ÚZFG - Ústav živočišné fyziologie a genetiky


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Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

032079 - UZFG-Y 960003 FR eng J
Antalíková, L. - Horák, V. - Matolín, S.
Ultrastructural demonstration of glucose-6-phosphatase activity and glycogen in skeletal muscles of newborn piglets with the splayleg syndrome.
Reproduction nutrition development, 36 [2] 205-212 (1996).
[Impact factor:0.516(91) 0.579(92) 0.743(93) 0.549(94) 0.716(95) 1.116(96) 0.619(97) 0.685(98) 0.922(99) 1.351(00) 1.567(01) 0,872(02) 0.780(03) ]

036223 - UZFG-Y 960112 CZ eng J
Berrebi, P. - Kottelat, M. - Skelton, P. - Ráb, P.
Systematics of barbus: state of the art and heuristic comments.
Folia Zoologica, 45 [suppl. 1] 5-12 (1996).
Grant: IA645107
[Impact factor:0.176(91) 0.091(92) 0.145(93) 0.213(94) 0.291(95) 0.407(96) 0.364(97) 0.314(98) 0.182(99) 0.240(00) 0.287(01) 0,234(02) 0.494(03) ]

032077 - UZFG-Y 960001 CA eng J
Crossman, E. J. - Ráb, P.
Chromosome-banding study of the Alaska blackgish, Dallia pectoralis (Euteleostei: Esocae), with implications for karyotype evolution and relationship of esocoid fishes.
Canadian Journal of Zoology, 74, 147-156 (1996).
Grant: GA206/93/0432
[Impact factor:0.845(91) 0.764(92) 0.735(93) 0.736(94) 0.680(95) 0.685(96) 0.975(97) 1.052(98) 1.015(99) ]

054204 - UZFG-Y 980075 GB eng J
Čepica, S. - Moser, G. - Knorr, C. - Müller, E. - Schröffel, J.
Mapping of quantitative trait loci in chromosome 6 for performance traits in pigs.
Animal Genetics. Supplement, 27 [2] 115 (1996).
Grant: GA523/96/0597
[Impact factor:1.241(92) 1.720(93) 2.151(94) 1.354(95) 1.235(96) 1.076(97) 1.013(98) 1.000(99) 0.863(00) 1.020(01) 1,443(02) 1.387(03) ]

032078 - UZFG-Y 960002 GB eng J
Čepica, S. - Moser, G. - Schroffel, J. - Knorr, C. - Geldermann, H. - Stratil, A. - Hojný, J.
Chromosomal assignment of porcine EAD, EAO, LPR and P3 genes by linkage analysis.
Animal Genetics, 27 [2] 109-111 (1996).
Grant: GA514/94/1051
[Impact factor:1.241(92) 1.720(93) 2.151(94) 1.354(95) 1.235(96) 1.076(97) 1.013(98) 1.000(99) 0.863(00) 1.020(01) 1,443(02) 1.387(03) ]

036221 - UZFG-Y 960110 FR eng Cx
Čepica, S. - Musilová, P. - Stratil, A. - Juráková, M. - Rubeš, J.
Assignment of porcine NADPH oxidaselight chain subunit (p22 - phox) to chromosome 6p14 - p15 by radioactive in situ hybridization.
In: 25th International Conference on Animal Genetic, International Society for Animal Genetic. - Tours, Centre International de Congres Vinci 1996. - S. 120.
[International Conference on Animal Genetic /25./. Tours (FR), 96.07.21-96.07.25]
Grant: GA514/94/1051

036217 - UZFG-Y 960106 CZ eng J
Čepica, S. - Schroffel, J. - Stratil, A.
Methodological aspects of QTL mapping on the porcine chromosome 4.
Živočišná výroba, 41 [11] 502 (1996).
Grant: GA523/96/0597
[Impact factor:0.012(91) 0.004(92) 0.033(93) 0.042(94) 0.063(95) 0.255(96) 0.194(97) 0.192(98) 0.195(99) ]

054203 - UZFG-Y 980074 GB eng J
Čepica, S. - Stratil, A. - Musilová, P. - Juráková, M. - Rubeš, J.
Assigment of porcine CYBA gene encoding NADPH oxidase-light chain subunit (p22-phox) to chromosome 6p15 by radioactive in situ hybridization.
Animal Genetics. Supplement, 27 [2] 76 (1996).
Grant: GA514/94/1051
[Impact factor:1.241(92) 1.720(93) 2.151(94) 1.354(95) 1.235(96) 1.076(97) 1.013(98) 1.000(99) 0.863(00) 1.020(01) 1,443(02) 1.387(03) ]

036219 - UZFG-Y 960108 PL eng A
Čepica, S. - Stratil, A. - Schroffel, J.
Molecular - genetic studies in farm animals in the Czech Republic.
In: Abstract. Molecular-genetic studies in farm animals in the Czech Republic. - Jastrzebiec, - 1996. - S. 39.
[Zastosowanie wynikov badan z zakresu immunogenetyky, genetyky molekularnej i cytogenetyky w hodowli zwirzat. Jastrzebiec (PL), 96.11.07-96.11.08]
Grant: GA523/96/0597

054193 - UZFG-Y 980035 CZ cze B
Dostál, J. - Hartl, K. - Hřebíkov, M. - Němec, J. - Tichá, V.
Kynologická příručka pro rozhodčí, chovatele a vystavovatele. Praha, DONA 1996. - 189 s.

054194 - UZFG-Y 980036 CZ cze B
Dostál, J. - Karpfová, C. - Kholová, H. - Macků, P.
Pražský krysařík. Praha, Cesty 1996. - 89 s.

032116 - UZFG-Y 960041 CZ eng A
Dostál, J. - Pavlok, A.
Isolation and Characterisation of compounds regulating maturation of mammalian oocytes.
In: Abstract - Isolation and characterisation of compounds regulating maturation of mammalian oocytes. - Liběchov, ÚŽFG AV ČR 1996. - S. 55.
[French-Czech-Slovak Conference about Physiology of Reproduction /7./. Liblice (CZ), 96.05.23-96.05.24]

054195 - UZFG-Y 980038 FR eng J
Dostál, J. - Pavlok, A.
Izolation and Characterization of Maturation Inhibiting Compound in Bovine Follicular Fluid.
Reproduction, Nutrition, Ddevelopment, 36, 681-690 (1996).
[Impact factor:0.516(91) 0.579(92) 0.743(93) 0.549(94) 0.716(95) 1.116(96) 0.619(97) 0.685(98) 0.922(99) 1.351(00) 1.567(01) 0,872(02) 0.780(03) ]

036213 - UZFG-Y 960102 CZ eng J
Dvořák, J. - Bulla, J. - Čepica, S.
The application of molecular genetics in animal breeding.
Živočišná výroba, 41 [11] 501 (1996).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 523/96/0597
[Impact factor:0.012(91) 0.004(92) 0.033(93) 0.042(94) 0.063(95) 0.255(96) 0.194(97) 0.192(98) 0.195(99) ]

032096 - UZFG-Y 960020 CZ eng A
Dvořák, P.
FGF-2 signalling in mouse EC cells - molecular prospects.
In: Abstract - FGF-2 signalling in mouse EC cells - molecular prospects. - Liběchov, ÚŽFG AV ČR 1996. - S. 42.
[French-Czech-Slovak Conference about Physiology of Reproduction /7./. Liblice (CZ), 96.05.23-96.05.24]

032134 - UZFG-Y 960061 US eng J
Evans, A. C. O. - Sršeň, V. - Fortuns, J. E.
Messenger RNA for gonadotropin receptors and steroidogenic enzymes differs between dominant and subordinate follieles in cattle.
Biology of Reproduction, 54 [suppl. 1] 155 (1996).
[Impact factor:3.257(92) 2.782(93) 2.666(94) 3.123(95) 3.222(96) 3.036(97) 3.327(98) 3.417(99) 3.605(00) 3.508(01) 3,689(02) 3.646(03) ]

036208 - UZFG-Y 960097 CH eng J
Filipec, M. - Hašková, Z. - Havrlíková, K. - Letko, E. - Holáň, V. - Matoušek, J.
Immunosuppressive effect of bovine ribonuclease on a model of corneal transplantation in rabbit.
Greafe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 234, 586-590 (1996).
Grant: GA514/94/0412

032139 - UZFG-Y 960066 DE eng J
Filippucci, M. G. - Storch, G. - Macholán, M.
Taxonomy of the genus Sylvaemus in western Anatolia - morphological and electorophoretic evidence (Mammalia: Rodentia: Muridae).
Senckenbergiana biologica, 75 [1/2] 1-14 (1996).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA645402GA204/93/0531
[Impact factor:0.070(91) 0.157(92) 0.471(93) 0.294(94) 0.485(95) 0.337(96) 0.549(97) 0.552(98) 0.540(99) 0.422(00) 0.652(01) 0,945(02) 0.629(03) ]

033525 - UZFG-Y 960091 CZ eng J
Fliegerová, K. - Pažoutová, S. - Kostyukovský, V. - Kopečný, J.
DNA fingerprints of anaerobic fungi.
Živočišná výroba, 41 [1] 42 (1996).
[Dny živočišné fyziologie /16./. Třešť (CZ), 95.11.22-95.11.24]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA508/93/2485
[Impact factor:0.012(91) 0.004(92) 0.033(93) 0.042(94) 0.063(95) 0.255(96) 0.194(97) 0.192(98) 0.195(99) ]

