Position: scientific
Group: High Cycle Fatigue Group
Rooms: 208
Phone numbers: +420 532 290 415, +420 541 636 415
Fax: +420 541 218 657
![]() ZIZKOVA 22
616 62 Brno Czech Republic
ICO: 68081723
DIC: CZ68081723 |
![]() prof. RNDr. Ludvík Kunz, CSc., dr. h. c.
Position: scientific
Group: High Cycle Fatigue Group Rooms: 208 Phone numbers: +420 532 290 415, +420 541 636 415 Fax: +420 541 218 657 E-mail: kunz@DELETE-THIS.CZ@DELETE-THIS.COMipm.COM.cz Projects Research and development of mechanical properties of the materials used for new types of turbochargers ...
Properties of engineering materials under development applicable in the near future in traffic, medicine and power generating industry
High-cycle fatigue of Ni-base superalloys at high mean stresses
Fatigue behaviour of ultra fine-grained Copper and Magnesium alloy materials
Degradation of properties and lifetime assessment of engineering materials under mechanical loading
Publications: 2009 P. Lukáš, L. Kunz, M. Svoboda: Fatigue mechanisms in ultrafine-grained copper. Kovove Materialy-Metallic Materials 47 (2009), 1-9.
2008 Buksa, M.: Fatigue properties of ultrafine-grained materials. (in Czech). PhD thesis, 2008.
Mintách, R.: Fatigue properties of Ni base superalloys at high mean stress. (in Czech). PhD thesis, 2008.
KUNZ, L., LUKÁŠ, P., MINTÁCH, R.: Effect of Vibrations on Lifetime of Ni Base Single Crystals Subjected to Tensile Stress. MSMF-5 (106/05/2112). Mater. Sci. Forum 567-568 (2008) 293-296.
KUNZ, L., LUKÁŠ, P., MINTÁCH, R., KONEČNÁ, R.: High-Cycle Fatigue of IN 713LC. Proceedings of ECF17 Brno 2008, CD, 945-951.
XU, Ch., WANG, Q., ZHENG, M., LI, J., HUANG, M., JIA, Q., ZHU, J., KUNZ, L., BUKSA, M.: Fatigue Behavior and Damage Characteristics of Ultra-Fine Grain Low-Purity Copper Processed by Equal-Channel Angular Pressing (ECAP). Mater. Sci. Eng. A475 (2008) 249-256.
KUNZ, L., LUKÁŠ, P., KONEČNÁ, R.: Fatigue Properties of Superalloy IN 713LC and Relation to Microstructure. Materials Science 14 (2008) 3, 221-225.
KUNZ, L., LUKÁŠ, P., BOKŮVKA, O.: Fatgiue Behaviour of Ultrafine-Grained Copper in Very High Cycle Fatigue Regime. Materiálové inžinierstvo 15 (2008) 4, 1-5.
KONEČNÁ, R., KUNZ, L.: Largest Extreme Value Distribution Analysis of Casting Defects in Superalloy in713LC. Materiálové inžinierstvo 15 (2008) 4, 6-10.
LUKÁŠ, P., KUNZ, L., SVOBODA, M.: Overview of Fatigue Behaviour of Ultrafine-Grained Copper Produced by Severe Plastic deformation. Mater. Sci. Forum 567-568 (2008) 9-16.
P. Lukáš, L. Kunz, M. Svoboda, M. Buksa, Q. Wang: Mechanisms of cyclic plastic deformation in ultrafine-grain copper produced by severe plastic deformation. In: Plasticity, Failure and Fatigue in Structural Materials
– from Macro to Nano, Publication of TMS, Warrendale 2008, pp. 161-166. P. Lukáš, L. Kunz, M. Svoboda: Fatigue of ultrafine-grained copper. Plenary lecture at LCF6, Berlin,8-12 September 2008. Proceedings: 6th International Conference on Low Cycle Fatigue, eds. P.D. Portella, T.Beck, M. Okazaki, DVM Berlin, 2008, pp. 295- 305.
P. Lukáš, L. Kunz, M. Svoboda: Od fyzikálních základů studia struktury pevných látek k monokrystalům superslitin pro plynové turbíny. Čs. Čas. Fyz. 58 (2008), 81-83.
2007 Kunz, L., Lukáš, P., Buksa, M., Wang, Q., Zheng, M.: Microstructural Response of Ultrafine-Grained Copper to Fatigue Loading. Acta Metallurgica Slovaca 13 (2007) 512-518.
Kunz, L., Lukáš, P.: Deformation Behaviour and Fracture of Ni-Based Single Crystals at Simultaneous Action of High-Cycle Fatigue and Creep. Materálové inžinierstvo 14 (2/2007) 15-20
Kunz, L., Lukáš, P., Z. Zúberová: Únava ultrajemnozrnných materiálů. Materálové inžinierstvo 14 (3/2007) 8 – 12.
