NHÚ - Národohospodářský ústav


Zpět na seznam ústavů                     Domovská stránka ASEP

Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

054164 - NHU-N 980028 CZ eng B
Andrle, A. - Hampl, M. - Kučera, M. - Moldan, B. - Singer, M. - Švejnar, J. - Večerník, J.
Human development report: Czech Republic 1996. (Ed. Pavlík, Z.). - Praha, Faculty of Science, Charles University 1996. - 91 s. - ().

031535 - NHU-N 960064 CZ eng J
Bohatá, M.
Small and medium-sized enterprises in the Czech manufacturing industry.
CERGE-EI Working Paper Series, [94] 1-21 (1996).
Grant: GA402/94/0723

031536 - NHU-N 960065 CZ eng J
Bohatá, M.
The changing patterns of Czech foreign trade.
CERGE-EI Working Paper Series, [95] 1-34 (1996).
Grant: GA402/94/0723

038504 - NHU-N 970002 CZ eng C
Bohatá, M.
Building the ethical infrastructure of the market: a need for emerging market economies.
In: Institutional reform and political economy of European integration. - Prague, CERGE-EI 1996. - S. -.
[Institutional reform and political economy of European integration. International workshop. Prague (CZ), 96.01.11-96.01.13]

079764 - NHU-N 20010038 CZ cze J
Bohatá, M.
Etika a regulace v bankovnctví.
Bankovnictví, - [15] 6-8 (1996).

079765 - NHU-N 20010043 CZ cze J
Bohatá, M.
Vznik a vývoj etických kodexů.
Bankovnictví, - [18] 21-22 (1996).

079768 - NHU-N 20010041 US eng M
Bohatá, M.
Some ethical aspects of transition and the revival of entrepreneurship in the Czech Republic.
In: Human action in business: praxiological and ethical dimensions. - (Ed. Gasparski, W.; Ryan, L.). - New Brunswick, Transaction Publishers 1996. - S. 299-310.

089182 - NHU-N 20020153 US eng J
Bohatá, M.
Current issues in business ethics in the Czech Republic.
Business Ethics: A European Review, 5 [2] 116-117 (1996).

029439 - NHU-N 960001 SIGLE CZ eng V
Cukrowski, J.
Optimal replacement strategies in heat transmission systems. Praha, CERGE-EI 1996. - 20 s. - (Working Paper Series. 91).

031544 - NHU-N 960074 CZ eng J
Cukrowski, J.
Demand uncertainty, forecasting, and monopolistic equilibrium.
CERGE-EI Working Paper Series, [97] 1-28 (1996).

031545 - NHU-N 960075 CZ eng J
Cukrowski, J.
Organizational restructuring in response to changes in information-processing technology.
CERGE-EI Working Paper Series, [98] 1-24 (1996).

089181 - NHU-N 20020152 US eng J
Cukrowski, J.
Optimal replacement of durable equipment in heat transmission systems.
Engineering Economist, 42 [1] 19-38 (1996).

034460 - NHU-N 960093 TR eng A
Cukrowski, J. - Žigič, K.
Information processing in decision-making: technological changes and organizational redesign.
In: Book of abstracts. - Istanbul, Bogazici University 1996. - S. 184.
[Econometric Society European Meeting. Istanbul (TR), 96.08.25-96.08.29]

031550 - NHU-N 960080 CZ cze V
Dědek, O. - Derviz, A.
Kursová politika rozšířeného oscilačního pásma. Praha, Česká národní banka: Institut ekonomie 1996. - 61 s. - ( Výzkumná práce. 53).

089189 - NHU-N 20020160 CY eng J
Derviz, A.
A shadow asset pricing approach to the analysis of financial markets' equilibria in an open economy.
Bulletin of the Czech Econometric Society, - [5] 3-33 (1996).

