MÚ - Matematický ústav Praha


Zpět na seznam ústavů                     Domovská stránka ASEP

Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

052050 - MU-W 980026 RIV US eng C
Avidor, A. - Azar, Y. - Sgall, J.
Ancient and new algorithms for load balancing in the Lp norm.
In: 9th Ann.ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA). - (Ed. Buss, S.R.). - San Francisco, ACM-SIAM 1998. - S. 426-435.
[Ann.ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms /9./. (US), 98.01.25-98.01.27]

047294 - UIVT-O 980007 RIV PL eng J
Baaz, M. - Hájek, P. - Krajíček, J. - Švejda, D.
Embedding Logics into Product Logic.
Studia Logica, 61 [1] 35-47 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA119107; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1030601; GA MŠk(CZ) Action 15

052045 - MU-W 980013 RIV PL eng J
Balcar, B. - Glówczynski, W. - Jech, T.
The sequential topology on complete Boolean algebras.
Fundamenta Mathematicae, 155 [1] 59-78 (1998).
[Impact factor: 0.339(99) 0.297(00) 0.300(01) 0,307(02) 0.391(03) ]

052119 - MU-W 980156 RIV NL eng C
Besterci, M. - Saxl, I. - Kohútek, I. - Zrník, J. - Suelleiová, K.
Quantification of Structure Parameters of Dispersion Strengthened Aluminium Alloys.
In: Advanced Light Alloys and Composites. - (Ed. Ciach, R.). - Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers 1998. - S. 243-248.
[NATO Advanced Study Institute on Advanced Light Alloys and Composites. (PL), 97.09.05-97.09.15]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/96/0226

052070 - MU-W 980067 RIV US eng J
Bohner, M. - Došlý, O. - Kratz, W.
Inequalities for Riccati matrix difference operators.
Journal of Mathematical Analysis & Applications, 221, 262-286 ( 1998).
[Impact factor:0.289(91) 0.291(92) 0.311(93) 0.338(94) 0.271(95) 0.310(96) 0.339(97) 0.392(98) 0.392(99) 0.431(00) 0.444(01) 0,458(02) 0.473(03) ]

062610 - MU-W 990002 RIV US eng C
Boneh, D. - Dunworth, C. - Lipton, R.J. - Sgall, J.
Making DNA computers error resistant.
In: DNA Based Computers II. - Princeton, American Mathematical Society 1998. - S. 163-170. - (DIMACS; Discrete Mathematical Theoretical Computer Science 44).
[DNA Based Computers II. Princeton (US), 96.06.10-96.06.12]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA119107

052060 - MU-W 980044 RIV FR eng J
Brokate, M. - Krejčí, P.
Wellposedness of kinematic hardening models in elastoplasticity.
Mathematical Models and Numerical Analysis, 32, [-] 177-209 ( 1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/95/0568; -(XX) BMBF - No 3 - BR7KIE - 9
[Impact factor:0.406(92) 0.351(93) 0.218(94) 0.438(95) 0.343(96) 0.266(97) 0.439(98) 0.382(99) 0.564(00) 0.246(01) 0,530(02) 0.697(03) ]

052061 - MU-W 980046 RIV CH eng C
Brokate, M. - Krejčí, P.
On the wellposedness of the Chaboche model.
In: Control and Estimation of Distributed Parameter Systems. - (Ed. Kunisch, K.). - Basel, Birkhäuser 1998. - S. 67-79. - ( International Series Numerical Mathematics 126).
[Control and Estimation of Distributed Parameter Systems. (AT), 96.07.14-96.07.20]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/95/0568; -(XX) BMBF - No 3 - BR7KIE - 9

052120 - MU-W 980157 RIV PL eng J
Brokate, M. - Krejčí, P. - Rachinskii, D.
Some analytical properties of the multidimensional continuous Mróz model of plasticity.
Control and Cybernetics, 27 [2] 199-215 (1998).
[Impact factor: 0.151(99) 0.152(00) 0.154(01) 0,326(02) 0.101(03) ]

075073 - MU-W 200049 RIV CZ cze N
Chleboun, J.
Konstruování z hmoty a děr.
Vesmír, 77 [12] 683-685 (1998).

075074 - MU-W 200050 RIV CZ cze C
Chleboun, J.
Numerické řešení problému rozložení teploty v tělese s nejistými koeficienty tepelné vodivosti.
In: Programy a algoritmy numerické matematiky 9. - Praha, Matematický ústav AV ČR 1998. - S. 59-64.
[Programy a algoritmy numerické matematiky 9. Kořenov (CZ), 98.06.08-98.06.12]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1019601

052087 - MU-W 980089 RIV NL eng J
Chleboun, J. - Xanthis, L. S.
The method of arbitrary lines in optimal shape design: problems with an elliptic state equation.
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 160 [1-2] 1-22 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/94/1067; -(XX) NATO/ Royal Society Fellowship
[Impact factor:0.744(91) 0.868(92) 0.818(93) 1.018(94) 0.938(95) 0.805(96) 0.727(97) 0.933(98) 0.966(99) 0.970(00) 0.913(01) 0,957(02) 1.252(03) ]

052122 - MU-W 980159 RIV SE eng J
Cianchi, A. - Pick, L.
Sobolev embeddings into BMO, VMO, and L infinity.
Arkiv för matematik, 36 [2] 317-340 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/94/1066; -(XX) NATO OUTR. CRG 9700071
[Impact factor:0.395(92) 0.268(93) 0.159(94) 0.304(95) 0.293(96) 0.297(97) 0.270(98) 0.400(99) 0.511(00) 0.792(01) 0,400(02) 0.244(03) ]

052055 - MU-W 980034 RIV DE eng J
Čadek, M. - Vanžura, J.
On complex structures in 8-dimensional vector bundles.
Manuscripta mathematica, 95 [3] 323-330 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/96/0310
[Impact factor:0.288(91) 0.276(92) 0.346(93) 0.276(94) 0.298(95) 0.226(96) 0.270(97) 0.251(98) 0.213(99) 0.319(00) 0.386(01) 0,335(02) 0.484(03) ]

052058 - MU-W 980037 RIV PL eng J
Čadek, M. - Vanžura, J.
On 4-fields and 4-distributions in 8-dimensional vector bundles over 8-complexes.
Colloquium Mathematicum, 76 [2] 213-228 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/96/0310; GA ČR(CZ) GA201/93/2178

