ÚZFG - Ústav živočišné fyziologie a genetiky


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Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

020864 - UZFG-Y 950111 CZ eng J
Amori, G. - Zima, J.
Threatened rodents in Europe: species status and certain suggestions to consevations strategies.
Folia Zoologica, 43, 1-9 (1994).
[Impact factor:0.176(91) 0.091(92) 0.145(93) 0.213(94) 0.291(95) 0.407(96) 0.364(97) 0.314(98) 0.182(99) 0.240(00) 0.287(01) 0,234(02) 0.494(03) ]

020891 - UZFG-Y 950139 GB eng J
Čechová, M. - Hojný, J. - Buchta, S. - Schroffel, J.
The study of associtions between allotype specificities of immunoglobulins and reproductive performance of pigs.
Animal Genetics, 25 [Suppl. 2] 12 (1994).
Grant: IA54553
[Impact factor:1.241(92) 1.720(93) 2.151(94) 1.354(95) 1.235(96) 1.076(97) 1.013(98) 1.000(99) 0.863(00) 1.020(01) 1,443(02) 1.387(03) ]

020885 - UZFG-Y 950133 GB eng J
Čepica, S. - Wolf, J. - Hojný, J. - Vacková, I. - Schroffel, J.
Relation between heterozygozity in F1 croses and genetic distance between parental pig breeds measured by marker genes.
Animal Genetics, 25 [Suppl. 2] 60 (1994).
Grant: IA54553
[Impact factor:1.241(92) 1.720(93) 2.151(94) 1.354(95) 1.235(96) 1.076(97) 1.013(98) 1.000(99) 0.863(00) 1.020(01) 1,443(02) 1.387(03) ]

020888 - UZFG-Y 950136 GB eng J
Červený, J. - Míšek, I.
Alizarin staining techniques in practical ostological training.
Functional and Developmental Morphology, 4, 137-138 (1994).

053478 - UZFG-Y 980040 SK eng A
Dostál, J. - Pavlok, A.
Isolation and Characterisation of compounds regulating Maturation of Mammalian Ooocytes.
In: Abstracts. - Košice, - 1994. - S. 1.
[Francúsko-česko-Slovenské kolokvium o reprodukci /6./. Košice (SK), 94.10.13-94.10.14]

020898 - UZFG-Y 950146 GB eng J
Dostál, J. - Stratil, A.
Polymorphic marker as tools for paternity control in dogs.
Animal Genetics, 25, 13 (1994).
[Impact factor:1.241(92) 1.720(93) 2.151(94) 1.354(95) 1.235(96) 1.076(97) 1.013(98) 1.000(99) 0.863(00) 1.020(01) 1,443(02) 1.387(03) ]

053479 - UZFG-Y 980041 CZ eng A
Dostál, J. - Veselský, L. - Drahorád, J.
Effect of boar seminal immunosuppressor on mouse lymphocytes after anal administration.
In: Abstracts. - Praha, - 1994. - S. 1.
[International Conference ona Animal Genetics /24./. Praha (CZ), 94.07.23-94.07.29]

053493 - UZFG-Y 980086 CZ eng A
Fliegerová, K. - Benada, O. - Flint, H.
Large plasmid from ruminal bacteria selenomonas ruminantium.
In: Abstracts book. - Praha, - 1994. - S. 1.
[International Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology Division /7./. Praha (CZ), 94.07.03-94.07.08]

020851 - UZFG-Y 950097 US eng J
Fliegerová, K. - Pažoutová, S. - Benada, O. - Flint, H. J.
Small plasmic from rumen strains of Selenomonas ruminantium.
Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 3, 150 (1994).
[Impact factor:1.285(92) 1.293(93) 1.853(94) 1.858(95) 1.457(96) 1.456(97) 1.710(98) 1.580(99) 2.330(00) 2.274(01) 2,574(02) 3.287(03) ]

020907 - UZFG-Y 950155 GB eng J
Fortyn, K. - Hruban, V. - Horák, V.
Treatment of malignant melanoma.
British Journal of Surgery, 81, 146-147 (1994).
[Impact factor:1.788(92) 1.958(93) 1.778(94) 1.842(95) 2.429(96) 2.287(97) 2.381(98) 2.732(99) 2.935(00) 3.464(01) 3,444(02) 3.772(03) ]

020890 - UZFG-Y 950138 CZ eng J
Fortyn, K. - Hruban, V. - Horák, V. - Hradecký, J. - Tichý, J.
Melanoblastoma disease in laboratory minipigs: A model for study of human malignant melanoblastomas.
Veterinární medicína, 39, 597-604 (1994).
[Impact factor:0.112(91) 0.028(92) 0.076(93) 0.088(94) 0.250(95) 0.162(96) 0.189(97) 0.231(98) 0.220(99) 0.188(00) 0.348(01) 0,204(02) 0.608(03) ]

020883 - UZFG-Y 950131 US eng J
Fulka, J. - Moor, R. M. - Fulka, J.
Sister chromatid separation and the metaphase-anaphase transition in mouse oocyte.
Developmental Biology, 165, 410-417 (1994).
[Impact factor:3.779(92) 4.256(93) 4.468(94) 4.752(95) 4.963(96) 5.289(97) 6.018(98) 6.049(99) 5.540(00) 5.558(01) 5,194(02) 5.351(03) ]

053488 - UZFG-Y 980062 CH eng Cx
Gábrišová, E. - Šlechta, V. - Ráb, P.
Absence of genetic diversity between Slovak and Hungarian populations of endangered mudminnow Umbra krameri.
In: Symposium on the Conservation of Endangered Freshwater Fish in Europe. - Bern, University of Bern 1994. - S. 20.
[Symposium on the Conservation on Endagered Freshwater Fish in Europe. Bern (CH), 94.07.20-94.07.22]
Grant: GA206/93/0432

