UEM - Ústav experimentální medicíny


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Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

059477 - UEM-P 990006 CZ eng A
Anděrová, M. - Chvátal, A. - Eliasson, C. - Pěkný, M. - Syková, E.
Membrane properties and swelling of astrocytes in GFAP-/- mice.
Physiological Research. Supplement, 48 [1] S52 (1999).
[Proseedings FEPS Congress /2./. Prague (CZ), 99.06.30-99.07.04]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/99/0657; GA ČR(CZ) GA305/99/0655; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96130
[Impact factor: 0.588(95) 0.526(96) 0.807(97) 0.616(98) 0.521(99) 1.366(00) 1.027(01) 0,984(02) 0.939(03) ]

066816 - MBU-M 990219 NL eng A
Bendjelloul, F. - Malý, P. - Mandys, V. - Jirkovská, M. - Prokešová, L. - Tučková, L. - Tlaskalová, H.
Intercellular adhesion molecule-1 deficiency protects mice against severe forms of experimentally induced colitis.
Immunology Letters, 69 [1] 132 (1999).
[International Congress of Mucosal Immunology /10./. Amsterdam (NL), 99.06.27-99.07.01]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7020716
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A53/98:Z5-020-9ii
[Impact factor:1.513(91) 1.559(92) 1.241(93) 1.223(94) 1.241(95) 1.255(96) 1.096(97) 1.485(98) 1.494(99) 1.546(00) 2.009(01) 1,847(02) 1.710(03) ]

065347 - UEM-P 990158 US eng A
Binková, B. - Rossner, P. - Šrám, R.
DNA adducts formed by individual polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), modulatory effects in binary mixtures and induction of p53 protein in cultures of human diploid lung fibroblasts.
Proceedings of AACR, 40, 507 (1999).
[AACR Annual Meeting. Philadelphia (US), 99.04.10-99.04.14]
Grant: GA MŽP(CZ) ZZ/340/1/97

065341 - UEM-P 990152 GR eng A
Binková, B. - Dejmek, J. - Mračková, G. - Topinka, J. - Šrám, R.
DNA adducts in placenta and environmental exposure.
Epidemiology. Supplement, 10 [4] 208 (1999).
[ISEE/ISEA Conference. Athens (GR), 99.09.05-99.09.08]
Grant: GA MŽP(CZ) ZZ/340/1/97
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.000(93) 1.872(94) 2.167(95) 2.296(96) 2.991(97) 3.058(98) 3.377(99) 3.632(00) 3.359(01) 3,962(02) 4.220(03) ]

065337 - UEM-P 990148 DK eng A
Binková, B. - Rossner, P. - Giguere, Y. - Šrám, R.
DNA adducts and p21 induction by PAHs in cultures of human diploid lung fibroblasts.
Pharmacology and Toxicology. Supplement, 85 [1] 57 (1999).
[EEMS Annual Conference /29./. Copenhagen (DK), 99.07.04-99.07.09]
Grant: GA MŽP(CZ) ZZ/340/1/97
[Impact factor:0.992(92) 1.058(93) 1.078(94) 0.926(95) 1.036(96) 1.255(97) 1.117(98) 1.263(99) 1.189(00) 0.925(01) 1,271(02) 1.302(03) ]

065350 - UEM-P 990161 TR eng A
Binková, B. - Rossner, P. - Šrám, R.
DNA adducts and p21 induction by PAHs in cultures of human diploid lung fibroblasts.
In: Human Monitoring after Environ. and Occupational Exposure to Chemical and Physical Agents. - Antalya, Organizin committee 1999. - S. 61-62.
[NATO Working Days. Antalya (TR), 99.09.23-99.10.03]
Grant: GA MŽP(CZ) ZZ/340/1/97

065325 - UEM-P 990136 RIV CZ eng J
Binková, B. - Strejc, P. - Boubelík, O. - Stávková, Z. - Chvátalová, I. - Šrám, R.
DNA adducts and human atherosclerotic lesion.
Homeostasis. CIANS, 39 [5] 168-173 (1999).

065328 - UEM-P 990139 RIV CZ cze J
Binková, B. - Šrám, R. - Veselý, D. - Veselá, D. - Jelínek, R.
Genotoxicita a embryotoxicita organických látek adsorbovaných na aerosolové částice v ovzduší - porovnání dvou lokalit a sezón.
Ochrana ovzduší, - [5-6] 17-22 (1999).
Grant: GA MŽP(CZ) ZZ/340/1/97

059493 - UEM-P 990022 RIV NL eng J
Binková, B. - Veselý, D. - Veselá, D. - Jelínek, R. - Šrám, R.
Genotoxicity and embryotoxicity of urban air particulate matter collected during winter and summer period in two different districts of the Czech Republic.
Mutation Research. Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis , 440, 45-58 (1999).
Grant: GA MŽP(CZ) ZZ/340/1/97
[Impact factor: 1.506(00) 1.624(01) 1,636(02) 1.748(03) ]

065244 - UEM-P 990052 CZ eng A
Brichová, H. - Šimonová, Z. - Syková, E.
Aging in rat hippocampus - morphological study.
In: 3rd conference of the Czech neuroscience society. - Prague, Czech Neuroscience Society 1999. - S. 68.
[Conference of the Czech neuroscience society /3./. Prague (CZ), 99.11.14-99.11.15]

059492 - UEM-P 990021 RIV DE eng J
Buckiová, D. - Brown, N.
Mechanism of Hyperthermia Effects on CNS Development: Rostral Gene Expression Domains Remain, Despite Severe Head Truncation, and the Hindbrain/Otocyst Relationship Is Altered.
Teratology, 59, 139-147 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA304/94/1716; GA ČR(CZ) GA304/96/0909; BIO2 CT(EU) 930107
[Impact factor:1.600(91) 1.884(92) 1.664(93) 1.441(94) 1.578(95) 1.762(96) 1.719(97) 1.734(98) 2.028(99) ]

065240 - UEM-P 990048 CZ eng A
Chvátal, A. - Anděrová, M. - Prokopová, Š. - Vargová, L. - Syková, E.
Effect of osmotic stress on glial K+ tail currents and ECS volume in rat spinal cord slice.
In: 3rd conference of the Czech neuroscience society. - Prague, Czech Neuroscience Society 1999. - S. 64.
[Conference of the Czech neuroscience society /3./. Prague (CZ), 99.11.14-99.11.15]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA305/99/0655; GA ČR(CZ) GA309/99/0657; GA MŠk(CZ) PG96130

059478 - UEM-P 990007 CZ eng A
Chvátal, A. - Anděrová, M. - Vargová, L. - Prokopová, Š. - Žiak, D. - Syková, E.
Effect of osmotic stress on glial potassium tail currents and extracellular space diffusion parameters in the rat spinal cord slice.
Physiological Research. Supplement, 48 [1] S61 (1999).
[Proseedings FEPS Congress /2./. Prague (CZ), 99.06.30-99.07.04]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/99/0657; GA ČR(CZ) GA305/99/0655; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96130
[Impact factor: 0.588(95) 0.526(96) 0.807(97) 0.616(98) 0.521(99) 1.366(00) 1.027(01) 0,984(02) 0.939(03) ]

065258 - UEM-P 990066 US eng A
Chvátal, A. - Anděrová, M. - Vargová, L. - Prokopová, Š. - Syková, E.
Effect of osmotic stress on K+ accumulation around astrocytes and oligodendrocytes in the rat spinal cord.
In: Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience. - Miami Beach, Organizing Committee 1999. - S. 1261.
[Annual Meeting /29./. Miami Beach (US), 99.10.23-99.10.28]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA305/99/0655; GA ČR(CZ) GA309/99/0657; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96130

059472 - UEM-P 990001 RIV DE eng J
Chvátal, A. - Anděrová, M. - Žiak, D. - Syková, E.
Glial depolarization evokes a larger potassium accumulation around oligodendrocytes than around astrocytes in gray matter of rat spinal cord slices.
Journal of Neuroscience Research, 56, 493-505 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/96/0881; GA ČR(CZ) GA305/99/0655; GA MZd(CZ) IZ3423; GA MŠk(CZ) PG96130; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK2011602
[Impact factor:3.197(92) 3.005(93) 3.637(94) 3.377(95) 2.843(96) 2.442(97) 2.874(98) 3.126(99) 3.207(00) 3.378(01) 2,956(02) 3.374(03) ]

059508 - UEM-P 990038 US eng A
Čejková, J.
The influence of UVB rays on reactive oxygen species (ROS)-generating and ros-cleaving oxidases in the rabbit corneal epithelium.
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 40 [4] S341 ( 1999).
[Annual Meeting fort lauderdale. Florida (US), 99.05.09-99.05.14]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV307/96/K226
[Impact factor:3.639(92) 3.555(93) 3.934(94) 4.019(95)4.883(96) 5.250(97) 4.887(98) 4.858(99) 4.373(00)4.172(01) 4,091(02) 4.148(03) ]

059509 - UEM-P 990039 US eng A
Čejková, J.
The simple and rapid semiquantitative biochemical method for the detection of protease activities in wound fluids.
In: Burn Wound Care Symposium. - Hawaii, Organizing Comittee 1999. - S. 16.
[Burn Wound Care Symposium. Hawaii (US), 99.02.22-99.02.26]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV307/96/K226

065315 - UEM-P 990125 US eng A
Čejková, J.
The detection of protease activities in wound fluids.
In: The John A. Boswick Burn and Wound Care Symposium. - Hawaii, Organizing committee 1999. - S. 8.
[The John A. Boswick Burn and Wound Care Symposium. Hawaii (US), 99.02.22-99.02.26]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA404/96/0908; GA ČR(CZ) GV404/96/K226; GA MZd(CZ) NG16

059491 - UEM-P 990020 RIV ES eng J
Čejková, J. - Zvárová, J. - Andonová, Ž. - Ardan, T.
Comparative histochemical and biochemical studies on acid beta-galactosidase activity in the experimentally injured rabbit cornea and tear fluid using the sensitive substrate beta-galactoside-4-trifluoromethylumbelliferyl (HFC).
Histology and Histopathology, 14, 471-478 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA304/96/0908; GA ČR(CZ) GV307/96/K226; ČR(XC) NG16
[Impact factor: 1.005(96) 1.028(97) 1.601(99) 1.553(00) 1.859(01) 1,881(02) 1.830(03) ]

065268 - UEM-P 990076 CZ eng A
Degrouard, J. - Vignon, X. - Heyman, Y. - Lavergne, Y. - Hozák, P. - Renard, J. P. - Flechon, J. E.
Immunocytochemistry and ultrastructure of the nucleoskeleton in cleaving bovine embryos.
In: The Wilhelm Bernard's Workshop. - Prague, Organizátoři symposia 1999. - S. 17.
[International Workshop on the Cell Nucleus /16./. Prague (CZ), 99.08.23-99.08.27]

