ÚMG - Ústav molekulární genetiky


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Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

019852 - UMG-J 950049 US eng J
Angelisová, P. - Hilgert, I. - Hořejší, V.
Association of four antigens of the tetraspans family (CD37, CD53, TAPA-1 and R2/C33) with MHC class II glycoproteins.
Immunogenetics, 39 [4] 249-256 (1994).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA55215; GA AV ČR(CZ) IA75224
[Impact factor:3.540(91) 3.681(92) 3.085(93) 3.352(94) 3.373(95) 3.348(96) 3.340(97) 2.311(98) 2.899(99) 2.142(00) 2.268(01) 2,475(02) 2.690(03) ]

019853 - UMG-J 950050 US eng J
Bažil, V. - Strominger, J. I.
Metallo- and serine proteases are involved in cleavage of CD43, CD44 and CD16 from stimulated human granulocytes. Induction of cleavage of L-selectin via CD16.
Journal of Immunology, 152 [3] 1314-1322 (1994).
[Impact factor:7.004(91) 6.723(92) 7.065(93) 7.383(94) 7.412(95) 7.296(96) 6.937(97) 7.166(98) 7.145(99) 6.834(00) 7.065(01) 7,014(02) 6.702(03) ]

019889 - UMG-J 950090 US eng B
Bereiter-Hahn, J. - Veselý, P.
Reflection interference microscopy.
In: Cell Biology. A Laboratory Handbook. - 7A Part two. - (Ed. Celis, J. E.). - San Diego, Academic Press 1994. - S. -.
Grant: IA75265

019816 - UMG-J 950010 GB eng J
Boyde, A. - Veselý, P. - Gray, C. - Jones, S. J.
High temporal and spatial resolution studies of bone cells using real-time confocal reflection microscopy.
Scanning, 16 [5] 285-294 (1994).
Grant: IA75265
[Impact factor:1.171(92) 1.000(93) 1.032(94) 0.957(95) 1.061(96) 0.612(97) 1.131(98) 1.185(99) 0.347(00) 0.389(01) 1,090(02) 0.733(03) ]

019813 - UMG-J 950007 CZ cze BX
Bubeník, J.
Protinádorová imunita.
In: Pokroky v imunologii. - Praha, Univerzita Karlova 1994. - S. 301-325.

020349 - UMG-J 950006 GB eng B
Bubeník, J.
Utilization of IL-2 and IL-2 gene transfer for regional immunotherapy of cancer.
In: Cytokine-induced tumour immunogenicity: from exogenous molecules to gene therapy. - (Ed. Forni, G.; Foa, R.; Santoni, A.; Frati, L.). - London, Academic Press 1994. - S. 113-130.

020348 - UMG-J 950005 CZ eng J
Bubeník, J. - Šímová, J. - Zeuthen, J. - Diamant, M. - Jandlová, T. - Bubeníková, D.
Gene therapy of plasmacytoma: Comparison of the therapeutic efficacy of tumour cells transduced with the interleukin-2, interleukin-4, or interleukin-6 genes.
Folia Biologica, 40 [1] 29-36 (1994).
Grant: IAA752103GA312/93/0322GA313/93/0972DK:Jorgen and Elisa Holm Foundation; IGA MZ(CZ) Z/597-3PL597
[Impact factor:0.319(92) 0.090(93) 0.213(94) 0.446(95) 0.500(96) 0.522(97) 0.632(98) 0.493(99) 0.351(00) 0.519(01) 0,615(02) 0.527(03) ]

020346 - UMG-J 950002 GR eng J
Bubeník, J. - Zeuthen, J. - Indrová, M. - Bubeníková, D. - Šímová, J.
Kinetics and function of peritoneal exudate cells during local IL-2 gene therapy of cancer.
International Journal of Oncology, 4 [1] 13-16 (1994).
Grant: IA55220IAA752102GA312/93/0322DK:Jorgen and Elisa Holm Foundation; IGA MZ(CZ) Z/134-3PL134/3
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 0.934(93) 1.061(94) 1.110(95) 1.125(96) 1.181(97) 1.040(98) 1.381(99) 2.142(00) 2.330(01) 2,931(02) 2.536(03) ]

021653 - UMG-J 950133 FR eng J
Callen, A. M. - Adoutte, A. - Andrew, J. M. - Baroin-Tourancheau, A. - Bré, M. H - Ruiz, P. C. - Clérot, J. C. - Delgado, P. - Fleury, A. - Jeanmaire-Wolf, R. - Viklický, V. - Villalobo, E. - Levilliers, N.
Isolation and characterization of libraries of monoclenal antibodies directed against various forms of tubulin in Paramecium.
Biology of the Cell, 81, 95-119 (1994).
Grant: IAA752101
[Impact factor:1.121(91) 1.114(92) 1.175(93) 1.431(94) 1.073(95) 0.879(96) 0.939(97) 1.075(98) 1.477(99) 1.670(00) 1.829(01) 2,127(02) 2.159(03) ]

019883 - UMG-J 950084 SK eng A
Čapková, J. - Pěknicová, J.
Binding of boar spermatiozoa to porcine oocytes: Effect of boar low molecular 17 kDa protein.
In: Cellular and molecular biology of oocyte maturation, fertilization and early embryo development. - Košice, Institute of Animal Physiology 1994. - S. 26.
[French-Czech-Slovak Colloquium on the Animal Reproduction /6./. Košice (SK), 94.10.13-94.10.14]
Grant: GA301/93/0212IA75262

019859 - UMG-J 950058 GB eng J
Čechová, D. - Jonáková, V. - Veselský, L. - Töpfer-Petersen, E.
Serine protease activity in boar seminal vesicles and its immunological similarity to sperm acrosin.
Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, 100 [2] 461-467 (1994).
[Impact factor:2.336(91) 2.211(92) 1.736(93) 1.802(94) 1.840(95) 2.255(96) 2.038(97) 1.728(98) 1.908(99) 1.970(00) 2.148(01) 2,865(02) ]

019814 - UMG-J 950008 CZ eng J
Dezélée, P. - Barnier, J. V. - Briešťanská, J. - Geryk, J. - Karakoz, I. - Michailik, A. A. - Rynditch, A. V. - Calothy, G. - Svoboda, J.
New case of c-src gene transduction: The generation of virus PR2257.
Folia Biologica, 40 [5] 211-224 (1994).
[Impact factor:0.319(92) 0.090(93) 0.213(94) 0.446(95) 0.500(96) 0.522(97) 0.632(98) 0.493(99) 0.351(00) 0.519(01) 0,615(02) 0.527(03) ]

018346 - UTIA-B 940153 CZ eng J
Doležal, J. - Hraba, T.
Mathematical modelling of immunotherapy in HIV infection.
Folia Biologica, 40 [4] 193-199 (1994).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/0645
[Impact factor:0.319(92) 0.090(93) 0.213(94) 0.446(95) 0.500(96) 0.522(97) 0.632(98) 0.493(99) 0.351(00) 0.519(01) 0,615(02) 0.527(03) ]

018370 - UTIA-B 940177 US eng C
Doležal, J. - Hraba, T.
Model-based analysis of inhibition phenomena: immunological tolerance and HIV infection.
In: Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Proceedings. - San Antonio, IEEE 1994. - S. 1297-1302.
[IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. San Antonio (US), 94.10.02-94.10.05]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/0645