052051 - MU-W 980027 RIV US eng J
Černý, R. - Přikryl, P.
Nonequilibrium model of laser-induced phase change processes in amorphous silicon thin films.
Physical Review. B, 57 [1] 194-202 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/97/0217; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1010719
[Impact factor:3.535(91) 3.259(92) 3.159(93) 3.187(94) 2.834(95) 2.975(96) 2.880(97) 2.842(98) 3.008(99) 3.065(00) 3.070(01) ]

052053 - MU-W 980032 RIV NL eng J
Černý, R. - Přikryl, P.
Computational model of nonequilibrium phase transitions in a Si-Ge system.
Computational Materials Science, 10, 468-474 (1998).
[E-MRS 1997 Spring Meeting. (FR), 97.06.00-97.06.00]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1010719; GA ČR(CZ) GA201/97/0217
[Impact factor: 0.673(99) 0.672(00) 0.677(01) 0,856(02) 1.003(03) ]

052090 - MU-W 980094 RIV NL eng C
Černý, R. - Přikryl, P.
Numerical investigation of pulsed laser induced nonequilibrium phase change processes in Si-Ge alloys.
In: ACOMEN '98. An international conference on advanced computational methods in engineering. - (Ed. Noldus, E.). - Maastricht, Shaker Publishing B.V. 1998. - S. 351-357.
[ACOMEN '98. An international conference on advanced computational methods in engineering. (BE), 98.09.02-98.09.04]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1010719(CZ) A ČR

062613 - MU-W 990005 RIV CH eng J
Damm, C. - Jukna, S. - Sgall, J.
Some bounds for multiparty communication complexity of pointer jumping.
Computational Complexity, 7 [2] 109-127 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA119107
[Impact factor: 0.161(99) 0.588(00) 0.448(01) 0,455(02) 0.900(03) ]

052071 - MU-W 980029 RIV CZ eng J
Došlý, O.
Sixty years of professor František Neuman.
Mathematica Bohemica, 123 [1] 101-107 (1998).

062642 - MU-W 990036 RIV JP eng J
Došlý, O.
Oscillation criteria for half-linear second order differential equations.
Hiroshima Mathematical Journal, 28 [3] 507-521 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/96/0410

062645 - MU-W 990039 RIV US eng J
Došlý, O.
Factorization of disconjugate higher order Sturm-Liouville difference operators.
Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 36, 227-234 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/96/0410
[Impact factor: 0.314(99) 0.339(00) 0.383(01) 0,413(02) 0.498(03) ]

062647 - MU-W 990042 RIV CZ eng C
Došlý, O.
Transformations and oscillatory properties of linear Hamiltonian systems-continuous versus discrete.
In: Equadiff 9 Proceedings. - (Ed. Agarwal, R.P.; Neuman, F.; VosmanskĄ, J.). - Brno, Masaryk University & Elektronic Publishing House 1998. - S. 49-61.
[Equadiff 9. Brno (CZ), 98.08.25-98.08.29]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/98/0677

062648 - MU-W 990043 RIV SK eng C
Došlý, O.
Sturm-Liouville dynamic equations on time scales-a unified approach to continuous and discrete oscillation theory.
In: Proceedings ISCM. - (Ed. Marušiak, P.; Růžičková, M.). - Žilina, University publisher 1998. - S. 49-56.
[International Scientific Conference of Mathematics. Žilina (SK), 98.06.30-98.07.03]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/98/0677

062643 - MU-W 990037 RIV US eng J
Došlý, O. - Bohner, M.
Positivity of block tridiagonal matrices.
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 20 [1] 182-195 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/96/0410
[Impact factor:0.814(91) 0.686(92) 0.862(93) 1.000(94) 0.653(95) 0.713(96) 0.875(97) 1.178(98) 0.663(99) 1.182(00) 0.756(01) 0,753(02) 0.913(03) ]

062644 - MU-W 990038 RIV CZ eng J
Došlý, O. - Řehák, P.
Conjugacy criteria for second order linear difference equations.
Archivum mathematicum, 34 [2] 301-310 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/96/0410

052088 - MU-W 980092 RIV US eng J
Duncan, T. E. - Maslowski, B. - Pasik-Duncan, B.
Ergodic control of some stochastic semilinear systems in Hilbert spaces.
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 36 [3] 1020-1047 ( 1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/95/0629
[Impact factor:0.815(92) 1.013(93) 0.968(94) 0.813(95) 0.770(96) 1.031(97) 1.084(98) 1.080(99) 1.324(00) 1.350(01) 1,441(02) 1.296(03) ]

063068 - UIVT-O 990166 RIV CZ eng C
Eben, K. - Vondráček, J. - Binks, K.
Survival Analysis Models in Healthcare, Their Use for Predictions of Mortality and Their Fitting in SAS.
In: SEUGI'98 Proceedings. - Prague, SAS Institute 1998. - S. 1.
[SEUGI'98 /16./. Prague (CZ), 98.06.09-98.06.12]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A06/98:Z1-030-9-ii

052112 - MU-W 980142 RIV SIGLE GB eng C
Eck, C. - Jarušek, J.
Dynamic contact problem with Coulomb friction for viscoelastic bodies, existence of solutions for a general body.
In: Analysis, numerics and applications of differential and integral equations. - (Ed. Bach, M.). - Harlow, Longman 1998. - S. 111-115. - (Notes in Mathematical Series 379).
[Analysis, numerics and applications of differential and integral equations. (DE), 96.10.09-96.10.11]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1075707

052114 - MU-W 980144 RIV US eng J
Eck, C. - Jarušek, J.
Existence results for the static contact problem with Coulomb friction.
Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences, 8 [3] 445-468 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1075707
[Impact factor: 0.326(95) 0.364(96) 0.388(97) 0.246(98) 0.512(99) 0.816(00) 0.859(01) 1,189(02) 1.340(03) ]

052085 - MU-W 980087 RIV US eng J
Edmunds, D. E. - Gurka, P. - Opic, B.
Norms of embeddings of logarithmic Bessel potential spaces.
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 126 [8] 2417-2425 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/94/1066; NATO-grant(XX) CRG 930 358
[Impact factor:0.276(91) 0.263(92) 0.263(93) 0.236(94) 0.296(95) 0.300(96) 0.273(97) 0.363(98) 0.311(99) 0.394(00) 0.369(01) 0,334(02) 0.389(03) ]

062651 - MU-W 990047 RIV DE eng J
Engliš, M.
Invariant operators and the Berezin transform on Cartan domains.
Mathematische Nachrichten, 195 [1] 61-75 (1998).
[Impact factor:0.176(91) 0.225(92) 0.217(93) 0.174(94) 0.259(95) 0.278(96) 0.342(97) 0.374(98) 0.295(99) 0.408(00) 0.353(01) 0,388(02) 0.414(03) ]