014430 - UEK-B 940038 CZ cze A
Grim, T. - Honza, M. - Míšek, I.
Prenatální vývoj racka chechtavého (Larus ridibundus L.).
In: Zoologické dny. Abstrakta referátů z konference. - Brno, Česká zoologická společnost 1994. - S. 25.
[Zoologické dny. Brno (CZ), 94.11.03-94.11.04]
Grant: IA66964

020860 - UZFG-Y 950107 CZ eng J
Hausser, J. - Fedyk, S. - Fredga, K. - Searle, J. B. - Volobujev, V. - Wojcik, J. M. - Zima, J.
Definition and nomenclature of the chromosome races of Sorex araneus.
Folia Zoologica, 43, 1-9 (1994).
[Impact factor:0.176(91) 0.091(92) 0.145(93) 0.213(94) 0.291(95) 0.407(96) 0.364(97) 0.314(98) 0.182(99) 0.240(00) 0.287(01) 0,234(02) 0.494(03) ]

020854 - UZFG-Y 950100 US eng J
Hodrová, B. - Kopečný, J.
Production of pectin degrading enzymes by rumen fungi.
Proceedings of the Society of Nutrition Physiology, 3, 172 ( 1994).

053485 - UZFG-Y 980052 GB eng J
Hojný, J. - Rapacz, J. - Hasler-Rapacz, J. O. - Hu, Z. L. - Rapacz, J. H. - Vogeli, P.
Identification of new apolipoprotein B epitopes and haplotypes and their distribution in swine populations.
Animal Genetics. Supplement, 25 [1] 51-57 (1994).
Grant: IA54553
[Impact factor:1.241(92) 1.720(93) 2.151(94) 1.354(95) 1.235(96) 1.076(97) 1.013(98) 1.000(99) 0.863(00) 1.020(01) 1,443(02) 1.387(03) ]

020879 - UZFG-Y 950127 GB eng J
Hojný, J. - Schroffel, J. - Geldermann, H. - Čepica, S.
The porcine M blood group system: evidence to suggest assignement of it M1 factor to a new system (P).
Animal Genetics, 25, 99-101 (1994).
Grant: IA54553
[Impact factor:1.241(92) 1.720(93) 2.151(94) 1.354(95) 1.235(96) 1.076(97) 1.013(98) 1.000(99) 0.863(00) 1.020(01) 1,443(02) 1.387(03) ]

020896 - UZFG-Y 950144 NL eng J
Horák, V. - Flechon, J. E. - Moens, A.
Spontaneous diferentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells.
Cell Biology International, 18, 434 (1994).
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 1.018(93) 1.042(94) 1.067(95) 1.018(96) 1.124(97) 0.884(98) 0.731(99) 0.592(00) 0.942(01) 1,017(02) 1.092(03) ]

053474 - UZFG-Y 980023 CZ eng A
Horák, V. - Fléchon, J. E. - Moens, A.
E-Cadherin and SSEA-1 during spontaneous differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells.
In: Abstract of Satellite Sypmosium of 4 th European Congress Cell Biology. - Praha, Czech Branch of the Eur. Tissue culture Society 1994. - S. 11.
[Satellite Symposium of the 4 th European Congress of Cell Biology. Praha (CZ), 94.07.02]

053473 - UZFG-Y 980022 CZ cze C
Horák, V. - Fortýn, K. - Hruban, V. - Tichý, J.
Neradikální chirurgická léčba maligních melanomů upokusných miniprasat-Model pro lidskou onkochirurgii?
In: 18. Brněnské onkologické dny-souhrn přednášek. - Brno, Masarykův onkologický ústav 1994. - S. 11.
[Brněnské onkologické dny /18./. Brno (CZ), 94.05.26-94.05.27]

053475 - UZFG-Y 980024 CZ eng A
Horák, V. - Hruban, V. - Fortýn, K.
Presence of specific MHC haplotype in melanoblastoma-bearing minipigs.
In: Abstracts-24 International Conference ona Animal Genetics. - Praha, ÚŽFG AV ČR Liběchov 1994. - S. 55.
[International Conference on Animal Genetics /24./. Praha (CZ), 94.07.23-94.07.29]

053476 - UZFG-Y 980025 CZ eng A
Horák, V. - Majzlík, I. - Hruban, V. - Němec, M.
Tissue distribution of ABO(H) antigens in pig and rabbits studied by xenoreactive monoclonal antibodies.
In: Abstracts-24 International Conference ona Animal Genetics. - Praha, ÚŽFG AV ČR Liběchov 1994. - S. 29.
[International Conference of Animal Genetics /24./. Praha (CZ), 94.07.23-94.07.29]

053477 - UZFG-Y 980026 CZ eng A
Horák, V. - Matolín, S. - Hájek, M. - Kurková, D. - Perič, T. - Havlíčková, L. - Melichna, J.
Histochemical and magnetic resonance spectroscopy data in 12-13 years old ice-hockey players.
In: Abstracts-Progress in Basic, Applied and Diagnostic Histochemistry. - Praha, Czech Soc. Histochem. Cytochem. 1994. - S. 55.
[Progress in Basic, Applied and Diagnostic Histochemistry. Olomouc ( CZ), 94.09.04-94.09.07]

020870 - UZFG-Y 950117 US eng J
Jelínkova, L. - Kubelka, M. - Motlík, J. - Guerrier, P.
Chromatin condensation and histone H1 kinase activity during growth and maturation of rabbit oocytes.
Molecular Reproduction and Development, 37, 210-215 (1994).
[Impact factor:2.003(92) 2.212(93) 2.425(94) 2.229(95) 2.513(96) 2.189(97) 2.399(98) 2.658(99) 2.535(00) 2.296(01) 2,322(02) 2.543(03) ]

020852 - UZFG-Y 950098 US eng J
Kaláb, P. - Wisconti, P. - Leclerc, P. - Kopf, G. S.
P95, the major phosphotyrosine-containing protein in mouse spermatozoa is a unique from of hexokinase.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 269, 3810-3817 (1994).
[Impact factor:6.714(91) 6.733(92) 6.739(93) 7.716(94) 7.385(95) 7.452(96) 6.963(97) 7.199(98) 7.666(99) 7.368(00) 7.258(01) 6,696(02) 6.482(03) ]

020876 - UZFG-Y 950123 RU rus J
Kalacnjuk, G. I. - Marounek, M. - Kalacnjuk, L. G. - Savka, O. G.
Metabolism bakterij rubca za dlizovnisnoklitinnovo redox-potencialu.
Ukrajinskij Biochemiceskij Žurnal, 66, 30-40 (1994).

