UEM - Ústav experimentální medicíny


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Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

084480 - UEM-P 20010037 RIV IE eng J
Albertini, R. J. - Šrám, R. - Vacek, P. M. - Lynch, J. - Wright, M. - Nicklas, J. A. - Boogaard, P. J. - Henderson, R. F. - Swenberg, J. A. - Tates, A. D. - Ward, J. B.
Biomarkers for assessing accupational exposures to 1,3-butadiene.
Chemico-Biological Interactions, 135-136, [-] 429-453 (2001).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906
[Impact factor: 1.887(99) 1.707(00) 1.706(01) 1,261(02) 1.558(03) ]

084534 - UEM-P 20010094 NZ eng A
Anděrová, M. - Chvátal, A. - Syková, E.
Potassium accumulation reveals larger extracellular space around astrocytes than around oligodendrocytes.
In: XXXIV International Congress of Physiological Sciences. - Christchurch, IUPS 2001. - S. -.
[International Congress of Physiological Sciences /34./. Christchurch (NZ), 01.08.26-01.08.31 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA305/99/0655; GA ČR(CZ) GA309/99/0657

084544 - UEM-P 20010104 US eng A
Anděrová, M. - Chvátal, A. - Syková, E.
Delayed outwardly rectifying potassium currents in reactive astrocytes.
In: 31st Annual Meeting in San Diego. - San Diego, organizer 2001. - S. -.
[Annual Meeting in San Diego /31./. San Diego (US), 01.11.10-01.11.15 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/99/0657; GA ČR(CZ) GA305/99/0655

084449 - UEM-P 20010007 RIV GB eng J
Anděrová, M. - Kubinová, Š. - Mazel, T. - Chvátal, A. - Eliasson, C. - Pekny, M. - Syková, E.
Effect of Elevated KP+, Hypotonic Stress, and Cortical Spreading Depression on Astrocyte Swelling in GFAP-Deficient Mice..
Glia, 35, [-] 189-203 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA305/99/0655; GA ČR(CZ) GA309/99/0657; GA MŠk(CZ) LN00A065
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906
[Impact factor:3.935(92) 4.684(93) 5.096(94) 4.809(95) 3.585(96) 3.769(97) 3.670(98) 4.245(99) 3.932(00) 4.193(01) 4,600(02) 4.677(03) ]

084532 - UEM-P 20010092 RIV CZ eng G
Anděrová, M. - Neprašová, H. - Petřík, D. - Chvátal, A. - Syková, E.
Up-regulation of delayed outwardly rectifying potassium currents in reactive astrocytes after certical stab wound. Prague, Organising Committee 2001. - 148 s.
[Fourth Conference of the Czech Neuroscience Society. Prague (CZ), 01.10.26-01.10.27 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/99/0657; GA ČR(CZ) GA305/99/0655
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906

084540 - UEM-P 20010100 US eng A
Anderson, B. - Chen, Z. - Syková, E. - Bjelke, K. - Bjelke, B.
Temporal profile of ultrastructural changes in cortical neurons at late phase of stroke.
In: 31st Annual Meeting in San Diego. - San Diego, organizer 2001. - S. -.
[Annual Meeting in San Diego /31./. San Diego (US), 01.11.10-01.11.15 (WRD)]

084535 - UEM-P 20010095 NZ eng A
Antonova, T. - Mazel, T. - Syková, E. - Vargová, L.
Extracellular space volume and diffusion barriers in the CNS: the role of extracellular matrix, cell swelling and astrogliosis.
In: XXXIV International Congress of Physiological Sciences. - Christchurch, IUPS 2001. - S. -.
[International Congress of Physiological Sciences /34./. Christchurch (NZ), 01.08.26-01.08.31 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/99/0657; GA ČR(CZ) GV309/97/K048; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96130; GA ČR(CZ) GV307/96/K226

084510 - UEM-P 20010069 SK eng A
Ardan, T. - Kovačeva-Andonová, J. - Čejková, J.
Histochemical and immunohistochemical studies on xanthine oxidoreductase and xanthine oxidase in corneas of various animals.
In: Progress in basic, applied and diagnostic histochemistry. - Bratislava, organizátor symposia 2001. - S. 8.
[Progres in basic, applied and diagnostic histochemistry-International Symposium /38./. Bratislava (SK), 01.10.26-01.10.27 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV207/96/K226; GA ČR(CZ) GA304/00/1635

084577 - UEM-P 20010137 BE eng A
Bavorová, H. - Ocadlíková, D. - Rössner, P. - Šrám, R.
The Changes of Spontaneous Frequency of Chromosomal Aberrations in the 20 Years Period in the Czech Republic Population Groups.
In: Annual Meeting of the European Environmental Mutagen Society Abstracts. - Ghent, organising comittee 2001. - S. -.
[Annual Meeting of the European Environmental Mutagen Society /31./. Ghent (BE), 01.09.01-01.09.05 (WRD)]

084490 - UEM-P 20010048 RIV US eng J
Begemann, P. - Šrám, R. - Neumann, H. G.
Hemoglobin adducts of epoxybutene in workers occupationally exposed to 1,3-butadiene.
Archives of Toxicology, 74, [-] 680-687 (2001).
Grant: EU(XC) CIPA-CT93-0228
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906
[Impact factor:1.660(91) 1.370(92) 1.376(93) 1.580(94) 1.249(95) 1.109(96) 1.068(97) 1.537(98) 1.683(99) 2.006(00) 1.558(01) 1,852(02) 1.601(03) ]

084479 - UEM-P 20010036 RIV DE eng J
Binková, B. - Strejc, P. - Boubelík, O. - Stávková, Z. - Chvátalová, I. - Šrám, R.
DNA adducts and human atherosclerotic lesions.
International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 204, [-] 49-54 (2001).
Grant: GA MŽP(XC) SI/340/00
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906
[Impact factor: 0.480(01) 0,901(02) 1.085(03) ]

084591 - UEM-P 20010151 JP eng A
Binková, B. - Veselý, D. - Veselá, D. - Jelínek, R. - Šrám, R.
Genotoxicity and embryotoxicity of organic compounds associated with urban air particulate matter (PM10).
Fundamental and Molecular Mechanism of Mutagenesis. Mutation Research, 483 [1] Supplement 1 (2001).
[International Conference on Environmental Mutagens /8./. Shizuoka ( JP), 01.10.21-01.10.26 (WRD)]
[Impact factor:1.727(91) 1.960(92) 1.868(93) 1.975(94) 2.065(95) 2.060(96) 1.754(97) 2.067(98) 2.107(99) 2.148(00) 2.545(01) 3,158(02) 3.433(03) ]

084572 - UEM-P 20010132 BE eng A
Biroš, E. - Biroš, I. - Kohout, A. - Kalina, I. - Bogyiova, E. - Stubna, J.
The P53 Codon 72 SNP and Lung Cancer.
In: Annual Meeting of the European Environmental Mutagen Society Abstracts. - Ghent, organising comittee 2001. - S. -.
[Annual Meeting of the European Environmental Mutagen Society /31./. Ghent (BE), 01.09.01-01.09.05 (WRD)]

084470 - UEM-P 20010028 RIV GR eng J
Bobkov, K. - Gut, I. - Mandys, V. - Holý, A. - Votruba, I. - Otová, B.
Antitumor Activity of a Combined Treatment with PMEDAP and Docetaxel in the Prague Inbred Sprague-Dawley/Cub Rat Strain Bearing T-cell Lymphoma.
Anticancer Research, 21, [-] 2725-2732 (2001).
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) NL5423; GA ČR(CZ) GV203/96/K001; GA MZd(CZ) NL6715
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906
[Impact factor:1.041(92) 1.041(93) 1.066(94) 0.926(95) 1.049(96) 1.045(97) 1.236(98) 1.375(99) 1.331(00) 1.416(01) 1,447(02) 1.347(03) ]

078595 - UMG-J 20010284 CA eng A
Boubelík, M. - Pěknicová, J. - Kyselová, V. - Buckiová, D.
Multigeneration study - effect of the selected compounds on the mouse fertility.
In: 2nd International Conference on Male-Mediated Development Toxicity. - Montreal, - 2001. - S. 27.
[International Conference on Male-Mediated Development Toxicity /2./. Montreal (CA), 01.06.20-01.06.23]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA303/00/1651; GA MZd(CZ) NJ5851

084554 - UEM-P 20010114 DE eng A
Brichová, H. - Šimonová, Z. - Syková, E.
Morphology of aging in hippocampus.
In: Verhandlungen der Anatomischen Gesellschaft. - Cambridge, AG 2001. - S. 154.
[Verhandlungen der Anatomischen Gesellschaft. Lübeck (DE), 01.05.02-01.05.03 (WRD)]

084555 - UEM-P 20010115 DE eng A
Brichová, H. - Šimonová, Z. - Syková, E.
Ageing changes in rat hippocampus morphology.
In: Verhandlungen der Anatomischen Gesellschaft. - Cambridge, AG 2001. - S. 154.
[Verhandlungen der Anatomischen Gesellschaft. Lübeck (DE), 01.05.02-01.05.03 (WRD)]

084499 - UEM-P 20010060 RIV NL eng M
Buckiová, D. - Glogarová, K. - Lišková, J.
Splotch and Domitogenesis.
In: The Origin and Fate of Somites. - (Ed. Sanders, E. J.; Lash, J. W.; Ordhahl, CH. P.). - Amsterdam, IOS Press 2001. - S. 211-219.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA304/99/0680
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906

084552 - UEM-P 20010112 RIV CZ eng C
Buckiová, D. - Kofroňová, O. - Jelínek, R.
Development of right-left asymmetry in the chick embryo.
In: Sborník lékařský. - Praha, Praha Karolínum 2001. - S. 303.
[Sjezd České anatomické společnosti s mezinárodní účastí /39./. Praha (CZ), 00.09.10-00.09.12 (WRD)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906

084563 - UEM-P 20010123 HU eng A
Buckiová, D. - Kyselová, V. - Pěknicová, J. - Boubelík, M.
Low doses bisphenol A (BPA) affect fertility in CD 1 mice.
Reproductive Toxicology. Official Journal of the European Teratology Society, 15, [-] 459 (2001).
[European Teratology Society /29./. Balatonfured (HU), 01.09.02-01.09.05 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA303/00/1651
[Impact factor:0.859(92) 0.793(93) 0.908(94) 1.194(95) 1.157(96) 0.829(97) 1.047(98) 1.277(99) 1.347(00) 1.697(01) 1,750(02) 1.868(03) ]

084519 - UEM-P 20010079 FR eng A
Cam, Y. - Fausser, J. L. - Peterková, R. - Halasková, M. - Lesot, H.
Spatial adjustment of the upper and lower molars during mouse prenatal development.
In: TMD 2001. - La Londe-les-Maures, organising comittee 2001. - S. P-80.
[Seventh International Conference on Tooth Morphogenesis and Differentiation. La Londe-les-Maures (FR), 01.06.16-01.06.21 (WRD)]