052079 - MU-W 980079 RIV CA eng J
Engliš, M. - Peetre, J.
Green's functions for powers of the invariant Laplacian.
Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 50 [1] 40-73 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/96/0411
[Impact factor:0.304(92) 0.374(93) 0.336(94) 0.486(95) 0.348(96) 0.275(97) 0.407(98) 0.357(99) 0.476(00) 0.412(01) 0,485(02) 0.608(03) ]

062611 - MU-W 990003 RIV CZ eng V
Epstein, L. - Sgall, J.
Approximation schemes for scheduling on uniformly related and identical parallel machines. 98-414 Technical Report KAM-DIMATIA. - Praha, Charles University 1998. - 19 s. - (Technical Report KAMDIMATIA Series 98-414).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1019602; GA ČR(CZ) GA201/97/P038

052062 - MU-W 980047 RIV CZ eng J
Fabian, M. - Heisler, M. - Matoušková, E.
Remarks on continuous images of Radon-Nikodým compacta.
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae, 39 [1] 59-69 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1019502; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1019702; GA ČR(CZ) GA201/94/0069

052054 - MU-W 980033 RIV US eng J
Feireisl, E.
Finite energy travelling waves for nonlinear damped wave equations.
Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, 56 [1] 55-70 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/94/1063
[Impact factor: 0.413(99) 0.398(00) 0.477(01) 0,458(02) 0.709(03) ]

052099 - MU-W 980104 RIV GB eng J
Feireisl, E.
Front propagation for degenerate parabolic equations.
Nonlinear Analysis Theory, Methods & Applications, 35 [6] 735-746 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1019703; GA ČR(CZ) GA201/96/0432
[Impact factor:0.337(91) 0.390(92) 0.347(93) 0.380(94) 0.303(95) 0.367(96) 0.280(97) 0.195(98) 0.280(99) 0.458(00) 0.406(01) 0,314(02) 0.354(03) ]

052098 - MU-W 980103 RIV FR fre J
Feireisl, E. - O'Dowd, G.
Stabilisation d'un systeme hybride par un feedback non lineaire, non monotone.
Comptes Rendus hebdomadaires des sciences de l'Academie des sciences. ser. I-mathematiques, 326, [-] 323-327 (1998).

052048 - MU-W 980022 RIV US eng J
Feireisl, E. - Petzeltová, H.
Singular Kernels and Compactness in Nonlinear Conservation Laws.
Journal of Differential Equations, 142 [2] 291-304 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1019503; GA ČR(CZ) GA201/96/0432
[Impact factor:0.714(91) 0.559(92) 0.594(93) 0.607(94) 0.555(95) 0.614(96) 0.569(97) 0.633(98) 0.784(99) 0.799(00) 0.921(01) 0,903(02) 0.862(03) ]

052059 - MU-W 980041 RIV CH eng J
Feireisl, E. - Petzeltová, H.
On compactness of bounded solutions to multidimensional conservation laws with memory.
NoDEA-Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications, 5 [2] 193-204 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1019703; GA ČR(CZ) GA201/96/0432
[Impact factor: 0,396(02) 0.471(03) ]

052108 - MU-W 980137 RIV DE eng J
Feireisl, E. - Petzeltová, H.
On the zero-velocity-limit solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations of compressible flow.
Manuscripta Mathematica, 97 [1] 109-116 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1019703; GA ČR(CZ) GA201/96/0432
[Impact factor:0.288(91) 0.276(92) 0.346(93) 0.276(94) 0.298(95) 0.226(96) 0.270(97) 0.251(98) 0.213(99) 0.319(00) 0.386(01) 0,335(02) 0.484(03) ]

061522 - FZU-D 990385 RIV US eng M
Fischer, J. - Vrkoč, I.
On the intrerplay between perturbative and nonperturbative QCD1 2.
In: Particles, Fields and Gravitation. - (Ed. Remblienski, J.). - Woodburg - New York, American Institute of Physics 1998. - S. 344-348. - (American Institute of Physics AIP Conference Proceedings. 453).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1010711; GA ČR(CZ) GA202/96/1616

052056 - MU-W 980035 RIV US eng B
Genebashvili, I. - Gogatishvili, A. - Kokilashvili, V. - Krbec, M.
Weight theory for integral transforms on spaces of homogeneous type. (Ed. Buss, S.R.). - -, Addison Wesley Longman 1998. - 410 s. - ( Pitman Monographs and Surveys in Pure and Applied Mathemat ics 92).

052118 - MU-W 980155 RIV HR eng J
Gurka, P. - Opic, B.
Global limiting embeddings of logarithmic Bessel potential spaces.
Mathematical Inequalities & Applications, 1 [4] 565-584 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/97/0744
[Impact factor: 0.250(99) 0.383(00) 0.308(01) 0,606(02) 0.316(03) ]

087351 - MU-W 20010037 RIV IL eng J
Hájek, P. P.
Smooth Functions on co.
Israel Journal of Mathematics, 104 [1] 17-27 (1998).
[Impact factor:0.269(91) 0.238(92) 0.171(93) 0.364(94) 0.545(95) 0.507(96) 0.312(97) 0.347(98) 0.446(99) 0.539(00) 0.545(01) 0,636(02) 0.435(03) ]

087352 - MU-W 20010038 RIV IL eng J
Hájek, P. P.
Polynomial Algebras on Classical Banach Spaces.
Israel Journal of Mathematics, 106 [2] 209-220 (1998).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1019905
[Impact factor:0.269(91) 0.238(92) 0.171(93) 0.364(94) 0.545(95) 0.507(96) 0.312(97) 0.347(98) 0.446(99) 0.539(00) 0.545(01) 0,636(02) 0.435(03) ]

087353 - MU-W 20010039 RIV IL eng J
Hájek, P. P.
Smooth Functions on C(K).
Israel Journal of Mathematics, 107 [2] 237-252 (1998).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1019905
[Impact factor:0.269(91) 0.238(92) 0.171(93) 0.364(94) 0.545(95) 0.507(96) 0.312(97) 0.347(98) 0.446(99) 0.539(00) 0.545(01) 0,636(02) 0.435(03) ]

094688 - MU-W 20025103 US cze D
Hájek, P. P.
Hladkost na Banachových prostorech. Edmont, Department of Mathematics University of Alberta in Edmont 133 s.

