UEM - Ústav experimentální medicíny


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Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

016018 - UEM-P 940025 DE eng J
Aitkin, L. - Tran, L. - Syka, J.
The responses of neurons in subdivision of the inferior colliculus of cats to tonal, noise and vocal stimuli.
Experimental Brain Research, 98 [1] 53-64 (1994).
Grant: IA73906
[Impact factor:2.425(91) 2.344(92) 2.409(93) 2.227(94) 1.967(95) 2.049(96) 1.898(97) 2.018(98) 2.246(99) 2.137(00) 2.306(01) 2,300(02) 2.302(03) ]

016030 - UEM-P 940037 CZ eng C
Astl, J. - Popelář, J. - Syka, J.
Activity of inferior colliculus neurons in the guinea pig under urethane and pentobarbitone anaesthesia.
In: Physiological Research. - 43 - Praha, FGÚ AV ČR 1994. - S. 25P.
[Fyziologické dny. Praha (CZ), 94.02.09-94.02.11]

016062 - UEM-P 940069 FR eng J
Baran, V. - Melčák, I. - Otcovský, J. - Landa, V.
Immunoelectronprotein localization of small nuclear ribonucleoprotein granules in the two-cell mouse embryo.
Reproduction Nutrition Development, 33 [5] 447-454 (1994).
[Impact factor:0.516(91) 0.579(92) 0.743(93) 0.549(94) 0.716(95) 1.116(96) 0.619(97) 0.685(98) 0.922(99) 1.351(00) 1.567(01) 0,872(02) 0.780(03) ]

016089 - UEM-P 940102 US eng B
Benešová, O. - Tejkalová, H. - Krištofiková, Z. - Klaschka, J. - Dostál, M.
Early postnatal diazepam treatment of rats and nueroimmunocompetence in adulthood and senescence.
In: Methods of assessment and potential interventions. - (Ed. Nagy, I.; Harman, D.; Kitani, K.). - New York, Academy of Sciences 1994. - 89-101 s.

016084 - UEM-P 940096 NL eng J
Binková, B. - Dobiáš, L. - Wolff, T. - Šrám, R.
32p-postlabeling analysis of DNA adducts in tissues of rats exposed to coke-oven emissions.
Mutation Research, 307, [-] 355-363 (1994).
[Impact factor:1.727(91) 1.960(92) 1.868(93) 1.975(94) 2.065(95) 2.060(96) 1.754(97) 2.067(98) 2.107(99) 2.148(00) 2.545(01) 3,158(02) 3.433(03) ]

021236 - UEM-P 950096 DE eng J
Binková, B. - Leníček, J. - Míšková, I. - Milcová, A. - Plná, K. - Šrám, R. - Lewtas, J.
DNA adducts and personal exposure monitoring data of selected population group from a high polluted area in the Czech Republic.
Zentralblatt für Hygiene, 195, 215-216 (1994).
Grant: MŽP - KHS Teplice(CZ) Projekt Teplice
[Impact factor: 0.261(99) 0.244(00) 0.436(01) ]

021693 - UEM-P 950078 US eng A
Buckiová, D. - Jelínek, R. - Brown, N. A.
The chick embryo as a model for studying the mechanisms of hyperthermia induced teratogenesis.
In: Book of Abstracts. -
Teratology, 50, 28A (1994).
[ETS /22./. Praha (CZ), 94.09.03-94.09.07]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA304/94/1716
[Impact factor:1.600(91) 1.884(92) 1.664(93) 1.441(94) 1.578(95) 1.762(96) 1.719(97) 1.734(98) 2.028(99) ]

016036 - UEM-P 940043 CZ eng C
Chvátal, A. - Pastor, A. - Ketenmann, H. - Syková, E.
Ion channel properties of immunohistochemically identified glia cells in the developing rat spinal cord slice.
In: Physiological and Pathological Aspects of Neuron-Glia Interaction. - Praha, Organizátoři symposia 1994. - S. 39-40.
[Satellite Symposium to ENA Meeting /17./. Praha (CZ), 94.08.31-94.09.03]

021689 - UEM-P 950012 CZ eng A
Chvátal, A. - Pastor, A. - Kettenmann, H. - Syková, E.
Membrane currents activated by inhibitory transmitters in immunohistochemically and electrophysiologically identified glial cells of the developing rat spinal cord slice.
In: Abstracts, 1st Conference of the Czech Neuroscience Society. - Praha, Organizátoři symposia 1994. - S. 76.
[Conference of the Czech Neuroscience Society /1./. Praha (CZ), 94.10.23-94.10.25]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/93/1048

021226 - UEM-P 950004 DE eng A
Chvátal, A. - Pastor, A. - Syková, E. - Kettenmann, H.
Ion channel properties and morphology of glial cells in the developing rat spinal cord slice.
In: Abstracts, First European Meeting on Glial Cell Function in Health and Disease. - Heidelberg, Organizátoři symposia 1994. - S. 72.
[European Meeting on Glial Cell Function in Health and Disease /1./. Heidelberg (DE), 94.03.24-94.03.27]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/94/1107

016081 - UEM-P 940091 NL eng A
Čejková, J. - Kadlecová, D. - Lojda, Z.
Damage to the rabbit anterior eye segment by shortwave UV light.
In: Book of Abstracts. -
Documenta Ophthalmologica, 85, [-] 311 (1994).
[-. - (-), -]
[Impact factor:0.254(91) 0.464(92) 0.292(93) 0.349(94) 0.225(95) 0.234(96) 0.450(97) 0.419(98) 0.289(99) ]

016080 - UEM-P 940090 DE eng J
Čejková, J. - Lojda, Z.
The damaging effect of UV rays below 320 nm. I. Early changes in the anterior eye segment.
Acta histochemica, 96 [3] 281-286 (1994).
Grant: GA304/93/0393
[Impact factor:0.370(91) 0.442(92) 0.517(93) 0.472(94) 0.731(95) 0.734(96) 0.750(97) 0.878(98) 0.726(99) 0.943(00) 0.865(01) 0,867(02) 0.656(03) ]

016091 - UEM-P 940104 US eng J
Čejková, J. - Lojda, Z. - Kadlecová, D.
Healing of alkali-burned rabbit cornea facilitated with antioxidant enzymes and serine protease inhibitors.
Ophthalmic Surgery, 26 [1] 24-27 (1994).
Grant: GA304/93/0393
[Impact factor: 0.681(99) 0.775(00) 0.745(01) 0,531(02) ]

016086 - UEM-P 940098 NL eng J
Dobiáš, L. - Černá, M. - Rossner, P. - Šrám, R.
Genotoxicity and carcinogenicity of metronidasole.
Mutation Research, 317, [-] 177-194 (1994).
[Impact factor:1.727(91) 1.960(92) 1.868(93) 1.975(94) 2.065(95) 2.060(96) 1.754(97) 2.067(98) 2.107(99) 2.148(00) 2.545(01) 3,158(02) 3.433(03) ]

016087 - UEM-P 940099 CZ eng J
Dostál, M. - Horká, I. - Tůma, O. - Soukupová, D.
Indirect maternal effects of oxacillin administered to pregnat mice on the postnatal immune response of the offspring.
Functional and Developmental Morphology, 4 [2] 67-75 (1994).