019856 - UMG-J 950055 GB eng J
Dráber, P. - Zíková, M. - Dráberová, E.
Interaction of mouse protein containing high mobility group box with microtubules.
Cell Biology International, 18 [5] 454 (1994).
Grant: IAA552404
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 1.018(93) 1.042(94) 1.067(95) 1.018(96) 1.124(97) 0.884(98) 0.731(99) 0.592(00) 0.942(01) 1,017(02) 1.092(03) ]

053697 - UMG-J 980174 DE eng A
Dráber, P. - Dráberová, L. - Králová, J. - Fuks, A. - Veillette, A. - Stanners, C.
CEA forms unusual detergent-resistant complexes wish src-like protein-tyrosine kinases.
In: Fifth International CEA/PSG workshop. - Freiburg, University of Freiburg 1994. - S. 19.
[International CEA/PSG Workshop 1994 /5./. Freiburg (DE), 94.07.18-94.07.20]

053696 - UMG-J 980172 RIV CZ cze J
Dráberová, L. - Hofman, J. - Dráber, P. - Zavazal, V.
Převod signálů z memebránových struktur a jejich regulace.
Fórum imunologie, 2 [6] 199-204 (1994).

019819 - UMG-J 950013 US eng B
Dunn, G. A. - Zicha, D.
Using interference microscopy to study cell behaviour.
In: Cell Biology. A Laboratory Handbook. - San Diego, Academic Press 1994. - S. 25-33.
Grant: IA75265

021651 - UMG-J 950103 CZ eng A
Dvořáková, B. - Matoušková, E. - Vogtová, D.
Metabolic activity of cultured skin grafts, cryopreserved in different forms.
In: Abstracts from "ETCS Applied Skin Culture Meeting". - Brno, - 1994. - S. 21.
[ETCS Applied Skin Culture Meeting. Brno (CZ), 94.05.27-94.05.28]
Grant: GA206/94/1683

019817 - UMG-J 950011 CZ eng J
Dvořánková, B. - Matoušková, E. - Vogtová, D.
Metabolic activity of cultured skin grafts cryopreserved in different forms.
Folia Biologica, 40 [4] 149-159 (1994).
Grant: IA55214GA206/94/1683
[Impact factor:0.319(92) 0.090(93) 0.213(94) 0.446(95) 0.500(96) 0.522(97) 0.632(98) 0.493(99) 0.351(00) 0.519(01) 0,615(02) 0.527(03) ]

019869 - UMG-J 950070 CH eng J
Fidlerová, H. - Senger, G. - Kost, M. - Sanseau, P. - Sheer, D.
Two simple procedures for releasing chromatin from routinely fixed cells for fluorescence in situ hybridization.
Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics, 65 [3] 203-205 (1994).
[Impact factor:4.185(92) 4.115(93) 2.533(94) 3.502(95) 3.636(96) 2.466(97) 1.878(98) 1.604(99) 1.409(00) 1.271(01) 1,114(02) 1.162(03) ]

015613 - UEB-Q 940020 NL eng J
Filigarová, M. - Čeřovská, N. - Franěk, F. - Dědič, P.
Reactivity of monoclonal antibodies to potato virus A in various types of enzymes-linked immunosorbent assays.
Potato Research, 37, [-] 135-141 (1994).
Grant: GA503/93/0357
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.269(92) 0.291(93) 0.301(94) 0.208(95) 0.169(96) 0.236(97) 0.234(98) 0.223(99) 0.208(00) 0.422(01) 0,236(02) ]

021652 - UMG-J 950125 XX eng J
Forejt, J. - Artzt, K. - Barlow, D. P. - Hamvas, R. M. J. - Lindahl, K. F. - Lyon, M. F. - Klein, J. - Silver, L. M.
Mouse Chromosome 17.
Mammalian Genome, 5, 238-258 (1994).
[Impact factor:6.302(92) 3.144(93) 4.006(94) 2.714(95) 2.561(96) 2.069(97) 1.946(98) 1.890(99) 2.137(00) 2.318(01) 2,233(02) 2.685(03) ]

020347 - UMG-J 950003 GB eng C
Franěk, F.
Spontaneous apoptosis contributes negatively to the regulation of hybridoma cell viability.
In: Animal Cell Technology: Products for Today, Prospects for Tomorrow. - (Ed. Spier, R. E.; Griffiths, J. B.; Berthold, W.). - Oxford, Butterworth - Heinemann 1994. - S. 192-196.
[Meeting of the European Society for Animal Cell Technology /12./. Würzburg (DE), 93.05.17-93.05.21]

019838 - UMG-J 950034 DE eng B
Gerencser, G. A. - Železná, B.
Existence of a chloride pump in molluscs.
In: Advances in comparative and environmental physiology. - Berlin, Springer 1994. - S. 38-58. - ( 19).

019815 - UMG-J 950009 CZ eng J
Guntaka, R. V. - Kandala, J. C. - Shin, B. A. - Nambiar, A. - Svoboda, J.
Host- and tissue-specific factors that interact with the enhancer sequences of Rous sarcoma virus LTR.
Folia Biologica, 40 [5] 237-248 (1994).
[Impact factor:0.319(92) 0.090(93) 0.213(94) 0.446(95) 0.500(96) 0.522(97) 0.632(98) 0.493(99) 0.351(00) 0.519(01) 0,615(02) 0.527(03) ]

019843 - UMG-J 950039 NL eng B
Harmark, K. - Anborgh, P. H. - Weiland, A. - Jonák, J. - Parlato, G. - Parmeggiani, A.
Elongation factor Tu, a model protein for studying structural-functional relationships and regulatory mechanisms.
In: Properties and Chemistry of Biomolecular System. - (Ed. Russo, N.). - London, Kluwer Academic 1994. - S. 249-266.

019875 - UMG-J 950076 US eng J
Haziot, A. - Rong, G.-M. - Bažil, V. - Silver, J. - Goyert, S. M.
Recombination soluble CD14 inhibits LPS-induced tumor necrosis factor-a production by cells in whole blood.
Journal of Immunology, 152 [12] 5868-5876 (1994).
[Impact factor:7.004(91) 6.723(92) 7.065(93) 7.383(94) 7.412(95) 7.296(96) 6.937(97) 7.166(98) 7.145(99) 6.834(00) 7.065(01) 7,014(02) 6.702(03) ]

019867 - UMG-J 950067 US eng J
Hejnar, J. - Svoboda, J. - Geryk, J. - Fincham, V. J. - Hák, R.
High rate of morphological reversion in transformed cell line H-19 associated with permanent transcriptional suppression of the LTR, v-src, LTR provirus.
Cell Growth and Differentiation, 5 [3] 277-285 (1994).
[Impact factor:5.100(92) 4.854(93) 4.960(94) 4.179(95) 3.535(96) 3.680(97) 4.269(98) 4.869(99) 5.235(00) 3.677(01) 3,642(02) 4.384(03) ]

019822 - UMG-J 950016 CZ cze J
Holáň, V.
Ohrožené druhy naší přírody - ťuhýkovití.
Vesmír, 73 [7] 378-382 (1994).

