ÚFP - Ústav fyziky plazmatu


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Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

047149 - UFP-V 980119 RIV US eng J
Amakawa, T. - Jeništa, J. - Heberlein, J. - Pfender, E.
Anode-boundary-layer behaviour in a transferedd, high-intensity arc.
Journal of Physics D - Applied Physics, 31 [20] 2826-2834 (1998).
[Impact factor: 1.100(96) 1.090(97) 0.000(98) 1.188(99) 1.179(00) 1.260(01) 1,366(02) 1.265(03) ]

047140 - UFP-V 980110 CZ eng G
Badalec, J.
Book of Abstracts. (Ed. Badalec, J.; Stöckel, J.; Šunka, P.; Tendler, M.). - Prague, European Physical Society 1998. - 1 s. - (ECA.).
[International Congress on Plasma Physics combined with 25th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics /25./. Prague (CZ) , 98.06.29-98.07.03]

047111 - UFP-V 980073 CZ eng A
Badalec, J. - Piffl, V. - Moravec, J. - Weinzettl, V.
VUV and USX Diagnostics of Impurities in CASTOR Tokamak.
In: Book of Abstracts. - (Ed. Badalec, J.; Stöckel, J.; Šunka, P.; Tendler, M.). - Prague, European Physical Society 1998. - S. 581.
[1998 International Congress on Plasma Physics, 25th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics /25./. Prague (CZ), 98.06.29-98.07.03]

047118 - UFP-V 980086 RIV CZ eng C
Badalec, J. - Piffl, V. - Moravec, J. - Weinzettl, V.
VUV and USX Diagnostics of Impurities in CASTOR Tokamak.
In: Proceedings of 1998 ICPP and 25th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics. - (Ed. Pavlo, P.). - Prague, EPS 1998. - S. 1582-1585. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts ECA. vol. 22C).
[ICPP and 25th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics /25./. Prague (CZ), 98.06.29-98.07.03]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1043501

065485 - UFP-V 990060 FR eng G
Badalec, J. - Piffl, V. - Moravec, J. - Weinzettl, V.
VUV and USX Diagnostics of Impurities in CASTOR Tokamak. (Ed. Pavlo, P.). - Mulhouse, European Physical Society 1998. - S. 1582-1585. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts. 22C).
[International Congress on Plasma Physics combined with the 25th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics/1998./. Prague ( CZ), 98.06.29-98.07.03]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1043501
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii

097352 - UFP-V 20020138 CZ eng C
Brožek, V. - Hrabovský, M. - Kopecký, V. - Trojan, M.
Condensed Polyphosphate Pigments Prepared in WSP 500 plasmochemical reactor.
In: CHISA '98, 13th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering. - Prague, Vysoká škola chemicko-technologická, ČR 1998. - S. P7.28.
[CHISA '98, 13th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering.. Prague (CZ), 98.08.23-98.08.28 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/98/0813
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

047115 - UFP-V 980080 CZ cze D
Chráska, P.
Plazmové stříkání. Praha 8, Za Slovankou 3, Ustav fyziky plazmatu 1998. - 133 s.

047073 - UFP-V 980005 RIV US eng C
Chráska, P. - Brožek, V. - Kolman, B. J. - Ilavský, J. - Neufuss, K. - Dubský, J. - Voleník, K.
Porosity Control of Thermally Sprayed Ceramic Deposits.
In: 15th International Thermal Spray Conference. - (Ed. Coddet, Ch.). - Materials Park, OH, ASM International 1998. - S. 1299-1304.
[International Thermal Spray Conference /15./. Nice (FR), 98.05.25-98.05.29]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) OC 515.10

047083 - UFP-V 980015 RIV US eng C
Chráska, P. - Neufuss, K. - Kolman, B. J. - Dubský, J.
Plasma Spraying of Silicates.
In: Thermal Spray:A United Forum for Scientific and Technological Advances. - (Ed. Berndt, Ch.C.). - Materials Park, OH, ASM International 1998. - S. 477-481.
[United Thermal Spray Conference /1./. Indianapolis (US), 97.09.15-97.09.18]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA104/96/1353; GA ČR(CZ) GA202/95/0216

050076 - FZU-D 980155 NL eng J
Chráska, T. - Lašek, J. - Chráska, P.
Resistometric investigation of phase transformations in NiAl alloys. (Ed. Novák, J.). -
Materials Science and Engineering. A, 244, 263-272 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA106/93/0513
[Impact factor:0.801(92) 1.049(93) 0.986(94) 0.853(95) 0.852(96) 0.842(97) 0.748(98) 0.943(99) 0.897(00) 0.978(01) 1,107(02) 1.365(03) ]

047133 - UFP-V 980101 CZ cze K
Ctibor, P. - Neufuss, K.
Granátové nástřiky pro povrchy nástrojů.
In: 13. seminář progresívní a netradiční technologie povrchových úprav - Sborník přednášek. - (Ed. Kreibich, V.). - Praha, Fakulta strojní ČVUT 1998. - S. 12-14.
[Seminář progresivní a netradiční technologie povrchových úprav /13./. Praha, ČVUT (CZ), 98.11.25-98.11.26]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA104/96/1354

085720 - UFP-V 20010030 SK eng C
Člupek, M. - Lukeš, P. - Babický, V. - Šunka, P. - Štefečka, M. - Skalný, J. D.
Erosion of iron electrodes in pulsed corona discharge in water.
In: Book of Contributed Papers, Part 2 from 11th Symposium on Elementary Processes and Chemical Reactions in Low Temperature Plasma. - (Ed. Morvová, M.; Hensel, K.). - Bratislava, MFF UK Bratislava 1998. - S. 199-204.
[Symposium on Elementary Processes and Chemical Reactions in Low Temperature Plasma/11th./. Liptovský Ján (SK), 98.06.22-98.06.26 (EUR) ]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/0746
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

047071 - UFP-V 980003 GB eng J
DeBenedictis, S. - Dilecce, G. - Šimek, M.
Lif measurement of N2(A3S+u,v=4) population density in a pulsed RF discharge.
Journal of Physics D - Applied Physics, 31 [10] 1197-1205 (1998).
Grant: XX(CZ) CNR-AVCR Kooperace
[Impact factor: 1.100(96) 1.090(97) 0.000(98) 1.188(99) 1.179(00) 1.260(01) 1,366(02) 1.265(03) ]

047113 - UFP-V 980078 RIV GB eng J
DeBenedictis, S. - Dilecce, G. - Šimek, M. - Vigliotti, M.
Experimental Study of N2 RF Plasma Jet by Optical Methods.
Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 7 [4] 557-571 (1998).
[Impact factor: 2.038(99) 1.963(00) 2.063(01) 1,816(02) 1.676(03) ]