021235 - UEM-P 950033 GB eng J
Dostál, M. - Soukupová, D. - Horká, I.
Treatment of pregnant mice with antibiotics modulates the humoral response of the offspring: role of prenatal and postnatal factors.
International Journal of Immunopharmacology, 16 [12] 1035-1042 ( 1994).
[Impact factor:1.013(91) 1.093(92) 0.892(93) 1.170(94) 1.148(95) 0.955(96) 1.053(97) 0.531(98) 0.847(99) 1.142(00) 1.276(01) 1,559(02) ]

016025 - UEM-P 940032 CZ eng C
Drozen, D. - Jilek, M. - Popelář, J. - Syka, J.
Programmable generator of acoustical signals for experiments in auditory physiology.
In: Theoretical and Clinical Aspects of Neuroscience. - Praha, Společnost pro neurovědy 1994. - S. 101.
[Conference of the Czech Neuroscience Society /1./. Praha (CZ), 94.10.23-94.10.25]

016029 - UEM-P 940036 CZ eng C
Druga, R.
NADPH-diaphorase positive neurons in the central auditory structures in the guinea pig.
In: Physiological Research. - 43 - Praha, FGÚ AV ČR 1994. - S. 25P.
[Fyziologické dny. Praha (CZ), 94.02.09-94.02.11]

016022 - UEM-P 940029 CZ eng C
Druga, R. - Syka, J.
NADPH-diaphorase staining in the inferior colliculus of the guinea pig.
In: Theoretical and Clinical Aspects of Neuroscience. - Praha, Společnost pro neurovědy 1994. - S. 102.
[Conference of the Czech Neuroscience Society /1./. Praha (CZ), 94.10.23-94.10.25]

016076 - UEM-P 940085 CZ eng A
Fléchon, J. - Hozák, P. - Kaňka, J.
Nucleolar changes in reconstituted rabbit embryos.
In: Abstracts of the Colloquium on the Nucleolus. - Praha, Ústav experimentální mediciny AV ČR 1994. - S. 15.
[Colloquium on the Nucleolus. Praha (CZ), 94.06.23-94.06.25]

016031 - UEM-P 940038 US eng J
Hájek, I. - Syková, E. - Sedman, G.
Na+, K+/ATPase activity in young chicks after taste stimulation.
Brain Research Bulletin, 33 [1] 87-91 (1994).
Grant: GA309/93/1048GA309/94/1107
[Impact factor:1.746(91) 1.692(92) 1.599(93) 1.811(94) 1.794(95) 1.641(96) 1.708(97) 1.650(98) 1.977(99) 1.758(00) 1.783(01) 2,283(02) 2.609(03) ]

016047 - UEM-P 940054 GB eng C
Herdegen, T. - Gass, P. - Brecht, S. - Schmid, W. - Georgakopoulos, E. - Hájek, I. - Bravo, R. - Zimmermann, M.
Transection of central and peripheral nerve fibers selectively affect the expression and phosphorylation of CREB, CREM and SRF proteins in axotomized neurons.
In: Annual Meeting European Neuroscience Association. - (Ed. Huck, S.). - London, Oxford University 1994. - S. 205.
[Annual Meeting European Neuroscience Association /17./. Vienna (AT) , 94.09.04-94.09.08]
Grant: GA309/93/1048GA309/94/1107

016037 - UEM-P 940044 CZ eng C
Hertz, L. - Peng, L. - Huang, R. - Chen, Y. - Zhang, X. - Hájek, I.
Stimulation of energy metabolism in neuron and astrocytes.
In: Proceeding of Symposium. - Praha, Organizátoři symposia 1994. - S. 59-60.
[Satellite Symposium to ENA Meeting /17./. Praha (CZ), 94.08.31-94.09.03]
Grant: GA309/93/1048GA309/94/1107

016008 - UEM-P 940014 US eng J
Hol, E. M. - Mandys, V. - Sodaar, P. - Gispen, W. H. - Bar, P. R.
Protection by an ACTH 4-9 analogue against the toxic effects of cisplatin and taxol on sensory neurons and glial cells in vitro.
Journal of Neuroscience Research, 39 [9] 178-185 (1994).
[Impact factor:3.197(92) 3.005(93) 3.637(94) 3.377(95) 2.843(96) 2.442(97) 2.874(98) 3.126(99) 3.207(00) 3.378(01) 2,956(02) 3.374(03) ]

016005 - UEM-P 940011 GB eng J
Hozák, P. - Cook, P. R.
Replication factories.
Trends in Cell Biology, 4 [1] 48-51 (1994).
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.000(93) 0.000(94) 12.748(95) 11.944(96) 10.814(97) 11.935(98) 14.149(99) 18.815(00) 18.13(01) 19,8805(02) 19.612(03) ]

016075 - UEM-P 940084 CZ eng A
Hozák, P. - Cook, P. R. - Schofer, C. - Mosgoller, W. - Wachtler, F.
Nucleolar transcription and nucleolar architecture.
In: Abstract of the Colloquium on the Nucleolus. - Praha, Ústav experimentální mediciny AV ČR 1994. - S. 20.
[Colloquium on the Nucleolus. Praha (CZ), 94.06.23-94.06.25]

016003 - UEM-P 940009 GB eng J
Hozák, P. - Cook, P. R. - Schöfer, C. - Mosgoller, W. - Wachtler, F.
Site of transcription of ribosomal RNA and intranucleolar structure in HeLa cells.
Journal of Cell Science, 107 [2] 639-648 (1994).
[Impact factor:3.293(91) 3.593(92) 3.432(93) 4.336(94) 4.827(95) 4.935(96) 5.081(97) 5.453(98) 6.044(99) 5.996(00) 6.213(01) 6,954(02) 7.250(03) ]

016004 - UEM-P 940010 GB eng J
Hozák, P. - Jackson, D. A. - Cook, P. R.
Replication factories and nuclear bodies: the ultrastructural characterization of replication sites during the cell cycle.
Journal of Cell Science, 107 [8] 2191-2202 (1994).
[Impact factor:3.293(91) 3.593(92) 3.432(93) 4.336(94) 4.827(95) 4.935(96) 5.081(97) 5.453(98) 6.044(99) 5.996(00) 6.213(01) 6,954(02) 7.250(03) ]

