ÚJF - Ústav jaderné fyziky


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Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

088159 - UJF-V 20010098 IT eng A
Achouri, N. L. - Angélique, J. C. - Baumann, P. - Borcea, C. - de Oliveira, F. - Dlouhý, Z. - Buta, A. - Catford, W. - Courtin, S. - Daugas, J. M. - Desagne, P. - Grévy, S. - Guillemaud-Mueller, D. - Hadeler, R. - Knipper, A. - Lecolley, F. R. - Lecouey, J. L. - Lewitowicz, M. - Liénard, E. - Miehe, C. - Mrázek, J. - Negoita, F. - Orr, N. A. - Penionzhkevich, Y. E. - Petér, J. - Pietri, S. - Poirier, E. - Stanoiu, M. - Tarasov, O. - Timis, C. - Walter, G.
Tonnerre: a new detector for delayed-neutron spectroscopy.
In: Book of Abstracts of the International Conference "Nuclear Physics at Border Lines". - Lipari, INP 2001. - S. 5.
[International Conference "Nuclear Physics at Border Lines". Lipari (IT), 01.05.21-01.05.24 (WRD)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1048102
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088154 - UJF-V 20010093 RU A
Adam, J. - Antiuchov, V. A. - Vénos, D. - Volnyk, V. P. - Honusek, M. - Kalinnikov, V. G. - Novgorodov, A. F. - Stegailov, V. V. - Stegailov, V. I. - Frána, J. - Čaloun, P.
K voprosu o nelinejnosti spektrometrov na baze poluprovodnikovych detektorov s ispolzovaniem bystroj spektrometriceskoj elektroniki.
In: Tezisy dokladov Soveschania po jadernoj spektroskopii i strukture atomnogo jadra /51./. - Sarov, Russian Federal Nuclear Center 2001. - S. 237.
[Soveschanie po jadernoj spektroskopii i strukture atomnogo jadra /51./. Sarov (RU), 01.09.03-01.09.08 (EUR)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088157 - UJF-V 20010096 RU A
Adam, J. - Balabekian, A. - Brandt, R. - Dzhelepov, V. P. - Gustov, S. A. - Kalinnikov, V. G. - Krivopustov, M. I. - Mirochin, I. V. - Mrázek, J. - Odoj, R. - Pronskikh, V. S. - Savczenko, O. V. - Solnyskin, A. A. - Stegailov, V. I. - Tsoupko-Sitnikov, V. M.
Reakcii glubokogo rasczeplenija na radioaktivnom jadre .sup.129 I pod dejstviem protonov s energiej 660 MeV.
In: Tezisy dokladov Soveschania po jadernoj spektroskopii i strukture atomnogo jadra /51./. - Sarov, Russian Federal Nuclear Center 2001. - S. 257.
[Soveschanie po jadernoj spektroskopii i strukture atomnogo jadra /51./. Sarov (RU), 01.09.03-01.09.08 (WRD)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088152 - UJF-V 20010091 RU A
Adam, J. - Balabekian, A. - Dzelepov, V. P. - Gustov, S. A. - Kalinnikov, V. G. - Krivopustov, M. I. - Mirochin, I. V. - Mrázek, J. - Odoj, R. - Pronskikh, V. S. - Savczenko, O. V. - Solnyskin, A. A. - Stegailov, V. I. - Tsoupko-Sitnikov, V. M.
Reakcii glubokogo rasczeplenija na radioaktivnom jadre .sup.129 I pod dejstviem protonov s energiej 660 MeV.
In: Tezisy dokladov Soveschania po jadernoj spektroskopii i strukture atomnogo jadra /51./. - Sarov, Russian Federal Nuclear Center 2001. - S. 201-202.
[Soveschanie po jadernoj spektroskopii i strukture atomnogo jadra /51./. Sarov (RU), 01.09.03-01.09.08 (EUR)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088068 - UJF-V 20010007 RU V
Adam, J. - Balabekian, A. - Pronskikh, V. S. - Kalinnikov, V. G. - Mrázek, J.
Opredelenie seczenia jadernych reakcij v sloznych cepockach raspada atomnych jader. Dubna, JINR 2001. - 14 s. - (Preprint R15-2001-3.).

088151 - UJF-V 20010090 RU A
Adam, J. - Balabekian, A. - Pronskikh, V. S. - Kalinnikov, V. G. - Mrázek, J.
Opredelenie seczenij jadernych reakcij v sloznych cepockach raspada atomnych jader.
In: Tezisy dokladov Soveschania po jadernoj spektroskopii i strukture atomnogo jadra /51./. - Sarov, Russian Federal Nuclear Center 2001. - S. 214.
[Soveschanie po jadernoj spektroskopii i strukture atomnogo jadra /51./. Sarov (RU), 01.09.03-01.09.08 (EUR)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088100 - UJF-V 20010039 RU eng V
Adam, J. - Dobeš, J. - Honusek, M. - Kalinnikov, V. G. - Mrázek, J. - Pronskikh, V. S. - Čaloun, P. - Lebedev, N. A. - Stegailov, V. I. - Tsoupko-Sitnikov, V. M.
Gamma-rays and E0 and M1+E0 transitions in .sup.152 Tb - .sup.152 Gd decay. Dubna, OIJaI 2001. - 35 s. - (Preprint OIJaI E6-2001-93.).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

090484 - UJF-V 20020022 RU eng/rus V
Adam, J. - Dobeš, J. - Honusek, M. - Kalinnikov, V. G. - Mrázek, J. - Pronskikh, V. S. - Čaloun, P. - Lebedev, N. A. - Stegailov, V. I. - Tsoupko-Sitnikov, V. M.
Properties of .sup.152 Gd collective states. Dubna, OIJaI Dubna 2001. - 1 s.
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1048102

088111 - UJF-V 20010050 RIV US eng J
Adam, J. - Mrázek, J. - Frána, J. - Balabekyan, A. R. - Pronskikh, V. S. - Kalinnikov, V. G. - Priemyshev, A. N.
Software for calculating nuclear reaction cross sections.
Measurement Techniques, 44 [1] 93-100 (2001).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901
[Impact factor: 0.134(99) 0.172(00) 0.105(01) 0,166(02) 0.182(03) ]

088189 - UJF-V 20010128 CZ eng I
Adamová, D. - Hošek, J. - Hřivnáčová, I. - Kouchpil, S. - Kouchpil, V. - Kugler, A. - Petráček, V. - Šumbera, M. - Tlustý, P. - Wagner, V. - Zákoucký, D. - Zborovský, I.
Experiment Alice. Řež, NPI AS CR 2001. - 2 s. - (Biennial Report 1999-2000.).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088188 - UJF-V 20010127 CZ eng I
Adamová, D. - Kouchpil, S. - Petráček, V. - Rak, J. - Slívová, J. - Šumbera, M.
Probing the thermalization in heavy ion collisions at CERN SPS. Řež, NPI AS CR 2001. - 1 s. - (Biennial Report 1999-2000.).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088174 - UJF-V 20010113 RIV US eng J
Adler, C. - Ahammed, Z. - Allgower, C. - Amonett, J. - Anderson, B. D. - Anderson, M. - Averichev, G. S. - Balewski, J. - Barannikova, O. - Barnby, L. S. - Brandin, A. - Caines, H. - Sanchez, M. C. D. - Cardenas, A. - Carroll, J. - Castillo, J. - Castro, M. - Chen, M. L. - Chernenko, S. P. - Conin, L. - Cormier, T. M. - Cramer, J. G. - Germain, M. - Grabski, J. - Grachov, O. - Greiner, D. - Hummler, H. - Kuznetsov, A. A. - Long, H. - Shimanski, S. S. - Šumbera, M. - Trofimov, V. - Vasiliev, A. N. - Voloshin, S. A. - Wang, F. - Willson, R. - Yanevski, Y. V. - Zborovský, I. - Zhang, Y. M. - Zoulkarneev, R. - Zubarev, A. N.
Multiplicity distribution and spectra of negatively charged hadrons in Au + Au collisions at root s(NN)=130 GeV.
Physical Review Letters, 8711 [11] 2303-2007 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1048102
[Impact factor:7.290(91) 7.375(92) 7.111(93) 6.626(94) 6.297(95) 6.477(96) 6.140(97) 6.017(98) 6.095(99) 6.462(00) 6.668(01) 7,323(02) 7.035(03) ]

090525 - UJF-V 20020073 RIV US eng J
Adler, C. - Ahammed, Z. - Allgower, C. - Amonett, J. - Anderson, B. - Anderson, M. - Averichev, G. - Balewski, J. - Barannikova, O. - Barny, L. - Baudot, J. - Bekele, J. - Belaga, V. - Bellwied, R. - Berger, J. - Bichsel, H. - Bland, L. - Blyth, C. - Bonner, B. - Boucham, A. - Brandin, A. - Cadman, R. - Caines, H. - Sanchez, M. - Cardenas, A. - Carroll, J. - Castillo, J. - Castro, M. - Cebra, D. - Chattopadhyay, S. - Chen, M. - Chen, Y. - Chernenko, S. - Cherney, M. - Chikanian, A. - Choi, B. - Christie, W. - Coffin, J. - Cormier, T. - Cramer, J. - Crawford, H. - DeMello, M. - Deng, W. - Derevschikov, A. - Didenko, L. - Draper, J. - Dunin, V. B. - Dunlop, J. - Eckardt, V. - Efimov, L. - Emelianov, V. - Engelage, J. - Eppley, G. - Erazmus, B. - Fachini, P. - Faine, V. - Finch, E. - Fisyak, Y. - Flierl, D. - Foley, K. - Fu, J. - Gagunashvili, N. - Gans, J. - Gaudichet, L. - Germain, M. - Geurts, F. - Ghazikhanian, V. - Grabski, J. - Grachov, O. - Greiner, D. - Grigoriev, V. - Guedon, M. - Gushin, E. - Hallman, T. - Hardtke, D. - Harris, J. - Heffner, M. - Heppelmann, S. - Herston, T. - Hippolyte, B. - Hirsh, A. - Hjort, E. - Hoffmann, G. - Horsley, M. - Huang, H. - Humanic, T. - Hummler, H. - Igo, H. - Ishihara, A. - Ivanshin, Y. - Jacobs, R. - Janík, M. - Johnson, I. - Jones, P. - Judd, E. - Kaneta, M. - Kaplan, M. - Keane, D. - Kisiel, A. - Klay, J. - Klein, S. - Klachko, A. - Konstatinov, A. - Kotchenda, L. - Kovalenko, A. - Kramer, M. - Kravtsov, R. - Krueger, K. - Kuhn, C. - Kulikov, A. - Kunde, G. - Kunz, C. - Kutuev, R. - Kuznetsov, A. - Lakehal-Ayat, L. - Lamas-Valverde, J. - Lamont, M. - Landgraf, J. - Lange, S. - Lansdell, C. - Lasiuk, B. - Laue, F. - Šumbera, M. - Zborovský, I.
(d)over-bar and (3)(He)over-bar production in root s(NN) = 130 GeV Au+Au collisions.
Physical Review Letters, 8727 [27] 9902 (2001).
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) ME 475
[Impact factor:7.290(91) 7.375(92) 7.111(93) 6.626(94) 6.297(95) 6.477(96) 6.140(97) 6.017(98) 6.095(99) 6.462(00) 6.668(01) 7,323(02) 7.035(03) ]

090528 - UJF-V 20020076 US eng J
Adler, C. - Ahammed, Z. - Allgower, C. - Amonett, J. - Anderson, B. - Anderson, M. - Averichev, G. - Balewski, J. - Barannikova, O. - Barnby, L. - Šumbera, M. - Zborovský, I.
Indefid particle elliptic flow in Au collisions at root s(NN)=130 GeV.
Physical Review Letters, 8718 [18] 2301 (2001).
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) ME 475
[Impact factor:7.290(91) 7.375(92) 7.111(93) 6.626(94) 6.297(95) 6.477(96) 6.140(97) 6.017(98) 6.095(99) 6.462(00) 6.668(01) 7,323(02) 7.035(03) ]

090529 - UJF-V 20020077 RIV US eng J
Adler, C. - Ahammed, Z. - Allgower, C. - Amonett, J. - Anderson, B. - Anderson, M. - Averichev, G. - Balewski, J. - Barannikova, O. - Barnby, L. - Šumbera, M. - Zborovský, I.
Measurement of inslusive antiprotons from Au+Au collisions at root s(NN)=130 GeV.
Physical Review Letters, 8726 [26] 2302 (2001).
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) ME 475
[Impact factor:7.290(91) 7.375(92) 7.111(93) 6.626(94) 6.297(95) 6.477(96) 6.140(97) 6.017(98) 6.095(99) 6.462(00) 6.668(01) 7,323(02) 7.035(03) ]

090531 - UJF-V 20020079 RIV US eng J
Adler, C. - Ahammed, Z. - Allgower, C. - Amonett, J. - Anderson, B. - Anderson, M. - Averichev, G. - Balewski, J. - Barannikova, O. - Barnby, L. - Baudot, J. - Bekele, S. - Šumbera, M. - Zborovský, I.
Multiplicity distribution and spectra of negatively charged hadrons in Au+Au collisions at root s(NN)=130 GeV.
Physical Review Letters, 8711 [11] 2303 (2001).
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) ME 475
[Impact factor:7.290(91) 7.375(92) 7.111(93) 6.626(94) 6.297(95) 6.477(96) 6.140(97) 6.017(98) 6.095(99) 6.462(00) 6.668(01) 7,323(02) 7.035(03) ]

090535 - UJF-V 20020083 US eng J
Adler, C. - Ahammed, Z. - Allgower, C. - Amonett, J. - Anderson, B. - Anderson, M. - Averichev, B. - Šumbera, M. - Zborovský, I. - Zubarev, A.
Pion interferometry of root s(NN)=130 GeV Au+Au collisions at RHIC.
Physical Review Letters, 8708 [8] 2301 (2001).
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) ME 475
[Impact factor:7.290(91) 7.375(92) 7.111(93) 6.626(94) 6.297(95) 6.477(96) 6.140(97) 6.017(98) 6.095(99) 6.462(00) 6.668(01) 7,323(02) 7.035(03) ]

088086 - UJF-V 20010025 RIV DE eng J
Aggarwal, M. M. - Agnihotri, A. - Ahammed, Z. - Angelis, A. L. S. - Antonenko, V. - Arefiev, V. - Astakhov, V. - Avdeitchikov, V. - Awes, T. C. - Baba, P. V. K. S. - Badyal, S. K. - Baldine, A. - Barabach, L. - Barlag, C. - Bathe, S. - Batiounia, B. - Bernier, T. - Bhalla, K. B. - Bhatia, V. S. - Blume, C. - Bohne, E. M. - Borocz, Z. K. - Bucher, D. - Buijs, A. - Busching, H. - Carlen, L. - Chalyshev, V. - Chattopadhyay, S. - Cherbatchev, R. - Chujo, T. - Claussen, A. - Das, A. C. - Decowski, M. P. - Delagrange, H. - Djordjadze, V. - Donni, P. - Doubovik, I. - Dutt, S. - Majumdar, M. R. D. - El Chenawi, K. - Eliseev, S. - Enosawa, K. - Foka, P. - Fokin, S. - Frolov, V. - Ganti, M. S. - Garpman, S. - Gavrischuk, O. - Geurts, F. J. M. - Ghosh, T. K. - Glasow, R. - Hřivnáčová, I. - Kalechofsky, H. - Kugler, A. - Pachr, M. - Petráček, V. - Rak, J. - Šumbera, M. - Wyslouch, B. - Young, G. R.
Scaling of particle and transverse energy production in Pb-208+Pb-208 collisions at 158 center dot A GeV.
European Physical Journal. C, 18 [4] 651-663 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1048102
[Impact factor: 6.872(99) 5.408(00) 5.194(01) 6,162(02) 3.580(03) ]

088126 - UJF-V 20010065 RIV US eng J
Aggarwal, M. M. - Agnihotri, A. - Ahammed, Z. - Angelis, A. L. S. - Antonenko, V. - Arefiev, V. - Astakhov, V. - Avdeitchikov, V. - Awes, T. C. - Baba, P. V. K. S. - Badyal, S. K. - Barlag, C. - Bathe, S. - Batiounia, B. - Bernier, T. - Bhalla, K. B. - Bhatia, V. S. - Blume, C. - Bock, R. - Bohne, E. M. - Borocz, Z. - Bucher, D. - Buijs, A. - Busching, H. - Carlen, L. - Chalyshev, V. - Chattopadhyay, S. - Cherbatchev, R. - Chujo, T. - Claussen, A. - Das, A. C. - Decowski, M. P. - Delagrange, H. - Djordjadze, V. - Donni, P. - Doubovik, I. - Dubey, A. K. - Dutt, S. - Majumdar, M. R. D. - El Chenawi, K. - Eliseev, S. - Hřivnáčová, I. - Kugler, A. - Pachr, M. - Petráček, V. - Rak, J. - Šumbera, M. - Yokota, Y. - Young, G. R.
Localized charged-neutral fluctuations in 158 GeV Pb plus Pb collisions.
Physical Review. C, 6401 [1] 1901 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1048102
[Impact factor:1.873(92) 1.967(93) 1.842(94) 2.045(95) 1.993(96) 1.975(97) 2.308(98) 2.446(99) 2.384(00) 2.695(01) 2,848(02) 2.708(03) ]

088082 - UJF-V 20010021 RIV NL eng J
Ahn, J. K. - Akikawa, H. - Arvieux, J. - Bassalleck, B. - Chung, M. S. - En`yo, H. - Fukuda, T. - Funahashi, H. - Golovkin, S. V. - Gorin, A. M. - Goto, Y. - Hanabata, M. - Hayakawa, T. - Ichikawa, A. - Ieiri, M. - Imai, K. - Ishino, M. - Kanda, H. - Kim, Y. D. - Kondo, Y. - Koyarenko, E. N. - Kreslo, I. E. - Lee, J. M. - Masaike, A. - Mihara, A. - Nakai, K. - Nakazawa, K. - Oyawa, K. - Sato, A. - Sato, H. D. - Sim, K. S. - Tabaru, T. - Takeutchi, F. - Tlustý, P. - Torii, H. - Yamamoto, K. - Yokkaichi, S. - Yoshida, M.
Active target-detector with scintillating fibers for hyperon-proton scattering.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section. A - Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment, 457 [1/2] 137-150 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1048102
[Impact factor:0.795(91) 0.962(92) 0.968(93) 1.188(94) 1.091(95) 1.038(96) 0.890(97) 0.896(98) 0.921(99) 0.964(00) 1.026(01) 1,167(02) 1.166(03) ]

088113 - UJF-V 20010052 RIV DE eng J
Albeverio, S. A. - Exner, P. - Geyler, V. A.
Geometric phase related to point-interaction transport on a magnetic Lobachevsky plane.
Letters in Mathematical Physics, 55 [1] 9-16 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1048801; GA MŠk(CZ) ME 099; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010104
[Impact factor: 0.803(99) 0.966(00) 0.819(01) 0,812(02) 0.709(03) ]

107967 - UJF-V 20033209 RIV NL eng J
Aphecetche, L. - Bacelar, J. - Delagrange, H. - d'Enterria, D. - Hoefman, M. - Huisman, H. - Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N. - Löhner, H. - Martínez, G. - Matulewicz, T. - Messchendorp, J. - Mora, M. - Ostendorf, R. - Schadmand, S. - Schutz, Y. - Seip, M. - Taraněnko, A. - Turrisi, R. - Van Goethem, M. - Volkerts, M. - Wagner, V. - Wilschut, H.
Hard photon and neutral pion production in cold nuclear matter.
Physics Letters. B, 519, [-] 8-14 (2001).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901
[Impact factor:3.227(91) 3.438(92) 3.079(93) 3.056(94) 3.272(95) 3.670(96) 3.581(97) 3.567(98) 3.878(99) 4.213(00) 4.377(01) 4,298(02) 4.066(03) ]

088070 - UJF-V 20010009 RIV US eng J
Azhari, A. - Burjan, V. - Carstoiu, F. - Gagliardi, C. A. - Kroha, V. - Mukhamedzhanov, A. M. - Nunes, F. M. - Tang, X. - Trache, L. - Tribble, R. E.
Asymptotic normalization coefficients and the .sup.7 Be(p,t).sup.8 B astrophysical S factor.
Physical Review. C - Nuclear Physics, 63, 055803-055813 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/01/0709; GA MŠk(CZ) ME 385; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1048102
[Impact factor:1.873(92) 1.967(93) 1.842(94) 2.045(95) 1.993(96) 1.975(97) 2.308(98) 2.446(99) 2.384(00) 2.695(01) 2,848(02) 2.708(03) ]

088168 - UJF-V 20010107 RIV DE eng J
Bačáková, L. - Walachová, K. - Švorčík, V. - Hnatowicz, V.
Adhesion and proliferation of rat vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) on polyethylene implanted with O+ and C+ ions.
Journal of Biomaterials Science-Polymer Edition, 12 [7] 817-834 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK4055109
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 0.000(93) 1.418(94) 1.213(95) 1.431(96) 0.901(97) 1.228(98) 1.192(99) 1.669(00) 1.234(01) 1,401(02) 1.593(03) ]

