ÚPT - Ústav přístrojové techniky


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Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

035261 - UPT-D 960050 GB eng J
Autrata, R.
Single Crystal Detectors in Scanning Electron Microscopy.
European Microscopy and Analysis, [41] 9-11 (1996).

035303 - UPT-D 960095 IE eng C
Autrata, R. - Jirák, J. - Klvač, M. - Špinka, J.
Detector of backscattered electrons for environmental SEM.
In: CD-ROM Proceedings of the 11th European Congress on Electron Microscopy. - Dublin, University College 1996. - S. -.
[EUREM /11./ - European Congress on Electron Microscopy. Dublin, 96.08.26-96.08.30]

035218 - UPT-D 960006 CZ eng C
Autrata, R. - Jirák, J. - Špinka, J.
Charging Effect Problems in ESEM Conditions.
In: Recent Trends in Charged Particle Optics and Surface Physics Instrumentation - 5th Seminar. - (Ed. Müllerová, I.; Frank, L.). - Brno, Czechoslovak Society for Electron Microscopy 1996. - S. 65-66.
[Recent Trends /5./ in Charged Particle Optics and Surface Physics Instrumentation. Skalský Dvůr (CZ), 96.06.24-96.06.28]

035304 - UPT-D 960096 CZ cze J
Autrata, R. - Jirák, J. - Špinka, J.
Rastrovací elektronová mikroskopie vlhkých vzorků a izolantů.
Jemná mechanika a optika, 41 [4] 98-100 (1996).

035305 - UPT-D 960097 SK eng C
Autrata, R. - Jirák, J. - Špinka, J.
Use of ESEM in Diagnostics of Electrotechnical Materials and Technologies.
In: Zborník príspevkov z konferencie ELMAT '96. - Košice, Technická univerzita, FEI 1996. - S. 39-40.
[ELMAT '96. Košice (SK), 96.05.08]

035306 - UPT-D 960023 CZ eng Cx
Autrata, R. - Jirák, J. - Špinka, J.
Environmental High Resolution Scanning Electron Microscopy.
In: Workshop '96. - 3 - Brno, Technical University 1996. - S. 837-838.
[Workshop '96 - TU Brno. Brno (CZ), 96.01.22-96.01.24]
Grant: MŠMT VS450047

035215 - UPT-D 960003 CZ eng C
Autrata, R. - Schauer, P. - Jirák, J. - Špinka, J.
Signal Detection in SEM.
In: Recent Trends in Charged Particle Optics and Surface Physics Instrumentation - 5th Seminar. - (Ed. Müllerová, I.; Frank, L.). - Brno, Czechoslovak Society for Electron Microscopy 1996. - S. 43-46.
[Recent Trends /5./ in Charged Particle Optics and Surface Physics Instrumentation. Skalský Dvůr (CZ), 96.06.24-96.06.28]

035301 - UPT-D 960093 IE eng C
Autrata, R. - Schauer, P. - Madea, D.
Single crystal scintillators for BSE detectors in SEM.
In: CD-ROM Proceedings of the 11th European Congress on Electron Microscopy. - Dublin, University College 1996. - S. -.
[EUREM /11./ - European Congress on Electron Microscopy. Dublin, 96.08.26-96.08.30]

035233 - UPT-D 960021 FR eng C
Bartušek, K.
The application of the DSP96002 to the optimization of preemphasis parameters for NMR microscopy.
In: Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference Signal and Image Processing and Applications - SIPA '96. - (Ed. Namazi, N. M.; Matthews, K.). - Anaheim, International Association of Science and Technology for Development 1996. - S. 27-29.
[SIPA '96 - Signal and Image Processing and Applications. Annecy ( FR), 96.06.12-96.06.14]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 303/94/1236IA265401

039364 - UPT-D 970029 PL eng C
Bartušek, K.
Analysis of NMR Signal Distorted by Gradient Magnetic Field.
In: Proceedings of the 29th NMR conference. - Krakow, Instytut Fizyki Jadrowej 1996. - S. 117-120.
[NMR conference /29./. Krakow (PL), 96.12.02-96.12.03]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1136

089590 - UPT-D 20020100 RIV PL eng C
Bartušek, K.
Precise preemphasis adjustment of the gradient magnetic fields for NMR microscopy.
In: Proceedings of Polish seminar on NMR and its application. - Krakow, Instytut fizyki jadrowej 1996. - S. 284 - 287.
[Polish seminar on NMR and its appliction. Krakow (PL), 95.12.04-95.12.05 (EUR)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA265401
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2065902

035242 - UPT-D 960031 CZ eng A
Bartušek, K. - Dokoupil, Z.
About some Achievements in Preemphasis Compensation of the Eddy Currents in ISI Brno.
In: 11th NMR Valtice. - Brno, Spectroscopic Society of Johannes Marcus Marci - Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Discussion Group 1996. - S. 28.
[NMR Valtice /11./. Valtice (CZ), 96.04.15-96.04.17]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA265401; GA ČR(CZ) 303/94/1236

035269 - UPT-D 960067 CZ eng C
Bartušek, K. - Dokoupil, Z.
DSP Hardware System for Analysis of NMR Signals Distorted by Gradient Pulses.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Communications, Signals and Systems. - 2 - (Ed. Bukovjan, P.; Škoda, P.). - Brno, TU - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 1996. - S. 443-446.
[CSS '96 - Communications, Signals and Systems. Brno (CZ), 96.09.10-96.09.12]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1136

035292 - UPT-D 960083 CZ eng A
Bartušek, K. - Dokoupil, Z.
A digital gradient controller and a matrix shims feeding device for NMR tomography.
In: Scientific Program and Book of Abstracts of the 13th Annual Meeting European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology. - (Ed. Haase, A.). -
Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology, and Medicine, 4 [2-Suppl.] 269-270 (1996).
[ESMRMB /13./ - Annual Meeting European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology. Praha (CZ), 96.09.12-96.09.15]
[Impact factor: 0.795(99) ]

089522 - UPT-D 20020032 CZ eng A
Bartušek, K. - Dokoupil, Z.
A digital gradient controller and a matrix shims feeding device for NMR tomography.
Magnetic resonance materials in physics, biology, and medicine, 4 [2] 269 - 270 (1996).
[ESMRMB '96. Praha (CZ), 96.09.12-96.09.15 (EUR)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2065902
[Impact factor: 0.795(99) ]

035214 - UPT-D 960002 DE eng J
Bedrnikov, A. S. - Chmelík, J.
New algorithms for testing accuracy of numerically calculated trajectories of charged particles.
Optik, 102 [1] 13-17 (1996).
[Impact factor:0.619(92) 0.558(93) 0.569(94) 0.554(95) 0.480(96) 0.401(97) 0.515(98) 0.784(99) 0.408(00) 0.475(01) 0,581(02) 0.534(03) ]

035309 - UPT-D 960100 CZ cze B
Delong, A.
Emisní elektronová mikroskopie.
In: Metody analýzy povrchů - Elektronová mikroskopie a difrakce. - (Ed. Eckertová, L.; Frank, L.). - Praha, Academia 1996. - S. 159-184.