016061 - UEM-P 940068 CZ eng C
Janoutová, J.
Nukleoli and AgNOR in the cells of rat megakaryocytic lin.
In: International Conference of the Czech and Slovak Anatomical Society. - Hradec Králové, Lékařská fakulta UK 1994. - S. 6.
[International Conference of the Czech and Slovak Anatomical Society. Hradec Králové (CZ), 94.06.06-94.06.08]

016014 - UEM-P 940021 CZ eng J
Janoutová, J. - Likovský, Z.
The effect of actinomycin D on the megakaryocytic line in rat.
Functional and Developmental Morphology, 4 [2] 63-65 (1994).
Grant: IZ1054

016058 - UEM-P 940065 CZ eng C
Jelínek, R. - Šerák, L.
Respiratory activity of early chick embryo.
In: International Conrefence of the Czech and Slovak Anatomic Society. - Hradec Králové, Lékařská fakulta UK 1994. - S. 17.
[International Conference of the Czech and Slovak Anatomical Society. Hradec Králové (CZ), 94.06.06-94.06.08]

016038 - UEM-P 940045 CZ eng C
Jendelová, P. - Chvátal, A. - Šimonová, Z. - Syková, E.
Changes in extracellular pH evoked by excitatory and inhibitory amino acids in the isolated rat spinal cord.
In: Physiological and Pathological Aspects of Neuron-Glia Interaction. - Praha, Organizátoři symposia 1994. - S. 63-64.
[Satellite Symposium to ENA Meeting /17./. Praha (CZ), 94.08.31-94.09.03]
Grant: GA309/93/1048GA309/94/1107

016046 - UEM-P 940053 GB eng C
Jendelová, P. - Chvátal, A. - Šimonová, Z. - Syková, E.
Effect of excitatory and inhibitory amino acids on extracellular pH in isolated rat spinal cord.
In: Annual Meeting European Neuroscience Association. - (Ed. Huck, S.). - London, Oxford University 1994. - S. 199.
[Annual Meeting European Neuroscience Association /17./. Vienna (AT) , 94.09.04-94.09.08]
Grant: GA309/93/1048

021230 - UEM-P 950009 CZ eng A
Jirounek, P. - Robert, A. - Chvátal, A. - Syková, E.
Regulation of potassium in the microenvironment of nonmyelinating axons.
In: Abstracts, 1st Conference of the Czech Neuroscience Society. - Praha, Organizátoři symposia 1994. - S. 37.
[Conference of the Czech Neuroscience Society /1./. Praha (CZ), 94.10.23-94.10.25]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/94/1107

016007 - UEM-P 940013 US eng J
Jirsová, K. - Mandys, V.
Induction of micronuclei and granular chromatin condensation in human skin fibroblasts influenced by cisplatin (cis-DDP) in vitro.
Mutation Research, 310 [1] 37-44 (1994).
[Impact factor:1.727(91) 1.960(92) 1.868(93) 1.975(94) 2.065(95) 2.060(96) 1.754(97) 2.067(98) 2.107(99) 2.148(00) 2.545(01) 3,158(02) 3.433(03) ]

016082 - UEM-P 940092 NL eng A
Kadlecová, D. - Čejková, J.
Conditions influencing the healing of alkali-burned cornea under aprotinin treatment.
In: Book of Abstracts. -
Documenta Ophthalmologica, 85, [-] 361 (1994).
[-. - (-), -]
[Impact factor:0.254(91) 0.464(92) 0.292(93) 0.349(94) 0.225(95) 0.234(96) 0.450(97) 0.419(98) 0.289(99) ]

016043 - UEM-P 940050 DE eng C
Kauder, C. - Lehmenkühler, A. - Syková, E. - Nicholson, C.
Diffusion properties of extracellular space in the rat subcortical white mater during global ischemia.
In: Meeting Deutsche Physiologische Geselschaft. - Supplment 426 Pflugers Archives. - Heidlberg, Springer International 1994. - S. 35R.
[Meeting Deutsche Physiologische Geselschaft. Jena (DE), 94.03.02-94.03.05]

016020 - UEM-P 940027 GB eng A
Kvašňák, E. - Aitkin, L. - Popelář, J. - Syka, J.
Responses of inferior colliculus neurons in guinea pigs to vocalizations.
In: Abstracts of the 17th Annual Meeting of the European Neuroscience Association. - Supplement No.7 to the European Journal of Neuroscience. - Oxford, Oxford University 1994. - S. 160.
[Meeting of the ENA. Viena (AT), 94.09.04-94.09.08]
Grant: GA309/94/0735

016035 - UEM-P 940042 CZ eng C
Lehmenkühler, A. - Syková, E. - Svoboda, J. - Zilles, K. - Nicholson, C.
Postnatal developmental changes of extracellular volume fraction and tortuosity in the rat neocortex.
In: Physiological and Pathological Aspects of Neuron-Glia Interaction. - Praha, Organizátoři symposia 1994. - S. 91-92.
[Satellite Symposium to ENA Meeting /17./. Praha (CZ), 94.08.31-94.09.03]

016042 - UEM-P 940049 NL eng C
Lehmenkühler, A. - Syková, E. - Svoboda, J. - Zilles, K. - Nicholson, C.
Diffusion characteristics of brain extracellular microenvironment in the rat during postnatal development.
In: Glia and Neuronthogenesis. - 35 Brain Research. - (Ed. Reichenbach, A.; Bruckner, G.). - -, - 1994. - S. 138-139.
[Symposium Glia and Neuronthogenesis /3./. - (-), -]

021227 - UEM-P 950005 DE eng A
Lehmenkühler, A. - Syková, E. - Svoboda, J. - Kauder, C. - Zoremba, N. - Pérezpinzón, M. - Nicholson, C.
Ionic changes and diffusion parameters in CNS during devolopment and anoxia.
In: Abstracts, First European Meeting on Glial Cell Function in Health and Disease. - Heidelberg, Organizátoři symposia 1994. - S. 124.
[European Meeting on Glial Cell Function in Health and Disease /1./. Heidelberg (DE), 94.03.24-94.03.27]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/94/1107

016009 - UEM-P 940015 DE eng J
Likovský, Z. - Peterka, M. - Peterková, R.
Development of nucleolar apparatus in the chick primitive erythroid cells.
Anatomy and Embryology, 189 [6] 539-544 (1994).
Grant: GA304/93/0594
[Impact factor:1.552(91) 1.665(92) 1.604(93) 1.748(94) 1.801(95) 1.668(96) 1.554(97) 1.453(98) 1.511(99) 1.851(00) 1.754(01) 1,661(02) 1.559(03) ]

016012 - UEM-P 940019 CZ eng J
Likovský, Z. - Peterka, M. - Peterková, R.
The rRNA synthesis in proerythroblasts and hepatocytes after cyclosporin A administration in chick embryo.
Functional and Developmental Morphology, 4 [2] 77-81 (1994).