089190 - NHU-N 20020161 CZ eng C
Derviz, A.
A portfolio optimization of the exchange rates in post-transitional economies.
In: Institutional reform and political economy of European integration. - Praha, CERGE-EI 1996. - S. -.
[Institutional reform and political economy of European integration.. Praha (CZ), 96.01.11-96.01.13 (WRD)]

034462 - NHU-N 960095 GB eng V
Estrin, S. - Bohatá, M. - Koparanova, M. - Světličič, M.
A comparative study of foreign direct investment in Bulgaria, The Czech Republic and Slovenia. London, London Business School 1996. - - s.
Grant: ACE Project(CZ) Z/9101/94-0622-R

036357 - NHU-N 960116 CZ eng J
Filer, R. K. - Hanousek, J.
The extent of efficiency in Central European equity markets.
CERGE-EI Working Paper Series, [104] 1-31 (1996).
Grant: GA402/95/0789

054166 - NHU-N 980057 US eng V
Ham, J. - Švejnar, J. - Terrell, K.
Unemployment, the social safety net and efficiency in transition: evidence from micro data on Czech and Slovak men. Ann Arbor, The William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan Business School 1996. - 39 s.
Grant: NSF(US) SES921-3310; National Council for Soviet and East European Research(XX) 806-34

038506 - NHU-N 970004 CZ eng C
Hanousek, J.
Asymetry and the voucher scheme: wait-and-see and win. The Czech voucher privatization.
In: Institutional reform and political economy of European integration. - Prague, CERGE-EI 1996. - S. -.
[Institutional reform and political economy of European integration. International Workshop. Prague (CZ), 96.01.11-96.01.13]

089188 - NHU-N 20020159 CY eng J
Hanousek, J. - Tůma, Z.
The consumption function in the Czech(oslovak) economy, 1955-1995.
Bulletin of the Czech Econometric Society, - [5] 35-48 (1996).

034458 - NHU-N 960091 TR eng A
Horniaček, M.
Selection of Markov equilibrium in a dynamic oligopoly with production to order.
In: Book of abstracts. - Istanbul, European Economic Association 1996. - S. 115.
[Annual Congress /11./. Istanbul (TR), 96.08.21-96.08.24]

034459 - NHU-N 960092 TR eng A
Horniaček, M.
Continuous strategy Markov equilibrium in a dynamic duopoly with capacity constraints.
In: Book of abstracts. - Istanbul, Bogazici University 1996. - S. 182.
[Econometric Society European Meeting. Istanbul (TR), 96.08.25-96.08.29]

036345 - NHU-N 960104 NL eng J
Horniaček, M.
The approximation of a strong perfect equilibrium in a discounted supergame.
Journal of Mathematical Economics, 25 [1] 85-107 (1996).
[Impact factor:0.455(91) 0.509(92) 0.344(93) 0.232(94) 0.263(95) 0.372(96) 0.322(97) 0.289(98) 0.320(99) 0.314(00) 0.372(01) 0.519(02) 0.367(03) ]

079766 - NHU-N 20010039 CZ eng J
Igič, K.
Intellectual property rights and north-south trade: the role of spillovers.
CERGE-EI working paper series, - [92] 1-59 (1996).

034451 - NHU-N 960084 SIGLE CZ eng V
Janda, K.
Credit provision under asymmetric information. Praha, Karlova Universita, CERGE 1996. - 64 s. - (Discussion Paper Series. 5/96).

034452 - NHU-N 960085 SIGLE CZ eng C
Janda, K.
Agricultural credit provided by monopolistic lender.
In: The economic, political and social dimensions of economic transition and European integration. - I PhD Dissertation Papers. - Praha, Karlova Universita, CERGE 1996. - S. 99-124. - (Discussion Paper Series. 6/96).
[Economic, political and social dimensions of economic transition and European integration. Praha (CZ), 96.09.20-96.09.21]
Grant: PHARE ACE Programme of the European Commission(XE) 94-0823-X

034461 - NHU-N 960094 TR eng A
Janda, K.
Credit provision under asymmetric information and the fund of guarantees for agriculture and foresty.
In: Book of abstracts. - Istanbul, European Economic association 1996. - S. 167.
[Annual Congress /11./. Istanbul (TR), 96.08.21-96.08.24]

036346 - NHU-N 960105 CZ eng D
Janda, K.
The demand for food imports and for agricultural credit. Praha, CERGE-EI 1996. - 199 s.

031542 - NHU-N 960072 CZ eng J
Janda, K. - Goodhue, R. - Lyons, R. - Rausser, G. - Simon, L.
Computable policy model of Eastern European agriculture and food industry.
Prague Economic Papers, 5 [1] 70-79 (1996).