084597 - UEM-P 20010157 CZ cze D
Chvátal, A.
Membránové vlastnosti gliových buněk a jejich úloha v iontové a objemové homeostáze CNS. Ústav experimentální medicíny AV ČR, Ústav experimentální medicíny AV ČR 106 s.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA305/99/0655; GA ČR(CZ) GA305/02/1528
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906

084549 - UEM-P 20010109 AR eng A
Chvátal, A. - Anděrová, M. - Syková, E.
A mathematical analysis reveals smaller extracellular space around oligodendrocytes than around astrocytes in the rat spinal cord slice.
In: International Sosiety for Neurochemistry and the American Society for Neurochemistry. - Buenos Aires, ISN 2001. - S. 10794.
[ISN/ASN Meeting. Buenos Aires (AR), 01.08.26-01.08.31 (WRD)]

084562 - UEM-P 20010122 AU eng A
Chvátal, A. - Anděrová, M. - Syková, E.
Changes in extracellular space volume around glial cells during osmotic stress in situ revealed by a methematical analysis.
In: Proceedings, IUPS Congress Sattelite Symposium "Molecular Mechanisms in Cell Volume Regulation". - Queenstown, organizer 2001. - S. -.
[Molecular Mechanisms in Cell Volume Regulation. Queenstown (AU), 01.08.22-01.08.24 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/99/0657; GA ČR(CZ) GA305/99/0655

084445 - UEM-P 20010003 RIV IE eng J
Chvátal, A. - Anděrová, M. - Žiak, D. - Orkand, R. K. - Syková, E.
Membrane currents and morphhological properties oof neurons and glial cells in the spinal cord and filum terminale of the frog.
Neuroscience Research, 40, [-] 23-35 (2001).
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) LN00A065; GA ČR(CZ) GA309/99/0657; GA ČR(CZ) GA305/99/0655
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906
[Impact factor:1.490(91) 1.978(92) 2.059(93) 2.141(94) 2.165(95) 2.102(96) 1.523(97) 1.775(98) 1.726(99) 1.807(00) 1.770(01) 1,812(02) 2.200(03) ]

084452 - UEM-P 20010010 RIV CZ cze J
Chvátal, A. - Syková, E.
Membránové vlastnosti neuronů, gliových a kmenových buněk v centrálním nervovém systému.
Bulletin HPB. Supplement, 1 [9] 37-40 (2001).
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) LN00A065; GA ČR(CZ) GA305/99/0655; GA ČR(CZ) GA309/99/0657
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906

084546 - UEM-P 20010106 IT eng A
Chvátal, A. - Syková, E.
Glial membrane K+ currents and extracellular space volume in rat brain slices.
In: Neurobiology in Eastern and Western Europe. - Trieste, SISSA 2001. - S. -.
[Neurobiology in Eastern and Western Europe. Trieste (IT), 01.12.01-01.12.04 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/99/0657; GA ČR(CZ) GA305/99/0655

084514 - UEM-P 20010074 US eng A
Čejková, J.
The Healing of Dermal Wounds and Plasminogen Activator of Urokinase Type and Plasmin in Wound Fluids.
In: Burn & Wound Care Symposium. - Hawaii, American Burn Association 2001. - S. -.
[Burn & Wound Care Symposium. Maui (US), 01.02.19-01.02.23 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV307/96/K226; GA ČR(CZ) GA304/01/1635

084515 - UEM-P 20010075 US eng A
Čejková, J.
Contact Lens Wear and Protease Acid beta-galactosidase Activites in the Tear Fluid.
In: Symposium on the Material Science and Chemistry of Contact Lenses. - New Orleans, LSU Eye Center 2001. - S. 4.
[Symposium on the Material Science and Chemistry of Contact Lenses /12./. New Orleans (US), 01.07.18-01.07.20 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV307/96/K226; GA ČR(CZ) GA304/00/1634

084522 - UEM-P 20010082 ES eng A
Čejková, J.
Prolonged contact lens wear evokes the oxidant/antioxidant imbalance in the corneal epithelium.
Ophthalmic Research, 33 [Supplement 1] 36 (2001).
[EVER 2002. Alicante (ES), 01.10.10-01.10.13 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV307/96/K226; GA ČR(CZ) GA304/00/1634
[Impact factor:0.393(91) 0.718(92) 0.482(93) 0.588(94) 0.496(95) 0.400(96) 0.627(97) 0.799(98) 1.257(99) 0.773(00) 0.934(01) 0,933(02) 0.975(03) ]

084521 - UEM-P 20010081 US eng A
Čejková, J. - Filipec, M. - Ardan, T.
The xanthine oxidoreductase/xanthine oxidase in human cornea.
Investigative Ophtlmology Visual Science, 42 [4] S589 (2001).
[Annual Meeting. Fort Laurdeldade (US), 01.04.29-01.05.04 (WRD)]
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) NG16; GA ČR(CZ) GA304/00/1635; GA ČR(CZ) GV307/96/K226
[Impact factor:3.639(92) 3.555(93) 3.934(94) 4.019(95) 4.883(96) 5.250(97) 4.887(98) 4.858(99) 4.373(00) 4.172(01) 4,091(02) 4.148(03) ]

084467 - UEM-P 20010025 RIV ES eng J
Čejková, J. - Štípek, S. - Crkovská, J. - Ardan, T. - Midelfart, A.
Reactive oxygen species (ROS)-generating oxidases in the normal rabbit cornea and their involvement in the corneal damage evoked by UVB rays.
Histology and Histopathology, 16, [-] 523-533 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV307/96/K226; GA ČR(CZ) GA304/00/1635; GA MZd(CZ) NG16
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906
[Impact factor: 1.005(96) 1.028(97) 1.601(99) 1.553(00) 1.859(01) 1,881(02) 1.830(03) ]

084581 - UEM-P 20010141 DE eng A
Dejmek, J. - Solanský, I. - Podrazilová, K. - Šrám, R.
Exposure of Nonsmoking and smoking women to Environmental Tobacco Smoke and Birthweight.
Epidemiology, 12 [4] - (2001).
[Conference of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology /13./. Garmisch-Partenkirchen (DE), 01.09.02-01.09.05 ( WRD)]
Grant: GA MŽP(CZ) SI/340/2/00
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.000(93) 1.872(94) 2.167(95) 2.296(96) 2.991(97) 3.058(98) 3.377(99) 3.632(00) 3.359(01) 3,962(02) 4.220(03) ]

084448 - UEM-P 20010006 RIV DK eng J
Dezortová, M. - Hájek, M. - Tintěra, J. - Hejcmanová, L. - Syková, E.
MR in phenylketonuria-related brain lesions.
Acta Radiologica, 42, [-] 459-466 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV309/97/K048; GA ČR(CZ) GA309/99/0657; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96130
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906
[Impact factor: 1.096(99) 0.785(00) 0.914(01) 0,883(02) 1.096(03) ]

084475 - UEM-P 20010058 RIV CA eng J
Dostál, M. - Giguére, Y. - Fait, T. - Živný, J. - Šrám, R.
The distribution of major lymphocyte subsets in cord blood is associated with its pH.
Clinical Biochemistry, 34, [-] 119-124 (2001).
Grant: GA MŽP(CZ) SI/340/1/97
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906
[Impact factor: 1.436(99) 1.327(00) 1.516(01) 1,724(02) 1.825(03) ]

084494 - UEM-P 20010052 RIV CZ cze J
Dostál, M. - Hertz-Picciotto, I. - James, R. - Keller, J. - Dejmek, J. - Selevan, S. - Kotěšovec, F. - Nožička, J. - Gomez-Caminero, A. - Wegienka, G. - Šrám, R.
Znečištěné ovzduší a nemocnost dětí.
Časopis lékařů českých, 140 [17] 529-532 (2001).
Grant: GA MŽP(XC) SI/340/1/1997; EU(XC) PHARE II; EU(XC) EC/HEA-18-CZ
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906

084495 - UEM-P 20010053 RIV CZ eng J
Dostál, M. - Hertz-Picciotto, I. - James, R. - Keller, J. - Dejmek, J. - Selevan, S. - Kotěšovec, F. - Nožička, J. - Gomez-Caminero, A. - Wegienka, G. - Šrám, R.
Childhood morbidity and air pollution in the Teplice Program.
Časopis lékařů českých, 140 [21] 658-661 (2001).
Grant: GA MŽP(XC) SI/340/1/1997; EU(XC) PHARE II; EU(XC) EC/HEA-18-CZ
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906

084461 - UEM-P 20010019 RIV DK eng J
Dostálová, S. - Šonka, K. - Šmahel, Z. - Weiss, V. - Marek, J. - Hořínek, D.
Craniofacial abnormalities and their relevance for sleep apnoea syndrome aetiopathogenesis in acromegaly.
European Journal of Endocrinology, 144, [-] 491-497 (2001).
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) IZ3575
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906
[Impact factor: 2.421(99) 2.315(00) 2.133(01) 2,560(02) 2.941(03) ]

084471 - UEM-P 20010029 RIV GB eng J
Druga, R. - Syka, J.
Effect of auditory cortex lesions on NADPH-diaphorase staining in the inferior colliculus of rat.
NeuroReport, 12 [8] 1555-1559 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/97/0830; GA MZd(CZ) NK4747
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 2.277(93) 3.079(94) 2.570(95) 2.487(96) 2.262(97) 2.591(98) 2.682(99) 2.696(00) 2.374(01) 2,265(02) 2.503(03) ]

084492 - UEM-P 20010050 RIV DE eng J
Dušek, Z. - Holejšovská, I. - Novotná, B. - Zemanová, Z.
Embryotoxicity of 1,2-Dibromoethane in chick embryos in ovo: early and late effects.
European Journal of Morphology, 39 [2] 105-112 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA304/98/1613
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906
[Impact factor: 0.477(95) 0.348(96) 0.265(97) 0.568(98) 0.405(99) 0.850(00) 0.622(01) 0,342(02) ]

084457 - UEM-P 20010015 RIV US eng J
Dušková, M. - Kozák, J. - Mazánek, J. - Šmahel, Z. - Vohradník, M.
Bioceramics as an Option in Correction of Facial Skeleton Deformities.
Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, 11 [5] 470-479 (2001).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906
[Impact factor: 0.845(99) 0.541(00) 0.623(01) 0,691(02) 0.733(03) ]

084530 - UEM-P 20010090 RIV CZ eng G
Fiala, J. - Antonova, T. - Voříšek, I. - Syková, E.
Alterated diffusion parameters in the brain with kaolin-induced hydrocephalus. Prague, Organising Committee 2001. - 148 s.
[Fourth Conference of the Czech Neuroscience Society. Prague (CZ), 01.10.26-01.10.27 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/00/1430; GA ČR(CZ) GV309/97/K048; GA ČR(CZ) GA309/99/0657
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906