065336 - UEM-P 990147 DK eng A
Dejmek, J. - Jelínek, R. - Beneš, I. - Solanský, I. - Šrám, R.
Air pollution exposure before conception and human fertility.
Pharmacology and Toxicology. Supplement, 85 [1] 37 (1999).
[EEMS Annual Conference /29./. Copenhagen (DK), 99.07.04-99.07.09]
Grant: GA MŽP(CZ) ZZ/340/1/97
[Impact factor:0.992(92) 1.058(93) 1.078(94) 0.926(95) 1.036(96) 1.255(97) 1.117(98) 1.263(99) 1.189(00) 0.925(01) 1,271(02) 1.302(03) ]

059495 - UEM-P 990024 RIV US eng J
Dejmek, J. - Selevan, S. G. - Beneš, I. - Solansky, I. - Šrám, R.
Fetal growth and Maternal Exposure to Particulate Matter during Pregnancy.
Environmental Health Perspectives, 107 [6] 475-480 (1999).
Grant: GA MŽP(CZ) ZZ/340/1/97
[Impact factor:1.647(91) 1.213(92) 1.481(93) 1.217(94) 1.194(95) 1.688(96) 2.119(97) 2.268(98) 2.469(99) 3.033(00) 3.137(01) 3,452(02) 3.038(03) ]

065330 - UEM-P 990141 BE eng A
Dejmek, J. - Selevan, S. G. - Beneš, I. - Šrám, R.
Maternal exposure to PM10 in various gestational stages and fetal growth.
HEI Communications, - [8] 265 (1999).
[Joint Meeting of EC and HEI "The Health Effects of Fine Particles: Key Questions and the 2003 Review.. Brussels (BE), 99.01.14-99.01.15]
Grant: GA MŽP(CZ) ZZ/340/1/97

065344 - UEM-P 990155 GR eng A
Dejmek, J. - Selevan, S. G. - Solanský, I. - Beneš, I. - Leníček, J. - Šrám, R.
Exposure to carcinogenic PAHs in utero and fetal growth.
Epidemiology. Supplement, 10 [4] 364 (1999).
[ISEE/ISEA Conference. Athens (GR), 99.09.05-99.09.08]
Grant: GA MŽP(CZ) ZZ/340/1/97
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.000(93) 1.872(94) 2.167(95) 2.296(96) 2.991(97) 3.058(98) 3.377(99) 3.632(00) 3.359(01) 3,962(02) 4.220(03) ]

065267 - UEM-P 990075 CZ eng A
DeLanerolle, P. - Pestic-Dragovich, P. - Stojiljkovic, L. - Nowak, G. - Ke, Y. - Settlage, R. - Hunt, D. F. - Philimonenko, A. - Hozák, P.
Nuclear myosin I.
In: The Wilhelm Bernard's Workshop. - Prague, Organizátoři symposia 1999. - S. 17.
[International Workshop on the Cell Nucleus /16./. Prague (CZ), 99.08.23-99.08.27]

065237 - UEM-P 990045 CZ eng A
Dezortová, M. - Hájek, M. - Tintěra, J. - Hejcmanová, L. - Syková, E.
The contribution of magnetic resonance to explaining phenylketonuria-related brain lesions.
In: 3rd conference of the Czech neuroscience society. - Prague, Czech Neuroscience Society 1999. - S. 59.
[Conference of the Czech neuroscience society /3./. Prague (CZ), 99.11.14-99.11.15]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV309/97/K048; GA MZd(CZ) IZ3423; GA MZd(CZ) IZ1064

065301 - UEM-P 990111 CZ eng A
Djaborkhel, R. - Tvrdík, D. - Muller, J. - Raška, I.
Phosphorylation of nuclear factor CREB is associated with cell cycle arrest.
In: EMBO Workshop. - Prague, Organizátoři symposia 1999. - S. P15.
[EMBO Workshop. Prague (CZ), 99.08.09-99.08.12]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) VS96129

065334 - UEM-P 990145 US eng A
Dostál, M. - Vacek, P. - Albertini, R. J. - Šrám, R.
Association of exposure to butadiene with distribution of T lymphocyte subsets in peripheral blood.
In: HEI Annual Conference. - San Diego, Organizing committee 1999. - S. 3.
[HEI Annual Conference. San Diego (US), 99.05.09-99.05.11]
Grant: HEI(US) 97-1

065342 - UEM-P 990153 GR eng A
Dostál, M. - Vacek, P. - Albertini, R. J. - Šrám, R.
Association of exposure to butadiene with distribution of T lymphocyte subsets in peripheral blood.
Epidemiology. Supplement, 10 [4] 211 (1999).
[ISEE/ISEA Conference. Athens (GR), 99.09.05-99.09.08]
Grant: HEI(US) 97-1
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.000(93) 1.872(94) 2.167(95) 2.296(96) 2.991(97) 3.058(98) 3.377(99) 3.632(00) 3.359(01) 3,962(02) 4.220(03) ]

059488 - UEM-P 990017 US eng A
Druga, R. - Nwabueze-Ogbo, F. - Syka, J.
Decreased NADPH-diaphorase expression in the inferior colliculus and auditory cortex following unilateral decortication.
ARO. Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 22, 50 (1999).
[ARO Meeting /22./. St.Petersburg (US), 99.02.13-99.02.18]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/97/0830

065232 - UEM-P 990040 CZ eng A
Druga, R. - Syka, J.
Calbindin d-28k immunoreactivity in the central auditory system of intact and noise - exposed rats.
In: Third conference of the Czech neuroscience society. - Prague, Czech Neuroscience Society 1999. - S. 82.
[Conference of the Czech neuroscience society /3./. Prague (CZ), 99.11.14-99.11.15]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/97/0830

065263 - UEM-P 990071 CZ eng A
Fuchsová, B. - Kafková, J. - Hozák, P.
Identification of a new protein of PML nuclear bodies.
In: The Wilhelm Bernard's Workshop. - Prague, Organizátoři symposia 1999. - S. 28.
[International Workshop on the Cell Nucleus /16./. Prague (CZ), 99.08.23-99.08.27]

065343 - UEM-P 990154 GR eng A
Georgiadis, P. - Stoikidou, M. - Topinka, J. - Autrup, J. - Gioka, M. - Bekyrou, M. - Kaila, S. - Katsouyanni, K. - Šrám, R. - Kyrtopoulos, S. A.
Biomarkers of genotoxicity of urban air pollution: Relationship between PM2.5 and PAH exposures, DNA adducts and genotypes.
Epidemiology. Supplement, 10 [4] 214 (1999).
[ISEE/ISEA Conference. Athens (GR), 99.09.05-99.09.08]
Grant: EU(XE) ENV4-CT96-0203
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.000(93) 1.872(94) 2.167(95) 2.296(96) 2.991(97) 3.058(98) 3.377(99) 3.632(00) 3.359(01) 3,962(02) 4.220(03) ]

059474 - UEM-P 990003 RIV GB eng J
Jansson, A. - Mazel, T. - Andbjer, B. - Rosén, L. - Guidolin, D. - Zoli, M. - Syková, E. - Agnati, L. - Fuxe, K.
Effects of nitric oxide inhibition on the spread of biotinylated dextran and on extracellular space parameters in the neostriatum of the male rat.
Neuroscience, 91 [1] 69-80 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/96/0884; GA MZd(CZ) IZ3423
[Impact factor:3.589(91) 4.324(92) 4.582(93) 4.626(94) 4.288(95) 3.908(96) 3.594(97) 3.591(98) 3.924(99) 3.563(00) 3.219(01) 3,457(02) 3.601(03) ]

065338 - UEM-P 990149 GR eng A
Jantunen, M. - Hanninen, O. - Lioy, P. - Katsouyanni, K. - Šrám, R. - Kunzli, N. - Zmirou, D. - Hanninenrisk, O.
From short term individual to long term population exposures to PM in relation to outdoor air levels.
Epidemiology. Supplement, 10 [4] 86 (1999).
[ISEE/ISEA Conference. Athens (GR), 99.09.05-99.09.08]
Grant: EU(XE) ENV4-CT96-0202; EU(XE) ERB IC20-CT96-0061
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.000(93) 1.872(94) 2.167(95) 2.296(96) 2.991(97) 3.058(98) 3.377(99) 3.632(00) 3.359(01) 3,962(02) 4.220(03) ]

065239 - UEM-P 990047 CZ eng A
Jendelová, P. - Vargová, L. - Chvátal, A. - Syková, E.
Effect of exitatory amino acids on diffusion parameters and ionic changes in the isolated rat spinal cord.
In: 3rd conference of the Czech neuroscience society. - Prague, Czech Neuroscience Society 1999. - S. 63.
[Conference of the Czech neuroscience society /3./. Prague (CZ), 99.11.14-99.11.15]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV309/97/K048; GA ČR(CZ) GV307/96/K226; GA ČR(CZ) GA309/99/0657

059504 - UEM-P 990033 DE eng A
Kieffer, S. - Peterková, R. - Vonesch, J. L. - Ruch, J. V. - Peterka, M. - Lesot, H.
Morphogenesis of the lower incisor in mouse.
In: International Symposium on Craniofacial Morphology. - Witten, Organizing Comittee 1999. - S. 14.
[International Symposium on Craniofacial Morphology. Witten (DE), 99.05.13-99.05.14]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) OC B8.10

065288 - UEM-P 990096 RIV ES eng J
Kieffer, S. - Peterková, R. - Vonesch, J. L. - Peterka, M. - Ruch, J. V. - Lesot, H.
Morphogenesis of the lower incisor in the mouse from the bud to early bell stage.
International Journal Development Biology, 43, 531-539 (1999).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7039901; GA MŠk(CZ) OC B8.10
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 0.000(93) 1.431(94) 1.356(95) 1.702(96) 1.619(97) 1.559(98) 1.743(99) 1.963(00) 1.650(01) 1,465(02) 1.306(03) ]

065304 - UEM-P 990114 CZ eng A
Koberna, K. - Čtrnáctá, V. - Raška, I.
In situ fluorescence visualisation of bromouridine incorporated into newly transcribed nucleolar RNA.
In: EMBO Workshop. - Prague, Organizátoři symposia 1999. - S. 10.
[EMBO Workshop. Prague (CZ), 99.08.09-99.08.12]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA302/99/0587