031543 - NHU-N 960073 CZ cze J
Janda, K. - Goodhue, R. - Lyons, R. - Rausser, G. - Simon, L.
Kvantifikovatelný model ekonomické politiky pro východoevropské zemědělství a potravinářství.
Politická ekonomie, 44 [2] 229-239 (1996).
[Impact factor: 0.327(99) 0.154(00) 0.141(01) 0.219(02) 0.235(03) ]

034468 - NHU-N 960101 CZ cze J
Janda, K. - Levínský, R.
Oceňování úvěrových garancí na základě modelu opcí.
Zemědělská ekonomika, 42 [7] 293-298 (1996).

034456 - NHU-N 960089 CZ eng J
Kočenda, E.
A test for IID residuals based on integrated over the correlation integral.
CERGE-EI Working Paper Series, [101] 1-19 (1996).

034467 - NHU-N 960100 CZ cze J
Kočenda, E.
Nelineární struktura směnného kurzu české koruny ve vazbě na měnový koš.
Politická ekonomie, 44 [1] 58-72 (1996).
[Impact factor: 0.327(99) 0.154(00) 0.141(01) 0.219(02) 0.235(03) ]

038516 - NHU-N 970015 US eng J
Kočenda, E.
Volatility of a seemingly fixed exchange rate.
Eastern European Economics, 34 [6] 37-67 (1996).
[Impact factor: 0.103(99) 0.062(00) 0.098(01) 0.119(02) 0.293(03) ]

034457 - NHU-N 960090 CZ eng J
Kočenda, E. - Papell, D.
Inflation convergence within the European Union: a panel data analysis.
CERGE-EI Working Paper Series, [100] 1-15 (1996).

031549 - NHU-N 960079 CZ cze N
Kotrba, J.
Země v patu.
Lidové noviny, 9 [130] 6 (96.06.04).

036355 - NHU-N 960114 CZ eng J
Kotrba, J.
Privatization and restructuring: friends or enemies?
CERGE-EI Working Paper Series, [103] 1-32 (1996).

089184 - NHU-N 20020155 CZ eng C
Kotrba, J.
Privatization and restructuring: friends and enemies?
In: Institutional reform and political economy of European integration. - Praha, CERGE-EI 1996. - S. -.
[Institutional reform and political economy of European integration.. Praha (CZ), 96.01.11-96.01.13 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/95/0789

034450 - NHU-N 960083 SIGLE CZ eng V
Levínský, R. - Silarszky, P.
A value for n-person games: the concept of weak monotonicity. Praha, Karlova Universita, CERGE 1996. - 16 s. - (Discussion Paper Series. 4/96).

034454 - NHU-N 960087 SIGLE CZ eng C
Levínský, R. - Silárszky, P.
A value for n-person games: the concept of weak monotonocity.
In: The economic, political and social dimensions of economic transition and European integration: international PhD student workshop. - Praha, Karlova Universita, CERGE 1996. - S. 171-186. - ( Discussion Paper Series. 6/96).
[Economic, political and social dimensions of economic transition and European integration. Praha (CZ), 96.09.20-96.09.21]
Grant: PHARE Ace Programme pf the European Commission(CZ) 94-0823-X GA402/96/1049

054167 - NHU-N 980058 US eng V
Lízal, L. - Singer, M. - Švejnar, J.
Enterprise restructuring and performance in the transition. Ann Arbor, The William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan Business School 1996. - 27 s.
Grant: ACE(XX) P95-2090-R; NSF(US) SES921-3310

034466 - NHU-N 960099 CZ sla J
Marcinčin, A. - Shemetilo, D.
Test vlastníckej úlohy investičných privatizačných fondov v Českej republike.
Politická ekonomie, 44 [5] 645-653 (1996).
[Impact factor: 0.327(99) 0.154(00) 0.141(01) 0.219(02) 0.235(03) ]

031025 - NHU-N 960044 CZ cze N
Münich, D.
Sociální politika má své pro a proti.
Mladá fronta Dnes, 7 [9] 12 (96.01.11).

031538 - NHU-N 960067 CZ cze N
Münich, D.
Pochybné jistoty státního důchodového pojištění.
Mladá fronta dnes, 7 [101] 6 (96.04.29).

036358 - NHU-N 960117 CZ cze JX
Münich, D.
Od voleb k volbám: Nad výsledky výzkumu veřejného mínění.
Parlamentní zpravodaj, - [1/2] 11-12 (1996).