053695 - UMG-J 980169 RIV CZ eng J
Holáň, V. - Kosařová, M. - Lipoldová, M.
On the role of interleukin-10 in the induction and maintenance of specific transplantation tolerance.
Folia Biologica, 40, 381-394 (1994).
[Impact factor:0.319(92) 0.090(93) 0.213(94) 0.446(95) 0.500(96) 0.522(97) 0.632(98) 0.493(99) 0.351(00) 0.519(01) 0,615(02) 0.527(03) ]

019868 - UMG-J 950069 DE eng J
Holáň, V. - Machala, O. - Tao Dao, J. - Minowada, J.
Effect of direct current on T cell activity: Modulation of interleukin-2 production.
Immunobiology, 190 [4] 368-375 (1994).
[Impact factor:1.576(91) 1.379(92) 1.350(93) 2.088(94) 2.270(95) 1.320(96) 1.378(97) 1.365(98) 2.276(99) 2.416(00) 1.648(01) 1,319(02) 1.773(03) ]

019849 - UMG-J 950045 CZ cze J
Holáň, V. - Šterzl, J. - Hraba, T. - Lipoldová, M.
Imunologická paměť a tolerance.
Fórum imunologie, 2 [2] 211-213 (1994).

053698 - UMG-J 980170 RIV US eng J
Holáň, V. - Tao, D. - Kosařová, M. - Lipoldová, M. - Minowada, J.
Interleukin-1 and interferon-a augment interleukin-2 (IL-2) production by Distinct mechanisms at the IL-2 mRNA level.
Cellular Immunology, 157, 549-555 (1994).
[Impact factor:2.178(91) 2.127(92) 2.166(93) 2.065(94) 1.925(95) 2.142(96) 1.830(97) 2.125(98) 2.252(99) 2.206(00) 2.604(01) 1,988(02) 1.829(03) ]

019850 - UMG-J 950046 US eng J
Holáň, V. - Tao Dao, J. - Kosařová, M. - Lipoldová, M. - Minowada, J.
Interleukin-1 a interferon-a augment interleukin-2 (IL-2) production by distinct mechanisms at the IL-2 mRNA level.
Cellular Immunology, 157 [3] 549-555 (1994).
[Impact factor:2.178(91) 2.127(92) 2.166(93) 2.065(94) 1.925(95) 2.142(96) 1.830(97) 2.125(98) 2.252(99) 2.206(00) 2.604(01) 1,988(02) 1.829(03) ]

053476 - UZFG-Y 980025 CZ eng A
Horák, V. - Majzlík, I. - Hruban, V. - Němec, M.
Tissue distribution of ABO(H) antigens in pig and rabbits studied by xenoreactive monoclonal antibodies.
In: Abstracts-24 International Conference ona Animal Genetics. - Praha, ÚŽFG AV ČR Liběchov 1994. - S. 29.
[International Conference of Animal Genetics /24./. Praha (CZ), 94.07.23-94.07.29]

019827 - UMG-J 950022 CZ cze J
Hořejší, V.
Od buněk k molekulám. Jak pracuje imunitní systém.
Vesmír, 73 [11] 615-617 (1994).

021654 - UMG-J 950147 CZ cze J
Hořejší, V.
Od buněk k molekulám. Jak pracuje imunitní systém (2.část).
Vesmír, 74 [12] 672-676 (1994).

019826 - UMG-J 950021 CZ cze J
Hořejší, V. - Bartůňková, J.
Vazebné interakční membránové molekuly.
Fórum imunologie, 2 [6] 189-192 (1994).

019874 - UMG-J 950075 BR eng J
Hořejší, V. - Cinek, T. - Angelisová, P. - Černý, J. - Hilgert, I.
Association of GPI-anchored glycoproteins with other components of the leukocyte membrane.
Brazilian Journal of Medical Research, 27 [2] 255-262 (1994).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA55215; GA AV ČR(CZ) IA75224
[Impact factor:0.389(92) 0.276(93) 0.296(94) 0.383(95) 0.455(96) 0.468(97) 0.439(98) 0.517(99) 0.654(00) 0.769(01) 0,802(02) 0.740(03) ]

019821 - UMG-J 950015 CZ cze J
Hraba, T.
40 let imunologické tolerance.
Vesmír, 73 [6] 308-309 (1994).

018345 - UTIA-B 940152 CZ eng J
Hraba, T. - Doležal, J.
Mathematical modelling of chemotherapy in HIV infection.
Folia Biologica, 40 [3] 103-111 (1994).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/0645
[Impact factor:0.319(92) 0.090(93) 0.213(94) 0.446(95) 0.500(96) 0.522(97) 0.632(98) 0.493(99) 0.351(00) 0.519(01) 0,615(02) 0.527(03) ]

019835 - UMG-J 950030 US eng J
Hyttel, P. - Laurinčík, J. - Kopečný, V.
DNA synthesis and pronucleus development in porcine zygotes: An autoradiographic and ultrastructural study.
Theriogenology, 41 [1] 220 (1994).
[Impact factor:1.725(92) 1.787(93) 1.967(94) 1.395(95) 2.320(96) 1.727(97) 1.760(98) 1.923(99) 2.062(00) 1.965(01) 2,387(02) 1.839(03) ]

020345 - UMG-J 950001 SK eng J
Indrová, M. - Bubeník, J. - Jakoubková, J. - Šímová, J. - Jandlová, T. - Helmichová, E. - Benešová, K. - Hesová, M. - Stáhalová, F.
Subcutaneous interleukin-2 in combination with vinblastine for metastatic renal cancer: Cytolytic activity of peripheral blood lymphocytes.
Neoplasma, 41 [4] 197-200 (1994).
Grant: IGA MZ(CZ) Z/134-3; IGA MZ(CZ) Z/597-3PL597PL134/3
[Impact factor:0.375(91) 0.366(92) 0.352(93) 0.354(94) 0.418(95) 0.420(96) 0.385(97) 0.657(98) 0.448(99) 0.579(00) 0.637(01) 0,679(02) 0.782(03) ]

019848 - UMG-J 950044 CZ cze J
Jonák, J.
Věda pro příští desetiletí.
Respekt, 5 [6] 14 (1994).