084451 - UEM-P 20010009 RIV CZ cze J
Fulka Jr., J. - Syková, E. - Mrázek, M. - Teplá, O. - Krylov, V. - Kopská, T. - Mrkvan, T. - Křen, R. - Motlík, J.
Buněčná terapie na úrovni samičích a samčích pohlavních buněk.
Bulletin HPB. Supplement, 1 [9] 10-14 (2001).
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) LN00A065
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906

084476 - UEM-P 20010033 RIV GR eng J
Georgiadis, P. - Stoikidou, M. - Topinka, J. - Kaila, S. - Gioka, M. - Katsouyanni, K. - Šrám, R. - Kyrtopoulos, S. A.
Personal exposures to PM2.5 and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their relationship to environmental tobacco smoke at two locations in Greece.
Journal of Exposure Analysis aand Environmental Epidemiology, 11, [-] 169-183 (2001).
Grant: GA MŽP(CZ) SI/340/2/00; EU(XC) ENV4V-CT96-0203; EU(XC) IC20CT960063
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906
[Impact factor: 0.853(99) 1.489(00) 1.446(01) 1,715(02) 1.263(03) ]

084478 - UEM-P 20010035 RIV GB eng J
Georgiadis, P. - Topinka, J. - Stoikidou, M. - Kaila, S. - Gioka, M. - Katsouyanni, K. - Šrám, R. - Autrup, H. - Kyrtopoulos, S. A.
Biomarkers of genotoxicity of air pollution (the AULIS project): bulky DNA adducts in subjects with moderate to low exposures to airborne polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their relationship to environmental tobycco smoke and other parameters.
Carcinogenesis, 22 [9] 1447-1457 (2001).
Grant: GA MŽP(CZ) SI/340/2/00; EU(XC) ENV4V-CT96-0203; EU(XC) IC20CT960063
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906
[Impact factor:2.820(91) 2.984(92) 2.762(93) 2.904(94) 3.153(95) 3.508(96) 3.336(97) 3.397(98) 4.118(99) 4.031(00) 4.543(01) 5,405(02) 4.663(03) ]

084557 - UEM-P 20010117 US eng A
Glogarová, K. - Buckiová, D.
Defective sialylation in Sp2H mutant embryos.
Teratology, 63 [6] 248 (2001).
[Annual Meeting /41./. Montreal (CA), 01.06.23-01.06.28 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA304/99/0680
[Impact factor: 2.028(99) 1.600(00) 1.731(01) 1,981(02) 2.013(03) ]

084523 - UEM-P 20010083 US eng A
Glogarová, K. - Děd, L. - Tichý, V. - Buckiová, D.
Antiproliferative effect of trans-resveratrol in micromass cell cultures.
Reproductive Toxicology, 15, [-] 461 (2001).
[European Teratology Society /29./. Balatonfured (HU), 01.09.02-01.09.05 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA525/99/1338
[Impact factor:0.859(92) 0.793(93) 0.908(94) 1.194(95) 1.157(96) 0.829(97) 1.047(98) 1.277(99) 1.347(00) 1.697(01) 1,750(02) 1.868(03) ]

084564 - UEM-P 20010124 US eng A
Grandi, P. - Elstov, M. - Nielsen, I. - Raška, I.
DNA double-strand breaks induce formation of RP-A/Ku foci on in vitro reconstituted Xenopus sperm nuclei.
In: FASEB Summer Conference on Nuclear Structure and Cancer. - Saxtons River, organising comittee 2001. - S. -.
[FASEB Summer Conference on Nuclear Structure and Cancer. Saxtons River (US), 01.08.11-01.08.16 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA302/99/0587; GA ČR(CZ) GA304/00/1481; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96129
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:MSM 111100003

084569 - UEM-P 20010129 CZ eng A
Grandi, P. - Elstov, M. - Nielsen, I. - Raška, I.
DNA double-strand breaks induce formation of RP-A/Ku foci on in vitro reconstituted Xenopus sperm nuclei.
In: Scientific Programme and Book of Abstrakts. - Hlohovec na Moravě, organizátor 2001. - S. 50.
[Conference on Biophysics of the Genome and Its Interactions. Hlohovec na Moravě (CZ), 01.10.15-01.10.17 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA302/99/0587; GA ČR(CZ) GA304/00/1481; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96129

084456 - UEM-P 20010014 RIV US eng J
Grandi, P. - Eltsov, M. - Nielsen, I. - Raška, I.
DNA double-strand breaks induce formation of RP-A/Ku foci on in vitro reconstituted Xenopus sperm nuclei.
Journal of cell Science, 114 [18] 3345-3357 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA302/99/0587; GA ČR(CZ) GA304/00/1481
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906
[Impact factor:3.293(91) 3.593(92) 3.432(93) 4.336(94) 4.827(95) 4.935(96) 5.081(97) 5.453(98) 6.044(99) 5.996(00) 6.213(01) 6,954(02) 7.250(03) ]

084487 - UEM-P 20010045 RIV CZ cze J
Gut, I. - Milfajtová, J. - Patzelová, V. - Frantík, E. - Šarmanová, J. - Souček, P. - Vodička, P.
Úloha polymorfismu genotypu a fenotypu P450 2E1 a P450 2D6 v metabolismu a účincích léčiv a karcinogenů. 290 Pole of P450 2E1 and P450 2D6 genotype and phenotype polymorphism in metabolism and action of drugs and carcinogens.
Klinická onkologie, 14 [6] 193-196 (2001).
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) NL6715
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906

084574 - UEM-P 20010159 US eng A
Hertz-Piccioto, I. - Dostál, M. - James, R. A. - Gomez-Caminero, A. - Keller, J. - Dejmek, J. - Šrám, R. - Selevan, S.
Air Pollution in Relation to Immunologic Parameters Measured at Birth and to Children´s Morbidity.
In: Program and Abstracts. - Washington, organising comittee 2001. - S. -.
[Annual Conference 2001. Washington (US), 01.04.29-01.05.01 (WRD)]

084529 - UEM-P 20010089 RIV CZ eng G
Homola, A. - Vargová, L. - Zámečník, J. - Tichý, M. - Beneš, V. - Syková, E.
Extracellular space volume fraction and geometry in human cortex and glial tumors. Prague, Organising Committee 2001. - 148 s.
[Fourth Conference of the Czech Neuroscience Society. Prague (CZ), 01.10.26-01.10.27 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/99/0657; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96130; GA ČR(CZ) GA309/00/1430
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906

084512 - UEM-P 20010071 RIV CZ cze J
Housa, D. - Mandys, V.
Časný karcinom žaludku.
Praktický lékař, 81 [4] 204-208 (2001).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906

084595 - UEM-P 20010155 CZ cze D
Hozák, P.
Funkční mikroarchitektura buněčného jádra. Praha 4 - Vídeňská 1083, Ústav experimentální medicíny AV ČR 62 s.
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5039701; GA ČR(CZ) GA304/98/1035
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906

084582 - UEM-P 20010142 DE eng A
James, R. - Hertz-Picciotto, I. - Dostál, M. - Keller, J. - Nožička, J. - Kotěšovec, F. - Dejmek, J. - Šrám, R.
The effect of air pollution on respirratory morbidity ddduring the first three years of line in the Czech republic.
Epidemiology, 12 [4] - (2001).
[Conference of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology /13./. Garmisch-Partenkirchen (DE), 01.09.02-01.09.05 ( WRD)]
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.000(93) 1.872(94) 2.167(95) 2.296(96) 2.991(97) 3.058(98) 3.377(99) 3.632(00) 3.359(01) 3,962(02) 4.220(03) ]

084542 - UEM-P 20010102 RIV CZ eng C
Janoutová, J. - Likovský, Z.
Nucleoli of naked megakaryocytic nuclei.
In: Sborník lékařský. - Praha, Praha Karolínum 2001. - S. 312.
[Sjezd České anatomické společnosti s mezinárodní účastí /39./. Praha (CZ), 00.09.10-00.09.12 (WRD)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906

084466 - UEM-P 20010024 RIV CZ eng J
Janoutová, J. - Likovský, Z. - Smetana, K.
Satellite Nucleoli in the Megakaryocytic Lineage of Rats.
Physiological Research, 50, [-] 113-117 (2001).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906
[Impact factor: 0.588(95) 0.526(96) 0.807(97) 0.616(98) 0.521(99) 1.366(00) 1.027(01) 0,984(02) 0.939(03) ]

084539 - UEM-P 20010099 US eng A
Jendelová, P. - Lesný, P. - DeCroos, J. - Přádný, M. - Syková, E.
Are polymer hydrogels suitable for nervous tissue repair and stem cell transplantation?
Brain Research, 132 [1] A44 (2001).
[Stem Cells in the Mammalian Brain. San Diego (US), 01.11.08-01.11.10 (WRD)]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) LN00A065
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:MSM 111300004
[Impact factor:2.364(91) 2.322(92) 2.177(93) 2.207(94) 2.246(95) 1.911(96) 1.823(97) 1.695(98) 1.535(99) 1.827(00) 1.662(01) 1,562(02) 1.914(03) ]

084537 - UEM-P 20010097 ES eng A
Jendelová, P. - Vargová, L. - Syková, E.
Glutamate-evoked changes in extracellular space volume and geometry in the isolated rat spinal cord.
In: Changing Views of Cajal´s Neuron. - Madrid, CSIC 2001. - S. -.
[Changing Views of Cajal´s Neuron. Madrid (ES), 01.05.25-01.05.27 ( WRD)]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) LN00A065; GA ČR(CZ) GA309/00/1430
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:MSM 111300004

084462 - UEM-P 20010020 RIV SK eng J
Klepáček, I. - Jirsa, M. - Peterka, M.
Embryotoxicity of TPPS4 and PS 3 photosensitizers in chicken embryo under different light conditions.
Neoplasma, 48 [3] 214-220 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA312/96/0518
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906; CEZ:MSM 111100005
[Impact factor:0.375(91) 0.366(92) 0.352(93) 0.354(94) 0.418(95) 0.420(96) 0.385(97) 0.657(98) 0.448(99) 0.579(00) 0.637(01) 0,679(02) 0.782(03) ]

084568 - UEM-P 20010128 CZ eng A
Koberna, K. - Pliss, A. - Malínský, J. - Mašata, M. - Večeřová, J. - Dudnik, O. - Raška, I.
In Situ Visualization of the rDNA Replication and Transcription Sites and Fibrillarin Domains Depicts Dynamic Changes in the Nucleolar Organization.
In: Cells III. - České Budějovice, organizátor 2001. - S. -.
[Cells III. České Budějovice (CZ), 01.09.17-01.09.19 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA302/99/0587; GA ČR(CZ) GA304/00/1481; GA ČR(CZ) GA304/01/0729; GA ČR(CZ) GA304/00/D035; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96129; GA AV ČR (CZ) IAA5039103