016065 - UEM-P 940073 US eng A
Mandys, V.
Kultivace buněk a tkání in vitro ve vědeckých pracovištích ČR.
In: Abstrakta světového kongresu Společnosti pro vědu a umění. - Washington, Czechoslovak Society of Arts and Science 1994. - S. 70.
[Kongres Společnosti pro vědu a umění /17./. Praha (CR), 94.06.26-94.06.29]

016064 - UEM-P 940072 US eng A
Mandys, V. - Bär, P. R.
Neurotoxicity of cisplatin studied in organ cultures of chick dorsal root ganglia.
In: Abstracts of the Third Neuropathology International Scientific Exchange Meeting. - New York, Americká neuropathologická společnost 1994. - S. 17.
[International Scientific Exchange Meeting. Praha (CR), 94.06.06-94.06.07]

016067 - UEM-P 940075 IT eng A
Mandys, V. - Bär, P. R.
Morphological and functional changes in organotypic cultures of chick dorsal root ganglia influenced by cisplatin.
In: Abstracts of the International Congress of the Europoean Tissue Culture Society. - Milano, Associazione Italiana di Culture Cellulari 1994. - S. 98.
[International Congress of the European Tissue Culture Society /41./. Verona (IT), 94.10.09-94.10.12]

016063 - UEM-P 940071 CZ cze A
Mandys, V. - Mazánek, J.
Solitární "traumatická" cysta mandibuly.
In: Abstrakta XXI. vědeckého sjezdu českých patologů. - Praha, Společnost českých patologů 1994. - S. 6.
[Sjezd českých patologů. Ostrava (CZ), 94.06.02-94.06.02]

016006 - UEM-P 940012 GB eng J
Mandys, V. - Tureček, R. - Gispen, W. H. J. - Bar, P. R.
Organotypic cultures of chick dorsal root ganglia in a semi-solid medium: A model neurotoxicity testing.
Toxicology in Vitro, 8 [1] 81-90 (1994).
[Impact factor:0.661(92) 0.976(93) 0.837(94) 0.772(95) 0.750(96) 0.995(97) 0.753(98) 1.136(99) 0.735(00) 0.839(01) 1,580(02) 1.642(03) ]

016059 - UEM-P 940066 CZ eng C
Míšek, I. - Peterková, R. - Peterka, M. - Štěrba, O.
Odontogenesis in Muroidea.
In: International Conference of the Czech and Slovak Anatomic Society. - Hradec Králové, Lékařská fakulta UK 1994. - S. 19.
[International Conference of the Czech and Slovak Anatomical Society. Hradec Králové (CZ), 94.06.06-94.06.08]

016055 - UEM-P 940062 AT eng C
Míšek, I. - Štěrba, O. - Peterková, R. - Peterka, M. - Witter, K.
Die Entwicklung von Zahnanlagen im Diastema bei Wuhlmausen und echten Mausen.
In: Deutschen Gesellschaft für Saugetierkunde. - Wien, Organizátoři symposia 1994. - S. 38.
[Deutschen Gesellschaft für Saugetierkunde /68./. Wien (AT), 94.09.05-94.09.08]

016078 - UEM-P 940087 GB eng A
Mosgoller, W. - Schöfer, C. - Wachtler, F. - Weipoltshammer, C. - Schwarzacher, H. G. - Hozák, P. - Macville, M. - Sylvester, J.
In situ hybridization of ribosomal gene repeats in DNA halo preparations of human interphase nucleoli.
In: Abstracts of the Kew Chromosome Conference. - London, Organizátoři konference 1994. - S. 37.
[Kew Chromosome Conference /4./. London (GB), 94.08.30-94.09.02]

021234 - UEM-P 950025 NL eng J
Novotná, B. - Duverger-van Bogaert, M.
Role of kidney S9 in the mutagenic properties of 1,2-dibromoethane.
Toxicology Letters, 74, 255-263 (1994).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA304/93/0594
[Impact factor:0.987(91) 0.774(92) 0.661(93) 1.112(94) 1.242(95) 0.895(96) 1.128(97) 1.303(98) 0.773(99) 1.401(00) 1.587(01) 2,242(02) 2.224(03) ]

016079 - UEM-P 940088 US eng J
Novotná, B. - Hubálek, F. - Bednář, V.
Genotoxic and Embryotoxic Effects of 5-Bromodeoxyuridine in the Chick Embryo.
Teratogenesis, Carcinogenesis and Mutagenesis, 14 [3] 123-134 ( 1994).
Grant: IA73911
[Impact factor:0.831(91) 0.732(92) 0.564(93) 0.780(94) 0.981(95) 0.695(96) 0.441(97) 0.607(98) 1.018(99) 1.106(00) 0.841(01) 1,189(02) 0.796(03) ]

021228 - UEM-P 950006 DE eng A
Pastor, A. - Chvátal, A. - Syková, E. - Kettenmann, H.
Gylcine and GABA induced currents in glial cells of the rat spinal cord slice.
In: Abstracts, First European Meeting on Glial Cell Function in Health and Disease. - Heidelberg, Organizátoři symposia 1994. - S. 148.
[European Meeting on Glial Cell Function in Health and Disease /1./. Heidelberg (DE), 94.03.24-94.03.27]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/93/1048

016010 - UEM-P 940016 CZ eng J
Peterka, M. - Likovský, Z. - Peterková, R.
The effect of cyclosporin A on the proliferating chick embryo erythroblasts.
Physiological Research, 43, [-] 223-228 (1994).
Grant: GA304/93/0594
[Impact factor: 0.588(95) 0.526(96) 0.807(97) 0.616(98) 0.521(99) 1.366(00) 1.027(01) 0,984(02) 0.939(03) ]

016011 - UEM-P 940017 CZ eng J
Peterka, M. - Miler, I. - Jelínek, R.
Teratogenic effect of bilirubin - a study using CHEST.
Functional and Developmental Morphology, 4 [1] 29-32 (1994).
Grant: IZ1054

016050 - UEM-P 940057 FR eng C
Peterka, M. - Peterková, R. - Likovský, Z.
Timing of teeth exchange in boys with orofacial clefts.
In: International Association for Dental Research. - Lyon, Organizátoři symposia 1994. - S. 15.
[International Association for Dental Research CED /31./. Lyon (FR), 94.09.16-94.09.17]

016054 - UEM-P 940061 CZ eng C
Peterka, M. - Pexieder, T.
Embryotoxicity and teratogenicity of all-trans retinoic acid in chick embryo.
In: Annual Conference European Teratology Society. - Praha, Organizátoři symposia 1994. - S. 44.
[Annual Conference European Teratology Society /22./. Praha (CZ), 94.09.12-94.09.15]

016013 - UEM-P 940020 CZ eng J
Peterka, M. - Sarin, S. - Roeder, E. - Wiedenfeld, H. - Halašková, M.
Differing embryotoxic effects of senecionine and senecionine-N-oxide on the chick embryo.
Functional and Developmental Morphology, 4 [2] 89-92 (1994).