020863 - UZFG-Y 950110 RU rus J
Kalacnjuk, G. I. - Marounek, M. - Kostjukovskij, V. A. - Savka, O. G.
Fermentacija termiceskiobrazovannych makromolekul smesannoj populjacijej i cistimi stammami mikrobov rubca.
Doklady Rossijskoj Akademii Selskochozjajstvennych Nauk, 4, 37-40 (1994).

053494 - UZFG-Y 980089 PL eng C
Kaňka, J. - Fulka, J. - Ouhibi, N. - Moor, R. M.
Remodeling changes in embryonic and embryonic stem cell nuclei after cell fusion with chemically enucleated mouse oocytes: An autoradiography and ultrastructural study.
In: Proc. Eur. Conf. Embryo Techn. and Genet. Engin. in Cattle and Sheep. - Krakow, Drukow 1994. - S. 210-211.
[Progress in embryo technology and genetic energineering in cattle and sheep breeding. Krakow (PL), 94.00.00]

020868 - UZFG-Y 950115 US eng J
Kopečný, J. - Fliegerová, K.
Transformation of Selenomonas ruminantium by electroporation.
Proceedings of the Society of Nutrition Physiology, 3, 150 ( 1994).
Grant: GA508/93/2485

053495 - UZFG-Y 980093 CZ eng C
Kopečný, J. - Hodrová, B.
Stability of extracellular enzymes in the rumen.
In: Proceedings of IUMS Congresses. - Praha, Čs. Společnost mikrobilogická 1994. - S. 252.
[IUMS Congresses. Praha (CZ), 94.07.03-94.07.08]

020882 - UZFG-Y 950130 CZ cze J
Kovářů, H. - Wagner, R. - Kovářů, F. - Halouská, R. - Knotková, Z. - Černý, J. - Špánova, A.
Aktivované granulocyty během mimotělního oběhu (MTO) prasečího modelu.
Imunologický zpravodaj, 2, 8 (1994).

020893 - UZFG-Y 950141 DE eng J
Kryštůfek, B. - Filippucci, M. G. - Macholan, M. - Zima, J. - Vujosevic, M. - Simson, S.
Does Microtus majory occur in Europe?
Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde, 59, 349-357 (1994).
[Impact factor:0.433(92) 0.305(93) 0.320(94) 0.351(95) 0.441(96) 0.274(97) 0.189(98) 0.302(99) 0.467(00) 0.367(01) 0,370(02) ]

053482 - UZFG-Y 980046 ES eng J
Kubelka, M. - Fellous, A. - Thibier, C. - Taieb, F. - Haccard, O. - Jessus, C.
Association of p34cdc2 protein kinase with microtubules during the meiotic maturation of Xenopus oocytes.
International Journal of Developmental Biology, 38, 651-659 ( 1994).
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 0.000(93) 1.431(94) 1.356(95) 1.702(96) 1.619(97) 1.559(98) 1.743(99) 1.963(00) 1.650(01) 1,465(02) 1.306(03) ]

053480 - UZFG-Y 980042 GB eng J
Kubelka, M. - Moor, R. M.
Nuclear cytoplasmic interactions of mouse enucleated GV-stage oocytes and spermatogenic cells.
Cell Biology International, 18 [5] 578a (1994).
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 1.018(93) 1.042(94) 1.067(95) 1.018(96) 1.124(97) 0.884(98) 0.731(99) 0.592(00) 0.942(01) 1,017(02) 1.092(03) ]

053481 - UZFG-Y 980043 GB eng C
Kubelka, M. - Sweeney, C. - Murphy, M. - Ravnik, S. E. - Wolgemuth, D. J. - Carrington, M.
A novel cyclin A expressed in germ cells and during embryogenesis.
In: Proceeding UK-Japanese Cell Cycle Workshop. - GB, Cambridge 1994. - S. 42.
[UK-Japanese Cell Cycle Workshop. Cambridge (GB), 94.12.00]

053484 - UZFG-Y 980051 US eng C
Kubelka, M. - Sweeney, C. - Murphy, M. - Ravnik, S. E. - Wolgemuth, D. J. - Carrington, M.
A murine cyclin A associ-ated with meiosis and early embryogenesis.
In: Proceeding Cold Spring Harbour Conference on Cell Cycle. - Cold Spring Harbour, - 1994. - S. 0.
[Cold Spring Harbour Conference on Cell Cycle. Cold Spring Harbour ( US), 94.00.00]

020872 - UZFG-Y 950119 CZ eng J
Lukáčová, L. - Pialek, L. - Zima, J.
A hybrid zone between the Ulm and Drnholec karyotypic races of Sorex araneus.
Folia Zoologica, 43, 37-42 (1994).
[Impact factor:0.176(91) 0.091(92) 0.145(93) 0.213(94) 0.291(95) 0.407(96) 0.364(97) 0.314(98) 0.182(99) 0.240(00) 0.287(01) 0,234(02) 0.494(03) ]

020902 - UZFG-Y 950150 US eng J
Lunney, J. K. - Walker, K. - Goldmann, T. - Aasted, B. - Bianchi, A. - Dvořák, P.
Overview of the first International Workshop to define svine leukocyte cluster of diferentiation antigens.
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 43, 193-206 (1994).
[Impact factor:1.194(91) 1.074(92) 1.100(93) 1.201(94) 1.138(95) 1.508(96) 0.867(97) 1.138(98) 1.056(99) 1.343(00) 1.389(01) 1,659(02) 1.652(03) ]