035255 - UPT-D 960044 CZ cze C
Dupák, J.
Svařování svazkem elektronů a pájení ve vakuu.
In: Škola vakuové techniky 1996. - (Ed. Češpíro, Z.). - Praha, Česká vakuová společnost 1996. - S. 35-36.
[Vakuová technika - letní škola. - (CZ), 96.00.00-96.00.00]

035247 - UPT-D 960036 CZ eng C
Dupák, J. - Klíčník, M. - Ustohal, V.
Ductile Active Solders.
In: Kryogenika '96 - Cryogenics '96. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference. - Praha, Czech Society for Mechanical Engineering - National Section for Cryogenics 1996. - S. 51-52.
[Cryogenics /4./. Praha (CZ), 96.00.00-96.00.00]

035235 - UPT-D 960024 DE eng C
Dupák, J. - Škoda, P. - Ustohal, V.
Electron Beam Welded Joints of Stainless Steel with Different Metals.
In: Proceedings of the 2nd European Congress Stainless Steels '96. - Düsseldorf, Verein Deutscher Eisenhüttenleute 1996. - S. 361-362.
[Stainless Steels '96 /2./. Düsseldorf (DE), 96.06.03-96.06.05]

035251 - UPT-D 960040 PL eng C
Frank, L.
Width of the SEM and LESEM response function as a tool for the image resolution assessment.
In: Proceedings of the IX Conference on Electron Microscopy of Solids - EM '96. - (Ed. Czyrska-Filemonowicz, A.). - Kraków, State Committee for Scientific Research 1996. - S. 109-112.
[EM '96 /9./ - Electron Microscopy of Solids. Zakopane (PL), 96.05.06-96.05.09]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2065502

035265 - UPT-D 960057 NL eng J
Frank, L.
Real image resolution of SEM and low-energy SEM and its optimization: distribution width of the total surface emission.
Ultramicroscopy, 62 [4] 261-269 (1996).
[Impact factor:1.814(92) 1.948(93) 2.183(94) 1.585(95) 1.622(96) 1.600(97) 2.045(98) 2.244(99) 1.695(00) 1.890(01) 1,772(02) 1.665(03) ]

035308 - UPT-D 960099 CZ cze B
Frank, L.
Klasické metody analytické elektronové mikroskopie: zobrazování Augerovými elektrony a charakteristickým rtg zářením.
In: Metody analýzy povrchů - Elektronová mikroskopie a difrakce. - (Ed. Eckertová, L.; Frank, L.). - Praha, Academia 1996. - S. 93-157.

035268 - UPT-D 960060 AT eng J
Frank, L. - Matějka, F.
Correction of the Edge Effect in Auger Electron Microscopy.
Mikrochimica Acta, 13 [Suppl.] 279-287 (1996).
[Impact factor:0.918(91) 0.796(92) 0.888(93) 0.965(94) 0.836(95) 0.892(96) 1.087(97) 0.716(98) 0.866(99) 1.303(00) 1.050(01) ]

035312 - UPT-D 960103 IE eng C
Frank, L. - Müllerová, I.
Diffraction contrast in cathode lens equipped Low-Energy SEM.
In: CD-ROM Proceedings of the 11th European Congress on Electron Microscopy. - Dublin, University College 1996. - S. -.
[EUREM /11./ - European Congress on Electron Microscopy. Dublin, 96.08.26-96.08.30]

035270 - UPT-D 960061 AT eng J
Frank, L. - Zadražil, M. - Müllerová, I.
Low Energy Imaging of Nonconductive Surfaces in SEM.
Mikrochimica Acta, 13 [Suppl.] 289-298 (1996).
[Impact factor:0.918(91) 0.796(92) 0.888(93) 0.965(94) 0.836(95) 0.892(96) 1.087(97) 0.716(98) 0.866(99) 1.303(00) 1.050(01) ]

035225 - UPT-D 960013 CZ eng C
Gottvald, A.
MRS beyond Inhomogeneity and Noise Limits.
In: Analysis of Biomedical Signals and Images. Proceedings of the 13-th Biennial International Conference Biosignal '96. - (Ed. Jan, J.; Kilián, P.; Provazník, I.). - Brno, Technical University 1996. - S. 83-85.
[Biosignal '96 /13./. Brno (CZ), 96.06.00-96.06.00]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0282

035277 - UPT-D 960072 CZ eng A
Gottvald, A.
On Inverse Methodologies of ECT.
In: Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Optimization and Inverse Problems in Electromagnetism. - Brno, Institute of Scientific Instruments of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic 1996. - S. 29.
[Optimization and Inverse Problems in Electromagnetism /4./. Brno ( CZ), 96.06.19-96.06.21]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0282

035278 - UPT-D 960069 CZ eng A
Gottvald, A.
On Inverse and Optimization Problems in MR: Old Dogs, New Tricks.
In: Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Optimization and Inverse Problems in Electromagnetism. - Brno, Institute of Scientific Instruments of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic 1996. - S. 33.
[Optimization and Inverse Problems in Electromagnetism /4./. Brno ( CZ), 96.06.19-96.06.21]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/1270; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0282

035279 - UPT-D 960070 CZ eng A
Gottvald, A.
Inverse Methodologies, Meta-Evolutionary Optimization and Bayesian Statistics: Applications to In Vivo MRS.
In: Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Optimization and Inverse Problems in Electromagnetism. - Brno, Institute of Scientific Instruments of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic 1996. - S. 34.
[Optimization and Inverse Problems in Electromagnetism /4./. Brno ( CZ), 96.06.19-96.06.21]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0282

035282 - UPT-D 960074 CZ eng C
Gottvald, A.
Meta-Evolutionary Optimization: Applications to Magnetic Resonance in Extreme Conditions.
In: Mendel '96 - 2nd International Conference on Genetic Algorithms. - Brno, Technical University, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 1996. - S. 47-51.
[Mendel '96 /2./ - Genetic Algorithms. Brno (CZ), 96.06.26-96.06.28]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0282

035286 - UPT-D 960077 US eng A
Gottvald, A.
On Evolutionary Quantification of Strongly Distorted MR-Signals.
In: Workshop on MR Signal Processing. - Urbana-Champaign, University of Illinois, Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology 1996. - S. 51-53.
[MR Signal Processing - Workshop. Urbana-Champaign (US), 96.10.18-96.10.20]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0282

054434 - UPT-D 980114 RIV CZ eng C
Gottvald, A.
Inverse and Optimization Methodologies in Magnetic Resonance Part 1: Evolution Strategies.
In: Interdisciplinary Applied Electromagnetics. - (Ed. Zemánek, I.). - Brno, Czech Society of Applied Electromagnetics 1996. - S. 2-5.
[Applied Electromagnetics /3./ - Japanese-Czech-Slovak Joint Seminar. Prague (CZ), 95.07.05-95.07.07]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0282

054435 - UPT-D 980115 RIV CZ eng C
Gottvald, A.
Inverse and Optimization Methodologies in Magnetic Resonance Part 2: Meta - Optimization.
In: Interdisciplinary Applied Electromagnetics. - (Ed. Gottvald, A.; Zemánek, I.). - Brno, Czech Society of Applied Electromagnetics 1996. - S. 6-9.
[Applied Electromagnetics /3./ - Japanese-Czech-Slovak Joint Seminar. Praha (CZ), 95.07.05-95.07.07]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0282