047077 - UFP-V 980009 RIV US eng C
Denoirjean, A. - Lagnoux, O. - Fauchais, P. - Sember, V.
Oxidation Control in Atmospheric plasma spraing:Comparison between Ar/H2/He and Ar/H2.
In: Thermal Spray Meeting the Challenges of the 21st Century. - (Ed. Coddet, Ch.). - Materials Park, OH, ASM International 1998. - S. 809-814.
[International Thermal Spray Conference /15./. Nice (FR), 98.05.25-98.05.29]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1043601

047075 - UFP-V 980007 RIV US eng C
Dubský, J. - Kolman, B. J. - Buchal, A.
Phase Composition changes in plasma sprayed zircon-alumina Tubes.
In: Thermal Spray, Meeting the Challanges of the 21st Century. - (Ed. Coddet, Ch.). - Materials Park, OH, ASM International 1998. - S. 1613-1616.
[International Thermal Spray Conference /15./. Nice (FR), 98.05.25-98.05.29]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA104/96/1353; GA ČR(CZ) GA106/97/0775

047082 - UFP-V 980014 RIV US eng C
Dubský, J. - Kolman, B. J. - Neufuss, K.
Phase Composition Changes in Annealed Plasma-Sprayed Zircon-Alumina Coatings.
In: Thermal Spray:A United Forum for Scientific and Technological Advances. - (Ed. Berndt, Ch.C.). - Materials Park, OH, ASM International 1998. - S. 473-476.
[United Thermal Spray Conference/1./. Indianapolis (US), 97.09.15-97.09.18]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA104/96/1353; GA ČR(CZ) GA106/97/0775

047114 - UFP-V 980079 SK cze J
Dubský, J. - Kolman, B. - Ctibor, P. - Kroupa, F.
Pnutí v ocelových nastřicích.
Acta Mechanica Slovaca, 2, 183-188 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA106/97/0775

059149 - UFP-V 990019 DE eng A
Dubský, J. - Kolman, B. - Ctibor, P.
Structure and residual streses in thermally sprayed steel coatings.
In: Abstracts of 5th International Symposium on Functionally Graded Materials. - Dresden, - 1998. - S. 183+0.
[International Symposium on Functionally Graded Materials/5./. Dresden (DE), 98.10.26-98.10.29]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA106/97/0775
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii

047106 - UFP-V 980049 CZ eng D
Ďuran, I.
Fluctuations of magnetic field in the CASTOR tokamak(diploma work). Praha, Ustav fyziky plazmatu 1998. - 78 s.

047122 - UFP-V 980090 RIV CZ eng C
Ďuran, I. - Stöckel, J. - Jakubka, K.
Coherent modes and broadband magnetic turbulence in the CASTOR tokamak.
In: Proceedings of 1998 ICPP and 25th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics. - (Ed. Pavlo, P.). - Prague, EPS 1998. - S. 714-717. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts ECA.).
[ICPP and 25th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics /25./. Prague (CZ), 98.06.29-98.07.03]

065484 - UFP-V 990059 FR eng G
Ďuran, I. - Stöckel, J. - Jakubka, K.
Coherent modes and broadband magnetic turbulence on the CASTOR tokamak. (Ed. Pavlo, P.). - Mulhouse, European Physical Society 1998. - S. 714-717. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts.; 22C.).
[International Congress on Plasma Physics combined with the 25th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics/1998./. Prague ( CZ), 98.06.29-98.07.03]

047091 - UFP-V 980023 RIV US eng C
Gansert, D. J. - Gansert, R. V. - Herman, H. - Chráska, P.
High throughp at Production Plasma Spraying using Water-Stabilized Plasma.
In: Thermal Spray: A United Forum for Scientific and Technological Advaces. - (Ed. Berndt, Ch.C.). - Materials Park, OH, ASM International 1998. - S. 992-0.
[United Thermal Spray Conference /1./. Indianapolis (US), 97.09.15-97.09.18]

047089 - UFP-V 980021 RIV US eng C
Gansert, R. - Sampath, S. - Berndt, C. C. - Herman, H. - Chráska, P.
Plasma-Spray Processing of Ceramic Materials Using Water-Stabilized Plasma.
In: Thermal Spray: A United Forum for Scientific and Technological Advances. - (Ed. Berndt, Ch.C.). - Materials Park, OH, ASM International 1998. - S. 984-0.
[United Thermal Spray Conference /1./. Indianapolis (US), 97.09.15-97.09.18]

047107 - UFP-V 980052 CZ eng A
Group, C. C. - Petržílka, V. - Krlín, L.
Interaction of tokamak edge electron with LH waves.
In: Book of Abstracts, EPS Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. - (Ed. Badalec, J.; Stöckel, J.; Šunka, P.; Tendler, M.). - Prague, EPS 1998. - S. 485-0.
[International Congress on Plasma Physics Combined with the 25th EPS Conferenceon Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics /25./. Prague (CZ), 98.06.29-98.07.03]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/96/1355

065483 - UFP-V 990058 FR eng G
Heller, M. V. A. P. - Brasilio, Z. A. - Caldas, J. L. - Stöckel, J. - Petržílka, J.
Scrape-off Layer Intermittency in the CASTOR Tokamak. (Ed. Pavlo, P.). - Mulhouse, European Physical Society 1998. - S. 718-721. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts. 22C).
[International Congress on Plasma Physics combined with the 25th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics/1998./. Prague ( CZ), 98.06.29-98.07.03]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1043701
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii

047090 - UFP-V 980022 RIV US eng C
Herman, H. - Jewett, T. J. - Berndt, C. C. - Sampath, S. - Allen, A. J. - Long, G. G. - Ilavský, J.
Effect of Powder Particle Size on Processing, Microstructure and Properties of Partially Stabilized Zirconia.
In: 1st United Thermal Spray Conference. - (Ed. Berndt, Ch.C.). - Materials Park, OH, ASM International 1998. - S. 991-0.
[United Thermal Spray Conference /1./. Indianapolis (US), 97.09.15-97.09.18]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1010601

097346 - UFP-V 20020132 RIV GB eng J
Hrabovský, M.
Water-stabilized plasma generators.
Pure and Applied Chemistry, 70 [6] 1157-1162 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0592; GA ČR(CZ) GV106/96/K245
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor:1.308(91) 1.739(92) 1.323(93) 1.403(94) 1.495(95) 1.630(96) 1.971(97) 1.677(98) 1.141(99) 1.257(00) 1.535(01) 1,750(02) 1.471(03) ]