Zúberová, Z., Kunz, L., Lamark, T. T., Estrin, Y., Janeček, M.: Fatigue and Tensile Behaviour of Cast, Hot Holled and Severely Plastically Deformed AZ31 Magnesium Alloy. Metallurgical and Material Transactions 38A (2007) 1934-1940.
Wang, Q., Xu, Ch., Zheng, M., Zhu, J., Buksa, M., Kunz, L.: Fatigue Property of Ultrafine-Grained Copper Produced by ECAP. Acta Metallurgica Sinica 43 (2007) 498-502.
Lukáš, P., Kunz, L., Svoboda, M.: Effect of Low Temperature on Fatigue Life and Cyclic Stress-Strai.n Response of UFG Copper. Metallurgical and Material Transactions 38A (2007) 1910-1915.
Lukáš, P., Kunz, L., Svoboda, M.: Fatigue Behavior of Ultrafine-grained Copper in Very High Cycle Fatigue Regime. In: Proc. of Fourth Int. Conf. On Very High Cycle Fatigue, TMS Publication, J.E. Allison et al., eds., TMS (2007), 265-270.
2006 Kunz L., Lukáš P., Svoboda M., Buksa M., Zheng M.: Cyclic Plastic Behaviour of UFG Copper Prepared by ECAP. In: Proc. Nanoved 2006, 14-17 May, Stará Lesná, Slovakia 2006.
Buksa M.; Kunz L.; Svoboda M., Wang Q., Zheng M.: Fractography, Initiation and Propagation of Fatigue Cracks in UFG Copper. In: Proc. Fractography 2006, 15-18 October, Stará Lesná, Slovakia 2006, pp. 173-180.
Mintách, R., Kunz, L., Svoboda, M. Fatigue crack initiation in INCONEL 713 LC at high temperature, Fractography 2006, Stará Lesná, Slovakia 2006, pp. 140.
Kunz, L., Lukáš, P., Svoboda, M.: Fatigue Strength, Microstructural Satability and Strain Localization in Ultrafine-grained Copper. Mat. Sci. Eng. A424 (2006) 97-104.
Kunz, L., Lukáš, P., Mintách, R., Hrbáček, K.: Effect of Mean stress on High-Cycle Fatigue Strength on IN 713 LC Superalloy. Kovové Materiály 44 (2006) 275-281.
Bokůvka, O., Nový, F., Činčala, M., Kunz, L.: Gigacyklová únava konštrukčných materiálov. Acta Mechanica Slovaca 10 (2006) 53 - 58.
Kunz, L., Lukáš, P., Činčala, M., Nicoletto, G.: Fatigue Lifetime of Bearing Steel in Ultra-High-Cycle Region. In: Proc. of the ECF16 Conference, Alexandroupolis, Greece 2006. CD Fracture of Nano and Eng. Mater. and Struct., E.E. Gdoutos, ed. Springer 2006.
Kunz, L., Lukáš, P., Mintách, R., Hrbáček, K.: Effect of Mean Stress on High-Cycle Fatigue Strength of IN 713 LC Superalloy. Kovové Materiály 44 (2006) 275-281.
Lukáš, P., Kunz, L., Svoboda, M.: Fatigue strength of ultrafine-grained copper. FATIGUE 2006, Proc. 9th International Fatigue Congress, 2006, Paper FT 62, 10 pages.
2005 R. Mintách, L. Kunz, K. Hrbáček: Influence of Tensile Mean Stress on Fatigue Lifetime of Cast Superalloy IN713 LC. In: Sborník z konf. TRANSCOM 2005, Vol.5, p. 23-26.
L. Kunz, P. Lukáš, M. Svoboda and O. Bokůvka: Fatigue behaviour of ultrafine-grained copper, Materiálové inžinierstvo 12, 2005, pp. 2-6.
M. Buksa, L. Kunz, M. Svoboda: Slip bands and early crack propagation in ultrafine-grained copper. Sborník z mezinárodní konference studentů a mladých vědeckých pracovníků TRANSCOM 2005, p. 19-22.
M. Buksa, L. Kunz, M. Svoboda: Cyclic stress-strain response and changes of microstructure of ultrafine-grained copper. Sborník z konf. Juniromat 05, Brno 2005, p.152-162.
M. Buksa, L. Kunz, M. Svoboda: Stability of microstructure of ultrafine-grained copper during cyclic loading. Sborník z konf. Víceúrovňový design pokrokových materiálů, Brno 2005, p. 131-138.
L. Kunz, P. Lukáš. Y. Estrin, Z. Zúberová: Notch sensitivity of cast AZ31 magnesium alloy. Materiálové inžinierstvo 12 (2005) 88-91.
P. Lukáš, L. Kunz and M. Svoboda: Fatigue notch sensitivity of ultrafine-grained copper, Mat.Sci.Eng. A391, 2005, pp. 337-341.