065270 - UEM-P 990078 CZ eng A
Koberna, K. - Staněk, D. - Malínský, J. - Eltsov, M. - Pliss, A. - Čtrnáctá, V. - Cermanová, Š. - Raška, I.
The novel method for the introduction of hydrophilic molecules into living cells.
In: EMBO Workshop. - Prague, Organizátoři symposia 1999. - S. 51.
[International Workshop on the Cell Nucleus /16./. Prague (CZ), 99.08.23-99.08.27]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA304/96/K002; GA ČR(CZ) GA302/99/0587

065272 - UEM-P 990080 CZ eng A
Koberna, K. - Staněk, D. - Malínský, J. - Čtrnáctá, V. - Cermanová, Š. - Novotná, J. - Kopský, V. - Raška, I.
In situ fluorescence visualisation of bromouridine incorporated into newly transcribed nucleolar RNA.
In: The Wilhelm Bernard's Workshop. - Prague, Organizátoři symposia 1999. - S. 50.
[International Workshop on the Cell Nucleus /16./. Prague (CZ), 99.08.23-99.08.27]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV304/96/K002; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96129; Wellcome grant (XX) 049949/Z/97/JMW/JPS/CG

065298 - UEM-P 990107 RIV DE eng J
Koberna, K. - Staněk, D. - Malínský, J. - Pliss, A. - Eltsov, M. - Čtrnáctá, V. - Cermanová, Š. - Raška, I.
Nuclear organization studied with the help of a hypotonic shift: its use permits hydrophilic molecules to enter into living cells.
Chromosoma, 108, 325-335 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV304/96/K002; GA ČR(CZ) GA302/99/0587
[Impact factor:2.601(91) 2.633(92) 2.747(93) 2.513(94) 2.825(95) 2.633(96) 2.669(97) 2.651(98) 2.530(99) 3.157(00) 3.286(01) 2,829(02) 2.634(03) ]

065302 - UEM-P 990112 CZ eng A
Koberna, K. - Staněk, D. - Malínský, J. - Eltsov, M. - Pliss, A. - Čtrnáctá, V. - Cermanová, Š. - Raška, I.
The novel method for the introduction of hydrophilic molecules into living cells.
In: EMBO Workshop. - Prague, Organizátoři symposia 1999. - S. -.
[EMBO Workshop. Prague (CZ), 99.08.09-99.08.12]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) VS96129; GA ČR(CZ) GA302/99/0587

065269 - UEM-P 990077 CZ eng A
Korneva, E. P. - Kurchashova, S. L. - Gulak, P. V. - Kireyev, I. I. - Hozák, P.
Chromatin-nuclear envelope interactions and lamina organization in s-phase nuclei.
In: The Wilhelm Bernard's Workshop. - Prague, Organizátoři symposia 1999. - S. 52.
[International Workshop on the Cell Nucleus /16./. Prague (CZ), 99.08.23-99.08.27]

065236 - UEM-P 990044 CZ eng A
Kvašňák, E. - Popelář, J. - Syka, J.
Discharge properties of neurons in subdivisions of the medial geniculate body of guinea pig.
In: 3rd conference of the Czech neuroscience society. - Prague, Czech Neuroscience Society 1999. - S. 86.
[Conference of the Czech neuroscience society /3./. Prague (CZ), 99.11.14-99.11.15]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/97/0830

065249 - UEM-P 990057 CZ eng A
Kvašňák, E. - Popelář, J. - Syka, J.
Analysis of firing patterns of neurones in the medial geniculate body of the guinea pig.
Physiological Research. Supplement, 48 [1] S90 (1999).
[Second FEPS Congress. Prague (CZ), 99.06.30-99.07.04]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/97/0830; GA MZd(CZ) NK4747
[Impact factor: 0.588(95) 0.526(96) 0.807(97) 0.616(98) 0.521(99) 1.366(00) 1.027(01) 0,984(02) 0.939(03) ]

059494 - UEM-P 990023 RIV NL eng J
Leonard, A. - Gerber, G. B. - Stecca, C. - Rueff, J. - Borba, H. - Farmer, P. B. - Šrám, R. - Czeizel, A. E. - Kalina, I.
Mutagenicity, carcinogenicity, and teratogenicity of acrylonitrile.
Mutation Research. Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis , 436, 263-283 (1999).
Grant: EU(XE) IC15-CT97-0302
[Impact factor: 1.506(00) 1.624(01) 1,636(02) 1.748(03) ]

065290 - UEM-P 990098 DE eng A
Lesot, H. - Peterková, R. - Kieffer, S. - Schmitt, R. - Viriot, L. - Peterka, M. - Ruch, J. V.
3D reconstruction of mouse tooth development.
In: Symposium on Craniofacial Morphology. - Witten, Organizátoři symposia 1999. - S. 5.
[Symposium on Craniofacial Morphology. Witten (DE), 99.05.13-99.05.15]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) OC B-8.10

059499 - UEM-P 990028 RIV ES eng J
Lesot, H. - Peterková, R. - Schmitt, R. - Meyer, J. M. - Viriot, L. - Vonesch, J. L. - Senger, B. - Peterka, M. - Ruch, J. V.
Inital features of the inner dental epithelium histo-morphogenesis in the first lower molar in mouse.
International Journal Development Biology, 43, 245-254 (1999).
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) OC B8.10; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA6045606
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 0.000(93) 1.431(94) 1.356(95) 1.702(96) 1.619(97) 1.559(98) 1.743(99) 1.963(00) 1.650(01) 1,465(02) 1.306(03) ]

065292 - UEM-P 990100 BE eng A
Lesot, H. - Peterková, R. - Schmitt, R. - Meyer, J. M. - Viriot, L. - Peterka, M. - Ruch, J. V.
Initial histomorphogenesis of the lower molar in mouse.
In: Odontogenesis. - Ghent, Organizing Committee 1999. - S. 5.
[COST B8 Meeting. Ghent (BE), 99.09.24-99.09.25]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) OC B-8.10

065317 - UEM-P 990127 PT eng A
Linhartová, I. - Novotná, B. - Dráberová, E. - Dráber, P.
Tubulin distribution in differentiating chicken erythtocytes.
In: European cytoskeleton forum. - Oeiras, Organizing committee 1999. - S. 44.
[European cytoskeleton forum /14./. Oeiras (PT), 99.08.28-99.09.02]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/98/1054; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5052701

068407 - UMG-J 20000006 CZ cze A
Linhartová, I. - Novotná, B. - Dráberová, E. - Dráber, P.
Exprese t-tubulinu ve vývoji ku(c)ecích erytrocytů.
In: 7. Cytoskeletální klub. - Brno, LF MU 1999. - S. -.
[Cytoskeletální klub /7./. Vranovská Ves (CZ), 99.03.17-99.03.19]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5052701
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A23/98:Z5-052-9ii

068741 - UMG-J 20000078 RIV PT eng A
Linhartová, I. - Novotná, B. - Draberová, E. - Dráber, P.
g - tubulin distribution in differentiating chicken erytheocytes.
In: 14th European Cytoskeleton Forum. - Oeiras, - 1999. - S. P44.
[European Cytoskeleton Forum /14./. Oeiras (PT), 99.08.28-99.09.02]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5052701; GA ČR(CZ) GA204/98/1054; NATO(BE) CNS961254
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A23/98:Z5-052-9ii

074521 - UMG-J 20000046 PT eng A
Linhartová, I. - Novotná, B. - Dráberová, E. - Dráber, P.
Gamma-Tubulin distribution in differentiating chicken erythrocytes.
In: 14th European Cytoskeleton Forum. - Oeiras, - 1999. - S. P44.
[European Cytoskeleton Forum /14./. Oeiras (PT), 99.08.28-99.09.02]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5052701; GA ČR(CZ) GA204/98/1054; NATO(BE) CNS961254
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A23/98:Z5-052-9ii

074548 - UMG-J 20000077 PT eng A
Linhartová, I. - Novotná, B. - Dráberová, E. - Dráber, P.
Gamma - tubulin distribution in differentiating chicken erythrocytes.
In: 14th European Cytoskeleton Forum. - Oeiras, - 1999. - S. P44.
[European Cytoskeleton Forum /14./. Oeiras (PT), 99.08.28-99.09.02]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5052701; GA ČR(CZ) GA204/98/1054; NATO(BE) CNS961254
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A23/98:Z5-052-9ii

065314 - UEM-P 990124 US eng A
Lišková, A. - Jahnová, E. - Dušinská, M. - Tulinská, J. - Kuricová, M. - Vodička, P. - Šulcová, M. - Fuortes, L.
Immunotoxicity of styrene in workers occupationally exposed in a plastics lamination plant.
Toxicology Letters. Supplement, 109 [1] 17 (1999).
[Eurotox 99. Oslo (NO), 99.06.27-99.06.30]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA313/99/1460
[Impact factor:0.987(91) 0.774(92) 0.661(93) 1.112(94) 1.242(95) 0.895(96) 1.128(97) 1.303(98) 0.773(99) 1.401(00) 1.587(01) 2,242(02) 2.224(03) ]

065296 - UEM-P 990105 CZ cze J
Lukáš, K. - Mandys, V. - Mareček, P. - Hraboš, V. - Hornig, A. - Šmejkalová, K. - Vernerová, Z. - Aschermann, M.
Nekardiální bolest na hrudi.
Česká a Slovenská Gastroenterologie, 53 [5] 164-169 (1999).