036209 - UZFG-Y 960098 PL eng C
Fulka, J. - Slavík, T.
The differences in interaction between germ cells in vitro and vivo.
In: The differences in interaction between germ cells in vitro and in vivo. - Krakow, Institut zootechniky 1996. - S. 68-78.
[Andrologia w rozrodžie zwierzat. Krakow (PL), -]
Grant: GA505/93/2009

032111 - UZFG-Y 960036 US eng J
Fulka Jr., J. - Horská, M. - Moor, R. M. - Fulka, J. - Kaňka, J.
Oocyte - specific modulation of female pronuclear development in mice.
Developmental Biology, 178 [1] 1-12 (1996).
Grant: GA505/95/1371
[Impact factor:3.779(92) 4.256(93) 4.468(94) 4.752(95) 4.963(96) 5.289(97) 6.018(98) 6.049(99) 5.540(00) 5.558(01) 5,194(02) 5.351(03) ]

033527 - UZFG-Y 960093 DE eng JX
Fulka jr., J. - Kaňka, J. - Moor, R. M. - Fulka, J.
Cloning the mammalian embryos cell-cycle aspects.
Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 31, 585-587 (1996).
Grant: GA505/95/1371
[Impact factor:0.565(92) 0.507(93) 0.307(94) 0.336(95) 0.441(96) 0.357(97) 0.338(98) 0.287(99) 0.521(00) 0.324(01) 0,550(02) 0.789(03) ]

032090 - UZFG-Y 960014 CZ eng A
Fulka Jr., J. - Moor, R. M. - First, N. L. - Fulka, J.
DNA synthesis suppressing activity in mouse oocytes.
In: Abstract - DNA synthesis suppressing activity in mouse oocytes. - Liběchov, ÚŽFG AV ČR 1996. - S. 8.
[French-Czech-Slovak Conference about Physiology of Reproduction /7./. Liblice (CZ), 96.05.23-96.05.24]

032091 - UZFG-Y 960015 CZ eng A
Hampl, A. - Bublová, S.
Our first insights into the ability of mouse oocytes and early embryos to respond to DNA damage.
In: Abstract - Our first insights into the ability of mouse oocytes and early emryos to respond to DNA damage. - Liběchov, ÚŽFG AV ČR 1996. - S. 10.
[French-Czech-Slovak Conference about Physiology of Reproduction /7./. Liblice (CZ), 96.05.23-96.05.24]

032122 - UZFG-Y 960048 GB eng J
Hewitson, L. C. - Simerly, C. R. - Tengowski, M. W. - Šutovský, P. - Navara, C. S. - Haavisto, A. J. - Schatten, G.
Microtubule and Chromatin Configurations during Rhesus Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection: Successes and Failures.
Biology of Reproduction, 55, 271-280 (1996).
[Impact factor:3.257(92) 2.782(93) 2.666(94) 3.123(95) 3.222(96) 3.036(97) 3.327(98) 3.417(99) 3.605(00) 3.508(01) 3,689(02) 3.646(03) ]

033521 - UZFG-Y 960087 CZ eng J
Hodrová, B. - Kopečný, J.
Interactions of rumen chitinolytic bacterium Clostridium tertium with anaerobic fungi.
Živočišná výroba, 41 [1] 40 (1996).
[Dny živočišné fyziologie /16./. Třešť (CZ), 95.11.22-95.11.24]
[Impact factor:0.012(91) 0.004(92) 0.033(93) 0.042(94) 0.063(95) 0.255(96) 0.194(97) 0.192(98) 0.195(99) ]

032144 - UZFG-Y 960071 NL eng A
Horáček, I. - Zima, J.
Evolutionary divergence in the lesser horseshoe bat.
In: Abstracts - Evolutionary divergence in the lesser horseshoe bat. - Veldhoven, Lina P. 1996. - S. 26.
[European Bat Research Symposium /7./. Veldhoven (NL), 96.08.12-96.08.16]
Grant: GA206/93/0531

032097 - UZFG-Y 960021 CZ eng A
Horák, V. - Fléchon, J. E.
Mouse and rabbit embryonic fibroblasts differ in expression of extracellular matrix proteins.
In: Abstract - Mouse and rabbit embryonic fibroblasts differ in expression of extracellular matrix proteins. - Liběchov, ÚŽFG AV ČR 1996. - S. 48.
[French-Czech-Slovak conference about Physiology of Reproduction /7./. Liblice (CZ), 96.05.23-96.05.24]
Grant: GA505/95/1601

032118 - UZFG-Y 960043 CZ eng A
Horák, V. - Fléchon, J. E. - Dvořák, P. - Renard, J. P.
Differentiation of the rabbit inner cell mass in vitro.
In: Abstact - Differentiation of the rabbit inner cell mass in vitro. - Brno, Česká společnost pro tkáňové kultury 1996. - S. 64.
[International Conference ETCS. Brno (CZ), 96.04.21-96.04.24]
Grant: GA505/95/1601

034573 - UEK-B 960234 CZ eng J
Jurajda, P. - Ráb, P. - Šlechta, V. - Šlechtová, V.
Occurrence and identification of Kessler's gudgeon (Gobio kessleri) in the river Bečva (Czech Republic).
Folia zoologica, 45 [3] 253-257 (1996).
Grant: GA206/93/0432MR/7/95
[Impact factor:0.176(91) 0.091(92) 0.145(93) 0.213(94) 0.291(95) 0.407(96) 0.364(97) 0.314(98) 0.182(99) 0.240(00) 0.287(01) 0,234(02) 0.494(03) ]

032092 - UZFG-Y 960016 CZ eng A
Kaláb, P. - Kubiak, J. Z. - Motlík, J. - Verlhac, M. H. - Colledge, W. H. - Maro, B.
Activation of p90rsk during meiotic maturation and the first mitosis in mouse oocytes and eggs.
In: Abstract - Activation of p90rsk during meiotic maturation and the first mitosis in mouse oocytes and eggs. - Liběchov, ÚŽFG AV ČR 1996. - S. 9.
[French-Czech-Slovak Conference about Physiology of Reproduction /7./. Liblice (CZ), 96.05.23-96.05.24]

032085 - UZFG-Y 960009 GB eng J
Kaláb, P. - Kubiak, J. Z. - Verlhac, M. H. - Colledge, W. H. - Maro, B.
Activation of p90rsk during meiotic maturation and first mitosis in mouse oocytes and eggs: MAP kinase-indepedent and -dependent activation.
Development, 122 [6] 1957-1964 (1996).
[Impact factor:6.456(92) 7.503(93) 8.064(94) 9.162(95) 9.182(96) 9.781(97) 9.712(98) 10.088(99) 9.353(00) 8.624(01) 7,883(02) 7.663(03) ]

033526 - UZFG-Y 960092 CZ eng J
Kalačnjuk, G. - Marounek, M. - Vojtjuk, A. - Savka, O. - Romanišina, L.
Effect of formate of activity of intracellular enzymes in rumen bacteria.
Živočišná výroba, 41 [1] 46 (1996).
[Dny živočišné fyziologie /16./. Třešť (CZ), 95.11.22-95.11.24]
[Impact factor:0.012(91) 0.004(92) 0.033(93) 0.042(94) 0.063(95) 0.255(96) 0.194(97) 0.192(98) 0.195(99) ]

036211 - UZFG-Y 960100 RU rus J
Kalačnjuk, G. - Marounek, M. - Vojtjuk, A. - Savka, O. - Romanišina, L.
Metabolizm bakterij rubca krupnovo rogatovo skota pod vlijanijem 14c-formiata i 14c-formaldegita.
Selskochozjajstvennaja biologija, neuvedeno [4] 64-70 (1996).

032114 - UZFG-Y 960039 CZ eng J
Kalous, J. - Sršeň, V. - Nagyová, E. - Šutovský, P. - King, A. - Motlík, J.
Resumption of Meiosis in Blue Fox Oocytes Is Controlled by Cumulus Granulosa Cells.
Archives of Animal Breeding, 39 [special issue] 89 (1996).
[French-Czech-Slovak Conference about Physiology of Reproduction /7./. Liblice (CZ), 96.05.23-96.05.24]
[Impact factor: 0.244(99) 0.182(00) 0.227(01) 0,251(02) 0.267(03) ]

032095 - UZFG-Y 960019 CZ eng A
Kaňka, J. - Fulka Jr., J. - Ouhibi, N. - Moor, R. M.
Remodelling changes in embryonic and embryonic stem cells nuclei after cell fusion with chemically enucleated mouse oocyte.
In: Abstract - Remodelling changes in embryonic and embryonic stem cells nuclei after cell fusion with chemically enucleated mouse oocyte. - Liběchov, ÚŽFG AV ČR 1996. - S. 33.
[French-Czech-Slovak Conference about Physiology of Reproduction /7./. Liblice (CZ), 96.05.23-96.05.24]
Grant: GA505/95/1371

032081 - UZFG-Y 960005 GB eng J
Kaňka, J. - Hozák, P. - Heyman, Y. - Chesné, P. - Degrolard, J. - Renard, J. P. - Fléchon, J. E.
Transcriptional Activity and Nucleolar Ultrastructure of Embryonic Rabbit Nuclei After Transplantation to Enucleated Oocytes.
Molecular Reproduction and Development, 43, 135-144 (1996).
Grant: GA505/95/1371
[Impact factor:2.003(92) 2.212(93) 2.425(94) 2.229(95) 2.513(96) 2.189(97) 2.399(98) 2.658(99) 2.535(00) 2.296(01) 2,322(02) 2.543(03) ]