016056 - UEM-P 940063 CZ eng C
Peterka, M. - Tvrdek, M. - Halašková, M.
Embryotoxic effect of heat shock in chick embryo.
In: International Conference of the Czech and Slovak Anatomical Society. - Hradec Králové, Lékařská fakulta UK 1994. - S. 14.
[International Conference of the Czech and Slovak Anatomical Society /36./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 94.06.06-94.06.08]

016049 - UEM-P 940056 US eng A
Peterková, R. - Peterka, M. - Vonesch, J. L. - Ruch, J. V.
Composite origin of mouse incisor: recapitulation of ancestral teeth?
In: Book of Abstracts. -
Journal of Dental Research, 73 [4] 972 (1994).
[-. - (-), -]
[Impact factor:2.971(91) 3.019(92) 2.802(93) 3.051(94) 3.810(95) 3.867(96) 3.459(97) 4.060(98) 4.556(99) 4.438(00) 3.350(01) 2,956(02) 2.702(03) ]

016052 - UEM-P 940059 NL eng C
Peterková, R. - Peterka, M. - Vonesch, J. L. - Ruch, J. V.
The adult upper jaw tooth formula in mouse results from reduction of the embryonic dental patern.
In: Fifth International Conference Tooth Morphogenesis and Differentation. - Kerkrade, Organizátoři symposia 1994. - S. 68.
[International Conference Tooth Morphogenesis and Differentiation /5./. Kerkrade (NL), 94.05.04-94.05.06]

016060 - UEM-P 940067 CZ eng C
Peterková, R. - Turečková, J. - Thesleff, I. - Vonesch, J. L. - Ruch, J. V.
Use of rudimental mouse dental analgen for molecular study.
In: International Conference of the Czech and Slovak Anatomic Society. - Hradec Králové, Lékařská fakulta UK 1994. - S. 4.
[International Conference of the Czech and Slovak Anatomical Society. Hradec Králové (CZ), 94.06.06-94.06.08]

016053 - UEM-P 940060 CZ eng C
Pexieder, T. - Peterka, M.
Two different critical periods for induction of double outlet right ventricle by retinoic acid in chick embryos.
In: Annual Conference European Teratology Society. - Praha, Organizátoři symposia 1994. - S. 42.
[Annual Conference European Teratology Society /22./. Praha (CZ), 94.09.12-94.09.15]

016090 - UEM-P 940103 CZ eng J
Plná, K. - Milcová, A. - Binková, B. - Míšková, I. - Nožička, J.
Assessment of the cotinine/creatinine ratio as a marker of exposure to tobacco smoke in selected groups of women from Teplice and Prachatice.
Hygiena, 39 [1] 56-61 (1994).

016021 - UEM-P 940028 FR eng A
Popelář, J. - Erre, J. P. - Aran, J. M.
Suppresion of the ensemble spontaneous activity of the auditory nerve in guinea pig by contralateral sound.
In: Abstracts of the 31st Workshop on Inner Ear Biology. - Montpellier, L'Université de Montpellier 1994. - S. P37.
[Workshop on Inner Ear Biology. Montpellier (FR), 94.09.10-94.09.13]

016016 - UEM-P 940023 NL eng J
Popelář, J. - Erre, J. P. - Aran, J. M. - Cazals, Y.
Plastic changes in ipsi-contralateral differences of auditory cortex and colliculus evoked potentials after injury to the adult guinea pig.
Hearing Research, 72 [2] 125-134 (1994).
Grant: IAA739102
[Impact factor:2.070(91) 1.792(92) 1.853(93) 1.174(94) 1.908(95) 1.641(96) 1.915(97) 1.598(98) 1.804(99) 1.753(00) 1.586(01) 1,969(02) 1.502(03) ]

016023 - UEM-P 940030 CZ eng C
Popelář, J. - Hartmann, R. - Syka, J. - Klinke, R.
Amplitude-intensity functions of middle latency responses to acoustical and electrical stimuli in cats.
In: Theoretical and Clinical Aspects of Neuroscience. - Praha, Společnost pro neurovědy 1994. - S. 100.
[Conference of the Czech Neuroscience Society /1./. Praha (CZ), 94.10.23-94.10.25]

016019 - UEM-P 940026 GB eng A
Popelář, J. - Syka, J. - Rybalko, N.
Enhancement of amplitudes of the auditory middle latency responses in guinea pig in pathological conditions.
In: Abstracts of the 17th Annual Meeting of the European Neuroscience Association. - Oxford, Oxford University 1994. - S. 160.
[Meeting of the ENA. Viena (AT), 94.09.04-94.09.08]
Grant: GA304/93/0594IA73911

016069 - UEM-P 940077 GB eng C
Raška, I. - Dundr, M. - Koberna, K.
The nature of coiled bodies.
In: European Congress Cell Biology. - 18 Cell Biology International. - London, Academic Press 1994. - S. 480.
[European Congress Cell Biology /4./. Praha (CR), 94.06.26-94.07.01]

016071 - UEM-P 940080 FR eng C
Raška, I. - Dundr, M. - Koberna, K. - Melčák, I.
Compartmentalization of the cell nucleus.
In: International Congress Electron Microscop. - vol.3A - Paris, Organizátoři kongresu 1994. - S. 473-474.
[ICEM /13./. Paris (FR), 94.07.20-94.07.23]

016068 - UEM-P 940076 GB eng C
Raška, I. - Koberna, K. - Dundr, M. - Melčák, I. - Šrámková, I. - Velický, J.
The nuclear architecture associated with RNA synthesis and processing.
In: European Congress Cell Biology. - 18 Cell Biology International. - London, Acadenic Press 1994. - S. 421.
[European Congress Cell Biology /4./. Praha (CR), 94.06.26-94.07.01]

016073 - UEM-P 940082 CZ eng C
Raška, I. - Koberna, K. - Dundr, M. - Melčák, I. - Šrámková, I.
The nucle(ol)ar architecture associated with RNA synthesis.
In: Colloquium on the Nucleolus. - Praha, Ústav experimentální mediciny AV ČR 1994. - S. 15.
[Colloquium on the Nucleolus. Praha (CZ), 94.06.23-94.06.25]

016026 - UEM-P 940033 CZ eng C
Rybalko, N. - Syka, J. - Brožek, G. - Jilek, M.
Auditory frequency discrimination in pigmented rats.
In: Theoretical and Clinical Aspects of Neuroscience. - Praha, Společnost pro neurovědy 1994. - S. 101.
[Conference of the Czech Neuroscience Society /1./. Praha (CZ), 94.10.23-94.10.25]