065332 - UEM-P 990143 US eng A
Lynch, J. - Albertini, R. J. - Šrám, R. - Vacek, P. - Wright, M.
External exposure assessment in a transition epidemiological study.
In: HEI Annual Conference. - San Diego, Organizing committee 1999. - S. 4.
[HEI Annual Conference. San Diego (US), 99.05.09-99.05.11]
Grant: GA MŽP(CZ) ZZ/340/1/97

065345 - UEM-P 990156 IT eng A
Machala, M. - Vondráček, J. - Ulrich, R. - Rubeš, J. - Šrám, R.
Evidence for estrogenic and TCDD-like activities in extracts of blood and semen of men.
Organohalogen Compounds, 42, 83-86 (1999).
[International Symposium on Halogenated Environmental Organic Pollutants DIOXIN /19./. Venezia (IT), 99.09.12-99.09.17]
Grant: GA MŽP(CZ) ZZ/340/1/97

064294 - BFU-R 990098 RIV IT eng C
Machala, M. - Vondráček, J. - Ulrich, R. - Rubeš, J. - Šrám, R.
Evidence for Estrogenic and TCDD-like Activities in Extracts of Blood and Semen of Men.
In: Organohalogen Compounds. - (Ed. Mocarelli, P.). - Milano, EMMEZETA Congressi 1999. - S. 83-86.
[International Symposium Dioxin 99 on Halogenated Environmental Organic Pollutants and POPs /19./. Venice (IT), 99.09.12-99.09.17]
Grant: GA MŽP(CZ) ZZ/340/1/97

065241 - UEM-P 990049 CZ eng A
Mazel, T. - Prokopová, Š. - Syková, E.
Extracellular space diffusion parameters in the brain and spinal cord of GFAP-/- mice.
In: 3rd conference of the Czech neuroscience society. - Prague, Czech Neuroscience Society 1999. - S. 65.
[Conference of the Czech neuroscience society /3./. Prague (CZ), 99.11.14-99.11.15]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV309/97/K048; GA ČR(CZ) GA309/99/0657; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96130

059479 - UEM-P 990008 CZ eng A
Mazel, T. - Syková, E.
Faster extracellular diffusion in the brain of GFAP-/- mice.
Physiological Research. Supplement, 48 [1] S95 (1999).
[Proseedings FEPS Congress /2./. Prague (CZ), 99.06.30-99.07.04]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/99/0657; GA ČR(CZ) GV309/97/K048; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96130
[Impact factor: 0.588(95) 0.526(96) 0.807(97) 0.616(98) 0.521(99) 1.366(00) 1.027(01) 0,984(02) 0.939(03) ]

065273 - UEM-P 990081 CZ eng A
Melčák, I. - Cermanová, Š. - Jirsová, K. - Koberna, K. - Malínský, J. - Raška, I.
Nuclear (pre-mRNA) compartmentalizatio: trafficking of released transcripts to splicing factor reservoirs.
In: The Wilhelm Bernard's Workshop. - Prague, Organizátoři symposia 1999. - S. 59.
[International Workshop on the Cell Nucleus /16./. Prague (CZ), 99.08.23-99.08.27]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV304/96/K002; GA ČR(CZ) GA302/99/0587; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96129; Wellcome grant(XX) 049949/Z/97/JMW/JPS/CG

065299 - UEM-P 990109 HU eng A
Melčák, I. - Cermanová, Š. - Jirsová, K. - Koberna, K. - Malínský, J. - Raška, I.
Nuclear organization of the pre-mRNA synthesis and processing.
In: Proceedings multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. - Veszprém, Organizing committee 1999. - S. 23.
[Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy /4./. Veszprém (HU), 99.09.05-99.09.08]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA302/99/0587; GA ČR(CZ) GV304/96/K002

065289 - UEM-P 990097 RIV ES eng J
Miard, S. - Peterková, R. - Vonesch, J. L. - Ruch, J. V. - Peterka, M. - Lesot, H.
Alterations in the incisor development in the Tabby mouse.
International Journal Development Biology, 43, 517-529 (1999).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7039901; GA MŠk(CZ) OC B8.10
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 0.000(93) 1.431(94) 1.356(95) 1.702(96) 1.619(97) 1.559(98) 1.743(99) 1.963(00) 1.650(01) 1,465(02) 1.306(03) ]

066574 - UZFG-Y 990052 BE eng A
Míšek, I. - Witter, K. - Lesot, H. - Peterka, M. - Peterková, R.
The early development of teeth and tooth formula in heterodont and homodont dentition in Eutherians.
In: COST B8 Working Group 1-Meeting "Evolutiion". - Gent, COST B8 Working Group1 1999. - S. 5.
[COST B8 Working Group 1-Meeting "Evolution". Gent (BE), 99.09.24-99.09.25]

059498 - UEM-P 990027 RIV CZ cze J
Mračková, G. - Binková, B. - Pilčík, T. - Peterka, V. - Gajdošová, D. - Šrám, R.
Využití "Comet assay" při hodnocení profesionální expozice pracovníků v koksárnách.
Pracovní lékařství, 51, 3-8 (1999).
Grant: GA MŽP(CZ) ZZ/340/1/97

065351 - UEM-P 990162 TR eng A
Musilová, P. - Rossner, P. - Binková, B. - Vacek, P. - Albertini, R. J. - Šrám, R.
Biomarkers responses in butadiene exposed Czech workers - cytogenetic analysis.
In: Human Monitoring after Environ. and Occupational Exposure to Chemical and Physical Agents. - Antalya, Organizing Committee 1999. - S. 77.
[NATO Working Days. Antalya (TR), 99.09.23-99.10.03]
Grant: HEI(US) 97-1

065320 - UEM-P 990130 SK eng A
Novotná, B. - Hooghe, R. - Ooms, D. - Vilhelmová, M. - Vazková, J.
DNA fragmentation and changes of membrane glycosylation in blood cells of chick embryos treated with bromodeoxyuridine during organogenesis.
In: Comet assay workshop. - Smolenice, organizátoři workshopu 1999. - S. 5.
[Comet assay workshop. Smolenice (SK), 99.05.29-99.06.02]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA304/98/1613

065318 - UEM-P 990128 US eng A
Novotná, B. - Jelínek, J. - Seemanová, E. - Jarolim, P.
Decreased DNA stability in heterozygotes for a frameshift mutation in the DNA repair protein nibrin.
In: American Society of Hematology. - New Orleans, Organizing committee 1999. - S. 10.
[Annual Meeting American Society of Hematology /41./. New Orleans ( US), 99.12.03-99.12.07]

065319 - UEM-P 990129 US eng A
Novotná, B. - Jelínek, J. - Seemanová, E. - Jarolim, P.
Decreased DNA stability in heterozygotes for a frameshift mutation in the DNA repair protein nibrin.
BLOOD. Journal of the American Society of Hematology, 49 [10] 488 (1999).
[American Society of Hematology. New Orleans (US), 99.12.03-99.12.07]
[Impact factor:7.670(91) 8.061(92) 8.120(93) 8.279(94) 8.569(95) 9.745(96) 9.507(97) 8.372(98) 8.782(99) 8.977(00) 9.273(01) 9,631(02) 10.120(03) ]

065311 - UEM-P 990121 RIV CZ eng J
Novotná, B. - Ooms, D. - Vilhelmová, M. - Vaňková, J. - Hooghe, R.
DNA fragmentation and changes of membrane glycosylation in blood cells of chick embryos treated with 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine during organogenesis.
Neoplasma, 46, 53-54 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA304/98/1613
[Impact factor:0.375(91) 0.366(92) 0.352(93) 0.354(94) 0.418(95) 0.420(96) 0.385(97) 0.657(98) 0.448(99) 0.579(00) 0.637(01) 0,679(02) 0.782(03) ]

065280 - UEM-P 990088 DK eng A
Novotná, B. - Štětina, R. - Hooghe, R. - Ooms, D. - Vilhelmová, M. - Vaňková, J.
The effects of 5-bromo-2deoxyuridine on hematopoiesis of the early chick embryo.
Pharmacology and Toxicology. Supplement, 85 [1] 63 (1999).
[Annual Meeting of the European Environmental Mutagen Society /29./. Copenhagen (DK), 99.07.04-99.07.09]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA304/98/1613
[Impact factor:0.992(92) 1.058(93) 1.078(94) 0.926(95) 1.036(96) 1.255(97) 1.117(98) 1.263(99) 1.189(00) 0.925(01) 1,271(02) 1.302(03) ]

065279 - UEM-P 990087 DK eng A
Novotná, B. - Zemanová, Z. - Dušek, Z. - Holejšovská, I. - Vaňková, J.
The early and late effects of 1,2-dibromoethane in the chick embryos exposed during organogenesis.
Pharmacology and Toxicology. Supplement, 85 [1] 63 (1999).
[Annual Meeting of the European Environmental Mutagen Society /29./. Copenhagen (DK), 99.07.04-99.07.09]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA304/98/1613
[Impact factor:0.992(92) 1.058(93) 1.078(94) 0.926(95) 1.036(96) 1.255(97) 1.117(98) 1.263(99) 1.189(00) 0.925(01) 1,271(02) 1.302(03) ]

065316 - UEM-P 990126 LT eng A
Novotná, B. - Zemanová, Z. - Dušek, Z. - Holejšovská, I. - Vaňková, J.
Chick embryoin ovo-aperspective alternative system for evaluation of short- and long-term consequences of exposure to xenobiotics during organogenesis: the effects of 1,2-dibromoethane.
In: Environmental Genotoxicology. - Vilnius, Vilnius University 1999. - S. 41.
[Annual Meeting of NordEMS /16./. Vilnius (LT), 99.06.30-99.07.03]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA404/98/1613

065235 - UEM-P 990043 CZ eng A
Nwabueze-Ogbo, F. - Popelář, J. - Syka, J.
Latency changes in responses of inferior colliculus neurones following deactivation of the auditory cortex.
In: 3rd conference of the Czech neuroscience society. - Prague, Czech Neuroscience Society 1999. - S. 85.
[Conference of the Czech neuroscience society /3./. Prague (CZ), 99.11.14-99.11.15]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/97/0830

065250 - UEM-P 990058 CZ eng A
Nwabueze-Ogbo, F. - Popelář, J. - Syka, J.
Effects of functional cortical ablation on single unit activity in the inferior colliculus of the rat.
Physiological Research. Supplement, 48 [1] S103 (1999).
[Second FEPS Congress. Prague (CZ), 99.06.30-99.07.04]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/97/0830; GA MZd(CZ) NK4747
[Impact factor: 0.588(95) 0.526(96) 0.807(97) 0.616(98) 0.521(99) 1.366(00) 1.027(01) 0,984(02) 0.939(03) ]

065282 - UEM-P 990090 RIV CZ eng J
Otová, B. - Mráz, M. - Mandys, V. - Panczak, A. - Schramlová, J. - Votruba, I. - Holý, A.
Therapeutic effect of heat shock on T-cell lymphoma in inbred Sprague-Dawley rat.
Folia Biologica (Praha), 45, 121-131 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/0519; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK2055603
[Impact factor:0.319(92) 0.090(93) 0.213(94) 0.446(95) 0.500(96) 0.522(97) 0.632(98) 0.493(99) 0.351(00) 0.519(01) 0,615(02) 0.527(03) ]

065283 - UEM-P 990091 RIV US eng J
Otová, B. - Sladká, M. - Damoiseaux, J. - Panczak, A. - Mandys, V. - Francová, K. - Kudláčková, M.
Characterization of T-cell lymphomas in the Prague inbred Sprague-Dawley/cub rat strain: A model of spontaneous hematologic malignancy.
Transplantation Proceedings, 31, 1618-1619 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/0519; GA ČR(CZ) GA203/96/0284
[Impact factor:1.064(91) 1.125(92) 1.089(93) 0.885(94) 0.726(95) 0.850(96) 0.698(97) 0.740(98) 0.590(99) 0.678(00) 0.568(01) 0,478(02) 0.588(03) ]

065293 - UEM-P 990101 BE eng A
Peterka, M. - Peterková, R. - Vonesch, J. L. - Ruch, J. V. - Lesot, H.
Relative position of tooth germs in mouse during prenatal development.
In: Odontogenesis. - Ghent, Organizing Committee 1999. - S. 4.
[COST B8 Meeting. Ghent (BE), 99.09.24-99.09.25]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) OC B-8.10

059505 - UEM-P 990034 DE eng A
Peterka, M. - Vonesch, J. L. - Ruch, J. V. - Peterková, R. - Lesot, H.
Relative position of upper and lower teeth in prenatal mouse - 3D reconstruction study.
In: International Symposium on Craniofacial Morphology. - Witten, Organizing Comittee 1999. - S. 15.
[International Symposium on Craniofacial Morphology. Witten (DE), 99.05.13-99.05.14]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) OC B8.10

065287 - UEM-P 990095 RIV JP eng J
Peterková, R. - Peterka, M. - Vonesch, J. L. - Ruch, J. V.
Contribution of 3-D computer assisted reconstructions to study of the initial steps of mouse odontogenesis.
Journal of Hard Tissue Biology. Spec.Issue, 8, 248-256 (1999).