047319 - UIVT-O 980033 RIV CZ cze J
Hájek, P. - Sochor, A.
Klasická logika v kontextu svých zobecnění a boj docenta Fialy proti větrným mlýnům.
Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie, 43 [1] 39-46 (1998).

052102 - MU-W 980108 RIV SK eng J
Havel, I.
Domination in n-Cubes with diagonals.
Mathematica Slovaca, 48 [2] 105-115 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/94/1064

052093 - MU-W 980098 RIV NL eng M
Heinig, H. P. - Kufner, A. - Persson, L. E.
Some generalizations and refinements of the Hardy inequality.
In: Recent Progress in Inequalities. - (Ed. Milovanovič, G. V.). - Dordrecht, Kluwer academic publishers 1998. - S. 271-288. - ( Mathematics and its Applications 430).

052076 - MU-W 980076 RIV CZ eng J
Hlaváček, I.
Reliable solution of an elasto-plastic Reissner-Mindlin beam for Hencky's model with uncertain yield function.
Applications of Mathematics, 43 [3] 223-237 (1998).

052091 - MU-W 980096 RIV DE eng J
Hlaváček, I. - Lovíšek, J.
Optimal Control of Semi-Coercive Variational Inequalities with Application to Optimal Design of Beams and Plates.
Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 78 [6] 405-417 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/94/1067
[Impact factor:0.142(91) 0.174(92) 0.133(93) 0.388(94) 0.105(95) 0.182(96) 0.128(97) 0.107(98) 0.171(99) 0.407(00) 0.238(01) 0,085(02) 0.154(03) ]

052121 - MU-W 980158 CZ cze J
Horák, K.
39. mezinárodní matematická olympiáda.
Rozhledy matematicko-fyzikální, 18 [4] 178-182 (1998).
[Mezinárodní matematická olympiáda /39./. (CN), 98.08.10-98.08.21]

052113 - MU-W 980143 RIV CZ eng J
Jarušek, J.
Remark to dynamic contact problems for bodies with a singular memory.
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae, 39 [3] 545-550 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1075707

052083 - MU-W 980085 RIV GB eng C
Jelínek, P. - Havlík, V. - Černý, R. - Přikryl, P.
Simulation of natural convection in a reservoir.
In: Advances in Fluid Mechanics 2. - (Ed. Brebbia, C.A.). - Southampton, Computational Mechanics Publications 1998. - S. 183-190.
[International Conference on Advances in Fluid Mechanics AFM98/2./. (IT), 98.05.13-98.05.15]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/96/1710

052104 - MU-W 980121 CZ cze B
Koman, M. - Kuřina, F. - Tichá, M.
Matematika pro 6. ročník ZŠ - 1. díl. (Ed. Přikryl, P.). - Praha, MÚ AVČR, Albra 1998. - 84 s.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA406/96/1186

052105 - MU-W 980122 CZ cze B
Koman, M. - Tichá, M. - Kuřina, F. - Černek, P.
Matematika pro 7. ročník ZŠ - 1. díl. (Ed. Přikryl, P.). - Praha, MÚ AVČR, Albra 1998. - 84 s.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA406/96/1186

052127 - MU-W 980166 RIV DD eng M
Krajíček, J.
Extensions of models of PV.
In: Logic Colloquium 95. - (Ed. Ravve, E.V.). - Berlin, ASL/Springer 1998. - S. 104-114. - (Lecture Notes in Logic 11).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1019602; US-Czechoslovak Science and technology Program(XX) č. 93025

052128 - MU-W 980168 RIV DD eng J
Krajíček, J.
Interpolation by a game.
Mathematical Logic Quarterly, 44 [4] 450-458 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1019602; US-Czechoslovak Science and Technology Program(XX) 93025
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 0.000(93) 0.158(94) 0.187(95) 0.096(96) 0.159(97) 0.189(98) 0.293(99) 0.256(00) 0.215(01) 0,365(02) 0.371(03) ]

062621 - MU-W 990015 RIV US eng J
Krajíček, J.
Discretely ordered modules as a first-order extension of the cutting planes proof system.
Journal of Symbolic Logic, 63 [4] 1582-1596 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1019602; CZ-US Czechoslovak Science and Technology Program(CZ) 93025
[Impact factor:0.385(91) 0.324(92) 0.400(93) 0.204(94) 0.311(95) 0.199(96) 0.413(97) 0.295(98) 0.296(99) 0.350(00) 0.345(01) 0,460(02) 0.410(03) ]

052126 - MU-W 980165 RIV US eng J
Krajíček, J. - Chiari, M.
Witnessing functions in bounded arithmetic and search problems.
Journal of Symbolic Logic, 63 [3] 1095-1115 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA119107; US-Czechoslovak Science and technology Program(XX) č. 93025
[Impact factor:0.385(91) 0.324(92) 0.400(93) 0.204(94) 0.311(95) 0.199(96) 0.413(97) 0.295(98) 0.296(99) 0.350(00) 0.345(01) 0,460(02) 0.410(03) ]

062625 - MU-W 990019 RIV US eng J
Krajíček, J. - Pudlák, P.
Some consequences of cryptographical conjectures for S1/2 and EF.
Information and Computation, 140 [1] 82-94 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1019602; GA MŠk(CZ) ME 103
[Impact factor:0.513(92) 0.463(93) 0.639(94) 0.516(95) 0.547(96) 0.636(97) 0.731(98) 0.739(99) 0.635(00) 0.571(01) 0,628(02) 0.851(03) ]

052129 - MU-W 980170 RIV CZ eng J
Král, J. - Medková, D.
Essential norms of a potential theoretic boundary integral operator in L.
Mathematica Bohemica, 123 [4] 419-436 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/96/0431

062615 - MU-W 990007 RIV CZ eng J
Král, J. - Medková, D.
On the Neumann-Poincaré operator.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, 48(123) [4] 653-668 (1998).
[Impact factor:0.135(91) 0.132(92) 0.142(93) 0.115(94) 0.169(95) 0.094(96) 0.078(97) 1.159(98) 0.140(99) 0.103(00) 0.047(01) 0,120(02) 0.210(03) ]

052125 - MU-W 980164 RIV PL eng J
Krbec, M. - Fiorenza, A.
A formula for the boyd indices in Orlicz spaces.
Functiones et Approximatio, 26, [-] 173-179 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/96/0431

052067 - MU-W 980057 RIV GB eng J
Krejčí, P. - Sprekels, J.
Global solutions to a coupled parabolic-hyperbolic system with hysteresis in 1-D magnetoelasticity.
Nonlinear Analysis Theory, Methods & Applications, 33 [4] 341-358 (1998).
[Impact factor:0.337(91) 0.390(92) 0.347(93) 0.380(94) 0.303(95) 0.367(96) 0.280(97) 0.195(98) 0.280(99) 0.458(00) 0.406(01) 0,314(02) 0.354(03) ]

052074 - MU-W 980074 RIV CZ eng J
Krejčí, P. - Sprekels, J.
Temperature-dependent hysteresis in one-dimensional thermovisco-elastoplasticity.
Applications of Mathematics, 43 [3] 173-205 (1998).