097347 - UFP-V 20020133 RU eng C
Hrabovský, M. - Konrád, M. - Kopecký, V. - Sember, V.
Mixing and Entrainment of Cold Gas into Thermal Plasma Jet Generated in Water-Stabilized Plasma Torch.
In: 5th European Conference on Thermal Plasma Processes. - (Ed. Dresvin, S.). - St. Petersburg, University St. Petersburg 1998. - S. 47.
[European Conference on Thermal Plasma Processes /5./. St. Petersburg (RU), 98.07.13-98.07.16 (EUR)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/98/0813; GA ČR(CZ) GV106/96/K245
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

097348 - UFP-V 20020134 RIV RU eng C
Hrabovský, M. - Konrád, M. - Kopecký, V.
Investigation of Structure of Turbulent Boundary Layer Between Thermal Plasma Jet and Ambient Air.
In: TPP-5, 5th European Conference on Thermal Plasma Processes. - (Ed. Dresvin, S.). - St. Petersburg, University St. Petersburg 1998. - S. 117.
[European Conference on Thermal Plasma Processes /5./. St.Petersburg (RU), 98.07.13-98.07.16 (EUR)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1043804; GA ČR(CZ) GV106/96/K245
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

097349 - UFP-V 20020135 RIV RU eng C
Hrabovský, M. - Konrád, M. - Kopecký, V.
Velocity Field of Particles Injected into Plasma Jet Generated by Torch with Water Stabilization.
In: TPP-5, 5th European Conference on Thermal Plasma Processes. - (Ed. Dresvin, S.). - St. Petersburg, University St. Petersburg 1998. - S. 130.
[European Conference on Thermal Plasma Processes /5./. St. Petersburg (RU), 98.07.13-98.07.16 (EUR)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1043804; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/98/0813
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

097351 - UFP-V 20020137 GB eng B
Hrabovský, M. - Konrád, M. - Kopecký, V. - Sember, V.
Properties of Water Stabilized Plasma Torches. (Ed. Solonenko, O.P.). - Cambridge, Cambridge Inter.Science Publishing 1998. - 16 s.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA108/98/0813; GA ČR(CZ) GV106/96/K245
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

047117 - UFP-V 980085 CZ cze D
Hron, M.
Transport částic v okrajovém plazmatu na tokamaku CASTOR. Praha 8, Ústav fyziky plazmatu 1998. - 168 s.

047099 - UFP-V 980039 RIV DE eng J
Hron, M. - Stöckel, J. - Kryška, L. - Žáček, F.
Double-Pin-Plate Probe Measurements in Turbulent Magnetized Plasmas.
Contributions to Plasma Physics, 38 [Special Issue] 115-120 ( 1998).
[International Workshop on Electrical Probes in Magnetized Plasma /3./. Berlin (DE), 97.09.22-97.09.25]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1043701
[Impact factor:0.297(91) 0.416(92) 0.273(93) 0.530(94) 0.662(95)0.846(96) 1.008(97) 0.790(98) 1.008(99) 0.785(00)0.846(01) 0,804(02) 0.863(03) ]

065482 - UFP-V 990057 FR eng G
Hron, M. - Stöckel, J. - Kryška, L.
Plasma Fluctuations and Probe Sheath. (Ed. Pavlo, P.). - Mulhouse, European Physical Society 1998. - S. 1590-1593. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts. 22C).
[International Congress on Plasma Physics combined with the 25th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics/1998./. Prague ( CZ), 98.06.29-98.07.03]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1043701; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1043601
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii

047092 - UFP-V 980024 RIV CH eng J
Ilavský, J. - Berndt, C. C.
Thermal Expansion Properties of Metallic and Cermet Coatings.
Surface and Coatings Technology, 102, 19-24 (1998).
[Impact factor:1.051(91) 0.933(92) 1.092(93) 0.901(94) 0.903(95) 0.883(96) 0.892(97) 0.900(98) 1.008(99) 1.002(00) 1.236(01) 1,267(02) 1.410(03) ]

047076 - UFP-V 980008 RIV US eng C
Ilavský, J. - Long, G. G. - Allen, A. J.
Evolution of the microstructure of plasma-sprayed deposits during heating.
In: Thermal Spray Meeting the Challenges of the 21st Century. - (Ed. Coddet, Ch.). - Materials Park, OH, ASM International 1998. - S. 1641-1644.
[International Thermal Spray Conference/15./. Nice (FR), 98.05.25-98.05.29]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/98/P066; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1010601

047086 - UFP-V 980018 RIV US eng C
Ilavský, J. - Long, G. G. - Allen, A. J. - Berndt, C. C. - Herman, H.
Changes in the Microstructure of Plasma Sprayed Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia De-posits During Simulated Operating Conditions.
In: Thermal Spray: A United Forum for Scientific and Technological Advances. - (Ed. Berndt, Ch. C.). - Materials Park, OH, ASM International 1998. - S. 697-702.
[United Thermal Spray Conference /1./. Indianapolis (US), 97.09.15-97.09.18]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1010601

047104 - UFP-V 980045 RIV CZ eng J
Ilavský, J. - Long, G. G. - Allen, A. J. - Herman, H. - Berndt, C. C.
Use of small-angle neutron scattering for characterization of anisotropic structures produced by thermal spraying.
Ceramics - Silikáty, 42 [3] 81-89 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/98/P066; GA NSF INTER(US) 9317415
[Impact factor:0.132(92) 0.162(93) 0.099(94) 0.058(95) 0.207(96) 0.098(97) 0.152(98) 0.208(99) 0.167(00) 0.259(01) 0,354(02) 0.449(03) ]

047074 - UFP-V 980006 RIV US eng C
Ilavský, J. - Long, G. G. - Allen, A. J. - Leblanc, L. - Prystay, M. - Moreau, C.
Anisokopie Microstructure of plasma-sprayed deposits.
In: Thermal Spray Meeting the Challenges of the 21st Century. - (Ed. Coddet, Ch.). - Materials Park, OH, ASM International 1998. - S. 1577-1582.
[International Thermal Spray Conference /15./. Nice (FR), 98.05.25-98.05.29]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/98/P066

047088 - UFP-V 980020 RIV US eng C
Ilavský, J. - Long, G. G. - Allen, A. J. - Sampath, S. - Vardelle, A.
Effect of Deposition Temperature and Thermal Cycling on Porosity Thermal Properties of Partially Stabilized Zirconia Coatings.
In: Thermal Spray: A United Forum for Scientific and Technological Advances. - (Ed. Berndt, Ch.C.). - Materials Park, OH, ASM International 1998. - S. 984-0.
[United Thermal Spray Conference /1./. Indianapolis (US), 97.09.15-97.09.18]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1010601

