ÚFP - Ústav fyziky plazmatu


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Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

013632 - UFP-V 940056 FR eng J
Andersson, D. - Barrault, M. - Dufournet, D. - Hrabovský, M. - Kapetanovič, M. - Moeller, K. - Sakuma, S. - Scarpa, P. - Sofroniou, S. - Stechbarth, J.
Application of black box modelling to circuit breakers.
Electra, 149 [0] 40-71 (1993).

010304 - UFP-V 930031 CR eng C
Badalec, J. - Kletečka, P. - Kryška, L.
Dependence of particle confinement on plasma density and plasma position in LHCD discharges in CASTOR tokamak Proceedings of 16th Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology - (Ed. Píchal, Jan). - Praha, Czech Technical University 1993. - 114-120 s.
[16th Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology. Praha (CR), 93.04.27-93.04.29]
Grant: IAA14310IAA14356

013634 - UFP-V 940070 US eng B
Breizman, B. N. - Jungwirth, K.
Dynamics of Supersonic Langmuir Turbulence. (Ed. Kadomtsev, B.B.). - New York, Consultants Bureau 1993. - 1+73 s.

013633 - UFP-V 940069 CZ cze J
Brožek, V. - Dubský, J. - Kolman, B.
Reaktivní plazmové depozice titanových cermetů.
Chemické listy, 87 [9] 76 (1993).
[Impact factor:0.304(91) 0.321(92) 0.184(93) 0.220(94) 0.289(95)0.186(96) 0.159(97) 0.108(98) 0.190(99) 0.278(00)0.317(01) 0,336(02) 0.345(03) ]

019723 - UFP-V 950018 US eng C
Brožek, V. - Buzek, V. - Kolman, B. - Chráska, P.
Ceramic Membranes Produced by ASP Technology.
In: Proceeding of 5th National Thermal Spray Conference 93. - (Ed. Berndt, C. C.; Bernecki, T. F.). - Ohio, Materials Park, ASM International 1993. - 649+5 s. - ().
[National Thermal Spray Conference 93 /5./. Anaheim, California (US) , 93.06.07-93.06.11]

019595 - UFP-V 950017 CZ eng Z
Brožek, V. - Dubský, J. - Kolman, B.
Chemical study of redox profile in the water stabilized pl asma jet.
In: Proceedings of 16th Symposium on Plasma Physics and Techno logy. - Prague, UFP-V 1993. - S. -.
[Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology/16th./. Prague (CZ), 93.04.27-93.04.29]

019725 - UFP-V 950043 US eng C
Burdakov, A. V. - Postupaev, V. V. - Piffl, V.
Soft x-ray measurements of microsec-E-beam-heated plasma.
In: Proceeding of 9th International Conference on High-Power Particle Beams. - (Ed. Mosher, D.; Cooperstein, G.). - Springfield, NTIS 1993. - 1055+5 s.
[International Conference on High-power Particle Beams /9./. Washington, DC (US), 92.05.25-92.05.29]

013628 - UFP-V 940025 US eng J
Debenedictis, S. - Dilecce, G. - Šimek, M.
Time-resolved lif spectroscopy on N2 /A/ metastable in a H e/N2 pulsed RF discharge.
Chemical Physics, 178 [0] 547-560 (1993).
[Impact factor:1.998(91) 1.963(92) 2.091(93) 1.867(94) 2.053(95)2.005(96) 1.990(97) 1.707(98) 1.766(99) 1.908(00)1.957(01) 2,203(02) 2.070(03) ]

010277 - UFP-V 930004 DB eng C
Debenedictis, S. - Dilecce, G. - Šimek, M.
Decay of the vibrational distribution of N2 /B3 , C3 / and N2/B2 / states in He/N2 pulsed RF discharges Proceedings II Proceedings of the XXI International Conference on Phenomena in ionized gases - (Ed. Ecker, G.ArendtU.BoselerJ.). - DB, Arbeitsgemeinschaft Plasmaphysik, Ruhr-Universtat Bochum 1993. - 5-6 s.
[XXI. International Conference on Phenomena in ionized gases. Bochum (DB), 93.09.19-93.09.24]