052075 - MU-W 980075 RIV CZ eng J
Krejčí, P. - Sprekels, J.
Hysteresis operators in phase-field models of penrose-fife type.
Applications of Mathematics, 43 [3] 207-222 (1998).

052081 - MU-W 980083 CZ cze J
Křížek, M.
Metoda RSA pro šifrování zpráv pomocí velkých prvočísel.
Rozhledy matematicko-fyzikální, 75 [3] 101-107 (1998).

062735 - MU-W 990130 RIV SG eng A
Křížek, M. - Korotov, S.
Finite element analysis of variational crimes for a nonlinear neat conduction problem in three-dimensional space.
In: ENUMATH 97. - (Ed. Bock, H.G.). - Singapore, World Sci. Publishers 1998. - S. 421-428.
[ENUMATH 97. Heidelberg (DE), 97.06.06-97.06.13]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1019601

052092 - MU-W 980097 RIV NL eng J
Křížek, M. - Liu, L.
Finite element approximation of a nonlinear heat conduction problem in anisotropic media.
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering, 157, 387-397 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1019601
[Impact factor:0.744(91) 0.868(92) 0.818(93) 1.018(94) 0.938(95) 0.805(96) 0.727(97) 0.933(98) 0.966(99) 0.970(00) 0.913(01) 0,957(02) 1.252(03) ]

075029 - MU-W 200002 RIV GB eng M
Křížek, M. - Liu, L.
Conforming finite element method for the Navier-Stokes problem.
In: Navier-Stokes equations: theory and numerical methods. - (Ed. Salvi, R.). - Harlow, Longman 1998. - S. 289-294.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/97/0217

052043 - MU-W 980153 RIV US eng C
Křížek, M. - Neittaanmäki, P. - Stenberg, R.
Finite Element Methods: Supercorvengence Postprocessing and A Posteriori Estimates.
In: Finite Element Methods: Superconvergence, Postprocessing and A Posteriori Estimates. - (Ed. Stenberg, R.). - New York, Marcel Dekker 1998. - S. 348.
[Finite Element Methods: Supercorvengence, Postprocessing and A Posteriori Estimates. (FI), 96.07.01-96.07.04]

062732 - MU-W 990132 RIV CZ cze N
Křížek, M. - Šolcová, A.
Čas plyne, jméno zůstává: Albert Einstein.
Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie, 43 [4] 265-277 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/98/1452

052110 - MU-W 980140 RIV CZ eng J
Kufner, A. - Leinfelder, H.
On overdetermined Hardy inequalities.
Mathematica Bohemica, 123 [3] 279-293 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/97/0395; GA ČR(CZ) GA201/97/0744; GA AV ČR (CZ) IAA1019506

052086 - MU-W 980088 RIV HR eng J
Kufner, A. - Persson, L. E.
Some difference inequalities with weights and interpolation.
Mathematical Inequalities & Applications, 1 [3] 437-444 (1998).
[Impact factor: 0.250(99) 0.383(00) 0.308(01) 0,606(02) 0.316(03) ]

062727 - MU-W 990126 RIV BE eng J
Kurzweil, J. - Jarník, J.
Henstock-Kurzweil integration: Convergence cannot be replaced by a locally convex topology.
Bulletin de la Classe des Sciences, 9 [7-12] 331-347 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/97/0218; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1019601

062609 - MU-W 990001 KR eng J
Kuřina, F. - Tichá, M. - Hošpesová, A.
What Geometric Ideas do the Preschoolers have?
Journal of the Korea Society of Mathematical Education, 2 [2] 57-69 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA406/96/1186

052107 - MU-W 980133 RIV GB eng J
Lang, J. - Pick, L.
The Hardy operator and the gap between L.SUB..INFIN. and BMO.
Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 57 [2] 196-208 ( 1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/94/1066
[Impact factor:0.370(91) 0.381(92) 0.417(93) 0.485(94) 0.419(95) 0.348(96) 0.449(97) 0.406(98) 0.390(99) 0.362(00) 0.441(01) 0,566(02) 0.569(03) ]

052109 - MU-W 980138 RIV NL eng J
Liu, L. - Křížek, M.
Finite element analysis of a radiation heat transfer problem. (V názvu článku je chybně uvedeno: Splitting a concave domain to convex subdomains).
Journal of Computational Mathematics, 16 [4] 327-336 (1998).
[Impact factor: 0.221(99) 0.250(00) 0.168(01) 0,135(02) 0.153(03) ]

052044 - MU-W 980011 RIV CZ eng D
Markl, M.
Operads in Algebra, Geometry and Topology. (Ed. Stenberg, R.). - Praha, Matematický ústav AVČR 1998. - 172 s.

052131 - MU-W 980172 RIV US eng C
Markl, M.
Simplex, associahedron and cyclohedron.
In: Higher homotopy structures in topology and mathematical physics. - (Ed. McCleary, J.). - US, American Mathematical Society 1998. - S. 235-265. - (Contemporary Mathematics 227).
[Higher homotopy structures in topology and mathematical physics. ( US), 96.06.13-96.06.15]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/96/0310; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1019804

052115 - MU-W 980145 RIV IT eng C
Markl, M. - Stasheff, J. D.
On the compactification of configuration spaces.
In: Proceedings of the 17th Winter School "Geometry and Physics". - (Ed. Bach, M.). - Palermo, Circolo Matematico di Palermo 1998. - S. 83-90. - (Supplemento ai Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palerm o 54).
[Winter School "Geometry and Physics"/17./. (CZ), 97.01.11-97.01.18]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/96/0310; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1019804

052047 - MU-W 980020 RIV CZ cze D
Maslowski, B.
Asymptotické chování řešení stochastických evolučních rovnic. (Ed. Müller, K.P.). - Praha, Matematický ústav AVČR 1998. - 183 s.