019864 - UMG-J 950064 NL eng J
Jonák, J. - Anborgh, P. H. - Parmeggiani, A.
Histidine-118 of elongation factor Tu: its role in aminoacyl-tRNA binding and regulation of the GTPase activity.
FEBS Letters, 343 [1] 94-98 (1994).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA55253
[Impact factor:3.505(92) 3.339(93) 3.600(94) 3.842(95) 3.750(96) 3.504(97) 3.581(98) 3.720(99) 3.440(00) 3.644(01) 3,912(02) 3.609(03) ]

019847 - UMG-J 950043 GB eng J
Jonák, J. - Habrová, V. - Takáč, M. - Mácha, J. - Reiniš, M. - Pokorná, H.
Transfer of Rous sarcoma virus DNA to ova by Xenopus laevis spermatozoa.
Cell Biology International, 18 [5] 465 (1994).
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 1.018(93) 1.042(94) 1.067(95) 1.018(96) 1.124(97) 0.884(98) 0.731(99) 0.592(00) 0.942(01) 1,017(02) 1.092(03) ]

019877 - UMG-J 950078 DE eng J
Jonáková, V.
Multifunctional sperm protein in gamete interaction.
Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 29 [2/3] 83-85 (1994).
[Impact factor:0.565(92) 0.507(93) 0.307(94) 0.336(95) 0.441(96) 0.357(97) 0.338(98) 0.287(99) 0.521(00) 0.324(01) 0,550(02) 0.789(03) ]

019873 - UMG-J 950074 US eng J
Kniep, B. - Cinek, T. - Angelisová, P. - Hořejší, V.
Association of the GPI-anchored leukocyte surface glycoproteins with ganglioside GM3.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 103 [2] 1069-1075 (1994).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA310/93/0207
[Impact factor:3.803(91) 3.583(92) 3.312(93) 3.400(94) 3.179(95) 2.872(96) 2.971(97) 2.780(98) 3.161(99) 3.055(00) 2.946(01) 2,935(02) 2.836(03) ]

019836 - UMG-J 950031 GB eng JX
Kopečný, V. - Fakan, S. - Biggiogera, M. - Laurinčík, J. - Pivko, J.
Intranuclear localization of snRNPs in oocytes and early embryos of pig.
Cell Biology International, 18 [5] 410 (1994).
[European Congress of Cell Biology /4./. Praha (CZ), 94.06.26-94.07.01]
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 1.018(93) 1.042(94) 1.067(95) 1.018(96) 1.124(97) 0.884(98) 0.731(99) 0.592(00) 0.942(01) 1,017(02) 1.092(03) ]

021930 - UMG-J 950191 CZ eng A
Kopečný, V. - Fakan, S. - Biggiogera, M. - Pivko, J. - Grafenau, P.
Electron Microscope Cyto-and Immunocytochemical Charakterization of Nuclear Bodies in Early Bovine Embryo.
In: Progress in Basic, Applied and Diagnostic Histochemistry. Abstracts. - Olomouc, Medical Faculty of Palacký University Department of Histology and Embryology, Czech Society of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry 1994. - S. -.
[Progress in Basic, Applied and Diagnostic Histochemistry. Olomouc ( CZ), 94.09.04-94.09.07]

019841 - UMG-J 950037 GB eng JX
Korb, J. - Štokrová, J. - Dvořáková, M. - Čermáková, V. - Karafiát, V.
Morphological changes of the insect cells in the baculovirus expression system as a function of v-myb and c-myb gene.
Cell Biology International, 18 [5] 384 (1994).
[European Congress of Cell Biology /4./. Praha (CZ), 94.06.26-94.07.01]
Grant: GA304/93/0210
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 1.018(93) 1.042(94) 1.067(95) 1.018(96) 1.124(97) 0.884(98) 0.731(99) 0.592(00) 0.942(01) 1,017(02) 1.092(03) ]

021932 - UMG-J 950197 US eng JX
Kovář, J. - Kemp, J. - Naumann, P. - Cardillo, T.
Inhibition of tumor growth in vitro and in vivo by combined treatment with deferoxamine and IgG MAbs against the transferrin receptor.
FASEB Journal, 8 [4] A504 (1994).
[Experimental Biology 94. Anaheim (US), 94.04.24-94.04.28]
[Impact factor:18.675(91) 18.213(92) 16.634(93) 15.115(94) 13.404(95) 13.771(96) 14.629(97) 13.861(98) 11.880(99) 9.249(00) 8.817(01) 7,252(02) 7.172(03) ]

019881 - UMG-J 950082 NL eng J
Kovář, J. - Seligman, P. - Gelfand, E. W.
Lymphocyte lines under iron-depriving conditions: Transferrin receptor expression related to various growth responses.
Immunology Letters, 42, [-] 123-127 (1994).
[Impact factor:1.513(91) 1.559(92) 1.241(93) 1.223(94) 1.241(95) 1.255(96) 1.096(97) 1.485(98) 1.494(99) 1.546(00) 2.009(01) 1,847(02) 1.710(03) ]

019833 - UMG-J 950028 GB eng Jx
Kriegerbecková, K. - Scheiber, B. - Kovář, J. - Goldenberg, H.
How cells acquire iron in protein-free medium.
Cell Biology International, 18 [5] 473 (1994).
[European Congress of Cell Biology /4./. Praha (CZ), 94.06.26-94.07.01]
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 1.018(93) 1.042(94) 1.067(95) 1.018(96) 1.124(97) 0.884(98) 0.731(99) 0.592(00) 0.942(01) 1,017(02) 1.092(03) ]

019880 - UMG-J 950081 DE eng J
Kubera, M. - Bubak-Satora, M. - Holáň, V. - Krol, W. - Basta-Kaim, A. - Roman, A. - Skowron-Cendrzak, A. - Shani, J.
Modulation of cell-mediated immunity by lithium chloride.
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung. B, 49 [5] 679-683 (1994).
[Impact factor:0.904(91) 0.870(92) 0.919(93) 0.878(94) 0.972(95) 1.136(96) 0.864(97) 0.731(98) 0.744(99) 0.635(00) 0.761(01) 0,774(02) 0.729(03) ]

021929 - UMG-J 950190 SK eng C
Laurinčík, J. - Hyttel, P. - Kopečný, V.
Development of Intranuclear Bodies and Particles in Vivo Produced Bovine and Porcine Zygotes.
In: Cellular and molecular biology of oocyte maturation, fertilization and early embryo development. - Košice, Slovak Academy of Sciences 1994. - S. -.
[French-Czech-Slovak Colloquium on the Animal Reproduction /6./. Košice (SK), 94.10.13-94.10.14]

019837 - UMG-J 950032 US eng J
Laurinčík, J. - Kopečný, V. - Hyttel, P.
Pronucleus development and DNA-synthesis in bovine zygotes produced in vivo.
Theriogenology, 41 [1] 235 (1994).
[Impact factor:1.725(92) 1.787(93) 1.967(94) 1.395(95) 2.320(96) 1.727(97) 1.760(98) 1.923(99) 2.062(00) 1.965(01) 2,387(02) 1.839(03) ]

019884 - UMG-J 950085 US eng J
Liao Shu, Y. - Brewer, C. - Závada, J. - Pastorek, J. - Pastoreková, S. - Manetta, A. - Disaia, P. J. - Stainbridge, E. J.
Identification of the MN antigen as a diagnostic biomarker of cervical intraepithelial sguamous and glandular neoplasia and cervical carcinomas.
American Journal of Pathology, 145 [3] 598-609 (1994).
[Impact factor:5.656(92) 5.698(93) 5.529(94) 6.334(95) 7.246(96) 6.501(97) 6.043(98) 6.436(99) 6.971(00) 7.103(01) 6,750(02) 6.946(03) ]

053633 - UMG-J 980150 CZ cze J
Lipoldová, M. - Šterzl, J.
Imunitní systému a jeho fyziologické funkce.
Vesmír, 73 [3] 166 (1994).