047084 - UFP-V 980016 RIV US eng C
Ilavský, J. - Stalick, J.
Phase composition of Plasma-Sprayed Yttria Stabilized Zirconia.
In: Thermal Spray:A United Forum for Scientific and Technological Advances. - (Ed. Berndt, Ch.C.). - Materials Park, OH, ASM International 1998. - S. 691-695.
[United Thermal Spray Conference /1./. Indianapolis (US), 97.09.15-97.09.18]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1010601

047147 - UFP-V 980117 RIV CZ eng K
Jeništa, J.
The Effect of Evaporation Mass Flow Rate on the Properties of Water-Swirl Electric arc.
In: 13th Symposium on Physics of Switching arc. - Brno, - 1998. - S. 374-377.
[Symposium on Physics of Switching arc /13./. Brno (CZ), 98.09.07-98.09.11]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV106/96/K245; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/98/0813; GA AV ČR (CZ) KSK1043601

047148 - UFP-V 980118 RIV CZ eng C
Jeništa, J.
Parametric Study of a Water-Swirl Stabilized Electric Arc.
In: Proceedings of the 1998 ICPP & 25th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. - (Ed. Pavlo, P.; Pick, R.M.; Mulhouse, G.T.). - Prague, European Physical Society 1998. - S. 218. - (ECA. P3).
[International Congress on Plasma Physics combined with 25th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics /25./. Prague (CZ) , 98.06.29-98.07.03]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV106/96/K245; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/98/0813; GA AV ČR (CZ) IAC1043601

065518 - UFP-V 990102 NL eng J
Kesler, O. - Matějíček, J. - Sampath, S. - Suresh, S. - Gnaupel-Herold, T. - Brand, P. C. - Prask, H. J.
Measurement of Residual Stress in Plasma-Sprayed Metallic, Ceramic and Composite Coatings.
Materials Science and Engineering. A, 257 [2] 215-224 (1998).
Grant: NSF(US) DMR 632570
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii
[Impact factor:0.801(92) 1.049(93) 0.986(94) 0.853(95) 0.852(96) 0.842(97) 0.748(98) 0.943(99) 0.897(00) 0.978(01) 1,107(02) 1.365(03) ]

047141 - UFP-V 980111 RIV PL eng J
Koláček, K. - Boháček, V. - Schmidt, J. - Ullschmied, J. - Řípa, M.
Axial of Fast Capillary Discharge in the Visible and Soft X-ray Region.
Journal of Technical Physics, 39 [special suppl.] 161-165 (1998).
[International Worskshop on Plasma Focus Research (PFF 98). Kudowa Zdroj (PL), 98.07.06-98.07.08]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/98/0831

047143 - UFP-V 980113 RIV IL eng A
Koláček, K. - Boháček, V. - Schmidt, J. - Šunka, P. - Ullschmied, J. - Řípa, M.
Comparison of Computed and Measured Parameters of Driver for Fast Capillary Discharge.
In: Program and Abstracts. - Haifa, - 1998. - S. 231. - (BEAMS.).
[International Conference on High Power Particle Beams /12./. Haifa (IL), 98.06.07-98.06.12]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/98/0831

047144 - UFP-V 980114 RIV CZ eng C
Koláček, K. - Boháček, V. - Schmidt, J. - Šunka, P. - Ullschmied, J. - Řípa, M.
The Prague Fast Capillary Discharge-Preliminary Results.
In: Proceedings of the 1998 International Congress on Plasma Physics combined with the 25th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics. - (Ed. Pavlo, P.; Pick, R.M; Mulhouse, G.T.). - Prague, European Physical Society 1998. - S. C043. - (ECA.).
[International Congress on Plasma Physics combined with the 25th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion Plasma Physics /25./. Prague (CZ), 98.06.29-98.07.03]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/98/0831

047145 - UFP-V 980115 AR eng A
Koláček, K. - Boháček, V. - Schmidt, J. - Šunka, P. - Ullschmied, J. - Řípa, M.
Axial Emission of Fast Capillary Discharge in the Soft X-ray Region.
In: 8 Latin American Workshop on Plasma Physics (LAWPP 98). - Tandil, - 1998. - S. 1-3. - ( 7.4).
[Latin American Workshop on Plasma Physics /7./. Tandil (AR), 98.11.16-98.11.28]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/98/0831

097325 - UFP-V 20020111 CZ eng A
Koláček, K. - Boháček, V. - Schmidt, J. - Šunka, P. - Ullschmied, J. - Řípa, M.
The Prague Fast Capillary Discharge-Preliminary Results.
In: Abstracts of Invited and Contributed Papers. - Prague, European Physical Society 1998. - S. 554.
[International Congress on Plasma Physics combined with the /25./ EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics/1998./. Prague (CZ), 98.06.29-98.07.03 (EUR)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/98/0831
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

097326 - UFP-V 20020112 IL eng C
Koláček, K. - Boháček, V. - Schmidt, J. - Šunka, P. - Ullschmied, J. - Řípa, M.
Comparison of Computed and Measured Parameters of a Driver for Fast Capillary Discharge.
In: Proceedings Beams '98. - (Ed. Markovits, M.; Shilon, J.). - Haifa, - 1998. - S. 619-622.
[International Conference on High Power Particle Beams /12./. Haifa (IL), 98.06.07-98.06.12 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/98/0831
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

047131 - UFP-V 980099 RIV BE eng A
Kolman, B. - Neufuss, K. - Ilavský, J. - Dubský, J. - Chráska, P.
Chemical inhomogeneity of silicates treated by plasma spraying.
In: Book of abstracts, (IXCOM-XV,) 15th International Congress on X-ray Optics and Microanalysis. - (Ed. Janssens, K.). - Antwerp, University of Antwerp (UIA), Department of Chemistry, Micro and Trace Analysis Centre 1998. - S. 67-0.
[ICXOM-15th International Congress on X-ray Optics and Microanalysis. Antwerp (BE), 98.08.24-98.08.27]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA104/96/1353; GA ČR(CZ) GA106/97/S008; GA ČR(CZ) GA106/97/0775

047129 - UFP-V 980097 RIV CZ eng C
Kopecký, V.
Electric probes investigation of turbulence in the interaction zone of the plasma jet with the ambient air.
In: Proceedings of the 1998 ICPP & 25th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. - (Ed. Pavlo, P.; Pick, R.M.; Mulhouse, G.T.). - Praha, EPS 1998. - S. 2643-2646. - (ECA.; 22C. 22C ).
[International Congress on Plasma Physics combined with 25th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics /25./. Praha (CZ), 98.06.29-98.07.03]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1043804