034449 - NHU-N 960082 SIGLE CZ eng V
Münich, D. - Šorm, V.
Generalized power indices. Praha, Karlova Universita, CERGE 1996. - 20 s. - (Discussion Paper Series. 2/96).

038509 - NHU-N 970007 CZ eng C
Münich, D. - Šorm, V.
Political competition, power and stability: empirical evidence from the Czech Republic.
In: Institutional reform and political economy of European integration. International workshop. - Prague, CERGE-EI 1996. - S. -.
[Institutional reform and political economy of European integration. International workshop. Prague (CZ), 96.01.11-96.01.13]

089186 - NHU-N 20020157 CZ eng J
Münich, D. - Šorm, V.
The Czech Republic as a low-unemployment oasis.
Transition, 2 [13] 21-25 (1996).

038503 - NHU-N 970001 CZ eng C
Münich, D. - Terrell, K.
An overview of labor market policies in the Czech Republic.
In: Institutional reform and political economy of European integration. - Prague, CERGE-EI 1996. - S. -.
[Institutional reform and political economy of European integration. International workshop. Prague (CZ), 96.01.11-96.01.13]

038515 - NHU-N 970014 CZ eng C
Němeček, L.
Inequality and poverty in the Czech Republic during transition.
In: Institutional reform and political economy of European integration. - Praha, CERGE-EI 1996. - S. -.
[Institutional reform and political economy of European integration. International workshop. Praha (CZ), 96.01.11-96.01.13]

034453 - NHU-N 960086 SIGLE CZ eng C
Němeček, L. - Krkoška, L.
Modelling stock prices on the emerging capital markets: Qualitative information approach.
In: The economic, political and social dimensions of economic transition and European integration: international PhD student workshop. - Praha, Karlova Universita, CERGE 1996. - S. 142-170. - ( Discussion Paper Series. 6/96).
[Economic, political and social dimensions of economic transition and European integration. Praha (CZ), 96.09.20-96.09.21]
Grant: PHARE ACE Programmw of the European Commision(XE) 94-0823-X

031024 - NHU-N 960039 CZ cze C
Pessrová, H.
Účelové příspěvky (granty) pro zdravotnické knihovny.
In: MEDSOFT '96. Sborník příspěvků ze semináře. - Praha, Česká lékářská společnost JEP 1996. - S. 81.
[MEDSOFT '96. Praha (CZ), 96.02.06-96.02.08]

031539 - NHU-N 960068 CZ cze N
Schneider, O.
Zemanova bezstarostná jízda zpátky.
Lidové noviny, 9 [104] 17 (96.05.03).

036354 - NHU-N 960113 CZ eng J
Schneider, O.
The harmonization of public pension schemes - perfect and imerfect labour mobility cases.
CERGE-EI Working Paper Series, [102] 1-32 (1996).

023510 - NHU-N 950047 AT eng V
Shemetilo, D.
Sources of Financing Private Investment in East European Countries. Vienna, Insitute for Advanced Studies 1996. - 11 s. - (East European Series. 26).

036347 - NHU-N 960106 CZ eng D
Shemetilo, D.
Essays on the imperfections of financial intermediation during the transition to a market economy. Praha, CERGE-EI 1996. - 79 s.

023485 - NHU-N 950022 SIGLE CZ eng V
Singer, M.
Dynamic Labor Demand in Transition. Praha, CERGE-EI 1996. - 57 s. - (Discussion Paper Series. 72).
Grant: ACE(CZ) 92

054169 - NHU-N 980079 CZ eng V
Singer, M.
Dynamic labor demand estimation, stability of coefficients - the case of the Czech Republic. Praha, CERGE-EI 1996. - 41 s.
Grant: ACE(XX) 92-0600-R

054170 - NHU-N 980085 SIGLE CZ eng J
Singer, M.
Dynamic labor demand estimation and stability of coefficients - the case of the Czech Republic.
CERGE-EI Working Paper Series, _ [99] 2-40 (1996).
Grant: ACE(XX) 92-0600-R

038505 - NHU-N 970003 CZ eng C
Singer, M. - Lízal, L. - Švejnar, J.
Impact of restructuring on performance of enterprise: case of Czechoslovakia.
In: Institutional reform and political economy of European integration. - Prague, CERGE-EI 1996. - S. -.
[Institutional reform and political economy of European integration. International workshop. Prague (CZ), 96.01.11-96.01.13]

054165 - NHU-N 980029 CZ cze B
Singer, M. - Švejnar, J. - Andrle, A. - Hampl, M. - Kučera, B. - Moldan, B. - Večerník, J.
Zpráva o lidském rozvoji: Česká republika 1996. (Ed. Pavlík, Z.). - Praha, Přírodovědecká fakulta University Karlovy 1996. - 89 s. - ().