014462 - UEK-B 940080 CZ eng A
Lusková, V. - Šlechtová, V. - Šlechta, V. - Lusk, S.
Contribution to the knowledge of population genetic diversity of Chondrostoma nasus from Moravian and Slovak rivers.
In: 1st International Workshop on Biology of the Nase Chondrostoma nasus. - Brno, Institute of Landscape Ecology ASCR 1994. - S. 13.
[International Workshop on Biology of the Nase Chondrostoma nasus /1./. Brno (CZ), 94.10.17-94.10.20]
Grant: IAA645106IAA687402

020873 - UZFG-Y 950120 DE eng J
Macholan, M. - Filippucci, M. G. - Zima, J. - Krystufek, B. - Simson, S.
Caryological and allozyme survey of the common shrew, Sorex araneus from Macedonia.
Zeitschrift für Zoologische Systematik und Evolutionsforschung, 32, 129-136 (1994).
[Impact factor:0.704(92) 0.574(93) 0.400(94) 0.667(95) 0.647(96) 0.000(97) 0.000(98) 0.000(99) ]

020874 - UZFG-Y 950121 CZ eng J
Macholan, M. - Zima, J.
Mus domesticus in western Bohemia. A new mammal for the Czech Republic.
Folia Zoologica, 43, 39-41 (1994).
[Impact factor:0.176(91) 0.091(92) 0.145(93) 0.213(94) 0.291(95) 0.407(96) 0.364(97) 0.314(98) 0.182(99) 0.240(00) 0.287(01) 0,234(02) 0.494(03) ]

020886 - UZFG-Y 950134 GB eng J
Marounek, M. - Kopečný, J.
Utilization of glucose and xylose in ruminal strains of Butyrvibrio fibrisolvens.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 60, 738-739 (1994).
[Impact factor:2.560(91) 2.801(92) 3.128(93) 3.175(94) 3.211(95) 3.129(96) 3.336(97) 3.358(98) 3.541(99) 3.389(00) 3.688(01) 3,691(02) 3.820(03) ]

020869 - UZFG-Y 950116 CZ eng J
Marounek, M. - Savka, O. G.
Antimicrobial susceptibility of ruminal strains of Butyvibrio fibrisolvens.
Acta Veterinaria Brno, 63, 129-132 (1994).
[Impact factor:0.075(91) 0.052(92) 0.075(93) 0.076(94) 0.079(95) 0.120(96) 0.132(97) 0.288(98) 0.227(99) 0.240(00) 0.274(01) 0,370(02) 0.336(03) ]

053491 - UZFG-Y 980081 GB eng Cx
Marounek, M. - Skřivanová, V. - Šimůnek, J. - Benda, V. - Kuboušková, M.
The effect of bovine somatotropin and virginiamycin on growth, immunoglobulis, blood and rumen parameters in young calves.
In: Proc. 45 th Annual Meeting EAAP. - Edinburgh, Venue-University of Edinburgh 1994. - S. 160.
[Annual Meeting of the EAAAP /45./. Edinburgh (GB), 94.09.05-94.09.08]

020903 - UZFG-Y 950151 CZ eng J
Matolin, S. - Vaverka, F. - Lunak, J. - Novák, J. - Horák, V. - Krejčí, P.
Histochemical and functional parameters in Nordic combination athletes.
Physiological Research, 43, 243-251 (1994).
[Impact factor:0.177(92) 0.300(93) 0.318(94) 0.588(95) 0.532(96) 0.807(97) 0.616(98) 0.521(99) ]

020859 - UZFG-Y 950106 GB eng J
Matoušek, J.
Aspermatogenic effect of the bull seminal ribonuclease (BS RNase) in the presents of anti BSRNase antibodies in mice.
Animal Genetics, 25, 45-50 (1994).
[Impact factor:1.241(92) 1.720(93) 2.151(94) 1.354(95) 1.235(96) 1.076(97) 1.013(98) 1.000(99) 0.863(00) 1.020(01) 1,443(02) 1.387(03) ]

053497 - UZFG-Y 980110 CZ cze C
Míšek, I. - Štěrba, O. - Tichý, F.
Homodoncie a heterodoncie u placentálních savců.
In: Morfologie a fyziologie hospodářských zvířat- sborník referátů. - Brno, VŠZ Brno 1994. - S. 2.
[Morfologie afyziologie hospodářských zvířat - vědecká konference. Brno (CZ), 94.09.07]
Grant: IA645109

053498 - UZFG-Y 980111 CH eng A
Míšek, I. - Štěrba, O. - Klima, M. - Schildger, B.
Allometry and allochrony in the prenatal growth of dolphins (Delphinidae, Cetacea).
In: 20th Congres of the European Association of Veterinary Anatomists. - Zürich, F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG 1994. - S. 62.
[Congress of the European Association of Veterinary Anatomists /20./. Zürich (CH), 94.08.15-94.08.19]
Grant: IA645109

019858 - UMG-J 950057 US eng J
Moos, J. - Kaláb, P. - Kopf, G. S. - Schultz, R. M.
Rapid, nonradioactive and quantitative method to analyze Zona pellucida modifications in single mouse eggs.
Molecular Reproduction and Development, 38 [1] 91-93 (1994).
Grant: GA301/93/0212IA75262
[Impact factor:2.003(92) 2.212(93) 2.425(94) 2.229(95) 2.513(96) 2.189(97) 2.399(98) 2.658(99) 2.535(00) 2.296(01) 2,322(02) 2.543(03) ]