033528 - UZFG-Y 960094 FR eng A
Kaňka, J. - Smith, S. D. - Soloy, E. - Callesen, H.
Influence of recipient cytoplasm cell stage on transcription in bovine nucleus transfer embryos.
In: Abstract - Influence of recipient cytoplasm cell stage on transcription in bovine nucleus transfer embryos. - Lyon, Association Europeenne de Transfert Embryonnaire 1996. - S. 148.
[Scientific meeting /12./. Lyon (FR), 96.09.13-96.09.14]
Grant: GA505/95/1371IAA7045608

054206 - UZFG-Y 980102 FR eng Cx
Kaňka, J. - Smith, S. D. - Soloy, E. - Holm, P. - Callesen, H.
Influence of recipient Cytoplasm Ccell Stage on Transcription in Bovine Nucleus Transfer embryos.
In: 12th sientific meeting, European embryotransfer association. - Lyon, Edition Fondation Marcel Merieux 1996. - S. 148.
[Scientific meeting, european Embryotransfer Association /12./. Lyon (FR), 96.00.00]
Grant: GA505/95/1371

054207 - UZFG-Y 980103 US eng J
Kaňka, J. - Soloy, E. - Callesen, H. - Greve, T.
Synchronization of DNA synthesis in parthenogenetically activated bovine oocytes.
Theriogenology, 0 [45] 158 (1996).
Grant: GA505/95/1371
[Impact factor:1.725(92) 1.787(93) 1.967(94) 1.395(95) 2.320(96) 1.727(97) 1.760(98) 1.923(99) 2.062(00) 1.965(01) 2,387(02) 1.839(03) ]

036218 - UZFG-Y 960107 CZ eng J
Knoll, A. - Čepica, S.
Use of silver staning method for microsatellite scoring in porcine.
Živočišná výroba, 41 [11] 506 (1996).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 523/96/0597
[Impact factor:0.012(91) 0.004(92) 0.033(93) 0.042(94) 0.063(95) 0.255(96) 0.194(97) 0.192(98) 0.195(99) ]

033529 - UZFG-Y 960095 GB eng J
Kopečný, J. - Hodrová, B. - Stewart, C. S.
The isolation and characterization of a rumen chitinolytic bacterium.
Letters in Applied Microbiology, 23, 195-198 (1996).
[Impact factor:1.206(91) 1.042(92) 1.097(93) 1.040(94) 0.764(95) 0.948(96) 1.008(97) 0.964(98) 1.157(99) ]

033530 - UZFG-Y 960096 GB eng J
Kopečný, J. - Hodrová, B. - Stewart, C. S.
The effect of rumen chitinolytic bacteria on cellulolytic anaerobic fungi.
Letters in Applied Microbiology, 23, 199-202 (1996).
[Impact factor:1.206(91) 1.042(92) 1.097(93) 1.040(94) 0.764(95) 0.948(96) 1.008(97) 0.964(98) 1.157(99) ]

033520 - UZFG-Y 960086 CZ eng J
Kopečný, J. - Šimůnek, J. - Hodrová, B.
Properties of yellow affinity substances produced by Ruminococcus flavefaciens.
Živočišná výroba, 41 [1] 41 (1996).
[Dny živočišné fyziologie /16./. Třešť (CZ), 95.11.22-95.11.24]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA203/94/1785
[Impact factor:0.012(91) 0.004(92) 0.033(93) 0.042(94) 0.063(95) 0.255(96) 0.194(97) 0.192(98) 0.195(99) ]

034033 - UMG-J 960032 DE eng J
Kopečný, V. - Biggiogera, M. - Pivko, J. - Grafenau, P. - Pavlok, A. - Malatesta, M. - Martin, T. - Fakan, S.
The cell nucleus in early bovine and caprine preimplantation embryos: fine structural cytochemistry and immunoelectron microscopy.
European Journal of Cell Biology, 70 [3] 361-372 (1996).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA752403
[Impact factor:2.528(91) 2.595(92) 2.545(93) 2.662(94) 2.802(95) 2.619(96) 2.353(97) 2.485(98) 3.043(99) 2.801(00) 2.244(01) 2,441(02) 2.185(03) ]

032104 - UZFG-Y 960028 PL eng J
Koppel, J. - Rehák, P. - Baran, V. - Horák, V. - Veselá, J. - Hlinka, D. - Sobel, A.
Intracytoplasmic phosphoprotein stathmin during preimplantation embryo development.
Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 47 [suppl.] 124 (1996).

033512 - UZFG-Y 960078 UA eng J
Kovář, L. - Kalachnyuk, G. - Savka, O. - Dušková, D. - Marounek, M.
Stoichiometry of glucose and xylose fermentation in Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens 787.
Ukrajinskij Biochemiceskij Žurnal, 68 [5] 106-110 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA524/96/0543

032113 - UZFG-Y 960038 CZ eng A
Kubelka, M. - Kaláb, P. - Kalous, J. - Nagyová, E. - Motlík, J.
The effect of butyrolactone I, a specific inhibitors of CDK-kinase on GVBD and chromosome condensation during the first meiotic division of pig and cattle oocytes.
In: Abstract - The effect of butyrolactone I, a specific inhibitors of CDK-kinase of GVBD and chromosome condensation during the first meiotic division of pig and cattle oocytes. - Liběchov, ÚŽFG AV ČR 1996. - S. 24.
[French-Czech-Slovak Conference about Physiology of Reproduction /7./. Liblice (CZ), 96.05.23-96.05.24]

054196 - UZFG-Y 980045 DE eng J
Kubelka, M. - Kalous, J. - Kaláb, P. - Nagyová, E. - Motlík, J.
The effect of butyrolactone 1, a specific inhibitor of cdk-kinases on GVBD and chromosome condensation during the first meiotic division of pig and cattle oocytes.
Archives of Animal Breeding, 39, 56a (1996).
[Impact factor: 0.244(99) 0.182(00) 0.227(01) 0,251(02) 0.267(03) ]

054197 - UZFG-Y 980048 J
Kubelka, M. - Sweeney, C. - Murphy, M. - Ravnik, S. E. - Wolgemuth, D. J.
A distinct cyclin A is expressed in germ cells in the mouse.
Development, 122, 53-64 (1996).
[Impact factor:6.456(92) 7.503(93) 8.064(94) 9.162(95) 9.182(96) 9.781(97) 9.712(98) 10.088(99) 9.353(00) 8.624(01) 7,883(02) 7.663(03) ]

032109 - UZFG-Y 960033 CZ eng J
Lukáčová, L. - Dannelid, E. - Hausser, J. - Macholán, M. - Zima, J.
G-Banded karyotype of the alpine shrew, SOREX ALPINUS (Mammalia, Soricidae), from the Šumava Mts.
Folia Zoologica, 45 [3] 223-226 (1996).
Grant: GA206/95/1596
[Impact factor:0.176(91) 0.091(92) 0.145(93) 0.213(94) 0.291(95) 0.407(96) 0.364(97) 0.314(98) 0.182(99) 0.240(00) 0.287(01) 0,234(02) 0.494(03) ]

032140 - UZFG-Y 960067 SE eng A
Lukáčová, L. - Zima, J.
A synopsis of chromosome variation in Sorex tundrensis.
In: Abstracts - A synopsis of chromosome variation in Sorex tundresis. - Uppsala, Universite Uppsala 1996. - S. 40.
[ISACC International Meeting /4./. Uppsala (SE), 96.08.22-96.08.26]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA645402

034649 - UEK-B 960315 DE eng A
Lusková, V. - Šlechtová, V. - Povž, M. - Šlechta, V. - Lusk, S.
Genetic variability of Chondrostoma nasus populations in the streams of Black Sea and the Baltic Sea drainage systems.
In: Abstract book 2. International Symposium on the biology of the genus Chondrostoma Agassiz, 1835. - Bonn, Zoologisches Forschungsinstitut und Museum Alexander König 1996. - S. -.
[International Symposium on the biology of the genus Chondrostoma Agassiz, 1835 /2./. Bonn (DE), 96.10.10-96.10.13]
Grant: GA514/95/0203

032108 - UZFG-Y 960032 CZ eng J
Macholán, M.
Key to european house mice (MUS).
Folia Zoologica, 45 [3] 209-217 (1996).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 66113; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA6045601
[Impact factor:0.176(91) 0.091(92) 0.145(93) 0.213(94) 0.291(95) 0.407(96) 0.364(97) 0.314(98) 0.182(99) 0.240(00) 0.287(01) 0,234(02) 0.494(03) ]

032137 - UZFG-Y 960064 DE eng J
Macholán, M.
Multivariate morphometric analysis of European species of the genus Mus (Mammalia, Muridae).
Zeitschrift für Saugetierkunde, 61, 304-319 (1996).
Grant: GA204/93/0531
[Impact factor:0.433(92) 0.305(93) 0.320(94) 0.351(95) 0.441(96) 0.274(97) 0.189(98) 0.302(99) 0.467(00) 0.367(01) 0,370(02) ]

032138 - UZFG-Y 960065 PL eng J
Macholán, M.
Morphometric analysis of European house mice.
Acta Theriologica, 46 [3] 255-275 (1996).
Grant: GA204/93/0531GA206/95/1596GA505/93/1283
[Impact factor:0.070(91) 0.157(92) 0.471(93) 0.294(94) 0.485(95) 0.337(96) 0.549(97) 0.552(98) 0.540(99) 0.422(00) 0.652(01) 0,945(02) 0.629(03) ]