054436 - UPT-D 980116 RIV CZ eng C
Gottvald, A.
Inverse and Optimization Methodologies in Magnetic Rosonance Part 3: Applications to Bloch and Maxwell Systems.
In: Interdisciplinary Applied Electromagnetics. - (Ed. Gottvald, A.; Zemánek, I.). - Brno, Czech Society of Applied Electromagnetics 1996. - S. 10-13.
[Applied Electromagnetics /3./ - Japanese-Czech-Slovak Joint Seminar. Praha (CZ), 95.07.05-95.07.07]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0282

054437 - UPT-D 980117 RIV CZ eng C
Gottvald, A.
Inverse and Optimization Methodologies in Magnetic Resonace Part 4: Applications to In Vivo Spectra Quantifications.
In: Interdisciplinary Applied Electromagnetics. - (Ed. Gottvald, A.; Zemánek, I.). - Brno, Czech Society of Applied Electromagnetics 1996. - S. 14-17.
[Applied Electromagnetics /3./ - Japanese-Czech-Slovak Joint Seminar. Praha (CZ), 95.07.05-95.07.07]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0282

054440 - UPT-D 980126 CZ eng G
Gottvald, A. - Zemánek, I.
Interdisciplinary Applied Electromagnetics. Brno, Czech Society of Applied Electromagnetics 1996. - 248 s.
[Applied Electromagnetics /3./ - Japanese-Czech-Slovak Joint Seminar. Prague (CZ), 95.07.05-95.07.07]

035232 - UPT-D 960020 CZ eng C
Halámek, J. - Jurák, P. - Kasal, M.
Analog/Digital Converter - Bits and Dynamic Range.
In: Proceedings of Electronic Devices and Systems Conference 1996. - (Ed. Bukovjan, P.; Boušek, J.). - Brno, Technical University 1996. - S. 1-4.
[EDS '96 - Electronic Devices and Systems Conference. Brno (CZ), 96.06.25]

035234 - UPT-D 960022 CZ eng C
Halámek, J. - Kasal, M.
Sampling and Aliasing of Complex Data.
In: Conference Proceedings of the 6th National Scientific Conference with International Participation Radioelektronika '96. - 1 - (Ed. Svačina, J.). - Brno, Technical University 1996. - S. 200-203.
[Radioelektronika '96 /6./. Brno (CZ), 96.04.23-96.04.24]

035237 - UPT-D 960026 SK eng C
Halámek, J. - Kasal, M. - Húsek, V.
Programmable Digital Receiver.
In: Nové smery v spracovaní signálov III. - 2 - Liptovský Mikuláš, Vojenská akadémia Slovenského národného povstania 1996. - S. 38-41.
[Nové smery v spracovaní signálov /3./. Liptovský Mikuláš (SK), 96.05.29-96.05.31]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1509; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/1270

035245 - UPT-D 960034 CZ eng A
Halámek, J. - Kasal, M. - Jurák, P.
Simple Digital Receiver and Acquisition Unit.
In: 11th NMR Valtice. - Brno, Spectroscopic Society of Johannes Marcus Marci - Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Discussion Group 1996. - S. 31.
[NMR Valtice /11./. Valtice (CZ), 96.04.15-96.04.17]

035293 - UPT-D 960084 CZ eng A
Halámek, J. - Kasal, M. - Vondra, V. - Villa, M. - Cofrancesco, P.
Direct digital receiver for NMR and MRI.
In: Scientific Program and Book of Abstracts of the 13th Annual Meeting European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology. - (Ed. Haase, A.). -
Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology, and Medicine, 4 [2-Suppl.] 276 (1996).
[ESMRMB /13./ - Annual Meeting European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology. Praha (CZ), 96.09.12-96.09.15]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1509; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/1270
[Impact factor: 0.795(99) ]

035290 - UPT-D 960081 CH eng A
Hanzelka, P.
Calculation Algorithms for the Analysis of Thermal Processes in Cryogenic Devices - KRYOM 3.2 Software.
In: Symposium Guide and Abstracts Brochure of the International Symposium on Cryogenics in Science and Industry. - Geneva, CERN, European Laboratory for Particle Physics 1996. - S. 16.
[Cryogenics in Science and Industry. Geneva (CH), 96.10.23-96.10.25]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/1270

035248 - UPT-D 960037 CZ eng C
Hanzelka, P. - Jelínek, J. - Musilová, V.
Application of Thermocouples in Cryogenic Devices.
In: Kryogenika '96 - Cryogenics '96. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference. - Praha, Czech Society for Mechanical Engineering - National Section for Cryogenics 1996. - S. 120-123.
[Cryogenics /4./. Praha (CZ), 96.00.00-96.00.00]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/1270

035291 - UPT-D 960082 CH eng A
Hanzelka, P. - Konzbul, P. - Musilová, V. - Srnka, A.
Economical Superconducting Magnet System for NMR and MRI in Medium Volumes.
In: Symposium Guide and Abstracts Brochure of the International Symposium on Cryogenics in Science and Industry. - Geneva, CERN, European Laboratory for Particle Physics 1996. - S. 18.
[Cryogenics in Science and Industry. Geneva (CH), 96.10.23-96.10.25]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/1270

035263 - UPT-D 960055 HK eng C
Hibino, M. - Ban, K. - Tanaka, S. - Schauer, P. - Autrata, R.
High Resolution and High Collection Efficiency YAG Screen for Lens Coupling TV and CCD Camera.
In: Proceedings. Sixth Asia-Pacific Conference on Electron Microscopy. - (Ed. Barber, D.; Chan, P. Y.; Chew, E. C.). - Hong Kong, Chinetek Promotion 1996. - S. 45-46.
[APEM /6./ - Asia-Pacific Conference on Electron Microscopy. Hong Kong (HK), 96.07.01-96.07.05]

037102 - UPT-D 960109 CZ cze B
Horký, J. - Vodáková, M.
Spektrometr NMR BS 687. Brno, Delong Instruments Industrial 1996. -

039362 - UPT-D 970027 US eng C
Hrdina, J. - Sobota, J. - Peřina, V.
Ellipsometric analysis of quasi-rugate films: regularization technique revisited.
In: Proceedings of the Developments in Optical Component Coatings (Proc. SPIE 2776). - (Ed. Reid, I.). - Washington, SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering 1996. - S. 236-243.
[SPIE: Developments in Optical Component Coatings. Glasgow (GB), 96.05.15-96.05.16]

031887 - FZU-D 960318 PL eng C
Hrdina, J. - Jastrabík, L. - Fendrych, F. - Sobota, J.
RF magnetron sputtering of CNx thin films.
In: Modern Plasma Surface Technology. - (Ed. Precht, W.). - Koszalin, Technical University of Koszalin 1996. - S. 113-121. - ().
[International Summer School Mielno'95: Modern Plasma Surface Technology /6./. Mielno (PL), 95.05.30-95.06.01]
Grant: Copernicus(XE) CIPA-CT94-0100

035254 - UPT-D 960043 CZ cze C
Jelínek, J.
In: Škola vakuové techniky 1996. - (Ed. Češpíro, Z.). - Praha, Česká vakuová společnost 1996. - S. 13-15.
[Vakuová technika - letní škola. - (CZ), 96.00.00-96.00.00]

