ÚPT - Ústav přístrojové techniky


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Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

027229 - UPT-D 950040 SK eng C
Adamec, P. - Bauer, E.
New Design of Low Energy Electron Microscope.
In: Proceedings of Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. - Bratislava, Slovak Academic Press 1995. - S. 109-110.
[MCEM '95 - Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. Stará Lesná (SK), 95.10.16-95.10.20]

027216 - UPT-D 950027 GB eng J
Adamec, P. - Delong, A. - Lencová, B.
Miniature magnetic electron lenses with permanent magnets.
Journal of Microscopy, 179 [2] 129-132 (1995).
[Impact factor: 1.177(96) 1.083(97) 1.177(99) 1.173(00) 1.464(01) 1,212(02) 1.779(03) ]

027227 - UPT-D 950038 SK eng C
Autrata, R.
Single Crystal Detectors in SEM.
In: Proceedings of Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. - Bratislava, Slovak Academic Press 1995. - S. 29-36.
[MCEM '95 - Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. Stará Lesná (SK), 95.10.16-95.10.20]

027231 - UPT-D 950042 SK eng C
Autrata, R. - Jirák, J. - Špinka, J.
Detection of Signal Electrons in the ESEM.
In: Proceedings of Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. - Bratislava, Slovak Academic Press 1995. - S. 113-114.
[MCEM '95 - Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. Stará Lesná (SK), 95.10.16-95.10.20]

027242 - UPT-D 950053 CZ eng Cx
Autrata, R. - Jirák, J. - Špinka, J.
Single Crystal Scintillation Detectors for Low Voltage and Low Vacuum Scanning Electron Microscopy.
In: Proceedings of Workshop '95. - Prague, Czech Technical University 1995. - S. 657-658.
[Workshop '95 - Czech TU. Prague (CZ), 95.01.23-95.01.26]

027243 - UPT-D 950054 CZ eng C
Autrata, R. - Jirák, J. - Špinka, J.
Possibilities of ESEM in diagnostics of electronic components.
In: Proceedings of Electronic Devices and Systems Conference 1995. - Brno, Technical University 1995. - S. 140-141.
[EDS '95 - Electronic Devices and Systems Conference. Brno (CZ), 95.06.28]

027245 - UPT-D 950056 CZ cze Cz
Autrata, R. - Jirák, J. - Špinka, J.
Nové možnosti sledování izolantů v rastrovací elektronové mikroskopii.
In: Sborník mezinárodní konference Diagnostika '95. - Plzeň, KES/ET, FEL, ZČU 1995. - S. 199-202.
[Diagnostika '95. Plzeň (CZ), 95.09.11-95.09.14]

027246 - UPT-D 950057 CZ cze Cz
Autrata, R. - Jirák, J. - Špinka, J.
Diagnostika poruch v polovodičích pomocí metody EBIC.
In: Sborník mezinárodní konference Diagnostika '95. - Plzeň, KES/ET, FEL, ZČU 1995. - S. 194-198.
[Diagnostika '95. Plzeň (CZ), 95.09.11-95.09.14]

027247 - UPT-D 950058 CZ cze Cz
Autrata, R. - Jirák, J. - Špinka, J.
Využití katodoluminiscenčního detektoru integrovaného s BSE detektorem pro diagnostiku elektrotechnických materiálů.
In: Sborník mezinárodní konference Diagnostika '95. - Plzeň, KES/ET, FEL, ZČU 1995. - S. 203-207.
[Diagnostika '95. Plzeň (CZ), 95.09.11-95.09.14]

018782 - UPT-D 940131 US eng J
Autrata, R. - Schauer, P.
Cathodoluminescent Properties of Single Crystal Materials for Electron Microscopy.
Scanning Microscopy, 9 [Supplement] 1-12 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.707(91) 0.936(92) 0.896(93) 0.868(94) 0.894(95) 1.061(96) 0.000(97) 0.000(98) 0.000(99) ]

027221 - UPT-D 950032 US eng C
Barth, J. E. - Steen van der, H. W. G. - Chmelík, J.
Improvements to the electrostatic lens optimization method SOEM.
In: Proceedings of SPIE. - San Diego, SPIE - International Society for Optical Engineering 1995. - S. 128-137.
[Electron Beam Sources and Charged Particle Optics. San Diego (US), 95.07.10-95.07.14]