082325 - FGU-C 20010244 RIV NL eng J
Bačáková, L. - Walachová, K. - Švorčík, V. - Hnatowicz, V.
Adhesion and proliferation of rat vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) on polyethylene implanted with O(+) and C(+) ions.
Journal of Biomaterials Science-Polymer Edition, 12 [7] 817-834 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7011908; GA MŠk(CZ) 0094/G1/99; GA ČR(CZ) GA203/99/1626
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5011922
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 0.000(93) 1.418(94) 1.213(95) 1.431(96) 0.901(97) 1.228(98) 1.192(99) 1.669(00) 1.234(01) 1,401(02) 1.593(03) ]

088187 - UJF-V 20010126 CZ eng I
Bagchi, B. - Cannata, F. - Fernándey, M. F. - Guardiola, R. - Lévai, G. - Ros, J. - Roy, P. - Roychoudhury, R. - Tater, M. - Znojil, M.
Alternative quantum mechanics with non-Hermitian Hamiltonians. Řež, NPI AS CR 2001. - 1 s. - (Biennial Report 1999-2000.).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

090501 - UJF-V 20020043 RIV SG eng J
Bagchi, B. - Quesne, C. - Znojil, M.
Generalized continuity equation and modified normalization in PT-symmetric quantum.
Modern Physics Letters. A, 16 [31] 2047-2057 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1048004; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010104
[Impact factor:1.470(92) 1.277(93) 1.172(94) 1.048(95) 1.079(96) 1.208(97) 0.627(98) 1.050(99) 1.022(00) 1.119(01) 1,401(02) 1.589(03) ]

088172 - UJF-V 20010111 RIV CZ eng J
Baiborodin, D.
Test of the Mott effect in heavy-ion-collisions.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 50, 128-138 (2001).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

088136 - UJF-V 20010075 RU eng A
Baiborodin, D. - Mittig, W. - Dlouhý, Z. - Lewitowicz, M. - Mrázek, J. - de Oliveira, F. - Roussel-Chomaz, P. - Savojols, H. - Penionzhkevich, Y. - Lukyanov, S.
Search for the second O+ state in 34-Si.
In: Book of Abstracts of the International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei "EXON-2001". - Dubna, JINR 2001. - S. 30.
[International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei "EXON-2001". Baikal Lake ( RU), 01.07.24-01.07.28 (WRD)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088207 - UJF-V 20010146 CZ eng I
Baiborodin, D. - Dlouhý, Z. - Mrázek, J. - Thiamová, G. - Vincour, J.
New magic neutron number N=16 far from the beta-stability line. Řež, NPI AS CR 2001. - 2 s. - (Biennial Report 1999-2000.).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

083067 - UJF-V 20013083 RIV GB eng J
Bamblevski, V. - Krylov, A. - Spurný, F. - Timoshenko, G.
The measurement of the absorbed dose in thin blood samples irradiated by relativistic protons.
Radiation Measurements, 33 [1] 151-155 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK4055109
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.000(93) 0.000(94) 0.760(95) 0.452(96) 0.530(97) 3.109(98) 0.572(99) 0.638(00) 1.003(01) 0,974(02) 0.948(03) ]

090575 - UJF-V 20020124 RIV RU eng C
Bartke, J. - Batusov, Y. - Filipkowski, A. - Majling, L. - Nikitin, V. - Parfenov, A.
Hypernuclei on the Nuclotron: Old Problems and New Prospects.
In: Relativistics Nuclear Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics. - (Ed. Baldin, A. M.; Burov, V. V.; Malakhov, A. I.). - Dubna, JINR, Dubna 2001. - S. 256-263.
[Proceedings of the International Seminar on High Energy Phisics Problems /15./. Dubna (RU), 01.01.01 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/00/1667

083074 - UJF-V 20013090 RIV IT eng G
Bartlett, D. T. - Beck, P. - Bottollier-Depois, J. F. - Lindborg, L. - O´Sullivan, D. - Tommasino, L. - Wissmann, F. - d´Errico, F. - Heinrich, W. - Pelliccioni, M. - Roos, H. - Schraube, H. - Silari, M. - Spurný, F.
Investigation of radiation doses at aircraft altitudes during a complete solar cycle. Vico Equense, - 2001. - 4 s.
[SOLSPA 2001 Euroconference. Vico Equense (IT), 01.08.25-01.08.29 ( WRD)]

083071 - UJF-V 20013087 CZ eng V
Bartlett, D. T. - Tanner, R. J. - Hager, L. G. - O´Sullivan, D. - Zhou, D. - Flood, E. - Tommasino, L. - Jain, R. K. - Prokofiev, A. V. - Smirnov, A. N. - Kyllönen, J. E. - Lindborg, L. - Spurný, F. - Turek, K.
Determination of high energy response characteristics of instruments for the measurement of cosmic radiation fields. -, - 2001. - 11 s.

083066 - UJF-V 20013082 RIV US eng J
Běgusová, M. - Eon, S. - Sy, D. - Charlier, M. - Spotheim-Maurizot, M.
Radiosensitivity of DNA in a specific protein-DNA complex: the lac repressor-lac operator complex.
International Journal of Radiation Biology, 77 [6] 645-654 ( 2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAB1048901; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK4055109
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901
[Impact factor:2.006(91) 2.006(92) 1.978(93) 2.761(94) 2.303(95) 2.726(96) 1.915(97) 2.579(98) 2.521(99) 2.586(00) 2.356(01) 2,119(02) 2.165(03) ]

083065 - UJF-V 20013081 FR eng G
Begusova, M. - Eon, S. - Sy, D. - Spotheim-Maurizot, M. - Charlier, M.
Can theoretical simulations provide a new insight to the understanding of DNA radiation damage? Orléans, - 2001. - 1 s.
[International workshop on radiation damage to DNA /7./. Orléans, Nouan-le-Fuzelier (FR), 01.08.02-01.08.07 (WRD)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1048103

083064 - UJF-V 20013080 RIV US eng J
Begusova, M. - Spotheim-Maurizot, M. - Sy, D. - Michalik, V. - Charlier, M.
RADACK, a stochastic simulation of hydroxyl radical attack to DNA.
Journal of biomolecular structure and dynamics, 19 [1] 141-158 ( 2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAB1048901; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK4055109
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901
[Impact factor:1.905(91) 1.788(92) 1.592(93) 1.489(94) 1.528(95) 1.500(96) 1.283(97) 1.634(98) 1.407(99) 1.826(00) 1.243(01) 1,009(02) 1.131(03) ]

088216 - UJF-V 20010155 CZ eng I
Bejšovec, V. - Křivánek, M. - Štursa, J.
Experimental device for testing and development of ion sources at the U-120M cyclotron. Řež, NPI AS CR 2001. - 2 s. - (Biennial Report 1999-2000.).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088104 - UJF-V 20010043 RIV NL eng J
Bém, P. - Burjan, V. - Cvachovec, F. - Götz, M. - Králík, M. - Kroha, V. - Lukášová, E. - Šimečková, E. - Vincour, J.
Fast neutrons from thick helium target irradiated by 17 MeV deuterons.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. A - Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment, 466 [3] 509-512 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/01/0711; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK2067107
[Impact factor:0.795(91) 0.962(92) 0.968(93) 1.188(94) 1.091(95) 1.038(96) 0.890(97) 0.896(98) 0.921(99) 0.964(00) 1.026(01) 1,167(02) 1.166(03) ]

090464 - UJF-V 20020002 RU eng C
Bém, P. - Burjan, V. - Cvachovec, F. - Götz, M. - Králík, V. - Kroha, V. - Novák, J. - Šimečková, E. - Vincour, J.
Accelerator-based neutron production: the elimination of baground caused by the beam drift.
In: Proceedings of the International seminar on interaction of neutrons with nuclei /9./. - Dubna, JINR Dubna 2001. - S. 465-472.
[Interantional seminar on interaction of neutrons with nuclei /9./. Dubna (RU), 01.05.23-01.05.26 (EUR)]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) ME 385; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK2067107

088208 - UJF-V 20010147 CZ eng I
Bém, P. - Burjan, V. - Dobeš, J. - Esposito, B. - Fischer, U. - Götz, M. - Honusek, M. - Kroha, V. - Mach, R. - von Mollendorff, U. - Novák, J. - Šimečková, E. - Štursa, J. - Vincour, J.
IFMIF neutronic calculations and neutron monitors: Experimental tests. Řež, NPI AS CR 2001. - 2 s. - (Bienial Report 1999-2000.).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

090463 - UJF-V 20020001 RU eng C
Bém, P. - Burjan, V. - Dobeš, J. - Fischer, U. - Götz, M. - Mach, R. - Kroha, V. - Meigo, S. - von Mollendorf, U. - Novák, J. - Šimečková, E. - Vincour, J.
Fast neutrons from heavy-water target irradiated by .sup.3 He ions.
In: International seminar on interaction of neutrons with nuclei /9./. - Dubna, JINR Dubna 2001. - S. 358-363.
[Proceedings of the International seminar on interaction of neutrons with nuclei /9./. Dubna (RU), 01.05.23-01.05.26 (EUR)]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) ME 385; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK2067107

088205 - UJF-V 20010144 CZ eng I
Bém, P. - Burjan, V. - Kroha, V. - Novák, J. - Piskoř, Š. - Šimečková, E. - Vincour, J. - Gagliardi, C. A. - Mukhamedzhanov, A. M. - Tribble, R. E.
Asymptotic normalization coefficients for .sup.14 N-) .sup.13 C+p from .sup.13(.sup.3He,d).sup.14 N reaction. Řež, NPI AS CR 2001. - 2 s. - (Biennial Report 1999-2000.).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088206 - UJF-V 20010145 CZ eng I
Bém, P. - Burjan, V. - Kroha, V. - Novák, J. - Piskoř, Š. - Šimečková, E. - Vincour, J. - Gagliardi, C. A. - Mukhamedzhanov, A. M. - Tribble, R. E.
Astrophysical S-factors and the .sup.9 Be(.sup. He,d).sup.10 B reaction. Řež, NPI AS CR 2001. - 1 s. - (Biennial Report 1999-2000.).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088212 - UJF-V 20010151 CZ eng I
Beran, M. - Hanzlíček, M. - Kropáček, M. - Melichar, F. - Mirzajevová, M. - Němec, S. - Procházka, L.
Upgrading the 2-deoxy-2-/.sup.18F/fluoro-d-gucose production for routine diagnostic medical use by the GEMS FDG MicroLab II technology. Řež, NPI AS CR 2001. - 2 s. - (Biennial Report 1999-2000.).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088506 - UJF-V 20010191 US eng C
Böhmert, J. - Ulbricht, A. - Kryukov, A. - Nikolayev, Y. - Erak, D. - Strunz, P.
Composition effects on the Radiation Embrittlement of Iron Alloys.
In: Proceedings of International Symposium Effects of radiation on Materials /20./. - (Ed. Rosinski, S. T.; - Grossbeck, L.; - Allen, T. R.; - Kumar, A. S.). - USA, American Society for Testing and Materials 2001. - S. 1405.
[International Symposium Effects of radiation on Materials /20./. Virginia (US), 00.06.06-00.06.08 (WRD)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088063 - UJF-V 20010002 RIV NL eng J
Bonn, J. - Bornschein, B. - Bornschein, L. - Fickinger, L. - Flatt, B. - Kazachenko, O. - Kovalík, A. - Kraus, C. - Otten, E. W. - Schall, J. P. - Ulrich, H. - Weinheimer, C.
The Mainz neutrino mass experiment.
Nuclear Physics. B, 91 [1/3] 273-279 (2001).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901
[Impact factor:1.830(91) 1.936(92) 1.746(93) 1.821(94) 2.157(95) 1.825(96) 1.988(97) 2.595(98) 2.088(99) 1.854(00) 2.074(01) 1,568(02) 1.761(03) ]

088112 - UJF-V 20010051 RIV FR eng J
Borisov, D. - Exner, P. - Gadylshin, R. - Krejčiřík, D.
Bound states in weakly deformed strips and layers.
Annales Henri Poincare, 2 [3] 553-572 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1048801; GA MŠk(CZ) ME 099; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010104
[Impact factor: 0.919(01) 1,054(02) 1.125(03) ]

088499 - UJF-V 20010184 DE eng V
Bruno, G. - Strunz, P.
Formation and Growth of the Reinforcing gamma' Pghase in the Nickel-Base Superalloy SC16. Berlín, Berlín 2001. - 1 s.
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

082407 - FGU-C 20010329 RIV CZ cze J
Burian, J. - Marek, M. - Rataj, J. - Rejchrt, J. - Viererbl, L. - Flíbor, S. - Honová, H. - Petruželka, L. - Prokeš, K. - Tovaryš, F. - Dbalý, V. - Honzátko, J. - Tomandl, I. - Kříž, O. - Mareš, V. - Janků, I.
Neutronová záchytová terapie-zahájení klinických zkoušek.
Československý časopis pro fyziku, 51 [5] 310-317 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV202/97/K038

088232 - UJF-V 20010171 CZ eng I
Burjan, V. - Dobeš, J. - Esposito, B. - Götz, M. - Novák, J. - Kroha, V. - Šimečková, E. - Štursa, J. - Vincour, J. - Bém, P.
Activation foils and sub-miniature fission chambers: Experimental test. Řež, UJF AV ČR 2001. - 12 s. - (Internal Report - IFMIF.; EXP-01/2001.).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/01/0711
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088233 - UJF-V 20010172 CZ eng I
Burjan, V. - Dobeš, J. - Götz, M. - Fischer, U. - Novák, J. - Mach, R. - von Möllendorff, U. - Kroha, V. - Simakov, S. P. - Šimečková, E. - Bém, P.
D-Li reaction source term: experimental verification of neutron yield. Řež, UJF AV ČR 2001. - 10 s. - (Internal Report - IFMIF.; EXP-02/2001.).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/01/0711
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088234 - UJF-V 20010173 CZ eng I
Burjan, V. - Dobeš, J. - Götz, M. - Fischer, V. - Novák, J. - Mach, R. - von Möllendorff, U. - Kroha, V. - Simakov, S. P. - Šimečková, E. - Vincour, J. - Bém, P.
Neutron data above 20 MeV: Neutron transport benchmark tests. Řež, UJF AV ČR 2001. - 10 s. - (International Report - IFMIF.; EXP-03/2001.).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/01/0711
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088180 - UJF-V 20010119 CZ eng I
Bydžovský, P. - Sotona, M.
Models of photo- and electro-production od K.sup.+. Řež, NPI AS CR 2001. - 1 s. - (Biennial Report 1999-2000.).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088079 - UJF-V 20010018 RIV NL eng J
Chiste, V. - Gillibert, A. - Lepine-Szily, A. - Alamanos, N. - Auger, F. - Barrette, J. - Braga, F. - Cortina-Gil, M. D. - Dlouhý, Z. - Lapoux, V. - Lewitowicz, M. - Lichtenthaler, R. - Neto, R. L. - Lukyanov, S. M. - MacComick, M. - Marie, F. - Mittig, W. - Orr, N. A. - Santos, F. D. - Ostrowski, A. N. - Ottini, S. - Pakou, A. - Penionzhkevich, Y. E. - Roussel-Chomaz, P. - Sida, J. L.
Measurement of the charge and mass deformation of Mg-30, Mg-32 by inelastic scattering on Pb-208 and C-12.
Nuclear Physics. A, 682, 161C-168C (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1048102
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901
[Impact factor:1.830(91) 1.936(92) 1.746(93) 1.821(94) 2.157(95) 1.825(96) 1.988(97) 2.595(98) 2.088(99) 1.854(00) 2.074(01) 1,568(02) 1.761(03) ]

088118 - UJF-V 20010057 RIV NL eng J
Chisté, V. - Gillibert, A. - Lépine-Szily, A. - Alamanos, N. - Auger, F. - Barrette, J. - Braga, F. - Cortina-Gil, M. D. - Dlouhý, Z. - Lapoux, V. - Lewitowicz, M. - Lichtenthäler, R. - Liguori Neto, R. - Lukyanov, S. M. - MacCormick, M. - Marie, F. - Mittig, W. - de Oliveira Santos, F. - Orr, N. A. - Ostrowski, A. N. - Ottini, S. - Pakou, A. - Penionzhkevich, Y. E. - Roussel-Chomaz, P. - Sida, J. L.
Electric and nuclear transition strength in 30,32-Mg.
Physics Letters. B, 514, 233-239 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1048102
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901
[Impact factor:3.227(91) 3.438(92) 3.079(93) 3.056(94) 3.272(95) 3.670(96) 3.581(97) 3.567(98) 3.878(99) 4.213(00) 4.377(01) 4,298(02) 4.066(03) ]

088181 - UJF-V 20010120 CZ eng I
Cieplý, A. - Friedman, E. - Gal, A. - Mareš, J.
Low-energy K.sup.- optical potentials: deep or shallow? Řež, NPI AS CR 2001. - 1 s. - (Biennial Report 1999-2000.).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

090594 - UJF-V 20020143 RIV NL eng J
Cieplý, A. - Friedman, E. - Gal, A. - Mareš, J.
Study of chirally motivated low-energy K- optical potentials.
Nuclear Physics. A, 696 [1/2] 173-193 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/00/1667
[Impact factor:1.830(91) 1.936(92) 1.746(93) 1.821(94) 2.157(95) 1.825(96) 1.988(97) 2.595(98) 2.088(99) 1.854(00) 2.074(01) 1,568(02) 1.761(03) ]

096435 - UJF-V 20020177 US eng C
Cieplý, A. - Friedman, E. - Gal, A. - Mareš, J.
Low-energy K.sup.-./sup. optical potentials: deep or shallow?
In: Conference on Mesons and Light Nuclei /8./. - Řež, NPI 2001. - S. 401-404.
[Conference on Mesons and Light Nuclei. Prague (CZ), 01.07.02-01.07.06 (WRD)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1048102; GA ČR(CZ) GA202/00/1667

088092 - UJF-V 20010031 RIV DE eng J
De Corte, F. - van Sluijs, R. - Simonits, A. - Kučera, J. - Smodiš, B. - Byrne, A. R. - de Wispelaere, A. - Bossus, D. - Frána, J. - Horák, Z. - Jačimovič, R.
The validation of Kayzero-assisted NAA in Budapest, Řež, and Ljubljana via the analysis of three BCR certified reference materials.
Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 370, 38-41 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV202/97/K038; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK4055109
[Impact factor:1.213(92) 0.973(93) 0.975(94) 1.065(95) 1.038(96) 1.398(97) 1.513(98) 1.428(99) 1.418(00) 1.649(01) 1,948(02) 1.924(03) ]

088127 - UJF-V 20010066 RIV GB eng J
de Corte, F. - van Sluijs, R. - Simonits, A. - Kučera, J. - Smodis, B. - Byrne, A. R. - de Wispelaere, A. - Bossus, D. - Frána, J. - Horák, Z. - Jacimovic, R.
Installation and calibration of Kayzero-assisted NAA in three Central European countries via a Copernicus project.
Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 55 [3] 347-354 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV202/97/K038; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK4055109
[Impact factor:0.590(91) 0.619(92) 0.589(93) 0.534(94) 0.528(95) 0.485(96) 0.464(97) 0.598(98) 0.641(99) 0.716(00) 0.635(01) 0,768(02) 0.690(03) ]

088134 - UJF-V 20010073 RIV US eng J
de Enterria, D. G. - Aphecetche, L. - Chbihi, A. - Delagrange, H. - Diaz, J. - van Goethem, M. J. - Hefman, M. - Kugler, A. - Löhner, H. - Martinez, G. - Mora, M. J. - Ortega, R. - Ostendorf, R. W. - Schadmand, S. - Schutz, Y. - Siemssen, R. H. - Stracener, D. - Tlustý, P. - Turrisi, R. - Volkerts, M. - Wagner, V. - Wilschut, H. W. - Yahlali, N.
Evidence for thermal equilibration in multifragmentation reactions probed with bremsstrahlung photons.
Physical Review Letters, 8702 [2] 2701-U35 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1048102
[Impact factor:7.290(91) 7.375(92) 7.111(93) 6.626(94) 6.297(95) 6.477(96) 6.140(97) 6.017(98) 6.095(99) 6.462(00) 6.668(01) 7,323(02) 7.035(03) ]

088117 - UJF-V 20010056 RIV NL eng J
de Vismes, A. - Roussel-Chomaz, P. - Mittig, W. - Pakou, A. - Alamanos, N. - Auger, F. - Angélique, J. C. - Barrette, J. - Belozyorov, A. V. - Borcea, C. - Catford, W. N. - Cortina-Gil, M. D. - Dlouhý, Z. - Gilliber, A. - Lapoux, V. - Lepine-Szily, A. - Lukyanov, S. M. - Marie, F. - Musumarra, A. - de Oliveira, F. - Orr, N. A. - Ottini-Hustache, S. - Penionzhkevich, Y. E. - Sarazin, F. - Savajols, H. - Skobelev, N.
A determination of the 6-He+p interaction potential.
Physics Letters. B, 505, 15-20 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1048102
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901
[Impact factor:3.227(91) 3.438(92) 3.079(93) 3.056(94) 3.272(95) 3.670(96) 3.581(97) 3.567(98) 3.878(99) 4.213(00) 4.377(01) 4,298(02) 4.066(03) ]