054431 - UPT-D 980031 RIV PL eng C
Jonáš, A. - Šrámek, L. - Liška, M. - Zemánek, P.
Manipulation of microobjects by means of the focused laser beam.
In: Proceedings of the Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics (Proc. SPIE 3320) - 10th Polish-Czech-Slovak Optical Conference. - (Ed. Nowak, J.; Zajac, M.). - Washington, SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering 1996. - S. 104-110.
[SPIE: Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics. Karpacz (PL) , 96.09.16-96.09.20]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/96/1077; GA ČR(CZ) GV101/97/K009

035239 - UPT-D 960028 SK cze C
Jurák, P. - Halámek, J.
Aplikace systému ScopeWin pro analýzu poruch v energetice.
In: Nové smery v spracovaní signálov III. - 2 - Liptovský Mikuláš, Vojenská akadémia Slovenského národného povstania 1996. - S. 123-126.
[Nové smery v spracovaní signálov /3./. Liptovský Mikuláš (SK), 96.05.29-96.05.31]

035231 - UPT-D 960019 CZ eng C
Jurák, P. - Halámek, J. - Švejdová, M.
2D EEG Signal Processing.
In: Analysis of Biomedical Signals and Images. Proceedings of the 13th Biennial International Conference Biosignal '96. - (Ed. Jan, J.; Kilián, P.; Provazník, I.). - Brno, Technical University 1996. - S. 296-298.
[Biosignal '96 /13./. Brno (CZ), 96.06.00-96.06.00]

035595 - BFU-R 960022 CH eng J
Jurášková, V. - Vetterl, V. - Chramosta, O.
Effect of cadmium and 50 Hz electric and magnetic fields on bone marrow and tumour cells.
Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, 39, 119-123 (1996).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA40452; GA ČR(CZ) GA203/93/2372
[Impact factor:0.969(91) 1.227(92) 0.878(93) 0.940(94) 1.324(95) 1.069(96) 1.049(97) 1.363(98) 1.085(99) 1.052(00) 1.096(01) ]

035226 - UPT-D 960014 CZ eng C
Kasal, M. - Halámek, J.
The Four-Ring Birdcage Coil for 1H Imaging and 1H-Decoupled 31P MR Spectroscopy of the Human Head.
In: Analysis of Biomedical Signals and Images. Proceedings of the 13-th Biennial International Conference Biosignal '96. - (Ed. Jan, J.; Kilián, P.; Provazník, I.). - Brno, Technical University 1996. - S. 89-91.
[Biosignal '96 /13./. Brno (CZ), 96.06.00-96.06.00]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/1270

035252 - UPT-D 960041 SK eng C
Klíčník, M. - Dupák, J. - Ustohal, V.
Brittle Behaviour of Electron Beam Welded Aluminium.
In: Welding Science & Technology - Japan-Slovak Welding Symposium. Proceedings of the International Conference. - (Ed. Hrivňák, I.). - Košice, Technical University - Department of Material Science 1996. - S. 147-149.
[Welding Science & Technology. Tatranská Lomnica (SK), 96.03.05-96.03.07]

035259 - UPT-D 960048 PL cze J
Klíčník, M. - Dupák, J. - Ustohal, V.
Kontaktní eutektické tavení.
In: Metody oceny struktury oraz i wlasnoszi materialow i wyrobow. -
Zeszyty naukowe Wyzszej szkoly inzynierskiej w Opolu. Mechanika, 217 [52] 145- (1996).
[Metody oceny struktury oraz wlasnosci materialow i wyrobow /13./. Trojanovice (PL), 96.01.24-96.01.26]

035284 - UPT-D 960089 CH eng A
Klíčník, M. - Dupák, J. - Ustohal, V. - Audyová, J.
Joining by Active Solders.
In: Abstracts of the European Conference Junior Euromat '96. - Lausanne, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde 1996. - S. 379.
[Junior Euromat '96. Lausanne (CH), 96.08.26-96.08.30]

035219 - UPT-D 960007 CZ eng C
Klvač, M. - Romanovský, V.
Integrated Scintillation and Ionization Detector for ESEM.
In: Recent Trends in Charged Particle Optics and Surface Physics Instrumentation - 5th Seminar. - (Ed. Müllerová, I.; Frank, L.). - Brno, Czechoslovak Society for Electron Microscopy 1996. - S. 67-68.
[Recent Trends /5./ in Charged Particle Optics and Surface Physics Instrumentation. Skalský Dvůr (CZ), 96.06.24-96.06.28]

035276 - UPT-D 960068 CZ eng A
Konzbul, P. - Švéda, K.
Design and Optimization of Cylindrical Gradient Coils with Ultra Purity Magnetic Field for MRI System MIDI-200.
In: Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Optimization and Inverse Problems in Electromagnetism. - Brno, Institute of Scientific Instruments of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic 1996. - S. 38.
[Optimization and Inverse Problems in Electromagnetism /4./. Brno ( CZ), 96.06.19-96.06.21]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/1270

054438 - UPT-D 980118 RIV CZ eng C
Konzbul, P. - Švéda, K.
Measurement and Analysis of the Magnetic Fields on SHIM System for MRI Magnet.
In: Interdisciplinary Applied Electromagnetics. - (Ed. Gottvald, A.; Zemánek, I.). - Brno, Czech Society of Applied Electromagnetics 1996. - S. 93-96.
[Applied Electromagnetics /3./ - Japanese-Czech-Slovak Joint Seminar. Praha (CZ), 95.07.05-95.07.07]

035264 - UPT-D 960056 US eng J
Konzbul, P. - Švéda, K. - Srnka, A.
Superconducting Shim System with High Purity Magnetic Field for NMR and MRI Solenoid Magnet MIDI-200.
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 32 [4] 2643-2646 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/1270
[Impact factor:0.937(91) 0.837(92) 0.952(93) 0.758(94) 0.656(95) 0.791(96) 0.788(97) 0.704(98) 1.061(99) 0.720(00) 0.891(01) 1,016(02) 1.006(03) ]

035236 - UPT-D 960025 SK eng C
Krejčí, I. - Vondra, V.
The application of the Direct Digital Synthesizer in the exciting signal generation in the NMR Spectroscopy.
In: Nové smery v spracovaní signálov III. - 1 - Liptovský Mikuláš, Vojenská akadémia Slovenského národného povstania 1996. - S. 86-89.
[Nové smery v spracovaní signálov /3./. Liptovský Mikuláš (SK), 96.05.29-96.05.31]

035227 - UPT-D 960015 CZ eng C
Kuchařová, H. - Gottvald, A.
Identifying Inhomogeneity Functions in MRS.
In: Analysis of Biomedical Signals and Images. Proceedings of the 13-th Biennial International Conference Biosignal '96. - (Ed. Jan, J.; Kilián, P.; Provazník, I.). - Brno, Technical University 1996. - S. 92-94.
[Biosignal '96 /13./. Brno (CZ), 96.06.00-96.06.00]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0282

035285 - UPT-D 960076 US eng A
Kuchařová, H. - Gottvald, A.
On Direct Algebraic Identification of Inhomogeneity Functions in MRS.
In: Workshop on MR Signal Processing. - Urbana-Champaign, University of Illinois, Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology 1996. - S. 54-56.
[MR Signal Processing - Workshop. Urbana-Champaign (US), 96.10.18-96.10.20]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0282

054432 - UPT-D 980032 RIV PL eng C
Lazar, J. - Číp, O.
Computer-controlled portable He-Ne-I2 stabilized laser for interferometry.
In: Proceedings of the Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics (Proc. SPIE 3320) - 10th Polish-Czech-Slovak Optical Conference. - (Ed. Nowak, J.; Zajac, M.). - Washington, SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering 1996. - S. 122-129.
[SPIE: Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics. Karpacz (PL) , 96.09.16-96.09.20]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2065504

035307 - UPT-D 960098 CZ cze B
Lenc, M. - Lencová, B.
Optické prvky elektronových mikroskopů.
In: Metody analýzy povrchů - Elektronová mikroskopie a difrakce. - (Ed. Eckertová, L.; Frank, L.). - Praha, Academia 1996. - S. 15-63.