032143 - UZFG-Y 960070 SE eng Cx
Macholán, M.
Chromosomal and allozyme characterization of the Caucasian shrew, Sorex satunini, from Eastern Turkey.
In: Evolution in the Sorex araneus group. Cytogenetic and molecular aspects. - Uppsala, Universite Uppsala 1996. - S. 32.
[ISACC International Meeting /4./. Uppsala (SE), 96.08.22-96.08.26]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) A6045601/1996

054205 - UZFG-Y 980091 SE eng J
Macholán, M.
Chromosomal and allozyme characterization of the Caucasian shrew, Sorex satunini, from north-eastern Turkey.
Hereditas, 125, 225-231 (1996).
Grant: GA204/93/0531
[Impact factor:0.658(91) 0.616(92) 0.669(93) 0.774(94) 0.647(95) 0.545(96) 0.400(97) 0.907(98) 0.855(99) 0.753(00) 0.711(01) 0,530(02) 0.564(03) ]

032147 - UZFG-Y 960074 HU eng A
Macholán, M. - Kryštufek, B.
Incipient speciation in and aboriginal mouse? Morphometric study on an isolated Mus spicilegus population.
In: Abstracts - Incipient speciation in an aboriginal mouse? Morphometric study on an isolated Mus spicilegus population. - Budapest, Organizační výbor 1996. - S. 267.
[International Congress of Systematic and Evolutionary Biology /5./. Budapest (HU), 96.08.18-96.08.22]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) A6045601/1996

033513 - UZFG-Y 960079 CZ cze J
Marounek, M.
Antimikrobiální krmná aditiva a stimulace růstu.
Náš chov, 56 [11] 12 (1996).

033519 - UZFG-Y 960085 CZ eng J
Marounek, M. - Savka, O. - Dušková, D.
Effect of salinomycin on fermentation of starch pectin and xylan in cultures of rabbit caecal contents.
Živočišná výroba, 41 [1] 46 (1996).
[Dny živočišné fyziologie /16./. Třešť (CZ), 95.11.22-95.11.24]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA505/93/1283
[Impact factor:0.012(91) 0.004(92) 0.033(93) 0.042(94) 0.063(95) 0.255(96) 0.194(97) 0.192(98) 0.195(99) ]

032100 - UZFG-Y 960024 FR eng J
Marounek, M. - Skřivanová, V. - Savka, O.
In vitro alterations in rabbit caecal metabolites by antimicrobial feed additives.
World Rabbit Science, 4 [special issue] 46 (1996).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 505/93/1283

032102 - UZFG-Y 960026 FR eng A
Marounek, M. - Skřivanová, V. - Savka, O.
In vitro alterations in rabbit caecal metabolites by antimicrobial feed additives.
In: Abstract - In vitro alterations in rabbit caecal metabolites by antimicrobial feed additives. - Toulouse, Association Scientique Francoice de Cuniculture 1996. - S. 243-245.
[World Rabbit Congress /6./. Toulouse (FR), 96.07.09-96.07.12]
Grant: GA505/93/1283

032088 - UZFG-Y 960012 CZ cze J
Marounek, M. - Skřivanová, V. - Kalačnjuk, G.
Zkoušky krmných antibiotik na bachorovou fermentaci z hlediska případné náhrady monensinu.
Agrospoj, 7 [20] 6 (1996).
Grant: GA505/93/1283

032105 - UZFG-Y 960029 GB eng J
Matolín, S. - Hájek, M. - Kurková, D. - Perič, T. - Havlíčková, L. - Melichna, J. - Horák, V.
Histochemical and magnetic resonance spectroseopy data in 12-13-year - old ice-hockey players.
Histochemical Journal, 28, 323 (1996).
[Impact factor:1.358(91) 1.247(92) 1.324(93) 1.524(94) 1.500(95) 1.561(96) 1.747(97) 1.397(98) 1.161(99) 1.078(00) 1.169(01) 1,150(02) 0.671(03) ]

032106 - UZFG-Y 960030 CZ eng J
Matolín, S. - Martínek, J. - Šmídová, J. - Horák, V.
Histochemical detection of muscle fibre type distribution.
Plzeňský lékařský sborník, 70 [suppl.] 225-226 (1996).

054456 - UZFG-Y 980156 RIV DE eng J
Matoušek, J. - Filipec, M. - Hašková, Z. - Havrlíková, K. - Letko, E. - Holáň, V. - Kalousek, I.
Immunoppressive efect of bovine seminal ribonuclease on a model of corneal transplantation in rabbit.
Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 234, 586-590 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA514/94/0412
[Impact factor: 0.716(95) 0.992(96) 0.783(97) 0.919(98) 1.177(99) 1.112(00) 1.192(01) 1,191(02) 1.279(03) ]

033517 - UZFG-Y 960083 CZ eng C
Míšek, I. - Tichý, F. - Burda, H.
The olfactory epithelium in a subterranean mammal Cryptomys sp. at the nest period of ontogeny.
In: Plzeňský lékařský sborník. - Plzeň, - 1996. - S. 95-96.
[Symphosium "Morphology today". Plzeň (CZ), 96.06.12]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA206/93/0492

054209 - UZFG-Y 980114 CZ eng J
Míšek, I. - Tichý, F. - Burda, H.
SEM- Structure of the olfactory epithelium in nwborn mole-rat (Cryptomys sp., Bathyergidae, Rodentia).
Acta Veterinaria Brno, 65 [4] 321-328 (1996).
Grant: GA206/93/0492
[Impact factor:0.075(91) 0.052(92) 0.075(93) 0.076(94) 0.079(95) 0.120(96) 0.132(97) 0.288(98) 0.227(99) 0.240(00) 0.274(01) 0,370(02) 0.336(03) ]

033514 - UZFG-Y 960080 CZ cze A
Míšek, I. - Witter, K. - Peterka, M. - Lesot, H. - Štěrba, O. - Klima, M. - Tichý, F. - Peterková, R.
Počáteční stádium vývoje zubů u delfína.
In: Abstract - Počáteční stádium vývoje zubů u delfína. - Praha, Česká anatomická společnost 1996. - S. 69.
[Sjezd České anatomické společnosti s mezinárodní účastí /37./. Brno (CZ), 96.08.28-96.08.31]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) B8-20; GA AV ČR(CZ) A6/045/606

054210 - UZFG-Y 980117 CZ eng J
Míšek, I. - Witter, K. - Peterka, M. - Lesot, H. - Štěrba, O. - Klima, M. - Tichý, F. - Peterková, R.
Initial period of tooth development in dolphins (Stenella attenuata, Cetacea)- a Piloty Study.
Acta Veterinaria Brno, 65, 277-284 (1996).
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) COST B8-10, B8-20IAA6045606
[Impact factor:0.075(91) 0.052(92) 0.075(93) 0.076(94) 0.079(95) 0.120(96) 0.132(97) 0.288(98) 0.227(99) 0.240(00) 0.274(01) 0,370(02) 0.336(03) ]

036220 - UZFG-Y 960109 FR eng Cx
Moser, G. - Knorr, C. - Muller, E. - Čepica, S. - Schroffel, J. - Stratil, A. - Hojný, J. - Geldermann, H.
Mapping of quatitative trait loci on chromosome 6 for performace traits in pigs.
In: 25th International Conference on Animal Genetics, International Society for Anaimal Genetics. - Tours, Centre International de Congres Vinci 1996. - S. 182.
[International Conference on Animal Genetics /25./. Tours (FR), 96.07.21-96.07.25]
Grant: GA514/94/1051

032089 - UZFG-Y 960013 GB eng J
Motlík, J. - Kalous, J. - Kaláb, P. - Sršeň, V.
The p53 retinoblastoma protein and D1 cyclin in granulosa cells and embryonic stem cells.
Histochemical Journal, 28, 299-323 (1996).
[Impact factor:1.358(91) 1.247(92) 1.324(93) 1.524(94) 1.500(95) 1.561(96) 1.747(97) 1.397(98) 1.161(99) 1.078(00) 1.169(01) 1,150(02) 0.671(03) ]

054198 - UZFG-Y 980049 GB eng J
Motlík, J. - Šutovský, P. - Kalous, J. - Kubelka, M. - Moos, J. - Schultz, R. M.
Co-culture with pig membrana granulosa cells modulates the activity of cdc2 and MAP kinase in maturing cattle oocytes.
Zygote, 4, 247-256 (1996).
[Impact factor: 0.000(97) 1.092(98) 1.098(99) 1.365(00) 0.800(01) 0,992(02) 1.294(03) ]

036215 - UZFG-Y 960104 CZ eng J
Musilová, P. - Čepica, S. - Stratil, A. - Rubeš, J.
Mapping of pig genome by means of IN SITU hybridization.
Živočišná výroba, 41 [11] 503 (1996).
Grant: GA514/94/1051
[Impact factor:0.012(91) 0.004(92) 0.033(93) 0.042(94) 0.063(95) 0.255(96) 0.194(97) 0.192(98) 0.195(99) ]