016028 - UEM-P 940035 CZ eng C
Rybalko, N. - Syka, J. - Jilek, M. - Brožek, G.
Behavioral testing of auditory thresholds in the rat using instrumental conditioning.
In: Physiological Research. - 42 - Praha, FGÚ AV ČR 1994. - S. 25P.
[Fyziologické dny. Praha (CZ), 94.O2.09-94.02.11]

016077 - UEM-P 940086 CZ eng A
Schöfer, C. - Sylvester, J. - Hozák, P. - Macville, M. - Mosgöller, W. - Weipoltshammer, K. - Schwarzacher, H. G. - Wachtler, F.
The location and transcription of ribosomal genes in nucleoli of human cells is focal.
In: Abstracts of the Colloquium on the Nucleolus. - Praha, Ústav experimentální mediciny AV ČR 1994. - S. 32.
[Colloquium on the Nucleolus. Praha (CZ), 94.06.23-94.06.25]

021690 - UEM-P 950026 US eng J
Sedmera, D. - Novotná, B.
Bromodeoxyuridine-induced shift of malformation spectrum in the chick embryo: stage effect and role of cell death.
European Archives of Biology, 105, 41-49 (1994).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA73911

016057 - UEM-P 940064 CZ eng C
Seichert, V. - Jelínek, R. - Peterka, M.
Differences of the development of proximal and distal type of ektromelit.
In: International Conference of the Czech and Slovak Anatomical Society. - Hradec Králové, Lékařská fakulta UK 1994. - S. 13.
[International Conference of the Czech and Slovak Anatomical Society /36./. Hradec Králové (CZ), 94.06.06-94.06.08]

021237 - UEM-P 950097 NL eng J
Sorsa, M. - Autio, K. - Demopoulos, N. A. - Jarventaus, H. - Rossner, P. - Šrám, R. - Stephanou, G. - Vlachodimitropoulos, D.
Human biomonitoring of occupational exposure to 1,3-butadiene.
Mutation Research, 309, 321-326 (1994).
Grant: MŽP - KHS Teplice(CZ) Projekt Teplice
[Impact factor:1.727(91) 1.960(92) 1.868(93) 1.975(94) 2.065(95) 2.060(96) 1.754(97) 2.067(98) 2.107(99) 2.148(00) 2.545(01) 3,158(02) 3.433(03) ]

016088 - UEM-P 940100 CZ cze J
Stejskalová, J. - Binková, B. - Vitnerová, N. - Beneš, I. - Pilátová, J. - Smítková, D.
Hladina vitamínů A a E u mužů ve věku 17-18 let v oblastech Teplice a Prachatice.
Hygiena, 39 [2] 92-97 (1994).

021691 - UEM-P 950060 US eng J
Strnad, D. - Raška, I. - Mechler, B.
The drosophila 1(2)1 tumour seppressor protein acts as naintracellular cytoskelet protein associated to lateral cell junctions.
Journal of Cell Biology, 127, 1345-1360 (1994).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA304/93/0594
[Impact factor:11.224(91) 11.118(92) 11.700(93) 12.149(94) 12.480(95) 12.680(96) 12.005(97) 12.785(98) 12.880(99) 13.955(00) 12.91(01) 12,5225(02) 12.023(03) ]

016024 - UEM-P 940031 CZ eng C
Syka, J.
Processing of acoustical signals in the auditory midbrain: Structural and Functional aspects.
In: Theoretical and Clinical Aspects of Neuroscience. - Praha, Společnost pro neurovědy 1994. - S. 42.
[Conference of the Czech Neuroscience Society /1./. Praha (CZ), 94.10.23-94.10.25]

021225 - UEM-P 950002 US eng A
Syka, J. - Druga, R. - Astl, J. - Popelář, J.
Distribution of NADPH diaphorase and cytochrome oxidase in relationship to functional organization of the inferior colliculus in guinea pig.
In: Abstracts of the 24th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. - (Ed. Druga, R.; Astl, J.). - Washington, Society of Neuroscience 1994. - S. 977.
[Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience /24./. Miami Beach ( US), 94.11.13-94.11.18]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/94/0735

016027 - UEM-P 940034 US eng C
Syka, J. - Druga, R. - Astl, M. - Popelář, J.
Distribution of NADPH diaphorase and cytochrome oxidase in relationship to functional organizatio of the inferior colliculus in guinea pig.
In: Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. - Washington, Society for Neuroscience 1994. - S. 54-U.
[Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience /24./. Miami Beach ( US), 94.11.13-94.11.18]

016015 - UEM-P 940022 NL eng J
Syka, J. - Popelář, J.
Modulation of thresholds to acoustical and electrical stimulation of the intact ear quinea pig by furosemide and noise.
Hearing Research, 75 [1] 1-10 (1994).
Grant: IAA739102
[Impact factor:2.070(91) 1.792(92) 1.853(93) 1.174(94) 1.908(95) 1.641(96) 1.915(97) 1.598(98) 1.804(99) 1.753(00) 1.586(01) 1,969(02) 1.502(03) ]

016017 - UEM-P 940024 NL eng J
Syka, J. - Rybalko, N. - Popelář, J.
Enhancement of the auditory cortex evoked responses in awake guinea pigs after noise exposure.
Hearing Research, 78 [2] 158-168 (1994).
Grant: IAA739102
[Impact factor:2.070(91) 1.792(92) 1.853(93) 1.174(94) 1.908(95) 1.641(96) 1.915(97) 1.598(98) 1.804(99) 1.753(00) 1.586(01) 1,969(02) 1.502(03) ]

016034 - UEM-P 940041 CZ eng C
Syková, E.
Volume transmission in the brain and spinal cord during physiological and patholo-gical states.
In: Physiological and Pathological Aspects of Neuron-Glia Interaction. - Praha, Organizátoři symposia 1994. - S. 143-144.
[Satellite Symposium to ENA Meeting /17./. Praha (CZ), 94.08.31-94.09.03]

020358 - UEM-P 950008 CZ eng A
Syková, E.
Volume transmission in CNS: Novel Mechanism of signal transmission.
In: 1st Conference of the Czech Neuroscience Society. Book of Abstracts. - Praha, Organizátoři symposia 1994. - S. 26.
[Conference of the Czech Neuroscience Society /1./. Praha (CZ), 94.10.23-94.10.25]
Grant: GA309/93/1048

021229 - UEM-P 950007 DE eng A
Syková, E. - Chvátal, A. - Jendelová, P.
Role of glia in extracellular K+, pH and volume homeostasis.
In: Abstracts, First European Meeting on Glial Cell Function in Health and Disease. - Heidelberg, Organizátoři symposia 1994. - S. 175.
[European Meeting on Glial Cell Function in Health and Disease /1./. Heidelberg (DE), 94.03.24-94.03.27]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/93/1048