035213 - UPT-D 960001 CZ eng C
Lencová, B.
Notes on Finite Element Method for Electron Optics.
In: Recent Trends in Charged Particle Optics and Surface Physics Instrumentation - 5th Seminar. - (Ed. Müllerová, I.; Frank, L.). - Brno, Czechoslovak Society for Electron Microscopy 1996. - S. 13-16.
[Recent Trends /5./ in Charged Particle Optics and Surface Physics Instrumentation. Skalský Dvůr (CZ), 96.06.24-96.06.28]

035266 - UPT-D 960058 US eng J
Lencová, B.
Comment on "Optimization of electrostatic deflectors" [J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 13, 142 (1995)].
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology. B, 14 [3] 1860-1863 ( 1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/94/1100
[Impact factor:1.865(91) 2.270(92) 2.359(93) 1.704(94) 1.556(95) 1.897(96) 1.591(97) 1.662(98) 1.687(99) ]

054433 - UPT-D 980113 RIV CZ eng C
Lencová, B.
Accuracy of Magnetic Lens Computation with the First Order Finite Element Method.
In: Interdisciplinary Applied Electromagnetics. - (Ed. Gottvald, A.; Zemánek, I.). - Praha, Czech Society of Applied Electromanetics 1996. - S. 40-46.
[Applied Electromagnetics /3./ - Japanese-Czech-Slovak Joint Seminar. Prague (CZ), 95.07.05-95.07.07]

035299 - UPT-D 960091 US eng C
Lencová, B. - Lenc, M.
The use of the first order FEM for the computation of magnetic electron lenses.
In: Proceedings of the Charged Particle Optics II (Proc. SPIE 2858). - (Ed. Munro, E.). - Washington, SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering 1996. - S. 34-45.
[SPIE: Charged-Particle Optics. Denver (US), 96.08.05]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/94/1100

035300 - UPT-D 960092 US eng C
Lencová, B. - Lenc, M.
Accurate computation of higher multipole components of electrostatic and magnetic deflectors with the first order FEM.
In: Proceedings of the Charged-Particle Optics II (Proc. SPIE 2858). - (Ed. Munro, E.). - Washington, SPIE - International Society for Optical Engineering 1996. - S. 58-67.
[SPIE: Charged-Particle Optics. Denver (US), 96.08.05]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/94/1100; GA ČR(CZ) GA202/94/0565

035272 - UPT-D 960063 IE eng C
Lencová, B. - Mulvey, T. - Tsuno, K.
Computer-aided design of a high resolution magnetic electron lens by first and second order finite element methods.
In: CD-ROM Proceedings of the 11th European Congress on Electron Microscopy. - Dublin, University College 1996. - S. -.
[EUREM /11./ - European Congress on Electron Microscopy. Dublin, 96.08.26-96.08.30]

035217 - UPT-D 960005 CZ eng C
Lencová, B. - Zlámal, J.
Selected Recent Results of Electron Optical Computations.
In: Recent Trends in Charged Particle Optics and Surface Physics Instrumentation - 5th Seminar. - (Ed. Müllerová, I.; Frank, L.). - Brno, Czechoslovak Society for Electron Microscopy 1996. - S. 55-56.
[Recent Trends /5./ in Charged Particle Optics and Surface Physics Instrumentation. Skalský Dvůr (CZ), 96.06.24-96.06.28]

035220 - UPT-D 960008 CZ eng C
Madea, D.
Low-Energy Electron Single Crystal Detector Efficiency.
In: Recent Trends in Charged Particle Optics and Surface Physics Instrumentation - 5th Seminar. - (Ed. Müllerová, I.; Frank, L.). - Brno, Czechoslovak Society for Electron Microscopy 1996. - S. 69-70.
[Recent Trends /5./ in Charged Particle Optics and Surface Physics Instrumentation. Skalský Dvůr (CZ), 96.06.24-96.06.28]

035228 - UPT-D 960016 CZ eng C
Malczyk, R. - Gottvald, A.
Modelling Inhomogeneity Phenomena in MRS.
In: Analysis of Biomedical Signals and Images. Proceedings of the 13-th Biennial International Conference Biosignal '96. - (Ed. Jan, J.; Kilián, P.; Provazník, I.). - Brno, Technical University 1996. - S. 95-97.
[Biosignal '96 /13./. Brno (CZ), 96.06.00-96.06.00]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0282

035280 - UPT-D 960071 CZ eng A
Malczyk, R. - Gottvald, A.
Comparison of Evolution Strategy and Back-Propagation for Estimating Parameters of Neural Networks.
In: Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Optimization and Inverse Problems in Electromagnetism. - Brno, Institute of Scientific Instruments of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic 1996. - S. 48.
[Optimization and Inverse Problems in Electromagnetism /4./. Brno ( CZ), 96.06.19-96.06.21]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0282

035283 - UPT-D 960075 CZ eng C
Malczyk, R. - Gottvald, A.
Comparison of Evolution Strategy and Back-Propagation for Estimating Parameters of Neural Network.
In: Mendel '96 - 2nd International Conference on Genetic Algorithms. - Brno, Technical University, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 1996. - S. 71-74.
[Mendel '96 /2./ - Genetic Algorithms. Brno (CZ), 96.06.26-96.06.28]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0282

035287 - UPT-D 960078 US eng A
Malczyk, R. - Gottvald, A.
On Generalized FID-Signals in MRS.
In: Workshop on MR Signal Processing. - Urbana-Champaign, University of Illinois, Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology 1996. - S. 57-59.
[MR Signal Processing - Workshop. Urbana-Champaign (US), 96.10.18-96.10.20]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0282

035250 - UPT-D 960039 PL eng C
Müllerová, I.
Contrast Mechanisms in Low Voltage SEM.
In: Proceedings of the IX Conference on Electron Microscopy of Solids - EM '96. - (Ed. Czyrska-Filemonowicz, A.). - Kraków, State Committee for Scientific Research 1996. - S. 93-96.
[EM '96 /9./ - Electron Microscopy of Solids. Zakopane (PL), 96.05.06-96.05.09]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2065502

035223 - UPT-D 960011 CZ eng C
Müllerová, I. - Frank, L.
Contrast Mechanisms at Low Energies in SEM.
In: Recent Trends in Charged Particle Optics and Surface Physics Instrumentation - 5th Seminar. - (Ed. Müllerová, I.; Frank, L.). - Brno, Czechoslovak Society for Electron Microscopy 1996. - S. 79-82.
[Recent Trends /5./ in Charged Particle Optics and Surface Physics Instrumentation. Skalský Dvůr (CZ), 96.06.24-96.06.28]