010292 - UFP-V 930019 CR eng C
Dubský, J. - Brožek, V. - Chráska, P.
The Chemical Inhomogeneity of Al2O3-Cr2O3 Powders for Plasma Spraying Proceedings of 16th Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology - (Ed. Píchal, Jan). - Praha, Czech Technical University 1993. - 267-273 s.
[16th Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology. Praha (CR), 93.04.27-93.04.29]

010291 - UFP-V 930018 CR cze C
Dubský, J. - Kolman, B. - Brožek, V.
Příprava kovových a keramických prášku plazmovými technologiemi
In: Sborník přednášek 4. Česko-Slovenská konference "Metody přípravy a charakterizace práškových materiálů." - Pardubice, VŠCHT Pardubice 1993. - 13-19 s.
[Metody přípravy a charakterizace práškových materiálu. Pardubice ( CR), 93.09.06-93.09.07]

010293 - UFP-V 930020 CR cze C
Dubský, J. - Kolman, B. - Brožek, V.
Příprava impregnovaných prášku pro plazmové depozice Sborník přednášek 4. Česko-Slovenské Konference "Metody přípravy a charakterizace práškových materiálu." - Pardubice, VŠCHT Pardubice 1993. - 77-77 s.
[Metody přípravy a charakterizace práškových materiálu. Pardubice ( CR), 93.09.06-93.09.07]

010294 - UFP-V 930021 US eng C
Dubský, J. - Kolman, B. - Chráska, P.
Comparison of Alumina-Titania Powders Prepared by Various Technologies Conference Proceedings "Thermal Spray Coatings: Research Desing and Applications." - (Ed. Berndt, C.C.BerneckiT.F.). - Ohio, ASM International 1993. - 323-326 s.
[5th National Thermal Spray Conference. Anaheim, California (US), 93.06.07-93.06.11]

010295 - UFP-V 930022 DB eng C
Hrabovský, M. - Kopecký, V.
Electrical probe measurements of plasma jet generated by water stabilized plasma torch Proceedings XXI. International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases II - (Ed. Ecker, G.ArendtU.BoselerJ.). - Bochum, Arbeitsgemeinschaft Plasmaphysics, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum 1993. - II58-59 s.
[XXI. ICPIG. Bochum (DB), 93.09.19-93.09.24]
Grant: IAA14302

013629 - UFP-V 940027 CZ eng J
Hrabovský, M. - Kopecký, V.
Physical Parameters of Water Stabilized Plasma Torch PAL-5 0.
Acta Physica Universitatis Comenianae, 34 [1] 79-84 (1993).

010279 - UFP-V 930006 CR eng C
Hrabovský, M. - Kopecký, V. - Sember, V.
Investigation of thermal plasma JET generated by plasma torch with stabilized arc Proceedings of 16th symposium on plasma physics and technology - (Ed. Píchal, Jan). - Praha, ČVUT 1993. - 243-251 s. - (Macron, spol s r.o.).
[16th symposium on plasma physics and technology. Praha (CR), 93.04.27-93.04.29]
Grant: IAA14355

013631 - UFP-V 940035 GB eng C
Hrabovský, M. - Křenek, P.
Properties of Thermal Plasma Generated by the Torch with water stabilized arc.
In: Proceedings of 11th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry. - (Ed. Harry, J.). - Loughborough, Loughborough University, Ashby Road, Loughborough, Leicestershire LE 11 3TU 1993. - S. 315-320. - ().
[International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry /11./. Loughborough ( GB), 93.08.22-93.08.27]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 14 355

037194 - UFP-V 970064 US eng J
Ilavský, J. - Berndt, C. C.
Protective Coatings 1991-92.
Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 2 [3] 226-227 (1993).
Grant: US-CZ INTER(US) 9317415
[Impact factor: 0.800(97) 0.707(99) 0.816(00) 0.862(01) 0,591(02) 0.726(03) ]