059503 - UEM-P 990032 FR eng A
Peterková, R. - Viriot, L. - Vonesch, J. L. - Ruch, J. V. - Peterka, M. - Lesot, H.
Are 3D reconstructions essential for correct interpretation of mouse odontogenesis?
In: Odontogenesis - molecular aspects. - Marseille, Organizing Committee 1999. - S. -.
[COST WG2 meeting. Marseille (FR), 99.05.21-99.05.22]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) OC B8.10

065291 - UEM-P 990099 BE eng A
Peterková, R. - Viriot, L. - Vonesch, J. L. - Ruch, J. V. - Peterka, M. - Lesot, H.
Early morphogenesis of the upper and lower first molar mouse.
In: Odontogenesis. - Ghent, Organizing Committee 1999. - S. 6.
[COST B8 Meeting. Ghent (BE), 99.09.24-99.09.25]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) OC B-8.10

065264 - UEM-P 990072 CZ eng A
Philimonenko, A. - Jackson, D. A. - Cook, P. R. - Hozák, P.
Dynamics of DNA Replication: an Ultrastructural Study.
In: The Wilhelm Bernard's Workshop. - Prague, Organizátoři symposia 1999. - S. 71.
[International Workshop on the Cell Nucleus /16./. Prague (CZ), 99.08.23-99.08.27]

065274 - UEM-P 990082 HU eng A
Philimonenko, A. - Janáček, J. - Hozák, P.
Detection of clustering and colocalization patterns in immunogold labelling techniques.
In: Proceedings 4. multinational congress on electron microscopy. - Veszprém, University of Veszprém 1999. - S. 13-18.
[Multinational congress on electron microscopy /4./. Veszprém (HU), 99.09.05-99.09.08]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA304/98/1035; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5039701

065266 - UEM-P 990074 CZ eng A
Philimonenko, A. - Janeček, J. - Hozák, P.
A novel stereological evaluation of colocalization patterns using double immunogold labelling: a study on DNA replication.
In: The Wilhelm Bernard's Workshop. - Prague, Organizátoři symposia 1999. - S. 70.
[International Workshop on the Cell Nucleus /16./. Prague (CZ), 99.08.23-99.08.27]

065265 - UEM-P 990073 CZ eng A
Philimonenko, V. - Flechon, J. E. - Renard, P. - Hozák, P.
The basic characteristics of the nucleoskeleton.
In: The Wilhelm Bernard's Workshop. - Prague, Organizátoři symposia 1999. - S. 72.
[International Workshop on the Cell Nucleus /16./. Prague (CZ), 99.08.23-99.08.27]

065326 - UEM-P 990137 RIV GB eng J
Philips, D. H. - Castegnaro, M. - Binková, B. - Topinka, J.
Standardization and validation of DNA adduct postlabelling methods: report of interlaboratory trials and production of recommended protocols.
Mutagenesis, 14 [3] 301-315 (1999).
[Impact factor:1.941(91) 1.965(92) 2.355(93) 2.381(94) 2.459(95)2.176(96) 1.802(97) 2.145(98) 2.007(99) 2.226(00)1.538(01) 1,864(02) 1.821(03) ]

065300 - UEM-P 990110 RIV CZ eng M
Pliss, A. - Raška, I. - Eltsov, M.
Presence of actin in nuclei of rat NBT II cells.
In: 3rd Conference on Fluorescence Microscopy and Fluorescent Probes. - (Ed. Kotyk, A.). - -, Espero Press 1999. - S. 223-234.

065233 - UEM-P 990041 CZ eng A
Popelář, J. - Erre, J. P. - Syka, J. - Aran, J. M.
Suppression of the ensemble background activity of the auditory nerve and cochlear sound-evoked activity by contralateral noise.
In: 3rd conference of the Czech neuroscience society. - Prague, Czech Neuroscience Society 1999. - S. 83.
[Conference of the Czech neuroscience society /3./. Prague (CZ), 99.11.14-99.11.15]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/97/0830

065251 - UEM-P 990059 CZ eng A
Popelář, J. - Nwabueze-Ogbo, F. - Syka, J.
Effects of functional ablation of the auditory cortex on evoked responses from the inferior colliculus in rats.
Physiological Research. Supplement, 48 [1] S108 (1999).
[Second FEPS Congress. Prague (CZ), 99.06.30-99.07.04]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/97/0830; GA MZd(CZ) NK4747
[Impact factor: 0.588(95) 0.526(96) 0.807(97) 0.616(98) 0.521(99) 1.366(00) 1.027(01) 0,984(02) 0.939(03) ]

065246 - UEM-P 990054 RIV NL eng J
Popelář, J. - Valvoda, J. - Syka, J.
Acoustically and electrically evoked contralateral suppression of otoacoustic emissions in guinea pigs.
Hearing Research, 135, 61-70 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/97/0830; GA MZd(CZ) NK4747; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK2011602
[Impact factor:2.070(91) 1.792(92) 1.853(93) 1.174(94) 1.908(95) 1.641(96) 1.915(97) 1.598(98) 1.804(99) 1.753(00) 1.586(01) 1,969(02) 1.502(03) ]

065259 - UEM-P 990067 US eng A
Prokopová, Š. - Vargová, L. - Syková, E. - Ulbrich, K. - Šubr, V. - Tao, L. - Nicholson, C.
Diffusion of HPMA-polymeric drug carriers in rat cortex measured by integrative optical imaging.
In: Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience. - Miami Beach, Organizing Committee 1999. - S. 743.
[Annual Meeting /29./. Miami Beach (US), 99.10.23-99.10.28]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA305/99/0655; GA ČR(CZ) GA309/99/0657; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96130

059480 - UEM-P 990009 CZ eng A
Prokopová, Š. - Vargová, L. - Tao, L. - Ulbrich, K. - Šubr, V. - Nicholson, C. - Syková, E.
Diffusion of polymeric drug carriers in rat cortical slices measured by integrative optical imaging.
Physiological Research. Supplement, 48 [1] S109 (1999).
[Proseedings FEPS Congress /2./. Prague (CZ), 99.06.30-99.07.04]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV307/96/K226; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96130
[Impact factor: 0.588(95) 0.526(96) 0.807(97) 0.616(98) 0.521(99) 1.366(00) 1.027(01) 0,984(02) 0.939(03) ]

065256 - UEM-P 990064 IL eng A
Prokopová, Š. - Vargová, L. - Tao, L. - Ulbrich, K. - Šubr, V. - Nicholson, C. - Syková, E.
Diffusion coefficients of polymeric drug carriers in the extracellular space of the brain mesured by integrative optical imaging.
In: 5th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience. - Tel Aviv, KENES 1999. - S. 115.
[IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience /5./. Jerusalem (IL), 99.07.11-99.07.15]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV307/96/K226; GA ČR(CZ) GA309/99/0657; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96130

065307 - UEM-P 990117 CZ eng A
Raška, I. - Cermanová, Š. - Jirsová, K. - Koberna, K. - Malínský, J. - Melčák, I.
Trafficking of released transcript to splicing factor reservois progres in basic.
In: . - České Budějovice, Organizátoři symposia 1999. - S. 5.
[Progress in Basic, applied and Diagnostic Histochemistry. České Budějovice (CZ), 99.09.08-99.09.11]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA302/99/0587

059489 - UEM-P 990018 RIV DE eng J
Raška, I. - Reimer, G.
Human autoantibodies identify a protein in dense fibrillar and granular components of the nucleolus.
Acta histochemica, 101, 157-166 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV304/96/K002; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96129; Wellcome(GB) 049949/Z/97/Z/JMW/JPS/CG
[Impact factor:0.370(91) 0.442(92) 0.517(93) 0.472(94) 0.731(95) 0.734(96) 0.750(97) 0.878(98) 0.726(99) 0.943(00) 0.865(01) 0,867(02) 0.656(03) ]

065252 - UEM-P 990060 CZ eng A
Richter, F. - Vargová, L. - Mazel, T. - Syková, E.
Extracellular space size and geometry during and after cortical spreading depression in immature and adult rats.
Physiological Research. Supplement, 48 [1] S112 (1999).
[Second FEPS Congress. Prague (CZ), 99.06.30-99.07.04]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/99/0657; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96130
[Impact factor: 0.588(95) 0.526(96) 0.807(97) 0.616(98) 0.521(99) 1.366(00) 1.027(01) 0,984(02) 0.939(03) ]

065281 - UEM-P 990089 RIV DE eng J
Roitbak, T. - Syková, E.
Diffusion Barriers Evoked in the Rat Cortex by Reactive Astrogliosis.
Glia, 28, 40-48 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV307/96/K226; GA ČR(CZ) GV309/97/K048; GA ČR(CZ) GA309/99/0657; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK2011602; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK2039602
[Impact factor:3.935(92) 4.684(93) 5.096(94) 4.809(95) 3.585(96) 3.769(97) 3.670(98) 4.245(99) 3.932(00) 4.193(01) 4,600(02) 4.677(03) ]

065352 - UEM-P 990163 TR eng A
Rossner, P. - Šrám, R.
Chromosomal aberrations in peripheral blood lymphocytes of control individuals of the Czech Republic populations.
In: Human Monitoring after Environ. and Occupational Exposure to Chemical and Physical Agents. - Antalya, Organizing Committee 1999. - S. 80.
[NATO Working Days. Antalya (TR), 99.09.23-99.10.03]
Grant: GA MŽP(CZ) ZZ/340/1/97