020905 - UZFG-Y 950153 US eng J
Moos, J. - Kaláb, P. - Schultz, R. M. - Kopf, G. S.
Rapid nonradioactive detection of 2p-2 conversion in single mouse eggs.
Molecular Reproduction and Development, 38, 91-93 (1994).
[Impact factor:2.003(92) 2.212(93) 2.425(94) 2.229(95) 2.513(96) 2.189(97) 2.399(98) 2.658(99) 2.535(00) 2.296(01) 2,322(02) 2.543(03) ]

053483 - UZFG-Y 980050 PL eng C
Motlík, J. - Kalous, J. - Šutovský, P. - Kubelka, M.
Cell cycle regulation between the somatic and germinal compartements in mamalian follicles.
In: Proceeding Conference of Embryo Technology Genetics Engineering in Cattle and Sheep. - Krakow, - 1994. - S. 0.
[European Conference of Embryo Technology Genetics Engineering in Cattle and Sheep. Krakow (PL), 94.00.00]

037266 - UZFG-Y 970073 CZ eng A
Motlík, J. - Kubelka, M. - Kalous, J. - Guerrier, P.
Inhibition of protein synthesis affects hisone H1 kinase but not chromosome condensation activity in pig oocytes.
In: Inhibition of protein- abstracts. - Praha, Praha 1994. - S. 161.
[European congress of cell biology /4./. Praha (CZ), 94.07.26-94.08.01]

014073 - BFU-R 940089 CZ eng A
Musilová, E. - Španová, A. - Holá, J. - Kozubík, A.
Changes in the cell cycle during differentiation induced by PMA, RA, DMSO and TGF beta 1 can explain the responsiveness of promyelocytic HL-60 cells to apoptosis after gamma-irradiation.
In: Abstracts - II. Symposium Radiation Biology and its Application in Space Research. - Brno, BFÚ AV ČR 1994. - S. -.
[Symposium "Radiation Biology and its Application in Space Research. Mutation Induction by Ionizing Radiation: From Energy Deposition to Risk Estimation" /2./. Nedvědice (CZ), 94.11.10-94.11.12]

020899 - UZFG-Y 950147 GB eng J
Niini, T. - Stratil, A. - Cizová, D.
TF N, partially defficient and atypical transferrin variant in the horse.
Animal Genetics, 25, 15 (1994).
[Impact factor:1.241(92) 1.720(93) 2.151(94) 1.354(95) 1.235(96) 1.076(97) 1.013(98) 1.000(99) 0.863(00) 1.020(01) 1,443(02) 1.387(03) ]

020861 - UZFG-Y 950108 NL eng J
Ouhibi, N. - Fulka, J. - Kaňka, J. - Moor, R. M.
Reversible block at the G1/S border during cell cycle progression of mouse embryos.
International Journal of Development Biology, 38, 731-736 (1994).
Grant: GA505/93/0487
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 0.000(93) 1.431(94) 1.356(95) 1.702(96) 1.619(97) 1.559(98) 1.743(99) 1.963(00) 1.650(01) 1,465(02) 1.306(03) ]

020887 - UZFG-Y 950135 GB eng J
Páral, V. - Míšek, I.
Dynamic of mineralization in different parts of long bone of the bovine fetus.
Functional and Developmental Morphology, 4, 233-235 (1994).

020892 - UZFG-Y 950140 GB eng J
Peelman, L. - Chardon, P. - Nunes, M. - Vaimann, M. - Stratil, A. - Van de Veghe, A. - Coppieters, W. - Van Zeveren, A. - Bouquet, Y.
The porcine BAT region is very reach in ripied sequences.
Animal Genetics, 25, 22 (1994).
[Impact factor:1.241(92) 1.720(93) 2.151(94) 1.354(95) 1.235(96) 1.076(97) 1.013(98) 1.000(99) 0.863(00) 1.020(01) 1,443(02) 1.387(03) ]

019830 - UMG-J 950025 GB eng Jx
Pěknicová, J. - Moos, J. - Čapková, J. - Sršeň, V.
Localization and sperm proteins during capacitation and acrosome reaction.
Cell Biology International, 18 [5] 491 (1994).
[European Congress of Cell Biology /4./. Praha (CZ), 94.06.26-94.07.01]
Grant: GA301/93/0212IA75262
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 1.018(93) 1.042(94) 1.067(95) 1.018(96) 1.124(97) 0.884(98) 0.731(99) 0.592(00) 0.942(01) 1,017(02) 1.092(03) ]

019886 - UMG-J 950087 NL eng J
Pěknicová, J. - Moos, J. - Sršeň, V. - Mollova, M. - Čapková, J.
Changes in immunochemical localization of acrosomal and sperm proteins in boar spermatozoa during capacitation and induced acrosome reaction.
Animal Reproduction Science, 35, [-] 255-271 (1994).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA301/93/0212; GA AV ČR(CZ) IA75262GA301/93/0212 IA75262
[Impact factor:0.701(92) 0.678(93) 0.855(94) 0.709(95) 0.838(96) 0.930(97) 1.105(98) 0.813(99) 1.080(00) 1.196(01) 1,681(02) 1.286(03) ]

053472 - UZFG-Y 980018 PL eng C
Procházka, R. - Fiser, P.
Modulation of parthenogenetic development of mouse oocytes by different conditions of electrical stimulation.
In: Progress in embryo technology and genetic engineering in cattle and sheep breeding. - Krakow, University Krakow 1994. - S. 257-258.
[Progress in embryo technology and genetic engineering in cattle and sheep breeding. Krakow (PL), 94.03.24-94.03.25]

053489 - UZFG-Y 980063 CZ eng A
Ráb, P.
Tinca tinca: from fossils to ornamental fishes.
In: Abstarcts of International Workshop on Biology and Culture of Tench (Tinca tinca L.). - Vodňany, VÚRH JČU 1994. - S. 0.
[International Workshop on Biology and Culture of Tench (Tinca tinca L.). Ohrada u Hluboké nad Vltavou (CZ), 94.08.28-94.09.01]
Grant: GA206/93/0432