037196 - UFP-V 970068 US eng C
Ilavský, J. - Berndt, C. C. - Herman, H. - Beardsley, B. M.
Thermal expansion of metallic and cermet coatings. (Ed. Berndt, C. C.; Bernecki, T. F.). - Materials Park, ASM International 1993. - 601+5 s.
[National Thermal Spray Conference /5./. Anahaim (US), 93.06.07-93.06.11]
Grant: US-CZ INTER(US) 9317415

010300 - UFP-V 930027 US eng C
Ilavský, J. - Berndt, C.C. - Herman,H., S. a. S. B. - Forman, J. - Dubský, J. - Chráska, P. - Neufuss, K.
Free-standing ceramics manufactured by plasma spraing Conference proceedings"Thermal spray coatings: Research, Desing and Applica- tions - (Ed. Berndt, C.C.BerneckiF.F.). - Ohio, US, ASM International 1993. - 505-511 s.
[5th National Thermal Spray Conference. Anaheim, California (US), 93.06.07-93.06.11]

037195 - UFP-V 970066 US eng C
Ilavský, J. - Forman, J. - Dubský, J. - Chráska, P. - Neufuss, K. - Berndt, C. C. - Herman, H.
Porosity studies of ceramic coatings prepared with water stabilized plasma. (Ed. Berndt, C. C.; Bernecki, T. F.). - Materials Park, ASM International 1993. - 505+7 s.
[National Thermal Spray Conference /5./. Anahaim (US), 93.06.07-93.06.11]
Grant: US-CZ INTER(US) 9317415

013627 - UFP-V 940021 CZ eng J
Jeništa, J.
Static characterics of a conduction and radiation dominate d electric Arc in nitrogen.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 43 [11] 1089-1105 (1993).

010314 - UFP-V 930047 CR eng' C
Klíma, R. - Krlín, L. - Pavlo, P.
On the role of short wave-lenght part of the spectrum in the LHX absorption by alpha particles Proceedings of 16th Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology - (Ed. Píchal, Jan). - Praha, Czech Technical University 1993. - 8-13 s.
[16th Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology. Praha (CR), 93.04.27-93.04.29]
Grant: IAA14304

010298 - UFP-V 930025 CR cze C
Kolman, B. - Dubský, J. - Chráska, P.
Kompositní směsi Al2O3+TiO2 připravované rozprašovací technikou Sborník přednášek 4. Česko-Slovenské konference "Metody přípravy a charakteri-zace práškových materiálu" - Pardubice, VŠCHT Pardubice 1993. - 78-78 s.
[Metody přípravy a charakterizace práškových materiálu. Pardubice ( CR), 93.09.06-93.O9.07]
Grant: GA106/93/0638GA104/93/2262

010297 - UFP-V 930024 CR eng C
Kolman, B. - Forman, J.
Oxidic Films on the Plasma Sprayed Ni Alloy Searched by Secondary Electrons Secondary electrons in spectroscopy, microscopy and microanalysis - CR, Joannes Marcus Marci Spectroscopic Society 1993. - P7-P7 s.
[Secondary Electrons in Electron spectroscopy, microscopy and microanalysis. Chlum u Třeboně (CR), 93.09.21-93.09.24]
Grant: GA106/93/0638GA102/93/2118

010296 - UFP-V 930023 US eng C
Kolman, B. - Forman, J. - Dubský, J. - Chráska, P.
Chemical homegeneity of plasma sprayed materials Conference Proceedings "Thermal Spray Coatings: Research, Desing and Applications" - (Ed. Berndt, C.C.BerneckiT.F.). - Ohio, US, ASM International 1993. - 301-306 s.
[5th National Thermal Spray Conference. Anaheim, California (US), 93.06.07-93.06.11]
Grant: GA106/93/0638

010299 - UFP-V 930026 IT eng C
Kolman, B. - Forman, J. - Dubský, J. - Chráska, P.
Homogeneity Studies of Powders and Plasma Sprayed Deposits Book of Abstracts EMAS '93 3rd European Workshop on Modern Developments and applications in Microbeam Analysis - Rimini, IT, autor neuvedl 1993. - 239-239 s.
[3rd European workshop on modern developments and applications in microbeam analysis. Rimini (IT), 93.05.09-93.05.13]
Grant: GA106/93/0638