084565 - UEM-P 20010125 FR eng A
Koberna, K. - Pliss, A. - Staněk, D. - Malínský, J. - Mašata, M. - Večeřová, J. - Dudnik, O. - Raška, I.
Functional Organization of the Nucleolus.
In: Wilhelm Bernard´s Workshop on the Cell Nucleus. - Arcachon, organising comittee 2001. - S. -.
[Wilhelm Bernard´s Workshop on the Cell Nucleus /17./. Arcachon (FR) , 01.09.01-01.09.05 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA302/99/0587; GA ČR(CZ) GA304/00/1481; GA ČR(CZ) GA304/01/0729; GA ČR(CZ) GP304/00/DO35; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96129; GA AV ČR (CZ) IAA5039103
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:MSM 111100003

084489 - UEM-P 20010047 RIV US eng J
Koskinen, M. - Vodička, P. - Hemminki, K.
Identification of 1-adenine DNA adducts in workers occupationally exposed to styrene.
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 43, [-] 694-700 (2001).
[Impact factor: 1.477(99) 1.251(00) 1.452(01) 1,811(02) 1.472(03) ]

084497 - UEM-P 20010055 RIV GB eng J
Koskinen, M. - Vodička, P. - Vodičková, L. - Hemminki, K.
32P-Postlabelling/HPLC analysis of various styrene-induced DNA adducts in mice.
Biomarkers, 6 [3] 175-189 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA313/99/1460; GA-(EU) QLK4-1999-01368
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906
[Impact factor: 0.000(96) 1.303(97) 1.554(98) 1.427(99) 0.987(00) 1.118(01) 0,929(02) 1.605(03) ]

084498 - UEM-P 20010056 RIV IE eng J
Koskinen, M. - Vodičková, L. - Vodička, P. - Warner, S. C. - Hemminki, K.
Kinetics of formation of specific styrene oxide adducts in double-stranded DNA.
Chemico-Biological Interactions, 138 [2] 111-124 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA313/99/1460; EU(XC) QLK4-1999-01368
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906
[Impact factor: 1.887(99) 1.707(00) 1.706(01) 1,261(02) 1.558(03) ]

083623 - FGU-C 20010187 RIV CZ cze T
Kotyk, A. - Bouzek, B. - Hozák, P.
Základy buněčné biologie.
Orig.: Essential cell biology. - New York, 1998. 630 s. Ústí nad Labem, Espero Publishing 2001. - 766 s.

073683 - UEM-P 20003036 RIV US eng J
Kubinová, Š. - Vargová, L. - Tao, L. - Ulbrich, K. - Šubr, V. - Syková, E. - Nicholson, C.
Poly [N-(2hydroxypropyl) methacrylamide] Polymers Diffuse in Brain Extracellular Space with Same Tortuosity as Small Molecules.
Biophysical Journal, 80, [-] 542-548 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV307/96/K226; GA ČR(CZ) GA305/99/0655; GA ČR(CZ) GA309/99/0657; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96130
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906
[Impact factor:4.668(91) 4.945(92) 4.385(93) 4.247(94) 4.325(95) 4.713(96) 4.332(97) 4.524(98) 4.580(99) 4.462(00) 4.636(01) 4,643(02) 4.463(03) ]

084488 - UEM-P 20010046 RIV SK eng J
Kuricová, M. - Jahnová, E. - Dušinská, M. - Lišková, A. - Tukinská, J. - Vodička, P. - Sulcová, M. - Fuortes, L.
Immune markers in biological monitoring of occupationally exposed workers.
Biologia, 56 [3] 293-296 (2001).
[Impact factor:0.050(91) 0.050(92) 0.038(93) 0.043(94) 0.079(95) 0.110(96) 0.283(97) 0.194(98) 0.220(99) 0.165(00) 0.208(01) 0,169(02) 0.183(03) ]

084505 - UEM-P 20010064 RIV CZ eng G
Kvašňák, E. - Šuta, D. - Popelář, J. - Syka, J.
Functional characteristics of neurons in the auditory thalamus. Prague, Organising Committee 2001. - 148 s.
[Fourth Conference of the Czech Neuroscience Society. Prague (CZ), 01.10.26-01.10.27 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/01/1063
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906

084474 - UEM-P 20010031 RIV NL eng J
Kyrtopoulos, S. A. - Georgiadis, P. - Autrup, H. - Demopoulos, N. - Farmer, P. - Haugen, A. - Katsouyanni, K. - Lambert, B. - Ovrebo, S. - Šrám, R. - Stefanou, G. - Topinka, J.
Biomarkers of genotoxicity of urban air pollution Overview and descriptive data from a molecular epidemiology study on populations exposed to moderate-to-low levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: the AULIS project.
Mutation Research Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis , 496, [-] 207-228 (2001).
Grant: GA MŽP(CZ) SI/340/2/00; EU(XC) ENV4V-CT96-0203; EU(XC) IC20CT960063
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906
[Impact factor: 1.506(00) 1.624(01) 1,636(02) 1.748(03) ]

078597 - UMG-J 20010286 CZ eng A
Kyselová, V. - Pěknicová, J. - Buckiová, D. - Boubelík, M.
Effect of endocrine disruptors on in vivo fertility.
In: 7th Symposium of Czech Reproductive Immunologists with International Participation. - Praha, - 2001. - S. -.
[Symposium of Czech Reproductive Immunologists with International Participation /7./. Žďár nad Sázavou (CZ), 01.05.24-01.05.27]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV524/96/K162; GA ČR(CZ) GA303/00/1651; GA MZd(CZ) NJ5851; GA MŠk(CZ) EU1985
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5052915

084525 - UEM-P 20010085 RIV CZ eng G
Lesný, P. - DeCroos, J. - Přádný, M. - Vacík, J. - Syková, E.
Biocompatible polymer hydrogels usable for nervous tissue regeneration. Prague, Organising Committee 2001. - 148 s.
[Fourth Conference of the Czech Neuroscience Society. Prague (CZ), 01.10.26-01.10.27 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV309/97/K048; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96130
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906

084536 - UEM-P 20010096 ES eng A
Lesný, P. - Munzar, P. - Homola, A. - Syková, E. - Vacík, J. - Přádný, M.
Different polymer hydrogels usable for tissue repair and axonal regeneration in spinal cord.
In: Changing Views of Cajal´s Neuron. - Madrid, CSIC 2001. - S. -.
[Changing Views of Cajal´s Neuron. Madrid (ES), 01.05.25-01.05.27 ( WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/00/1430; GA MŠk(CZ) LN00A065
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:MSM 111300004

084516 - UEM-P 20010076 FR eng A
Lesot, H. - Fausser, J. L. - Kieffer-Combeau, S. - Coin, R. - Meyer, J. M. - Peterková, R. - Peterka, M. - Ruch, J. V.
Epithelial histo-morphogenesis during mouse tooth development.
In: TMD 2001. - La Londe-les-Maures, organising comittee 2001. - S. 0-16.
[Seventh International Conference on Tooth Morphogenesis and Differentiation. La Londe-les-Maures (FR), 01.06.16-01.06.21 (WRD)]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) OC B8.10

084520 - UEM-P 20010080 FR eng A
Lisi, S. - Peterková, R. - Čermáková, P. - Peterka, M. - Lesot, H.
Pattern of odontoblast differentiation in lower molars of Tabby mutant mice.
In: TMD 2001. - La Londe-les-Maures, organising comittee 2001. - S. P-115.
[Seventh International Conference on Tooth Morphogenesis and Differentiation. La Londe-les-Maures (FR), 01.06.16-01.06.21 (WRD)]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) OC B8.10

109306 - UEM-P 20043005 RIV US eng J
Lisi, S. - Peterková, R. - Kristenová, P. - Vonesch, J. L. - Peterka, M. - Mitolo, V. - Lesot, H.
Crown morphology and pattern of odontoblast differentiation in lower molars of Tabby mice.
Journal of Dental Research, 80 [11] 1980-1983 (2001).
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) OC B8.10; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7039901
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906
[Impact factor:2.971(91) 3.019(92) 2.802(93) 3.051(94) 3.810(95) 3.867(96) 3.459(97) 4.060(98) 4.556(99) 4.438(00) 3.350(01) 2,956(02) 2.702(03) ]

084541 - UEM-P 20010101 RIV CZ eng C
Lišková, J. - Glogarová, K. - Buckiová, D.
Abnormal skeletogenesis occurs in the Splotch (Sp2H) Mutant.
In: Sborník lékařský. - Praha, Praha Karolínum 2001. - S. 316098 0036-5327.
[Sjezd České anatomické společnosti s mezinárodní účastí /39./. Praha (CZ), 00.09.10-00.09.12 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA304/99/0680
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906

084513 - UEM-P 20010073 RIV CZ cze J
Lukáš, K. - Mandys, V. - Mareček, P. - Vernerová, Z. - Šmejkalová, K.
Výskyt "žaludeční karditidy" u pacientů se symptomy refluxní choroby jícnu.
Česká a slovenská Gastroenterologie a Hepatologie, 55 [3] 92-98 (2001).
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) NK4729
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906

084590 - UEM-P 20010150 JP eng A
Machala, M. - Vondráček, J. - Bláha, L. - Neča, J. - Ciganek, M. - Šrám, R. - Holoubek, I.
Mutagenic and nongenotoxic benzo[a]pyrene equivalency concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in river sediments and urban airborne particles.
Fundamental and Molecular Mechanism of Mutagenesis. Mutation Research, 483 [1] Supplement 1 (2001).
[International Conference on Environmental Mutagens /8./. Shizuoka ( JP), 01.10.21-01.10.26 (WRD)]
[Impact factor:1.727(91) 1.960(92) 1.868(93) 1.975(94) 2.065(95) 2.060(96) 1.754(97) 2.067(98) 2.107(99) 2.148(00) 2.545(01) 3,158(02) 3.433(03) ]

079405 - BFU-R 20013091 NL eng A
Machala, M. - Vondráček, J. - Bláha, L. - Neča, J. - Ciganek, M. - Šrám, R. - Holoubek, I.
Mutagenic and nongenotoxic benzo[a]pyrene equivalency concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in river sediments and urban airborne particles.
Mutation Research. Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, 483 [Suppl.1] S76 (2001).
[International Conference on Environmental Mutagens /8./. Shizuoka ( JP), 01.10.21-01.10.26 (WRD)]
Grant: GA MZe(CZ) QC0194; GA MŽP(CZ) SI/340/2/00; GA MŽP(CZ) SI/340/1/00
[Impact factor:1.727(91) 1.960(92) 1.868(93) 1.975(94) 2.065(95) 2.060(96) 1.754(97) 2.067(98) 2.107(99) 2.148(00) 2.545(01) 3,158(02) 3.433(03) ]