035274 - UPT-D 960065 IE eng C
Müllerová, I. - Frank, L.
The forming of contrast at low energies in SEM.
In: CD-ROM Proceedings of the 11th European Congress on Electron Microscopy. - Dublin, University College 1996. - S. -.
[EUREM /11./ - European Congress on Electron Microscopy. Dublin, 96.08.26-96.08.30]

035249 - UPT-D 960038 CZ eng C
Musilová, V. - Hanzelka, P.
Thermal Shielding Using High Temperature Superconductors?
In: Kryogenika '96 - Cryogenics '96. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference. - Praha, Czech Society for Mechanical Engineering - National Section for Cryogenics 1996. - S. 124-127.
[Cryogenics /4./. Praha (CZ), 96.00.00-96.00.00]
Grant: GA102/94/1270

054439 - UPT-D 980119 RIV CZ eng C
Musilová, V. - Srnka, A.
Influence of Superconductor Magnetization and Flux Creep on Field Homogeneity and Stability of NMR Magnets.
In: Interdisciplinary Applied Electromagnetics. - (Ed. Gottvald, A.; Zemánek, I.). - Brno, Czech Society of Applied Electromagnetics 1996. - S. 97-107.
[Applied Electromagnetics /3./ - Japanese-Czech-Slovak Joint Seminar. Praha (CZ), 95.07.05-95.07.07]

035271 - UPT-D 960062 CZ eng C
Myšková, M. - Matějka, F.
Binary diffraction structures fabricated on a silicon nitride membrane.
In: Proceedings of Electronic Devices and Systems Conference 1996. - (Ed. Bukovjan, P.; Boušek, J.). - Brno, Technical University 1996. - S. 141-144.
[EDS '96 - Electronic Devices and Systems Conference. Brno (CZ), 96.06.25]

035224 - UPT-D 960012 CZ eng C
Pejchl, D. - Müllerová, I.
Imaging with Slow Electrons in SEM.
In: Recent Trends in Charged Particle Optics and Surface Physics Instrumentation - 5th Seminar. - (Ed. Müllerová, I.; Frank, L.). - Brno, Czechoslovak Society for Electron Microscopy 1996. - S. 83-84.
[Recent Trends /5./ in Charged Particle Optics and Surface Physics Instrumentation. Skalský Dvůr (CZ), 96.06.24-96.06.28]

035275 - UPT-D 960066 IE eng C
Pejchl, D. - Müllerová, I.
Imaging in Low-Energy SEM equipped with separator of primary and signal electrons.
In: CD-ROM Proceedings of the 11th European Congress on Electron Microscopy. - Dublin, University College 1996. - S. -.
[EUREM /11./ - European Congress on Electron Microscopy. Dublin, 96.08.26-96.08.30]

035310 - UPT-D 960101 HU eng C
Pejchl, D. - Müllerová, I.
Imaging with slow electrons in SEM.
In: Proceedings EMAS '96 - 2nd Regional Workshop on Electron Probe Microanalysis of Materials Today - Practical Aspects. - (Ed. Lábár, J. L.; Heikinheimo, E.; Nicholson, P.). - Balatonfüred, Kossuth Lajos University Debrecen, Department of Solid State Physics 1996. - S. 48-49.
[EMAS '96 - Regional Workshop on Electron Probe Microanalysis of Materials Today /2./. Balatonfüred (HU), 96.05.19-96.05.22]

039360 - UPT-D 970015 NL eng J
Pištora, J. - Ciprian, D. - Kantor, R. - Postava, K. - Sobota, J.
Dark mode spectroscopy of magnetic thin films.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 157/158 [May] 283-284 (1996).
[Impact factor:1.132(91) 1.297(92) 1.313(93) 1.063(94) 1.208(95) 1.040(96) 0.778(97) 0.889(98) 1.195(99) 0.996(00) 1.329(01) 1,046(02) 0.910(03) ]

035289 - UPT-D 960080 CZ eng J
Rotter, M. - Dupák, J. - Forget, P. - Hubálovský, Š. - Janotová, J. - Pari, P. - Srnka, A. - Trhlík, M.
The New Nuclear Orientation Facility at Charles University Prague.
In: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Low Temperature Physics. - S5 Low temperature properties of solids 2 - Techniques and applications. -
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 46 [Supp. S5] 2795-2796 (1996).
[LT /21./ - Low Temperature Physics. Praha (CZ), 96.08.08-96.08.14]
Grant: GA202/94/0501
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

035288 - UPT-D 960079 CZ eng J
Rotter, M. - Hubálovský, Š. - Trhlík, M. - Delyagin, N. N. - Erzinkyan, A. L. - Dupák, J. - Gurevich, G. M. - Parfenova, V. P. - Pari, P.
Low temperature nuclear orientation of 54Mn in FeNiMn.
In: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Low Temperature Physics. - S4 Low temperature properties of solids 1. -
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 46 [Supp. S4] 2205-2206 (1996).
[LT /21./ - Low Temperature Physics. Praha (CZ), 96.08.08-96.08.14]
Grant: GA202/94/0501
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

035216 - UPT-D 960004 CZ eng C
Schauer, P. - Autrata, R.
Some Methods for Investigation of Detector Components for Electron Microscopy.
In: Recent Trends in Charged Particle Optics and Surface Physics Instrumentation - 5th Seminar. - (Ed. Müllerová, I.; Frank, L.). - Brno, Czechoslovak Society for Electron Microscopy 1996. - S. 47-50.
[Recent Trends /5./ in Charged Particle Optics and Surface Physics Instrumentation. Skalský Dvůr (CZ), 96.06.24-96.06.28]

035221 - UPT-D 960009 CZ eng C
Schauer, P. - Autrata, R.
Computer Designed Scintillation Detectors for SEM.
In: Recent Trends in Charged Particle Optics and Surface Physics Instrumentation - 5th Seminar. - (Ed. Müllerová, I.; Frank, L.). - Brno, Czechoslovak Society for Electron Microscopy 1996. - S. 73-74.
[Recent Trends /5./ in Charged Particle Optics and Surface Physics Instrumentation. Skalský Dvůr (CZ), 96.06.24-96.06.28]

035302 - UPT-D 960094 IE eng C
Schauer, P. - Autrata, R.
Computer optimized design of BSE scintillation detector for SEM.
In: CD-ROM Proceedings of the 11th European Congress on Electron Microscopy. - Dublin, University College 1996. - S. -.
[EUREM /11./ - European Congress on Electron Microscopy. Dublin, 96.08.26-96.08.30]

035243 - UPT-D 960032 CZ eng A
Starčuk jr., Z. - Saunders, J. K.
Magnet-Specific Shim Coil Design.
In: 11th NMR Valtice. - Brno, Spectroscopic Society of Johannes Marcus Marci - Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Discussion Group 1996. - S. 29.
[NMR Valtice /11./. Valtice (CZ), 96.04.15-96.04.17]

035230 - UPT-D 960018 CZ eng C
Starčuk jr., Z. - Starčuk, Z. - Tkáč, I.
Highly Effective Spectrally Selective Water Suppression Method for in vivo Localized 1H MR Spectroscopy of the Brain.
In: Analysis of Biomedical Signals and Images. Proceedings of the 13th Biennial International Conference Biosignal '96. - (Ed. Jan, J.; Kilián, P.; Provazník, I.). - Brno, Technical University 1996. - S. 110-112.
[Biosignal '96 /13./. Brno (CZ), 96.06.00-96.06.00]