097350 - UFP-V 20020136 GB eng C
Kopecký, V. - Hrabovský, M. - Konrád, M.
Investigation of Structure of Mixing Zone of Thermal Plasma Jet by Electric Probes.
In: ESCAMPING 98, Proceedings of 14th European Conference on the Atomic and Molecular Physics of ionised Gases. - Dublin, University Dublin 1998. - S. 392-393.
[ESCAMPING, European Conference on the Atomic and Molecular Physics of ionised Gases /14./. Dublin (GB), 98.08.26-98.08.29 (EUR)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/98/0813
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

047130 - UFP-V 980098 RIV CZ eng C
Kotalík, P.
Two-phase flow of a plasma jet and powder particles.
In: Proceedings of the 1998 International Congress on Plasma Physics combined with the 25th European Physical Society Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Contributed Papers. - (Ed. Pavlo, P.; Pick, R.M.; Mulhouse, G.T.). - Praha, European Physical Society 1998. - S. 2710-2713. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts, ECA.; 22C.).
[International Congress on Plasma Physics combined with the 25th European Physical Society Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics /25./. Praha (CZ), 98.06.29-98.07.03]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/98/0813; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1043804

047132 - UFP-V 980100 CZ eng I
Krlín, L. - Klíma, R. - Pavlo, P. - Petržílka, V. - Svoboda, V. - Tataronis, J. A.
Transport of intensive LH pulses into the tokamak plasma. Praha 8, Praha 1998. - 28 s. - (Research Report.; IPPCZ. 360).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/96/1350; GA ČR(CZ) GA202/96/1355; Czech Science and Technol. program(US) 93068, US:Departmen of Energy:De-FG02-88ER53264

047108 - UFP-V 980054 CZ eng A
Krlín, L. - Pavlo, P. - Petržílka, V.
Direct numerical simulation of LHH and CD.
In: 1998 International Congress on Plasma Physics Combined with the 25th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Abstracts of Invited on Contributed Papers. - (Ed. Badalec, J.; Stöckel, J.; Šunka, P.; Tendler, M.). - Prague, European Physical Society 1998. - S. 100-0.
[1998 International Congress on Plasma PhysicsEPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics /25./. Prague (CZ), 98.06.29-98.07.03]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/96/1350; GA ČR(CZ) GA202/96/1355

047134 - UFP-V 980103 RIV CZ eng C
Krlín, L. - Pavlo, P. - Petržílka, V.
On Interaction of LHW with Electron.
In: Proceedings of the 1998 International Congress on Plasma Physics combined with 25th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics. - (Ed. Pavlo, P.; Pick, R.M.; Mulhouse, G.T.). - Praha, European Physical Society 1998. - S. 1230-1233. - (ECA. 22C).
[International Congress on Plasma Physics combined with 25th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics /25./. Praha (CZ), 98.06.29-98.07.03]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/96/1350; GA ČR(CZ) GA202/96/1355

047109 - UFP-V 980056 RIV AT eng C
Krlín, L. - Stöckel, J. - Svoboda, V.
Stochastic E x B Diffusion of Ions in a Spatially Periodical Potential Field.
In: EPTS & Program and Abstracts. - (Ed. Kuhn, S.; Pedit, H.). - Innsbruck, University of Innsbruck 1998. - S. 43-0.
[Edge-Plasma Theory and Simulation Workshop. Innsbruck (AT), 98.07.06-98.07.08]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/96/1350; GA ČR(CZ) GA202/96/1355; GA AV ČR (CZ) IAA1043701

065481 - UFP-V 990056 RIV CZ eng J
Krlín, L. - Stöckel, J. - Svoboda, V.
Stochastic E x B diffusion of ions in a spatially periodical potential field.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics. Supplement, 48 [S2] 301-306 ( 1998).
[Edge plasma theory and simulation workshop. Innsbruck (AT), 98.07.06-98.07.08]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/96/1350; GA ČR(CZ) GA202/96/1355; GA AV ČR (CZ) IAA1043701
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

047103 - UFP-V 980044 RIV DK eng C
Kroupa, F. - Kachanov, M.
Effect of Microcracks and Pores on the Elastic Properties of Plasma Sprayed Materials.
In: Proceedings of the 19th Riso International Symposium on Materials Science: Modelling of Structure and Mechanics of Materials from Microscale to Product. - (Ed. Carstensen, J.V.; Leffers, T.; Lorentzen, T.; Pedersen, O.B.; Sorensen, B.F.; Winther, G.). - Roskilde, Riso National Laboratory, Roskilde 1998. - S. 325-330.
[Modelling of Structure and Mechanics of Materials from Microscale to Product. Riso (DK), 98.09.07-98.09.11]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1010601

047102 - UFP-V 980042 CZ eng J
Kroupa, F. - Nejezchleb, K.
Bending of Piezoelectric Actuators.
Ceramics - Silikáty, 42 [1] 29-38 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1010601
[Impact factor:0.132(92) 0.162(93) 0.099(94) 0.058(95) 0.207(96) 0.098(97) 0.152(98) 0.208(99) 0.167(00) 0.259(01) 0,354(02) 0.449(03) ]

047101 - UFP-V 980041 CZ eng J
Kroupa, F. - Vyšohlíd, M.
Quenching Residual Stresses in Continuously Thermal Sprayed Coatings.
Acta Technica CSAV, 43 [3] 277-300 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1010601

047112 - UFP-V 980077 RIV US eng J
Kubeš, P. - Koláček, K. - Krejčí, A. - Kravárik, J. - Paduch, M. - Tomaszewski, K.
Evolution of the Gas-Puff Z-Pinch Column.
IEEE Transaction on Plasma Science, 26 [4] 1113-1118 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/93/1023; GA ČR(CZ) GA202/95/0178
[Impact factor:0.918(91) 1.317(92) 1.078(93) 0.969(94) 1.085(95) 1.300(96) 1.183(97) 1.072(98) 1.085(99) 1.227(00) 0.892(01) 1,170(02) 0.840(03) ]

047146 - UFP-V 980116 RIV IE eng C
Lukeš, P. - Šunka, P. - Člupek, M. - Babický, V.
Pegradation of Phenol by Pulsed Streamer Corona Discharge in Aqueous Solution.
In: HAKONE 6, Contributed Papers. - Cork, - 1998. - S. 328-333.
[HAKONE 6, International Symposium on High Pressure, Low Temperature Plasma Chemistry. Cork (IE), 98.08.31-98.09.02]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/96/0746