010286 - UFP-V 930013 GB eng J
Kopecký, V. - Kolman, B.
Erosion of zirconium-based cathodes in an arc
Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 2 [4] 301-303 (1993).
Grant: IAA14302

010280 - UFP-V 930007 CR eng J
Kotalík, P.
A numerical approach to Stefan problem
Czechoslovac Journal of Physics, 43 [12] 1165-1172 (1993).
Grant: GA106/93/0638
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95)0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00)0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

010281 - UFP-V 930008 FR eng J
Kotalík, P.
On a numerical approach to Stefan problem
Journal de Physique III France, 3 [11] 2113-2120 (listopad 1993).
Grant: GA106/93/0638

010282 - UFP-V 930009 CR cze J
Kotalík, P.
Přenosové jevy při pohybu pevných částic v proudu vysoce zahřátého plynu
Československý časopis pro fyziku, 43 [2] 87-91 (srpen 1993).
Grant: GA106/93/0638

010311 - UFP-V 930039 CR cze J
Krejčí, A.
Konference BEAMS '92 ve Washingtonu
Československý časopis pro fyziku, 43 [2] 150-151 (1993).

013615 - UFP-V 940008 CZ cze Jx
Krejčí, A.
O jaderné fyzice s doc. Z. Pluhařem.
Věda, technika a my, 47 [1] 8 (1993).

013616 - UFP-V 940009 CZ cze Jx
Krejčí, A.
O fyzice plazmatu s doc. P. Šunkou.
Věda, technika a my, 47 [2] 8 (1993).

013617 - UFP-V 940010 CZ cze Jx
Krejčí, A.
O fyzice magnetických látek s dr. K. Závětou.
Věda, technika a my, 47 [3] 8 (1993).

013618 - UFP-V 940011 CZ cze Jx
Krejčí, A.
O fyzikální optice s Mgr. M. Kucharskim.
Věda, technika a my, 47 [4] 8 (1993).

013619 - UFP-V 940012 CZ cze Jx
Krejčí, A.
O fyzice atmosféry s dr. J. Šteklem a dr. R. Huthem.
Věda, technika a my, 47 [5] 8 (1993).

013620 - UFP-V 940013 CZ cze Jx
Krejčí, A.
O fyzice vysokých energií s dr. V. Šimákem.
Věda, technika a my, 47 [6] 8 (1993).

013621 - UFP-V 940014 CZ cze Jx
Krejčí, A.
O fyzice supravodičů s dr. V. Nekvasilem a dr. E. Pollerte m.
Věda, technika a my, 47 [7] 8 (1993).

013622 - UFP-V 940015 CZ cze Jx
Krejčí, A.
O astrofyzice s prof. V. Vanýskem.
Věda, technika a my, 47 [8] 8 (1993).

013623 - UFP-V 940016 CZ cze Jx
Krejčí, A.
O geofyzice s dr. J. Laštovičkou.
Věda, technika a my, 47 [9] 8 (1993).

013624 - UFP-V 940017 CZ cze Jx
Krejčí, A.
O fyzice povrchů a tenkých vrstev s prof. L. Eckertovou.
Věda, technika a my, 47 [10] 8 (1993).

013625 - UFP-V 940018 CZ cze Jx
Krejčí, A.
O kapalných krystalech s dr. L. Lejčkem.
Věda, technika a my, 47 [11] 8 (1993).

013626 - UFP-V 940019 CZ cze Jx
Krejčí, A.
O kosmologii a gravitaci s doc. J. Langerem.
Věda, technika a my, 47 [12] 8 (1993).

013630 - UFP-V 940032 US eng J
Krejčí, A. - Rauš, J. - Piffl, V. - Golubev, A. V. - Platanov, Y. Y. - Krouský, E. - Renner, O.
Multichannel Soft X-ray Diagnostics of Hot Plasma Evolutio n in Nitrogen-Puff Z-Pinch.
IEEE Transaction on Plasma Science, 21 [5] 584-587 (1993).