089591 - UPT-D 20020101 PL eng C
Bartušek, K.
Application of the DSP in the nuclear magnetic resonance.
In: Proceedings of Polish seminar on NMR and its application. - Krakow, Institut fizyki jadrowej 1995. - S. 51 - 54.
[Polish seminar on NMR and its application. Krakow (PL), 02.12.01-02.12.02 (EUR)]

053953 - UPT-D 980128 RIV CZ eng J
Bartušek, K. - Dokoupil, Z.
DSP96002 Based Software Pulse Generator for NMR Tomography and Spectroscopy.
Journal of Electrical Engineering, 46 [1] 36-38 (1995).

027211 - UPT-D 950022 SK eng C
Bartušek, K. - Jílek, B.
Automatic Adjustment of Precise Compensation of Eddy Currents for Localized NMR Spectroscopy.
In: Proceedings of the 7th International IMEKO TC-13 Conference on Measurement in Clinical Medicine. - (Ed. Kneppo, P.; Tyšler, M.). - Stará Lesná, Slovenská akadémia vied 1995. - S. 207.
[IMEKO /7./ - Measurement in Clinical Medicine. Stará Lesná (SK), 95.09.06-95.09.09]

027214 - UPT-D 950025 DE eng A
Bartušek, K. - Jílek, B.
Automatic compensation of eddy currents for localized NMR spectroscopy and NMR microscopy.
In: Book of Abstracts of the 3rd International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy - Heidelberg Conference. - Würzburg, Division of Spatially Resolved Magnetic Resonance of the Groupement Ampere 1995. - S. 57.
[Magnetic Resonance Microscopy /3./. Würzburg (DE), 95.08.27-95.08.31]

076218 - UPT-D 20000004 RIV CZ eng J
Bartušek, K. - Jílek, B.
Eddy current compensation by adaptive pre-emphasis control for NMR tomography and spectroscopy.
Journal of Electrical Engineering, 46 [10] 339-344 (1995).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA265401; GA ČR(CZ) GA303/94/1236

067043 - UPT-D 990124 RIV NL eng J
Cagan, M. - Krishnan, R. - Lopušník, R. - Nývlt, M. - Široký, P. - Sobota, J. - Urban, R. - Višňovský, Š.
MO sensing of magnetization in ultrathin ferromagnetic films sandwiched between dielectrics.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 148, 291-292 (1995).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/93/2427
[Impact factor:1.132(91) 1.297(92) 1.313(93) 1.063(94) 1.208(95) 1.040(96) 0.778(97) 0.889(98) 1.195(99) 0.996(00) 1.329(01) 1,046(02) 0.910(03) ]

037468 - UPT-D 970030 CZ eng B
Čermáková, E. - Chramosta, O. - Navarová, H. - Pazdera, L.
Study of Magnetic Fields in Buildings with Iron Reinforcements and Pipe Instalation.
In: Sborník vědeckých a odborných prací Stavební fakulty VUT v Brně 1995/1. - Brno, 1995. - S. 69-76.

030806 - UPT-D 960052 NL eng J
di Barba, P. - Gottvald, A. - Savini, A.
Global optimization of Loney's solenoid: a benchmark problem.
International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 4 [4] 273-276 (1995).

027197 - UPT-D 950006 CZ eng Cx
Dittrichová, L. - Šikola, T. - Janová, D. - Matějka, F.
Ion Beam Technologies.
In: Proceedings of Workshop '95. - Praha, Czech Technical University 1995. - S. 483-484.
[Workshop '95 - Czech TU. Praha (CZ), 95.01.23-95.01.26]
Grant: MŠMT OE14/93

027199 - UPT-D 950008 SI eng A
Dupák, J. - Kapounek, P. - Horáček, M.
Application of a New Welding Technology in Vacuum Equipment Design.
In: Book of Abstracts of Slovenian-Hungarian-Croatian-Austrian Sixth Joint Vacuum Conference. - Bled, Slovenian Vacuum Society 1995. - S. 84.
[Vacuum Conference /6./ - Joint Slovenian-Hungarian-Croatian-Austrian. Bled (SI), 95.04.04-95.04.07]

027249 - UPT-D 950060 CZ cze J
Dupák, J. - Kapounek, P. - Horáček, M.
Použití nové technologie svařování elektronovým svazkem v kryogenní a vakuové technice.
Jemná mechanika a optika, 40 [10-11] 342-343 (1995).