019823 - UMG-J 950018 US eng Jx
Lišková, M. - Sovová, V. - Wimmerová, M. - Trnka, D. - Šloncová, E. - Fidlerová, H.
Induction of oligodendrocyte differentiation in RSV-transformed chick neural cells.
Cell Biology International, 18 [5] 383 (1994).
[European Congress of Cell Biology /4./. Praha (CZ), 94.06.26-94.07.01]
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 1.018(93) 1.042(94) 1.067(95) 1.018(96) 1.124(97) 0.884(98) 0.731(99) 0.592(00) 0.942(01) 1,017(02) 1.092(03) ]

019828 - UMG-J 950023 CZ cze J
Lukáš, Z. - Foretová, L. - Vojtíšková, M. - Dráber, P. - Hájek, J.
Monoklonální protilátky proti dystrofinu v bioptické diagnostice Duchennovy a Beckerovy progresivní svalové dystrofie.
Česko-Slovenská patologie, 30 [2] 37-42 (1994).
Grant: GA301/94/1674

019844 - UMG-J 950040 SK eng A
Mácha, J. - Habrová, V. - Jonák, J. - Takáč, M. - Češková, N.
Gene transfer by sperm cells of Xenopus laevis.
In: Cellular and molecular biology of oocyte maturation, fertilization and early embryo development. - Košice, Institute of Animal Physiology 1994. - S. 14.
[French-Czech-Slovak Colloquium on the Animal Reproduction /6./. Košice (SK), 94.10.13-94.10.14]

019845 - UMG-J 950041 SK eng A
Mácha, J. - Štursová, D. - Habrová, V. - Takáč, M. - Češková, N. - Jonák, J.
Plasmid DNA incorporation by mouse and Xenopus laevis sperm cells.
In: Cellular and molecular biology of oocyte maturation, fertilization and early embryo development. - Košice, Institute of Animal Physiology 1994. - S. 14.
[French-Czech-Slovak Colloquium on the Animal Reproduction /6./. Košice (SK), 94.10.13-94.10.14]

019846 - UMG-J 950042 GB eng J
Mácha, J. - Štursová, D. - Habrová, V. - Takáč, M. - Jonák, J.
DNA uptake by mouse and board sperm cells.
Cell Biology International, 18 [5] 464 (1994).
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 1.018(93) 1.042(94) 1.067(95) 1.018(96) 1.124(97) 0.884(98) 0.731(99) 0.592(00) 0.942(01) 1,017(02) 1.092(03) ]

053631 - UMG-J 980148 CZ cze J
Mára, M. - Babušíková, O. - Bubeník, J. - Nouza, K. - Pekárek, J. - Prokešová, L. - Rovenský, J. - Říhová, B.
Fórum imunologie, 2 [6] 233-238 (1994).

019820 - UMG-J 950014 CZ cze D
Matoušková, E.
Modelové využití biologie sarkomových a epiteliálních buněk in vitro. Praha, ÚMG AV ČR 1994. - 200 s.
Grant: IA55214

021646 - UMG-J 950093 CZ eng A
Matoušková, E. - Buček, S. - Arenberger, P. - Chaloupková, A.
Recombined human/pig skin - biological properties and healing effect after upside - down application.
In: Abstract from "ETCS Applied Skin Culture Meeting". - Brno, - 1994. - S. 14.
[ETCS Applied Skin Culture Meeting. Brno (CZ), 94.05.27-94.05.28]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA206/94/1683

021649 - UMG-J 950101 XX eng J
Matoušková, E. - Buček, S. - Arenberger, P. - Dvořáková, B. - Chaloupková, A. - Königová, R.
Upside down application of human/pig skin recombinants for clinical and research use.
Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 103, 414 (1994).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA206/94/1683
[Impact factor:3.855(91) 3.687(92) 3.548(93) 3.826(94) 3.681(95) 4.760(96) 4.584(97) 4.822(98) 4.903(99) 4.539(00) 4.645(01) 3,746(02) 4.194(03) ]

019879 - UMG-J 950080 IT eng J
Matoušková, E. - Němcová, D. - Dvořánková, B. - Vogtová, D. - Königová, R.
Healing effect of recombined human pig skin on dermal defects.
Annals of the Mediterranean Burns Club, 7 [3] 143-146 (1994).
Grant: IA55214GA206/94/1683

019887 - UMG-J 950088 US eng J
Mňuková-Fajdelová, M. - Satta, Y. - O'Huigin, C. - Mayer, W. E. - Figueroa, F. - Klein, J.
Alu elements of the primate major histocompatibility complex.
Mammalian Genome, 5 [7] 405-415 (1994).
[Impact factor:6.302(92) 3.144(93) 4.006(94) 2.714(95) 2.561(96) 2.069(97) 1.946(98) 1.890(99) 2.137(00) 2.318(01) 2,233(02) 2.685(03) ]

019829 - UMG-J 950024 ES eng C
Mollova, M. - Ivanova, M. - Pěknicová, J.
Visualization of zona-pellucida boar acrosome reaction by specific monoclonal antibody.
In: Proceedings of the 7th International Meeting on Animal Reproduction. - Murcia, Organizing Committee of Meeting 1994. - S. 3.
[International Meeting on Animal Reproduction /7./. Murcia (ES), 94.07.06-94.07.09]
Grant: GA301/93/0212IA75262

019832 - UMG-J 950027 GB eng A
Mollova, M. - Ivanova, M. - Pěknicová, J.
Studies on gamete interaction in vitro by immobilized zona matrix.
In: Book of Abstracts. -
Cell Biology International, 18 [5] 555 (1994).
[European Congress of Cell Biology /4./. Praha (CZ), 94.06.26-94.07.01]
Grant: GA301/93/0212IA75262
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 1.018(93) 1.042(94) 1.067(95) 1.018(96) 1.124(97) 0.884(98) 0.731(99) 0.592(00) 0.942(01) 1,017(02) 1.092(03) ]

019888 - UMG-J 950089 AT eng J
Mollova, M. - Ivanova, M. - Pěknicová, J. - Moos, J.
Application of the specific anti-acrosin monoclonal antibody (ACR.2) to detect capacitated/acrosome reacted boar spermatozoa.
Assisted Reproductive Technology Andrology. B, 6, [-] 88-89 ( 1994).
Grant: GA301/93/0212IA75262

019858 - UMG-J 950057 US eng J
Moos, J. - Kaláb, P. - Kopf, G. S. - Schultz, R. M.
Rapid, nonradioactive and quantitative method to analyze Zona pellucida modifications in single mouse eggs.
Molecular Reproduction and Development, 38 [1] 91-93 (1994).
Grant: GA301/93/0212IA75262
[Impact factor:2.003(92) 2.212(93) 2.425(94) 2.229(95) 2.513(96) 2.189(97) 2.399(98) 2.658(99) 2.535(00) 2.296(01) 2,322(02) 2.543(03) ]

020905 - UZFG-Y 950153 US eng J
Moos, J. - Kaláb, P. - Schultz, R. M. - Kopf, G. S.
Rapid nonradioactive detection of 2p-2 conversion in single mouse eggs.
Molecular Reproduction and Development, 38, 91-93 (1994).
[Impact factor:2.003(92) 2.212(93) 2.425(94) 2.229(95) 2.513(96) 2.189(97) 2.399(98) 2.658(99) 2.535(00) 2.296(01) 2,322(02) 2.543(03) ]