088163 - UJF-V 20010102 CZ cze J
Dittrich, J. - Kroha, V. - Rameš, J.
Struktura a interakce jaderných a subjaderných částic.
Akademický Bulletin, 9, 16-18 (2001).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088158 - UJF-V 20010097 IT eng A
Dlouhý, Z.
Changes in neutron magic numbers of neutron-rich nuclei.
In: Book of Abstracts of the International Conference "Nuclear Physics at Border Lines". - Lipari, INF 2001. - S. 23.
[International Conference "Nuclear Physics at Border Lines". Lipari (IT), 01.05.21-01.05.24 (WRD)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1048102
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088165 - UJF-V 20010104 MX eng A
Dlouhý, Z.
Rearrangements in neutron shell closures far from stability.
In: Proceedings of the Latin American Symposium on Nuclear Physics /4./. - (Ed. López, J. A.; - Chávez, E. L.; - Moshinsky, M.; - Borunda, M. E.). - México, Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez 2001. - S. 19.
[Latin American Symposium on Nuclear Physics /4./.. México (MX), 01.09.24-01.09.28 (WRD)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088228 - UJF-V 20010167 RIV DE eng C
Dlouhý, Z.
Changes in neutron shell closures far from stability line.
In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Nuclear Structure Physics. - (Ed. Casten, R.; - Jolie, J.; - Kneissl, U.; - Lieb, P.). - Göttingen, World Scientific 2001. - S. 345-346.
[International Symposium on Nuclear Structure Physics. Göttingen ( DE), 01.03.05-01.03.08 (WRD)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088229 - UJF-V 20010168 RIV CZ eng J
Dlouhý, Z. - Angéligue, J. C. - Anne, R. - Auger, G. - Azaiez, F. - Baiborodin, D. - Borcea, C. - Caurier, E. - Gillibert, A. - Grevy, S. - Guillemaud-Mueller, D. - Lalleman, A. S. - Lewitowicz, M. - Lopez-Jimenez, M. J. - Lukyanov, S. M. - Mittig, W. - Mrázek, J. - Mueller, A. C. - Nowacki, F. - Oganessian, Y. T. - de Oliveira, F. - Orr, N. - Page, R. D. - Penionzhkevich, Y. E. - Pougheon, F. - Reed, A. T. - Ren, Z. - Ridikas, D. - Roussel-Chomaz, P. - Saint-Laurent, M. G. - Sakurai, H. - Sarazin, F. - Savajols, H. - Sorlin, O. - Tarasov, O. - Thiamová, G. - de Vismes, A. - Winfield, J.
Changes in neutron shell closures of light very neutron-rich nuclei.
Czechoslovak Journal of Phyics, 51, 245-253 (2001).
[Proceedings of the International Workshop "Symmetries and spin". Praha (CZ), 00.07.17-00.07.22 (WRD)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1048102
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

088114 - UJF-V 20010053 US eng A
Dlouhý, Z. - Baiborodin, D. - Mrázek, J. - Thiamová, G.
New neutron magic number N=16 far from stability.
In: Abstracts of the International Nuclear Physics Conference "Nuclear Physics in the 21st Century". - Berkeley, University of California 2001. - S. 15.
[INPC 2001 "Nuclear Physics in the 21st Century". Berkeley (US), 01.07.30-01.08.03 (WRD)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088133 - UJF-V 20010072 FI eng A
Dlouhý, Z. - Baiborodin, D. - Mrázek, J.
New neutron magic number N=16 for neutron-rich nuclei.
In: Book of Abstracts of "ENAM 2001" - International Conference on Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses /3./. - Jyväskylä, Department of Physics University 2001. - S. PA-5.
["ENAM 2001" - International Conference on Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses /3./. Hämeenlinna (FI), 01.07.02-01.07.07 (WRD)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088143 - UJF-V 20010082 RU rus A
Dragoun, O. - Frána, J. - Kovalík, A. - Brabec, V. - Špalek, A. - Ptáčková, J. - Jakushev, E. A.
Opredelenie poverkhnostnoi plotnosti tonkikh sloev neitron-aktivacionnzm metodom.
In: Tezisy dokladov soveschaniya po jadernoj spektroskopii i strukture jadra /51./. - Sarov, RFFI 2001. - S. 240.
[Soveschanie po jadernoj spektroskopii i strukture jadra /51./. Sarov (RU), 01.09.03-01.09.08 (EUR)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088191 - UJF-V 20010130 CZ eng I
Dragoun, O. - Ryšavý, M. - Špalek, A. - Brabec, V. - Dragounová, N. - Kovalík, A.
Precision electron spectroscopy studies. Řež, NPI AS CR 2001. - 2 s. - (Biennial Report 1999-2000.).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088186 - UJF-V 20010125 CZ eng I
Duclos, P. - Exner, P. - Joye, A. - Kovařík, H. - Krejčiřík, D.
New quantum waveguides effects. Řež, NPI AS CR 2001. - 1 s. - (Biennial Report 1999-2000.).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088096 - UJF-V 20010035 RIV FR eng J
Duclos, P. - Exner, P. - Meller, B.
Resonances from perturbed symmetry in open quantum dots.
Report on Mathematical Physics, 86, 253-267 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1048801; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010104
[Impact factor: 0.624(00) 0.475(01) 0,568(02) 0.489(03) ]

088077 - UJF-V 20010016 RIV NL eng J
d`Enteria, D. G. - Aphecetche, L. - Chbihi, A. - Delagrange, H. - Diaz, J. - van Goethem, M. J. - Hoefman, M. - Huisman, H. - Kugler, A. - Loehner, H. - Martinez, G. - Ortega, R. - Ostendorf, R. - Schadmand, S. - Schutz, Y. - Siemssen, R. - Stracener, D. - Tlustý, P. - Turrisi, R. - Volkerts, M. - Wagner, V. - Wilschut, H. - Yahlali, N.
Thermal bremsstrahlung probing the thermodynamical state of multifragmenting systems.
Nuclear Physics. A, 681, 291C-294C (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1048102
[Impact factor:1.830(91) 1.936(92) 1.746(93) 1.821(94) 2.157(95) 1.825(96) 1.988(97) 2.595(98) 2.088(99) 1.854(00) 2.074(01) 1,568(02) 1.761(03) ]

088493 - UJF-V 20010178 RIV NL eng J
D`Enterria, D. G. - Aphecetche, L. - Chbihi, A. - Delagrange, H. - Díaz, J. - Van Goethem, M. J. - Hoefman, M. - Huisman, H. - Kugler, A. - Löhner, H. - Martínez, G. - Ortega, R. - Ostendorf, R. W. - Schadmand, S. - Schutz, Y. - Siemssen, R. - Stracener, D. W. - Tlustý, P. - Turrisi, R. - Volkerts, M. - Wagner, V. - Wilschut, H. W. - Yahlali, N.
Thermal bremsstrahlung probing the thermodynamical state of multifragmenting systems.
Nuclear physics. A, 681, 291-294 (2001).
[Proceedings of the Catania Topical Conference on Relativistic Ion Studies /3rd./.. Acicastello (IT), 00.05.22-00.05.26 (WRD)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901
[Impact factor:1.830(91) 1.936(92) 1.746(93) 1.821(94) 2.157(95) 1.825(96) 1.988(97) 2.595(98) 2.088(99) 1.854(00) 2.074(01) 1,568(02) 1.761(03) ]

088075 - UJF-V 20010014 RIV GB eng J
Exner, P. - Ichinose, T.
Geometrically induced spectrum in curved leaky wires.
Journal of Physics. A - Mathematical and General Physics, 34 [7] 1439-1450 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1048101; GA MŠk(CZ) ME 170; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010104
[Impact factor:2.214(91) 2.189(92) 2.060(93) 1.779(94) 1.657(95) 1.528(96) 1.480(97) 1.545(98) 1.387(99) 1.365(00) 1.542(01) 1,406(02) 1.357(03) ]

088167 - UJF-V 20010106 RIV US eng J
Exner, P. - Joye, A.
Avoided crossings in mesoscopic systems:Electron propagation on a nonuniform magnetic cylinder.
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 42 [10] 4707-4738 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010104
[Impact factor:0.777(91) 0.880(92) 0.902(93) 0.969(94) 0.967(95) 1.048(96) 1.102(97) 1.019(98) 0.976(99) 1.008(00) 1.151(01) 1,387(02) 1.481(03) ]

088076 - UJF-V 20010015 RIV SG eng J
Exner, P. - Krejčiřík, D.
Waveguides coupled through a semitransparent barrier: A Birman-Schwinger analysis.
Reviews in Mathematical Physics, 13 [3] 307-334 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1048101; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010104
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.000(93) 0.000(94) 0.942(95) 0.813(96) 0.929(97) 0.726(98) 0.814(99) 0.895(00) 0.938(01) 1,130(02) 0.835(03) ]

088140 - UJF-V 20010079 RIV GB eng J
Exner, P. - Krejčiřík, D.
Bound states in mildly curved layers.
Journal of Physics. A, 34, 5969-5985 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010104
[Impact factor:2.214(91) 2.189(92) 2.060(93) 1.779(94) 1.657(95) 1.528(96) 1.480(97) 1.545(98) 1.387(99) 1.365(00) 1.542(01) 1,406(02) 1.357(03) ]

088141 - UJF-V 20010080 RIV US eng J
Exner, P. - Tater, M. - Vaněk, D.
A single-mode quantum transport in serial-structure geometric scatterers.
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 42, 4050-4078 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010104
[Impact factor:0.777(91) 0.880(92) 0.902(93) 0.969(94) 0.967(95) 1.048(96) 1.102(97) 1.019(98) 0.976(99) 1.008(00) 1.151(01) 1,387(02) 1.481(03) ]

088220 - UJF-V 20010159 RIV NL eng J
Farhi, E. - Fak, B. - Zeyen, C. M. E. - Kulda, J.
Roton lifetime measurement in superfluid He4 using the spin-echo option on the IN20 triple-axis spectrometer.
Physica. B, 297 [1/4] 32-36 (2001).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901
[Impact factor: 0.864(96) 0.991(97) 0.619(98) 0.725(99) 0.893(00) 0.663(01) 0,609(02) 0.908(03) ]

088514 - UJF-V 20010199 DE eng A
Fink, D. - Petrov, A. - Mueller, M. - Asmus, T. - Hnatowicz, V. - Vacík, J. - Červená, J.
Electrolyte penetration into high energy ion irradiated polymers.
In: Proceedings of international conference on surface modification of materials by ion beams /12./ (SMMIB2001). - Marburg, x 2001. - S. x.
[International conference on surface modification of materials by ion beams /12./. Marburg (DE), 01.09.09-01.09.14 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA203/99/1626; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7011908
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088511 - UJF-V 20010196 DE eng A
Fink, M. - Mueller, M. - Klett, R. - Palmetshofer, L. - Hnatowicz, V. - Vacík, J. - Červená, J. - Chadderton, L. T.
Aqueous marker penetration into ion irradiated polyimide.
In: Proceedings of international conference on surface modification of materials by ion beams (SMMIB2001) /12./. - Marburg, x 2001. - S. x.
[International conference on surface modification of materials by ion beams /12./. Marburg (DE), 01.09.09-01.09.14 (WRD)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088210 - UJF-V 20010149 CZ eng I
Fišer, M. - Hradílek, P. - Hanč, P. - Kopička, K. - Lebeda, O. - Vognar, M.
Cyclotron-made radiopharmaceuticals for SPECT using enriched gaseous targets. Řež, NPI AS CR 2001. - 2 s. - (Biennial Report 1999-2000.).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088209 - UJF-V 20010148 CZ eng I
Fišer, M. - Pánek, J. - Hanč, P. - Lebeda, O.
Radioactive stents for vascular brachytherapy. Řež, NPI AS CR 2001. - 2 s. - (Biennial Report 1999-2001.).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088231 - UJF-V 20010170 BE eng A
Frána, J.
Program DEIMOS32 for gamma-ray spectra evaluation.
In: Book of Abstracts of the International k.sup.o-users Workshop "3rd". - BE, SCK.CEN 2001. - S. 52.
[International k.sup.o-users Workshop "3rd". Bruges (BE), 01.09.23-01.09.28 (WRD)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088507 - UJF-V 20010192 BE eng A
Frána, J.
Program Deimos32 for gamma-ray spectra evaluation.
In: International users Workshop /3./. - Bruges, Nuclear center, Belgium - SCK-CEN 2001. - S. 52.
[International users Workshop /3./. Bruges (BE), 01.09.23-01.09.28 ( EUR)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088508 - UJF-V 20010193 CZ cze N
Frána, J.
Držadlo bronzové konvice z Hostů a jeho složení.
Archeologie ve středních Čechách, [5] 459-461 (2001).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088517 - UJF-V 20010202 CZ cze M
Frána, J.
Analýzy skleněných archeologických nálezů z Pohanska a Mikulčic.
In: Pravěk. - Brno, Ústav archeologické památkové péče Brno 2001. - S. 115-117.
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088509 - UJF-V 20010194 CZ eng J
Frána, J. - Regui, N.
Element composition of Bidri Articles.
Annals of the Náprstek Museum, 22, 25-29 (2001).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088071 - UJF-V 20010010 RIV NL eng J
Gagliardi, C. A. - Azhari, A. - Bém, P. - Burjan, V. - Carstoiu, F. - Cejpek, J. - Clark, H. L. - Kroha, V. - Lui, Z. W. - Mukhamedzhanov, A. M. - Novák, J. - Piskoř, Š. - Sattarov, A. - Šimečková, E. - Tang, X. - Trache, L. - Tribble, R. E. - Vincour, J.
Asymptotic normalization coefficients from direct transfer reactions and astrophysical S factors.
Nuclear Physics. A, 682, 369C-374C (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/01/0709; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1048102
[Impact factor:1.830(91) 1.936(92) 1.746(93) 1.821(94) 2.157(95) 1.825(96) 1.988(97) 2.595(98) 2.088(99) 1.854(00) 2.074(01) 1,568(02) 1.761(03) ]

088088 - UJF-V 20010027 RIV NL eng J
Gagliardi, C. A. - Azhari, A. - Burjan, V. - Carstoiu, F. - Kroha, V. - Mukhamedzhanov, A. M. - Tang, X. - Trache, L. - Tribble, R. E.
Astrophysical S factors determined from asymptotic normalization coefficients measured in peripheral transfer reactions.
Nuclear Physics. A, 688, 536c-538c (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/01/0709; GA MŠk(CZ) ME 385; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1048102
[Impact factor:1.830(91) 1.936(92) 1.746(93) 1.821(94) 2.157(95) 1.825(96) 1.988(97) 2.595(98) 2.088(99) 1.854(00) 2.074(01) 1,568(02) 1.761(03) ]

088095 - UJF-V 20010034 RIV US eng J
Gangrsky, Y. P. - Hradečný, Č. - Jermolajev, I. - Zemljanoi, S. D. - Těthal, T.
Optical polarization of .sup.24 Na nuclei in a trap based on photoinduced drift.
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 92 [2] 195-202 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/94/0369; GA ČR(CZ) GA202/97/0445
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901
[Impact factor: 1.025(99) 1.187(00) 1.156(01) 1,150(02) 1.156(03) ]

088223 - UJF-V 20010162 RIV NL eng J
Gavrilov, S. - Plakhty, V. - Burlet, P. - Kulda, J. - Humblot, H.
Investigation of in-chain spin correlations in YBa2Cu306+x by neutron polarization analysis.
Physica. B, 297 [1/4] 75-77 (2001).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901
[Impact factor: 0.864(96) 0.991(97) 0.619(98) 0.725(99) 0.893(00) 0.663(01) 0,609(02) 0.908(03) ]

088495 - UJF-V 20010180 SU eng J
Gilles, R. - Krimmer, B. - Šaroun, J. - Boysen, H. - Fuess, H.
The concept of the new structure powder diffractometer (SPODI) at the FRM-II in Garching.
Material Science Forum, 378-3, 282-287 (2001).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901
[Impact factor: 0.981(99) 0.597(00) 0.461(01) 0,613(02) 0.602(03) ]

088498 - UJF-V 20010183 DE eng V
Gilles, R. - Mukherji, B. - Krimmer, B. - Strunz, P. - Többens, D.
Investigation of Misfit in Re-Rich Polycrystalline Ni-Base Superallo. Berlín, Berlín 2001. - 1 s.
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088503 - UJF-V 20010188 DE eng V
Gilles, R. - Strunz, P. - Schumacher, G. - Mukherji, D. - Wiedenmann, A.
Evolution of Morphology of gamma Precipitates during High-Temperature Deformations to Very Small Strains in SC16 Superalloy. Berlín, Berlín 2001. - 1 s.
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088115 - UJF-V 20010054 US eng A
Grévy, S. - Achouri, N. L. - Angélique, J. C. - Lecouey, J. L. - Liénard, E. - Orr, N. A. - Péter, J. - Pietri, S. - Baumann, P. - Courtin, S. - Dessagne, P. - Hadeler, R. - Knipper, A. - Miehe, C. - Poirier, E. - Walter, G. - Borcea, C. - Buta, A. - Negoita, F. - Timis, C. - Catford, W. - Daugas, J. M. - de Oliveira, F. - Lewitowicz, M. - Stanoiu, M. - Tarasov, O. - Lecolley, F. R. - Dlouhý, Z. - Mrázek, J. - Penionzhkevich, Y. - Guillemaud-Mueller, D.
Decay spectroscopy of neutron-rich nuclei using the TONNERRE array.
In: Abstracts of the International Nuclear Physics Conference "Nuclear Physics in the 21st Century. - Berkeley, University of California 2001. - S. 582-583.
[INPC 2001 "Nuclear Physics in the 21 Century. Berkeley (US), 01.07.30-01.08.03 (WRD)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

096440 - UJF-V 20020182 RIV JP eng C
Harjo, S. - Motohashi, Y. - Kojima, N. - Šaroun, J. - Ryukhtin, V. - Strunz, P. - Lukáš, P.
Morphology of cavities measured by neutron scattering in superplastically deformed 3Y-TZP.
In: Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing /4./. - (Ed. Hanada, S.; Zhong, Z.; Nam, S. W.; Wright, R. N.). - Hitachi, Japan Institute of Metals 2001. - S. 2057-2060.
[Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing /4./.. Honolulu (JP), 01.12.11-01.12.15 (WRD)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010104

088121 - UJF-V 20010060 RIV GB eng J
Harjo, S. - Tomota, Y. - Lukáš, P. - Neov, D. - Vrána, M. - Mikula, P. - Ono, M.
In situ neutron diffraction study of alpha-gamma Fe-Cr-Ni alloys under tensile deformation.
Acta Materialia, 49 [13] 2471-2479 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV202/97/K038; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010104
[Impact factor: 0.000(96) 1.242(97) 1.953(99) 2.166(00) 2.658(01) 3,104(02) 3.059(03) ]

104592 - UCHP-M 20030021 SI eng A
Havránek, V. - Voseček, V. - Kučera, J. - Smolík, J. - Schwarz, J.
Analysis of Different Aerosol Samples from Cascade Impactors by Pixe - Efficiency Calibration and Matrix Effects.
In: Book of Abstracts. - -, - 2001. - S. 31.
[International Symposium Spectroscopy in Theory and Practice /12./. Bled (SI), 01.04.09-01.04.12 (EUR)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901; CEZ:AV0Z4072921

088202 - UJF-V 20010141 CZ eng I
Havránek, V. - Voseček, V. - Škumanič, J. - Smolík, J. - Schwarz, J. - Ždímal, V. - Němec, J.
Analysis of aerosols and coal samples bz accelerated protons. Řež, NPI AS CR 2001. - 1 s. - (Biennial Report 1999-2000.).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088195 - UJF-V 20010134 CZ eng I
Henzl, V. - Hanušová, D. - Kugler, A. - Wagner, V. - Krivopustov, M. I. - Adam, J.
Transmutation of .sup.129 I with high energy neutrons produced by spallation reactions induced by protons in massive targets. Řež, NPI AS CR 2001. - 1 s. - (Biennial Report 1999-2000.).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088225 - UJF-V 20010164 RIV JP eng J
Hiraka, H. - Endoh, Y. - Fujita, M. - Lee, Y. S. - Kulda, J. - Ivanov, A. - Birgeneau, R. J.
Spin fluctuations in the underdoped High-T-c cuprate La1.93Sr0.07CuO4.
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 70 [3] 853-858 (2001).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901
[Impact factor:1.932(91) 1.881(92) 2.041(93) 1.920(94) 2.034(95) 2.351(96) 2.025(97) 2.338(98) 2.083(99) 1.943(00) 1.628(01) 1,596(02) 1.903(03) ]

088227 - UJF-V 20010166 RIV US eng J
Hlinka, J. - Kulda, J. - Kamba, S. - Petzelt, J.
Resonant soft mode in Rochelle salt by inelastic neutron scattering.
Physical Review. B, 6305 [5] 2102-2103 (2001).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901
[Impact factor:3.535(91) 3.259(92) 3.159(93) 3.187(94) 2.834(95) 2.975(96) 2.880(97) 2.842(98) 3.008(99) 3.065(00) 3.070(01) ]