016033 - UEM-P 940040 AU eng C
Syková, E. - Jendelová, P. - Svoboda, J.
The role of glia in ionic and volume homeo-stasis in CNS.
In: Annual Meeting Australien Neuroscience Society. - (Ed. Rostas, J.). - Sydney, Australien Neuroscience Society 1994. - S. 257.
[Annual Meeting Australien Neuroscience Society /14./. Sydney (AU), 94.02.02-94.02.04]
Grant: GA309/93/1048GA309/94/1107

016048 - UEM-P 940055 GB eng C
Syková, E. - Jendelová, P. - Svoboda, J. - Chvátal, A.
The role of glia in ionic and volume homeostasis in CNS.
In: European Congress Cell Biology. - 18 Cell Biology International. - (Ed. Bullock, G.). - London, Academic Press 1994. - S. 521.
[European Congress Cell Biology /4./. Praha (CR), 94.06.26-94.07.01]
Grant: GA309/93/1048GA309/94/1107

021692 - UEM-P 950077 US eng A
Syková, E. - Lehmenkühler, A. - Voříšek, I. - Vargová, L. - Škobisová, E. - Kauder, C. - Nicholson, C.
Ischemic changes in K+ and diffusion properties of neonatal and adult rat cortex.
In: Abstrects of the 24th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. - Washington, Society of Neuroscience 1994. - S. 223.
[Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience /24./. Miami Beach ( US), 94.11.13-94.11.18]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/93/1048

016032 - UEM-P 940039 US eng J
Syková, E. - Svoboda, J. - Polák, J. - Chvátal, A.
Extracellular volume fraction and diffusion characteristics during progressive ischemia and terminal anoxia in the spinal cord of the rat.
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 14 [2] 301-311 ( 1994).
Grant: GA309/93/1048IA74414
[Impact factor:6.183(91) 4.873(92) 5.241(93) 7.037(94) 6.555(95) 5.952(96) 5.836(97) 5.524(98) 5.714(99) 5.926(00) 5.477(01) 5,297(02) 5.370(03) ]

016045 - UEM-P 940052 GB eng C
Syková, E. - Šimonová, Z. - Svoboda, J.
Increase of the extracellular volume fraction in spinal cord of rats with experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis.
In: Annual Meeting European Neuroscience Association. - (Ed. Huck, S.). - London, Oxford University 1994. - S. 56.
[Annual Meeting European Neuroscience Association. Vienna (AT), 94.09.04-94.09.08]
Grant: GA309/93/1048IA73908

016000 - UEM-P 940005 US eng J
Šmahel, Z.
Treament effects on facial development in cleft lip and palate.
Cleft Palate Craniofacial Journal, 31 [6] 437-445 (1994).
Grant: GA309/93/1048IA73908
[Impact factor:0.845(91) 0.815(92) 0.629(93) 0.785(94) 0.530(95) 0.579(96) 0.699(97) 0.658(98) 0.994(99) 0.718(00) 0.686(01) 0,523(02) 0.888(03) ]

016001 - UEM-P 940007 CZ eng J
Šmahel, Z.
The prediction of restoration of a positive overjet in unilateral cleft lip and palate.
Acta Chirurgiae Plasticae, 36 [2] 42-47 (1994).

015997 - UEM-P 940002 SE eng J
Šmahel, Z. - Müllerová, Ž.
Effects of mandibular growth patterns on the development and configuration of the face in patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate.
Scandinavian Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Hand Surgery, 28 [2] 207-215 (1994).
Grant: IA73908GA308/93/1102
[Impact factor:0.477(91) 0.296(92) 0.212(93) 0.333(94) 0.302(95) 0.409(96) 0.477(97) 0.553(98) 0.565(99) ]

015998 - UEM-P 940003 US eng J
Šmahel, Z. - Müllerová, Ž.
Facial growth and development in unilateral cleft lip and palate during the period of puberty: Comparison of the development after periosteoplasty and after primary bone grafting.
Cleft Palate Craniofacial Journal, 31 [2] 106-115 (1994).
Grant: IA73908GA308/93/1102
[Impact factor:0.845(91) 0.815(92) 0.629(93) 0.785(94) 0.530(95) 0.579(96) 0.699(97) 0.658(98) 0.994(99) 0.718(00) 0.686(01) 0,523(02) 0.888(03) ]

015999 - UEM-P 940004 US eng J
Šmahel, Z. - Müllerová, Ž.
Facial growth and development during puberty in unilateral cleft lip and palate: A longitudinal study.
Journal of Craniofacial Genetics and Developmental Biology, 13 [ 1] 57-71 (1994).
[Impact factor:0.610(91) 0.815(92) 1.136(93) 0.686(94) 1.436(95) 1.038(96) 0.979(97) 1.000(98) 0.920(99) 0.870(00) ]

015996 - UEM-P 940001 US eng J
Šmahel, Z. - Müllerová, Ž. - Škvařilová, B. - Stránská, P.
Development of overjet and of dentoskeletal relations in unilateral cleft lip and palate before and duting the period of puberty.
Cleft Palate Craniofacial Journal, 31 [1] 24-30 (1994).
Grant: IA73908GA308/93/1102
[Impact factor:0.845(91) 0.815(92) 0.629(93) 0.785(94) 0.530(95) 0.579(96) 0.699(97) 0.658(98) 0.994(99) 0.718(00) 0.686(01) 0,523(02) 0.888(03) ]

028341 - UEM-P 960149 CZ eng J
Štětina, R. - Votruba, I. - Holý, A. - Merta, A.
The effect of purine phosphonomethoxyalkyl derivatives on DNA synthesis in CHO Chinese hamster cells.
Neoplasma, 41 [1] 61-66 (1994).
[Impact factor:0.375(91) 0.366(92) 0.352(93) 0.354(94) 0.418(95) 0.420(96) 0.385(97) 0.657(98) 0.448(99) 0.579(00) 0.637(01) 0,679(02) 0.782(03) ]

019842 - UMG-J 950038 GB eng A
Štokrová, J. - Korb, J. - Dvořáková, M. - Čermáková, V. - Raška, I.
Structural and ultrastructural localization of the v-myb and c-myb gene products in cells of the baculovirus expression system.
Cell Biology International, 18 [5] 384 (1994).
[European Congress of Cell Biology /4./. Praha (CZ), 94.06.26-94.07.01]
Grant: GA304/93/0210
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 1.018(93) 1.042(94) 1.067(95) 1.018(96) 1.124(97) 0.884(98) 0.731(99) 0.592(00) 0.942(01) 1,017(02) 1.092(03) ]

016070 - UEM-P 940079 GB eng C
Testillanio, P. S. - Gonzáles-Melendi, P. - Reyes, J. - Koberna, K. - Mena, C. G. - Risueno, M. C.
The MA procedure improves the visualization of nuclear structures for immunogold assay.
In: European Congress Cell Biology. - 18 Cell Biology International. - London, Academic Press 1994. - S. 415.
[European Congress Cell Biology /4./. Praha (CR), 94.06.26-94.07.01]