036360 - NHU-N 960119 CZ cze J
Šorm, V.
Rozdělení moci v Poslanecké sněmovně - porovnání mezi roky 1992-1996.
Parlamentní zpravodaj, - [1/2] 19-21 (1996).

038510 - NHU-N 970008 CZ eng C
Šorm, V. - Münich, D.
Socio-economic background of voting behavior in transition.
In: Institutional reform and political economy of European integration. - Praha, CERGE-EI 1996. - S. -.
[Institutional reform and political economy of European integration. International workshop. Praha (CZ), 96.01.11-96.01.13]

031546 - NHU-N 960076 SIGLE CZ eng V
Špitálský, J. - Vavrejnová, M.
Modelling the consumption of households in the Czech Republic after 1989: Model specification. Praha, CERGE-EI 1996. - 26 s. - (Discussion Paper Series. 83).
Grant: GA402/96/1589

031537 - NHU-N 960066 CZ eng J
Švejnar, J.
Enterprises and workers in the transition: Econometric evidence.
CERGE-EI Working Paper Series, [96] 1-10 (1996).

034464 - NHU-N 960097 CZ eng V
Švejnar, J.
Assesing economic performance before and after the break-up. Praha, CERGE-EI 1996. - 13 s.

036356 - NHU-N 960115 US eng J
Švejnar, J.
Enterprises and workers in the transition: econometric evidence.
American Economic Review, 86 [2] 123-127 (1996).
[Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association /108./. San Francisco (US), 96.01.05-96.01.07]
[Impact factor: 1.770(99) 1.795(00) 2.087(01) 2.052(02) 1.938(03) ]

054168 - NHU-N 980059 US eng V
Švejnar, J.
Pensions in the former Soviet bloc: problems and solutions. Ann Arbor, The William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan Business School 1996. - 19 s.

089187 - NHU-N 20020158 FR eng M
Terrell, K. - Münich, D.
Evidence on the implementation and effectiveness of active and passive labour market policies in the Czech Republic.
In: Lessons from labour market policies in the transition countries. - Paris, OECD 1996. - S. -.

031534 - NHU-N 960061 CZ cze B
Tošovská, E.
Ocenění vybraných složek životního prostředí aplikací metody "ochota platit" na podmínky České republiky.
In: Aplikace metody "ochota platit" a výzkum veřejného mínění v oblasti životního prostředí. - Praha, Univerzita Karlova: Centrum pro otázky životního prostředí 1996. - S. 7-21. - (Ekonomické nástroje pro trvale udržitelný rozvoj České republiky. 12 ).

031541 - NHU-N 960071 CZ eng J
Tošovská, E.
Application of an nonconventional valuation method to environmental component quality.
Prague Economic Papers, 5 [1] 41-53 (1996).
Grant: GA402/93/2405

036353 - NHU-N 960112 CZ cze J
Tošovská, E.
Zaměstnanost a ochrana životního prostředí.
Politická ekonomie, 44 [6] 809-821 (1996).
[Impact factor: 0.327(99) 0.154(00) 0.141(01) 0.219(02) 0.235(03) ]

038508 - NHU-N 970006 CZ eng C
Tošovská, E.
Environment and adaptation of the Czech Republic to European Union conditions.
In: Institutional reform and political economy of European integration. - Prague, CERGE-EI 1996. - S. -.
[Institutional reform and political economy of European integration. International workshop. Prague (CZ), 96.01.11-96.01.13]

054267 - NHU-N 980094 DE eng B
Tošovská, E.
Water quality management in the Czech Republic.
In: Umweltmanagement in mittel- und osteuropäischen Unternehmen. - (Ed. Kreikebaum, H.). - Berlin, Verlag Wissenschaft & Praxis 1996. - S. 95-109. - ().