088201 - UJF-V 20010140 CZ eng I
Hnatowicz, V. - Peřina, V. - Havránek, V. - Voseček, V. - Novotný, J. - Vacík, J. - Švorčík, V. - Rybka, V. - Kluge, A.
Degradation of polyimide and polyethyleneterephtalate irradiated with 150 and 200 keV Ar.sup.+ ions, studied by RBS and ERD techniques. Řež, NPI AS CR 2001. - 1 s. - (Biennial Report 1999-2000.).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088110 - UJF-V 20010049 RIV NL eng J
Hnatowicz, V. - Peřina, V. - Macková, A. - Švorčík, V. - Rybka, V. - Fink, V. - Heitz, J.
Degradation of polyimide by 100 keV He+, Ne+, Ar+ and Kr+ ions.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. B - Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 175, 437-441 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA203/99/1626; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7011908; GA AV ČR (CZ) KSK1010104
[Impact factor:1.179(91) 1.152(92) 1.157(93) 1.073(94) 1.193(95) 1.140(96) 1.016(97) 1.093(98) 1.118(99) 0.955(00) 1.041(01) 1,158(02) 1.041(03) ]

088204 - UJF-V 20010143 CZ eng I
Honzátko, J. - Tomandl, I. - von Egidy, T. - Wirth, H. F. - Bondarenko, V. - Bucurescu, D.
Systematic study of nuclear structure in odd Te isotopes. Řež, NPI AS CR 2001. - 1 s. - (Biennial Report 1999-2000.).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

108825 - FZU-D 20030518 RIV CN eng C
Hora, H. - Boody, F. P. - Höpfel, R. - Jungwirth, K. - Králiková, B. - Krása, J. - Láska, L. - Peřina, V. - Pfeifer, M. - Rohlena, K. - Skála, J. - Ullschmied, J. - Woryna, E. - Wolowski, J.
Application of laser produced plasmas as source for ion implantation technology.
In: Applications of Fusion Energy Research to Science and Technology. - Chengdu, IAEA Technical Committee 2001. - S. 1-7.
[IAEA Technical Committee Meeting "Applications of Fusion Energy Research to Science and Technology". Chengdu (CN), 00.10.30-00.11.02 ( WRD)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1010819; HPRI(XE) CT-1999-00053
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910; CEZ:AV0Z1010921

088184 - UJF-V 20010123 CZ eng I
Hošek, J.
Anisotropic color superconductor. Řež, NPI AS CR 2001. - 1 s. - (Biennial Report 1999-2000.).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088166 - UJF-V 20010105 RIV DE eng J
Ighezou, F. Z. - Lombard, R. J. - Mareš, J.
Spectral analysis of Pb-208 muonic atom.
European Physical Journal. A, 11 [1] 79-85 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1048102
[Impact factor: 1.376(99) 1.613(00) 1.725(01) 1,657(02) 2.097(03) ]

088169 - UJF-V 20010108 RIV NL eng J
Jirásková, Y. - Havlíček, S. - Schneeweiss, O. - Peřina, V. - Blawert, C.
Characterization of iron nitrides prepared by spark erosion, plasma nitriding, and plasma immersion ion implantation.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 234 [3] 477-488 ( 2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV202/97/K038; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010104
[Impact factor:1.132(91) 1.297(92) 1.313(93) 1.063(94) 1.208(95) 1.040(96) 0.778(97) 0.889(98) 1.195(99) 0.996(00) 1.329(01) 1,046(02) 0.910(03) ]

081734 - UFM-A 20013307 RIV NL eng J
Jirásková, Y. - Havlíček, S. - Schneeweiss, O. - Peřina, V. - Blawert, C.
Characterization of iron nitrides prepared by spark erosion, plasma nitriding and plasma immersion ion implantation.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 234 [1/3] 477-488 ( 2001).
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) ME 209; GA MŠk(CZ) ME 373; GA AV ČR(CZ) IBS2041105
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2041904
[Impact factor:1.132(91) 1.297(92) 1.313(93) 1.063(94) 1.208(95) 1.040(96) 0.778(97) 0.889(98) 1.195(99) 0.996(00) 1.329(01) 1,046(02) 0.910(03) ]

088177 - UJF-V 20010116 RIV US eng J
Kamada, H. - Nogga, A. - Glockle, W. - Hiyama, E. - Kamimura, M. - Varga, K. - Suzuki, Y. - Viviani, M. - Kievskky, A. - Rosati, S. - Carlson, J. - Pieper, S. C. - Wiringa, R. B. - Navrátil, P. - Barrett, B. R. - Barnea, N. - Leidemann, W. - Orlandini, G.
Benchmark test calculation of a four-nucleon bound state.
Physical Review. C, 6404 [4] 4001-4005 (2001).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901
[Impact factor:1.873(92) 1.967(93) 1.842(94) 2.045(95) 1.993(96) 1.975(97) 2.308(98) 2.446(99) 2.384(00) 2.695(01) 2,848(02) 2.708(03) ]

088156 - UJF-V 20010095 RU eng A
Karamian, S. A. - Adam, J. - Čaloun, P. - Filossofov, D. V. - Kalinnikov, V. G. - Lebedev, N. A. - Novgorodov, A. F. - Hanusova, D. - Henzl, V. - Popescu, I. I. - Ur, C. - Collins, C. B.
Production of nuclear isomers in p+Ta and p+Re reactions at proton energies from 100 to 660 MeV.
In: Tezisy dokladov Soveschania po jadernoj spektroskopii i strukture atomnogo jadra /51./. - Sarov, Russian Federal Nuclear Center 2001. - S. 190.
[Soveschanie po jadernoj spektroskopii i strukture atomnogo jadra /51./. Sarov (RU), 01.09.03-01.09.08 (WRD)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

090483 - UJF-V 20020021 RU eng V
Karamian, S. A. - Adam, J. - Filossofov, D. V. - Henzlová, D. - Henzl, V. - Kalinnikov, V. G. - Lebedev, N. A. - Novgorodov, A. F. - Collins, C. B. - Popescu, I. I. - Ur, C. A.
Accumulation of the .sup.178m2 Hf isomeric nuclei through spallation with intermediate-energy protons of tantalum and rhenium targets. Dubna, OIJaI Dubna 2001. - 1 s.
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK2067107; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1048102

088179 - UJF-V 20010118 CZ eng I
Khanna, F. C. - Truhlík, E.
Weak axial exchange currents for the Bethe-Salpeter equation. Řež, NPI AS CR 2001. - 1 s. - (Biennial Report 1999-2000.).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088226 - UJF-V 20010165 RIV DE eng J
Klotz, S. - Braden, M. - Kulda, J. - Pavone, P. - Steininger, B.
Transverse acoustic phonons of GaSb up to 7 GPa by inelastic neutron scattering.
Physica Status Solidi. B - Basic Research, 223 [2] 441-447 ( 2001).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901
[Impact factor:0.522(91) 0.568(92) 0.558(93) 0.733(94) 0.583(95) 0.862(96) 0.826(97) 0.818(98) 0.978(99) 0.746(00) 0.873(01) 0,930(02) 0.987(03) ]

085762 - UFP-V 20010072 RIV US eng C
Koláček, K. - Schmidt, J. - Řípa, M. - Ctibor, P. - Turek, K. - Baranowski, J. - Skladnik-Sadowska, E. - Sadowski, J. M. - Kishinets, A. S. - Jancarek, A.
Axial particle and soft X-Ray emission from the fast capillary discharge.
In: IEEE Conference Records-Abstracts. - -, - 2001. - S. 193.
[IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science /28./ and the IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference /13./. Las Vegas, Nevada (US), 01.06.17-01.06.22 (WRD)]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) LA 055
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

098985 - UFP-V 20030013 RIV US eng C
Koláček, K. - Schmidt, J. - Řípa, M. - Ctibor, P. - Turek, K. - Baranowski, J. - Skladnik-Sadowska, E. - Sadowski, M. J. - Kishinets, A. S. - Jančárek, A.
Axial Particle and Soft x-ray Emission from the Fast Capillary Discharge.
In: Digest of Technical Papers PPPS-2001, Pulsed Power Plasma Science 2001. - (Ed. Reinovsky, R.; Newton, M.). - Las Vegas, - 2001. - S. 761-764.
[IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science and the 13th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference//28th./. Las Vegas, Nevada (US) , 01.06.17-01.06.22 (WRD)]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) LA 055
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901; CEZ:AV0Z2043910

084262 - UIACH-O 20010093 RIV CZ cze J
Kotlík, B. - Sysalová, J. - Kučera, J.
Zabezpečení jakosti stanovení stopových prvků ve vzorcích prašného aerosolu.
Ochrana ovzduší, - [4] 15-18 (2001).

088144 - UJF-V 20010083 RU eng A
Kovalík, A. - Yakushev, E. A. - Novgorodov, A. F. - Gorozhankin, V. M. - Lebedev, N. A.
Improved energy values of the 78.6 keV M1+E2 transition in 173 Yb and the 78.2 keV M1 transition in 161 Ho.
In: Tezisy dokladov Soveschania po jadernoj spektroskopii i strukture atomnogo jadra /51./. - Sarov, RFFI 2001. - S. 176.
[Soveschanie po jadernoj spektroskopii i strukture atomnogo jadra /51./. Sarov (RU), 01.09.03-01.09.08 (EUR)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088145 - UJF-V 20010084 RU eng A
Kovalík, A. - Yakushev, E. A. - Novgorodov, A. F. - Gorozhankin, V. M. - Mahmoud, M.
The O.sub.1,2,3 P.sup.1 conversion electron spectrum of the 8.4 keV M transition in .sup.169 Tm from the EC of the .sup.169 Yb.
In: Tezisy dokladov Soveschania po jadernoj spektroskopii i strukture atomnogo jadra /51./. - Sarov, RFFI 2001. - S. 177.
[Soveschanie po jadernoj spektroskopii i strukture atomnogo jadra /51./. Sarov (RU), 01.09.03-01.09.08 (EUR)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088142 - UJF-V 20010081 RU rus A
Kovalík, A. - Yakushev, E. A. - Reiman, S. I. - Novgorodov, A. F. - Filosofov, D. V. - Gorozhankin, V. M. - Varga, D. - Köver, L. - Dragoun, O. - Vylov, T.
Effekty fiziko-khimicheskogo okruzhenija v spektre nizkoenergeticheskikh elektronov iz raspada 57 Co.
In: Tezisy dokladov Soveschanija po jadernoj spektroskopii i strukture atomnogo jadra /51./. - Sarov, RFFI 2001. - S. 239.
[Soveschanie po jadernoj spektroskopii i strukture atomnogo jadra /51./. Sarov (RU), 01.09.03-01.09.08 (EUR)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

083037 - UJF-V 20013052 CZ cze V
Kovář, I. - Malušek, A. - Orčíková, H. - Spurný, F.
Vyhodnocení úrovně ozáření posádek letadel společnosti ČSA a.s. za rok 2000. Praha, Oddělení dozimetrie záření ÚJF AV ČR 2001. - 7 s. - (Výzkumná zpráva ODZ ÚJF AV ČR 491/01.).

083038 - UJF-V 20013053 CZ cze V
Kovář, I. - Malušek, A. - Orčíková, H. - Spurný, F.
Vyhodnocení úrovně ozáření posádek letadel společnosti Fischer air, s.r.o. za rok 2000. Praha, Oddělení dozimetrie záření ÚJF AV ČR 2001. - 4 s. - ( Výzkumná zpráva ODZ ÚJF AV ČR 492/01.).

083039 - UJF-V 20013054 CZ cze V
Kovář, I. - Malušek, A. - Orčíková, H. - Spurný, F.
Vyhodnocení úrovně ozáření posádek letadel společnosti Travel service, a.s. za rok 2000. Praha, Oddělení dozimetrie záření ÚJF AV ČR 2001. - 4 s. - (Výzkumná zpráva ODZ ÚJF AV ČR 493/01.).

108214 - FZU-D 20030488 RIV US eng C
Krása, J. - Láska, L. - Rohlena, K. - Peřina, V. - Hnatowicz, V.
Determination of energy spectrum of laser-created heavy ions from their implantation depth profile in a metallic substrate.
In: Laser Interaction with Matter. - (Ed. Kálal, M.; Rohlena, K.; Šiňor, M.). - Washington, SPIE 2001. - S. 541-544.
[ECLIM 2000:European Conference on Laser Interaction with Matter /26./. Prague (CZ), 00.06.12-00.06.16 (WRD)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1010105
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901; CEZ:AV0Z1010921

088155 - UJF-V 20010094 RU eng A
Krivopustov, M. I. - Chultem, D. - Sosnin, A. N. - Adam, J. - Kalinnikov, V. G. - Kaznovsky, S. P. - Tumendelger, T. - Gerbish, S. - Pavlyuk, A. V. - Perelygin, V. P. - Odoj, R. - Westmeier, W. - Brandt, R. - Robotham, H. - Langrock, E. J. - Vater, P. - Zamani, M. - Kugler, A. - Wagner, V. - Zhuk, I. V. - Khilmanovich, A. M. - Vojcechowski, A. - Bielevicz, M. - Hashemi-Nezhad, R. S. - Debeauvais, M. - Adloff, J. - Dwivedi, K. K. - Voronkov, A. V.
Study of the space distribution of the (n,f)-,(n,gamma)- and (n,2n)-reaction yelds in the model uranium blanket of the electronuclear installation (collaboration "Energy plus transmutation".
In: Tezisy dokladov Soveschania po jadernoj spektroskopii i strukture atomnogo jadra /51./. - Sarov, Russian Federal Nuclear Center 2001. - S. 230.
[Soveschanie po jadernoj spektroskopii i strukture atomnogo jadra /51./. Sarov (RU), 01.09.03-01.09.08 (EUR)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088105 - UJF-V 20010044 RIV CZ eng J
Kroha, V. - Bém, P. - Burjan, V. - Novák, J. - Piskoř, Š. - Šimečková, E. - Vincour, J. - Azhari, A. - Gagliardi, C. A. - Mukhamedzhanov, A. M. - Tang, X. - Trache, L. - Tribble, R. E. - Carstoiu, F.
Asymptotic normalization constants in nuclear astrophysics.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 51 [5] 471-489 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/01/0709; GA MŠk(CZ) ME 385; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1048102
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

088496 - UJF-V 20010181 RIV CZ eng J
Kučera, J. - Bencko, V. - Pápayová, A. - Šaligová, D. - Tejral, J. - Borská, L.
Monitoring of occupational exposure in manufacturing of stainless steel constructions.
Central European Journal of Public Health, 9, 171-175 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV202/97/K038
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088194 - UJF-V 20010133 CZ eng I
Kučera, J. - Bode, P. - Štěpánek, V.
Quantification of uncertainties in neutron activation analysis. Řež, NPI AS CR 2001. - 1 s. - (Biennial Report 1999-2000.).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088129 - UJF-V 20010068 RIV US eng J
Kučera, J. - Řanda, Z.
Possibilities of low-level determination of silicon in biological materials by activation analysis.
Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 370 [2/3] 241-245 ( 2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV202/97/K038; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK4055109
[Impact factor:1.213(92) 0.973(93) 0.975(94) 1.065(95) 1.038(96) 1.398(97) 1.513(98) 1.428(99) 1.418(00) 1.649(01) 1,948(02) 1.924(03) ]

088099 - UJF-V 20010038 RIV HU eng J
Kučera, J. - Řanda, Z. - Soukal, L.
A comparison of three activation analysis methods for iodine determination in foodstuffs.
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 249 [1] 61-65 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV202/97/K038; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK4055109
[Impact factor:0.422(91) 0.471(92) 0.354(93) 0.613(94) 0.368(95) 0.244(96) 0.330(97) 0.291(98) 0.605(99) 0.488(00) 0.398(01) 0,502(02) 0.472(03) ]

088193 - UJF-V 20010132 CZ eng I
Kučera, J. - Řanda, Z. - Soukal, L.
New radiochemical procedures in neutron and photon activation analysis. Řež, NPI AS CR 2001. - 1 s. - (Biennial Report 1999-2000.).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088125 - UJF-V 20010064 RIV US eng J
Kučera, J. - Smodis, B. - Burns, K. - de Regge, P. - Campbell, M. - Havránek, V. - Makarewicz, M. - Toervenyi, A. - Zeiller, E.
Preparation and characterization of a set of IAEA reference air filters for quality control in air-pollution studies.
Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 370 [2/3] 229-233 ( 2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV202/97/K038; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK4055109
[Impact factor:1.213(92) 0.973(93) 0.975(94) 1.065(95) 1.038(96) 1.398(97) 1.513(98) 1.428(99) 1.418(00) 1.649(01) 1,948(02) 1.924(03) ]

088190 - UJF-V 20010129 CZ eng I
Kugler, A. - Tlustý, P. - Wagner, V. - Fiala, L. - Pleskač, R. - Taraněnko, A.
Dilepton pair spectrometer HADES. Řež, NPI AS CR 2001. - 2 s. - (Biennial Report 1999-2000.).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

101872 - UJF-V 20033143 RIV US eng C
Kulda, J. - Courtois, P. - Flores, P. - Šaroun, J. - Thomas, M. - Enderle, M. - Monteith, A.
IN20B - the high flux polarised neutron TAS.
In: SPIE Proceedings 4509. - (Ed. Wood, JL.; Anderson, IS.). - San Diego, SPIE 2001. - S. 13-20.
[International Symposium on Optical and Technology, Neutron Optics. San Diego (US), 01.07.29-01.08.03 (WRD)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088221 - UJF-V 20010160 RIV NL eng J
Kulda, J. - Farhi, E. - Zeyen, C. M. E.
Thermal variation of phonon frequency and line width in Ge studied by TAS spin-echo.
Physica. B, 297 [1/4] 37-39 (2001).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901
[Impact factor: 0.864(96) 0.991(97) 0.619(98) 0.725(99) 0.893(00) 0.663(01) 0,609(02) 0.908(03) ]

088087 - UJF-V 20010026 RIV US eng J
Kvasil, J. - Iudice, N. Lo. - Nesterenko, V. O. - Macková, A. - Alexa, P.
Orbital and spin magnetic quadrupole response in heavy nuclei.
Physical Review. C - Nuclear Physics, 63, 054305-054315 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/99/1718
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901
[Impact factor:1.873(92) 1.967(93) 1.842(94) 2.045(95) 1.993(96) 1.975(97) 2.308(98) 2.446(99) 2.384(00) 2.695(01) 2,848(02) 2.708(03) ]

088161 - UJF-V 20010100 RIV US eng J
Kvasil, J. - Lo Iudice, N. - Nesterenko, V. O. - Macková, A.
Coupling of giant resonances via residual interactions.
Physics of Atomic Nuclei, 64 [6] 1030-1032 (2001).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.000(93) 0.068(94) 0.162(95) 0.221(96) 0.208(97) 0.274(98) 0.362(99) 0.465(00) 0.463(01) 0,533(02) 0.467(03) ]

104596 - UCHP-M 20030025 IT eng A
Lazaridis, M. - Colbeck, I. - Drossinos, I. - Eleftheriadis, K. - Havránek, V. - Housiadas, C. - Kallos, G. - Mikuška, P. - Smolík, J. - Večeřa, Z. - Ždímal, V.
Subgrid Scale Investigations of Factors Determining the Occurrence of Ozone and Fine Particles (SUB-AERO).
In: Abstracts. - Ispra, - 2001. - S. AP86.
[European Symposium on the Physico-Chemical Behaviour of Atmospheric Pollutants /8./. Torino (IT), 01.09.17-01.09.20 (EUR)]
Grant: ENVK2(XE) 1999/00052
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901; CEZ:AV0Z4072921

087399 - UCHP-M 20013021 RIV NO eng E
Lazaridis, M. - Gehrig, E. - Torset, K. - Yttri, K. E. - Semb, A. - Larssen, S. - Storfal, F. - Hjellbrekke, A. -G. - Hanssen, J. E. - Smolík, J. - Ždímal, V. - Havránek, V.
Measurements of Particulate Matter in EMEP. (Ed. Lazaridis, M.). - Kjeller, Norwegian Institute for Air Research 2001. -
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z4072921

088217 - UJF-V 20010156 CZ eng I
Lebeda, O. - Štursa, J.
Estimation of the neutron flux produced during cyclotron U-120M operation. Řež, NPI AS CR 2001. - 1 s. - (Biennial Report 1999-2000.).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

090497 - UJF-V 20020039 RIV SG eng J
Levai, G. - Znojil, M.
Conditions for complex spectra in a class of PT symmetric potentials.
Modern Physics Letters. A, 16 [30] 1973-1981 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1048004
[Impact factor:1.470(92) 1.277(93) 1.172(94) 1.048(95) 1.079(96) 1.208(97) 0.627(98) 1.050(99) 1.022(00) 1.119(01) 1,401(02) 1.589(03) ]

101894 - UJF-V 20033168 RIV US eng J
Libutti, S. - Alexander, H. - Choyke, P. - Bartlett, D. - Bacharach, S. - Whatley, M. - Jousse, F. - Eckelman, W. - Kranda, K. - Neumann, R. - Carrasquillo, J.
A prospective study of 2-[F-18] fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose/positron emission tomography scan, Tc-99m-labeled arcitumomab (CEA-scan), and blind second-look laparotomy for detecting colon cancer recurrence in patients with increasing carcinoembryonic antigen levels.
ANNALS OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY, 8 [10] 779-786 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK4055109
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901
[Impact factor: 2.427(99) 2.799(00) 3.308(01) 3,824(02) 3.574(03) ]