053490 - UZFG-Y 980065 CZ eng A
Ráb, P. - Collares-Pereira, M. J.
Cytotaxonomy of Tinca tinca.
In: Abstracts of the International Workshop on Biology and Culture of tench (Tinca tinca L.). - Vodňany, VÚRH JČU 1994. - S. 0.
[International Workshop on Biology and Culture of Tench (Tinca tinca L.). Ohrada u Hluboké nad Vltavou (CZ), 94.08.28-94.09.01]
Grant: GA206/93/0432

020853 - UZFG-Y 950099 CA eng J
Ráb, P. - Crosmann, E. J.
Chromosomal NOR fenotypes in North American pikes and pickerels, genus Esox with notes on Umbrydae (Euteleostei: Esocae).
Canadian Journal of Zoology, 72, 1951-1956 (1994).
Grant: GA206/93/0432
[Impact factor:0.764(92) 0.735(93) 0.736(94) 0.680(95) 0.685(96) 0.975(97) 1.052(98) 1.015(99) 0.779(00) 1.168(01) 1,175(02) 1.115(03) ]

053487 - UZFG-Y 980058 US eng B
Ráb, P. - Flajšhans, M. - Kálal, L.
Genetics of salmoid fishes in Czechoslovakia: current status of knowledege.
In: Genetics Conservation of Salmoid Fishes. - New York, Plenum Press 1994. - S. 231-248.
Grant: IAA64516

020866 - UZFG-Y 950113 CZ eng J
Ráb, P. - Karakousis, Y. - Costas, P.
Karyotype of Silurus aristotelis with reference to the cytotaxonomy of the genus Silurus (Siluridae).
Folia Zoologica, 43, 75-81 (1994).
Grant: GA206/93/0432
[Impact factor:0.176(91) 0.091(92) 0.145(93) 0.213(94) 0.291(95) 0.407(96) 0.364(97) 0.314(98) 0.182(99) 0.240(00) 0.287(01) 0,234(02) 0.494(03) ]

020867 - UZFG-Y 950114 CZ eng J
Ráb, P. - Šlechta, V. - Flajšhans, M.
Cytogenetics, cytotaxonomy and biochemical genetics of huchonine salmonids.
Folia Zoologica, 43, 97-107 (1994).
Grant: GA206/93/0432
[Impact factor:0.176(91) 0.091(92) 0.145(93) 0.213(94) 0.291(95) 0.407(96) 0.364(97) 0.314(98) 0.182(99) 0.240(00) 0.287(01) 0,234(02) 0.494(03) ]

020889 - UZFG-Y 950137 GB eng J
Rapacz, J. - Hu, Z. L. - Rapacz, J. M. - Fogelli, P. - Hojný, J. - Janik, A.
Identification of new apolypoprotein B epitopes and haplotypes and their distribution in svine population.
Animal Genetics, 25, 51-57 (1994).
[Impact factor:1.241(92) 1.720(93) 2.151(94) 1.354(95) 1.235(96) 1.076(97) 1.013(98) 1.000(99) 0.863(00) 1.020(01) 1,443(02) 1.387(03) ]

020897 - UZFG-Y 950145 GB eng J
Skřivanová, V. - Marounek, M. - Šimůnek, J. - Benda, V.
Effect of virginiamycin of digestibility of nutrience, blood and immunological parameters and quality of meat in veal calves.
Journal of Agricultural Science, 123, 275-278 (1994).
[Impact factor:0.617(92) 0.457(93) 0.621(94) 0.581(95) 0.619(96) 0.701(97) 0.650(98) 0.743(99) 0.673(00) 0.580(01) 0,463(02) 0.596(03) ]

020857 - UZFG-Y 950104 CZ eng J
Slaba, J. - Krejčí, P. - Škarda, J. - Huybrechts, L. - Detsuypere, E. - Herrmann, H.
Plasma profiles of somatotropin and IGF/I in dairy cows following application of two preparations of recombinant bovine somatotropin in a sustained release vesicle.
Physiological Research, 43, 37-43 (1994).
[Impact factor:0.177(92) 0.300(93) 0.318(94) 0.588(95) 0.532(96) 0.807(97) 0.616(98) 0.521(99) ]

053486 - UZFG-Y 980057 PL eng C
Slavík, T. - Fulka, J.
Viability of ovine embryos produced in vitro.
In: Proceedings of the first european conference on progress in embryo technology and genetic ingeneering in cattle and sheep breeding. - Krakow, - 1994. - S. 0.
[Progress in embryo technology and genetics ingeneering in cattle and sheep breeding. Krakow (PL), 94.03.24-94.03.25]

020901 - UZFG-Y 950149 GB eng J
Souček, J. - Matoušek, J. - Kim, J. S. - Raines, R. T.
Immunosupressive activity of the bovine seminal ribonuclea seband its recombinant derivative.
Animal Genetics, 25, 25-26 (1994).
[Impact factor:1.241(92) 1.720(93) 2.151(94) 1.354(95) 1.235(96) 1.076(97) 1.013(98) 1.000(99) 0.863(00) 1.020(01) 1,443(02) 1.387(03) ]

020906 - UZFG-Y 950154 NL eng J
Souček, J. - Matoušek, J. - Ranies, R. T. - Benner, S. A.
Bovine seminal ribonuclease - an aggent with a special immunosupressive action.
Periodicum Biologorum, 96, 284 (1994).
[Impact factor: 0.213(00) 0.087(01) 0,094(02) 0.187(03) ]

020856 - UZFG-Y 950103 GB eng J
Stratil, A. - Cizová, D. - Gabrisová, E. - Pavlík, M. - Coppieters, W. - Peelman, L. - Van de Weghe, W. - Bouquet, Y.
Partial characterization of three pig plasma alpha-protease inhibitors (PI2, PI3 and PI4) indicates their close homology with human alpha1-antichymotrypsin.
Animal Genetics, 25, 16 (1994).
Grant: GA514/94/0269IAA545101
[Impact factor:1.241(92) 1.720(93) 2.151(94) 1.354(95) 1.235(96) 1.076(97) 1.013(98) 1.000(99) 0.863(00) 1.020(01) 1,443(02) 1.387(03) ]