030807 - UPT-D 960054 SI eng J
Dupák, J. - Kapounek, P. - Horáček, M.
Applications of a New Electron Beam Welding Technology in Vacuum Equipment Design.
Kovine, zlitine, tehnologije, 29 [3-4] 431-432 (1995).

027222 - UPT-D 950033 SK eng C
Fišer, J. - Chmelík, J.
Objective Lens for Environmental SEM.
In: Proceedings of Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. - Stará Lesná, Slovak Academic Press 1995. - S. 107-108.
[MCEM '95 - Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. Stará Lesná (SK), 95.10.16-95.10.20]

027235 - UPT-D 950046 SK eng C
Frank, L.
Real image resolution of SEM and Low-Energy SEM and its optimization.
In: Proceedings of Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. - Bratislava, Slovak Academic Press 1995. - S. 105-106.
[MCEM '95 - Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. Stará Lesná (SK), 95.10.16-95.10.20]

027195 - UPT-D 950004 FR eng A
Frank, L. - Matějka, F.
Correction of the Edge Effect in Surface Analytical SEM.
In: Book of Abstracts of EMAS 95. - St. Malo, EMAS 1995. - S. 343.
[EMAS '95 /4./ - Workshop on Modern Developments and Applications in Microbeam Analysis. St. Malo (FR), 95.05.14-95.05.19]

027251 - UPT-D 950067 GB eng J
Frank, L. - Matějka, F.
Edge effect in Auger electron microscopy: quantification of the effect.
Journal of Microscopy, 180 [2] 158-164 (1995).
[Impact factor: 1.177(96) 1.083(97) 1.177(99) 1.173(00) 1.464(01) 1,212(02) 1.779(03) ]

067039 - UPT-D 990077 CZ eng C
Frank, L. - Müllerová, I.
Characterization and diagnostics of materials by using slow electron microscopy.
In: Workshop - Physics, chemistry and applications of molecular systems. - Brno, Masaryk University 1995. - S. 71-76.
[Workshop. Brno (CZ), 95.06.01]

027194 - UPT-D 950003 FR eng A
Frank, L. - Zadražil, M. - Müllerová, I.
Low Energy Imaging of Nonconductive Surfaces in SEM.
In: Book of Abstracts of EMAS 95. - St. Malo, EMAS 1995. - S. 344.
[EMAS '95 /4./ - Workshop on Modern Developments and Applications in Microbeam Analysis. St. Malo (FR), 95.05.14-95.05.19]

027200 - UPT-D 950011 CZ eng C
Gottvald, A.
Inverse and Optimization Methodologies in Magnetic Resonance: Applications to Bloch and Maxwell's Systems.
In: Second International Conference on Advanced Methods in the Theory of Electrical Engineering. - Plzeň, University of West Bohemia 1995. - S. 71-74.
[Advanced Methods in the Theory of Electrical Engineering /2./. Plzeň (CZ), 95.06.28-95.06.30]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0282

027201 - UPT-D 950012 CZ eng C
Gottvald, A.
Inverse and Optimization Methodologies in Magnetic Resonance: Applications to In Vivo Spectra Quantifications.
In: Second International Conference on Advanced Methods in the Theory of Electrical Engineering. - Plzeň, University of West Bohemia 1995. - S. 75-78.
[Advanced Methods in the Theory of Electrical Engineering /2./. Plzeň (CZ), 95.06.28-95.06.30]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0282

027202 - UPT-D 950013 CZ eng C
Gottvald, A.
Meta-Evolutionary Optimization.
In: The 1st International Conference on Genetic Algorithms. - Brno, Technical University 1995. - S. 47-52.
[Mendel '95 /1./ - Genetic Algorithms. Brno (CZ), 95.09.26-95.09.28]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0282