083073 - UJF-V 20013089 JP eng A
Luchin, E. I. - Molokanov, A. G. - Vlček, B.
Microdosimetric characteristics of clinical proton beams at the JINR, Dubna.
In: PTCOG-XXXV meeting. - -, - 2001. - S. -.
[PTCOG meeting/35./. Tsukuba (JP), 01.11.14-01.11.16 (WRD)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088198 - UJF-V 20010137 CZ eng I
Lukáš, P. - Neov, D. - Strunz, P. - Tomota, Y. - Šitner, P.
In situ neutron diffraction studies of substructure evolution in metals under uniaxial loading. Řež, NPI AS CR 2001. - 2 s. - (Biennial Report 1999-2000.).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

090547 - UJF-V 20020096 RIV JP eng J
Lukáš, P. - Neov, D. - Strunz, P. - Mikula, P. - Vrána, M. - Tomota, Y. - Harjo, S. - Šittner, P. - Novák, V.
In Situ Neutron Diffraction Studies of Substructure Evolution in Metals under Uniaxial Loading.
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. A, 70, [-] 548-550 ( 2001).
[Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Advanced Science Research (ASR-2000). Tokai (JP), 00.10.31-00.11.02 (WRD 20/5)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV202/97/K038
[Impact factor:1.932(91) 1.881(92) 2.041(93) 1.920(94) 2.034(95) 2.351(96) 2.025(97) 2.338(98) 2.083(99) 1.943(00) 1.628(01) 1,596(02) 1.903(03) ]

088519 - UJF-V 20010204 NL eng J
Lukáš, P. - Novák, V. - Šittner, P. - Neov, D.
In situ high resolution neutron diffraction study of anisotropy and stress effects in transforming CuAlZnMn shape memory alloys.
Journal of Neutron Research, 9, 79-86 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1048107; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010104

088520 - UJF-V 20010205 NL eng J
Lukáš, P. - Tomota, Y. - Harjo, S. - Neov, D. - Strunz, P. - Mikula, P.
In situ neutron diffraction study of drawn pearlitic steel wires upon tensile deformation.
Journal of Neutron Research, 9, 415-421 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1048107; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010104

090545 - UJF-V 20020093 RIV NL eng J
Lukáš, P. - Tomota, Y. - Harjo, S. - Neov, D. - Strunz, P. - Mikula, P.
In Situ Neutron Diffraction Study of Drawn Pearlitic Steel Wires upon Tensile Deformation.
Journal of Neutron Research, 9, 415-421 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV202/97/K038

090577 - UJF-V 20020126 RIV US eng C
Lukstins, J. - Nikitin, V. - Parfenov, A. - Majling, L. - Chren, D. - Sopko, B. - Bartke, J.
10Be.LAMBDA. and 10B.LAMBDA. hypernuclei on the NUCLOTRON.
In: Proceedings of the Conference of the Mesons and Light Nuclei /8./. - (Ed. Adam, J.; Bydžovský, P.; Mareš, J.). - Melville, American Institute of Physics 2001. - S. 457-458.
[Conference of the Mesons and Light Nuclei /8./. Prague (CZ), 01.07.02-01.07.06 (WRD)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1048703

090467 - UJF-V 20020005 RU eng I
Lukyanov, S. M. - Penionzhkevich, Y. E. - Kalpakchieva, R. - Skobelev, N. K. - Tarasov, O. B. - Alexandrov, A. A. - Alexandrova, I. A. - Andrejtscheff, W. - Dlouhý, Z. - Maslov, V. A. - Mikhailov, L. - Poroshin, N. O. - Radnev, S. - Sobolev, Y. G. - Ugryumov, V. Y.
A set-up for the investigation of nuclerar reactions induced by secondary beams. Dubna, JINR Dubna 2001. - 1 s.
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1048102; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1048102

088230 - UJF-V 20010169 RIV DE eng C
Mach, H. - Lewitowicz, M. - Stanoiu, M. - Becker, F. - Blomqvist, J. - Borge, M. J. G. - Boutami, R. - Cederwall, B. - Dlouhý, Z. - Fogelberg, B. - Fraile, L. M. - Georgiev, G. - Grawe, H. - Grzywacz, R. - Johansson, P. I. - Klamra, W. - Lukyanov, S. - Mineva, M. - Mrázek, J. - Neyens, G. - de Oliveira Santos, F. - Pfützner, M. - Penionzhkevich, Y. E. - Ramström, E. - Sawicka, M.
Structure of the exotic nuclei near .sub.70 Ni probed by advanced time-delayed coincidence methods: The interpretation of the 1.76 ms isomer in .sub.72 Cu.
In: International Symposium on Nuclear Structure Physics - Celebrating the career of Peter von Brentano. - (Ed. Casten, R.; - Jolie, J.; - Kneissl, U.; - Lieb, P.). - Göttingen, World Scientific 2001. - S. 379-380.
[Proceedings of the International Symposium on Nuclear Structure Physics.. Göttingen (DE), 01.03.05-01.03.08 (WRD)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1048102
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088203 - UJF-V 20010142 CZ eng I
Macková, A. - Peřina, V. - Hnatowicz, V. - Nekvindová, P. - Hüttel, I. - Špirková, J. - Prajzler, V.
Characterization of hydrogen and erbium in carbon layers fabricated by PACVD for optical applications. Řež, NPI AS CR 2001. - 1 s. - (Biennial Report 1999-2000.).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088176 - UJF-V 20010115 RIV NL eng J
Majling, L. - Batusov, Y.
Non-mesonic weak decay of the Be-10(Lambda) and B-10(Lambda) hypernuclei.
Nuclear Physics. A, 691 [1/2] 185C-188C (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1048102
[Impact factor:1.830(91) 1.936(92) 1.746(93) 1.821(94) 2.157(95) 1.825(96) 1.988(97) 2.595(98) 2.088(99) 1.854(00) 2.074(01) 1,568(02) 1.761(03) ]

088124 - UJF-V 20010063 RIV GB eng J
Majling, L. - Batusov, Y. A.
Spectroscopy of the Lambda hypernuclei: New problems and prospects.
Physics of Atomic Nuclei, 64 [6] 1152-1156 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1048102
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.000(93) 0.068(94) 0.162(95) 0.221(96) 0.208(97) 0.274(98) 0.362(99) 0.465(00) 0.463(01) 0,533(02) 0.467(03) ]

088182 - UJF-V 20010121 CZ eng I
Majling, L. - Batusov, Y. - Parfenov, A.
Nonmesonic weak decay of the .sup.10 Be and .sup.10 B Hypernuclei. Řež, NPI AS CR 2001. - 1 s. - (Biennial Report 1999-2000.).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

090576 - UJF-V 20020125 RIV US eng C
Majling, L. - Parreno, A. - Margaryan, A. - Tang, L.
10Be.LAMBDA. and 10B.LAMBDA. hypernuclei: A clue to some puzzles in nonmesonic weak decay.
In: Proceedings of the Conference of the Mesons and Light Nuclei /8./. - (Ed. Adam, J.; Bydžovský, P.; Mareš, J.). - Melville, Amarican Institute of Physics 2001. - S. 453-456.
[Conference of the Mesons and Light Nuclei /8./. Prague (CZ), 01.07.02-01.07.06 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/00/1667

088211 - UJF-V 20010150 CZ eng I
Melichar, F. - Šístková, N.
Preparation of .sup.166 Ho labelled compounds for the endoradiotherapy and skin cancer therapy. Řež, NPI AS CR 2001. - 1 s. - (Biennial Report 1999-2000.).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

090560 - UJF-V 20020109 RIV CZ cze/eng J
Mikula, P.
Neutronová difrakce v ÚJF AV ČR v Řeži, historie a současnost.
Materials Structure, 9 [1] 52-64 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV202/97/K038

088197 - UJF-V 20010136 CZ eng I
Mikula, P. - Lin, R.
Advantage of the asymmetric diffraction geometry of the focusing monochromator. Řež, NPI AS CR 2001. - 2 s. - (Biennial Report 1999-2000.).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

090549 - UJF-V 20020098 RIV JP eng J
Mikula, P. - Lukáš, P. - Šaroun, J. - Vrána, M. - Wagner, V.
Some Novel Bragg Diffraction Optics Elements for Neutron Scattering at Steady State Neutrons Sources.
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. A, 70, [-] 477-479 ( 2001).
[Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Advanced Science Research (ASR-2000). Tokai (JP), 00.10.31-00.11.02 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV202/97/K038; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1048003
[Impact factor:1.932(91) 1.881(92) 2.041(93) 1.920(94) 2.034(95) 2.351(96) 2.025(97) 2.338(98) 2.083(99) 1.943(00) 1.628(01) 1,596(02) 1.903(03) ]

090572 - UJF-V 20020121 RIV JP eng C
Mikula, P. - Lukáš, P. - Vrána, M.
Possible implementation of focusing based on Bragg diffraction optics for TOF neutron scattering devices.
In: Procceedings of the Meeting of the International Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources /15./. - Tsukuba, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization 2001. - S. 600-604.
[Advanced Neutron Sources towards Next Century. Tsukuba (JP), 00.11.06-00.11.09 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV202/97/K038; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1048103

090570 - UJF-V 20020119 RIV FR eng C
Mikula, P. - Vrána, M. - Lukáš, P.
Favourable properties of the asymmetric diffraction geometry of the bent perfect crystal monochromator.
In: Proceedings of the ILL millennium sympozium and european use meeting. - Grenoble, - 2001. - S. 290-292.
[Proceedings of the ILL millennium sympozium and european use meeting. Grenoble (FR), 01.04.06-01.04.07 (EUR)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV202/97/K038; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1048003

088138 - UJF-V 20010077 RU eng A
Mittig, W. - Roussel-Chomaz, P. - de Vismes, A. - Mittig, W. - Pakou, A. - Alamanos, N. - Angélique, J. C. - Auger, F. - Barrette, J. - Bauge, E. - Belozyorov, A. V. - Borcea, C. - Carstoiu, F. - Catford, W. - Cortina-Gil, M. D. - Delaroche, J. P. - Dlouhý, Z. - Gillibert, A. - Hirata, D. - Lapoux, V. - Lepine-Szily, A. - Lukyanov, S. M. - Marie, F. - Musumarra, A. - de Oliveira, F. - Orr, N. - Ottini, S. - Penionzhkevich, Y. - Sarazin, F. - Savajols, H. - Skobelev, N.
Shape Coexistence and the N=20 and N=28 shell closures far from stability by mass measurements and inelastic scattering.
In: Book of Abstracts of the International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei "EXON-2001". - Dubna, JINR 2001. - S. 31.
[International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei "EXON-2001". Baikal Lake ( RU), 01.07.24-01.07.28 (WRD)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

083075 - UJF-V 20013091 IT eng A
Molokanov, A. G. - Spurný, F. - Vlček, B.
Microdosimetric characteristics of the clinical proton beams at JINR, Dubna.
In: 13th Symposium on microdosimetry. An interdisciplinary meeting on radiation quality, molecular mechanisms, cellular effects and health consequence of low level ionising radiation.Programme and abstracs. - Stresa, MICROS 2001. - S. N8.
[Symposium on microdosimetry /13./. Stresa (IT), 01.05.27-01.06.01 ( WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/01/0710

096437 - UJF-V 20020179 RIV JP eng C
Motoba, T. - Itonaga, K. - Bydžovský, P. - Sotona, M.
Photoproduction of p-Shell Hypernuclei and YN Interaction.
In: Physics with GeV Electrons and Gamma-Rays. - Tohoku UNI, Universal Academy Press, Inc. 2001. - S. 107.
[International Workshop on Physics with GeV Electrons and Gamma-rays.. Sendai (JP), 01.02.13-01.02.15 (WRD)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1048102; GA ČR(CZ) GV202/97/K038

088132 - UJF-V 20010071 FI eng A
Mrázek, J. - Dlouhý, Z. - Baiborodin, D.
Footprints of shell effects in light neutron-rich nuclei.
In: Book of Abstracts of "ENAM 2001" - International Conference on Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses /3./. - Jyväskylä, Department of Physics University 2001. - S. PA-7.
["ENAM 2001" - International Conference on Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses /3./. Hämeenlinna (FI), 01.07.02-01.07.07 (WRD)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088135 - UJF-V 20010074 RU eng A
Mrázek, J. - Dlouhý, Z. - Baiborodin, D.
Footprints of shell efects in light neutron-rich nuclei.
In: Book of Abstracts of the International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei "EXON-2001". - Dubna, JINR 2001. - S. 29.
[International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei "EXON-2001". Baikal Lake ( RU), 01.07.24-01.07.28 (WRD)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

090474 - UJF-V 20020012 IT eng C
Mukhamedzanov, A. M. - Azhari, A. - Burjan, V. - Carstoiu, F. - Gagliardi, C. A. - Kroha, V. - Sattarov, A. - Tang, X. - Trache, L. - Tribble, R. E.
The astrophysical S-factor for proton capture on .sup.13./sup. C from the asymptotic normalization coefficents for proton removal from .sup.14./sup. N.
In: Proceedings of the International conference "Nuclear Physics at Border Lines". - IT, - 2001. - S. 216.
[Nuclear Physics at Border Lines. Lipari (IT), 01.05.21-01.05.24 ( WRD)]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) ME 385; GA ČR(CZ) GA202/01/0709; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1048102

090475 - UJF-V 20020013 IT eng C
Mukhamedzhanov, A. M. - Burjan, V. - Gagliardi, C. A. - Kroha, V. - Sattarov, A. - Tang, X. - Trache, L. - Tribble, R. E.
ANC and R-matrix Approach.Subthreshold Rezonances and Radiative Capture Reactions.
In: Proceedings of the International conference "Nuclear Physics at Border Lines". - IT, - 2001. - S. 69.
[Nuclear Physics at Border Lines. Lipari (IT), 01.05.21-01.05.24 ( WRD)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1048102

088504 - UJF-V 20010189 DE eng V
Mukherji, D. - Strunz, P. - Gilles, R. - Wiedenmann, A.
Determination of gamma` solution temperature in single-crystal Ni-base superalloy. Berlín, Berlín 2001. - 1 s.
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088178 - UJF-V 20010117 CZ eng I
Navrátil, P.
Ab initio shell model for light nuclei. Řež, NPI AS CR 2001. - 1 s. - (Biennial Report 1999-2000.).

085582 - UFCH-W 20010154 RIV NL eng J
Nebolová, P. - Špirková, J. - Peřina, V. - Jirka, I. - Mach, K. - Kuncová, G.
A Study of Preparation and Properties of Copper-Containing Optical Planar Glass Waveguides.
Solid State Ionics, 141-142, [-] 609-615 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/99/1391; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/99/0549
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z4040901
[Impact factor:0.772(91) 1.093(92) 0.989(93) 1.089(94) 1.287(95) 1.512(96) 1.225(97) 1.083(98) 1.439(99) 1.529(00) 1.534(01) 1,768(02) 1.599(03) ]

088107 - UJF-V 20010046 RIV NL eng J
Nebolová, P. - Špirková, J. - Peřina, V. - Jirka, I. - Mach, K. - Kuncová, G.
A study of the preparation and properties of copper-containing optical planar glass waveguides.
Solid State Ionics, 141, 609-615 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/96/0077; GA ČR(CZ) GV202/97/K038; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/99/1391; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010104
[Impact factor:0.772(91) 1.093(92) 0.989(93) 1.089(94) 1.287(95) 1.512(96) 1.225(97) 1.083(98) 1.439(99) 1.529(00) 1.534(01) 1,768(02) 1.599(03) ]

088518 - UJF-V 20010203 BE eng J
Nekvindová, P. - Špirková, J. - Vacík, J. - Červená, J. - Peřina, V. - Schrofel, J.
Importance of crystal structure of the substrate for diffusion technologies ofwaveguides fabrication.
International Journal of Organics Materials, 3, 1245-1247 (2001).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901
[Impact factor: 0.345(00) 0.986(01) 0,891(02) 1.198(03) ]

088078 - UJF-V 20010017 RIV DE eng J
Nekvindová, P. - Špirková-Hradilová, J. - Schröfel, J. - Peřina, V.
Erbium doping into lithium niobate and sapphire single crystal wafers.
Journal of Materials Research, 16 [2] 333-335 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/99/1391; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010104
[Impact factor:2.623(92) 2.077(93) 2.000(94) 1.761(95) 1.571(96) 1.588(97) 1.539(98) 1.574(99) 1.315(00) 1.539(01) 1,530(02) 1.635(03) ]

088515 - UJF-V 20010200 PL eng J
Neov, D. - Lukáš, P. - Černík, M. - Šittner, P.
Neutron diffraction analysis of solid phases transforming in CuAlZnMn shape memory alloy.
World Scientific, 2001, 251-254 (2001).
[Conference on applied crystallography (CAC) /18./. Katowice (PL), 00.09.04-00.09.07 (WRD)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1048107
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

090548 - UJF-V 20020097 RIV JP eng J
Ono, M. - Mikula, P. - Harjo, S. - Sawano, J.
Novel Three Stage Double Directional Focusing Neutron Monochromator.
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. A, 70, [-] 486-488 ( 2001).
[Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Advanced Science Research (ASR-2000). Tokai (JP), 00.10.31-00.11.02 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV202/97/K038; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1048003
[Impact factor:1.932(91) 1.881(92) 2.041(93) 1.920(94) 2.034(95) 2.351(96) 2.025(97) 2.338(98) 2.083(99) 1.943(00) 1.628(01) 1,596(02) 1.903(03) ]

088069 - UJF-V 20010008 RIV US eng J
Palchikov, Y. V. - Dobeš, J. - Jolos, R. V.
T = 0 and T = 1 pairing and the formation of four-particle correlated structures in the ground states of Y = N nuclei.
Physical Review. C - Nuclear Physics, 63, 034320-034326 (2001).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901
[Impact factor:1.873(92) 1.967(93) 1.842(94) 2.045(95) 1.993(96) 1.975(97) 2.308(98) 2.446(99) 2.384(00) 2.695(01) 2,848(02) 2.708(03) ]

099792 - FZU-D 20030216 RIV CZ eng J
Pavelka, M. - Jelínek, M. - Lančok, J. - Studnička, V. - Vorlíček, V. - Macková, A.
Waveguiding Nd:KGW films prepared by pulsed laser deposition.
Jemná mechanika a optika, 46 [11-12] 369-370 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1010110; GA MŠk(CZ) LN00A015
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901; CEZ:AV0Z1010914

078295 - FZU-D 20010164 RIV GB eng J
Petzelt, J. - Ostapchuk, T. - Gregora, I. - Hoffmann, S. - Lindner, J. - Rafaja, D. - Kamba, S. - Pokorný, J. - Bovtun, V. - Peřina, V.
Far infrared and raman spectroscopy of ferroelectric soft mode in SrTiO3 thin films and ceramics.
Integrated Ferroelectrics, 32, 11-20 (2001).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A02/98:Z1-010-914
[Impact factor: 1.307(99) 0.652(00) 0.512(01) 0,710(02) 0.608(03) ]

088222 - UJF-V 20010161 RIV NL eng J
Plakhty, V. P. - Maleyev, S. V. - Kulda, J. - Visser, E. D. - Wosnitza, J. - Moskvin, E. V. - Bruckel, T. - Kremer, R. K.
Spin chirality and polarised neutron scattering.
Physica. B, 297 [1/4] 60-66 (2001).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901
[Impact factor: 0.864(96) 0.991(97) 0.619(98) 0.725(99) 0.893(00) 0.663(01) 0,609(02) 0.908(03) ]

088219 - UJF-V 20010158 RIV US eng J
Plakhty, V. P. - Schweika, W. - Bruckel, T. - Kulda, J. - Gavrilov, S. V. - Regnault, L. P. - Visser, D.
Chiral criticality in helimagnet Ho studied by polarized neutron scattering.
Physical Review. B, 6410 [10] 0402-0404 (2001).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901
[Impact factor:3.535(91) 3.259(92) 3.159(93) 3.187(94) 2.834(95) 2.975(96) 2.880(97) 2.842(98) 3.008(99) 3.065(00) 3.070(01) ]

088162 - UJF-V 20010101 RIV DE eng J
Pospíšil, J. - Novák, R. - Sopko, B. - Spěváček, V. - Hlídek, P. - Matějka, P. - Macková, A. - Cejnarová, A. - Juha, L. - Krása, J.
Thermoluminescence of CVD diamond films used in photon dosimetry.
Physica Status Solidi. A - Applied Research, 185 [1] 195-202 ( 2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010104
[Impact factor:0.414(91) 0.492(92) 0.573(93) 0.596(94) 0.558(95) 0.547(96) 0.655(97) 0.782(98) 1.010(99) 1.035(00) 1.025(01) 0,979(02) 0.950(03) ]

088218 - UJF-V 20010157 RIV NL eng J
Prokes, K. - Sechovsky, V. - Bourdarot, F. - Burlet, P. - Kulda, J. - Menovsky, A.
Magnetic structure of a UNiAl single crystal under pressure.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 226, 1186-1187 ( 2001).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901
[Impact factor:1.132(91) 1.297(92) 1.313(93) 1.063(94) 1.208(95) 1.040(96) 0.778(97) 0.889(98) 1.195(99) 0.996(00) 1.329(01) 1,046(02) 0.910(03) ]