084575 - UEM-P 20010135 ES eng A
Malínský, J. - Koberna, K. - Pliss, A. - Raška, I.
Visualization of Chromatin by High Resolution Confocal Microscopy.
In: Abstract Book. - Granada, organising comittee 2001. - S. 64.
[International Meeting of the European Tissue Culture Society /43./. Granada (ES), 01.09.30-01.11.03 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA302/99/0587; GA ČR(CZ) GA304/00/1481; GA ČR(CZ) GA304/01/0729; GA ČR(CZ) GA304/00/D035; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5039103

084455 - UEM-P 20010013 RIV GB eng J
Malínský, J. - Koberna, K. - Staněk, D. - Mašata, M. - Votruba, I. - Raška, I.
The supply of exogenous deoxyribonucleotides accelerates the speed of the replication fork in early S-phase.
Journal of cell science, 114 [4] 747-750 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA302/99/0587; GA ČR(CZ) GA304/00/1481; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96129
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906
[Impact factor:3.293(91) 3.593(92) 3.432(93) 4.336(94) 4.827(95) 4.935(96) 5.081(97) 5.453(98) 6.044(99) 5.996(00) 6.213(01) 6,954(02) 7.250(03) ]

084511 - UEM-P 20010070 RIV CZ cze J
Matěj, R. - Chlumská, A. - Mandys, V.
Epiteolidní hemangioendoteliom jater (kazuistika).
Česko-slovenská patologie, 37 [3] 108-113 (2001).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906

084531 - UEM-P 20010091 RIV CZ eng G
Mazel, T. - Antonova, T. - Meyer-Luhmann, M. - Staufenbiel, M. - Jucker, M. - Syková, E.
Extracellular space size and geometry in the brain of APP23 mice representing a model of Alzheimer´s disease. Prague, Organising Committee 2001. - 148 s.
[Fourth Conference of the Czech Neuroscience Society. Prague (CZ), 01.10.26-01.10.27 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/99/0657
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906

084543 - UEM-P 20010103 US eng A
Mazel, T. - Antonova, T. - Meyer-Lühmann, M. - Sturchler, C. - Staufenbiel, M. - Jucker, M. - Syková, E.
Extracellular space diffusion parameters are altered in the brain of the APP23 mouse model of Alzheimer´s disease.
In: 31st Annual Meeting in San Diego. - San Diego, organizer 2001. - S. -.
[Annual Meeting in San Diego /31./. San Diego (US), 01.11.10-01.11.15 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/99/0657; GA ČR(CZ) GV309/97/K048

084547 - UEM-P 20010107 US eng A
Mazel, T. - Antonova, T. - Meyer-Lühmann, M. - Staufenbiel, M. - Jucker, M. - Syková, E.
Changes in brain extracellular space volume fraction and tortuosity in the APP23 mouse model of Alzheimer´s disease.
In: Brain Aging. - San Diego, Elseviere 2001. - S. -.
[The 2nd Neurobiology of Aging Conference. San Diego (US), 01.11.08-01.11.10 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/99/0657

084503 - UEM-P 20010062 RIV CZ eng G
Mazelová, J. - Popelář, J. - Valvoda, J. - Syka, J.
Peripheral and central changes of the auditory system in the elderly. Prague, Organising Committee 2001. - 148 s.
[Fourth Conference of the Czech Neuroscience Society. Prague (CZ), 01.10.26-01.10.27 (WRD)]
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) NK4747
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906

084501 - UEM-P 20010059 FR eng A
Mazelová, J. - Popelář, J. - Valvoda, J. - Syka, J.
The contribution of different audiologic methods in understanding hearing problems of the aged.
In: European Federation of Audiology Societies. - Bordeaux, Société Francaise d´Audiologie 2001. - S. 191.
[EFAS congress /5./. Bordeaux (FR), 01.09.16-01.09.20 (WRD)]
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) NK4747

095615 - UEM-P 20023014 RIV GB eng M
Mazelová, J. - Valvoda, J. - Popelář, J. - Syka, J.
The influence of single exposure to amplified music on hearing of young listeners.
In: Noise induced hearing loss: basic mechanisms, prevention and control. - (Ed. Henderson, D.; Prasher, D.; Kopke, R.; Salvi, R.; Hamernik, R.). - London, Noise Research Network Publications 2001. - S. 365-375.
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) NK4747; GA MŽP(CZ) SI/340/2/99
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906

084453 - UEM-P 20010011 RIV US eng J
Melčák, I. - Melčáková, Š. - Kopský, V. - Večeřová, J. - Raška, I.
Prespliceosomal Assembly on Micoinjected Precursor mRNA Takes Place in Nuclear Speckles.
Molecular Biology of the Cell, 12, [-] 393-406 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA302/99/0587; GA ČR(CZ) GA304/00/1481; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96129
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 9.025(93) 10.195(94) 9.376(95) 9.915(96) 8.926(97) 8.256(98) 7.527(99) 8.482(00) 7.700(01) 7,599(02) 7.454(03) ]

084567 - UEM-P 20010127 CZ eng A
Melčák, I. - Melčáková, Š. - Kopský, V. - Večeřová, J. - Raška, I.
Cell biology of pre-mRNA splicing.
In: Cells III. - České Budějovice, organizátor 2001. - S. -.
[Cells III. České Budějovice (CZ), 01.09.17-01.09.19 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA302/99/0567; GA ČR(CZ) GA304/00/1481; GA ČR(CZ) GA304/01/0729; GA ČR(CZ) GA304/00/D035; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96129; GA AV ČR (CZ) IAA5039103

080364 - UZFG-Y 20010045 FR eng A
Míšek, I. - Witter, K. - Lesot, H. - Peterka, M. - Peterková, R. - Klima, M.
Comparative odontogenesis in terrestric an aquatic mammals.
In: Programme and Abstracts. - La Londe les Maures, COST 2001. - S. 68.
[International Conference on Tooth Morphogenesis and Differentiation /7./. La Londe les Maures (FR), 01.06.16-01.06.21 (WRD)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7039901

084491 - UEM-P 20010049 RIV DE eng J
Mosgoeller, W. - Schöfer, C. - Steiner, M. - Sylvester, J. E. - Hozák, P.
Arrangement of ribosomal genes in nucleolar domains revealed by detection of "Christmas tree" components.
Histochemistry and Cell Biology, 116, [-] 495-505 (2001).
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) ME 470
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906
[Impact factor: 0.000(95) 1.579(96) 1.730(97) 1.687(98) 2.367(99) 2.157(00) 2.477(01) 2,054(02) 2.581(03) ]

084551 - UEM-P 20010111 DE eng A
Náměstková, K. - Liščák, R. - Brožek, G. - Syková, E.
Dose-dependent sparing of hipposampal function in a spatial navigation test after bilateral gamma irradiation of the adult rat hippocampus.
In: 12th European Students´Conference at Charité for Medical Students and Young Doctors. - Berlin, Faculty of Medicine 2001. - S. 212.
[12th European Students´Conference at Charité. Berlin (DE), 01.11.21-01.11.25 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/99/0657; GA MZd(CZ) NF5161

084528 - UEM-P 20010088 RIV CZ eng G
Náměstková, K. - Liščák, R. - Herynek, V. - Burian, M. - Jirák, D. - Hájek, M. - Brožek, G. - Mareš, V. - Syková, E.
Learning, MRI and structural changes of the rat hippocampus 1 ro 12 months after irradiation with the leksell gamma knife. Prague, Organising Committee 2001. - 148 s.
[Fourth Conference of the Czech Neuroscience Society. Prague (CZ), 01.10.26-01.10.27 (WRD)]
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) NF5161
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906

084493 - UEM-P 20010051 RIV CZ cze J
Novotná, B. - Neuwirtová, R. - Blažková, V. - Šišková, M.
Kometový Test: Princip metody a klinické aplikace.
Časopis lékařů českých, 140 [24] 761-766 (2001).
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) IZ4119; GA VZP(XC) 021/97
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906

084504 - UEM-P 20010063 RIV CZ eng G
Nwabueze-Ogbo, F. - Druga, R. - Syka, J.
NADPH-d - positive neurons in the auditory cortex of young and very old rats. Prague, Organising Committee 2001. - 148 s.
[Fourth Conference of the Czech Neuroscience Society. Prague (CZ), 01.10.26-01.10.27 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/01/1063
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906

084548 - UEM-P 20010108 RIV CZ eng C
Nwabueze-Ogbo, F. - Druga, R. - Syka, J.
Morphology and distribution of nadph-diaphorase-positive neurons in the auditory cortex of the rat.
In: Sborník lékařský. - Praha, Praha Karolínum 2001. - S. 277.
[Sjezd České anatomické společnosti s mezinárodní účastí /39./. Praha (CZ), 00.09.10-00.09.12 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/97/0830; GA MZd(CZ) NK4747
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906

084560 - UEM-P 20010120 DE eng A
Olshausen, F. - Reum, T. - Mazel, T. - Voříšek, I. - Morgenstern, R. - Syková, E.
Extracellular space and diffusion properties in parkinsonian rats with dopaminergic grafts.
European Journal of Physiology, 441 [6] R265 (2001).
[Joint Congress of the Scandinavian and the German Physiological Societies. Berlin (DE), 01.03.10-01.03.13 (WRD)]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) VS96130

078594 - UMG-J 20010283 CZ eng A
Pěknicová, J. - Buckiová, D. - Kyselová, V. - Boubelík, M.
Effect of endocrine disruptors on the mouse sperm qualities /in vivo/ and on the viability and activation of MCF-7 cells /in vitro/.
In: 7th Symposium of Czech Reproductive Immunologists with International Participation. - Praha, - 2001. - S. -.
[Symposium of Czech Reproductive Immunologists with International Participation /7./. Žďár nad Sázavou (CZ), 01.05.24-01.05.27]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV524/96/K162; GA ČR(CZ) GA303/00/1651; GA MZd(CZ) NJ5851; GA MŠk(CZ) EU1985
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5052915

078596 - UMG-J 20010285 CA eng A
Pěknicová, J. - Chládek, D. - Kyselová, V. - Buckiová, D. - Teplá, O. - Boubelík, M.
Application of monoclonal antibodies against mammalian sperm proteins to ascertain the sperm quality.
In: 2nd International Conference on Male-Mediated Development Toxicity. - Montreal, - 2001. - S. 17.
[International Conference on Male-Mediated Development Toxicity /2./. Montreal (CA), 01.06.20-01.06.23]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV524/96/K162; GA ČR(CZ) GA303/00/1651; GA MZd(CZ) NJ5851; GA MŠk(CZ) EU1985
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5052915

078620 - UMG-J 20010309 RIV US eng J
Pěknicová, J. - Kubátová, A. - Sulimenko, V. - Dráberová, E. - Viklický, V. - Hozák, P. - Dráber, P.
Differential subcellular distribution of tubulin in boar spermatozoa: Recognition of class III beta-tubulin epitope in sperm tail.
Biology of Reproduction, 65 [3] 672-679 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV524/96/K162; GA ČR(CZ) GA204/98/1054; GA MZd(CZ) NJ5851
[Impact factor:3.257(92) 2.782(93) 2.666(94) 3.123(95) 3.222(96) 3.036(97) 3.327(98) 3.417(99) 3.605(00) 3.508(01) 3,689(02) 3.646(03) ]