008746 - UFP-V 930054 CS eng J
Krlín, L.
Radial diffusion of toroidally trapped particles induced by lower hybrid and fast waves
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 43 [1] 43-49 (1993).
Grant: IAA14304

010313 - UFP-V 930046 CR eng C
Krlín, L. - Pavlo, P.
Diffusion of alpha particles induced by LHX Proceedings 16th Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology - (Ed. Píchal, Jan). - Praha, Czech Technical University 1993. - 1-7 s.
[16th Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology. Praha (CR), 93.04.27-93.04.29]

010315 - UFP-V 930048 PT eng C
Krlín, L. - Pavlo, P.
Diffusion of thermonuclear alpha particles under the influence of intense LH waves Part III Proceedings of 20th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics - (Ed. J.A. Costa Cabral, M.E. MansoF.M. SerraF.C. Schuller). - Lisabon, PT, European Physical Society 1993. - III-925-III-928 s. - (vol. 17C Part III).
[20th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics. Lisabon, PT (PT), 93.07.26-93.07.30]

019722 - UFP-V 950016 CZ eng J
Kroupa, F. - Knésl, Z. - Valach, J.
Residual Stresses in Graded Thick Coatings.
Acta Technika CSAV, 38, [-] 29-74 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27104

019594 - UFP-V 950014 SK eng C
Kroupa, F. - Knésl, Z. - Zemánková, J.
Criteria for Crack Propagation at Ceramic Interfaces. (Ed. Haviar, M.). - Bratislava, Veda Publ 1993. - 102+7 s.
[Engineering Ceramics 92. Smolenice (SK), 92.10.19-92.10.22]

019597 - UFP-V 950044 CZ eng J
Kubeš, P. - Píchal, J. - Kulhánek, P. - Hakr, J. - Kravárik, J. - Krejčí, A.
Some problems of the plasma pinch research.
Acta Polytechnica, 33, [-] 59-63 (1993).

010287 - UFP-V 930014 AU eng C
Petržílka, V.
Pondermotive effects of HF heating in fusion devices AINSE Conference 1993 - (Ed. Dewar, R.). - Canberra, Austr. National University 1993. - I-26 s.
[AINSE Plasma Science 1993. Canberra (AU), 93.07.12-93.07.15]
Grant: IAA14352

010288 - UFP-V 930015 GB eng J
Petržílka, V.
On RF wave induced radial transport and wave helicity
Journal of Plasma Science, 49 [1] 55-62 (1993).
Grant: IAA14352

010289 - UFP-V 930016 CR eng J
Petržílka, V.
On effects of a leveal plama density growth due to ponderomotive forces at FW launchiry in tokamaks
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 43 [7] 761-768 (1993).
Grant: IAA14352

010290 - UFP-V 930017 AU eng C
Petržílka, V.
On helicon wave induced radial plasma transport AINSE Conference 1993 - (Ed. Dewar, R.). - Canberra, Austr. National University 1993. - P-I-8 s.
[AINSE Plasma Science 1993. Canberra (AU), 93.07.12-93.07.15]
Grant: IAA14352

010284 - UFP-V 930011 CR eng C
Piffl, V. - Člupek, M. - Šunka, P. - Vrba, P.
REB Energy Deposition in Modified REBEX Experiment Proceedings of 16th symposium on plasma physics and technology - (Ed. Píchal, Jan). - Praha, Czech Technical Universite 1993. - 137-145 s.
[16th symposium on plasma physics and technology. Praha (CR), 93.04.27-93.04.29]
Grant: IAA14311

010312 - UFP-V 930041 CR eng C
Piffl, V. - Rauš, J. - Golubev, A.A. - Platonov, Y.
Ultrasoft X-ray spectrometer for light impurities research in tokamak plasmas Proceedings of 16th symposium on plasma physics and technology - (Ed. Píchal, Jan). - Praha, Czech Technical University 1993. - 62-69 s.
[16th Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology. Praha (CR), 93.04.27-93.04.29]
Grant: IAA14311