020895 - UZFG-Y 950143 CZ cze J
Stratil, A. - Čepica, S.
Molekulární genetika jako nástroj moderního šlechtění hospodářských zvířat.
Technický magazín, T94, 62-63 (1994).
Grant: GA514/94/0269

020881 - UZFG-Y 950129 GB eng J
Styriak, I. - Špánová, A. - Montagová, H. - Kmet, V.
Isolation and characterization of a new ruminal bacterioph agelytic for Steptococus bovis.
Current Microbiology, 28, 355-358 (1994).
[Impact factor:0.866(91) 0.940(92) 1.087(93) 0.983(94) 0.962(95) 1.092(96) 1.011(97) 1.094(98) 1.165(99) 1.029(00) 1.059(01) 1,210(02) 1.125(03) ]

020904 - UZFG-Y 950152 US eng J
Sutovský, P. - Flechon, J. E.
Cumulus expansion in mammals: an interplay between cytoskeleton and extracellular matrix.
Molecular Biology of the Cell, 5, 95A (1994).
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 9.025(93) 10.195(94) 9.376(95) 9.915(96) 8.926(97) 8.256(98) 7.527(99) 8.482(00) 7.700(01) 7,599(02) 7.454(03) ]

020877 - UZFG-Y 950125 FR eng J
Sutovský, P. - Flechon, J. E. - Pavlok, A.
Microfilaments, microtubulles and intermediate filaments fullfil differential roles in gonadotropin induced expansion in bovine cumulus oophorus.
Reproduction Nutrition Development, 34, 415-425 (1994).
Grant: GA505/93/0472
[Impact factor:0.516(91) 0.579(92) 0.743(93) 0.549(94) 0.716(95) 1.116(96) 0.619(97) 0.685(98) 0.922(99) 1.351(00) 1.567(01) 0,872(02) 0.780(03) ]

020880 - UZFG-Y 950128 US eng J
Šimůnek, J. - Hoza, I.
Effect of titanium (IV) citrate on growth of rumen bacteria.
Proceedings of the Society of Nutrition Psysiology, 3, 160 ( 1994).
[Impact factor:1.285(92) 1.293(93) 1.853(94) 1.858(95) 1.457(96) 1.456(97) 1.710(98) 1.580(99) 2.330(00) 2.274(01) 2,574(02) 3.287(03) ]

020884 - UZFG-Y 950132 DE eng J
Šimůnek, J. - Marounek, M.
Effect of extracellular lactate of growth by rumen lactate produces.
Archives of Animal Nutrition, 46, 277-281 (1994).
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.000(93) 0.000(94) 1.209(95) 0.295(96) 0.513(97) 0.597(98) 0.810(99) 0.446(00) 0.640(01) 0,597(02) 0.674(03) ]

053492 - UZFG-Y 980082 GB eng Cx
Šimůnek, J. - Skřivanová, V. - Marounek, M.
Distribution o enzymatic activities in the gastrointestinal tract of kids.
In: Proc. 45th Annual Meeting of the EAAP. - Edinburgh, Venue-University of Edinburgh 1994. - S. 136.
[Annual Meeting of the EAAP /45./. Edinburgh (GB), 94.09.05-94.09.08]

014467 - UEK-B 940085 CZ eng A
Šlechtová, V. - Lusková, V. - Halačka, K.
Protein genetic variability in populations of Chondrostoma nasus in Moravian and Slovak rivers of Danube river basin.
In: 1st International Workshop on Biology of the Nase Chondrostoma nasus. - Brno, Institute of Landscape Ecology ASCR 1994. - 27 s.
[International Workshop on Biology of the Nase Chondrostoma nasus /1./. Brno (CZ), 94.10.17-94.10.20]
Grant: IAA645106IAA687402

014077 - BFU-R 940093 CZ eng A
Španová, A. - Kozubek, S. - Pipalová, I. - Ravčuková, B. - Vojtíšková, M.
Programmed cell death detected in mouse thymocytes and embryos after gamma-rays and fast neutron irradiation.
In: Abstracts - II. Symposium Radiation Biology and its Application in Space Research - Brno, BFÚ AV ČR 1994. - S. -.
[Symposium "Radiation Biology and its Application in Space Research. Mutation Induction by Ionizing Radiation: From Energy Deposition to Risk Estimation" /2./. Nedvědice (CZ), 94.11.10-94.11.12]

015176 - UOCHB-X 940188 PT eng A
Velek, J. - Pacáková, V. - Svoboda, I. - Škarda, J. - Barth, T. - Hrbas, P. - Ubik, K. - Bláha, I. - Hauzerová, L.
The Synthetic Peptides of the Intrachinary Region A6-A14 of Human Insulin.
In: Programme and Abstracts 23rd European Peptide Symposium. - Braga, 1994. - S. 85.
[European Peptide Symposium /23./. Braga (PT), 94.09.04-94.09.10]

019861 - UMG-J 950060 GB eng J
Veselský, L. - Dostál, J. - Drahorád, J.
Effect of intra-rectal administration of boar seminal immunosupressive fraction on mouse lymphocytes.
Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, 101 [3] 519-522 (1994).
[Impact factor:2.336(91) 2.211(92) 1.736(93) 1.802(94) 1.840(95) 2.255(96) 2.038(97) 1.728(98) 1.908(99) 1.970(00) 2.148(01) 2,865(02) ]

020875 - UZFG-Y 950122 CZ cze J
Vovk, S. J. - Skřivanová, V. - Marounek, M.
Koncentrace mikrobiálních metabolitů v trávicím traktu brojlerových králíků.
Živočišná výroba, 39, 33-37 (1994).
[Impact factor:0.012(91) 0.004(92) 0.033(93) 0.042(94) 0.063(95) 0.255(96) 0.194(97) 0.192(98) 0.195(99) ]