065234 - UEM-P 990042 CZ eng A
Rybalko, N. - Syka, J.
Susceptibility to noise during postnatal development in rats.
In: 3rd conference of the Czech neuroscience society. - Prague, Czech Neuroscience Society 1999. - S. 84.
[Conference of the Czech neuroscience society /3./. Prague (CZ), 99.11.14-99.11.15]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/97/0830

065339 - UEM-P 990150 GR eng A
Saarela, K. - Laine-Ylijoki, J. - Jurvelin, J. - Jantunen, M. - Katsouyanni, K. - Šrám, R. - Kunzli, N.
The EXPLOSIS study: Occurrence of VOCs in microenvironments of four European cities and the exposure of the population.
Epidemiology. Supplement, 10 [4] 93 (1999).
[ISEE/ISEA Conference. Athens (GR), 99.09.05-99.09.08]
Grant: EU(XE) ENM4-CT96-0202; EU(XE) ERB IC20-CT96-0061
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.000(93) 1.872(94) 2.167(95) 2.296(96) 2.991(97) 3.058(98) 3.377(99) 3.632(00) 3.359(01) 3,962(02) 4.220(03) ]

065271 - UEM-P 990079 CZ eng A
Schofer, C. - Weipoltshammer, K. - Almeder, M. - Philimonenko, V. - Wachtler, F. - Hozák, P.
Differential intranuclear anchoring of centromeres, telomeres and ribosomal DNA.
In: The Wilhelm Bernard's Workshop. - Prague, Organizátoři symposia 1999. - S. 79.
[International Workshop on the Cell Nucleus /16./. Prague (CZ), 99.08.23-99.08.27]

065284 - UEM-P 990092 RIV CZ eng J
Smetana, K. - Likovský, Z. - Jirásková, I. - Čermák, J.
The asymmetric distribution of interphasic silver-stained nucleolus organizer regions in human and rat proerythroblasts.
Folia Biologica (Praha), 45, 243-246 (1999).
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) NC4813

065309 - UEM-P 990119 RIV US eng J
Somorovská, M. - Jahnová, E. - Tulinská, J. - Zámečníková, M. - Šarmanová, J. - Terenová, A. - Vodičková, L. - Líšková, A. - Vallová, B. - Vodička, P.
Biomoritoring of occupational exposure to styrene in a plastics lamination plant.
Mutation Research, 428, 255-269 (1999).
[Impact factor:1.727(91) 1.960(92) 1.868(93) 1.975(94) 2.065(95) 2.060(96) 1.754(97) 2.067(98) 2.107(99) 2.148(00) 2.545(01) 3,158(02) 3.433(03) ]

065308 - UEM-P 990118 RIV US eng J
Somorovská, M. - Szabová, E. - Vodička, P. - Tulinská, J. - Barančoková, M. - Fábry, R. - Líšková, A. - Riegerová, Z. - Petrovská, H. - Kubová, J.
Biomonitoring of genotoxic risk in workers in a rubber factory: comparison of the Comet assay with cytogenetic methods and immunology.
Mutation Research, 428, 255-269 (1999).
[Impact factor:1.727(91) 1.960(92) 1.868(93) 1.975(94) 2.065(95) 2.060(96) 1.754(97) 2.067(98) 2.107(99) 2.148(00) 2.545(01) 3,158(02) 3.433(03) ]

065312 - UEM-P 990122 RIV CZ eng J
Somorovská, M. - Tulinská, J. - Barančoková, M. - Zámečníková, M. - Collins, A. - Lišková, A. - Petrovská, H. - Jáhnová, E. - Vodička, P. - Fuortes, L.
The comet assay in biomonitoring of occupational exposure in rubber factory and plastic lamination plant.comparison with cytogenetic and immune biomarkers.
Neoplasma. Supplement, 46, 23-25 (1999).
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) IZ3157
[Impact factor:0.375(91) 0.366(92) 0.352(93) 0.354(94) 0.418(95) 0.420(96) 0.385(97) 0.657(98) 0.448(99) 0.579(00) 0.637(01) 0,679(02) 0.782(03) ]

065306 - UEM-P 990116 CZ eng A
Staněk, D. - Kiss, T. - Raška, I.
Pre-ribosomal RNA is processed in permeabilized cells at the site of transcription.
In: The Wilhelm Bernard's Workshop. - Prague, Organizátoři symposia 1999. - S. 86.
[International Workshop on the Cell Nucleus /16./. Prague (CZ), 99.09.08-99.09.11]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA302/99/0587

065303 - UEM-P 990113 CZ eng A
Staněk, D. - Koberna, K. - Pliss, A. - Kiss, T. - Raška, I.
Processing of pre-ribosomal RNA in permeabilised cells.
In: EMBO Workshop. - Prague, Organizátoři symposia 1999. - S. 47.
[EMBO Workshop. Prague (CZ), 99.08.09-99.08.12]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) VS96129; GA ČR(CZ) GA302/99/0587

065248 - UEM-P 990056 CZ eng A
Syka, J.
Processing of complex sounds in the central auditory system.
Physiological Research. Supplement, 48 [1] S22 (1999).
[Second FEPS Congress. Prague (CZ), 99.06.30-99.07.04]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/97/0830; GA MZd(CZ) NK4747
[Impact factor: 0.588(95) 0.526(96) 0.807(97) 0.616(98) 0.521(99) 1.366(00) 1.027(01) 0,984(02) 0.939(03) ]

065247 - UEM-P 990055 IL eng A
Syka, J. - Nwabueze-Ogbo, F. - Popelář, J.
Changes in the inferior colliculus evoked responses in unit activity in rat after funtional ablation of the auditory cortex.
In: 5th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience. - Jerusalem, Organizing Committee 1999. - S. 209.
[IBRO /5./. Jerusalem (IL), 99.07.11-99.07.15]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/97/0830; GA MZd(CZ) NK4747

065253 - UEM-P 990061 US eng A
Syka, J. - Popelář, J. - Kvašňák, E. - Astl, J.
Responses of neurons in different subnuclei of the inferior colliculus in the guinea pig.
In: Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience. - Miami Beach, Organizing Committee 1999. - S. 667.
[Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience /29./. Miami Beach (US), 99.10.23-99.10.28]

059486 - UEM-P 990015 US eng A
Syka, J. - Rybalko, N. - Popelář, J.
Noise susceptibility in the rat.
ARO. Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 22, 223 (1999).
[ARO Meeting /22./. St.Petersburg (US), 99.02.13-99.02.18]
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) IZ3108

065245 - UEM-P 990053 RIV GB eng C
Syka, J. - Rybalko, N. - Popelář, J.
Peripheral and central effects of noise exposure in rats as determined by electrophysiological methods.
In: Cochlear Pharmacology and Noise Trauma. - (Ed. Prasher, D.; Canlon, B.). - London, Noise Research Network Publications 1999. - S. 167-172.
[International Symposium on Cochlear Pharmacology and Noise Trauma. London (GB), 99.05.01-99.05.02]

059482 - UEM-P 990011 CZ eng A
Syková, E.
Diffusion parameters of the extracellular space. A comparison of the tma method, DW-MRI and intrinsic oprical signals.
Physiological Research. Supplement, 48 [1] S37 (1999).
[Proseedings FEPS Congress /2./. Prague (CZ), 99.06.30-99.07.04]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/99/0651; GA MŠk(CZ) VS9613O; GA MZd(CZ) IZ2904
[Impact factor: 0.588(95) 0.526(96) 0.807(97) 0.616(98) 0.521(99) 1.366(00) 1.027(01) 0,984(02) 0.939(03) ]

059483 - UEM-P 990012 CZ eng A
Syková, E.
Neuron-glia communication via extrasynaptic transmission.
Physiological Research. Supplement, 48 [1] S12 (1999).
[Proseedings FEPS Congress /2./. Prague (CZ), 99.06.30-99.07.04]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV307/96/K226; GA MŠk(CZ) VS9613O; GA ČR(CZ) GV309/97/K048
[Impact factor: 0.588(95) 0.526(96) 0.807(97) 0.616(98) 0.521(99) 1.366(00) 1.027(01) 0,984(02) 0.939(03) ]

065262 - UEM-P 990070 CZ eng A
Syková, E.
Brain diffusion parameters and extrasynaptic transmission during ischemia, CNS injury and aging.
In: Conference of the Czech Neuroscience Society. - Prague, Czech Neuroscience Society 1999. - S. 28.
[Conference of the Czech Neuroscience Society /3./. Prague (CZ), 99.11.14-99.11.15]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV307/96/K226; GA ČR(CZ) GA309/99/0657; GA ČR(CZ) GV309/97/K048

065321 - UEM-P 990131 AT eng A
Syková, E.
Role of glia in volume transmission. Diffusion barriers evoked by glial swelling and astrogliosis.
In: Neurochemistry winter conference. - Solden, Neurochemistry club international 1999. - S. 5.
[Neurochemistry winter conference. Solden (AT), 99.03.20-99.03.25]

065322 - UEM-P 990132 US eng A
Syková, E. - Mazel, T. - Roitbak, T. - Šimonová, Z.
Morphological xhanges and diffusion barriers in auditory cortex and hippocampus of aged rats.
ARO, - [22] 117 (1999).
[Midwinter research meeting. St.Petersburg (US), 99.02.13-99.02.18]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV307/96/K226; GA ČR(CZ) GV309/97/K048

059475 - UEM-P 990004 RIV GB eng J
Syková, E. - Roitbak, T. - Mazel, T. - Šimonová, Z. - Harvey, A. R.
Astrocytes, oligodendroglia, extracellular space volume and geometry in rat fetal brain grafts.
Neuroscience, 91 [2)] 783-798 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/96/0884; GA MZd(CZ) IZ3423; GA ČR(CZ) GV307/96/K226; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96130; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK2039602
[Impact factor:3.589(91) 4.324(92) 4.582(93) 4.626(94) 4.288(95) 3.908(96) 3.594(97) 3.591(98) 3.924(99) 3.563(00) 3.219(01) 3,457(02) 3.601(03) ]

059473 - UEM-P 990002 RIV DE eng J
Syková, E. - Vargová, L. - Prokopová, Š. - Šimonová, Z.
Glial swelling and astrogliosis produce diffusion barriers in the rat spinal cord.
Glia, 25, 56-70 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/96/0884; GA ČR(CZ) GV307/96/K226; GA ČR(CZ) GV309/97/K048; GA MZd(CZ) IZ3423; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK2011602; GA AV ČR (CZ) KSK2039602
[Impact factor:3.935(92) 4.684(93) 5.096(94) 4.809(95) 3.585(96) 3.769(97) 3.670(98) 4.245(99) 3.932(00) 4.193(01) 4,600(02) 4.677(03) ]