078598 - UMG-J 20010287 DK eng A
Pěknicová, J. - Kyselová, V. - Buckiová, D. - Boubelík, M.
Effect of endocrine disruptors on mammalian fertility.
American Journal of Reproductive Immunology, 46 [1] 88 (2001).
[International Congress of Reproductive Immunology /8./. Opatija ( HR), 01.07.02-01.07.06]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV524/96/K162; GA ČR(CZ) GA303/00/1651; GA MZd(CZ) NJ5851; GA MŠk(CZ) EU1985
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5052915
[Impact factor:1.931(92) 1.253(93) 1.980(94) 1.707(95) 1.942(96) 1.858(97) 1.707(98) 2.448(99) 1.932(00) 2.020(01) 1,413(02) 2.088(03) ]

084463 - UEM-P 20010021 RIV US eng J
Peterka, M. - Klepáček, I.
Lihgt irradiation increases embryotoxicity of photodynamic therapy sensitizers (5-aminolevulinic acid and protoporphyrin IX) in chick ebryos.
Reproductive toxicology, 15, [-] 111-116 (2001).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906; CEZ:MSM 111100005
[Impact factor:0.859(92) 0.793(93) 0.908(94) 1.194(95) 1.157(96) 0.829(97) 1.047(98) 1.277(99) 1.347(00) 1.697(01) 1,750(02) 1.868(03) ]

084517 - UEM-P 20010077 FR eng A
Peterková, R. - Peterka, M. - Viriot, L. - Lesot, H.
Development of the rudimental tooth primordia as part of mouse odontogenesis.
In: TMD 2001. - La Londe-les-Maures, organising comittee 2001. - S. 0-51.
[Seventh International Conference on Tooth Morphogenesis and Differentiation. La Londe-les-Maures (FR), 01.06.16-01.06.21 (WRD)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA7039901; GA MŠk(CZ) OC B8.10

084482 - UEM-P 20010039 RIV US eng J
Philimonenko, V. - Flechon, J. E. - Hozák, P.
The Nucleoskeleton: A Permanent Structure of Cell Nuclei Regardless of Their Transcriptional Activity.
Experimental Cell Research, 264, [-] 201-210 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA304/98/1035; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5039701
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906
[Impact factor:2.527(91) 2.839(92) 2.907(93) 2.980(94) 3.525(95) 3.567(96) 3.056(97) 3.051(98) 3.256(99) 3.860(00) 5.096(01) 4,712(02) 3.949(03) ]

084576 - UEM-P 20010136 US eng A
Pliss, A. - Koberna, K. - Mašata, M. - Malínský, J. - Dudnik, O. - Večeřová, J. - Raška, I.
Functional organization of the nucleolus: The interplay between rRNA and rDNA synthesis activities.
In: FASEB Summer Conference on Nuclear Structure and Cancer. - Saxton River, organising comittee 2001. - S. -.
[FASEB Summer Conference on Nuclear Structure and Cancer. Saxton River (US), 01.08.11-01.08.16 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA302/99/0587; GA ČR(CZ) GA304/00/1481; GA ČR(CZ) GA304/01/0729; GA ČR(CZ) GA304/00/D035; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5039103

084468 - UEM-P 20010026 RIV GB eng J
Pock, L. - Petrovská, P. - Becvár, R. - Mandys, V. - Hercogová, J.
Verrucous form of chilblain lupus erythematosus.
JEADV, 15, [-] 448-451 (2001).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906
[Impact factor: 0.466(99) 0.675(00) 0.981(01) 1,021(02) 1.368(03) ]

084472 - UEM-P 20010030 RIV NL eng J
Popelář, J. - Erre, J. P. - Syka, J. - Aran, J. M.
Effects of contralateral acoustical stimulation on three measures of cochlear function in the guinea pig.
Hearing Research, 152, [-] 128-138 (2001).
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) NK4747
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906
[Impact factor:2.070(91) 1.792(92) 1.853(93) 1.174(94) 1.908(95) 1.641(96) 1.915(97) 1.598(98) 1.804(99) 1.753(00) 1.586(01) 1,969(02) 1.502(03) ]

084508 - UEM-P 20010067 RIV CZ eng G
Popelář, J. - Mazelová, J. - Syka, J.
Suppression of 2f1-f2 distortion product otoacoustic emissions by electrical stimulation of the inferior colliculus in guinea pigs. Prague, Organising Committee 2001. - 148 s.
[Fourth Conference of the Czech Neuroscience Society. Prague (CZ), 01.10.26-01.10.27 (WRD)]
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) NK4747
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906

095620 - UEM-P 20023132 RIV JP eng M
Raška, I.
Opportunities in molecular medicine, with an emphasis on the situation of young scientists.
In: Perspectives of Science in Central and Eastern Europe. - (Ed. Schiermeier, Q.; Ockenden, J.). - Ohmsha, IOS Press 2001. - S. 69-73.
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5039103
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906

084566 - UEM-P 20010126 CZ cze A
Raška, I. - Koberna, K. - Pliss, A. - Staněk, D. - Malínský, J. - Mašata, M. - Večeřová, J. - Dudnik, O.
Funkční organizace buněčného jádra: Mezihra mezi transkripčními a replikačními aktivitami rDNA v jadérku.
In: Sborník abstrakt XVI. biologické dny v Olomouci. - Olomouc, organizátor 2001. - S. -.
[Biolgické dny s názvem Aktální témata z buněčné a molekulární biologie /16./. Olomouc (CZ), 01.09.05-01.09.07 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA302/99/0587; GA ČR(CZ) GA304/00/1481; GA ČR(CZ) GA304/01/0729; GA ČR(CZ) GA304/00/P025; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5039103
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:MSM 111100003

078705 - UMG-J 20010393 RIV US eng J
Richterová, Z. - Liebl, D. - Horák, M. - Palková, Z. - Štokrová, J. - Hozák, P. - Korb, J. - Forstová, J.
Caveolae are involved in the trafficing of mouse polyomavirus virions and artificial VP1 pseudocapsids toward cell nuclei.
Journal of Virology, 75 [22] 10880-10891 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/00/0271; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96130; HHMI(US) 75195-540501
[Impact factor:5.696(92) 5.647(93) 6.254(94) 6.033(95) 6.194(96) 5.821(97) 5.828(98) 5.942(99) 5.930(00) 5.622(01) 5,241(02) 5.225(03) ]

084578 - UEM-P 20010138 BE eng A
Rössner ml., P. - Binková, B. - Šrám, R.
The Influence of Occupational Exposure to PAHs on the Expression of p53 and p21/WAF Proteins.
In: Annual Meeting of the European Environmental Mutagen Society Abstracts. - Ghent, organising comitee 2001. - S. -.
[Annual Meeting of the European Environmental Mutagen Society /31./. Ghent (BE), 01.09.01-01.09.05 (WRD)]
Grant: GA MŽP(CZ) SI/340/2/00; GA ČR(CZ) GA310/01/P030

084579 - UEM-P 20010139 BE eng A
Rössner ml., P. - Binková, B. - Šrám, R.
The Influence of Occupational Exposure to PAHs on the Expression of p53 and p21/WAF Proteins.
In: Annual Meeting of the European Environmental Mutagen Society Abstracts. - Ghent, organising comitee 2001. - S. -.
[Annual Meeting of the European Environmental Mutagen Society /31./. Ghent (BE), 01.09.01-01.09.05 (WRD)]
Grant: GA MŽP(CZ) SI/340/2/00; GA ČR(CZ) GA310/01/P030

084584 - UEM-P 20010144 US eng A
Rössner, P. - Šrám, R.
The Changes of Spontaneous Frequency of Chromosomal Aberrations in the 20 Years Period in the Czech Republic Population Groups.
In: International Symposium on Biological Monitoring in Occupational & Environmental Health. - Alberta, organising comittee 2001. - S. -.
[International Symposium on Biological Monitoring in Occupational & Environmental Health /5./. Alberta (US), 01.09.18-01.09.21 (WRD)]

084585 - UEM-P 20010145 US eng A
Rössner, P. - Šrám, R.
The Frequency of Chromosomal aberrations in the occupational exposed groups in the Czech Republic.
In: International Symposium on Biological Monitoring in Occupational & Environmental Health. - Alberta, Organising Committee 2001. - S. -.
[International Symposium on Biological Monitoring in Occupational & Environmental Health /5./. Alberta (US), 01.09.18-01.09.21 (WRD)]

084592 - UEM-P 20010152 JP eng A
Rubeš, J. - Vozdová, M. - Řezáčová, 0. - Robbins, W. - Perreault, S. - Wyrobek, A.
Stable variants of sperm aneuploidy among healthy men show associations between germinal and somatic aneuploidy.
Fundamental and Molecular Mechanism of Mutagenesis. Mutation Research, 483 [1] Supplement 1 (2001).
[International Conference on Environmental Mutagens /8./. Shizuoka ( JP), 01.10.21-01.10.26 (WRD)]
[Impact factor:1.727(91) 1.960(92) 1.868(93) 1.975(94) 2.065(95) 2.060(96) 1.754(97) 2.067(98) 2.107(99) 2.148(00) 2.545(01) 3,158(02) 3.433(03) ]

084507 - UEM-P 20010066 RIV CZ eng G
Rybalko, N. - Mazelová, J. - Syka, J.
A behavioral and electrophysiological study of the effects of noise exposure on auditory function in rat. Prague, Organising Committee 2001. - 148 s.
[Fourth Conference of the Czech Neuroscience Society. Prague (CZ), 01.10.26-01.10.27 (WRD)]
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) NK4747
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906

084473 - UEM-P 20010032 RIV NL eng J
Rybalko, N. - Syka, J.
Susceptibility to noise exposure during postnatal development in rats.
Hearing Research, 155, [-] 32-40 (2001).
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) NK4747; GA ČR(CZ) GA309/97/0830
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906
[Impact factor:2.070(91) 1.792(92) 1.853(93) 1.174(94) 1.908(95) 1.641(96) 1.915(97) 1.598(98) 1.804(99) 1.753(00) 1.586(01) 1,969(02) 1.502(03) ]

084454 - UEM-P 20010012 RIV US eng J
Staněk, D. - Koberna, K. - Pliss, A. - Malínský, J. - Mašata, M. - Večeřová, J. - Risueňo, C. M.
Non-isotopic mapping of ribosomal RNA synthesis and processing in the nucleolus.
Chromosoma, 110, [-] 460-470 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA302/99/0587; GA ČR(CZ) GA304/00/1481; GA ČR(CZ) GA304/01/0729; EU(XC) BI04-CT-0275
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906
[Impact factor:2.601(91) 2.633(92) 2.747(93) 2.513(94) 2.825(95) 2.633(96) 2.669(97) 2.651(98) 2.530(99) 3.157(00) 3.286(01) 2,829(02) 2.634(03) ]