019834 - UMG-J 950029 GB eng A
Musílková, J. - Tuček, S.
Effects of alcuronium on solubilized muscarinic receptors.
In: Book of Abstracts. -
Cell Biology International, 18 [5] 505 (1994).
[European Congress of Cell Biology /4./. Praha (CZ), 94.06.26-94.07.01]
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 1.018(93) 1.042(94) 1.067(95) 1.018(96) 1.124(97) 0.884(98) 0.731(99) 0.592(00) 0.942(01) 1,017(02) 1.092(03) ]

019885 - UMG-J 950086 GB eng J
Pastorek, J. - Pastoreková, S. - Callebaut, I. - Mornon, J. P. - Zelník, V. - Zaťovičová, M. - Liao Shu, Y. - Portetelle, D. - Stainbridge, E. - Závada, J.
Cloning and characterization of MN, a human tumor-associated protein with a domain homologous to carbonic anhydrase and putative helix-loop-helix Dna binding segment.
Oncogene, 9 [10] 2877-2888 (1994).
[Impact factor:6.634(92) 6.991(93) 7.387(94) 7.991(95) 7.727(96) 6.772(97) 6.192(98) 6.517(99) 6.490(00) 6.737(01) 5,979(02) 6.495(03) ]

019882 - UMG-J 950083 SK eng A
Pěknicová, J. - Čapková, J. - Mollova, M. - Ivanova, M.
Role of acrosomal proteins in early periods of gamete interactions.
In: Cellular and molecular biology of oocyte maturation, fertilization and early embryo development. - Košice, Institute of Animal Physiology 1994. - S. 27.
[French-Czech-Slovak Colloquium on the Animal Reproduction /6./. Košice (SK), 94.10.13-94.10.14]
Grant: GA301/93/0212IA75262

019830 - UMG-J 950025 GB eng Jx
Pěknicová, J. - Moos, J. - Čapková, J. - Sršeň, V.
Localization and sperm proteins during capacitation and acrosome reaction.
Cell Biology International, 18 [5] 491 (1994).
[European Congress of Cell Biology /4./. Praha (CZ), 94.06.26-94.07.01]
Grant: GA301/93/0212IA75262
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 1.018(93) 1.042(94) 1.067(95) 1.018(96) 1.124(97) 0.884(98) 0.731(99) 0.592(00) 0.942(01) 1,017(02) 1.092(03) ]

019886 - UMG-J 950087 NL eng J
Pěknicová, J. - Moos, J. - Sršeň, V. - Mollova, M. - Čapková, J.
Changes in immunochemical localization of acrosomal and sperm proteins in boar spermatozoa during capacitation and induced acrosome reaction.
Animal Reproduction Science, 35, [-] 255-271 (1994).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA301/93/0212; GA AV ČR(CZ) IA75262GA301/93/0212 IA75262
[Impact factor:0.701(92) 0.678(93) 0.855(94) 0.709(95) 0.838(96) 0.930(97) 1.105(98) 0.813(99) 1.080(00) 1.196(01) 1,681(02) 1.286(03) ]

019865 - UMG-J 950201 US eng J
Plachý, J. - Hála, K. - Hejnar, J. - Geryk, J. - Svoboda, J.
The src - specific immunity in inbread chickens bearing v-src DNA- and RSV-induced tumors.
Immunogenetics, 40 [4] 257-265 (1994).
[Impact factor:3.540(91) 3.681(92) 3.085(93) 3.352(94) 3.373(95) 3.348(96) 3.340(97) 2.311(98) 2.899(99) 2.142(00) 2.268(01) 2,475(02) 2.690(03) ]

019878 - UMG-J 950079 CZ cze D
Pokorná, E.
Vztah pohybové aktivity, malignity a aktinového cytoskeletu buněk spontánně metastazujícího potkana LEW/CUB. Praha, ÚMG AV ČR 1994. - 205 s.

019818 - UMG-J 950012 US eng J
Pokorná, E. - Jordan, P. W. - O'Neill, C. H. - Zicha, D. - Gilbert, C. S. - Veselý, P.
Actin cytoskeleton and motility in rat sarcoma cell populations with different metastatic potential.
Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton, 28 [1] 25-33 (1994).
Grant: IA75265
[Impact factor:3.307(92) 2.981(93) 3.310(94) 3.110(95) 2.637(96) 2.461(97) 2.564(98) 2.772(99) 3.029(00) 2.603(01) 2,440(02) 2.905(03) ]

019863 - UMG-J 950062 NL eng J
Pospíšek, M. - Palková, Z. - Janderová, B. - Korb, J.
Isolation and characterization of the dsRNA virus from the yeast Endomyces magnusii.
FEMS Microbiology Letters, 116 [2] 231-236 (1994).
[Impact factor:1.374(91) 1.334(92) 1.296(93) 1.597(94) 1.488(95) 1.735(96) 1.560(97) 1.581(98) 1.673(99) 1.615(00) 1.806(01) 1,804(02) 1.932(03) ]

021655 - UMG-J 950149 US eng J
Rasmussen, A. H. - Blomhoff, H. K. - Stokke, T. - Hořejší, V. - Smeland, E. B.
Cross-linking of CD53 promotes activation of resting human B lymphocytes.
Journal of Immunology, 153, 4997-5007 (1994).
[Impact factor:7.004(91) 6.723(92) 7.065(93) 7.383(94) 7.412(95) 7.296(96) 6.937(97) 7.166(98) 7.145(99) 6.834(00) 7.065(01) 7,014(02) 6.702(03) ]

019857 - UMG-J 950056 GB eng Jx
Riederer, B. - Dráberová, E. - Dráber, P. - Viklický, V.
MAP2 during cat brain development influence of phosphorylation and conformation.
Cell Biology International, 18 [5] 482 (1994).
Grant: CH:SNF:7TRPJ038608
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 1.018(93) 1.042(94) 1.067(95) 1.018(96) 1.124(97) 0.884(98) 0.731(99) 0.592(00) 0.942(01) 1,017(02) 1.092(03) ]

016534 - MBU-M 940242 ES eng A
Řeháková, Z. - Šinkora, J. - Šinkora, M. - Drbal, K. - Trebichavský, I.
Phenotypical and functional studies of myeloid cells during early ontogeny in pigs.
In: 12th European Immunology Meeting. - Barcelona, European Federation of Immunological Societies 1994. - S. 436.
[European Immunology Meeting /12./. Barcelona (ES), 94.06.14-94.06.17]

019854 - UMG-J 950053 PL eng J
Říčařová, B. - Bilinská, B. - Viklický, V. - Stoklosowa, S.
Adherence of lymphocytes to Leydig cell surface as an effect of the functional activity of Leydig cells in vitro.
Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica, 32 [2] 107-112 (1994).
Grant: IAA752101
[Impact factor: 0,526(02) 0.475(03) ]

021931 - UMG-J 950195 CZ eng J
Schnegg, G. - Dietrich, H. - Boeck, H. - Plachý, J. - Hála, K.
Immunohistochemical analysis of cells infiltrating Rous sarcoma-virus-induced tumors in chickens.
Folia Biologica, 40, 463-476 (1994).
Grant: GA514/93/0303
[Impact factor:0.319(92) 0.090(93) 0.213(94) 0.446(95) 0.500(96) 0.522(97) 0.632(98) 0.493(99) 0.351(00) 0.519(01) 0,615(02) 0.527(03) ]