035296 - UPT-D 960087 CZ eng A
Starčuk jr., Z. - Starčuk, Z. - Tkáč, I.
Robust spectrally and spatially tailored water saturation in in vivo MR spectroscopy.
In: Scientific Program and Book of Abstracts of the 13th Annual Meeting European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology. - (Ed. Haase, A.). -
Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology, and Medicine, 4 [2-Suppl.] 282 (1996).
[ESMRMB /13./ - Annual Meeting European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology. Praha (CZ), 96.09.12-96.09.15]
[Impact factor: 0.795(99) ]

039363 - UPT-D 970028 PL eng C
Starčuk jr., Z. - Starčuk, Z. - Tkáč, I.
Proton MR spectroscopy in vivo: Double spin echo (PRESS) volume localization with reduced contamination artifacts.
In: Proceedings of the 29th NMR conference. - Krakow, Instytut Fizyki Jadrowej 1996. - S. 71-74.
[NMR conference /29./. Krakow (PL), 96.12.02-96.12.03]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) A406560; MZSR(CZ) 95-03-02

035244 - UPT-D 960033 CZ eng A
Starčuk, Z. - Horký, J. - Starčuk jr., Z.
Low-Power Composite RF Pulse for Water Resonance Suppression.
In: 11th NMR Valtice. - Brno, Spectroscopic Society of Johannes Marcus Marci - Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Discussion Group 1996. - S. 30.
[NMR Valtice /11./. Valtice (CZ), 96.04.15-96.04.17]

035229 - UPT-D 960017 CZ eng C
Starčuk, Z. - Starčuk jr., Z. - Tkáč, I.
New Sequences for Spatially Localized Proton in vivo MR Spectroscopy with Enhanced Outer Volume Saturation.
In: Analysis of Biomedical Signals and Images. Proceedings of the 13th Biennial International Conference Biosignal '96. - (Ed. Jan, J.; Kilián, P.; Provazník, I.). - Brno, Technical University 1996. - S. 107-109.
[Biosignal '96 /13./. Brno (CZ), 96.06.00-96.06.00]

035241 - UPT-D 960030 CZ eng A
Starčuk, Z. - Starčuk jr., Z. - Tkáč, I.
Multi-Voxel in vivo NMR Spectroscopy.
In: 11th NMR Valtice. - Brno, Spectroscopic Society of Johannes Marcus Marci - Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Discussion Group 1996. - S. 25.
[NMR Valtice /11./. Valtice (CZ), 96.04.15-96.04.17]

035256 - UPT-D 960045 US eng C
Starčuk, Z. - Starčuk jr., Z. - Tkáč, I.
Pulse sequence for a multi-voxel MR spectroscopy using two-dimensional Hadamard encoding.
In: Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. - 2 - New York, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 1996. - S. 1206.
[MR in Medicine /4./ - Scientific Meeting and Exhibition. New York ( US), 96.04.27-96.05.03]

035257 - UPT-D 960046 US eng C
Starčuk, Z. - Starčuk jr., Z. - Tkáč, I.
Short echo-time single-voxel localization scheme for in vivo 1H MRS with enhanced outer volume saturation.
In: Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. - 2 - New York, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 1996. - S. 1207.
[MR in Medicine /4./ - Scientific Meeting and Exhibition. New York ( US), 96.04.27-96.05.03]

035258 - UPT-D 960047 FR eng A
Starčuk, Z. - Tkáč, I. - Starčuk jr., Z.
Suppression of Relaxation Effects in Water-Saturated Localized 1-H in vivo MR Spectroscopy.
In: EENC '96 Paris. Abstract Book of the 13th European Experimental NMR Conference. - Paris, - 1996. - S. 349.
[EENC '96 /13./ - European Experimental NMR Conference. - (FR), 96.05.19-96.05.24]

035294 - UPT-D 960085 CZ eng A
Starčuk, Z. - Tkáč, I. - Starčuk jr., Z. - Horký, J.
Single voxel localized proton MR spectroscopy: SPRES-D with improved water suppression.
In: Scientific Program and Book of Abstracts of the 13th Annual Meeting European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology. - (Ed. Haase, A.). -
Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology, and Medicine, 4 [2-Suppl.] 281 (1996).
[ESMRMB /13./ - Annual Meeting European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology. Praha (CZ), 96.09.12-96.09.15]
[Impact factor: 0.795(99) ]

035315 - UPT-D 960107 US eng C
Stone, J. A. - Howard, L. - Stejskal, A. - Stephens, M. - Oates, C. - Hollberg, L.
Novel Methods for Length Measurement Employing Diode Lasers.
In: Proceedings of the 1996 Workshop and Symposium: Preparing Metrology for the Next Millennium. - 2 - Monterey, NCSL 1996. - S. 667-676.
[NCSL 1996 Workshop and Symposium. Monterey (US), 96.08.25-96.08.29]

035314 - UPT-D 960106 US eng C
Stone, J. A. - Stejskal, A. - Howard, L.
Wavelength-Shift Interferometry: Using a Dither to Improve Accuracy.
In: Proceedings of the 11th Annual Meting the American Society for Precision Engineering. - Raleigh, ASPE 1996. - S. 357-362.
[ASPE 1996 Annual Meeting /11./. Monterey (US), 96.11.09-96.11.14]

035298 - UPT-D 960090 CZ cze A
Šalanský, I. - Bartušek, K.
Problematika měření biopotenciálu živých systémů.
In: Abstrakta 14. Congressus Acupuncturae Bohemiae et Slovacae. - Brno, Česká lékařská akupunkturistická společnost 1996. - S. 58.
[Acupuncturae Bohemiae et Slovacae /14./. Brno (CZ), 96.10.25-96.10.27]

035281 - UPT-D 960073 CH eng C
Šikola, T. - Lopour, F. - Spousta, J. - Zlámal, J. - Průša, S. - Klimeš, Z. - Kalousek, R. - Nebojsa, A. - Lencová, B.
Design of UHV Apparatus for Low Energy Ion Beam Thin Film Deposition and In-Situ Surface and Thin Film Analysis.
In: Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis. - (Ed. Mathieu, H. J.; Reihl, B.; Briggs, D.). - Chichester, John Wiley & Sons 1996. - S. TD8.
[ECASIA '95 /6./ - Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis. Montreux (CH), 95.10.09-95.10.13]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/94/0565CIPA CT94-0224

035253 - UPT-D 960042 SK eng C
Škoda, P. - Dupák, J. - Michalička, P.
Creation of Heterogeneous Weld Joints of Titanium- and Aluminium-Based Materials by Electron Beam Welding.
In: Welding Science & Technology - Japan-Slovak Welding Symposium. Proceedings of the International Conference. - (Ed. Hrivňák, I.). - Košice, Technical University - Department of Material Science 1996. - S. 157-160.
[Welding Science & Technology. Tatranská Lomnica (SK), 96.03.05-96.03.07]

035313 - UPT-D 960105 GB eng J
Tikhonravov, A. V. - Trubetskov, M. K. - Hrdina, J. - Sobota, J.
Characterization of quasi-rugate filters using ellipsometric measurements.
Thin Solid Films, 277 [1-2] 83-89 (1996).
[Impact factor:1.244(91) 1.029(92) 1.141(93) 1.409(94) 1.313(95) 1.318(96) 1.034(97) 1.019(98) 1.101(99) 1.160(00) 1.266(01) 1,443(02) 1.598(03) ]