065254 - UEM-P 990062 IL eng A
Syková, E. - Vargová, L. - Voříšek, I.
Role of glial cells in ECS diffusion and volume transmission.
In: 5th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience. - Tel Aviv, KENES 1999. - S. 166.
[IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience /5./. Jerusalem (IL), 99.07.11-99.07.15]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV307/96/K226; GA ČR(CZ) GA309/99/0657; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96130

065260 - UEM-P 990068 US eng A
Syková, E. - Voříšek, I. - Tintěra, J. - Roitbak, T. - Nicolay, K.
Water ADC, extracellular space volume and tortuosity in a rat model of injury.
In: Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience. - Miami Beach, Organizing Committee 1999. - S. 2064.
[Annual Meeting /29./. Miami Beach (US), 99.10.23-99.10.28]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV309/97/K048; GA ČR(CZ) GA309/99/0657; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96130

059500 - UEM-P 990029 RIV GB eng J
Šedo, A. - Malík, R. - Vlašicová, K. - Rovero, P.
Calcium-mediated endothelin signaling in C6 rat glioma cells.
Neuropeptides, 33 [1] 13-17 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/1482
[Impact factor: 1.075(99) 1.413(00) 1.959(01) 1,477(02) 2.153(03) ]

059481 - UEM-P 990010 CZ eng A
Šimonová, Z. - Balázsová, K. - Komárek, V. - Brožek, G. - Syková, E.
Postnatal hypobaric hypoxia impairs neuronal and glial morphology and learning abilities in rats.
Physiological Research. Supplement, 48 [1] S120 (1999).
[Proseedings FEPS Congress /2./. Prague (CZ), 99.06.30-99.07.04]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/99/0651; GA ČR(CZ) VS9613O; GA MZd(CZ) IZ2904
[Impact factor: 0.588(95) 0.526(96) 0.807(97) 0.616(98) 0.521(99) 1.366(00) 1.027(01) 0,984(02) 0.939(03) ]

065255 - UEM-P 990063 IL eng A
Šimonová, Z. - Mazel, T. - Fisch, C. - Hasenrohrl, R. U. - Harvey, A. R. - Huston, J. - Syková, E.
Loss of diffusion anisotropy and parallel glial process organization in hippocampus of aged rats with impaired learning abilities.
In: 5th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience. - Tel Aviv, KENES 1999. - S. 89.
[IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience /5./. Jerusalem (IL), 99.07.11-99.07.15]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV307/96/K226; GA ČR(CZ) GA309/99/0657; MŠk(CZ) VS96130

065243 - UEM-P 990051 CZ eng A
Šimonová, Z. - Mazel, T. - Frisch, C. - Hasenrohrl, R. U. - Harvey, A. R. - Huston, J. - Syková, E.
Loss of extracellular matrix and diffusion anisotropy in hippocampus of aged rats with impaired learning.
In: 3rd conference of the Czech neuroscience society. - Prague, Czech Neuroscience Society 1999. - S. 67.
[Conference of the Czech neuroscience society /3./. Prague (CZ), 99.11.14-99.11.15]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV309/96/K226; GA ČR(CZ) GA309/99/0657; GA MŠk(CZ) PG96130

065285 - UEM-P 990093 RIV CZ eng J
Šmahel, Z. - Hradisky, D. - Mullerová, Ž.
Multivariate comparison of craniofacial morphology in different types of facial clefts.
Acta Chirurgiae plasticae, 41, 59-65 (1999).

065295 - UEM-P 990104 CZ eng A
Šmahel, Z. - Müllerová, Ž.
Changes in craniofacial development afterdiffering therapeutic procedures in UCLP treated during the postwar period in Prague.
In: Antropological Congress of Aleš Hrdlička. - Prague, Organizing Committee 1999. - S. 153.
[International Antropological Congress /4./. Prague (CZ), 99.08.31-99.09.01]

065286 - UEM-P 990094 RIV US eng J
Šmahel, Z. - Mullerová, Ž. - Nejedlý, A.
Effect of primary repositioning of the nasal septum on facial growth in unilateral cleft lip and palate.
Cleft Palate Craniofacial, 36, 310-313 (1999).
[Impact factor:0.845(91) 0.815(92) 0.629(93) 0.785(94) 0.530(95) 0.579(96) 0.699(97) 0.658(98) 0.994(99) 0.718(00) 0.686(01) 0,523(02) 0.888(03) ]

063218 - UOCHB-X 990267 CZ cze A
Šmidrkal, J. - Filip, V. - Melzoch, K. - Hanzlíková, I. - Buckiová, D. - Drašar, P.
Resveratrol, syntéza a vlastnosti.
Chemické listy, 93 [11] 727 (1999).
[Pokroky v organické, bioorganické a farmaceutické chemii. Konference /34./. Liblice (CZ), 99.11.15-99.11.17]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA525/99/1338
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A57/98:Z4-055-9-ii
[Impact factor:0.304(91) 0.321(92) 0.184(93) 0.220(94) 0.289(95) 0.186(96) 0.159(97) 0.108(98) 0.190(99) 0.278(00) 0.317(01) 0,336(02) 0.345(03) ]

065324 - UEM-P 990135 RIV US eng J
Šrám, R.
Impact of air pollution on reproductive health.
Environmental Health Perspectives, 107 [11] 542-543 (1999).
Grant: GA MŽP(CZ) ZZ/340/1/97
[Impact factor:1.647(91) 1.213(92) 1.481(93) 1.217(94) 1.194(95)1.688(96) 2.119(97) 2.268(98) 2.469(99) 3.033(00)3.137(01) 3,452(02) 3.038(03) ]

065327 - UEM-P 990138 CZ cze J
Šrám, R.
Program Teplice 2.
Ochrana ovzduší, - [5-6] 1-3 (1999).
Grant: GA MŽP(CZ) ZZ/340/1/97

065329 - UEM-P 990140 CZ cze J
Šrám, R.
Program Teplice 2.
Hygiena. Supplementum, 44, 3-8 (1999).
Grant: GA MŽP(CZ) ZZ/340/1/97

065348 - UEM-P 990159 TR eng A
Šrám, R. - Binková, B. - Dejmek, J. - Rossner, P. - Rubeš, J. - Topinka, J.
Methods of molecular epidemiology in Northerm Bohemia.
In: Human Monitoring after Environ. and Occupational Exposure to Chemical and Physical Agents. - Antalya, Organizin committee 1999. - S. 24-25.
[NATO Working Days. Antalya (TR), 99.09.23-99.10.03]
Grant: GA MŽP(CZ) ZZ/340/1/97

065323 - UEM-P 990133 RIV NL eng J
Šrám, R. - Binková, B. - Rossner, P. - Rubeš, J. - Topinka, J. - Dejmek, J.
Adverse reproductive outcomes from exposure to environmental mutagens.
Mutation Research, 428, 203-215 (1999).
Grant: GA MŽP(CZ) ZZ/340/1/97
[Impact factor:1.727(91) 1.960(92) 1.868(93) 1.975(94) 2.065(95) 2.060(96) 1.754(97) 2.067(98) 2.107(99) 2.148(00) 2.545(01) 3,158(02) 3.433(03) ]

065349 - UEM-P 990160 TR eng A
Šrám, R. - Dejmek, J. - Selevan, S. G. - Beneš, I. - Solanský, I.
Impact of environmental pollution on pregnancy outcome.
In: Human Monitoring after Environ. and Occupational Exposure to Chemical and Physical Agents. - Antalya, Organizing Committee 1999. - S. 25.
[NATO Working Days. Antalya (TR), 99.09.23-99.10.03]
Grant: GA MŽP(CZ) ZZ/340/1/97

065331 - UEM-P 990142 US eng A
Šrám, R. - Rossner, P. - Rubeš, J. - Musilová, P. - Binková, B. - Vacek, P. - Albertini, R. J.
Biomarker responses in butadiene exposed Czech workers.
Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis. Supplement, 33 [30] 204 (1999).
[EMS Annual Meeting. Washington (US), 99.03.28-99.04.01]
Grant: HEI(US) 97-1

065333 - UEM-P 990144 US eng A
Šrám, R. - Rossner, P. - Rubeš, J. - Musilová, P. - Binková, B. - Vacek, P. - Albertini, R. J.
Biomarkers responses in butadiene exposed Czech roskers. 2. Cytogenetic analysis.
In: HEI Annual Conference. - San Diego, Organizing committee 1999. - S. 3.
[HEI Annual Conference. San Diego (US), 99.05.09-99.05.11]
Grant: GA MŽP(CZ) ZZ/340/1/97

065340 - UEM-P 990151 GR eng A
Šrám, R. - Rossner, P. - Rubeš, J. - Musilová, P. - Binková, B. - Vacek, P. - Albertini, R. J.
Biomarker responses in butadiene exposed Czech workers.
Epidemiology. Supplement, 10 [4] 207 (1999).
[ISEE/ISEA Conference. Athens (GR), 99.09.05-99.09.08]
Grant: HEI(US) 97-1
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.000(93) 1.872(94) 2.167(95) 2.296(96) 2.991(97) 3.058(98) 3.377(99) 3.632(00) 3.359(01) 3,962(02) 4.220(03) ]

065335 - UEM-P 990146 DK eng A
Šrám, R. - Topinka, J. - Binková, B. - Solanský, I. - Mračková, G. - Dejmek, J.
DNA adducts in placentas and environmental axposure.
Pharmacology and Toxicology. Supplement, 85 [1] 33 (1999).
[EEMS Annual Conference /29./. Copenhagen (DK), 99.07.04-99.07.09]
Grant: GA MŽP(CZ) ZZ/340/1/97
[Impact factor:0.992(92) 1.058(93) 1.078(94) 0.926(95) 1.036(96) 1.255(97) 1.117(98) 1.263(99) 1.189(00) 0.925(01) 1,271(02) 1.302(03) ]

059487 - UEM-P 990016 US eng A
Šuta, D. - Kvašňák, E. - Popelář, J. - Syka, J.
Cross-correlation analysis of neuronal pairs synchronization in the mediculate body of guinea pig.
ARO. Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 22, 49 (1999).
[ARO Meeting /22./. St.Petersburg (US), 99.02.13-99.02.18]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV308/97/K048