032084 - UZFG-Y 960008 DE eng J
Musilová, P. - Lee, D. A. - Stratil, A. - Čepica, S. - Bureš, J. - Lowe, X. - Wyrobek, A.
Assignment of the porcine IKBA gene (IkBa) encoding a cytoplasmic inhibitor of the NF-kB to chromosome 7q15-q21 by FISH.
Mammalian Genome, 7 [4] 323-324 (1996).
Grant: GA514/94/1051
[Impact factor:6.302(92) 3.144(93) 4.006(94) 2.714(95) 2.561(96) 2.069(97) 1.946(98) 1.890(99) 2.137(00) 2.318(01) 2,233(02) 2.685(03) ]

032098 - UZFG-Y 960022 US eng J
Ouhibi, N. - Fulka Jr., J. - Kaňka, J. - Moor, R. M.
Nuclear transplantation of ectodermal cells in pig oocytes: Ultrastructure and radiography.
Molecular Reproduction and Development, 44 [4] 533-539 (1996).
Grant: GA505/95/1371
[Impact factor:2.003(92) 2.212(93) 2.425(94) 2.229(95) 2.513(96) 2.189(97) 2.399(98) 2.658(99) 2.535(00) 2.296(01) 2,322(02) 2.543(03) ]

032115 - UZFG-Y 960040 CZ eng A
Ouhibi, N. - Kaňka, J. - Horská, M. - Moor, R. M. - Fulka Jr., J.
Nuclear transplantation in pig: M- to M-phase fusion.
In: Abstract - Nuclear transplantation in pig: M- to M-phase fusion. - Liběchov, ÚŽFG AV ČR 1996. - S. 52.
[French-Czech-Slovak Conference about Physiology of Reproduction /7./. Liblice (CZ), 96.05.23-96.05.24]
Grant: GA505/95/1371

032094 - UZFG-Y 960018 CZ eng A
Pavlok, A. - Kaláb, P. - Bobák, P.
Meiotic and fertilization competence of bovine oocytes in vitro.
In: Abstract - Meiotic and fertilization competence of bovine oocytes in vitro. - Liběchov, ÚŽFG AV ČR 1996. - S. 26.
[French-Czech-Slovak Conference about Physiology of Reproduction /7./. Liblice (CZ), 96.05.23-96.05.24]

032120 - UZFG-Y 960046 NL eng J
Pavlok, A. - Koutecká, L. - Krejčí, P. - Slavík, T. - Cerman, J.
Effect of Recombinant bovine somatotropin on follicular growth and quality of oocytes in cattle.
Animal Reproduction Science, 41, 183-192 (1996).
Grant: GA505/93/1251MH ČR Z-503
[Impact factor:0.701(92) 0.678(93) 0.855(94) 0.709(95) 0.838(96) 0.930(97) 1.105(98) 0.813(99) 1.080(00) 1.196(01) 1,681(02) 1.286(03) ]

032112 - UZFG-Y 960037 CZ eng A
Pesty, A. - Nagyová, E. - Lefevre, B.
Is the phosphoinositide/calcium signalling pathway involved during the meiotic competence acquisition in the mouse oocyte?
In: Abstract - Is the phosphoinositide/calcium signalling pathway involved during the meiotic competence acquisition in the mouse oocyte? - Liběchov, ÚŽFG AV ČR 1996. - S. 23.
[French-Czech-Slovak Conference about Physiology of Reproduction /7./. Liblice (CZ), 96.05.23-96.05.24]

032083 - UZFG-Y 960007 GB eng J
Phillips, R. B. - Reed, K. M. - Ráb, P.
Revised karyotypes and chromosome banding of coregonid fishes from the Laurentian Great Lakes.
Canadian Journal of Zoology, 74 [2] 323-329 (1996).
Grant: GA206/93/0432
[Impact factor:0.845(91) 0.764(92) 0.735(93) 0.736(94) 0.680(95) 0.685(96) 0.975(97) 1.052(98) 1.015(99) ]

032082 - UZFG-Y 960006 GB eng J
Polkowska, J. - Krejčí, P. - Snochowski, M.
The long-term effect of low protein diet on the somatostatin hypothalamic neuronal system and the pituitary growth hormone cells in growing ewe.
Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology, 104, 59-66 (1996).
[Impact factor:0.279(91) 0.193(92) 0.448(93) 0.644(94) 0.000(95) 0.000(96) 0.000(97) 0.000(98) 0.000(99) ]

032123 - UZFG-Y 960049 DE eng J
Procházka, R. - Nagyová, E. - Motlík, J.
Porcine cumulus and mural granulosa cells secrete cumulus expansion enabling factor (CEEF).
Archives of Animal Breeding, 39 [special issue] 86 (1996).
[Satelite Symposium of the Central European Conference on Animal Reproduction /1./. Kühlungsborn (DE), 96.09.22-96.09.23]
Grant: GA505/93/2010; GZ(AT) 45379/1-IV/3a/94IAA745401
[Impact factor: 0.244(99) 0.182(00) 0.227(01) 0,251(02) 0.267(03) ]

036228 - UZFG-Y 960117 CZ cze C
Ráb, P.
Sekavci rodu "Cobitis" v České republice.
In: Ochrana biodiverzity drobných stojatých vod II. - Vlašim, Český svaz ochránců přírody 1996. - S. 65-73.
[Vědecko-ochranářský seminář pořádaný k 25. výročí podepsání Ramsarské konvence. Vlašim (CZ), 96.10.18-96.10.20]
Grant: GA206/93/0432

054200 - UZFG-Y 980069 US eng J
Ráb, P. - Arefjev, V. - Rábová, M.
C-banded karyotype of the sterlet, Acipenser rithenus from the Danube River.
The sturgeon Quartely, 4 [4] 10-12 (1996).

036224 - UZFG-Y 960113 CZ eng J
Ráb, P. - Karakousis, Y. - Rábová, M.
Karyotype, NOR Phenotype and C-banding study of BARBUS CYCLOLEPIS.
Folia Zoologica, 45 [suppl. 1] 77-83 (1996).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 645 107
[Impact factor:0.176(91) 0.091(92) 0.145(93) 0.213(94) 0.291(95) 0.407(96) 0.364(97) 0.314(98) 0.182(99) 0.240(00) 0.287(01) 0,234(02) 0.494(03) ]

036225 - UZFG-Y 960114 JP eng J
Ráb, P. - Karakousis, Y. - Rábová, M. - Economidis, P. S.
Bander karyotype of the cyprinid fish LEUCISCUS BORYSTHENICUS.
Khtyological Research, 43 [4] 463-468 (1996).
Grant: GA206/93/0432

032107 - UZFG-Y 960031 US eng J
Ráb, P. - Reed, K. M. - León, A. P. - Phillips, R. B.
A new methods for detecting nucleolus organizer regions in fish chromosomes usingdenaturation and propidium lodide staining.
Biotechnic-Histochemistry, 71 [3] 157-162 (1996).
Grant: IA645107
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.230(92) 0.475(93) 0.552(94) 0.581(95) 0.460(96) 0.447(97) 0.638(98) 0.714(99) 0.605(00) 0.614(01) 0,762(02) 0.400(03) ]

054202 - UZFG-Y 980071 DB eng Cx
Ráb, P. - Reed, K. - Jankun, M. - Phillips, R.
Chromosomaů NOR phenotypes in several species of Coregonus as revealed by CMA3, silver staining and FISH with notes on the ancestral position of NORs in salmoid fishes.
In: Abstracts of 6th International Symposium on Biology nad Management of Coregonid Fishes. - Konstanz, University Konstanz 1996. - S. 0.
[International Symposium on Biology and Management of Coregonid Fishes /6./. Konstanz (DB), 96.09.23-96.09.26]
Grant: GA206/93/0432

032086 - UZFG-Y 960010 FR eng J
Rada, V. - Marounek, M.
Effect of monensin on the crop microflora of broiler chickens.
Annales de Zootechnie, 45, 283-288 (1996).
Grant: GA508/93/0317
[Impact factor:0.395(91) 0.326(92) 0.258(93) 0.182(94) 0.298(95) 0.855(96) 0.474(97) 0.765(98) 0.325(99) 0.553(00) 0.655(01) 0,953(02) ]

032142 - UZFG-Y 960069 SE eng Cx
Ratkiewicz, M. - Wojcik, J. M. - Lukáčová, L. - Macholán, M.
Nomenclature of electrophoretically studied loci and allozymes in the common shrew (Sorex araneus L.).
In: Evolution in the Sorex araneus group. Cytogenetic and molecular aspects. - Uppsala, Universite Uppsala 1996. - S. 26.
[ISACC International Meeting /4./. Uppsala (SE), 96.08.22-96.08.26]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) A6045601/1996

036226 - UZFG-Y 960115 FI eng J
Rosch, R. - Kangur, A. - Kangur, K. - Kramer, A. - Ráb, P. - Šlechta, V. - Tapaninen, M. - Treasurer, J.
Minutes of the percis II working group ruffe (GYMNOCEPHALUS CERNUUS).
Annales zoologici fennici, 33 [3-4] 305-308 (1996).
Grant: GA206/93/0432
[Impact factor:0.462(91) 0.582(92) 0.429(93) 1.386(94) 0.743(95) 1.185(96) 0.445(97) 0.798(98) 0.692(99) 0.620(00) 0.824(01) 1,544(02) 0.918(03) ]

036214 - UZFG-Y 960103 XX eng J
Rubeš, J. - Musilová, P. - Borkovec, L. - Borkovcová, Z. - Švecová, D. - Urbanová, J.
A new robertsonian translocation in cattle, rob(16, 20).
Hereditas, 124, 275-279 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) A093/95/0037
[Impact factor:0.658(91) 0.616(92) 0.669(93) 0.774(94) 0.647(95) 0.545(96) 0.400(97) 0.907(98) 0.855(99) 0.753(00) 0.711(01) 0,530(02) 0.564(03) ]

033516 - UZFG-Y 960082 CZ cze A
Sedmera, D. - Míšek, I. - Klima, M.
Porovnání embryonálního vývoje hrudních a pánevních končetin u delfína (Stenalla attenuata) - evoluční perspektiva.
In: Abstract - Porovnání embryonálního vývoje hrudních a pánevních končetin u delfína (Stenalla attenuata) - evoluční perspektiva. - Praha, Česká anatomická společnost 1996. - S. 84.
[Sjezd České anatomické společnosti s mezinárodní účastí /37./. Brno (CZ), 96.08.28-96.08.31]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) A6/045/606

039344 - UZFG-Y 970038 CZ eng J
Skřivanová, V. - Čopíková, J. - Sinica, A. - Marounek, M.
Effect of a rabbit diet with sugar-beet pulp on gains, digestibility of nutrients and quality of rabbit meat.
Scientia agriculture Bohemica, 27 [3] 221-227 (1996).