027203 - UPT-D 950014 CZ eng C
Gottvald, A.
Inverse and Optimization Methodologies in Magnetic Resonance Part 1: Evolution Strategies.
In: Proceedings of the 3rd Japanese-Czech-Slovak Joint Seminar on Applied Electromagnetics. - Prague, Czech Technical University 1995. - S. 5-8.
[Applied Electromagnetics /3./ - Japanese-Czech-Slovak Joint Seminar. Prague (CZ), 95.07.05-95.07.07]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0282

027204 - UPT-D 950015 CZ eng C
Gottvald, A.
Inverse and Optimization Methodologies in Magnetic Resonance Part 2: Meta-Optimization.
In: Proceedings of the 3rd Japanese-Czech-Slovak Joint Seminar on Applied Electromagnetics. - Prague, Czech Technical University 1995. - S. 9-12.
[Applied Electromagnetics /3./ - Japanese-Czech-Slovak Joint Seminar. Prague (CZ), 95.07.05-95.07.07]

027205 - UPT-D 950016 CZ eng C
Gottvald, A.
Inverse and Optimization Methodologies in Magnetic Resonance Part 3: Applications to Bloch and Maxwell Systems.
In: Proceedings of the 3rd Japanese-Czech-Slovak Joint Seminar on Applied Electromagnetics. - Prague, Czech Technical University 1995. - S. 13-16.
[Applied Electromagnetics /3./ - Japanese-Czech-Slovak Joint Seminar. Prague (CZ), 95.07.05-95.07.07]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0282

027206 - UPT-D 950017 CZ eng C
Gottvald, A.
Inverse and Optimization Methodologies in Magnetic Resonance Part 4: Applications to In Vivo Spectra Quantifications.
In: Proceedings of the 3rd Japanese-Czech-Slovak Joint Seminar on Applied Electromagnetics. - Prague, Czech Technical University 1995. - S. 17-20.
[Applied Electromagnetics /3./ - Japanese-Czech-Slovak Joint Seminar. Prague (CZ), 95.07.05-95.07.07]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0282

027220 - UPT-D 950031 BE eng A
Gurevich, G. M. - Topalov, S. V. - Delyagin, N. N. - Erzinkyan, A. L. - Parfenova, V. P. - Reymen, S. I. - Finger, M. - Pavlov, V. N. - Slunecka, M. - Dupák, J.
Magnetic Atom Behaviour in the Alloys with Competing Interactions FeNiMn.
In: Book of Abstracts of the 10th International Conference on Hyperfine Interactions. - Leuven, - 1995. - S. P111.
[Hyperfine Interactions /10./. Leuven (BE), 95.08.28-95.09.01]

027241 - UPT-D 950052 DE eng J
Halámek, J. - Villa, M. - Kasal, M. - Cofrancesco, P.
Solvent Suppression by Post-Processing.
Applied Magnetic Resonance, 9, [-] 73-79 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.000(93) 0.000(94) 0.950(95) 0.656(96) 0.665(97) 0.811(98) 0.659(99) 0.776(00) 0.737(01) 0,673(02) 0.874(03) ]

027240 - UPT-D 950051 CZ cze J
Hanzelka, P.
Vakuum v kryostatech pro NMR.
Jemná mechanika a optika, 40 [7] 223-225 (1995).

027196 - UPT-D 950005 GB eng J
Hanzelka, P. - Musilová, V.
Influence of changes in atmospheric pressure on evaporation rates of low-loss helium cryostats.
Cryogenics, 35 [3] 215-218 (1995).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/1270
[Impact factor:0.927(91) 0.790(92) 0.418(93) 0.818(94) 0.549(95) 0.486(96) 0.575(97) 0.718(98) 0.675(99) 0.554(00) 0.697(01) 0,833(02) 0.659(03) ]

027224 - UPT-D 950035 GB eng J
Hawkes, P. W. - Lencová, B. - Lenc, M.
Approximate expressions for electron lens properties.
Journal of Microscopy, 179 [2] 145-157 (1995).
[Impact factor: 1.177(96) 1.083(97) 1.177(99) 1.173(00) 1.464(01) 1,212(02) 1.779(03) ]