097087 - UACH-T 20023117 RIV PL eng C
Přikryl, R. - Ryndová, T. - Vejsada, J. - Jelínek, E. - Boháč, J. - Šebek, O. - Hradil, D. - Řanda, Z.
Tertiary montmorillonite-rich clays from the Cheb basin (Czech Republic): alternative backvill material in the nuclear waste disposal.
In: Mineral Deposits at the Beginning of the 21st Century. - Krakow, A. A. BALKEMA 2001. - S. 1055-1058.
[Mineral Deposits at the Beginning of the 21st Century. Krakow (CZ), 01.07.26-01.07.29 (WRD)]

088224 - UJF-V 20010163 RIV NL eng J
Roberts, T. W. - Humblot, H. - Tasset, F. - Lelievre-Berna, E. - Wildes, A. R. - Ivanov, A. - Petoukhov, A. K. - Regnault, L. P. - Hillier, A. D. - Kulda, J. - Stewart, J. R. - Thomas, M. - Malbert, P. - Jullien, D. - Gibert, Y. - Gay, R. - Bourgeat-Lami, E. - Chung, R.
The current statut of the He3 neutron spin filter (NSF) project at the ILL.
Physica. B, 297 [1/4] 282-287 (2001).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901
[Impact factor: 0.864(96) 0.991(97) 0.619(98) 0.725(99) 0.893(00) 0.663(01) 0,609(02) 0.908(03) ]

088137 - UJF-V 20010076 RU eng A
Roussel-Chomaz, P. - de Vismes, A. - Mittig, W. - Pakou, A. - Alamanos, N. - Angélique, J. C. - Auger, F. - Barrette, J. - Bauge, E. - Belozyorov, A. V. - Borcea, C. - Carstoiu, F. - Catford, W. - Cortina-Gil, M. D. - Delaroche, J. P. - Dlouhý, Z. - Gillibert, A. - Hirata, D. - Lapoux, V. - Lepine-Szily, A. - Lukyanov, S. M. - Marie, F. - Musumarra, A. - de Oliveira, F. - Orr, N. - Ottini, S. - Peniozhkevich, Y. - Sarazin, F. - Savajols, H. - Skobelev, N.
Interaction potential and reaction cross section of neutron rich nuclei on protons.
In: Book of Abstracts of the International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei "EXON-2001". - Dubna, JINR 2001. - S. 51.
[International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei "EXON-2001". Baikal Lake ( RU), 01.07.24-01.07.28 (WRD)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088081 - UJF-V 20010020 RIV US eng J
Roychoudhury, R. - Roy, P. - Znojil, M. - Levai, G.
Comprehensive analysis of conditionally exactly solvable models.
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 42 [5] 1996-2007 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1048004; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010104
[Impact factor:0.777(91) 0.880(92) 0.902(93) 0.969(94) 0.967(95) 1.048(96) 1.102(97) 1.019(98) 0.976(99) 1.008(00) 1.151(01) 1,387(02) 1.481(03) ]

083054 - UJF-V 20013069 HR eng A
Rulík, P. - Beckova, V. - Filgas, R. - Schlesingerová, E. - Holgy, Z. - Světlík, I.
Content of some radionuclides in the air of Czech Republic.
In: IRPA regional congress on radiation protection in the central Europe. - Dubrovník, IRPA regional congress, Dubrovník 2001 2001. - S. 107.
[IRPA Regional congress on radiation protection in central Europe. Radiation protection and health. Dubrovnik (HR), 01.05.20-01.05.25 ( EUR)]

088102 - UJF-V 20010041 RIV GB eng J
Ryšavý, M. - Dragoun, O.
K-shell, L-subshell, and total internal conversion coefficients for superheavy elements.
Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables, 78 [1] 129-160 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/00/1625
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901
[Impact factor: 2.500(99) 1.500(00) 3.194(01) 3,737(02) 4.629(03) ]

088083 - UJF-V 20010022 RIV HU eng J
Řanda, Z. - Kučera, J. - Soukal, L.
Possibilities of simultaneous determination of lead and thallium in environmental and biological samples by microtron photon activation analysis with radiochemical separation.
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 248 [1] 149-154 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV202/97/K038; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK4055109
[Impact factor:0.422(91) 0.471(92) 0.354(93) 0.613(94) 0.368(95) 0.244(96) 0.330(97) 0.291(98) 0.605(99) 0.488(00) 0.398(01) 0,502(02) 0.472(03) ]

088516 - UJF-V 20010201 SU eng J
Sarazin, F. - Savajols, H. - Mittig, W. - Nowacki, F. - Orr, N. A. - Ren, Z. - Roussel-Chomaz, P. - Auger, G. - Baiborodin, D. - Belozyorov, A. V. - Borcea, C. - Caurier, E. - Dlouhý, Z. - Gillibert, A. - Lalleman, A. S. - Lewitowicz, M. - Lukyanov, S. M. - de Oliveira, F. - Penionzhkevich, Y. E. - Ridikas, D. - Tarasov, O. - Sakurai, H. - de Vismes, A.
Shape coexistence and the N = 28 shell closure far from stability.
Hyperfine Interacitons, 132, 147-156 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1048102
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901
[Impact factor:0.369(91) 0.499(92) 0.393(93) 0.590(94) 0.353(95) 0.471(96) 0.948(97) 0.632(98) 0.715(99) 0.477(00) 0.634(01) 0,533(02) 0.440(03) ]

090466 - UJF-V 20020004 RU eng I
Sarazin, F. - Savajols, H. - Mittig, W. - Nowacki, F. - Orr, N. A. - Ren, Z. - Roussel-Chomaz, P. - Auger, G. - Baiborodine, D. - Belozyorov, A. V. - Borcea, C. - Caurier, E. - Dlouhý, Z. - Gillibert, A. - Lalleman, A. S. - Lewitowicz, M. - Lukyanov, S. M. - de Oliveira, F. - Penionzhkevich, Y. E. - Ridikas, D. - Sakurai, H. - Tarasov, O. - de Vismes, A.
Shape coexistence and the N = 28 shell closure far from stability. Dubna, JINR Dubna 2001. - 1 s.
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1048102; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1048102

088120 - UJF-V 20010059 RIV US eng J
Sauvan, E. - Marques, F. M. - Wilschut, H. W. - Orr, N. A. - Angelique, J. C. - Borcea, C. - Catford, W. N. - Clarke, N. M. - Descouvemont, P. - Diaz, J. - Grevy, S. - Kugler, A. - Kravchuk, A. - Labiche, M. - Le Brun, C. - Lienard, E. - Löhner, H. - Mittig, W. - Ostendorf, R. W. - Pietri, S. - Roussel-Chomaz, P. - Saint Laurent, M. G. - Savajols, H. - Wagner, V. - Yahlali, N.
Radiative proton capture on He-6.
Physical Review Letters, 8704 [4] 2501 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1048102
[Impact factor:7.290(91) 7.375(92) 7.111(93) 6.626(94) 6.297(95) 6.477(96) 6.140(97) 6.017(98) 6.095(99) 6.462(00) 6.668(01) 7,323(02) 7.035(03) ]

088512 - UJF-V 20010197 GB eng J
Schwarz, J. - Džumbová, L. - Kugler, A. - Smolík, J. - Hillamo, R. - Sillanpä, M. - Kerminen, V. M. - Šantroch, J. - Havránek, V.
Elemental mass size distribution of atmospheric aerosol in Prague.
Journal of Aerosol Science, 32 [1] 167-168 (2001).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901
[Impact factor:0.317(91) 0.213(92) 0.576(93) 1.597(94) 1.197(95) 1.168(96) 1.378(97) 1.508(98) 1.887(99) 2.071(00) 1.605(01) 1,895(02) 1.738(03) ]

087463 - UCHP-M 20013182 RIV DE eng C
Schwarz, J. - Džumbová, L. - Kugler, J. - Smolík, J. - Hillamo, R. - Sillanpää, M. - Kerminen, V. M. - Šantroch, J. - Havránek, V.
Elemental Mass Size Distribution of Atmospheric Aerosol in Prague.
In: Book of Abstracts. - -, - 2001. - S. S167-S168.
[European Aerosol Conference EAC 2001. Leipzig (DE), 01.09.03-01.09.07 (EUR)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z4072921

087457 - UCHP-M 20013176 RIV DE eng C
Schwarz, J. - Smolík, J. - Džumbová, L. - Veselý, V. - Sýkorová, I. - Kučera, J. - Havránek, V.
Particulate Emissions from Fluidized Bed Combustion of Lignite with and without Recirculation.
In: Book of Abstracts. - -, - 2001. - S. S27-S28.
[European Aerosol Conference EAC 2001. Leipzig (DE), 01.09.03-01.09.07 (EUR)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA104/00/1297; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2046904
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z4072921

078368 - FZU-D 20010294 RIV US eng J
Shaginyan, L. R. - Mišina, M. - Kadlec, S. - Jastrabík, L. - Macková, A. - Peřina, V.
Mechanizm of the film composition formation durind magnetron sputtering of WTi.
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology. A, 19 [5] 2554-2566 ( 2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV106/96/K245; GA ČR(CZ) GA106/99/D086
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1010914
[Impact factor:2.178(91) 2.154(92) 1.699(93) 1.771(94) 1.662(95) 1.613(96) 1.576(97) 1.612(98) 1.742(99) 1.569(00) 1.448(01) 1,301(02) 1.628(03) ]

088173 - UJF-V 20010112 RIV US eng J
Shagizan, L. R. - Misina, M. - Kadlec, S. - Jastrabik, L. - Macková, A. - Peřina, V.
Mechanism of the film composition formation during magnetron sputtering of WTi.
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology. A - Vacuum Surfaces and Films, 19 [5] 2554-2566 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV202/97/K038; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010104
[Impact factor:2.178(91) 2.154(92) 1.699(93) 1.771(94) 1.662(95) 1.613(96) 1.576(97) 1.612(98) 1.742(99) 1.569(00) 1.448(01) 1,301(02) 1.628(03) ]

087470 - UCHP-M 20013189 RIV DE eng C
Smolík, J. - Ždímal, V. - Eleftheriadis, K. - Havránek, V. - Lazaridis, M. - Colbeck, I. - Schwarz, J.
Mass and Elemental Size Distributions of Atmospheric Aerosol in the Mediterranean Area.
In: Book of Abstracts. - -, - 2001. - S. S147-S148.
[European Aerosol Conference EAC 2001. Leipzig (DE), 01.09.03-01.09.07 (EUR)]
Grant: XE(XC) EVK2-CT-1999-00052
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z4072921

101776 - UJF-V 20033020 RIV US eng J
Sonsky, J. - Hollander, R. - van Eijk, S. - Sarro, P. - Kouchpil, V.
Multi-anode sawtooth SDD for X-ray spectroscopy fabricated on NTD wafers.
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK2067107
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901
[Impact factor: 1.219(99) 1.060(00) 0.771(01) 1,431(02) 1.119(03) ]

088160 - UJF-V 20010099 IT eng A
Sorlin, O. - Leenhardt, S. - Donzaud, D. - Azaiez, F. - Amorini, F. - Astier, A. - Baiborodin, D. - Belleguic, M. - Bienczak, K. - Borgeois, C. - Borcea, C. - Dlouhý, Z. - Dombrádi, Z. - Dragulescu, E. - Duprat, J. - Gorska, M. - Grawe, H. - Grévy, S. - Guillemaud-Mueller, D. - Hagemann, G. - Herskind, B. - Kiener, J. - Lemmon, R. - Lewitowicz, M. - Pantalica, D. - Lukyanov, S. M. - Penionzhkevich, Y. E. - Mayet, P. - de Oliveira Santos, F. - Petizon, L. - Pougheon, F. - Redon, N. - Saint-Laurent, M. G. - Scarpaci, J. A. - Sletten, G. - Stanoiu, M. - Tarasov, O. - Theisen, C. - Cullen, D. M.
On the magicity of N=40 far-off stability.
In: Book of Abstracts of the International Conference "Nuclear Physics at Border Lines". - Lipari, INP 2001. - S. 103.
[International Conference "Nuclear Physics at Border Lines". Lipari (IT), 01.05.21-01.05.24 (WRD)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1048102
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

096436 - UJF-V 20020178 RIV JP eng C
Sotona, M. - Bydžovský, P. - Hashimoto, O. - Itonaga, K. - Motoba, T.
Electroproduction of Medium-Heavy Lambda-Hypernuclei.
In: Physics with GeV Electrons and Gamma-Rays. - Tohoku UNI, Universal Academy Press 2001. - S. 119.
[International Workshop on Physics with GeV Electrons and Gamma-rays.. Senda (JP), 01.02.13-01.02.15 (WRD)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1048102

104595 - UCHP-M 20030024 TN eng A
Spirková, J. - Nebolová, P. - Mach, K. - Macková, A. - Kuncová, G. - Langrová, A.
Copper Ion-Exchanged Optical Glass Waveguides.
In: Recueil Des Resumes. - -, - 2001. - S. B36.
[Les Matériaux et leurs Applications aux Dispositifs Capteurs Physiques, Chimiques et Biologiques MADICA 2001. Hammamet (TN), 01.10.29-01.10.31 (EUR)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/99/1391
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z3013912; CEZ:AV0Z4072921

083035 - UJF-V 20013049 HR eng A
Spurný, F.
Aircrew individual dosimetry-Czech experimental results and routine procedure.
In: IRPA Regional congress on radiation protection in central Europe. Radiation protection and health. Book of abstracts. - -, IRPA 2001. - S. 165.
[IRPA Regional congress on radiation protection in central Europe. Radiation protection and health. Dubrovnik (HR), 01.05.20-01.05.25 ( EUR)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/01/0710

083048 - UJF-V 20013063 RIV GB eng J
Spurný, F.
Radiation doses at high altitudes and during space flights.
Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 61 [3-6] 301-307 (2001).
Grant: EC project(XX) FIGM-CT2000-00068
[Impact factor:0.599(91) 0.477(92) 0.505(93) 0.395(94) 0.643(95) 0.526(96) 0.483(97) 0.463(98) 0.512(99) 0.565(00) 0.819(01) 0,738(02) 0.693(03) ]

083051 - UJF-V 20013066 CZ eng V
Spurný, F.
Progress report Jul 00 - Aug 01. DOSMAX. Praha, Oddělení dozimetrie záření ÚJF AV ČR 2001. - 24 s. - (Report DRD NPI AS CR 495/01.).
Grant: EC project(XX) FIGM-CT2000-00068; GA ČR(CZ) GA202/01/0710

083052 - UJF-V 20013067 CZ eng V
Spurný, F.
Equipment and detectors calibration at CERN-CERF high-energy reference fields-XIV. MDU-Liulin spectrometer 2000-2001. Praha, Oddělení dozimetrie záření ÚJF AV ČR 2001. - 10 s. - (Report DRD NPI AS CR 496/01.).

083053 - UJF-V 20013068 FR fre G
Spurný, F.
Exposition au rayonnement cosmique du personnel navigant etudes et pratique dosimetrique dans la Republique Tcheque. Francie, SFRP, Francie 2001. - 1 s.
[SFRP 2001. Congres national de radioprotection. Centre international de congres"Vinci". Tours (FR), 01.06.19-01.06.21 (EUR)]

083060 - UJF-V 20013076 SK eng G
Spurný, F.
Aircrew radiation dosimetry-last development. Demänovská dolina, - 2001. - 4 s.
[Days of radiation protection /24./. Demänovská dolina (SK), 01.11.26-01.11.29 (EUR)]

083076 - UJF-V 20013092 CZ cze J
Spurný, F.
13. Mezinárodní konference o dozimetrii pevnou fází.
Bezpečnost jaderné energie, 9 [9/10] 328-331 (2001).
[International conference on solid state dosimetry/13./. Athens (GR) , 01.07.09-01.07.13 (WRD)]

083047 - UJF-V 20013062 RIV GB eng J
Spurný, F. - Bamblevski, V. - Molokanov, A. G. - Vlček, B.
Dosimetric and microdosimetric characteristics of high energy proton beams.
Radiation Measurements, 34 [1-6] 527-531 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/01/0710; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK4055109
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.000(93) 0.000(94) 0.760(95) 0.452(96) 0.530(97) 3.109(98) 0.572(99) 0.638(00) 1.003(01) 0,974(02) 0.948(03) ]

083046 - UJF-V 20013061 RIV GB eng J
Spurný, F. - Bottollier-Depois, J. F. - Vlček, B.
Spectrometry of the let LET with track etched detectors-correlation with proportional counter measured spectra.
Radiation Measurements, 32 [1-6] 193-197 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/01/0710; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010104
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.000(93) 0.000(94) 0.760(95) 0.452(96) 0.530(97) 3.109(98) 0.572(99) 0.638(00) 1.003(01) 0,974(02) 0.948(03) ]

083050 - UJF-V 20013065 RIV GB eng J
Spurný, F. - Dachev, T.
Measurements in an aircraft during an intense solar flare, ground level event 60, on April 15, 2001.
Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 95 [3] 273-275 (2001).
Grant: EC project(XX) FIGM-CT2000-00068; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010104
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901
[Impact factor:0.242(91) 0.231(92) 0.148(93) 0.241(94) 0.289(95) 0.412(96) 0.552(97) 0.534(98) 0.582(99) 0.581(00) 0.768(01) 0,555(02) 0.617(03) ]

083058 - UJF-V 20013074 RIV SK eng G
Spurný, F. - Dačev, C.
Semiconductor spectrometer for radiation protection. Demänovská dolina, - 2001. - 4 s.
[Days of radiation protection /24./. Demänovská dolina (SK), 01.11.26-01.11.29 (EUR)]

083043 - UJF-V 20013058 GR eng A
Spurný, F. - Datchev, T.
Air crew onboard dosimetry with a semiconductor spectrometer.
In: The 13th International conference on solid state dosimetry. - -, - 2001. - S. 52.
[International conference on solid state dosimetry /13./. Athens ( GR), 01.07.09-01.07.13 (WRD)]
Grant: EC project(XX) FIGM-CT2000-00068; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010104
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

083044 - UJF-V 20013059 HR eng A
Spurný, F. - Datchev, T. - Turek, K.
Development of experimental microdosimetry methods and their use for radiation protection.
In: IRPA Regional congress on radiation protection in central Europe. Radiation protection and health. Book of abstracts. - -, IRPA 2001. - S. 173.
[IRPA Regional congress on radiation protection in central Europe. Radiation protection and health. Dubrovnik (HR), 01.05.20-01.05.25 ( EUR)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/01/0710

083036 - UJF-V 20013051 GR eng A
Spurný, F. - Dudkin, V. E.
Microdosimetry on the board of MIR station by means of a linear energy transfer specrometer.
In: The 13th International conference on solid state dosimetry. - -, - 2001. - S. 45.
[International conference on solid state dosimetry /13./. Athens ( GR), 01.07.09-01.07.13 (WRD)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010104
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

083042 - UJF-V 20013057 RIV FR eng G
Spurný, F. - Dudkin, V. E.
Linear energy transfer spectra of secondary particles and their dosimetry characteristics measured on board of mir station between 1997 and 2000. Lyon, CNES-centre national d´etudes spatiales 2001. - 6 s.
[Symposium international. Lyon (FR), 01.03.19-01.03.21 (WRD)]

083045 - UJF-V 20013060 CZ eng V
Spurný, F. - Lenev, C. - Guelev, M.
Comparison of environmental radiation dose rate meters at some localities on the teritory of INRNE Sofia. Praha, Oddělení dozimetrie záření ÚJF AV ČR 2001. - 6 s. - (Report DRD NPI AS CR 494/01.).

083041 - UJF-V 20013056 FR fre J
Spurný, F. - Makovicka, L.
Coopération et activités communes SFRP - SOZ tcheque, 1997-2000.
Radioprotection, 36 [2] 224-225 (2001).

083049 - UJF-V 20013064 RIV GB eng J
Spurný, F. - Molokanov, A. V. - Vlček, B.
Spectrometry of linear energy transfer with track etched detectors.
Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 61 [3-6] 519-520 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/01/0710; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010104
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901
[Impact factor:0.599(91) 0.477(92) 0.505(93) 0.395(94) 0.643(95) 0.526(96) 0.483(97) 0.463(98) 0.512(99) 0.565(00) 0.819(01) 0,738(02) 0.693(03) ]

083062 - UJF-V 20013078 CZ eng V
Spurný, F. - Vlček, B. - Bottollier-Depois, J. F. - Trompier, F.
Evaluation of Al2O3: TLD's and exposed together with biological objects. Praha, Oddělení dozimetrie záření ÚJF AV ČR 2001. - 6 s. - (Report DRD NPI AS CR 497/01.).

083063 - UJF-V 20013079 CZ eng V
Spurný, F. - Vlček, B. - Bottollier-Depois, J. F. - Gaillard-Lecanuet, E.
Evaluation of TLD's and PADC LET spectrometer long-term exposed at Antarctide. Praha, Oddělení dozimetrie záření ÚJF AV ČR 2001. - 6 s. - (Report DRD NPI AS CR 498/01.).

083069 - UJF-V 20013085 CZ eng V
Spurný, F. - Vlček, B. - Wagner, R.
Dosimetry characteristics of an intermediated neutron beam for BNCT-result of DRD in the frame of comparison with INP and MIT. Praha, Oddělení dozimetrie záření ÚJF AV ČR 2001. - 12 s. - (Report DRD NPI AS CR 499/01.).

083070 - UJF-V 20013086 CZ eng V
Spurný, F. - Wagner, R. - Vlček, B.
Calibration measurements for fast neutron and BNCT radiotherapy. Praha, Oddělení dozimetrie záření ÚJF AV ČR 2001. - 6 s. - (Report DRD NPI AS CR 500/01.).