P. Lukáš, L. Kunz, M. Svoboda and J. Čadek: Effect of structure on creep behaviour of superalloy single crystals, Mater. Sci. Forum 482, 2005, pp. 267-270.
P. Lukáš, J. Čadek, L. Kunz, M. Svoboda, J. Klusák: Creep resistance of single crystal superalloys CMSX-4 and CM186LC. Kovove Mater. 43, 2005, pp. 5-19.
P. Lukáš, L. Kunz and M. Svoboda: High-temperature ultra-high cycle fatigue damage of notched single crystal superalloys at high mean stresses. Int.J.Fatigue 27, 2005, pp. 1535-1540.
2004 L. Kunz, P. Lukáš: LCF-creep interaction in 9%Cr steel at 600 °C. In: Fifth International Conference on Low Cycle Fatigue LCF5, eds. P.D.Portella, H.Sehitoglu, K.Hatanaka, DVM, Berlin 2004, pp. 239-244.
P.Lukáš and L.Kunz: Role of persistent slip bands in fatigue, Phil.Mag., 84, 2004, pp. 317-330.
P. Lukáš, L. Kunz and M. Svoboda: High cycle fatigue of superalloy single crystals at high mean stress, Mat.Sci.Eng. A 387-389, 2004, pp. 505-510.
2003 L. Kunz, P. Lukáš, P. Matušek: An experimental study of fatigue behaviour of rubber segments for low-noise railway wheels. In: Proc. 20th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Experimental Methods in Solid Mechanics. Hungarian Society of Mech. Engng., Gyor, Hungary, 2003, pp. 230-231.
P. Lukáš and L. Kunz: Small cracks – nucleation, growth and implication to fatigue life, Int.J.Fatigue, 25, 2003, pp. 855-862.
2002 L. Kunz and P. Lukáš: High temperature fatigue and cyclic creep of P91 steel. In: Temperature-Fatigue Interaction, L. Rémy and J. Petit (eds.), ESIS Publication 29, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2002, pp. 37-44.
P. Lukáš, L. Kunz: Cyclic plasticity and substructure of metals. Mat. Sci. Eng., Vol. A322, 2002, pp. 217-227.
P. Lukáš, P. Preclík, L. Kunz, J. Čadek and M. Svoboda: Effect of notches on high temperature fatigue/creep behaviour of CMSX-4 superalloy single crystals. In: Temperature-Fatigue Interaction, L. Rémy and J. Petit (eds.), ESIS Publication 29, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2002, pp. 55-64.
P. Lukáš, L. Kunz and M. Svoboda: Interaction of high cycle fatigue with high temperature creep in superalloy single crystals, Z.Metallkde., 93, 2002, pp. 661-665.
P. Lukáš, L. Kunz: Cyclic plastic deformation and initiation of cracks in metals, overview lecture, Fatigue 2002, Proceedings of the Eight International Fatigue Congress, Ed. A.F. Blom, Vol.2, EMAS 2002, pp. 931-946.
P. Lukáš, L. Kunz: Specific features of high-cycle and ultra-high-cycle fatigue. Fatigue Fract Engng Mater Struct, 25, 2002, 747-753.
2001 KUNZ L, LUKÁŠ P, OBRTLÍK K: Microstructure of CMSX-4 single crystals after creep and fatigue. Acta Metallurgica Slovaca 7 (2001) 409–413.
L. Kunz, P. Lukáš and K. Obrtlík: Microstructure of CMSX-4 single crystals after creep and fatigue, Acta Metallurgica Slovaca, Vol. 7, 2001, pp. 409-413.
L. Kunz, P. Lukáš, B. Weiss, D. Melisova: Effect of loading history on cyclic stress-strain response, Mat.Sci.Eng., Vol. A314, 2001, pp. 1-6.
L. Kunz and P.Lukáš: Cyclic stress-strain behavior of 9%Cr-1%Mo steel at positive mean stress, ICSMA-12, Mat.Sci.Eng., Vol. A319-321, 2001, pp. 555-558.
P. Lukáš, L. Kunz: Cyclic slip localisation and fatigue crack initiation in fcc single crystals, Mat.Sci.Eng., Vol. A314, 2001, pp. 75-80.
P. Lukáš, L. Kunz: Specific features of high-cycle and ultra-high-cycle fatigue. In: Fatigue in the Very High Cycle Regime, S. Stanzl-Tschegg and H. Mayer (eds.), Institute of Meteorology and Physics, Vienna, 2001, pp. 23-33.
P. Lukáš, L. Kunz: Fatigue crack initiation in fcc single crystals. In: Materials Structure and Micromechanics of Fracture, University of Technology, Brno, 2001, 263-271 (CD-ROM).
Last update
11. 11. 2009 |