019596 - UFP-V 950042 US eng J
Rudajevová, A.
Thermal diffusivity of plasma-sprayed coatings of ZrO2 wit h 8wt.% Y2O3 and ZrO2 with 25wt. % CeO2.
Thin Solid Films, 223 [2] 248-252 (1993).
[Impact factor:1.244(91) 1.029(92) 1.141(93) 1.409(94) 1.313(95)1.318(96) 1.034(97) 1.019(98) 1.101(99) 1.160(00)1.266(01) 1,443(02) 1.598(03) ]

010305 - UFP-V 930032 CR eng C
Řípa, M. - Koláček, K. - Člupek, M.
The Apparatus for Registration of Spectral Line Wings by Means Intracavity DyeLaser Spectroscopy Proceedings of the 16th Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology - (Ed. Píchal, Jan). - Praha, Czech Technical University 1993. - 82-87 s.
[16th Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology. Praha (CR), 93.04.27-93.02.29]
Grant: IAA14311

010309 - UFP-V 930036 DB eng C
Sember, V.
Electron number density and temperature measurements in plasma JET of water stabilized plasma burner Proceedings II-XXI. International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases - (Ed. Ecker, G.Arendt U.Boseler J.). - Bochum, Arbeitsgemeischaft Plasmaphysik Ruhr-Universitat Bochum 1993. - 74-75 s.
[XXI. International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases. Bochum (DB), 93.09.19-93.09.24]
Grant: IAA14355IAA14302

010278 - UFP-V 930005 CR eng C
Sember, V. - Svoboda, P.
Spectroscopic measuremnts of glidarc plasmachemikal reactor Proceedings of 16th symposium on plasma physics and technology - Praha, ČVUT 1993. - 230-235 s.
[16th symposium on plasma physics. Praha (CR), 93.04.27-93.04.29]
Grant: IAA14355

010310 - UFP-V 930037 CR eng C
Sember, V. - Svoboda, P.
Spectroscopic measurements of glidarc plasma chemical reactor Proceedings of 16th Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology - (Ed. Píchal, Jan). - Praha, Czech Technical University 1993. - 230-235 s.
[16th Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology. Praha (CR), 93.04.27-93.04.29]
Grant: IAA14355

010307 - UFP-V 930034 PT eng C
Stoeckel, J. - Dhyani, V. - Holakovský, J. - Kryška, L. - Petržílka, J. - Svoboda, V. - Žáček, F.
Analysis of edge fluctutions on the CASTOR tokamak Part II Proceedings 20th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics - (Ed. Costa Cabral J.A., Manso M.E.Sera F.M.SchullerF.C.). - Lisboa, European Physical Society 1993. - 691-694 s. - (17C Part II).
[20th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics. Lisboa-Lisabon (PT), 93.07.26-93.07.30]
Grant: IAA14310

010303 - UFP-V 930030 CR eng C
Stoeckel, J. - Kryška, L. - Žáček, F.
Oscillatory technique for Te-measurements by Langmuir probe on the CASTOR tokamak Proceedings of 16th Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology - (Ed. Píchal, Jan). - Praha, Czech Technical University 1993. - 70-72 s.
[16th Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology. Praha (CR), 93.04.27-93.04.29]
Grant: IAA14308IAA14310

010308 - UFP-V 930035 CR eng C
Svoboda, V. C.-C.-F.-Q. - Dhyani, V. - Iyengar S., - Stoeckel, J. - Kryška, L.
Mapping of the edge plasma on the CASTOR tokamak Proceedings of the 16th Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology - (Ed. Píchal, Jan). - Praha, Czech Technical University 1993. - 132-136 s.
[16th Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology. Praha (CR), 93.04.27-93.04.29]
Grant: IAA14310

013614 - UFP-V 940004 CZ eng C
Ullschmied, J. - Člupek, M.
Modelling of Macroscopic Plasma Motions in the REBEX Machi ne. (Ed. Píchal, J.; - Kubeš, P.). - Prague, Czech Technical University 1993. - 27+13 s.
[Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology/16th./. Prague (CZ ), 93.04.27-93.04.29]