052072 - MU-W 980072 RIV CZ eng J
Maslowski, B. - Seidler, J.
Invariant Measures for Nonlinear SPDE's: Uniqueness and Stability.
In: Equadiff 9. -
Archivum mathematicum, 34 [1] 153-172 ( 1998).
[Conference on Differential Equations and their Applications. (CZ), 97.08.25-97.08.29]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/95/0629

052063 - MU-W 980048 RIV CZ eng J
Matoušková, E.
The Banach-Saks property and Haar null sets.
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae, 39 [1] 71-80 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/94/0069

062614 - MU-W 990006 RIV CZ eng J
Matoušková, E. - Zajíček, L.
Second order differentiability and Lipschitz smooth points of convex functionals.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, 48(123) [4] 617-640 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/94/0069; GA ČR(CZ) GA201/94/0474
[Impact factor:0.135(91) 0.132(92) 0.142(93) 0.115(94) 0.169(95) 0.094(96) 0.078(97) 1.159(98) 0.140(99) 0.103(00) 0.047(01) 0,120(02) 0.210(03) ]

052046 - MU-W 980016 RIV DE eng J
Matušů-Nečasová, Š.
Existence and Uniqueness of Steady Motions of a Third-grade Fluid.
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 21 [2] 117-128 ( 1998).
[Impact factor:0.285(91) 0.321(92) 0.333(93) 0.247(94) 0.265(95) 0.315(96) 0.234(97) 0.289(98) 0.287(99) 0.344(00) 0.418(01) 0,541(02) 0.713(03) ]

052100 - MU-W 980106 RIV US eng J
Matušů-Nečasová, Š. - Medviďová-Lukáčová, M.
Bipolar isothermal non-newtonian compressible fluids.
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 225 [2] 168-192 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/96/0313

052057 - MU-W 980036 RIV CZ eng J
Medková, D.
Solution of the Robin problem for the Laplace equation.
Applications of Mathematics, 43 [2] 133-155 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/96/0431

052073 - MU-W 980073 RIV CZ eng J
Medková, D.
The Boundary-Value Problems for Laplace Equation and Domains with Nonsmooth Boundary.
In: Equadiff 9. -
Archivum mathematicum, 34 [1] 173-181 ( 1998).
[Conference on Differential Equations and their Applications. (CZ), 97.08.25-97.08.29]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/96/0431

052111 - MU-W 980141 RIV CZ eng J
Medková, D.
Reflected double layer potentials and Cauchy's operators.
Mathematica Bohemica, 123 [3] 295-300 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/96/0431

062616 - MU-W 990008 RIV CZ eng J
Medková, D.
Solution of the Neumann problem for the Laplace equation.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, 48(123) [4] 763-784 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/96/0431
[Impact factor:0.135(91) 0.132(92) 0.142(93) 0.115(94) 0.169(95) 0.094(96) 0.078(97) 1.159(98) 0.140(99) 0.103(00) 0.047(01) 0,120(02) 0.210(03) ]

052080 - MU-W 980082 RIV PL eng J
Müller, V. - Koliha, J. J. - Mbekhta, M. - Pak Wai, P.
Corrigendum and addendum: "On the axiomatic theory of spectrum 2".
Studia mathematica, 130 [2] 193-198 (1998).
[Impact factor:0.400(91) 0.190(92) 0.300(93) 0.232(94) 0.364(95) 0.327(96) 0.452(97) 0.348(98) 0.295(99) 0.477(00) 0.399(01) 0,399(02) 0.410(03) ]

062658 - MU-W 990054 RIV HU eng J
Müller, V. - Li, W. S.
Littlewood-Richardson sequences associated with Co-operators.
Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum, 64 [3-4] 609-625 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/96/0411

052064 - MU-W 980049 RIV US eng J
Nedoma, J.
Inaccurate linear equation system with a restricted-rank error matrix.
Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 44 [1] 29-44 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/95/1484
[Impact factor: 0,353(02) 0.415(03) ]

075094 - MU-W 200070 RIV US eng J
Neuman, F.
Solutions of Abel's equation in relation to the asymptotic behaviour of lineardifferential equations.
Aequationes mathematicae, 55 [2] 122-128 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/96/0410; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA119404

062623 - MU-W 990017 RIV GB eng J
Opic, B. - Milman, M.
Real interpolation and two variants of Gehring's lemma.
Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 58 [2] 394-412 ( 1998).
[Impact factor:0.370(91) 0.381(92) 0.417(93) 0.485(94) 0.419(95) 0.348(96) 0.449(97) 0.406(98) 0.390(99) 0.362(00) 0.441(01) 0,566(02) 0.569(03) ]

052052 - MU-W 980031 RIV CZ eng J
Peszat, S. - Seidler, J.
Maximal inequalities and space-time regularity of stochastic convolutions.
Mathematica Bohemica, 123 [1] 7-32 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/95/0629

052096 - MU-W 980101 RIV CZ eng C
Ponížil, P. - Pokluda, J. - Saxl, I. - Druckmüller, M.
Comparison of Real and Simulated Grain Structure.
In: Materials Structure and Micromechanics of Fracture: Abstract Booklet. - (Ed. Šandera, P.). - Brno, Technical University of Brno 1998. - S. 55.
[Materials Structure and Micromechanics of Fracture. (CZ), 98.07.01-98.07.03]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/96/0226

062663 - MU-W 990059 RIV SK eng J
Ponížil, P. - Pokluda, J. - Saxl, I. - Druckmueller, M.
Comparison of real and simulated grain structures.
Kovové materiály (Metallic Materials), 36 [6] 409-418 (1998).
[International Colloquium on Materials Structure and Micromechanics of Fracture/2./. Brno (CZ), 98.07.01-98.07.03]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) PG96108; GA ČR(CZ) GA201/96/0226
[Impact factor:0.025(91) 0.146(92) 0.143(93) 0.095(94) 0.059(95) 0.129(96) 0.208(97) 0.264(98) 0.269(99) 0.280(00) 0.343(01) 0,493(02) 0.563(03) ]

052103 - MU-W 980119 RIV CZ eng J
Práger, M.
Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the Laplace operator on an equilateral triangle.
Applications of Mathematics, 43 [4] 311-320 (1998).