054268 - NHU-N 980103 CZ cze C
Tošovská, E.
Finanční nástroje Evropské unie, využitelné pro ochranu životního prostředí.
In: Právní rámec pro podnikání v životním prostředí. - Praha, BIJO 1996. - S. 39-51.
[Právní rámec pro podnikání v životním prostředí. Praha (CZ), 96.05.22-96.05.22]

054269 - NHU-N 980105 CZ cze V
Tošovská, E.
Odpovědnost za škody ze znečištění životního prostředí ve vztahu k Luganské úmluvě a k formování přístupu Evropské unie k tomuto problému. Praha, Ekologický servis 1996. - 66 s.
Grant: PHARE Project(XX) 25.1/SER/12

054270 - NHU-N 980106 CZ cze V
Tošovská, E.
Podmínky Evropské unie pro poskytování státní pomoci na ochranu životního prostředí: analýza finančních nástrojů Evropské unie, které umožňují podporovat ochranu životního prostředí. Praha, Ekologický servis 1996. - 47 s.
Grant: PHARE Project(XX) 25.1/SER/12

054271 - NHU-N 980109 CZ cze B
Tošovská, E.
Ekonomické aspekty ekologické politiky.
In: Základy ekologické politiky. - Praha, Ministerstvo životního prostředí 1996. - S. 97-119. - ().

054272 - NHU-N 980112 CZ cze V
Tošovská, E. - Jílková, J. - Punčochářová, L. - Hanák, J. - Baný, J. - Hanák, J. ml. - Klímek, M.
Možnosti zavedení environmentální pojištění v České republice: studie pro Ministerstvo životního prostředí České republiky. Praha, Ministerstvo životního prostředí České republiky 1996. - 181 s.

031547 - NHU-N 960077 CZ eng J
Turnovec, F.
Weights and votes in European Union: Extension and institutional reform.
Prague Economic Papers, 5 [2] 161-174 (1996).

034448 - NHU-N 960081 SIGLE CZ eng V
Turnovec, F.
Votes, seats and power: 1996 parliamentary election in the Czech Republic. Praha, Karlova Universita, CERGE 1996. - 21 s. - (Discussion Paper Series. 1/1996).

034455 - NHU-N 960088 CZ eng V
Turnovec, F.
Electoral rules and the fate on nations. Praha, CERGE-EI 1996. - 29 s.

034463 - NHU-N 960096 SK eng J
Turnovec, F.
1996 parliamentary election in the Czech Republic: electoral preferences and distribution of power.
Central European Journal for Operations Research and Economics. Reports, 4 [2-3] 231-238 (1996).

034469 - NHU-N 960103 ES eng A
Turnovec, F.
Distance games and goal programming models of voting behaviour.
In: 2nd international conference in multi-objective programming and goal programming. M.O.P.G.P '96. Abstracts. - Málagda, Malacitana Universitas 1996. - S. 117-118.
[International conference in multi-programming and goal programming /2./. Málagda (ES), 96.05.16-96.05.18]

036348 - NHU-N 960107 SIGLE CZ eng V
Turnovec, F.
Local and global monotonicity of power indices. Praha, Univerzita Karlova, CERGE 1996. - 18 s.

036359 - NHU-N 960118 CZ cze J
Turnovec, F.
Volby 1996: Úskalí aritmetiky volebního zákona.
Parlamentní zpravodaj, - [1/2] 12-14 (1996).

038511 - NHU-N 970009 CZ eng C
Turnovec, F.
Weights and votes in European Union: extension and institutional reform.
In: Institutional reform and political economy of European integration. - Praha, CERGE-EI 1996. - S. -.
[Institutional Reform and political economy of European integration. International workshop. Praha (CZ), 96.01.11-96.01.13]

038512 - NHU-N 970011 CZ eng C
Turnovec, F.
Russian parliamentary elections 1995: shifts without changes?
In: Institutional reform and political economy of European integration. - Praha, CERGE-EI 1996. - S. -.
[Institutional reform and political economy of European integration. International workshop. Praha (CZ), 96.01.11-96.01.13]

099409 - NHU-N 20030038 CZ eng V
Turnovec, F.
Arithmetics of voting and calculus of power. Praha, Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education, Charles University 1996. - 182 s.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/93/1260
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z7085904