088116 - UJF-V 20010055 US eng A
Stanoiu, M. - Azaiez, F. - Becker, F. - Bellequic, M. - Borcea, C. - Dlouhý, Z. - Bourgeois, C. - Fulop, Z. - Grevy, S. - Krasznahorkay, A. - Lewitowicz, M. - Lukyanov, S. - Mayer, P. - Mrázek, J. - Mandal, S. - Negoita, H. - Penionyhkevich, Y. E. - Podolyak, Z. - Roussel-Chomaz, P. - Saint Laourent, M. G. - Savajols, H. - Sorlin, O. - Sletten, G. - Sohler, D. - Timar, J. - Timis, C. - Yamamoto, A.
Gamma spectroscopy of the last bound oxygen isotopes.
In: Abstracts of the International Nuclear Physics Conference "Nuclear Physics in the 21st Century. - Berkeley, University of California 2001. - S. 657.
[INPC 2001 "Nuclear Physics in the 21st Century". Berkeley (US), 01.07.30-01.08.03 (WRD)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088494 - UJF-V 20010179 NL eng J
Strunz, P. - Lukáš, P. - Neov, D.
Data Evaluation Procedure for High-resolution Neutron Diffraction Methods.
Journal of Neutron Research, 9, 99-106 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV202/97/K038
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088171 - UJF-V 20010110 RIV DK eng J
Strunz, P. - Mukherji, D. - Gilles, R. - Widenmann, A. - Fuess, H.
Determination of gamma solution temperature in Re-rich Ni-base superalloy by small-angle neutron scattering.
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 34, 541-548 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV202/97/K038; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010104
[Impact factor:1.804(91) 1.513(92) 2.308(93) 1.951(94) 2.497(95) 2.471(96) 1.988(97) 1.569(98) 1.901(99) 1.752(00) 2.583(01) 1,871(02) 2.324(03) ]

088199 - UJF-V 20010138 CZ eng I
Strunz, P. - Zrník, J.
Transformed-model-fitting procedure for evaluation of small-angle neutron scattering data from Ni-base superalloys. Řež, NPI AS CR 2001. - 1 s. - (Biennial Report 1999-2000.).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088513 - UJF-V 20010198 DE eng C
Strunz, P. - Zrník, J.
Small-angle neutron scattering investigation of Microstructural changes in long-time thermally exposed Ni-base superalloy EI698VD.
In: EUROMAT 2001. - Rimini, Associazione Italiana Di Metallurgia 2001. - S. 84.
[Conference EUROMAT 2001.. Rimini (IT), 01.07.10-01.07.14 (WRD)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

083055 - UJF-V 20013070 RIV CZ cze J
Světlík, I. - Budská, E.
Sledování obsahu tritia ve srážkových vodách.
Bezpečnost jaderné energie, 9 [7/8] 251-254 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK4055109
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

083059 - UJF-V 20013075 RIV SK eng G
Světlík, I. - Michálek, V. - Rulík, P. - Tomášková, L.
Monitoring of carbon 14 in atmospheric carbon dioxide. Demänovská dolina, - 2001. - 4 s.
[Days of radiation protection /24./. Demänovská dolina (SK), 01.11.26-01.11.29 (EUR)]

083072 - UJF-V 20013088 SK cze C
Světlík, I. - Sedlářová, B.
Radiochemické metody ve vodohospodářských laboratořích - připomínky, doporučení, náměty.
In: Konzultační dny pro pracovníky vodohospodářských radiochemických laboratoří. - Nový Smokovec, - 2001. - S. -.
[Konzultační dny pro pracovníky vodohospodářských radiochemických laboratoří. Nový Smokovec (SK), 01.09.24-01.09.28 (EUR)]

081500 - USMH-B 20010116 RIV US eng C
Sýkorová, I. - Vašíček, M. - Smolík, J. - Džumbová, L. - Machovič, V. - Kučera, J. - Havránek, V.
Solid emissions from the atmospheric fluidized bed combustion of lignite.
In: Exploring the Horizons of Coal - Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Coal Science. - US, National Energy Technology Laboratory 2001. - S. 1-4.
[International Conference on Coal Science/11./. San Francisko (US), 01.09.30-01.10.05 (WRD)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2046904; GA ČR(CZ) GA104/00/1297
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z3046908

107947 - UJF-V 20033158 RIV NL eng J
Szeglowski, Z. - Lien, D. - Timokhin, S. - Yakushev, A. - Zvára, I.
Fast and continuous isolation of short-lived mercury isotopes from diluted sulphuric acid solution.
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901
[Impact factor:0.422(91) 0.471(92) 0.354(93) 0.613(94) 0.368(95) 0.244(96) 0.330(97) 0.291(98) 0.605(99) 0.488(00) 0.398(01) 0,502(02) 0.472(03) ]

088501 - UJF-V 20010186 DE eng V
Šaroun, J. - Kočík, J. - Šaroun, J. - Strunz, P.
SANS Study of Radiation-Induced Defects in Neutron Irradiated RPV Steels. Berlín, Berlín 2001. - 1 s.
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088196 - UJF-V 20010135 CZ eng I
Šaroun, J. - Ryukhtin, V. - Strunz, P. - Harjo, S. - Harjo, S. - Motohashi, Y.
Neutron scattering study of cavitation in superplastic 3Y-TZP ceramics. Řež, NPI AS CR 2001. - 2 s. - (Biennial Report 1999-2000.).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088139 - UJF-V 20010078 RIV NL eng J
Šauli, V. - Adam, J.
Solving the Schwinger-Dyson equation for a scalar propagator in Minkowski space.
Nuclear Physics. A, 689 [1/2] 467C-470C (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/00/1669
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901
[Impact factor:1.830(91) 1.936(92) 1.746(93) 1.821(94) 2.157(95) 1.825(96) 1.988(97) 2.595(98) 2.088(99) 1.854(00) 2.074(01) 1,568(02) 1.761(03) ]

088074 - UJF-V 20010013 RIV US eng J
Šeba, P. - Exner, P. - Pichugin, K. N. - Vyhnal, A. - Středa, P.
Two-component interference effect: Model of a spin-polarized transport.
Physical Review Letters, 86 [8] 1598-1601 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/98/0085; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1048804
[Impact factor:7.290(91) 7.375(92) 7.111(93) 6.626(94) 6.297(95) 6.477(96) 6.140(97) 6.017(98) 6.095(99) 6.462(00) 6.668(01) 7,323(02) 7.035(03) ]

088185 - UJF-V 20010124 CZ eng I
Šeba, P. - Exner, P. - Pičugin, K. N. - Vyhnal, A. - Středa, P.
A mechanism of spin conductance oscillations. Řež, NPI AS CR 2001. - 1 s. - (Biennial Report 1999-2000.).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

078455 - FZU-D 20010224 RIV US eng J
Šeba, P. - Exner, P. - Pichugin, K. - Vyhnal, A. - Středa, P.
Two-component interference effect: model of a spin-polarized transport.
Physical Rewiev Letters, 86 [8] 1598-1601 (2001).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A02/98:Z1-010-914
[Impact factor:7.290(91) 7.375(92) 7.111(93) 6.626(94) 6.297(95) 6.477(96) 6.140(97) 6.017(98) 6.095(99) 6.462(00) 6.668(01) 7,323(02) 7.035(03) ]

088522 - UJF-V 20010207 RIV FR eng J
Šittner, P. - Lukáš, P. - Daymond, M. R. - Novák, V. - Swallowe, G. M.
Stress induced martensitic transformation in CuAlZnMn polycrystals investigated by in situ neutron diffraction.
Journal de Physique. IV France, 11, 159-166 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1048107; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010104
[Impact factor:0.060(92) 0.138(93) 0.115(94) 0.248(95) 0.186(96) 0.247(97) 0.252(98) 0.381(99) 0.299(00) 0.401(01) 0,291(02) 0.319(03) ]

088521 - UJF-V 20010206 RIV NL eng J
Šittner, P. - Lukáš, P. - Novák, V. - Neov, D. - Ceretti, M.
In situ neutron diffraction study of stresses generated by shape memory alloys.
Journal of Neutron Research, 9, 79-86 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1048107; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010104

090396 - FZU-D 20020163 RIV FR eng J
Šittner, P. - Lukáš, P. - Daymond, M. R. - Novák, V. - Swallowe, G. M.
Stress induced martensitic transformation in CuAlZnMn polycrystals investigated by in situ neutron diffraction.
Journal de Physique. IV, 11, Pr8-159-Pr8-166 (2001).
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) ME 186; GA ČR(CZ) GV202/97/K038; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1010909
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1010914
[Impact factor:0.060(92) 0.138(93) 0.115(94) 0.248(95) 0.186(96) 0.247(97) 0.252(98) 0.381(99) 0.299(00) 0.401(01) 0,291(02) 0.319(03) ]

090412 - FZU-D 20020179 RIV GB eng J
Šittner, P. - Lukáš, P. - Novák, V. - Neov, D. - Ceretti, M.
IN SITU neutron diffraction study of stresses generated by shape memory alloys.
Journal of Neutron Reasearch, 9, 143-150 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1048107; GA ČR(CZ) GV202/97/K038
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1010914

090428 - FZU-D 20020196 RIV JP eng C
Šittner, P. - Novák, V. - Neov, D. - Lukáš, P.
Load partition in shape memory alloy polycrystals.
In: Mechanical Properties of Advanced Engineering Materials. - (Ed. Tokuda, M.; Xu, B.). - Kamihama, Mie University Press 2001. - S. 35-45.
[International Symposium on Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of New Engineering Materials /5./. Mie University, Tsu ( JP), 01.05.27-01.05.31 (WRD)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1048107; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1010909; GA ČR(CZ) GV202/97/K038
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1010914

088164 - UJF-V 20010103 RIV PT eng C
Špalek, A. - Dragoun, O.
Monte Carlo simulation of the conversion electron scattering in targets for the synthesis of superheavy elements.
In: Proceedings of the Conference Advanced Monte Carlo for Radiation Physics. Particle Transport Simulation and Applications. - (Ed. Kling, A.). - Berlin, Springer 2001. - S. 431-436.
[Conference Advanced Monte Carlo for Radiation Physics. Particle Transport Simulation and Applications.. Lisbon (PT), 00.10.23-00.10.26 (EUR)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088128 - UJF-V 20010067 RIV US eng J
Šperlingová, I. - Dabrowská, L. - Tichý, M. - Kučera, J.
Problems of traceability of total protein and catecholamine determinations in human urine.
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 6 [7] 302-305 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV202/97/K038; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK4055109
[Impact factor: 0.924(99) 0.894(00) 0.818(01) 0,658(02) 0.637(03) ]

088072 - UJF-V 20010011 RIV NL eng J
Špirková-Hradilová, J. - Nekvindová, P. - Vacík, J. - Červená, J. - Schröfel, J.
The possibility of tailoring the n(e) vs c(Li) relationship in lithium niobate optical waveguides.
Optical Materials, 15 [4] 269-278 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/99/1391; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010104
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.000(93) 1.086(94) 0.735(95) 0.988(96) 0.716(97) 0.823(98) 1.293(99) 1.165(00) 1.299(01) 0,879(02) 1.623(03) ]

083919 - UFA-U 20010119 RIV CZ cze J
Štekl, J. - Hošek, J.
Přesnost metod VAS a WasP pro určení zásob větrné energie.
Větrná energie, 8 [1] 2-4 (2001).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z3042911

083920 - UFA-U 20010120 RIV CZ cze J
Štekl, J. - Hošek, J.
Rychlost větru v oblasti atmosférických front z hlediska větrné energetiky. VĄtrnb energie, 2001, F. 14, s. 7-10.
Větrná energie, 8 [1] 7-10 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA205/01/1067
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z3042911

088215 - UJF-V 20010154 CZ eng I
Štursa, J. - Jiran, R. - Dobiáš, F.
Preparation of radioactive Palmaz-Schatz stents for vascular brachytherapy. Řež, NPI AS CR 2001. - 2 s. - (Biennial Report 1999-2000.).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088213 - UJF-V 20010152 CZ eng I
Štursa, J. - Kroulík, J.
Utilization of the cyclotron U-120 M. Řež, NPI AS CR 2001. - 2 s. - (Biennial Report 1999-2000.).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088214 - UJF-V 20010153 CZ eng I
Štursa, J. - Kučera, J. - Šváb, P.
Accelerated H.sup.- beam losses at the cyclotron U-120M as a function of the vacuum Quality. Řež, NPI AS CR 2001. - 1 s. - (Biennial Report 1999-2000.).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

086482 - UACH-T 20013138 RIV NL eng J
Švorčík, V. - Hnatowicz, V. - Stopka, P. - Bačáková, L. - Heitz, J. - Ochsner, R. - Ryssel, H.
Amino acids grafting of Ar+ ions modified PE.
Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 60 [1-2] 89-93 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7011908; GA MŠk(CZ) ME 393
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z4032918
[Impact factor:0.599(91) 0.477(92) 0.505(93) 0.395(94) 0.643(95) 0.526(96) 0.483(97) 0.463(98) 0.512(99) 0.565(00) 0.819(01) 0,738(02) 0.693(03) ]

088064 - UJF-V 20010003 RIV GB eng J
Švorčík, V. - Hnatowicz, V. - Stopka, P. - Bačáková, L.
Aminoacids grafting of Ar ions modified PE.
Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 60 [1/2] 89-93 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7011908; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010104
[Impact factor:0.599(91) 0.477(92) 0.505(93) 0.395(94) 0.643(95) 0.526(96) 0.483(97) 0.463(98) 0.512(99) 0.565(00) 0.819(01) 0,738(02) 0.693(03) ]

086460 - UACH-T 20013116 RIV US eng J
Švorčík, V. - Králová, J. - Rybka, V. - Plešek, J. - Červená, J. - Hnatowicz, V.
Temperature Dependence of the Permittivity of Polymer Composites.
Journal of Polymer Science: Part B: Polymer Physics, 39 [8] 831-834 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/01/1324; GA ČR(CZ) GA203/99/1626; GA AV ČR (CZ) IAA7011908
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z4032918
[Impact factor:1.332(91) 1.526(92) 1.503(93) 1.350(94) 1.236(95) 1.423(96) 1.327(97) 1.031(98) 1.265(99) 1.268(00) 1.180(01) 1,221(02) 1.369(03) ]

088089 - UJF-V 20010028 RIV US eng J
Švorčík, V. - Králová, J. - Rybka, V. - Plešek, J. - Červená, J. - Hnatowicz, V.
Temperature dependence of the permitivity of polymer composites.
Journal of Polymer Science. B - Polymer Physics, 39 [8] 831-834 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7011908; GA ČR(CZ) GA203/99/1626; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/01/1324; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010104
[Impact factor:1.332(91) 1.526(92) 1.503(93) 1.350(94) 1.236(95) 1.423(96) 1.327(97) 1.031(98) 1.265(99) 1.268(00) 1.180(01) 1,221(02) 1.369(03) ]

101812 - UJF-V 20033076 RIV GB eng J
Taraněnko, L. - Janouch, F. - Owsiacki, L.
Contributions to nuclear safety and radiation technologies in Ukraine by the Science and Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU).
RADIATION PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY, 61 [3/6] 795-796 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK2067107
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901
[Impact factor:0.599(91) 0.477(92) 0.505(93) 0.395(94) 0.643(95) 0.526(96) 0.483(97) 0.463(98) 0.512(99) 0.565(00) 0.819(01) 0,738(02) 0.693(03) ]

088103 - UJF-V 20010042 RIV CZ eng J
Thiamová, G.
Shape coexistence in Se-74.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 51 [6] 553-556 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1048102
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

101849 - UJF-V 20033116 RIV CZ eng J
Thiamová, G.
Shape coexistence in 74Se.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 51 [6] 553-556 (2001).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

088091 - UJF-V 20010030 RIV SE eng J
Thiamová, G. - van Isacker, P.
Shape coexistence in the platinum isotopes.
Physica Scripta, 61, 1-3 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1048102
[Impact factor:0.839(91) 0.878(92) 0.000(93) 0.991(94) 1.052(95) 0.827(96) 0.762(97) 0.674(98) 0.663(99) 0,748(02) 0.688(03) ]

101848 - UJF-V 20033115 RIV SE eng J
Thiamová, G. - Van Isacker, P.
Shape coexistence in the platinum isotopes.
Physica Scripta, 64 [1] 23-25 (2001).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901
[Impact factor:0.839(91) 0.878(92) 0.000(93) 0.991(94) 1.052(95)0.827(96) 0.762(97) 0.674(98) 0.663(99) 0,748(02) 0.688(03) ]

088085 - UJF-V 20010024 RIV US eng J
Tokarev, M. V. - Panebratsev, Y. A. - Zborovský, I. - Skoro, G. P.
A-dependence of z-scaling.
International Journal of Modern Physics. A, 16 [7] 1281-1301 ( 2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1048703; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1048102
[Impact factor:1.618(91) 1.369(92) 1.046(93) 1.519(94) 1.690(95) 1.593(96) 1.586(97) 1.428(98) 1.189(99) 1.338(00) 1.541(01) 1,151(02) 0.906(03) ]

088093 - UJF-V 20010032 NL eng C
Tribble, R. E. - Azhari, A. - Bém, P. - Burjan, V. - Carstoiu, F. - Cejpek, J. - Clark, H. L. - Gagliardi, C. A. - Kroha, V. - Lui, Y. W. - Mukhamedzhanov, A. M. - Piskoř, Š. - Sattarov, A. - Šimečková, E. - Tang, X. - Trache, L. - Vincour, J.
Astrophysical S factors from asymptotic normalization coefficients.
In: Proceedings of NATO Institute Summer School. - Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers 2001. - S. 317.
[NATO Institute Summer School. Predeal (RO), 00.08.28-00.09.08 (WRD)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

090473 - UJF-V 20020011 IT eng C
Tribble, R. E. - Azhari, A. - Bém, P. - Burjan, V. - Carstoiu, F. - Cejpek, J. - Clark, H. - Gagliardi, C. A. - Kroha, V. - Lui, Y. W.
Astrophysical S faktors from Asymptotic Normalization Coefficients.
In: Proceedings of the International conference "Nuclear Physics at Border Lines". - Lipari, - 2001. - S. 340.
[Interantional conference "Nuclear Physics at Border Lines ". Lipary (IT), 01.05.21-01.05.24 (WRD)]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) ME 385; GA ČR(CZ) GA202/01/0709; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1048102

088497 - UJF-V 20010182 DE eng V
Triolo, A. - Strunz, P.
SANS from Aqueous Solutions of Block Copolymers: Providing a Structural model. Berlín, Berlín 2001. - 1 s.
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

083057 - UJF-V 20013073 RIV SK eng G
Trousil, J. - Spurný, F. - Králík, M. - Zelenka, Z.
New developments of Czech personnel neutron dosemeter and its application. Demänovská dolina, - 2001. - 4 s.
[Days of radiation protection/24./. Demänovská dolina (SK), 01.11.26-01.11.29 (EUR)]

083040 - UJF-V 20013055 RIV CZ cze J
Trousil, J. - Zelenka, Z. - Spurný, F.
K využití albedo dozimetrů v Jaderné elektrárně Dukovany.
Bezpečnost jaderné energie, 9 [7/8] 247-250 (2001).

090582 - UJF-V 20020131 RIV US eng C
Truhlík, E.
Pion Electroproduction Amplitude at Threshold and Nucleon Weak Axial Form Factors.
In: Proceedings of the Conference of the Mesons and Light Nuclei /8./. - (Ed. Adam, J.; Bydžovský, P.; Mareš, J.). - Melville, American Institute of Physics 2001. - S. 539-542.
[Conference of the Mesons and Light Nuclei /8./. Prague (CZ), 01.07.02-01.07.06 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/00/1669

088066 - UJF-V 20010005 RIV NL eng J
Truhlík, E. - Khanna, F. C.
Lepton U(1) symmetry and interaction of neutrinos with deuterons at high energies.
Nuclear Physics. A, 684, 481c-483c (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/00/1669
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901
[Impact factor:1.830(91) 1.936(92) 1.746(93) 1.821(94) 2.157(95) 1.825(96) 1.988(97) 2.595(98) 2.088(99) 1.854(00) 2.074(01) 1,568(02) 1.761(03) ]

090581 - UJF-V 20020130 RIV US eng C
Truhlík, E. - Khanna, F. C.
On Radiative Muon Capture in Hydrogen.
In: Proceedings of the Conference of the Mesons and Light Nuclei /8./. - (Ed. Adam, J.; Bydžovský, P.; Mareš, J.). - Melville, American Institute of Physics 2001. - S. 535-538.
[Conference of the Mesons and Light Nuclei /8./. Prague (CZ), 01.07.02-01.07.06 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/00/1669

088123 - UJF-V 20010062 RIV NL eng J
Truhlík, E. - Smejkal, J. - Khanna, F. C.
Electromagnetic isoscalar rho pi gamma exchange current and the anomalous action.
Nuclear Physics. A, 689 [3/4] 741-752 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/00/1669
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901
[Impact factor:1.830(91) 1.936(92) 1.746(93) 1.821(94) 2.157(95) 1.825(96) 1.988(97) 2.595(98) 2.088(99) 1.854(00) 2.074(01) 1,568(02) 1.761(03) ]

090580 - UJF-V 20020129 US eng C
Truhlík, E. - Smejkal, J. - Khanna, F. C.
Electromagnetic Isoscalar Exchange Current and the Anomalous Action.
In: Proceedings of the Conference of the Mesons and Light Nuclei /8./. - (Ed. Adam, J.; Bydžovský, P.; Mareš, J.). - Melville, American Institute of Physics 2001. - S. 311-314.
[Conference of the Mesons and Light Nuclei /8./. Prague (CZ), 01.07.02-01.07.06 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/00/1669

083056 - UJF-V 20013071 RIV GB eng J
Turek, K. - Dajkó, G.
Comparison of experimental and calculated responses of CR-39 to neutron spectra of Am-Be and 252Cf sources.
Radiation Measurements, 34 [1-6] 625-628 (2001).
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.000(93) 0.000(94) 0.760(95) 0.452(96) 0.530(97) 3.109(98) 0.572(99) 0.638(00) 1.003(01) 0,974(02) 0.948(03) ]

083068 - UJF-V 20013084 CZ eng V
Turek, K. - Spurný, F. - Lenev, C. - Guelev, M.
Environmental radiation external exposure at some Bulgarian localities. Praha, Oddělení dozimetrie záření ÚJF AV ČR 2001. - 6 s. - (Report DRD NPI AS CR 490/01.).