047136 - UFP-V 980105 RIV US eng J
Matějíček, J. - Sampath, S. - Dubský, J.
X-ray Residual Stress Measurements in Metallic and Ceramic Plasma Sprayed Coatings.
Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 7 [4] 489-496 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA106/97/0775
[Impact factor: 0.800(97) 0.707(99) 0.816(00) 0.862(01) 0,591(02) 0.726(03) ]

047087 - UFP-V 980019 RIV US eng C
Matějíček, J. - Sampath, S. - Dubský, J.
Residual Stress Measurement in Plasma Sprayed Coatings by x-Ray Diffraction.
In: Thermal Spray: A United Forum for Scientific and Technological Advances. - (Ed. Berndt, Ch.C.). - Materials Park, OH, ASM International 1998. - S. 855-860.
[United Thermal Spray Conference /1./. Indianapolis (US), 97.09.15-97.09.18]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA106/97/0775

065519 - UFP-V 990104 FR eng G
Matějíček, J. - Sampath, S. - Herman, H.
Processing Effects on Splat Formation, Microstructure and Quenching Stress in Plasma Sprayed Coatings. (Ed. Coddet, C.). - -, ASM International 1998. - 6 s.
[International Thermal Spray Conference /15./. Nice (FR), 98.05.25-98.05.29]
Grant: NSF(US) DMR 632570
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii

047139 - UFP-V 980108 CZ eng G
Pavlo, P.
Proceedings of the 1998 International Congress on Plasma Physics combined with the 25th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Contributed Papers. (Ed. Pavlo, P.). - Prague, European Physical Society 1998. - 2894 s. - (ECA. 22C).
[International Congress on Plasma Physics combined with the 25th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics /25./. Prague (CZ) , 98.06.29-98.07.03]

047078 - UFP-V 980010 RIV BE eng C
Pavlo, P. - Krlín, L. - Petržílka, V.
Limits of Validity of the Quasilinear Approximation in LHH & CD Modeling.
In: Second Europhysics Topical Conference on Radio Frequency Heating and Current Drive of Fusion Devices, Contributed Papers. - (Ed. Jacquinot, J.; Van Oost, G.; Weynants, R.R.). - Brussels, European Physical Society 1998. - S. 201-204. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts.; A. 22).
[Second Europhysics Topical Conference on Radio Frequency Heating and Current Drive of Fusion Devices. Brussels (BE), 98.01.20-98.01.23]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/96/1350; GA ČR(CZ) GA202/96/1355

047081 - UFP-V 980013 RIV US eng J
Pavlo, P. - Vahala, G. - Vahala, L.
Higher Order Isotropic Velocity Grids in Lattice Methods.
Physical Review Letters, 80 [18] 3960-3963 (1998).
[Impact factor:7.290(91) 7.375(92) 7.111(93) 6.626(94) 6.297(95) 6.477(96) 6.140(97) 6.017(98) 6.095(99) 6.462(00) 6.668(01) 7,323(02) 7.035(03) ]

047124 - UFP-V 980092 RIV US eng J
Pavlo, P. - Vahala, G. - Vahala, L.
3D Thermal Lattice Boltzmann models.
Bulletin of the American Physical Society. Program of the 40th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics, 43 [8] 1859 ( 1998).
[Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics /40./. New Orleans, Lousiana (US), 98.11.16-98.11.20]

047079 - UFP-V 980011 RIV US eng J
Pavlo, P. - Vahala, G. - Vahala, L. - Soe, M.
Linear Stability Analysis of Thermo-Lattice Boltzmann Models.
Journal of Computational Physics, 139 [1] 79-91 (1998).
[Impact factor:1.208(92) 1.198(93) 1.084(94) 1.052(95) 1.155(96) 1.151(97) 1.377(98) 1.310(99) 1.550(00) 1.716(01) 1,553(02) 1.762(03) ]

047100 - UFP-V 980040 RIV DE eng J
Petržílka, J. - Stöckel, J.
Edge Turbulence Analysis by Means of Electrical Probes on Tokamak CASTOR.
Contributions to Plasma Physics, 38 [Special Issue] 74-79 (1998).
[International Workshop on Electrical Probes in Magnetized Plasma /3./. Berlin (DE), 97.09.22-97.09.25]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1043701; IAEA Contract(XX) 6702/RB/R2
[Impact factor:0.297(91) 0.416(92) 0.273(93) 0.530(94) 0.662(95)0.846(96) 1.008(97) 0.790(98) 1.008(99) 0.785(00)0.846(01) 0,804(02) 0.863(03) ]

047094 - UFP-V 980029 CZ eng A
Petržílka, V. - Fuchs, V. - Goniche, M. - Mailloux, J. - Soldner, F.
Electron acceleration in front of the JET and Tore Supra grills.
In: Book of Abstracts, EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion andPlasma Physics. - (Ed. Badalec, J.; Stöckel, J.; Šunka, P.; Tendler, M.). - Prague, EPS 1998. - S. 90-0. - (EPS Conference Abstracts.).
[EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics/25th./. Prague (CZ), 98.06.29-98.07.03]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/96/1355

047096 - UFP-V 980031 RIV BE eng C
Petržílka, V. - Fuchs, V. - Krlín, L. - Tataronis, J. - Lontano, M. - Pavlo, P.
Enhancement of electron acceleration in front of LH grills by random field effects.
In: Proceedings of the 2nd Europhysics Conference on RF Heating. - (Ed. Pick, R.M.). - Brusel, EPS 1998. - S. 149-0. - (EPS abstracts.).
[EPS Conference on RF heating /2./. Brusel (BE), 98.01.20-98.01.23]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/96/1355

047095 - UFP-V 980030 CZ eng A
Petržílka, V. - Tataronis, J. - Krlín, L. - Pavlo, P.
Nonlinear Electron Acceleration by cascade wave trapping in helicons.
In: Book of Abstracts, EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion andPlasma Physics. - (Ed. Badalec, J.; Stöckel, J.; Šunka, P.; Tendler, M.). - Prague, EPS 1998. - S. 681-0.
[EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics/25./. Prague (CZ), 98.06.29-98.07.03]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/96/1355

047142 - UFP-V 980112 CZ eng G
Piffl, V. - Píchal, J.
Proceedings of the Workshop on Remote Participation in Fusion Experiments. (Ed. Piffl, V.; Píchal, J.). - Prague, Institute of Plasma Physics, Czech Technical University Prague 1998. - 74 s.
[Sattelite Meeting to the 25th EPS 1998 ICPP /25./. Prague (CZ), 98.06.28-98.06.29]