067041 - UPT-D 990115 GR eng A
Holý, V. - Kuběna, J. - Bochníček, Z. - Sobota, J. - Vávra, I.
Investigation of Roughness Replication in Multilayers by Nonspecular X-ray Scattering.
In: CAMST Topical Meeting on Multilayer Technology - Collection of submitted abstracts. - Athens, CAMST 1995. - S. -.
[Multilayer Technology. Athens (GR), 95.05.04-95.05.05]

027219 - UPT-D 950030 SK eng J
Janča, J. - Kryštof, P. - Navrátil, K. - Němec, P. - Bochníček, Z. - Matějková, J.
Deposition and Characterization of Organosilicon Thin Films from TEOS+O2 Gas Mixture.
Acta Physica Universitatis Comenianae, 36 [1] 57-64 (1995).
Grant: GA202/93/2118

027207 - UPT-D 950018 CZ eng C
Konzbul, P. - Švéda, K.
Measurement and Analysis of the Magnetic Fields of Shim System for MRI Magnet.
In: Proceedings of the 3rd Japanese-Czech-Slovak Joint Seminar on Applied Electromagnetics. - Prague, Czech Technical University 1995. - S. 133-136.
[Applied Electromagnetics /3./ - Japanese-Czech-Slovak Joint Seminar. Prague (CZ), 95.07.05-95.07.07]

027217 - UPT-D 950028 GB eng J
Konzbul, P. - Švéda, K.
Shim coils for NMR and MRI solenoid magnets.
Measurement Science and Technology, 6 [8] 1116-1123 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.609(91) 0.581(92) 0.612(93) 0.708(94) 0.495(95) 0.623(96) 0.737(97) 0.659(98) 0.857(99) 0.796(00) 0.859(01) 0,845(02) 0.822(03) ]

027248 - UPT-D 950059 FI eng A
Konzbul, P. - Švéda, K.
Superconducting shim system for NMR solenoid Magnet MIDI 200.
In: Abstracts of the 14th International Conference on Magnet Technology. - Tampere, TUT 1995. - S. 48.
[Magnet Technology /14./. Tampere (FI), 95.06.11-95.06.16]

027192 - UPT-D 950001 SK eng C
Krejčí, I. - Vondra, V. - Húsek, V.
Information Interchange in a DSP Based Multiprocessor System.
In: Telekomunikácie '95 - 1. mezinárodná konferencia o telekomunikačných technológiach. - 2 Vedecká sekcia. - Bratislava, COFAX 1995. - S. 165-166.
[Telekomunikácie '95 /1./. Bratislava (SK), 95.05.31-95.06.01]

027193 - UPT-D 950002 SK eng C
Krejčí, I. - Vondra, V. - Studnička, P.
DSPs in Measurement and Automatic Control Systems.
In: Telekomunikácie '95 - 1. mezinárodná konferencia o telekomunikačných technológiach. - 2 Vedecká sekcia. - Bratislava, COFAX 1995. - S. 167-168.
[Telekomunikácie '95 /1./. Bratislava (SK), 95.05.31-95.06.01]

027250 - UPT-D 950066 NL eng J
Lazar, J. - Schellekens, P. H. J.
Properties and stabilization of a short-resonator 543 nm HeNe laser.
Optics Communications, 119 [Aug15] 117-124 (1995).
[Impact factor:1.178(91) 1.299(92) 1.110(93) 1.205(94) 1.193(95) 1.222(96) 1.258(97) 1.206(98) 1.352(99) 1.185(00) 1.354(01) 1,488(02) 1.482(03) ]

027228 - UPT-D 950039 SK eng C
Lenc, M.
Immersion objective lenses for very low energy electron microscopy.
In: Proceedings of Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. - Bratislava, Slovak Academic Press 1995. - S. 103-104.
[MCEM '95 - Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. Stará Lesná (SK), 95.10.16-95.10.20]

027213 - UPT-D 950024 CZ eng C
Lencová, B.
Accuracy of Magnetic Lens Computation with the First Order Finite Element Method.
In: Proceedings of the 3rd Japanese-Czech-Slovak Joint Seminar on Applied Electromagnetics. - Prague, Czech Technical University 1995. - S. 41-44.
[Applied Electromagnetics /3./ - Japanese-Czech-Slovak Joint Seminar. Prague (CZ), 95.07.05-95.07.07]