052089 - MU-W 980093 RIV NL eng C
Přikryl, P. - Kalbáč, A. - Černý, R.
Bridgman growth technique for CdZnTe production: Optimization of the experimental setup.
In: ACOMEN '98. An international conference on advanced computational methods in engineering. - (Ed. Noldus, E.). - Maastricht, Shaker Publishing B.V. 1998. - S. 367-375.
[ACOMEN '98. An international conference on advanced computational methods in engineering. (BE), 98.09.02-98.09.04]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/96/1188; GA ČR(CZ) GA201/97/0217

062657 - MU-W 990053 RIV CZ cze K
Přikryl, P. - Segeth, K. - Černý, R. - Jelínek, P.
Matematické modelování transportních jevů v nádrži.
In: Sborník konference Orlice 98. - Žamberk, Sdružení obcí a měst Orlice 1998. - S. 62-69.
[Orlice 98. Králíky (CZ), 98.11.26]

062668 - MU-W 990064 RIV CH eng J
Pudlák, P. - Krause, M.
Computing Boolean functions by polynomials and threshold circuits.
Computational Complexity, 7 [4] 346-370 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1019602; NSF(US) INT-9600919/ME103
[Impact factor: 0.161(99) 0.588(00) 0.448(01) 0,455(02) 0.900(03) ]

052049 - MU-W 980024 RIV US eng M
Pudlák, P. - Sgall, J.
Algebraic models of computation and interpolation for algebraic proof systems.
In: Proof Complexity and Feasible Arithmetic. - (Ed. Buss, S.R.). - New York, AMS 1998. - S. 279-296. - (DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science 39).

052106 - MU-W 980131 RIV US eng J
Rost, R. - Vavřín, Z.
Inversion formulas and fast algorithms for Löwner-Vandermonde matrice.
Linear Algebra and its Applications, 275-276, [-] 537-549 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA130407
[Impact factor:0.352(91) 0.374(92) 0.357(93) 0.430(94) 0.405(95) 0.341(96) 0.329(97) 0.392(98) 0.385(99) 0.491(00) 0.423(01) 0,462(02) 0.656(03) ]

052068 - MU-W 980060 CZ cze K
Saxl, I.
Analýza náhodných bodových vzdáleností a Voronoiovy teselace systémů.
In: Robust'98 - (Ed. Feistauer, M.). - Praha, JČMF 1998. - S. 161-178.
[Robust'98. (CZ), 98.01.26-98.01.30]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/96/0226

052097 - MU-W 980102 RIV CZ eng C
Saxl, I. - Kohútek, I.
Planar Voronoi Tessellation of Cluster Point Process.
In: Materials Structure and Micromechanics of Fracture: Abstract Booklet. - (Ed. Šandera, P.). - Brno, Technical University of Brno 1998. - S. 15.
[Materials Structure and Micromechanics of Fracture. (CZ), 98.07.01-98.07.03]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/96/0226

062659 - MU-W 990055 RIV CZ eng J
Saxl, I. - Kohútek, I.
Planar Voronoi Tessellation of Cluster Point Process.
Engineering Mechanics, 5 [6] 369-375 (1998).
[International Colloquium on Materials Structure and Micromechanics of Fracture/2./. Brno (CZ), 98.07.01-98.07.03]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/96/0226

052069 - MU-W 980061 RIV NL eng C
Saxl, I. - Ponížil, P.
3D Voronoi tessellation generated by Poisson and lattice cluster fields.
In: 7th European Congress for Stereology. - (Ed. Feistauer, M.). - Amsterdam, 1998. - S. 120.
[European Congress for Stereology /7./. (NL), 98.04.20-98.04.23]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/96/0226

052082 - MU-W 980084 RIV CZ eng C
Saxl, I. - Ponížil, P.
Shapes of Voronoi polytopes.
In: Prague Stochastics 98 - (Ed. Hušková, M.). - Praha, JČMF 1998. - S. 505-510.
[Prague Stochastics 98. (CZ), 98.08.23-98.08.28]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/96/0226

062661 - MU-W 990057 RIV SI eng J
Saxl, I. - Ponížil, P.
3D Voronoi tessellation of cluster fields.
Acta Stereologica, 17 [2] 237-246 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/96/0226

062662 - MU-W 990058 RIV SI eng J
Saxl, I. - Ponížil, P.
3D Voronoi tessellation generated by Poisson and lattice cluster fields.
Acta Stereologica, 17 [2] 247-252 (1998).
[International Congress for Stereology/7./. Amsterdam (NL), 98.04.20-98.04.23]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/96/0226; GA MŠk(CZ) PG96108

052101 - MU-W 980107 CZ cze K
Schwabik, Š.
Druhá krize matematiky aneb potíže růstu diferenciálního a integrálního růstu.
In: Matematika v proměnách věků 1. - (Ed. Fuchs, E.). - Praha, Prometheus 1998. - S. 7-60. - (Dějiny matematiky 11).
[Historie matematiky Praha-Brno-Liberec. (CZ), 97.08.20-97.08.25]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/97/0218

094746 - MU-W 20025163 RIV CZ cze M
Schwabik, Š.
Druhá krize matematiky aneb potíže růstu diferenciálního a integrálního počtu.
In: Matematika v proměnách věků I. - Praha, Prometheus 1998. - S. 7-60.

052078 - MU-W 980078 RIV CZ cze B
Segeth, K.
Numerický software 1. Praha, Karolinum 1998. - 98 s.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/97/0217

062620 - MU-W 990012 CZ cze N
Segeth, K.
Cena rofesora I.Babušky za rok 1998.
Vesmír, 78 [2] 117 (98.02.01).

062654 - MU-W 990050 RIV CZ eng C
Segeth, K.
A posteriori error estimates for a nonlinear parabolic equation.
In: Equadiff 9. - Brno, Masaryk University 1998. - S. 255-262.
[Equadiff/9./. Brno (CZ), 97.08.25-97.08.29]

075083 - MU-W 200059 RIV CZ cze K
Segeth, K.
Spolehlivost numerických výpočtů.
In: Sborník MOSD 98. - Plzeň, Západočeská univerzita 1998. - S. 15-22.
[Mezioborové setkání doktorandů 3. Pernink (CZ), 98.09.14-98.09.18]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/96/1710
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A05/98:Z1-019-9ii

062655 - MU-W 990051 RIV CZ cze K
Segeth, K. - Ježek, J. - Saic, K.
Numerické modelování pohybu rigidní částice ve viskózní kapalině. Praha, Matematický ústav AV ČR 1998. - S. 85-95.
[Programy a algoritmy numerické matematiky 9. Kořenov (CZ), 98.06.08-98.06.12]

062656 - MU-W 990052 RIV US eng C
Segeth, K. - Ježek, J. - Saic, S.
Numerical modelling of rigid objects in a ductile matrix.
In: 4th Annual Conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geology. - Houston, IAMG 1998. - S. 821-826.
[Annual Conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geology/4./. Ischia (IT), 98.10.05-98.10.09]