088500 - UJF-V 20010185 DE eng V
Ulbricht, A. - Strunz, P.
Evalution of Irradiation Embrittlement of VVER-1000 Reactor Pressure Vessels (RPVs). Berlín, Berlín 2001. - 1 s.
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088175 - UJF-V 20010114 RIV NL eng J
Urciuoli, G. M. - Brindza, P. - Bydžovský, P. - Chang, C. C. - Cisbani, E. - Cusanno, F. - de Leo, R. - Frullani, S. - Garibaldi, F. - Iodice, M. - Lagambe, L. - Lassiter, S. - le Rose, J. J. - Markowitz, P. - Sotona, M.
Electroproduction of hypernuclei: an experimental challenge.
Nuclear Physics. A, 691 [1/2] 43C-50C (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1048102
[Impact factor:1.830(91) 1.936(92) 1.746(93) 1.821(94) 2.157(95) 1.825(96) 1.988(97) 2.595(98) 2.088(99) 1.854(00) 2.074(01) 1,568(02) 1.761(03) ]

088109 - UJF-V 20010048 RIV US eng J
Vacík, J. - Hnatowicz, V. - Červená, J. - Naramoto, H. - Yamamoto, S. - Fink, D.
Energy loss and energy straggling of light ions in fullerite.
Fullerene Science and Technology, 9 [2] 197-209 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/96/0077; GA ČR(CZ) GV202/97/K038; GA AV ČR (CZ) KSK1010104
[Impact factor: 1.000(99) 0.846(00) 0.800(01) 0,896(02) 0.918(03) ]

088073 - UJF-V 20010012 RIV NL eng J
Vacík, J. - Naramoto, H. - Červená, J. - Hnatowicz, V. - Peka, I. - Fink, D.
Absorption of molten fluoride salts in glassy carbon, pyrographite and Hastelloy B.
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 289 [3] 308-314 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/96/0077; GA ČR(CZ) GV202/97/K038; GA AV ČR (CZ) KSK1010104
[Impact factor:0.963(91) 1.561(92) 0.727(93) 1.264(94) 0.783(95) 1.306(96) 1.077(97) 1.177(98) 1.201(99) 1.241(00) 1.366(01) 1,730(02) 1.179(03) ]

088131 - UJF-V 20010070 RIV US eng J
Vacík, J. - Naramoto, H. - Narumi, K. - Yamamoto, S. - Miyashita, K.
Pattern formation induced by co-deposition of Ni and C-60 on MgO(100).
Journal of Chemical Physics, 114 [20] 9115-9119 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010104
[Impact factor:3.568(91) 3.433(92) 3.615(93) 3.635(94) 3.610(95) 3.516(96) 3.247(97) 3.147(98) 3.289(99) 3.301(00) 3.147(01) 2,998(02) 2.950(03) ]

088505 - UJF-V 20010190 DE eng V
van Dijk, N. H. - Offerman, S. E. - van der Zwaag, S. - Sietsma, J. - Strunz, P.
NbC precipitatesin Fe70Ni30. Berlín, Berlín 2001. - 1 s.
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088122 - UJF-V 20010061 RIV US eng J
Varga, K. - Navrátil, P. - Usukura, J. - Suzuki, Y.
Stochastic variational approach to few-electron artificial atoms.
Physical Review. B, 6320 [20] 5308 (2001).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901
[Impact factor:3.535(91) 3.259(92) 3.159(93) 3.187(94) 2.834(95) 2.975(96) 2.880(97) 2.842(98) 3.008(99) 3.065(00) 3.070(01) ]

088235 - UJF-V 20010174 CZ eng I
Vénos, D. - Severijns, N. - Zákoucký, D.
Spin-lattice relaxation reduction coefficents for on-line nuclear orientation experiments. Řež, UJF AV ČR 2001. - 85 s. - (Report NPI Řež.; EXP-04/2001.).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/99/0154
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088150 - UJF-V 20010089 RU eng A
Venos, D. - Zákoucký, D. - Schuurmans, P. - Versyck, S. - Beck, M. - Delauré, B. - Phalet, T. - Severijns, N. - Vereecke, B. - Srnka, D.
Isospin mixing in A.sub.s .sup.71 from angular distribution of beta particles.
In: Tezisy dokladov Soveschania po jadernoj spektroskopii i strukture atomnogo jadra /51./. - Sarov, Russian Federal Nuclear Center 2001. - S. 142-143.
[Soveschanie po jadernoj spektroskopii i strukture atomnogo jadra /51./. Sarov (RU), 01.09.03-01.09.08 (EUR)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088153 - UJF-V 20010092 RU eng A
Venos, D. - Zákoucký, D. - Schuurmans, P. - Severijns, N. - Srnka, D.
Spin-lattice relaxation reduction coefficients for on-line nuclear orientation experiments.
In: Tezisy dokladov Soveschania po jadernoj spektroskopii i strukture atomnogo jadra /51./. - Sarov, Russian Federal Nuclear Center 2001. - S. 255.
[Soveschanie po jadernoj spektroskopii i strukture atomnogo jadra /51./. Sarov (RU), 01.09.03-01.09.08 (EUR)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088192 - UJF-V 20010131 CZ eng I
Vénos, D. - Zákoucký, D. - Srnka, D. - Phalet, T. - Severijns, N. - Schuurmans, P. - Vereecke, B. - Versyck, S.
Low temperature nuclear orientation experiments at ISOLDE (CERN) and LISOL (LEUVEN). Řež, NPI AS CR 2001. - 2 s. - (Biennial Report 1999-2000.).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088084 - UJF-V 20010023 RIV GB eng J
Vesely, J. - Majer, V. - Kučera, J. - Havránek, V.
Solid-water partitioning of elements in Czech freshwaters.
Applied Geochemistry, 16 [4] 437-450 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV202/97/K038; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK4055109
[Impact factor: 0.914(99) 1.092(00) 1.320(01) 1,454(02) 1.804(03) ]

088236 - UJF-V 20010175 RIV CZ cze B
Vlček, E. - Valvoda, M. - Čihák, R. - Šmahel, Z. - Ramba, J. - Handzel, J. - Cigánek, L. - Sedláček, K. - Betka, J. - Němečková, A. - Strejc, P. - Knappová, M. - Povýšil, C. - Musil, J. - Kučera, J. - Soukal, L.
Bedřich Smetana-fyzická osobnost a hluchota. Praha, Vesmír 2001. - 94 s.
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088090 - UJF-V 20010029 RIV NL eng J
Volkerts, M. - Bacelar, J. C. S. - van Goethem, M. J. - Harakeh, M. N. - Hoefman, M. - Huisman, H. - Kalantar-Nayeastanaki, N. - Lohner, H. - Messchendorp, J. G. - Ostendorf, R. W. - Schadmand, S. - Simon, R. S. - Wagner, V. - Wilschut, H. W.
Proton-deuteron bremsstrahlung at 190 MeV.
Nuclear Physics. A, 684, 510C-512C (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1048102
[Impact factor:1.830(91) 1.936(92) 1.746(93) 1.821(94) 2.157(95) 1.825(96) 1.988(97) 2.595(98) 2.088(99) 1.854(00) 2.074(01) 1,568(02) 1.761(03) ]

088200 - UJF-V 20010139 CZ eng I
Vrána, M. - Mikula, P. - Lukáš, P. - Ioffe, W. - Nistler, W.
Neutron Interferometry in NPI Řež. Řež, NPI AS CR 2001. - 1 s. - (Biennial Report 1999-2000.).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

090553 - UJF-V 20020102 JP eng J
Vrána, M. - Mikula, P. - Lukáš, P. - Ioffe, A. - Nistler, W.
Neutron Interferometry in NPI Řež.
Physical Society of Japan. A, 70, [-] 465-467 (2001).
[Proceedings of the International Sympozium on Advanced Science Research /1./. Tokai (JP), 00.10.31-00.11.02 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV202/97/K038; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1048003
[Impact factor:1.932(91) 1.881(92) 2.041(93) 1.920(94) 2.034(95) 2.351(96) 2.025(97) 2.338(98) 2.083(99) 1.943(00) 1.628(01) 1,596(02) 1.903(03) ]

088108 - UJF-V 20010047 RIV NL eng J
Wagner, T. - Peřina, V. - Macková, A. - Rauhala, E. - Seppala, A. - Vleck, M. - Kasap, S. O. - Vlček, M. - Frumar, M.
The tailoring of the composition of Ag-As-S amorphous films using photo-induced solid state reaction between Ag and As30S70 films.
Solid State Ionics, 141, 387-395 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA203/99/0420; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010104
[Impact factor:0.772(91) 1.093(92) 0.989(93) 1.089(94) 1.287(95) 1.512(96) 1.225(97) 1.083(98) 1.439(99) 1.529(00) 1.534(01) 1,768(02) 1.599(03) ]

088067 - UJF-V 20010006 RIV HU eng J
Wan, J. S. - Langrock, E. J. - Westmeier, W. - Vater, P. - Brandt, R. - Adam, J. - Balabekian, A. - Bamblevski, V. R. - Barabanov, M. Yu. - Bradnova, V. - Čaloun, P. - Kalinnikov, V. G. - Krasnov, V. A. - Krivopustov, M. I. - Kulakov, B. A. - Perelygin, V. P. - Proskikh, V. S. - Solnyshkin, A. A. - Sosnin, A. N. - Stegailov, V. I. - Tsoupko-Sitnikov, V. M. - Modolo, G. - Odoj, R. - Hashemi-Nezhad, S. R. - Yamani-Vallasiadou, M.
Transmutation of .SUP.239 Pu with spallation neutrons.
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 247 [1] 151-157 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK2067107
[Impact factor:0.422(91) 0.471(92) 0.354(93) 0.613(94) 0.368(95) 0.244(96) 0.330(97) 0.291(98) 0.605(99) 0.488(00) 0.398(01) 0,502(02) 0.472(03) ]

088101 - UJF-V 20010040 RIV NL eng J
Wan, J. S. - Schmidt, T. - Langrock, E. J. - Vater, P. - Brandt, R. - Adam, J. - Bradnova, V. - Bamblevski, V. P. - Gelovani, L. - Gridnev, T. D.
Transmutation of .sup. 129 I and .sup.237 Np using spallation neutrons produced by 1.5, 3.7 and 7.4 GeV protons.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. A, 463, 634-652 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK2067107
[Impact factor:1.179(91) 1.152(92) 1.157(93) 1.073(94) 1.193(95) 1.140(96) 1.016(97) 1.093(98) 1.118(99) 0.955(00) 1.041(01) 1,158(02) 1.041(03) ]

099176 - FZU-D 20030117 RIV PL eng C
Wolowski, J. - Badziak, J. - Parys, P. - Ryc, L. - Woryna, E. - Krása, J. - Láska, L. - Pfeifer, M. - Rohlena, K. - Jungwirth, K. - Ullschmied, J. - Boody, F. P. - Hora, H. - Hnatowicz, V. - Peřina, V.
Preliminary studies of the ion emission from the plasma produced by the PALS laser system.
In: PLASMA-2001. - Warsaw, Polish Academy of Science 2001. - S. -.
[PLASMA-2001. Warsaw (PL), 01.09.19-01.09.21 (EUR)]
Grant: European Union(XE) HPRI-1999-CT-00053
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910; CEZ:AV0Z1010921

101885 - UJF-V 20033159 RIV DE eng J
Yakushev, A. - Buklanov, G. - Chelnokov, M. - Chepigin, V. - Dmitriev, S. - Gorshkov, V. - Hubener, S. - Malyshev, O. - Oganessian, Y. - Popeko, A. - Sokol, E. - Timokhin, S. - Turler, A. - Vasko, V. - Yeremin, A. - Zvára, I.
First attempt to chemically identify element 112.
RADIOCHIMICA ACTA, 89 [11/12] 743-745 (2001).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901
[Impact factor:0.583(91) 0.858(92) 0.611(93) 0.519(94) 0.541(95) 0.843(96) 0.718(97) 1.010(98) 0.787(99) 0.775(00) 0.660(01) 0,809(02) 0.940(03) ]

088146 - UJF-V 20010085 RU eng A
Yakushev, E. A. - Chumin, V. G. - Gorozhankin, V. M. - Gromov, K. Ya. - Kovalík, A. - Yurkova, L. V.
The predicted 10.6 keV transition in .sup.221 Fr revealed.
In: Tezisy dokladov Soveschania po jadernoj spektroskopii i strukture atomnogo jadra /51./. - Sarov, Russian Federal Nuclear Center 2001. - S. 170.
[Soveschanie po jadernoj spektroskopii i strukture atomnogo jadra /51./. Sarov (RU), 01.09.03-01.09.08 (EUR)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088147 - UJF-V 20010086 RU eng A
Yakushev, E. A. - Chumin, V. G. - Gorozhankin, V. M. - Gromov, K. Ya. - Kovalík, A. - Norseev, Y. V.
Low energy nuclear transitions in .sup.221 Fr from .sup.225 Ac a-decay.
In: Tezisy dokladov Soveschania po jadernoj spektroskopii i strukture atomnogo jadra /51./. - Sarov, Russian Federal Nuclear Center 2001. - S. 171.
[Soveschanie po jadernoj spektroskopii i strukture atomnogo jadra /51./. Sarov (RU), 01.09.03-01.09.08 (EUR)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088148 - UJF-V 20010087 RU A
Yakushev, E. A. - Gorozhankin, V. M. - Kovalík, A.
Predely na primesi tjazhelych nejtrino iz beta spektra .sup.241 Pu.
In: Tezisy dokladov Soveschania po jadernoj spektroskopii i strukture atomnogo jadra /51./. - Sarov, Russian Federal Nuclear Center 2001. - S. 175-176.
[Soveschanie po jadernoj spektroskopii i strukture atomnogo jadra /51./. Sarov (RU), 01.09.03-01.09.08 (EUR)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088119 - UJF-V 20010058 RIV NL eng J
Yuan, L. P. - Chmielewski, K. - Oelsner, M. - Sauer, P. U. - Fonseca, A. C. - Adam, J.
Description of electromagnetic processes in the three-nucleon system with Delta-isobar excitation.
Nuclear Physics. A, 689 [1/2] 433c-436c (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/00/1669
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901
[Impact factor:1.830(91) 1.936(92) 1.746(93) 1.821(94) 2.157(95) 1.825(96) 1.988(97) 2.595(98) 2.088(99) 1.854(00) 2.074(01) 1,568(02) 1.761(03) ]

088170 - UJF-V 20010109 RIV US eng J
Zajíčková, L. - Bursíková, V. - Peřina, V. - Macková, A. - Subedi, D. - Janča, J.
Plasma modification of polycarbonates.
Surface and Coatings Technology, 142, 449-454 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV202/97/K038; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010104
[Impact factor:1.051(91) 0.933(92) 1.092(93) 0.901(94) 0.903(95) 0.883(96) 0.892(97) 0.900(98) 1.008(99) 1.002(00) 1.236(01) 1,267(02) 1.410(03) ]

088183 - UJF-V 20010122 CZ eng I
Zborovský, I. - Tokarev, M. V. - Panebratsev, Y. A. - Škoro, G. P.
Z-scaling and fractal character of hadronic interactions at high energies. Řež, NPI AS CR 2001. - 1 s. - (Biennial Report 1999-2000.).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088130 - UJF-V 20010069 RIV US eng J
Zhang, Z. J. - Ajayan, P. M. - Ramanath, G. - Vacík, J. - Xu, Y. H.
Growth, structure, and optical properties of carbon-reinforced silica fibers.
Applied Physics Letters, 78 [24] 3794-3796 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010104
[Impact factor:3.816(91) 3.537(92) 3.503(93) 3.072(94) 3.029(95) 3.092(96) 3.033(97) 3.349(98) 4.184(99) 3.906(00) 3.849(01) 4,207(02) 4.049(03) ]

088097 - UJF-V 20010036 RIV CZ eng J
Znojil, M.
PT-symmetrized supersymmetric quantum mechanics.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 51 [4] 420-428 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1048004; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010104
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

088106 - UJF-V 20010045 RIV NL eng J
Znojil, M.
PT-symmetric square well.
Physics Letters. A, 285 [1/2] 7-10 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1048004; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010104
[Impact factor:1.091(91) 1.135(92) 1.149(93) 1.228(94) 1.190(95) 1.241(96) 1.267(97) 1.272(98) 1.111(99) 1.122(00) 1.220(01) 1,483(02) 1.324(03) ]

090495 - UJF-V 20020037 RIV GB eng J
Znojil, M.
Poschl-Teller paradoxes.
Journal of Physics. A-Mathematical and General, 34 [44] 9585-9592 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1048004; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010104
[Impact factor:2.214(91) 2.189(92) 2.060(93) 1.779(94) 1.657(95) 1.528(96) 1.480(97) 1.545(98) 1.387(99) 1.365(00) 1.542(01) 1,406(02) 1.357(03) ]

090590 - UJF-V 20020139 RIV IT eng J
Znojil, M.
Eight exactly solvable comples potentials in Bender - Boettcher quantum mechanics.
Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, 2 [66] 213-218 ( 2001).
[Proceedings of the 20th Winter Schooll "Geometry and Phisics". Srní (CZ), 00.01.15-00.01.22 (WRD)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1048004

090500 - UJF-V 20020042 RIV SG eng J
Znojil, M. - Levai, G.
Spontaneous breakdown of PT symmetry in the solvable square-well model.
Modern Physics Letters. A, 16 [35] 2273-2280 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1048004; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010104
[Impact factor:1.470(92) 1.277(93) 1.172(94) 1.048(95) 1.079(96) 1.208(97) 0.627(98) 1.050(99) 1.022(00) 1.119(01) 1,401(02) 1.589(03) ]

090498 - UJF-V 20020040 RIV NL eng J
Znojil, M. - Levai, G. - Roy, P. - Roychoudhury, R.
Anomalous doublets of states in a Rho Tau symmetric quantum model.
Physics Letters. A, 290 [5-6] 249-254 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1048004
[Impact factor:1.091(91) 1.135(92) 1.149(93) 1.228(94) 1.190(95) 1.241(96) 1.267(97) 1.272(98) 1.111(99) 1.122(00) 1.220(01) 1,483(02) 1.324(03) ]

088080 - UJF-V 20010019 RIV GB eng J
Znojil, M. - Tater, M.
Complex Calogero model with real energies.
Journal of Physics. A - Mathematical and General Physics, 34 [8] 1793-1803 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1048004; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1048801; GA AV ČR (CZ) KSK1010104
[Impact factor:2.214(91) 2.189(92) 2.060(93) 1.779(94) 1.657(95) 1.528(96) 1.480(97) 1.545(98) 1.387(99) 1.365(00) 1.542(01) 1,406(02) 1.357(03) ]

088098 - UJF-V 20010037 RIV NL eng J
Znojil, M. - Tater, M.
Exactly solvable three body Calogero-type model with translucent two-body barriers.
Physics Letters. A, 284 [6] 225-230 (2001).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1048004; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1048101; GA AV ČR (CZ) KSK1010104
[Impact factor:1.091(91) 1.135(92) 1.149(93) 1.228(94) 1.190(95) 1.241(96) 1.267(97) 1.272(98) 1.111(99) 1.122(00) 1.220(01) 1,483(02) 1.324(03) ]

088502 - UJF-V 20010187 DE eng V
Zrník, J. - Strunz, P.
Microstructural Changes in Long-Time Thermal Exposed Ni-Base Superalloys. Berlín, Berlín 2001. - 1 s.
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

088149 - UJF-V 20010088 RU A
Zvolská, V. - Zvolský, J. - Islamov, T. A. - Kalinnikov, V. G. - Solnyshkin, A. A. - Stegailov, V. I.
O scheme raspada .sup.160m.g. Ho -) .sup.160 Dy.
In: Tezisy dokladov Soveschania po jadernoj spektroskopii i strukture atomnogo jadra /51./. - Sarov, Russian Federal Nuclear Center 2001. - S. 178.
[Soveschanie po jadernoj spektroskopii i strukture atomnogo jadra /51./. Sarov (RU), 01.09.03-01.09.08 (EUR)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1048901

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