027215 - UPT-D 950026 NL eng J
Lencová, B.
Computation of electrostatic lenses and multipoles by the first order finite element method.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. A, 363 [ 1-3] 190-197 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.795(91) 0.962(92) 0.968(93) 1.188(94) 1.091(95) 1.038(96) 0.890(97) 0.896(98) 0.921(99) 0.964(00) 1.026(01) 1,167(02) 1.166(03) ]

027223 - UPT-D 950034 GB eng J
Lencová, B.
Unconventional lens computation.
Journal of Microscopy, 179 [2] 185-190 (1995).
[Impact factor: 1.177(96) 1.083(97) 1.177(99) 1.173(00) 1.464(01) 1,212(02) 1.779(03) ]

027225 - UPT-D 950036 SK eng C
Lencová, B.
CAD in electron optics.
In: Proceedings of Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. - Bratislava, Slovak Academic Press 1995. - S. 19-23.
[MCEM '95 - Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. Stará Lesná (SK), 95.10.16-95.10.20]

027230 - UPT-D 950041 SK eng C
Madea, D. - Autrata, R.
Influence of the Conductive Coating of the Scintillator on the BSE Detector Efficiency.
In: Proceedings of Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. - Bratislava, Slovak Academic Press 1995. - S. 111-112.
[MCEM '95 - Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. Stará Lesná (SK), 95.10.16-95.10.20]

027244 - UPT-D 950055 CZ eng C
Madea, D. - Autrata, R.
Detectors for the study of contrast mechanisms of backscattered electrons in scanning electron microscopy.
In: Proceedings of Electronic Devices and Systems Conference 1995. - Brno, Technical University 1995. - S. 135-136.
[EDS '95 - Electronic Devices and Systems Conference. Brno (CZ), 95.06.28]

027226 - UPT-D 950037 SK eng C
Müllerová, I.
Low Energy Electron Microscopy.
In: Proceedings of Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. - Bratislava, Slovak Academic Press 1995. - S. 24-28.
[MCEM '95 - Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. Stará Lesná (SK), 95.10.16-95.10.20]

027208 - UPT-D 950019 CZ eng C
Musilová, V. - Srnka, A.
Contribution of Superconductor Magnetization to the Field of NMR Magnets.
In: Proceedings of the 3rd Japanese-Czech-Slovak Joint Seminar on Applied Electromagnetics. - Prague, Czech Technical University 1995. - S. 100-104.
[Applied Electromagnetics /3./ - Japanese-Czech-Slovak Joint Seminar. Prague (CZ), 95.07.05-95.07.07]

027210 - UPT-D 950021 CZ eng C
Obukhov, V. A. - Raiko, V. I. - Dupák, J. - Finger, M. - Latuszynski, A.
Ion Source of Difficulty-Ionized Refractory Elements.
In: Proceedings of International Workshop on Physics with Polarized Beams and Targets. - Prague, Charles University 1995. - S. -.
[Physics with Polarized Beams and Targets. Prague (CZ), 95.10.02-95.10.07]

027233 - UPT-D 950044 SK eng C
Pejchl, D. - Müllerová, I.
Signal detection in LVSEM.
In: Proceedings of Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. - Bratislava, Slovak Academic Press 1995. - S. 117-118.
[MCEM '95 - Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. Stará Lesná (SK), 95.10.16-95.10.20]

076221 - UPT-D 20000036 RIV CZ eng C
Petrů, F. - Lazar, J. - Zemánek, P.
Iodine stabilized He-Ne laser for testing of laser interferometers.
In: Precision Mechanics and Optics in Interkamera'95. - (Ed. Mikš, A.; Zicha, J.). - Praha, Czech Mechanical Engineering Society 1995. - S. 5-16.
[Interkamera'95 - Precision mechanics and Optics. Ondřejov (CZ), 95.05.11]