019870 - UMG-J 950071 GB eng J
Senger, G. - Jones, T. A. - Fidlerová, H. - Sanseau, P. - Trowsdale, J. - Duff, M. - Sheer, D.
Released chromatin: linearized DNA for high resolution fluorescence in situ hybridization.
Human Molecular Genetics, 3, [-] 1275-1280 (1994).
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 3.783(93) 4.528(94) 5.273(95) 6.512(96) 8.505(97) 9.307(98) 9.359(99) 9.048(00) 9.318(01) 8,726(02) 8.597(03) ]

019855 - UMG-J 950054 GB eng Jx
Smertenko, A. - Opatrný, Z. - Blume, J. - Viklický, V. - Dráber, P.
Probing Nicotiana Tabacum microtubules with monoclonal anti-tubulin antibodies.
Cell Biology International, 18 [5] 450 (1994).
Grant: IAA552407
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 1.018(93) 1.042(94) 1.067(95) 1.018(96) 1.124(97) 0.884(98) 0.731(99) 0.592(00) 0.942(01) 1,017(02) 1.092(03) ]

019825 - UMG-J 950020 US eng Jx
Sovová, V. - Fidlerová, H. - Šloncová, E.
EGF receptors on Rous sarcoma virus-transformed cells.
Cell Biology International, 18 [5] 389 (1994).
[European Congress of Cell Biology /4./. Praha (CZ), 94.06.26-94.07.01]
Grant: IA55219; IGA MZ(CZ) IZ133PL133/4
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 1.018(93) 1.042(94) 1.067(95) 1.018(96) 1.124(97) 0.884(98) 0.731(99) 0.592(00) 0.942(01) 1,017(02) 1.092(03) ]

019871 - UMG-J 950072 CZ eng J
Sovová, V. - Fidlerová, H. - Šloncová, E. - Trnka, D.
Epidermal growth factor receptors in Rous sarcoma virus-transformed cells of different hosts.
Folia Biologica, 40 [5] 291-299 (1994).
Grant: IA55219; IGA MZ(CZ) IZ133PL133/4
[Impact factor:0.319(92) 0.090(93) 0.213(94) 0.446(95) 0.500(96) 0.522(97) 0.632(98) 0.493(99) 0.351(00) 0.519(01) 0,615(02) 0.527(03) ]

019851 - UMG-J 950048 DE eng J
Sundan, A. - Gullstein-Jahr, T. - Otterlei, M. - Ryan, L. - Bažil, V. - Wright, S. D. - Espevik, T.
Soluble CD14 from urine copurifies with a potent inducer of cytokines.
European Journal of Immunology, 24 [8] 1779-1784 (1994).
[Impact factor:4.934(92) 5.577(93) 5.664(94) 6.015(95) 5.701(96) 5.256(97) 5.438(98) 5.635(99) 5.240(00) 4.990(01) 4,832(02) 4.536(03) ]

016518 - MBU-M 940226 ES eng A
Šinkora, J. - Šinkora, M. - Řeháková, Z. - Drbal, K. - Trebichavský, I.
Thymocyte subpopulations during prenatal ontogeny in miniature pigs.
In: 12th European Immunology Meeting. - Barcelona, European Federation of Immunological Societies 1994. - S. 26.
[European Immunology Meeting /12./. Barcelona (ES), 94.06.14-94.06.17]
Grant: IAA72068

019842 - UMG-J 950038 GB eng A
Štokrová, J. - Korb, J. - Dvořáková, M. - Čermáková, V. - Raška, I.
Structural and ultrastructural localization of the v-myb and c-myb gene products in cells of the baculovirus expression system.
Cell Biology International, 18 [5] 384 (1994).
[European Congress of Cell Biology /4./. Praha (CZ), 94.06.26-94.07.01]
Grant: GA304/93/0210
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 1.018(93) 1.042(94) 1.067(95) 1.018(96) 1.124(97) 0.884(98) 0.731(99) 0.592(00) 0.942(01) 1,017(02) 1.092(03) ]

018126 - BFU-R 940055 US eng J
Štros, M. - Štokrová, J. - Thomas, J. O.
DNA looping by the HMG-box domains of HMG1 and modulation of DNA binding by the acidic C-terminal domain.
Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 18 [Supplement] 149 (00.00.00).
[Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology. Keystone (US), 94.02.13-94.02.26]
[Impact factor:3.659(92) 3.226(93) 2.849(94) 3.075(95) 3.471(96) 2.685(97) 2.778(98) 2.817(99) 2.775(00) 2.536(01) 2,530(02) 2.664(03) ]

018127 - BFU-R 940056 GB eng J
Štros, M. - Štokrová, J. - Thomas, J. O.
DNA looping by the HMG-box domains of HMG1 and modulation of DNA binding by the acidic C-terminal domain.
Nucleic Acids Research, 22 [6] 1044-1051 (1994).
[Impact factor:3.039(91) 3.294(92) 3.783(93) 4.097(94) 4.235(95) 4.488(96) 4.188(97) 4.878(98) 5.748(99) 5.396(00) 6.373(01) 7,051(02) 6.575(03) ]

019876 - UMG-J 950077 US eng J
Tao Dao, J. - Ariyasu, T. - Holáň, V. - Minowada, J.
Natural human interferon-a augments apoptosis in activated T cell line.
Cellular Immunology, 155 [2] 304-311 (1994).
[Impact factor:2.178(91) 2.127(92) 2.166(93) 2.065(94) 1.925(95) 2.142(96) 1.830(97) 2.125(98) 2.252(99) 2.206(00) 2.604(01) 1,988(02) 1.829(03) ]

019839 - UMG-J 950035 GB eng A
Tichá, M. - Kraus, M. - Železná, B. - Jonáková, V.
Water-soluble derivatives of heparin for binding studies of proteins from boar seminal plasma.
Cell Biology International, 18 [5] 517 (1994).
[European Congress of Cell Biology /4./. Praha (CZ), 94.06.26-94.07.01]
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 1.018(93) 1.042(94) 1.067(95) 1.018(96) 1.124(97) 0.884(98) 0.731(99) 0.592(00) 0.942(01) 1,017(02) 1.092(03) ]

019860 - UMG-J 950059 NL eng J
Tichá, M. - Železná, B. - Jonáková, V. - Filka, K.
Immobilization of heparin on polyacrylamide derivatives.
Journal of Chromatography. B, 656 [3] 423-426 (1994).
[Impact factor:1.958(92) 1.874(93) 2.523(94) 1.255(95) 1.341(96) 1.588(97) 1.395(98) 1.666(99) 1.802(00) 1.911(01) ]

019872 - UMG-J 950073 US eng J
Trachtulec, Z. - Vincek, V. - Hamvas, R. M. J. - Forejt, J. - Lehrach, H. - Klein, J.
Physical map of mouse chromosome 17 in the region relevant for positional cloning of the hybrid sterility 1 gene.
Genomics, 23 [1] 132-137 (1994).
[Impact factor:6.726(92) 5.433(93) 5.037(94) 4.089(95) 3.666(96) 3.424(97) 3.489(98) 3.386(99) 3.425(00) 3.418(01) 3,483(02) 3.488(03) ]

053632 - UMG-J 980149 CZ cze J
Trebichavský, I. - Šírová, M. - Bubeník, J. - Petřek, M. - Lackovič, V. - Rovenský, J.
Cytokiny v imunitní systému.
Fórum imunologie, 2 [6] 205-210 (1994).