033511 - UZFG-Y 960077 CZ cze J
Skřivanová, V. - Knížek, J. - Kuboušková, M. - Marounek, M.
Srovnání růstu, spotřeby krmiva a úhynu brojlerových králíků.
Zemědělec, 4 [42] 6 (1996).
Grant: GA MZe(CZ) 0930940153

033509 - UZFG-Y 960075 CZ cze C
Skřivanová, V. - Marounek, M. - Pavlásek, I. - Kuboušková, M.
Vliv lasalocidu na užitkovost a zdravotní stav telat.
In: Nové trendy a poznatky v živočišné produkci. - Praha, VÚŽV 1996. - S. 57-59.
[Nové trendy a poznatky v živočišné produkci. České Budějovice (CZ), 96.08.23]

033510 - UZFG-Y 960076 NL eng A
Skřivanová, V. - Marounek, M. - Pavlásek, I.
Effect of lasalocid in young calves.
In: Abstract - Effect of lasalocid in young calves. - Lillehammer, Wageningen Pers 1996. - S. 119.
[Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production /47./. Lillehammer (NO), 96.08.25-96.08.29]

036210 - UZFG-Y 960099 FR eng J
Skřivanová, V. - Marounek, M. - Škarda, J. - Šimůnek, J. - Krejčí, P.
Effect of virginiamycin and bovine somatotropin on growth, nutrient conversion and blood parameters in young female calves.
Annales de Zootechnie, 45, 477-482 (1996).
Grant: GA505/93/1251GA505/93/1283
[Impact factor:0.395(91) 0.326(92) 0.258(93) 0.182(94) 0.298(95) 0.855(96) 0.474(97) 0.765(98) 0.325(99) 0.553(00) 0.655(01) 0,953(02) ]

032087 - UZFG-Y 960011 CZ cze J
Skřivanová, V. - Šimůnek, J. - Marounek, M. - Kuboušková, M.
Mléčná výživa kůzlat: Enzymové aktivity v trávicím traktu, stravitelnost živin MKS a uplatnění vinginiamycinu.
Agrospoj, 7 [20] 9-10 (1996).

033522 - UZFG-Y 960088 CZ eng J
Skřivanová, V. - Šimůnek, J. - Marounek, M. - Kuboušková, M.
Blood profiles of kids fed different milk diets.
Živočišná výroba, 41 [1] 40 (1996).
[Dny živočišné fyziologie /16./. Třešť (CZ), 95.11.22-95.11.24]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 093/0950/148
[Impact factor:0.012(91) 0.004(92) 0.033(93) 0.042(94) 0.063(95) 0.255(96) 0.194(97) 0.192(98) 0.195(99) ]

032110 - UZFG-Y 960034 CZ eng J
Slavík, O. - Ráb, P.
Life history of spined loach, COBITIS TAENIA, in an isolated site (Pšovka creek, Bohemia).
Folia Zoologica, 45 [3] 247-252 (1996).
Grant: GA206/93/0432
[Impact factor:0.176(91) 0.091(92) 0.145(93) 0.213(94) 0.291(95) 0.407(96) 0.364(97) 0.314(98) 0.182(99) 0.240(00) 0.287(01) 0,234(02) 0.494(03) ]

032124 - UZFG-Y 960051 NL eng C
Slavík, T. - Matoušek, J. - Fulka, J. - Raines, R. T.
Effect of wild-typee and mutant forms of bovine seminal ribonuclease and ribonuclease A on mammalian oocyte maturation and early embryo development.
In: Ribonucleases: Chemistry, Biology, Biotechnology. - Groningen, Druk-en Bindewerk Universiteitsdrukkerij 1996. - S. S5L2.
[International meeting ribonucleases: Chemistry, Biology, Biotechnology /4./. Groningen (NL), 96.07.14-96.07.18]
Grant: GA523/96/1738

054199 - UZFG-Y 980056 PL pol Cx
Slavík, T. - Murawski, M. - Wierzchos, E.
Zaplodnenie in vitro u owiec.
In: Sesja naukowa wydzialu zootechnicznego. - Krakow, Akademija Rolnicza Krakow 1996. - S. 1.
[Streszcenija. Krakow (PL), 96.05.14-96.05.15]

036227 - UZFG-Y 960116 GB eng J
Smith, S. D. - Soloy, E. - Kaňka, J. - Holm, P. - Callesen, H.
Influence of reciplent cytoplasm cell stage on transcription in bovine nucleus transfer embryos.
Molecular Reproduction and Development, 45, 444-450 (1996).
Grant: GA505/95/1371
[Impact factor:2.003(92) 2.212(93) 2.425(94) 2.229(95) 2.513(96) 2.189(97) 2.399(98) 2.658(99) 2.535(00) 2.296(01) 2,322(02) 2.543(03) ]

036212 - UZFG-Y 960101 GB eng J
Soloy, E. - Sršeň, V. - Pavlok, A. - Hyttel, P. - Thomsen, P. D. - Procházka, R.
The block against sperm penetration in parthenogenetically activated bovine oocytes.
Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, Abstract series [18] 7 ( 1996).
Grant: GZ(AT) 45379/1-IV/3a/94
[Impact factor:2.336(91) 2.211(92) 1.736(93) 1.802(94) 1.840(95) 2.255(96) 2.038(97) 1.728(98) 1.908(99) 1.970(00) 2.148(01) 2,865(02) ]

032136 - UZFG-Y 960063 DK eng A
Soloy, E. - Thomsen, P. D. - Sršeň, V. - Hyttel, P. - Procházka, R.
Distribution of cortical granules in in vitro matured bovine oocytes as analysed by confocal laser soanning microscopy.
In: Extended abstracts of the 48th annual meeting of the Scandinavian Society for Electron Microscopy. - Aarhus, SVFs Faellestrykkeri 1996. - S. 128-129.
[Annual Meeting of the Scandinavian Society for Electron Microscopy /48./. Aarhus (DK), 96.06.02-96.06.05]

037774 - UMG-J 970007 DE eng J
Souček, J. - Marinov, I. - Beneš, J. - Hilgert, I. - Matoušek, J. - Raines, R. T.
Immunosuppressive activity of bovine seminal ribonuclease and its mode of action.
Immunobiology, 195, 271-285 (1996).
[Impact factor:1.576(91) 1.379(92) 1.350(93) 2.088(94) 2.270(95) 1.320(96) 1.378(97) 1.365(98) 2.276(99) 2.416(00) 1.648(01) 1,319(02) 1.773(03) ]

032125 - UZFG-Y 960052 SK eng J
Souček, J. - Poučková, P. - Matoušek, J. - Stockbauer, P. - Dostál, J. - Zadinová, M.
Antitumor action of bovine seminal ribonuclease.
Neoplasma, 43 [5] 333-338 (1996).
[Ribonucleases: Chemistry, Biology, Biotechnology. Groningen (NL), 96.07.14-96.07.18]
Grant: GA523/96/1738
[Impact factor:0.375(91) 0.366(92) 0.352(93) 0.354(94) 0.418(95) 0.420(96) 0.385(97) 0.657(98) 0.448(99) 0.579(00) 0.637(01) 0,679(02) 0.782(03) ]

054192 - UZFG-Y 980021 US eng J
Sršeň, V. - Honma, N. - Uchida, A. - Hirose, H. - Kishimoto, T. - Hisanaga, S.
Two Types of Apoptotic Cell Death of Rat Ccentral Nervous System-Derived Neuroblastoma B50 and B104 Cells: Apoptosis Induced During Proliferation and After Differentiation.
Journal of Neurochemistry, 67 [5] 1856-1865 (1996).
[Impact factor:3.975(91) 4.215(92) 4.223(93) 4.525(94) 4.852(95) 4.219(96) 4.234(97) 4.651(98) 4.906(99) 4.900(00) 4.834(01) 4,969(02) 4.825(03) ]

054191 - UZFG-Y 980020 CZ cze C
Sršeň, V. - King, A. W.
Vliv snížené teploty během zrání oocytu in vitro na kondenzaci chromatinu a tvorbu meiotického dělícího vřetýnka.
In: 35.zjazd Českej a Slovenskej anatomickej spoločnosti a Sekcie bunkovej biológie Čs. biologickej spoločnosti. - Nitra, Vysoká škola polnohospodárská v Nitre 1996. - S. 90.
[Zjazd Českej a Slovenskej anatomickej spoločnosti a Sekcie bunkovej biológie Čs. biologickej spoločnosti /35./. Nitra (SK), 93.06.02-93.06.04]