076219 - UPT-D 20000034 RIV CZ eng C
Petrů, F. - Pokorný, P. - Lazar, J. - Stejskal, A. - Zemánek, P.
Laser Optics and Technology in the Institute of Scientific Instruments of AS CR Brno.
In: Precision Mechanics and Optics in Interkamera'95. - (Ed. Mikš, A.; Zicha, J.). - Praha, Czech Mechanical Engineering Society 1995. - S. 17-26.
[Interkamera'95 - Precision Mechanics and Optics. Ondřejov (CZ), 95.05.11]

067044 - UPT-D 990125 US eng A
Pištora, J. - Ciprian, D. - Kantor, R. - Postava, K. - Sobota, J.
Guided modes in three-layered sandwich structures.
In: Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium 1995 - Abstracts. - Seattle, University of Washington 1995. - S. 17.
[PIERS 1995. Seattle (US), 95.07.24-95.07.28]

037467 - UPT-D 970026 CZ eng C
Pištora, J. - Postava, K. - Ciprian, D. - Kantor, R. - Sobota, J.
Guided Modes in Three-Layered Sandwich Structures.
In: European Optical Society. Annual Meetings Digest Series. Photonics '95. - 2A - Praha, Czech and Slovak Society for Photonics 1995. - S. 143-146.
[Photonics '95. Praha (CZ), 95.08.23-95.08.25]
Grant: GA202/95/0488

076220 - UPT-D 20000035 RIV CZ eng C
Pokorný, P.
Compensation of Polarization Effect of Cube-Corner Reflectors.
In: Precision Mechanics and Optics in Interkamera'95. - (Ed. Mikš, A.; Zicha, J.). - Praha, Czech Mechanical Engineering Society 1995. - S. 1-4.
[Interkamera'95 - Precision mechanics and Optics. Ondřejov (CZ), 95.05.11]

027232 - UPT-D 950043 SK eng C
Schauer, P. - Autrata, R.
Spatial Resolution of YAG:Ce Single Crystal CL Screens.
In: Proceedings of Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. - Bratislava, Slovak Academic Press 1995. - S. 115-116.
[MCEM '95 - Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. Stará Lesná (SK), 95.10.16-95.10.20]

027198 - UPT-D 950007 SI eng A
Sobota, J.
Friction Characteristic of R.F. Magnetron Sputtered C and C:N Thin Films.
In: Book of Abstracts of Slovenian-Hungarian-Croatian-Austrian Sixth Joint Vacuum Conference. - Bled, Slovenian Vacuum Society 1995. - S. 131.
[Vacuum Conference /6./ - Joint Slovenian-Hungarian-Croatian-Austrian. Bled (SI), 95.04.04-95.04.07]

067042 - UPT-D 990123 RIV HR eng J
Sobota, J.
Friction Characteristic of R.F. Magnetron Sputtered C and C:N Thin Films.
Fizika. A, 4 [2] 361-366 (1995).

027209 - UPT-D 950020 SK cze C
Srnka, A. - Jelínek, J. - Musilová, V. - Hanzelka, P.
Testování supravodivého magnetu pro 400MHz NMR spektrometr.
In: Slovensko-český seminář o supravodivosti. - Bratislava, Elektrotechnický ústav SAV 1995. - S. 37-38.
[SCSS '95 - Slovensko-český seminár o supravodivosti. Bratislava ( SK), 95.09.26-95.09.27]

027238 - UPT-D 950049 FR eng C
Starčuk, Z. - Bartušek, K. - Starčuk jr., Z. - Tkáč, I. - Mlynárik, V.
Improvements in Localized Proton NMR Spectroscopy: SPRES - New Spin Echo Single Voxel Localization Sequences.
In: Proceedings of the 3rd Scientific Meeting and Exhibition of the Society of Magnetic Resonance and the 12th Annual Meeting and Exhibition of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology. - Nice, Society of Magnetic Resonance 1995. - S. 1923.
[SMR /3./ & ESMRMB /12./ - Scientific Meeting and Exhibition of the Society of Magnetic Resonance /3./ and Annual Meeting and Exhibition of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology /12./. Nice (FR), 95.08.19-95.08.25]

089593 - UPT-D 20020103 PL eng C
Starčuk, Z. - Bartušek, K. - Starčuk jr., Z.
STEAM localization sequence using asymmetric 90 RF pulses and improved water suppression scheme.
In: Proceedings of Polish seminar on NMR and its application. - Krakow, Institut fizyki jadrowej 1995. - S. 371 - 374.
[Polish seminar on NMR and its application. Krakow (PL), 02.12.01-02.12.02 (EUR)]