084573 - UEM-P 20010133 US eng A
Strejc, P. - Boubelík, O. - Stávková, Z. - Chvátalová, I. - Šrám, R.
DNA Adducts aand Human Atherosclerotis Lesions.
Cancer Research, 42, [-] 662 (2001).
[Annual Meeting of Proceedings /92./. New Orleans (US), 01.03.24-01.03.28 (WRD)]
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) NM10
[Impact factor:4.383(91) 5.156(92) 6.011(93) 6.822(94) 8.206(95) 8.958(96) 8.426(97) 8.370(98) 8.614(99) 8.460(00) 8.302(01) 8,318(02) 8.649(03) ]

078706 - UMG-J 20010394 NL eng A
Sulimenko, V. - Linhartová, I. - Novotná, B. - Dráberová, E. - Dráber, P.
Gamma-tubulin in chicken erythrocytes: changes in localization during cell differentiation of cytoplasmic complexes.
In: 16th European Cytoskeleton Forum Meeting. - Maastricht, Maastricht University 2001. - S. -.
[European Cytoskeleton Forum Meeting /16./. Maastricht (NL), 01.08.22-01.08.26 (EUR)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA304/00/0553

095588 - UEM-P 20023093 US eng J
Sutovsky, P. - Motlik, J. - Neuber, E. - Pavlok, A. - Schatten, G. - Palecek, J. - Hyttel, P. - Adebayo, O. T. - Adwan, K. - Alberio, R. - Bagis, H. - Bataineh, Z. - Bjerregaard, B. - Bodo, S. - Bryja, V. - Carrington, M. - Couf, M. - De La Fuente, R. - Diblik, J. M. - Forejt, J. - Fulka, J., Jr. - Geussova, G. - Gjorret, J. O. - Libik, M. - Hampl, A. - Hassane, M. S. - Houshmand, M. - Hozák, P. - Jezova, M. - Kania, G. - Kanka, J. - Kandil, O. M. - Kishimoto, T. - Klima, J. - Kohoutek, J. - Kopska, T. - Kubelka, M. - Lapathitis, G. - Laurincik, J. - Lefevre, B. - Mihalik, J. - Novakova, M. - Oko, R. - Omelka, R. - Owiny, D. - Pachernik, J. - Pacholikova, J. - Peknicova, J. - Pesty, A. - Ponya, Z. - Preclikova, H. - Sloskova, A. - Svoboda, P. - Strejcek, F. - Toth, S. - Tepla, O. - Valdivia, M. - Vodička, P. - Zudova, D.
Accumulation of the proteolytic marker peptide ubiquitin in the trophoblast of mammalian blastocyts.
Cloning and stem cells, 3, [-] 157-161 (2001).

084502 - UEM-P 20010061 RIV CZ eng G
Syka, J.
Interaction between descending and ascending pathways in the auditory system. Prague, Organising Committee 2001. - 148 s.
[Fourth Conference of the Czech Neuroscience Society. Prague (CZ), 01.10.26-01.10.27 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/01/1063; GA MZd(CZ) NK6454
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906

084443 - UEM-P 20010001 RIV US eng M
Syková, E.
Glia and Extracellular Space Diffusion Parameters in the Injured and Aging Brain.
In: Neurologia in the Aging Brain. - (Ed. Vellis, J.). - New Jersey, Humana Press 2001. - S. 77-98.
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) VS96130; GA ČR(CZ) GV307/96/K226; GA ČR(CZ) GV309/97/K048; GA ČR(CZ) GA309/99/0657
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906

084444 - UEM-P 20010002 RIV NL eng J
Syková, E.
Glial diffusion barriers during aging and pathological states.
Progress in Brain Research, 132, [-] 339-363 (2001).
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) VS96130; GA ČR(CZ) GV307/96/K226; GA ČR(CZ) GV309/97/K048; GA ČR(CZ) GA309/99/0657; GA ČR(CZ) GA305/99/0655; GA ČR(CZ) GA309/00/1430
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906
[Impact factor: 1.425(99) 2.520(00) 1.409(01) 2,194(02) 2.072(03) ]

084450 - UEM-P 20010008 RIV CZ cze J
Syková, E.
Pokroky v transplantacích a výzkumu kmenových buněk.
Bulletin HPB. Supplement, 1 [9] 4-9 (2001).
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) LN00A065
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906

084527 - UEM-P 20010087 RIV CZ eng G
Syková, E.
Neuron-glia communication by extrasynaptic transmission. Prague, Organising Committee 2001. - 148 s.
[Fourth Conference of the Czech Neuroscience Society. Prague (CZ), 01.10.26-01.10.27 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV307/96/K226; GA ČR(CZ) GV309/97/K048; GA ČR(CZ) GA309/00/1430
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906

084533 - UEM-P 20010093 US eng A
Syková, E.
Diffusion parameters in rat cortex with kaolin-induced hydrocephalus.
In: Abstracts of the twenty-fourth annual midwinter research meeting. - Florida, Association for research in otolaryngology 2001. - S. 131.
[Association for research in otolaryngology. St.Petersburg Beach ( US), 01.02.04-01.02.08 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV309/97/K048; GA ČR(CZ) GA309/99/0657; GA ČR(CZ) GA309/00/1430; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96130

084545 - UEM-P 20010105 IT eng A
Syková, E.
Neuroscience centers in Czech Republic. Role and mechanisms of extrasynaptic transmission.
In: Neurobiology in Eastern and Western Europe. - Trieste, SISSA 2001. - S. -.
[Neurobiology in Eastern and Western Europe. Trieste (IT), 01.12.01-01.12.04 (WRD)]

084553 - UEM-P 20010113 AT eng A
Syková, E.
Astrocyte-neuron inetraction by extrasynaptic transmission: Diffusion and NMR studies.
In: Neurochemistry Winter Conference. - Sölden, organizer 2001. - S. -.
[Neurochemistry Winter Conference. Sölden (AT), 01.03.17-01.03.22 ( WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/00/1413; GA MŠk(CZ) LN00A065
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:MSM 111300004

084556 - UEM-P 20010116 FR eng A
Syková, E.
Diffusion in extracellular fluid - the underlying mechanism of extrasynaptic transmission.
Fundamental & Clinical Pharmacology, 15 [Supplement 1] 6 (2001).
[Federation of the European Pharmacological Society. Lyon (FR), 01.06.06-01.06.09 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/00/1413; GA MŠk(CZ) LN00A065; GA ČR(CZ) GA309/99/0657
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:MSM 111300004
[Impact factor:1.356(92) 1.363(93) 1.382(94) 1.170(95) 1.053(96) 1.226(97) 0.753(98) 0.810(99) 1.265(00) 1.036(01) 1,052(02) 1.037(03) ]

084550 - UEM-P 20010110 SE eng A
Syková, E. - Fiala, J. - Antonova, T. - Voříšek, I.
Diffusion Parameters in the Rat Brain with Kaolin-induced Hydrocephalus.
In: The Society for Research Into Hydrocephalus and Spina Bifida. - Uppsala, University Children´s Hospital 2001. - S. p22.
[Annual Scientific Meeting /45./. Uppsala (SE), 01.06.27-01.06.30 ( WRD)]

119102 - UEM-P 20043073 RIV US eng J
Syková, E. - Fiala, J. - Antonova, T. - Voříšek, I.
Extracellular Space Volume Changes and Diffusion Barriers in Rat with Kaolin-Induced and Inherited Hydrocephalus.
European Journal of Pediatric Surgery, Suppl. 1, [-] S34-S37 ( 2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV309/97/K048; GA ČR(CZ) GA309/00/1430

084538 - UEM-P 20010098 CH eng A
Syková, E. - Jendelová, P. - Lesný, P. - Woerly, S.
Polymer hydrogels for tissue repair and axonal regeneration in the injured spinal cord.
In: Functional Recivery after Spinal Cord Injury. - Monte Varitá, organizer 2001. - S. -.
[Functional Recivery after Spinal Cord Injury. Ascona (CH), 01.04.01-01.04.05 (WRD)]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) LN00A065

084559 - UEM-P 20010119 GB eng A
Syková, E. - Voříšek, I. - Fiala, J.
Water and tetramethyammonium diffusion in the rat brain with kaoli-induced hydrocephalus.
Proc.Intl.Soc.Mag.Med, 9 [2] 1473 (2001).
[Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. Glasgow (GB), 01.04.21-01.04.27 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV309/97/K048; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96130; GA ČR(CZ) GA309/99/0657

084594 - UEM-P 20010154 CZ cze D
Šimonová, Z.
Morfologické změny gliových buněk ovlivňující difúzní parametry extracelulárního prostoru. Praha 4 - Vídeňská 1083, Ústav experimentální medicíny AV ČR 170 s.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV309/97/K048; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96130; GA ČR(CZ) GA309/96/0884
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906

084526 - UEM-P 20010086 RIV CZ eng G
Šimonová, Z. - Náměstková, K. - Vargová, L. - Syková, E.
Changes in astrocytic structure in rat hippocampus evoked by activation of glutamate receptors and learning. Prague, Organising Committee 2001. - 148 s.
[Fourth Conference of the Czech Neuroscience Society. Prague (CZ), 01.10.26-01.10.27 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/00/1430; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96130; GA MŠk(CZ) LN00A065
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906

084580 - UEM-P 20010140 BE eng A
Šmerhovský, Z. - Rössner, P. - Šrám, R. - Landa, K.
History of the Cytogenetic Analysis in the Czech Republic.
In: Annual Meeting of the European Environmental Mutagen Society Abstracts. - Ghent, organising comitee 2001. - S. -.
[Annual Meeting of the European Environmental Mutagen Society /31./. Ghent (BE), 01.09.01-01.09.05 (WRD)]
Grant: EU(CZ) QLK4-2000-00628

084593 - UEM-P 20010153 CN eng A
Šrám, R.
Children´s vulnerability to air pollutants.
In: Joint WHO/IPA Seminar on Air Pollution and Children´s Health. - Beijing, organising comittee 2001. - S. -.
[Joint WHO/IPA Seminar on Air Pollution and Children´s Health. Beijing (CN), 01.09.10-01.09.11 (WRD)]

084583 - UEM-P 20010143 US eng A
Šrám, R. - Beskid, O. - Binková, B. - Rössner, P. - Rubeš, J.
Fish Analysis - a Sensitive Method for Occupational Exposure to Chemical Carcinogens.
In: International Symposium on Biological Monitoring in Occupational & Environmental Health Abstracts. - Alberta, organising comittee 2001. - S. -.
[International Symposium on Biological Monitoring in Occupational & Environmental Health. Alberta (US), 01.09.18-01.09.21 (WRD)]