021928 - UMG-J 950173 AU eng J
Tuháčková, Z.
Staurosporine and gossypol are inhibitors of the function of peptide elongation factor 1a from rabbit reticulocytes.
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology International, 32 [3] 545-554 (1994).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA552103
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.000(93) 0.566(94) 0.596(95) 0.582(96) 0.578(97) 0.792(98) 0.770(99) 0.888(00) 0.925(01) ]

019824 - UMG-J 950019 US eng A
Tuháčková, Z. - Křivánek, J.
Presence of ATP-citrate lyase in the fraction of Zajdela hepatoma enriched with proteins of the peptide translation apparatus.
In: Book of Abstracts. -
Cell Biology International, 18 [5] 516 (1994).
[European Congress of Cell Biology /4./. Praha (CZ), 94.06.26-94.07.01]
Grant: IA552103; IGA MZ(CZ) 0072-3IZ72/3
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 1.018(93) 1.042(94) 1.067(95) 1.018(96) 1.124(97) 0.884(98) 0.731(99) 0.592(00) 0.942(01) 1,017(02) 1.092(03) ]

019861 - UMG-J 950060 GB eng J
Veselský, L. - Dostál, J. - Drahorád, J.
Effect of intra-rectal administration of boar seminal immunosupressive fraction on mouse lymphocytes.
Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, 101 [3] 519-522 (1994).
[Impact factor:2.336(91) 2.211(92) 1.736(93) 1.802(94) 1.840(95) 2.255(96) 2.038(97) 1.728(98) 1.908(99) 1.970(00) 2.148(01) 2,865(02) ]

021645 - UMG-J 950092 DE eng A
Veselý, P. - Bereiter-Hahn, J. - Yastas, S. - Zoller, J.
Probing cellular dynamics with Scanning Acoustie Microscopy.
In: Abstracts from 2nd Kolloquium des DFG-Schwerpunkts "Neue Mikroskopische Techniken für Biologie und Medizin: Photonische Mikroskopie". - Heidelberg, - 1994. - S. -.
[Kolloquium des DFG-Schwerpunkts "Neue mikroskopische Techniken für Biologie und Medizin: Photonische Mikroskopie" /2./. Heidelberg (DE), 94.05.18-94.05.20]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA312/94/1481IA75265

021648 - UMG-J 950100 DE eng A
Veselý, P. - Chaloupková, A. - Bereiter-Hahn, J. - Činátl, J. - Činátl, J.
Relationship between metastatic capacity of rat sarcomas and in vitro cell motility, fibrinolytic activity and growth potentional.
In: Abstracts from "13th Meeting of EACR". - Berlin, - 1994. - S. -.
[Meeting of the European Association for Cancer Research /13./. Berlin (DE), 94.09.25-94.09.28]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA312/94/1481IA75265

021650 - UMG-J 950102 US eng B
Veselý, P. - Jones, S. J. - Piper, K. - Gray, C. - Boyde, A.
The significance of the size of an osteoclast. (Ed. Davidovitch, Z.). - Boston, Harvard Society for the Advancement of Orthodontics 1994. - 55-71 s.
Grant: IA75265

021647 - UMG-J 950096 XX eng J
Veselý, P. - Lüers, H. - Riehle, M. - Bereiter-Hahn, J.
Subtraction Scanning Acoustic Microscopy Reveals Motility Domains in Cells in Vitro.
Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton, sv. 29, [-] 231-240 (1994).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA312/94/1481IA75265
[Impact factor:3.307(92) 2.981(93) 3.310(94) 3.110(95) 2.637(96) 2.461(97) 2.564(98) 2.772(99) 3.029(00) 2.603(01) 2,440(02) 2.905(03) ]

021933 - UMG-J 950200 XX eng J
Weinreich, S. - Iványi, P. - Euderink, F. - Alpen, L. - Čapková, J. - Gaede, K. - Heesemann, J. - Hoebe-Hewryk, B. - Kievitz, F. - Lokhorst, W. - Pla, M. - Zurcher, C.
HLA B 27 as a relative risk factor in Ankylosing Enthesopathy in transgenic mice.
Human Immunology, 42, 103-115 (1994).
[Impact factor:3.684(91) 3.511(92) 2.898(93) 2.956(94) 2.700(95) 2.535(96) 2.991(97) 2.169(98) 2.558(99) 1.953(00) 2.373(01) 2,573(02) 2.619(03) ]

019866 - UMG-J 950066 US eng J
Yatsula, B. A. - Geryk, J. - Briešťanská, J. - Karakoz, I. - Svoboda, J. - Rynditch, A. V. - Calothy, G. - Dezélée, P.
Origin and evolution of the c-src transducing virus PR2257.
Journal of General Virology, 75 [4] 2777-2781 (1994).
[Impact factor:3.358(91) 3.300(92) 3.065(93) 3.478(94) 3.410(95) 3.080(96) 2.863(97) 2.645(98) 3.061(99) 3.126(00) 3.248(01) 3,300(02) 3.036(03) ]

019831 - UMG-J 950026 GB eng A
Zachlederová, M. - Pěknicová, J. - Paleček, J.
Changes in immunological localization of cytoskeletal proteins during capacitation and induced acrosome reactions.
Cell Biology International, 18 [5] 462 (1994).
[European Congress of Cell Biology /4./. Praha (CZ), 94.06.26-94.07.01]
Grant: GA301/93/0212IA75262
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 1.018(93) 1.042(94) 1.067(95) 1.018(96) 1.124(97) 0.884(98) 0.731(99) 0.592(00) 0.942(01) 1,017(02) 1.092(03) ]

019840 - UMG-J 950036 GB eng JX
Železná, B. - Veselský, L. - Jonáková, V. - Bláha, I. - Velek, J. - Zicha, J. - Kuneš, J.
Antibody against angiotensin II AT1 receptor completely prevents the development of two-kidney, one-clip renal hypertension in rat.
Cell Biology International, 18 [5] 575 (1994).
[European Congress of Cell Biology /4./. Praha (CZ), 94.06.26-94.07.01]
Grant: IAA455119
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 1.018(93) 1.042(94) 1.067(95) 1.018(96) 1.124(97) 0.884(98) 0.731(99) 0.592(00) 0.942(01) 1,017(02) 1.092(03) ]

019862 - UMG-J 950061 NL eng J
Železná, B. - Veselský, L. - Velek, J. - Zicha, J. - Kuneš, J.
Angiotensin AT1 receptor blockade by specific antibody prevented two-kidney, one-clip renal hypertension in the rat.
European Journal of Pharmacology, 260 [1] 95-98 (1994).
[Impact factor:3.516(91) 3.370(92) 2.849(93) 2.677(94) 2.637(95) 2.339(96) 1.960(97) 1.992(98) 2.047(99) 2.236(00) 2.164(01) 2,342(02) 2.352(03) ]

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