065346 - UEM-P 990157 DE eng A
Topinka, J. - Schwarz, L. R. - Leníček, J. - Šrám, R. - Wiebel, F. J. - Kiefer, F. - Wolff, T.
DNA adduct formation in mammalian cell cultures by extractable compounds of urban air particles.
Archives of Pharmacology. Supplement, 359, 143 (1999).
[Pring Meeting DGPT /40./. Mainz (DE), 99.03.09-99.03.11]
Grant: GA MŽP(CZ) ZZ/340/1/97

059506 - UEM-P 990035 US eng A
Tuček, M. - Krysl, S. - Peterka, M.
Health Aspects of phenylmercury use in the Czech Republic.
In: Mercury as a Global Pollutant. - Rio de Janeiro, Organizing Comittee 1999. - S. -.
[International Conferece Mercury as a global pollutant /5./. Rio de Janeiro (BR), 99.05.23-99.05.28]

065275 - UEM-P 990083 PL eng A
Tulinská, J. - Iahnová, E. - Dušinská, M. - Lišková, A. - Kuricová, M. - Vodička, P. - Šulcová, M. - Fuortes, L.
Study on immune parameters in worjers occupationally exposed to styrene.
In: Challenges to Epidemiology in Changing Europe. - Cracow, Polish Academy of Science 1999. - S. A23.
[Challenges to Epidemiology in Changing Europe. Cracow (PL), 99.07.02-99.07.03]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA313/99/1460

065305 - UEM-P 990115 CZ eng A
Tvrdík, D. - Djarbokhel, R. - Müller, J. - Raška, I.
TGF beta 1 induced growth arrest is associated with hypophosphorylation of PRB at specific site.
In: EMBO Workshop. - Prague, Organizátoři symposia 1999. - S. 51.
[EMBO Workshop. Prague (CZ), 99.08.09-99.08.12]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA302/99/0587

065297 - UEM-P 990106 CZ eng A
Valeriánská, M. - Panczak, A. - Sladká, M. - Damoiseaux, J. - Mandys, V. - Staňková, J. - Otová, B.
Prague inbred line of sprague-dawley rat - A model for study of malignant transformation of T-cells.
In: CELLS. - (Ed. Berger, J.). - České Budějovice, KOPP 1999. - S. 140.
[Biological Days /15./. České Budějovice (CZ), 99.09.06-99.09.08]
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) NL5423

065242 - UEM-P 990050 CZ eng A
Vargová, L. - Prokopová, Š. - Chvátal, A. - Syková, E.
Intrinsic optical signals and extracellular space diffusion parameters.
In: 3rd conference of the Czech neuroscience society. - Prague, Czech Neuroscience Society 1999. - S. 66.
[Conference of the Czech neuroscience society /3./. Prague (CZ), 99.11.14-99.11.15]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV307/96/K226; GA ČR(CZ) GA309/99/0657; GA ČR(CZ) GV307/97/K048

065261 - UEM-P 990069 US eng A
Vargová, L. - Prokopová, Š. - Chvátal, A. - Syková, E.
Are the changes in intrinsic optical signals a tool to measure changes in extracellular space volume?
In: Annual Meeting Society for Neuroscience. - Miami Beach, Organizing Committee 1999. - S. 741.
[Annual Meeting /29./. Miami Beach (US), 99.10.23-99.10.28]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV307/96/K226; GA ČR(CZ) GA309/99/0657; GA ČR(CZ) GA305/99/0655

059484 - UEM-P 990013 CZ eng A
Vargová, L. - Syková, E.
Role of glial cells in volume transmission.
Physiological Research. Supplement, 48 [1] S9 (1999).
[Proseedings FEPS Congress /2./. Prague (CZ), 99.06.30-99.07.04]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV307/96/K226; GA ČR(CZ) VS9613O; GA ČR(CZ) GA309/99/0657
[Impact factor: 0.588(95) 0.526(96) 0.807(97) 0.616(98) 0.521(99) 1.366(00) 1.027(01) 0,984(02) 0.939(03) ]

065294 - UEM-P 990102 BE eng A
Viriot, L. - Lesot, H. - Mein, P. - Peterková, R. - Schmitt, R. - Vonesch, J. L. - Peterka, M. - Ruch, J. V.
ontogenetic versus phylogenetic timing of occlusal morphogenesis in mammalian molars: case study of mouse tirst lower molar.
In: Odontogenesis. - Ghent, Organizing Committee 1999. - S. 3.
[COST B8 Meeting. Ghent (BE), 99.09.24-99.09.25]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) OC B-8.10

065277 - UEM-P 990085 LT eng A
Vodička, P. - Koskinen, M. - Hemminki, K.
Spectrum of DNA adducts induced by styrene, prospects in human biomonitoring.
In: Environmental genotoxicology. - Vilnius, Vilnius University 1999. - S. 1a.
[Annual meeting of NordEMS /16./. Vilnius (LT), 99.06.30-99.07.03]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA313/99/1460

065278 - UEM-P 990086 DK eng A
Vodička, P. - Souček, P. - Somorovská, M. - Tates, A. D. - Zámečníková, M. - Vodičková, L. - Dušinská, M. - Hemminki, K.
Styrene Genotoxicity in Reinforced Plastic Workers:Prospects to individual risk Assessment.
Pharmacology and Toxicology. Supplement, 85 [1] 53 (1999).
[Annual Meeting of the European Environmental Mutagen Society /29./. Copenhagen (DK), 99.07.04-99.07.09]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA313/99/1460
[Impact factor:0.992(92) 1.058(93) 1.078(94) 0.926(95) 1.036(96) 1.255(97) 1.117(98) 1.263(99) 1.189(00) 0.925(01) 1,271(02) 1.302(03) ]

065313 - UEM-P 990123 DK eng A
Vodička, P. - Souček, P. - Somorovská, M. - Tates, A. D. - Zámečníková, M. - Vodičková, L. - Dušinská, M. - Hemminki, K. - Natarajan, A. T.
Styrene Genotoxicity in Reinforced plastic Workers: Prospects to Individual Risk Assessment.
Pharmacology and Toxicology, 85 [1] 53 (1999).
[Annual Meeting of the European Environmental Mutagen Society /29./. Copenhagen (DK), 99.07.04-99.07.09]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA313/99/1460
[Impact factor:0.992(92) 1.058(93) 1.078(94) 0.926(95)1.036(96) 1.255(97) 1.117(98) 1.263(99) 1.189(00)0.925(01) 1,271(02) 1.302(03) ]

065310 - UEM-P 990120 RIV US eng J
Vodička, P. - Tvrdik, T. - Golkar, S. O. - Vodičková, L. - Peterková, K. - Souček, P. - Šarmanová, J. - Farmer, P. B. - Granath, F. - Lambert, B.
An evaluation of styrene genotoxicity using several biomarkers in a 3-year follow-up study hand-lamination workers.
Mutation Research. Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis , 445, 205-224 (1999).
[Impact factor: 1.506(00) 1.624(01) 1,636(02) 1.748(03) ]

065276 - UEM-P 990084 LT eng A
Vodičková, L. - Frantík, E. - Peterka, M. - Novotná, B. - Dušek, Z. - Vodička, P.
In ovo kinetics of environmental xenobiotics, applicability in the estimation of biologicaly effective doses.
In: Environmental genotoxicology. - Vilnius, Vilnius University 1999. - S. 2a.
[Annual meeting of NordEMS /16./. Vilnius (LT), 99.06.30-99.07.03]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA304/98/1613; GA ČR(CZ) GA313/99/1460

059485 - UEM-P 990014 CZ eng A
Voříšek, I. - Roitbak, T. - Nicolay, K. - Syková, E.
Water ADC, extracellular space volume and tortuosity in the rat cortex during astrogliosis.
Physiological Research. Supplement, 48 [1] S136 (1999).
[Proseedings FEPS Congress /2./. Prague (CZ), 99.06.30-99.07.04]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV309/97/K048; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96130
[Impact factor: 0.588(95) 0.526(96) 0.807(97) 0.616(98) 0.521(99) 1.366(00) 1.027(01) 0,984(02) 0.939(03) ]

065238 - UEM-P 990046 CZ eng A
Voříšek, I. - Roitbak, T. - Tintěra, J. - Nicolay, K. - Syková, E.
Restricted diffusion in the injured rat brain.
In: 3rd conference of the Czech neuroscience society. - Prague, Czech Neuroscience Society 1999. - S. 61.
[Conference of the Czech neuroscience society /3./. Prague (CZ), 99.11.14-99.11.15]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV309/97/K048; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96130

065257 - UEM-P 990065 ES eng A
Voříšek, I. - Roitbak, T. - Tintěra, J. - Nicolay, K. - Syková, E.
Water and tetramethylammonium diffusion in a rat model of traumatic injury.
MAGMA. Supplement, 8 [1] 117 (1999).
[Annual Meeting European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine /16./. Sevilla (ES), 99.09.16-99.09.19]

073724 - UEM-P 20003077 US eng J
Weipoltshammer, K. - Schöfer, C. - Almeder, M. - Philomonenko, V. - Frei, K. - Wachtler, F. - Hozák, P.
Intranuclear anchoring of repetitive DNA sequences: centromeres, telomeres, and ribosomal DNA.
Journal of Cell Biology, 147 [7] 1409-1418 (1999).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK2052601; GA MŠk(CZ) ME 279
[Impact factor:11.224(91) 11.118(92) 11.700(93) 12.149(94) 12.480(95) 12.680(96) 12.005(97) 12.785(98) 12.880(99) 13.955(00) 12.91(01) 12,5225(02) 12.023(03) ]

073682 - UEM-P 20003035 RIV US eng J
Woerly, S. - Petrov, P. - Syková, E. - Roitbak, T. - Šimonová, Z. - Harvey, A. R.
Neural Tissue Formation Within Porous Hydrogels Implanted in Brain and Spinal Cord Lesions: Ultrastructural, Immunohistochemical, and Diffusion Studies.
Tissue Engineering, 5 [5] 467-488 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV307/96/K226; GA ČR(CZ) GA305/99/0655; GA ČR(CZ) GA309/99/0657; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96130
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906
[Impact factor: 1.278(99) 2.073(00) 2.186(01) 3,042(02) 3.201(03) ]

059476 - UEM-P 990005 RIV GB eng J
Zoli, M. - Jansson, A. - Syková, E. - Agnati, L. F. - Fuxe, K.
Volume transmission in the CNS and its relevance for neuropsychopharmacology.
Trends in Pharmacological Science, 20, 142-150 (1999).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK2011602; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK2039602
[Impact factor:11.110(91) 16.657(92) 16.188(93) 17.013(94) 17.556(95) 17.950(96) 12.323(97) 10.148(98) 11.697(99) 10.377(00) 11.39(01) 13,2767(02) 13.965(03) ]

Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

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