084588 - UEM-P 20010148 US eng A
Šrám, R. - Beskid, O. - Binková, B. - Chvátalová, I. - Rössner ml., P. - Rössner, P.
Biomonitoring of Occupational Exposure to Arylonitrile.
Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis, 37 [32] - (2001).
[EMS. San Diego (US), 01.03.16-01.03.21 (WRD)]
[Impact factor:2.419(91) 2.303(92) 2.255(93) 2.847(94) 2.370(95) 1.940(96) 2.469(97) 2.259(98) 1.990(99) 2.278(00) 2.276(01) 2,546(02) 2.000(03) ]

084587 - UEM-P 20010147 JP eng A
Šrám, R. - Binková, B. - Dejmek, J. - Solanský, I.
The Impact of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbones and Fine Particles on Pregnancy Outcome.
Carcinogenesis, Teratogenesis and Mutagenesis, 13 [4] - (2001).
[Shanghai Satellite Meeting for 8th ICEM, 9th Alexander Holleander Course. Shanghai (JP), 01.10.30-01.10.31 (WRD)]
[Impact factor: 1.106(00) ]

084589 - UEM-P 20010149 JP eng A
Šrám, R. - Binková, B. - Dejmek, J. - Chvátalová, I. - Machala, M. - Solanský, I.
Molecular epidemiology studies on effects of air pollution.
Fundamental and Molecular Mechanism of Mutagenesis. Mutation Research, 483 [1] Supplement 1 (2001).
[International Conference on Environmental Mutagens /8./. Shizuoka ( JP), 01.10.21-01.10.26 (WRD)]
Grant: GA MŽP(CZ) SI/340/1/1997
[Impact factor:1.727(91) 1.960(92) 1.868(93) 1.975(94) 2.065(95) 2.060(96) 1.754(97) 2.067(98) 2.107(99) 2.148(00) 2.545(01) 3,158(02) 3.433(03) ]

084571 - UEM-P 20010131 US eng A
Šrám, R. - Binková, B. - Solanský, I.
The Impact of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Fine Particles on Pregnancy Outcome.
In: Program and Abstracts. - Washington, organising comittee 2001. - S. -.
[HEI Annual Conference 2001. Washington (US), 01.04.29-01.05.01 (WRD) ]

084586 - UEM-P 20010146 JP eng A
Šrám, R. - Rössner, P.
The Cytogenetic Analysis in Occupationally Exposed Groups in the Czech Republic.
Carcinogenesis, Teratogenesis and Mutagenesis, 13 [4] - (2001).
[Shanghai Satellite Meeting for 8th ICEM , 9th Alexander Holleander Course. Shanghai (JP), 01.10.30-01.10.31 (WRD)]
[Impact factor: 1.106(00) ]

084506 - UEM-P 20010065 RIV CZ eng G
Šuta, D. - Kvašňák, E. - Popelář, J. - Syka, J.
Representation of communication sounds in the inferior colliculus of the guinea pig. Prague, Organising Committee 2001. - 148 s.
[Fourth Conference of the Czech Neuroscience Society. Prague (CZ), 01.10.26-01.10.27 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/01/1063
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906

084570 - UEM-P 20010130 GR eng A
Tvrdík, D. - Djaborkhel, R. - Raška, I. - Müller, J.
TGFbeta1-mediated inactivation of G1 phase cyclin-dependent kinases in malignant B lymphoma cells.
International Journal of Molecular Oncology, - [8] 36 (2001).
[World Congress on Advances in Oncology /6./ and International Symposium on Molecular Medicine /4./. Crete (GR), 01.10.18-01.10.20 ( WRD)]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) VS96120; GA ČR(CZ) GA302/99/0587; GA ČR(CZ) GA304/00/1481; GA ČR(CZ) GA304/01/0564
[Impact factor: 1.058(99) 1.899(00) 1.689(01) 2,063(02) 1.940(03) ]

081203 - UOCHB-X 20010174 RIV GR eng J
Valeriánová, M. - Votruba, I. - Holý, A. - Mandys, V. - Otová, B.
Antitumour activity of N6-substituted PMEDAP derivatives against T-cell lymphoma.
Anticancer Research, 21, 2057-2064 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV203/96/K128; GA MZd(CZ) NL5423
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z4055905
[Impact factor:1.041(92) 1.041(93) 1.066(94) 0.926(95) 1.049(96) 1.045(97) 1.236(98) 1.375(99) 1.331(00) 1.416(01) 1,447(02) 1.347(03) ]

084596 - UEM-P 20010156 CZ cze D
Vargová, L.
Difúzní parametry extracelulárního prostoru v mozku a v míše potkana během vývoje a patologických stavů. Praha 4 - Vídeňská 1083, Ústav experimentální medicíny AV ČR 65 s.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV309/97/K048; GA ČR(CZ) GA309/96/0884; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96130
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906

084446 - UEM-P 20010004 RIV CZ eng J
Vargová, L. - Chvátal, A. - Anděrová, M. - Kubinová, Š. - Žiak, D. - Syková, E.
Effect of Osmotic Stress on Potasssium Accumulation Around Glial Cells and Extracellular Space Volume in Rat Spinal Cord Slices.
Journal of Neuroscience Research, 65, [-] 129-138 (2001).
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) LN00A065; GA ČR(CZ) GA309/99/0657; GA ČR(CZ) GA305/99/0655; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96130
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906
[Impact factor:3.197(92) 3.005(93) 3.637(94) 3.377(95) 2.843(96) 2.442(97) 2.874(98) 3.126(99) 3.207(00) 3.378(01) 2,956(02) 3.374(03) ]

084447 - UEM-P 20010005 RIV US eng J
Vargová, L. - Jendelová, P. - Chvátal, A. - Syková, E.
Glutamate, NMDA and AMPA Induced Changes in Extracellular Space Volume and Tortuosity in the Rat Spinaal Cord.
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 21 [9] 1077-1089 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA305/99/0655; GA ČR(CZ) GA309/99/0657
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906
[Impact factor:6.183(91) 4.873(92) 5.241(93) 7.037(94) 6.555(95) 5.952(96) 5.836(97) 5.524(98) 5.714(99) 5.926(00) 5.477(01) 5,297(02) 5.370(03) ]

084469 - UEM-P 20010027 RIV GR eng J
Viale, M. - Vánnozzi, M. O. - Mandys, V. - Esposito, M.
Time-dependent Influence of Procaine Hydrochloride on Cisplatin Antitumor Activity in P388 Tumor Bearing Mice.
Anticancer Research, 21, [-] 485-488 (2001).
[Impact factor:1.041(92) 1.041(93) 1.066(94) 0.926(95) 1.049(96) 1.045(97) 1.236(98) 1.375(99) 1.331(00) 1.416(01) 1,447(02) 1.347(03) ]

084500 - UEM-P 20010057 IT eng A
Viale, M. - Vannozzi, M. O. - Mandys, V. - Ottone, M. - Esposito, M.
Time-dependent influence or procaine hydrochloride (PHCI) on cisplatin (DDP) antitumor activity in P388 tumor bearing mice.
In: Abstract book. - Genova, Academic Press 2001. - S. 143.
[National congress of the italian pharmacological society /30./. Genova (IT), 01.05.30-01.06.02 (WRD)]

084518 - UEM-P 20010078 FR eng A
Viriot, L. - Peterková, R. - Peterka, M. - Lesot, H.
Occurrence of two dental vestiges during early lower odontogenesis in ICR mouse embryo.
In: TMD 2001. - La Londe-les-Maures, organising comittee 2001. - S. 0-53.
[Seventh International Conference on Tooth Morphogenesis and Differentiation. La Londe-les-Maures (FR), 01.06.16-01.06.21 (WRD)]

084486 - UEM-P 20010044 RIV IE eng J
Vodička, P. - Koskinen, M. - Vodičková, L. - Štětina, R. - Šmerák, P. - Bárta, I. - Hemminki, K.
DNA adducts, strand breaks and micronuclei in mice exposed to styrene by inhalation.
Chemico-Biological Interactions, 137, [-] 213-227 (2001).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA313/99/1460; EU(XC) QLK4-1999-01368
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906
[Impact factor: 1.887(99) 1.707(00) 1.706(01) 1,261(02) 1.558(03) ]

084483 - UEM-P 20010040 RIV NL eng J
Vodička, P. - Souček, P. - Tates, D. - Dušinská, M. - Sarmanová, J. - Zámečníková, M. - Vodičková, L. - Koskinen, M. - Zwart, F. - Natarajan, A. - Hemminki, K.
Association between genetic polymorphisms and biomarkers in styrene-exposed workers.
Mutation Research, 482, [-] 89-103 (2001).
Grant: EU(XC) ERBIC15-CT96-0302; GA ČR(CZ) GA313/99/1460
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906
[Impact factor:1.727(91) 1.960(92) 1.868(93) 1.975(94) 2.065(95) 2.060(96) 1.754(97) 2.067(98) 2.107(99) 2.148(00) 2.545(01) 3,158(02) 3.433(03) ]

084524 - UEM-P 20010084 RIV CZ eng G
Voříšek, I. - Herynek, V. - Burian, M. - Hájek, M. - Niclay, K. - Syková, E.
Diffusion and MRS in a rat cortex after traumatic injury. Prague, Organising Committee 2001. - 148 s.
[Fourth Conference of the Czech Neuroscience Society. Prague (CZ), 01.10.26-01.10.27 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV309/97/K048; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96130
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906

084558 - UEM-P 20010118 GB eng A
Voříšek, I. - Herynek, V. - Burian, M. - Hájek, M. - Nicolay, K. - Syková, E.
MRS, water and tetramethylammonium diffusion in a rat cortex after traumatic injury.
Proc.Intl.Soc.Mag.Med, 9 [2] 1485 (2001).
[Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. Glasgow (GB), 01.04.21-01.04.27 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV309/97/K048; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96130

084481 - UEM-P 20010038 RIV CZ eng J
Zaid, A. - Hodný, Z. - Li, R. - Nelson, B. D.
Sp1 acts as a repressor of the human adenine nucleotide translocase-2 (ANT2) promoter.
European Journal Biochemistry, 268:5497-5503, [-] 1-8 (2001).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906
[Impact factor:3.499(92) 3.306(93) 3.578(94) 3.451(95) 3.275(96) 3.136(97) 3.249(98) 3.307(99) 2.852(00) 2.849(01) 2,999(02) 3.001(03) ]

084477 - UEM-P 20010034 RIV US eng J
Zhao, C. - Vodička, P. - Šrám, R. - Hemminki, K.
DNA Adducts of 1,3-Butadiene in Humans: Relationships to Exposure, GST Genotypes, Single-Strand Breaks, and Cytogenetic End Points.
Environmetnatl and Molecular Mutagenesis, 37, [-] 226-230 (2001).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z5039906
[Impact factor:2.419(91) 2.303(92) 2.255(93) 2.847(94) 2.370(95) 1.940(96) 2.469(97) 2.259(98) 1.990(99) 2.278(00) 2.276(01) 2,546(02) 2.000(03) ]

Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

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