036216 - UZFG-Y 960105 CZ eng J
Stratil, A. - Čepica, S. - Peelman, L.
Polymorphism of restriction fragments of antichymotrypsin (AACT) and antitrypsin (AT) genes of the pig.
Živočišná výroba, 41 [11] 503 (1996).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 514/94/0269
[Impact factor:0.012(91) 0.004(92) 0.033(93) 0.042(94) 0.063(95) 0.255(96) 0.194(97) 0.192(98) 0.195(99) ]

036222 - UZFG-Y 960111 FR eng Cx
Stratil, A. - Mattheeuws, M. - Peelman, L. - Čepica, S.
Porcine a1 - antichymotrypsin gene (AACT): nucleotide sequence and genomic organization.
In: 25th International Conference on Animal Genetics, International Society for Animal Genetics. - Tours, Centre International de Congres Vinci 1996. - S. 155.
[International Conference on Animal Genetics /25./. Tours (FR), 96.07.21-96.07.25]
Grant: GA514/94/1051

032093 - UZFG-Y 960017 CZ eng A
Sweeney, C. - Murphy, M. - Kubelka, M. - Ravnik, S. E. - Hawkins, C. F. - Wolgemuth, D. J. - Carrington, M.
A distinct cyclin A is expressed in germ cells in tho mouse.
In: Abstract - A distinct cyclin A is expressed in germ cells in the mouse. - Liběchov, ÚŽFG AV ČR 1996. - S. 11.
[French-Czech-Slovak Conference about Physiology of Reproduction /7./. Liblice (CZ), 96.05.23-96.05.24]

033524 - UZFG-Y 960090 CZ eng J
Šimůnek, J. - Marounek, M. - Dušková, D.
Salinomycin inhibits H2/CO2 - acetogenesis in the rabbit caecum.
Živočišná výroba, 41 [1] 41 (1996).
[Dny živočišné fyziologie /16./. Třešť (CZ), 95.11.22-95.11.24]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA505/93/1283
[Impact factor:0.012(91) 0.004(92) 0.033(93) 0.042(94) 0.063(95) 0.255(96) 0.194(97) 0.192(98) 0.195(99) ]

033523 - UZFG-Y 960089 CZ eng J
Šimůnek, J. - Skřivanová, V. - Šimák, P.
Metabolic profiles in goats during eactation.
Živočišná výroba, 41 [1] 41 (1996).
[Dny živočišné fyziologie /16./. Třešť (CZ), 95.11.22-95.11.24]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 093/0950/148
[Impact factor:0.012(91) 0.004(92) 0.033(93) 0.042(94) 0.063(95) 0.255(96) 0.194(97) 0.192(98) 0.195(99) ]

032128 - UZFG-Y 960055 CZ eng J
Škarda, J. - Krejčí, P.
Development of lipogenesis in omental adipose tissue of goats.
Živočišná výroba, 41 [1] 37 (1996).
[International symposium of animal physiology /16./. Třešť (CZ), 95.11.22-95.11.24]
Grant: GA505/93/1251
[Impact factor:0.012(91) 0.004(92) 0.033(93) 0.042(94) 0.063(95) 0.255(96) 0.194(97) 0.192(98) 0.195(99) ]

032132 - UZFG-Y 960059 IL eng A
Škarda, J. - Krejčí, P. - Slaba, J. - Krbeček, V.
The effects of recombinant bovine somatotropin (bST) on growth and lipogenesis in young goats.
In: Abstract - The effects of recombinant bovine somatotropin (bST) on growth and lipogenesis in young goats. - Jerusalem, Veterinary Medical Asociation 1996. - S. 45.
[International symposium of veterinary laboratory diagnosticians /8./. Jerusalem (IL), 96.08.04-96.08.08]

032129 - UZFG-Y 960056 CZ eng J
Škarda, J. - Krejčí, P. - Valík, D. - Vašek, V. - Snochowski, M.
Is mamary gland growth a suitable model fof testing antiandrogens?
Živočišná výroba, 41 [1] 37 (1996).
[International symposium of animal physiology /16./. Třešť (CZ), 95.11.22-95.11.24]
Grant: GA505/94/0009
[Impact factor:0.012(91) 0.004(92) 0.033(93) 0.042(94) 0.063(95) 0.255(96) 0.194(97) 0.192(98) 0.195(99) ]

032131 - UZFG-Y 960058 IL eng A
Škarda, J. - Slaba, J. - Krejčí, P. - Krbeček, V.
The effect of somatotropin treatment on regulation of lipogenesis in cultured adipose tissue of goats.
In: Abstract - The effect of somatotropin treatment on regulation of lipogenesis in cultured adipose tissue of goats. - Jerusalem, Veterinary medical Asociation 1996. - S. 45.
[International symposium of veterinary laboratory diagnostcians /8./. Jerusalem (IL), 96.08.04-96.08.08]

032133 - UZFG-Y 960060 CZ eng A
Škarda, J. - Slaba, J. - Krejčí, P. - Krbeček, V.
The Effect of Bovine Somatotropin (bST) Treatment on Body and Lipogenesis in Adipose Tissue of Young Goats.
In: Abstract - The Effect of Bovine Somatotropin (bST) Treatment on Body and Lipognesis in Adipose Tissue of Young Goats. - Brno, Moravské zemské muzeum 1996. - S. 104-105.
[World congress of Czechoslovak Society of Arts and Sciences /18./. Brno (CZ), 96.08.26-96.08.29]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 045608

088720 - UZFG-Y 20023029 CZ cze K
Škarda, J. - Škardová, O.
Mastitidy dojnic: diagnostika, prevence a tlumení.
In: Kontrola mastitid při produkci mléka. - Rapotín, Výzkumný ústav pro chov skotu 1996. - S. 49-63.
[Kontrola mastitid při produkci mléka. Rapotín (CZ), 96.05.16 (CST)]

032126 - UZFG-Y 960053 CZ eng J
Škarda, J. - Vašek, V. - Valík, D. - Krejčí, P.
Effect of vehicle on biological activities of steroid harmones in mouse male accessary sex glands and in the mammary gland.
Živočišná výroba, 41 [1] 37 (1996).
[International symposium of animal physiology /16./. Třešť (CZ), 95.11.22-95.11.24]
Grant: GA505/94/0009
[Impact factor:0.012(91) 0.004(92) 0.033(93) 0.042(94) 0.063(95) 0.255(96) 0.194(97) 0.192(98) 0.195(99) ]

054457 - UZFG-Y 980182 GB eng A
Škarda, J. - Velek, J. - Barth, T. - Černá, V. - Hauzerová, L. - Jiráček, J. - Pacáková, V. - Ježek, J. - Barthová, J. - Ubik, K.
New intrachinary cyclic nonapeptides of IGF I, IGF II and porcine relaxin. Synthesis and physiochemical properties.
In: Book of Abstract 24th Symposium of the European Peptide Society. - Edinburgh, The European Peptide Society and the Royal Society of Chemistry 1996. - S. 0.
[Symposium of the European Peptide Society /24./. Edinburgh (GB), 96.09.08-96.09.13]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA505/93/2140

054201 - UZFG-Y 980070 CZ eng C
Šlechta, V. - Flajšhans, M. - Ráb, P.
Genetic conservation of salmoid fishes in central Europe.
In: Fisheries and conservation in the Czech and Surrounsing Waters. Book of Abstracts. - České Budějovice, HBÚ AV ČR 1996. - S. 13-15.
[Fisheries and conservation in the Czech and Surrounding Waters. Český Krumlov (CZ), 96.06.02]

038738 - UEK-B 970012 CZ cze C
Šlechta, V. - Lusková, V. - Šlechtová, V. - Lusk, S.
Vnitrodruhová diverzita ryb a možnosti její ochrany.
In: Biodiverzita ichthyofauny České republiky (1). - (Ed. Lusk, L.; Halačka, K.). - Brno, ÚEK AV ČR 1996. - S. 26-33.
[Biodiverzita ichthyofauny České republiky a její ochrana /1./. Brno (CZ), 95.11.08]
Grant: IAA645106IAA687402GA514/95/0203

034651 - UEK-B 960317 DE eng A
Šlechtová, V. - Lusková, V. - Šlechta, V. - Lusk, S.
Effect of the sample size examined on the genetic parameters of Chondrostoma nasus population.
In: Abstract book 2. International Symposium on the biology of the genus Chondrostoma Agassiz, 1835. - Bonn, Zoologisches Forschungsinstitut und Museum Alexander König 1996. - S. -.
[International Symposium on the biology of the genus Chondrostoma Agassiz, 1835 /2./. Bonn (DE), 96.10.10-96.10.13]
Grant: GA514/95/0203

036234 - BFU-R 960112 NL eng J
Španová, A. - Rittich, B. - Vinš, I. - Lukášová, E. - Kozubek, S.
High-Performance Size-Exclusion Chromatography Purification of Plasmid DNA Probe.
International Journal of Bio-Chromatography, 2 [1] 49-56 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA505/93/0473; GA ČR(CZ) GA202/96/1718

032117 - UZFG-Y 960042 CZ eng A
Šutovský, P. - Fléchon, J. E.
Cytoskeletal reorganization during cumulus expansion in mammals.
In: Abstract - Cytoskeletal reorganization during cumulus expansion in mammals. - Liběchov, ÚŽFG AV ČR 1996. - S. 56.
[French-Czech-Slovak Conference about Physiology of Reproduction /7./. Liblice (CZ), 96.05.23-96.05.24]