027239 - UPT-D 950050 FR eng C
Starčuk, Z. - Starčuk jr., Z. - Tkáč, I. - Mlynárik, V.
Highly Effective Spectrally and Spatially Tailored Saturation of Unwanted Magnetization for Localized In Vivo 1H NMR Spectroscopy.
In: Proceedings of the 3rd Scientific Meeting and Exhibition of the Society of Magnetic Resonance and the 12th Annual Meeting and Exhibition of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology. - Nice, Society of Magnetic Resonance 1995. - S. 1966.
[SMR /3./ & ESMRMB /12./ - Scientific Meeting and Exhibition of the Society of Magnetic Resonance /3./ and Annual Meeting and Exhibition of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology /12./. Nice (FR), 95.08.19-95.08.25]

027212 - UPT-D 950023 SK eng C
Starčuk, Z. - Tkáč, I.
Spatial Localization and Efficient Suppression of Water and Fat Signals - Two Basic Problems of In Vivo Proton MR Spectroscopy.
In: Proceedings of the 7th International IMEKO TC-13 Conference on Measurement in Clinical Medicine. - (Ed. Kneppo, P.; Tyšler, M.). - Stará Lesná, Slovenská akadémia vied 1995. - S. 204.
[IMEKO /7./ - Measurement in Clinical Medicine. Stará Lesná (SK), 95.09.06-95.09.09]

027237 - UPT-D 950048 CZ eng A
Starčuk, Z. - Tkáč, I. - Mlynárik, V. - Bartušek, K. - Horký, J. - Starčuk jr., Z.
New Sequences for the Single-Voxel Localization in In Vivo Proton NMR Spectroscopy.
In: Book of Abstracts of the 10th Spectroscopic Conference with International Participation. - Lanškroun, Spektroskopická společnost Jana Marca Marci 1995. - S. M2-0-11.
[Spectroscopic Conference /10./. Lanškroun (CZ), 95.06.14-95.06.16]

027236 - UPT-D 950047 CZ eng A
Starčuk, Z. - Tkáč, I. - Mlynárik, V. - Starčuk jr., Z. - Havlišová, H.
A New Procedure to the Spectrally and Spatially Tailored Saturation of Water and Fat Signals in In Vivo Proton NMR Spectroscopy.
In: Book of Abstracts of the 10th Spectroscopic Conference with International Participation. - Lanškroun, Spektroskopická společnost Jana Marca Marci 1995. - S. M2-0-10.
[Spectroscopic Conference /10./. Lanškroun (CZ), 95.06.14-95.06.16]

027218 - UPT-D 950029 US eng J
Stejskal, A. - Stone, J. A.
Frequency stabilization of a green He-Ne laser.
Applied Optics, 34 [24] 5278-5281 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.930(91) 1.064(92) 0.907(93) 1.033(94) 1.067(95) 0.972(96) 1.074(97) 1.138(98) 1.616(99) 1.359(00) 1.459(01) 1,515(02) 1.534(03) ]

067040 - UPT-D 990113 ES eng A
Široký, P. - Vorlíček, V. - Sobota, J. - Peřina, V.
C:N and C:N:O films: preparation and properties.
In: The 6th European Conference on Diamond, Diamond-like and Related Materials - Abstract Book. - Barcelona, Elsevier Science 1995. - S. 11.090.
[Diamond Films '95 /6./. Barcelona (ES), 95.09.10-95.09.15]

027234 - UPT-D 950045 SK eng C
Zadražil, M. - Frank, L.
Critical electron energies for non-charging microscopy and their measurement.
In: Proceedings of Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. - Bratislava, Slovak Academic Press 1995. - S. 119-120.
[MCEM '95 - Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. Stará Lesná (SK), 95.10.16-95.10.20]

037469 - UPT-D 970070 CZ cze J
Zemánek, P.
Optimalizace disperzního signálu frekvenčně modulované saturační spektroskopie.
Jemná mechanika a optika, 40 [3] 71-75 (1995).

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