065496 - UFP-V 990072 CZ eng G
Preinhaelter, J. - Irzak, M. A. - Côté, A. - Vahala, L. - Vahala, G.
Proposal of quasi-optical grill for ITER tokamak. (Ed. Pavlo, P.). - Prague, European Physical Society 1998. - 5 s. - ( Europhysics Conference Abstracts. 22C).
[International Congress on Plasma Physics and 25th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics/1998./. Prague (CZ), 98.06.29-98.07.03]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/97/0778; GA ČR(CZ) GA202/96/1355
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii

065498 - UFP-V 990074 FR eng G
Preinhaelter, J. - Irzak, M. A. - Côté, A. - Vahala, L. - Vahala, G.
Proporel of Quasi-Optical Grill for ITER Tokamak. (Ed. Rey, G.). - Cadarache, - 1998. - 24 s.
[Consulting Commitee on Lower Hybrid/15./. Cadarache (FR), 98.10.01-98.10.02]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/97/0778
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii

065499 - UFP-V 990075 RIV US eng J
Preinhaelter, J. - Irzak, M. A. - Côté, A. - Demers, Y. - Fuchs, V. - Vahala, L. - Vahala, G.
Launch of 5GHz LH Waves into ITER using Quasi-Optical Grills.
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 43 [8] 1876 (1998).
[Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics/40./. New Orleans, Louisiana (US), 98.11.16-98.11.20]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/97/0778
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii

065501 - UFP-V 990077 BE eng G
Preinhaelter, J. - Irzak, M. A. - Côté, A. - Demers, Y. - Fuchs, V. - Vahala, L. - Vahala, G.
Quasi-optical grill structures for TdeV, Ignitor and Tore Supra tokamaks. (Ed. Jacquinot, J.; Oost, van G.; Weynants, R.R.). - -, European Physical Society 1998. - 4 s. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts.).
[Europhysics Topical Conference on Radio Frequency Heating and Current Drive of Fusion Devices /2./. Brussels (BE), 98.01.20-98.01.23]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/96/1355; GA ČR(CZ) GA202/97/0778
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii

065507 - UFP-V 990091 IT eng V
Santini, F. - Bibet, P. - Preinhaelter, J.
Assessment on the capability of quasi-optical grill to launch lower hybrid waves in ITER plasma. Roma, Roma 1998. - 55 s. - (Report.; RT/ERG/FUS/98/6. 98/6).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/97/0778
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii

047135 - UFP-V 980104 CZ eng I
Sedláček, Z.
Plasma Physics on the TI-85 Calculator or Down with Supercomputers! Praha, Ústav fyziky plazmatu, Praha 8 1998. - 25 s. - (Research Report.; IPPCZ. 361).

047110 - UFP-V 980070 RIV IE eng C
Sember, V.
A Spectroscopic Study of Excitation Nonequlibrium in the Thermal Water Plasma Jet.
In: Europhysics Conference Abstracts. - (Ed. Riley, D.; Mahony, C.M.O.; Graham, W.G.). - Belfast, European Physical Society 1998. - S. 420-421. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts.).
[European Conference on the Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionised Gases /14./. Malahide, Dublin (IE), 98.08.26-98.08.29]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1043601

047116 - UFP-V 980081 CZ cze D
Sember, V.
Spektroskopická analýza proudu vodního termálního plazmatu. Praha 8, Za Slovankou 3, Ústav fyziky plazmatu 1998. - 117 s.

047080 - UFP-V 980012 RIV US eng J
Soe, M. - Vahala, G. - Pavlo, P. - Vahala, L. - Chen, H.
Thermal Lattice Boltzmann Simulations of Variable Prandtl Number Turbulent Flows.
Physical Review. E, 57 [4] 4227-4237 (1998).
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.000(93) 1.888(94) 2.159(95) 2.149(96) 2.233(97) 2.066(98) 2.045(99) 2.142(00) 2.235(01) 2,397(02) 2.202(03) ]

065480 - UFP-V 990055 RIV CZ eng J
Stöckel, J. - Krlín, L. - Holakovský, J. - Svoboda, V.
E x B motion of test ion in spatially periodical structures of potential.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics. Supplement S3, 48 [S3] 154-165 (1998).
[Role of electric fields in plasma confinement and exhaust. Prague ( CZ), 98.07.06-98.07.08]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/96/1350; GA ČR(CZ) GA202/96/1355; GA AV ČR (CZ) IAA1043701
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

047093 - UFP-V 980028 RIV GB eng J
Šimek, M. - Babický, V. - Člupek, M. - DeBenedictis, S. - Dilecce, G. - Šunka, P.
Excitation of N2(C3pu) and NO(AS+) states in a pulsed positive corona discharge in N2, N2-O2 and N2-NO mixtures.
Journal of Physics D - Applied Physics, 31 [19] 2591-2602 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/96/0746; GA ČR(CZ) GA202/96/0139
[Impact factor: 1.100(96) 1.090(97) 0.000(98) 1.188(99) 1.179(00) 1.260(01) 1,366(02) 1.265(03) ]

047097 - UFP-V 980032 RIV US eng C
Tataronis, J. - Petržílka, V.
Nonlinear electron acceleration in near antenna fields(invited lecture).
In: Proceedings of the 1998 Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference. - (Ed. Kruger, S.). - Atlanta, AIP 1998. - S. 2002-0.
[Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference/1998./. Atlanta (US), 98.03.23-98.03.25]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/96/1355

047125 - UFP-V 980093 US eng A
Ullschmied, J. - Koláček, K. - Řípa, M.
Observations of REB-induced Plasma Turbulence by means of High-resolution Imaging Spectroscopy.
In: Digest of Technical Papers 11th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference. - Baltimore, Maryland, - 1998. - S. 1710-1713.
[IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference /11./. Baltimore (US), 97.06.29-97.07.02]

065525 - UFP-V 990112 IL eng C
Ullschmied, J. - Koláček, K. - Řípa, M.
Spectroscopic Determination of Turbulent Langmuir Fields in a REB-Heated Plasma.
In: Proceedings Beams '98. - Haifa, - 1998. - S. 436-439. - ( program p. 25, Board No. 92).
[International Conference on High Power Particle Beams /12./. Haifa (IL), 98.06.07-98.06.12]

097327 - UFP-V 20020113 IL eng A
Ullschmied, J. - Koláček, K. - Řípa, M.
Spectroscopic Determination of Turbulent Langmuir Fields in a REB-Heated Plasma.
In: Program and Abstracts. - Haifa, - 1998. - S. 153.
[International Conference on High Power Particle Beams/12th./. Haifa (IL), 98.06.07-98.06.12 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/98/0831
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