032119 - UZFG-Y 960044 GB eng J
Šutovský, P. - Hewitson, L. C. - Simerly, C. R. - Tengowski, M. W. - Navara, C. S. - Haavisto, A. J. - Schatten, G.
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection for Rhesus monkey fertilization results in unusual chromatin, cytoskeletal, and membrane events but eventually leads to pronuclear development and sperm aster assembly.
Human Reproduction, 11 [8] 1703-1712 (1996).
[Impact factor:1.334(91) 1.328(92) 2.047(93) 2.130(94) 2.913(95) 2.790(96) 2.421(97) 3.650(98) 2.297(99) 2.887(00) 2.969(01) 3,710(02) 3.731(03) ]

032121 - UZFG-Y 960047 GB eng J
Šutovský, P. - Navara, C. S. - Schatten, G.
Fate of the Sperm Mitochondria, and the Incorporation, Conversion, and Disassembly of the Sperm Tail Structures during Bovine Fertiolization.
Biology of Reproduction, 55, 53-63 (1996).
[Impact factor:3.257(92) 2.782(93) 2.666(94) 3.123(95) 3.222(96) 3.036(97) 3.327(98) 3.417(99) 3.605(00) 3.508(01) 3,689(02) 3.646(03) ]

033518 - UZFG-Y 960084 ES eng A
Tichý, F. - Míšek, I. - Červený, Č.
The structure of taste buds in the newborn lamb.
In: Abstract - The structure of taste buds in the newborn lamb. - Lugo, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela 1996. - S. 145.
[Congress of the European Association of Veterinary Anatomists /21./. Lugo (ES), 96.07.15-96.07.20]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA206/93/0492

032099 - UZFG-Y 960023 CZ eng J
Tůmová, E. - Skřivanová, V. - Skřivan, M. - Marounek, M. - Laštovková, J. - Knížek, J.
The effect of genotype on the growth digestibility of nutrients and meat quality of broiler rabbits.
Scientia Agriculturae Bohemica, 27 [1] 39-48 (1996).

032101 - UZFG-Y 960025 FR eng J
Tůmová, E. - Skřivanová, V. - Skřivan, M. - Marounek, M. - Knížek, J.
Comparison on performance, slaughter parameters and quality of meat of four breeds of rabbits.
World Rabbit Science, 4 [special issue] 104-105 (1996).

032103 - UZFG-Y 960027 FR eng A
Tůmová, E. - Skřivanová, V. - Skřivan, M. - Marounek, M. - Knížek, J.
Comparison of performance, slaughter parameters and quality of meat of four breeds of rabbits.
In: Abstract - Comparison of performance slaughter parameters and quality of meat of four breeds of rabbits. - Toulouse, Association Scientique Francoice de Cuniculture 1996. - S. 273-275.
[World Rabbit Congress /6./. Toulouse (FR), 96.07.09-96.07.12]

032080 - UZFG-Y 960004 GB eng J
Vacková, I. - Čepica, S. - Wolf, J. - Hojný, J. - Schroffel, J.
A genetic blood-marker study on six pig breeds bred in Czechia.
Journal of Animal breeding and Genetics, 113, 63-76 (1996).
Grant: IA54553
[Impact factor:0.244(91) 0.336(92) 0.358(93) 0.394(94) 0.358(95) 0.474(96) 0.437(97) 0.564(98) 0.527(99) ]

032127 - UZFG-Y 960054 CZ eng J
Valík, D. - Škarda, J.
Effect of steroid hormone priming on lipogenesis in adiposi tissue of male mice.
Živočišná výroba, 41 [1] 38 (1996).
[International symposium of animal physiology /16./. Třešť (CZ), 95.11.22-95.11.24]
Grant: GA505/94/0009
[Impact factor:0.012(91) 0.004(92) 0.033(93) 0.042(94) 0.063(95) 0.255(96) 0.194(97) 0.192(98) 0.195(99) ]

032130 - UZFG-Y 960057 CZ eng J
Vašek, V. - Škarda, J. - Valík, D.
Mammary whole mount preparation and its quantitative morphologic analysis.
Živočišná výroba, 41 [1] 38 (1996).
[International symposium of animal physiology /16./. Třešť (CZ), 95.11.22-95.11.24]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 505/94/0009
[Impact factor:0.012(91) 0.004(92) 0.033(93) 0.042(94) 0.063(95) 0.255(96) 0.194(97) 0.192(98) 0.195(99) ]

034138 - UOCHB-X 960224 GB eng A
Velek, J. - Barth, T. - Černá, V. - Hauzerová, L. - Jiráček, J. - Pacáková, V. - Škarda, J. - Ježek, J. - Barthová, J. - Ubik, K. - Suchánková, J.
New Intrachinary Cyclic Nonapeptides of IGF I, IGF II and Porcine Relaxin. Synthesis and Physicochemical Properties.
In: 24th Symposium of the European Peptide Society. - Edinburgh, Royal Society of Chemistry 1996. - S. P321.
[Symposium of the European Peptide Society /24./. Edinburgh (GB), 96.09.08-96.09.13]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA505/93/2140

034039 - UMG-J 960038 US eng J
Veselský, L. - Dostál, J. - Holáň, V. - Souček, J. - Železná, B.
Effect of boar seminal immunosuppressive fraction on B lymphocytes and on primary antibody response.
Biology of Reproduction, 55, 194-199 (1996).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA310/93/0307
[Impact factor:3.257(92) 2.782(93) 2.666(94) 3.123(95) 3.222(96) 3.036(97) 3.327(98) 3.417(99) 3.605(00) 3.508(01) 3,689(02) 3.646(03) ]

032135 - UZFG-Y 960062 US eng J
Wandji, S. A. - Sršeň, V. - Voss, A. K. - Eppig, J. J. - Fortune, J. E.
Initiation in vitro growth of bovine primordial follieles in serum-free medium.
Biology of Reproduction, 54 [suppl. 1] 97 (1996).
Grant: NIH(US) HD21939; NIH(US) HD21970
[Impact factor:3.257(92) 2.782(93) 2.666(94) 3.123(95) 3.222(96) 3.036(97) 3.327(98) 3.417(99) 3.605(00) 3.508(01) 3,689(02) 3.646(03) ]

054208 - UZFG-Y 980113 CZ eng J
Witter, K. - Míšek, I. - Peterka, M. - Peterková, R.
Stages of Odontogenesis in the Field Vole (Microtus agrestis, Rodentia)- a Piloty Study.
Acta Veterinaria Brno, 65, 285-296 (1996).
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) COST B8-10, B8-20IAA6045606
[Impact factor:0.075(91) 0.052(92) 0.075(93) 0.076(94) 0.079(95) 0.120(96) 0.132(97) 0.288(98) 0.227(99) 0.240(00) 0.274(01) 0,370(02) 0.336(03) ]

033515 - UZFG-Y 960081 CZ cze A
Witter, K. - Míšek, I. - Peterka, M. - Peterková, R.
Odontogeneze u hraboše mokřadního (Microtus agrestic, Rodentia).
In: Abstract - Odontogeneze u hraboše mokřadního (Microtus agrestis, Rodentia). - Praha, Česká anatomická společnost 1996. - S. 98-99.
[Sjezd České anatomické společnosti s mezinárodní účastí /37./. Brno (CZ), 96.08.28-96.08.31]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) A6/045/606; GA MŠk(CZ) B8-10; GA MŠk(CZ) B8-20

032141 - UZFG-Y 960068 SE eng A
Zima, J.
The list of the chromosome races of the common shrew (Sorex araneus).
In: Abstracts - The list of the chromosome races of the common shrew (Sorex araneus). - Uppsala, Universite Uppsala 1996. - S. 32.
[ISACC International Meeting /4./. Uppsala (SE), 96.08.22-96.08.26]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA645402

039343 - UZFG-Y 970033 CZ eng J
Zima, J.
The major transitions in evolution.
Folia Geobotanica et Phytotaxonomica, 31 [4] 533-534 (1996).
[Impact factor:0.035(91) 0.048(92) 0.039(93) 0.000(94) 0.153(95) 0.987(96) 0.361(97) 0.611(98) 0.393(99) 0.649(00) 0.467(01) 0,564(02) 1.057(03) ]

039455 - UZFG-Y 970081 IT eng J
Zima, J. - Anděra, M.
A synopsis of the mammals of the Czech Republic.
Hystrix, 8, 107-111 (1996).

032146 - UZFG-Y 960073 HU eng A
Zima, J. - Lukáčová, L. - Macholán, M. - Piálek, J.
Chromosomal evolution in the common shrew (Sorx araneus).
In: Abstracts - Chromosomal evolution in the common shrew (Sorex araneus). - Budapest, Organizační výbor 1996. - S. 308.
[International Congress of Systematic and Evolutionary Biology /5./. Budapest (HU), 96.08.18-96.08.22]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA645402

032145 - UZFG-Y 960072 NL eng A
Zima, J. - Zimová, M. - Řehák, Z.
The increase in the numbers of wintering bats in a cave over a 20-year period.
In: Abstracts - The increase in the numbers of wintering bats in a cave over a 20-year period. - Veldhoven, Lina P. 1996. - S. 81.
[European Bat Research Symposium /7./. Veldhoven (NL), 96.08.12-96.08.16]

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