010302 - UFP-V 930029 CR eng C
Voitsekhovich, I. - Stoeckel, J. - Žáček, F.
Role of runaway electrons in LHCD regimes with improved confinement on CASTOR tokamak Proceedings of 16th Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology - (Ed. Píchal, Jan). - Praha, Czech Technical University 1993. - 127-131 s.
[16th Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology. Praha (CR), 93.04.27-93.04.29]
Grant: IAA14310

010306 - UFP-V 930033 PT eng C
Voitsekhovich, I. - Stoeckel, J. - Žáček, F.
Role of runaway electrons in LHCD regimes with improved confinement on CASTOR tokamak 17C Proceedings of 2Oth EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics - (Ed. Costa Cabral J.A., Manso M.E.Serra F.M.Schuller F.C). - Lisboa, PT, Europhysics Conference Abstracts, 17C, Part I 1993. - 151-154 s. - (17C Part II).
[20th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics. Lisboa (PT), 93.07.26-93.07.30]
Grant: IAA14310

010285 - UFP-V 930012 CR eng C
Vrba, P.
Relativistic electron beam scattering induced by magnetic field discontinuity Proceedings of the 16th Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology - (Ed. Píchal, Jan). - Praha, Czech Technical University 1993. - 41-51 s.
[16th Symposium on Plasma Physics and technology. Praha (CR), 93.04.27-93.04.29]
Grant: IAA14311

010283 - UFP-V 930010 CR eng J
Vrba, P. - Piffl, V.
The Anguler Velocity Spread of REB Induced by Magnetic Field Discontinuity
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics. B, 43 [11] 1117-1128 (1993).
Grant: IAA14311

019598 - UFP-V 950045 CZ eng Z
Vrba, P. - Piffl, V.
The Angular Velocity Spread of Reb Inducec by Magnetic Fie ld Discontinuity.
In: IPPCZ 331, Research Report. - Prague, UFP-V 1993. - S. 1-28.

010318 - UFP-V 930052 US eng J
Ye, H.C. - Sedláček, Z. - Mahajan, S.M.
Two-dimensional analytic theory for todoidal Alfvén eigenmodes
Physics of Fluids B, Plasma Physics. B-Plasma Physics, 5 [8] 2 999-3011 (1993).
Grant: IAA14370

019724 - UFP-V 950041 CZ eng C
Žáček, F. - Jakubka, K. - Badalec, J. - Stöckel, J. - Kletečka, P. - Kryška, L. - Kříha, V.
Study of electron density profile in the CASTOR tokamak using a lithium beam.
In: Proceeding of 16th Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology. - (Ed. Píchal, J.). - Prague, ČVUT, ÚFP 1993. - 121+4 s.
[Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology /16./. Prague (CZ), 93.04.27-93.04.29]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 14308; GA AV ČR(CZ) IA14310; IAEA(CZ) 6702/RB

010316 - UFP-V 930050 CR cze Jx
Žáček, F. - Stoeckel, J.
Současný stav a perspektivy termojaderného slučování v tokamacích
Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie, 38 [4] 219-232 (1993).

010301 - UFP-V 930028 HU eng C
Žáček, F. - Stoeckel, J. - Badalec, J. - Jakubka, K. - Kletečka, P. - Kryška, L. - Kříha, V. - Svoboda, V. - Petržílka, J. - Voitsekhovich, I.
Edge plasma experiments on CASTOR tokamak Workshop on the use of atomic BEAMS in plasma experiments - (Ed. Bakos, Joseph,S.). - Budapest, Hungaria Academy of Science 1993. - 39-48 s.
[Joint Workshop on the "Use Atomic Beams in Plasma Experiments". Budapest (HU), 93.03.30-93.04.01]
Grant: IAA14308IAA14310

010317 - UFP-V 930051 CR eng Jx
Žáček, F. - Stoeckel, J. - Badalec, J. - Jakubka, K. - Kletečka, P. - Kryška, L. - Kříha, V. - Svoboda, V. - Petržílka, J. - Voitsekhovich, I.
Edge plasma experiments on CASTOR tokamak - preprint ustavu
IPPCZ 332, 1993 [332] 12 stran (1993).
Grant: IAA14308IAA14310

Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

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