062612 - MU-W 990004 RIV CZ eng V
Seiden, S. - Sgall, J. - Woeginger, G.W.
Semi-online scheduling with decreasing job sizes. 98-410 Technical Report KAM-DIMATIA. - Praha, Charles University 1998. - 15 s. - (Technical Report KAM-DIMATIA 98-410).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1019602; GA ČR(CZ) GA201/97/P038; GA MŠk(CZ) ME 103

052094 - MU-W 980099 RIV DE eng M
Sgall, J.
On-line scheduling.
In: Online Algorithms: The State of the Art. - (Ed. Woeginger, G.J.). - Berlin, Springer-Verlag 1998. - S. 196-231. - (Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1442).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1019602

052095 - MU-W 980100 RIV DD eng M
Sgall, J.
Bounds on pairs of families with restricted intersections.
In: Technical Report TR98-044. - (Ed. Woeginger, G.J.). - Trier, Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity 1998. - S. 1. - ( Technical Report TR98-044).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1019602

052116 - MU-W 980146 RIV IT eng C
Straškraba, I.
Large time behavior of solutions to compressible Navier-Stokes equations.
In: Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics Series. Vol.388 - (Ed. Salvi, R.). - Varenna, Pitman 1998. - S. 125-138. - ( 388).
[International conference on Navier-Stokes equations, theory and numerical methods. (IT), 97.06.02-97.06.06]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/96/0313; GA ČR(CZ) GA101/96/0832

052117 - MU-W 980147 RIV LT eng C
Straškraba, I.
Global analysis of 1-D Navier-Stokes equations with density dependent viscosity.
In: Navier-Stokes Equations and Related Nonlinear Problems. - (Ed. Amann, H.). - Utrecht/Vilnius, VSP/TEV 1998. - S. 371-390.
[Internationale Conference on Navier-Stokes Equations and Related Nonlinear Problems/6./. (LT), 97.05.22-97.05.29]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/96/0313

052084 - MU-W 980086 RIV FR eng V
Straškraba, I. - Novotný, A.
Convergence to equilibria for compressible Navier-Stokes equations with large data. (Ed. Brebbia, C.A.). - La Garde, Laboratoire dĄanalyse non linéaire appliquée, UFR Science, Université de Toulon et du Var. 1998. - 24 s.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/96/0313

116356 - MU-W 20040135 RIV CA eng J
Šilhavý, M.
Polar decomposition of rank 1 perturbations in two dimensions.
Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 3, [-] 107-112 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2019603
[Impact factor: 0.556(99) 0.712(00) 0.617(01) 0,424(02) 0.612(03) ]

052123 - MU-W 980162 CZ cze K
Tichá, M.
Jak žáci chápou slovní úlohy se zlomky.
In: 6. setkání učitelů matematiky všech typů a stupňů škol. - (Ed. Novotná J., Plzeň, JČMF 1998. - S. 133-138.
[Setkání učitelů matematiky všech typů a stupňů škol /6./. (CZ), 98.10.21-98.10.23]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA406/96/1186

052124 - MU-W 980163 RIV DE ger C
Tichá, M.
Entwicklung der Vorstellungen von Brüchen und Strategien der Aufgabenlösungen.
In: Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht Vorträge auf der 32. Tagung für Didaktik der Mathematik. - (Ed. Neubrand, M.). - Berlin, Verlag Franzbecker 1998. - S. 603-606.
[Tagung für Didaktik der Mathematik/32./. (DE), 98.03.02-98.03.06]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA406/96/1186

062627 - MU-W 990022 NL eng J
Tichá, M. - Koman, M.
On travelling to gether and sharing expenses examples of investigation of situations.
Teaching Mathematics and its Applications, 17 [3] 117-122 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA406/96/1186

077880 - MU-W 200147 RIV CZ eng C
Tichá, M. - Koman, M.
Towards developing teachersÇ ability for grasping situations.
In: Teachers and their University Education at the Turn of the Millennium. - (Ed. Kohnová, J.). - Praha, Pedagogická fakulta UK 1998. - S. 300-306.
[Teachers and their University Education at the Turn of the Millennium. Praha (CZ), 98.09.23-98.09.25]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA406/96/1186
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A05/98:Z1-019-9ii

052065 - MU-W 980055 CZ cze J
Tichá, M. - Kuřina, F. - Hošpesová, A.
Geometrické zkušenosti dětí na počátku školní docházky.
Moderní vyučování, - [4] 10-11 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA406/96/1186

052077 - MU-W 980077 RIV CZ eng J
Tvrdý, M.
Linear integral equations in the space of regulated functions.
Mathematica Bohemica, 123 [2] 177-212 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/97/0218

062699 - MU-W 990098 RIV IL eng J
Tvrdý, M.
On the continuous dependence on a parameter of solutions of initial value problems for linear GDEÇS.
Functional Differential Equations, 5 [3-4] 483-498 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/97/0218

052066 - MU-W 980056 RIV JP eng J
Vanžura, J. - Čadek, M.
Almost quaternionic structures on eight-manifolds.
Osaka Journal of Mathematics, 35 [1] 165-190 (1998).
[Impact factor:0.261(92) 0.202(93) 0.165(94) 0.118(95) 0.200(96) 0.218(97) 0.214(98) 0.260(99) 0.208(00) 0.245(01) 0,381(02) 0.307(03) ]

062629 - MU-W 990014 RIV CZ cze K
Vitásek, E. - Křížek, M.
(Ne)spolehlivost numerických výpočtů. - Jaká nebezpečí skrývá numerické počítání?
In: Programy a algoritmy numerické matematiky 9. - (Ed. Segeth, K.; Přikryl, P.). - Praha, Matematický ústav AV ČR 1998. - S. 139-150.
[Programy a algoritmy numerické matematiky 9. Kořenov (CZ), 98.06.08-98.06.12]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) ME 148

062670 - MU-W 990066 RIV CZ cze C
Vondráček, J.
Diagnostické metody v lineárních statistických modelech.
In: XIII. letní škola biometriky. - Brno, Ústřední kontrolní a zkušební ústav zemědělský 1998. - S. 111-115.
[Letní škola biometriky/13./. Brno (CZ), 98.09.21-98.09.25]

062628 - MU-W 990023 RIV DE eng C
Vondráček, J. - Eben, K. - Binks, K.
Mortality Pattern Prediction in Worker Cohorts.
In: COMPSTAT. Proceedings in Computational Statistics. - (Ed. Payne, R.). - Heidelberg, Physica-Verlag 1998. - S. 29-40.
[Symposium held in Bristol/13./. Bristol (GB), 98.08.24-98.08.28]

Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

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