST)]

087781 - UMBR-M 20010054 SIGLE CZ eng A
Šimáňová, E. - Šantrůček, J. - Schreiber, L.
Effect of humidity on water permeability of plant cuticles isolated from Prunus laurocerasus L. and Populus alba L. leaves.
In: Book of abstracts from IXth days of plant physiology. - České Budějovice, ÚMBR AV ČR 2001. - S. 114.
[Days of Plant Physiolology /9./. České Budějovice (CZ), 01.09.17-01.09.21 (EUR)]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) TSR-001-99; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA6051002

087792 - UMBR-M 20010065 SIGLE CZ eng C
Škopek, J. - Ptáček, J. - Dědič, P. - Matoušek, J.
Fragment cDNA-TGGE profiles throughout PVY genome as basis for virus variability analysis by DNA heteroduplexes.
In: Proceedings of the 11th EAPR Virology Section Meeting. - Havlíčkův Brod, Výzkumný ústav bramborářský 2001. - S. 77.
[EAPR Virology Section Meeting /11./. Třešť (CZ), 01.10.07-01.10.13 ( EUR)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA522/00/0227; NAZV(CZ) EP9111; GA AV ČR(CZ) IBS5051014

087783 - UMBR-M 20010056 CZ cze J
Špak, J.
Virové choroby rostlin.
Živa, 49, 6-8 (2001).

087784 - UMBR-M 20010057 CZ cze J
Špak, J.
Virus mozaiky huseníku. 1 s.
Rostlinolékař, 12 [Příloha Karanténní choroby] (2001).

087771 - UMBR-M 20010044 RIV NL eng J
Špak, J. - Přibylová, J. - Kubelková, D. - Navrátil, M. - Válová, P.
Outbreak of full blossom of red currant in the Czech Republic.
Acta horticulturae, 551, 55-58 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK2052601

087785 - UMBR-M 20010058 CZ eng A
Vácha, F. - Durchan, M. - Šiffel, P.
Excitonic interaction in the reaction centre of photosystem II studied by circular dichroism.
In: Book of abstracts from the IX days of plant physiology. - České Budějovice, ÚMBR AV ČR 2001. - S. 39.
[Days of Plant Physiology /9./. České Budějovice (CZ), 01.09.17-01.09.21 (EUR)]

092463 - UMBR-M 20023059 RIV NL eng J
Vašková, D. - Petrzik, K. - Špak, J. - Karešová, R.
Variability and molecular typing of the woody-tree infecting ilaviruses (Prunus necrotic ringspot virus and Prune dwarf virus.
Acta horticulturae, 550, [-] 237-244 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IBS5051014

087739 - UMBR-M 20010012 SIGLE CZ eng A
Vašková, D. - Petrzik, K. - Lenz, O.
Variability of Prune dwarf, Prune necrotic ringspot and Apple mosaic ilarviruses in the Czech Republic.
In: Book of Abstracts from 4th International Symposium "Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology: Plant Molecular Biology for the New Millennium". - České Budějovice, ÚMBR AV ČR 2001. - S. 31.
[Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology: Plant Molecular Biology for the New Millennium /4./. Třeboň (CZ), 01.09.17-01.09.21 (WRD)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IBS5051014

087740 - UMBR-M 20010013 SIGLE CZ eng A
Vašková, D. - Špak, J. - Klerks, M. M.
Improved diagnostic tools for the certification of strawberry propagation material - Strawberry vein banding virus (SVBV).
In: Book of Abstracts from 4th International Symposium "Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology: Plant Molecular Biology for the New Millennium". - České Budějovice, ÚMBR AV ČR 2001. - S. 48.
[Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology: Plant Molecular Biology for the New Millennium /4./. Třeboň (CZ), 01.09.17-01.09.21 (WRD)]

087741 - UMBR-M 20010014 SIGLE CZ eng A
Vlasák, J. - Pavlík, A. - Bříza, J. - Pavingerová, D.
GUS fusions with CaMV and human papilloma virus genes and their expression in potato protoplasts driven by p35S and pCMV promoters.
In: Book of Abstracts from 4th International Symposium "Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology: Plant Molecular Biology for the New Millennium". - České Budějovice, ÚMBR AV ČR 2001. - S. 68.
[Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology: Plant Molecular Biology for the New Millennium /4./. Třeboň (CZ), 01.09.17-01.09.21 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA310/00/081

087742 - UMBR-M 20010015 SIGLE CZ eng A
Vrba, L. - Matoušek, J. - Yukawa, Y. - Nap, J. P.
In vitro transcription and expression of modified 7SL RNA.
In: Book of Abstracts from 4th International Symposium "Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology: Plant Molecular Biology for the New Millennium". - České Budějovice, ÚMBR AV ČR 2001. - S. 69.
[Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology: Plant Molecular Biology for the New Millennium /4./. Třeboň (CZ), 01.09.17-01.09.21 (WRD)]

087786 - UMBR-M 20010059 JP jap J
Wabiko, H. - Gális, I. - Kakiuchi, Y.
Degeneration and regeneration of plant cells induced by the tumorogenetic genes from Agrobacterium.
Regulation of plant growth and development, 36, 24-34 (2001).

087743 - UMBR-M 20010016 SIGLE CZ eng A
Wiesner, I. - Wiesnerová, D.
Construction of flax genomic library enriched for (GATA) microsatellite sequences.
In: Book of Abstracts from 4th International Symposium "Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology: Plant Molecular Biology for the New Millennium". - České Budějovice, ÚMBR AV ČR 2001. - S. 99.
[Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology: Plant Molecular Biology for the New Millennium /4./. Třeboň (CZ), 01.09.17-01.09.21 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA521/00/0075

087773 - UMBR-M 20010046 RIV GB eng J
Wiesner, I. - Wiesnerová, D. - Tejklová, E.
Effect of anchor and core sequence in microsatellite primers on flax fingerprinting patterns.
Journal of agriculture research, 137, 37-44 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA521/00/0075
[Impact factor:0.617(92) 0.457(93) 0.621(94) 0.581(95) 0.619(96) 0.701(97) 0.650(98) 0.743(99) 0.673(00) 0.580(01) 0,463(02) 0.596(03) ]

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