016072 - UEM-P 940081 FR eng C
Testillanio, P. S. - Gonzáles-Melendi, P. - Ahmadian, P. - Koberna, K. - Risueno, M. C.
The MA method used as nucleic acid cytochemistry for immunogold studies of plant and annimal cell nuclei.
In: International Congress Electron Microscop. - vol.3A - Paris, Organizátoři kongresu 1994. - S. 487-488.
[ICEM /13./. Paris (FR), 94.07.20-94.07.23]

016074 - UEM-P 940083 CZ eng C
Testillanio, P. S. - Gonzáles-Melendi, P. - Ahmadian, P. - Koberna, K. - Risueno, M. C.
The methylation-acetylation (MA) as a convenient tool for high resolution visualization of subnuclear structures in immunogold studies.
In: Colloquium on the Nucleolus. - Praha, Ústav experimentální mediciny AV ČR 1994. - S. 21.
[Colloquium on the Nucleolus. Praha (CZ), 94.06.23-94.06.25]

016002 - UEM-P 940008 CZ eng J
Tomanová, M. - Müllerová, Ž.
Effects of primary bone grafting on facial development in patients with unilateral cleft and palate.
Acta Chirurgiae Plasticae, 36 [2] 38-41 (1994).

016041 - UEM-P 940048 US eng C
Toorn, A. - Syková, E. - Škobisová, E. - Voříšek, I. - Vargová, L. - Lookeren-Champagne, M. - Dijkhuizen, R. M. - Verheul, H. B. - Balázs, R. E. - Nicolay, K.
Dynamic changes in brain water ADC and extracellular space parameters induced by cardiac arrest in neonatal rats.
In: Proceeding of Meeting. - San Francisko, Society of Magnetic Resonance 1994. - S. -.
[Meeting Society Magnetic Resonance /2./. San Francisko (US), 94.08.06-94.08.12]
Grant: GA309/93/1048GA309/94/1107

016085 - UEM-P 940097 DE eng A
Topinka, J. - Zhu, H. K. - Binková, B. - Neumann, I. - Werner, S. - Andrae, U. - Schwarz, L. R. - Wolff, T.
Studies on the genotoxicity of structural analogues of the synthetic progestin, cyproterone acetate in rat liver.
Archives of Pharmacology, 349, [-] 493 (1994).

016051 - UEM-P 940058 FR eng C
Turečková, J. - Thesleff, I. - Ruch, J. V. - Peterková, R.
Evidence of temporary tooth anlagen in mouse upper diastema.
In: International Association for Dental Research. - Lyon, Organizátoři symposia 1994. - S. 32.
[International Association for Dental Research CED /31./. Lyon (FR), 94.09.16-94.09.17]

016039 - UEM-P 940046 CZ eng C
Vargová, L. - Chvátal, A. - Svoboda, J. - Syková, E.
Extracellular volume fraction and diffusion characteristics during progressive ischemia and terminal anoxia.
In: Physiological and Pathological Aspects of Neuron-Glia Interaction. - Praha, Organizátoři symposia 1994. - S. 147-148.
[Satellite Symposium to ENA Meeting /17./. Praha (CZ), 94.08.31-94.09.03]
Grant: GA309/93/1048GA309/94/1107

016044 - UEM-P 940051 GB eng C
Vargová, L. - Škobisová, E. - Voříšek, I. - Syková, E.
Extracellular volume fraction and tortuosity in developing rat brain during anoxia.
In: Meeting ENA. - (Ed. Huck, S.). - London, Oxford University 1994. - S. 16.
[Annual Meeting ENA /17./. Vienna (AT), 94.09.04-94.09.08]
Grant: GA309/93/1048

021231 - UEM-P 950010 CZ eng A
Vargová, L. - Jendelová, P. - Svoboda, J. - Syková, E.
Changes in extracellular space volume and tortuosity in the rat spinal cord induced by anoxia, potassium increase and excitatory amino acids.
In: Abstracts, 1ts Conference of the Czech Neuroscience Society. - Praha, Organizátoři symposia 1994. - S. 74.
[Conference of the Czech Neuroscience Society /1./. Praha (CZ), 94.10.23-94.10.25]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/93/1048

021233 - UEM-P 950024 CZ eng J
Veselá, D. - Veselý, D. - Jelínek, R.
Embryotoxicity in Chick embryo of Thalidomide Hydrolysis Products Following Metabolic Activation by Rat Liver Homogenate.
Functional and Developmental Morphology, 4 [4] 313-316 (1994).

016083 - UEM-P 940095 GB eng J
Vodička, P. - Vodičková, L. - Trejbalová, K. - Šrám, R. - Hemminki, K.
Persistence of 06-guanine DNA adducts in styrene exposed lamination workers determined by 32P-postlabelling.
Carcinogenesis, 15 [9] 1949-1953 (1994).
Grant: ZZ/340/1/97
[Impact factor:2.820(91) 2.984(92) 2.762(93) 2.904(94) 3.153(95) 3.508(96) 3.336(97) 3.397(98) 4.118(99) 4.031(00) 4.543(01) 5,405(02) 4.663(03) ]

016040 - UEM-P 940047 CZ eng C
Voříšek, I. - Vargová, L. - Škobisová, E. - Nicholson, C. - Dijkhuizen, R. M. - Toorn, A. - Campagne, M. - Nicolay, K. - Syková, E.
Response of diffusion parameters to global ischemia in neonatal rat cortex measured with TMA-method and MRS.
In: Physiological and Pathological Aspects of Neuron-Glia Interaction. - Praha, Organizátoři symposia 1994. - S. 151-152.
[Satellite Symposium to ENA Meeting /17./. Praha (CZ), 94.08.31-94.09.03]
Grant: GA309/94/1107

021232 - UEM-P 950011 CZ eng A
Voříšek, I. - Vargová, L. - Mazel, T. - Dijkhuizen, R. M. - Torn, A. - Lookeren Campagne, M. - Nicolay, K. - Syková, E.
Diffusion parameters in developing rat cortex and corpus callosum during terminal anoxia.
In: Abstracrs, 1st Conference of the Czech Neuroscience Society. - Praha, Organizátoři symposia 1994. - S. 75.
[Conference of the Czech Neuroscience Society /1./. Praha (CZ), 94.10.23-94.10.25]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/93/1048

016066 - UEM-P 940074 US eng A
Wisniewski, K. E. - Castells, S. - Mandys, V.
Growth hormone neuropathology in Down's syndrome.
In: Abstracts of the International Conference on Growth in Down's Syndrome. - New York, Institute of Research on Mental Retardation and Brain Aging 1994. - S. 10.
[International Conference on Growth in Down's Syndrome. Troina (IT), 94.09.27-94.09.27]

Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

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