020878 - UZFG-Y 950126 GB eng J
White, T. C. - Madsen, K. S. - Hintz, R. L. - Škarda, J. - Sorbet, R. N. - Collier, R. J. - Hard, D. L. - Hartnell, G. F. - Samuels, W. A. - Derchove, G.
Clinical mastitis in cows treated with Sometribove (Recombinant bovine somatotropin) and its relationship to milk yields.
Journal of Dairy Science, 77, 2249-2260 (1994).
[Impact factor:1.437(92) 1.390(93) 1.394(94) 1.161(95) 1.139(96) 1.349(97) 1.524(98) 1.674(99) 1.823(00) 1.691(01) 1,917(02) 2.139(03) ]

053496 - UZFG-Y 980109 CZ cze A
Witter, K. - Míšek, I.
Vývoj zubní lišty u hrabošovitých hlodavců.
In: Zoologické dny Brno 1994, Abstrakta referátů z konference. - Brno, Česká zoologická společnost 1994. - S. 38.
[Zoologické dny. Brno (CZ), 94.11.03-94.11.04]

020900 - UZFG-Y 950148 IT eng J
Woznicki, P. - Ráb, P. - Jankun, M.
New cytotype of highly polymorphic NOR bearing chromosome pair in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L.
Cytobios, 79, 59-62 (1994).
Grant: GA206/93/0432
[Impact factor: 0.239(99) 0.308(00) 0.353(01) 0,333(02) 0.486(03) ]

020865 - UZFG-Y 950112 CZ eng J
Zima, J.
A note on the karyotype of Sorex asper.
Folia Zoologica, 43, 69-70 (1994).
[Impact factor:0.176(91) 0.091(92) 0.145(93) 0.213(94) 0.291(95) 0.407(96) 0.364(97) 0.314(98) 0.182(99) 0.240(00) 0.287(01) 0,234(02) 0.494(03) ]

020855 - UZFG-Y 950102 CZ eng J
Zima, J. - Kovařík, M. - Gaisler, J. - Řehák, Z. - Zukal, J.
Dynamics of the number of bats hybernating in the moravian karst in 1983 to 1992.
Folia Zoologica, 43, 109-119 (1994).
Grant: P006
[Impact factor:0.176(91) 0.091(92) 0.145(93) 0.213(94) 0.291(95) 0.407(96) 0.364(97) 0.314(98) 0.182(99) 0.240(00) 0.287(01) 0,234(02) 0.494(03) ]

020858 - UZFG-Y 950105 DE eng J
Zima, J. - Macholan, M.
Karytotypic relationships of small mammals in Southeastern Europe and Asia Minor.
Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde, 59, 52 (1994).
[Impact factor:0.433(92) 0.305(93) 0.320(94) 0.351(95) 0.441(96) 0.274(97) 0.189(98) 0.302(99) 0.467(00) 0.367(01) 0,370(02) ]

020871 - UZFG-Y 950118 CZ eng J
Zima, J. - Macholan, M. - Filippucci, M. G. - Lipa, M. - Reiter, A. - Andreas, M. - Krystufek, B.
Karyotypic and biochemical status of certain marginal population of Sorex araneus.
Folia Zoologica, 43, 43-51 (1994).
[Impact factor:0.176(91) 0.091(92) 0.145(93) 0.213(94) 0.291(95) 0.407(96) 0.364(97) 0.314(98) 0.182(99) 0.240(00) 0.287(01) 0,234(02) 0.494(03) ]

020894 - UZFG-Y 950142 CZ eng J
Zima, J. - Searle, J. B. - Macholan, M.
The cytogenetics of the Sorex araneus group and related topics.
Folia Zoologica, 43, 120 (1994).
[Impact factor:0.176(91) 0.091(92) 0.145(93) 0.213(94) 0.291(95) 0.407(96) 0.364(97) 0.314(98) 0.182(99) 0.240(00) 0.287(01) 0,234(02) 0.494(03) ]

020862 - UZFG-Y 950109 CZ eng J
Zukal, J. - Řehák, Z. - Macholan, M.
Abnormal coloration in Bechsteins bat, Miotis bechsteini.
Folia Zoologica, 43, 281-284 (1994).
[Impact factor:0.176(91) 0.091(92) 0.145(93) 0.213(94) 0.291(95) 0.407(96) 0.364(97) 0.314(98) 0.182(99) 0.240(00) 0.287(01) 0,234(02) 0.494(03) ]

014412 - UEK-B 940015 CZ eng J
Zukal, J. - Řehák, Z. - Macholán, M.
Abnormal Coloration in Bechstein's Bat, Myotis bechsteini.
Folia Zoologica, 43 [3] 281-283 (1994).
Grant: IA66966PO P006
[Impact factor:0.176(91) 0.091(92) 0.145(93) 0.213(94) 0.291(95) 0.407(96) 0.364(97) 0.314(98) 0.182(99) 0.240(00) 0.287(01) 0,234(02) 0.494(03) ]

020433 - UEK-B 950013 CZ eng J
Zukal, J. - Zima, J.
Studies in Chiropterology.
Folia zoologica, 43 [4] 290-468 (1994).
[Impact factor:0.176(91) 0.091(92) 0.145(93) 0.213(94) 0.291(95) 0.407(96) 0.364(97) 0.314(98) 0.182(99) 0.240(00) 0.287(01) 0,234(02) 0.494(03) ]

020463 - UEK-B 950051 CZ cze V
Zukal, J. - Zima, J.
Biomonitoring netopýrů na území CHKO Moravský kras.
In: Příloha závěrečné zprávy projektu P 006/21-3 "Hodnocení ekologické zátěže středoevropské krajiny na modelových skupinách obratlovců". - Brno, ÚEK AV ČR 1994. - S. 43-54.
Grant: PO P006

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