035240 - UPT-D 960029 CZ eng A
Tkáč, I. - Starčuk, Z. - Starčuk jr., Z.
Benefits and Drawbacks of the Pulse Sequences for Localized NMR Spectroscopy.
In: 11th NMR Valtice. - Brno, Spectroscopic Society of Johannes Marcus Marci, Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Discussion Group 1996. - S. 24.
[NMR Valtice /11./. Valtice (CZ), 96.04.15-96.04.17]

035260 - UPT-D 960049 AT eng C
Tkáč, I. - Starčuk, Z. - Starčuk jr., Z.
Visualisation of Dephased Magnetization.
In: 2. Igler NMR Tage. Perspectives in NMR Spectroscopy. - Innsbruck, University of Innsbruck 1996. - S. 12.
[Igler NMR Tage /2./. Innsbruck (AT), 96.02.08-96.02.09]

035295 - UPT-D 960086 CZ eng A
Tkáč, I. - Starčuk, Z. - Starčuk jr., Z. - Kavec, M.
Short echo-time two-voxel MR spectroscopy based on Hadamard encoding.
In: Scientific Program and Book of Abstracts of the 13th Annual Meeting European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology. - (Ed. Haase, A.). -
Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology, and Medicine, 4 [2-Suppl.] 281-282 (1996).
[ESMRMB /13./ - Annual Meeting European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology. Praha (CZ), 96.09.12-96.09.15]
[Impact factor: 0.795(99) ]

035267 - UPT-D 960059 US eng J
Villa, M. - Tian, F. - Cofrancesco, P. - Halámek, J. - Kasal, M.
High-resolution digital quadrature detection.
Review of Scientific Instruments, 67 [6] 2123-2129 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/1270
[Impact factor:0.963(91) 1.288(92) 0.914(93) 1.095(94) 1.042(95) 1.144(96) 1.155(97) 1.177(98) 1.293(99) 1.239(00) 1.352(01) 1,437(02) 1.343(03) ]

035262 - UPT-D 960053 CZ cze J
Vlček, I.
Návrh a řešení Wienova filtru do VLESEM.
Jemná mechanika a optika, 41 [3] 78-79 (1996).

067074 - UPT-D 990004 RIV US eng J
Vondra, V. - Boogaart van den, A. - Graveron-Demilly, D. - Ormondt van, D.
Automatic Estimation of the Time Origin and Overall Phase of an FID Signal.
Journal of Magnetic Resonance. A, 119 [2] 271-274 (1996).
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 2.886(92) 0.000(93) 1.555(94) 2.011(95) 2.213(96) 1.786(97) 2.698(98) 0.000(99) ]

035238 - UPT-D 960027 SK eng C
Vondra, V. - Halámek, J.
Influence of digital audio filters on image reconstruction in Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
In: Nové smery v spracovaní signálov III. - 2 - Liptovský Mikuláš, Vojenská akadémia Slovenského národného povstania 1996. - S. 119-122.
[Nové smery v spracovaní signálov /3./. Liptovský Mikuláš (SK), 96.05.29-96.05.31]

035246 - UPT-D 960035 CZ eng A
Vondra, V. - Halámek, J.
Influence of digital audio filters on image reconstruction in MRI.
In: 11th NMR Valtice. - Brno, Spectroscopic Society of Johannes Marcus Marci - Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Discussion Group 1996. - S. 32.
[NMR Valtice /11./. Valtice (CZ), 96.04.15-96.04.17]

035297 - UPT-D 960088 CZ eng J
Vondra, V. - Wajer, F. - Halámek, J. - Ormondt van, D.
Influence of digital audio filters on image reconstruction in MRI.
In: Scientific Program and Book of Abstracts of the 13th Annual Meeting European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology. - (Ed. Haase, A.). -
Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology, and Medicine, 4 [2-Suppl.] 292-293 (1996).
[ESMRMB /13./ - Annual Meeting European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology. Praha (CZ), 96.09.12-96.09.15]
[Impact factor: 0.795(99) ]

035342 - FZU-D 960465 CH eng J
Vorlíček, V. - Široký, P. - Sobota, J. - Peřina, V. - Železný, V. - Hrdina, J.
C:N and C:N:O films: preparation and properties.
Diamond and Related Materials, 5 [3-5] 570-574 (1996).
[European Conference on Diamond, Diamond-like and Related Materials (Diamond Films'95) /6./. Barcelona (ES), 95.09.10-95.09.15]
Grant: IAA110426
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 1.972(93) 2.017(94) 2.000(95) 2.192(96) 1.758(97) 1.503(98) 1.924(99) 1.591(00) 1.902(01) 1,734(02) 1.867(03) ]

035273 - UPT-D 960064 IE eng C
Zadražil, M. - Frank, L.
Noncharging SEM for biomedical and material research.
In: CD-ROM Proceedings of the 11th European Congress on Electron Microscopy. - Dublin, University College 1996. - S. -.
[EUREM /11./ - European Congress on Electron Microscopy. Dublin, 96.08.26-96.08.30]

035222 - UPT-D 960010 CZ eng C
Zadražil, M. - Frank, L. - Kofroňová, O. - Benada, O.
Imaging of Non-Conducting Specimens by Non-Charging Scanning Electron Microscopy Method.
In: Recent Trends in Charged Particle Optics and Surface Physics Instrumentation - 5th Seminar. - (Ed. Müllerová, I.; Frank, L.). - Brno, Czechoslovak Society for Electron Microscopy 1996. - S. 75-77.
[Recent Trends /5./ in Charged Particle Optics and Surface Physics Instrumentation. Skalský Dvůr (CZ), 96.06.24-96.06.28]

035311 - UPT-D 960102 HU eng C
Zadražil, M. - Frank, L. - Kofroňová, O. - Benada, O.
Imaging of non-conducting specimens by non-charging scanning electron microscopy method.
In: Proceedings EMAS '96 - 2nd Regional Workshop on Electron Probe Microanalysis of Materials Today - Practical Aspects. - (Ed. Lábár, J. L.; Heikinheimo, E.; Nicholson, P.). - Balatonfüred, Kossuth Lajos University Debrecen, Department of Solid State Physics 1996. - S. 75-76.
[EMAS '96 - Regional Workshop on Electron Probe Microanalysis of Materials Today /2./. Balatonfüred (HU), 96.05.19-96.05.22]

054430 - UPT-D 980030 RIV PL eng C
Zemánek, P. - Foot, C. J.
Strong Gaussian standing wave - an efficient tool for laser cooling of atomic beams.
In: Proceedings of the Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics (Proc. SPIE 3320) - 10th Polish-Czech-Slovak Optical Conference. - (Ed. Nowak, J.; Zajac, M.). - Washington, SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering 1996. - S. 97-103.
[SPIE: Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics. Karpacz (PL) , 96.09.16-96.09.20]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2065503

039361 - UPT-D 970018 CZ eng J
Zemánek, P. - Foot, C. J.
Laser cooling of atoms in a strong Gaussian standing wave.
Jemná mechanika a optika, 41 [4] 111-118 (1996).

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