038517 - NHU-N 970016 SIGLE CZ eng V
Turnovec, F. - Hanousek, J. - Kočenda, E. - Kotrba, J. - Krkoška, L. - Münich, D.
Five years of transformation: economy and society. Praha, Economics Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic 1996. - 51 s. s.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 402/95/0784

031548 - NHU-N 960078 CZ eng J
Vavrejnová, M.
Income inequality and poverty - protecting implementations in the Czech Republic.
Prague Economic Papers, 5 [2] 137-146 (1996).
Grant: GA402/94/0724

038514 - NHU-N 970013 CZ eng C
Vavrejnová, M.
Public expenditures and social welfare in the Czech Republic.
In: Institutional reform and political economy of European integration. - Praha, CERGE-EI 1996. - S. -.
[Institutional reform and political economy of European integration. International workshop. Praha (CZ), 96.01.11-96.01.13]

038513 - NHU-N 970012 CZ eng C
Vavrejnová, M. - Tegze, M.
Macroeconomical framework related to income and poverty. Distribution: comparison of selected indicators for Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Romania and Slovakia.
In: Institutional reform and political economy of European integration. - Praha, CERGE-EI 1996. - S. -.
[International reform and political economy of European integration. International workshop. Praha (CZ), 96.01.11-96.01.13]

031026 - NHU-N 960048 CZ cze N
Vepřek, J.
Hlavní příčiny situace českého zdravotnictví: 1.etapa.
Zdravotnické noviny, 45 [1] 4-5 (96.01.05).

038507 - NHU-N 970005 CZ eng C
Vepřek, J.
Main economic pitfalls of the Czech health care transformation and possible solutions in the European context.
In: Institutional reform and political economy of European integration. - Prague, CERGE-EI 1996. - S. -.
[Institutional reform and political economy of European integration. International workshop. Prague (CZ), 96.01.11-96.01.13]

079771 - NHU-N 20010045 FR eng M
Zemplinerová, A.
Small foreign enterprises in the Czech Republic.
In: Small firms as foreign investors: case studies from transition economies. - Paris, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 1996. - S. 101-122.

089185 - NHU-N 20020156 CZ eng C
Zemplinerová, A.
Role of foreign enterprises in the Czech Republic.
In: Institutional reform and political economy of European integration. - Praha, CERGE-EI 1996. - S. -.
[Institutional reform and political economy of European integration.. Praha (CZ), 96.01.11-96.01.13 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/95/0789

089192 - NHU-N 20020163 AT eng J
Zemplinerová, A.
The role of foreign enterprises in the Czech economy.
Vienna Institute Monthly Report, - [1] 18-24 (1996).

034465 - NHU-N 960098 CZ eng V
Zemplinerová, A. - Benáček, V.
Foreign direct investment - East and West: the experience of the Czech Republic. Praha, CERGE-EI 1996. - 53 s.
Grant: ACE(XX) 94-0631-R

079769 - NHU-N 20010042 PL eng M
Zemplinerová, A. - Benáček, V.
Foreign direct investment - East and West: The experience of the Czech Republic.
In: Foreign direct investment - East and West. - (Ed. Corado, C.; Wysokinska, Z.; Witkowska, J.). - Lodz, University if Lodz 1996. - S. 125-152.

089191 - NHU-N 20020162 NO eng C
Zemplinerová, A. - Benáček, V.
Role and position of small businesses in an economy in transition: case of the Czech lands.
In: 9th Nordic conference on small business research. - Lillehammer, [Eastern Norway Research Institute] 1996. - S. 110-124.
[9th Nordic Conference on Small Business Research. Lillehammer (NO), 96.05.29-96.05.31 (WRD)]

079770 - NHU-N 20010044 HU eng M
Zemplinerová, A. - Benáček, V.
Foreign direct investment: the experience of the Czech Republic.
In: Foreign direct investment and transition: the case of the Visegrád countries. - (Ed. Csáki, G.; Fóti, G.; Mayes, D.). - Budapest, Institute for World Economics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences 1996. - S. 83-96. - (Trends in World Economy. 78).

031540 - NHU-N 960070 CZ eng J
Žigič, K.
Optimal tariff, spillovers and north-south trade.
CERGE-EI Working Paper Series, [93] 1-46 (1996).

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