047105 - UFP-V 980046 RIV CZ eng J
Vahala, G. - Pavlo, P. - Vahala, L.
Lattice Boltzmann Representation of Neutral Turbulence in the Cold Gas BlanketDivertor Regime.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 48 [8] 953-962 (1998).
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

065460 - UFP-V 990035 RIV SG eng J
Vahala, G. - Pavlo, P. - Vahala, L. - Martys, N. S.
Thermal Lattice-Boltzmann Models(TLBM) for Compressible Flows.
International Journal of Modern Physics. C, 9 [8] 1247-1261 ( 1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1043601
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii
[Impact factor: 0.898(99) 0.954(00) 0.728(01) 0,784(02) 0.750(03) ]

047072 - UFP-V 980004 RIV US eng C
Voleník, K. - Dubský, J. - Chráska, P. - Neufuss, K. - Novák, V.
Compressive behaviours of Plasma Sprayed High-Alloy Steel.
In: Thermal Spray, Meeting the Challenges of the 21st Century. - (Ed. Coddet, Ch.). - Materials Park, OH, ASM International 1998. - S. 671-675.
[International Thermal Spray Conference /15./. Nice (FR), 98.05.25-98.05.29]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010601; GA ČR(CZ) GA106/97/S008

047126 - UFP-V 980094 RIV CZ eng J
Vrba, P.
Double Layer Creation in Asymmetrie Discharge.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 48 [12] 1575-1588 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/93/1022
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

047128 - UFP-V 980096 RIV CZ eng C
Vrba, P.
Simulation of Double Layer in DC Discharge.
In: Proceedings of the ICPP & 25th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. - (Ed. Pavlo, P.; Pick, R.M.; Mulhouse, G.T.). - Praha, ECA 1998. - S. 2449-2452. - (ECA. 22C).
[International Congress on Plasma Physics combined with the 25th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics /25./. Praha (CZ), 98.06.29-98.07.03]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/93/1022

047127 - UFP-V 980095 RIV CZ eng C
Vrba, P. - Vrbová, M.
Laser Ions Abundance in Capillary Discharges.
In: Proceedings of the 1998 ICPP & 25th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. - (Ed. Pavlo, P.; Pick, R.M.; Mulhouse, G.T.). - Praha, European Physical Society 1998. - S. 2856-2859. - (EPS.).
[1998 International Congress on Plasma Physics combined with the 25th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics /25./. Praha (CZ), 98.06.29-98.07.03]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1043601; GA ČR(CZ) GA202/98/0831

047137 - UFP-V 980106 CZ eng A
Wah, D. - Vahala, G. - Pavlo, P. - Vahala, L. - Carter, J.
Lattice Boltzmann Representation for Gas Mixtures: Preliminary Studies for theGas Blanket Divertor.
In: Proceedings of the 1998 ICPP & 25th EPS Conference Physics and Controlled Fusion. - (Ed. Pavlo, P.; Pick, R.M.; Mulhouse, G.T.). - Praha, European Physical Society 1998. - S. 1986-1989. - (Europhysics Conference Abstract. 22C).
[International Congress on Plasma Physics combined with the 25th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics /25./. Prague (CZ) , 98.06.29-98.07.03]

047123 - UFP-V 980091 RIV US eng J
Wah, D. - Vahala, G. - Vahala, L. - Pavlo, P. - Carter, J.
Multi-species Thermal Lattice Boltzmann Models.
Bulletin of the American Physical Society. Program of the 40th Annual Meeting of the Divisionof Plasma Physics, 43 [8] 1858-1859 (1998).
[Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics /40./. New Orleans, Lousiana (US), 98.11.16-98.11.20]

047138 - UFP-V 980107 RIV CZ eng J
Wah, D. - Vahala, G. - Vahala, L. - Pavlo, P. - Carter, J.
Preliminary Studies for the Gas Blanket Divertor - A Thermal Lattice Approach.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 48 [S2] 369-374 (1998).
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

047085 - UFP-V 980017 RIV US eng C
Wallace, J. S. - Ilavský, J.
Elastic Modulus Measurement in Plasma Sprayed Deposits.
In: Thermal Spray: A United Forum for Scientific and Technological Advances. - (Ed. Berndt, Ch.C.). - Materials Park, OH, ASM International 1998. - S. 757-762.
[United Thermal Spray Conference /1./. Indianapolis (US), 97.09.15-97.09.18]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1010601

047069 - UFP-V 980001 CZ cze J
Weinzettl, V.
Čistá energie tokamaků.
Vesmír, 77(128) [4] 207,211+182 (1998).

047070 - UFP-V 980002 CZ cze D
Weinzettl, V.
Analýza rentgenového záření metodou filtrů na tokamaku CASTOR. Praha, Ustav fyziky plazmatu, Tokamak CASTOR 1998. - 105 s.

047119 - UFP-V 980087 CZ cze N
Žáček, F.
Ovládne lidstvo energii hvězd? (čast 1).
Technický týdeník, 51 [24] 16 (98.06.16).

047120 - UFP-V 980088 CZ cze N
Žáček, F.
Ovládne lidstvo energii hvězd?(část 2).
Technický týdeník, 46 [25] 16 (98.06.23).

047121 - UFP-V 980089 CZ eng C
Žáček, F. - Klíma, R. - Jakubka, K. - Plíšek, P. - Nanobashvili, S. - Pavlo, P. - Preinhaelter, J. - Stöckel, J. - Kryška, L.
Spectrum broadening of LHW launched in tokamak CASTOR by multijunction grill antenna.
In: Proceedings of 1998 ICPP and 25th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics. - (Ed. Pavlo, P.). - Prague, EPS 1998. - S. 1414-1417. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts.).
[ICPP and 25th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics /25./. Prague (CZ), 98.06.29-98.07.03]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/97/0778; GA ČR(CZ) GA202/96/1355

047098 - UFP-V 980034 CZ eng I
Žáček, F. - Stöckel, J. - Kryška, L. - Jakubka, K. - Badalec, J. - Ďuran, I.
Preliminary experiments with edge plasma biasing in tokamak CASTOR. Praha, UFP-V 1998. - 13 s. - (Research Report.; IPPCZ. 359).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAC1043601

065479 - UFP-V 990054 RIV CZ eng J
Žáček, F. - Stöckel, J. - Kryška, L. - Jakubka, K. - Badalec, J. - Ďuran, I.
Preliminary experiments with edge plasma biasing in tokamak CASTOR.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics. Supplement S3, 48 [S3] 60-71 ( 1998).
[Role of electric fields in plasma confinement and exhaust. Prague ( CZ), 98.07.06-98.07.08]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1043601
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

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