ÚPB - Ústav půdní biologie


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Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

060264 - UPB-H 990012 CZ eng A
Balík, V.
Testate amoebae (Protozoa, Rhizopoda) succession on abandoned fields.
In: 5th Central European Workshop on Soil Zoology. - České Budějovice, ISB 1999. - S. 52-52.
[Central European Workshop on Soil Zoology /5./. České Budějovice ( CZ), 99.04.27-99.04.30]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA526/97/0631

065410 - UPB-H 990077 RIV CZ eng C
Balík, V.
Testate amoebae (Protozoa,Rhizopoda) succession on abandoned fields.
In: Soil Zoology in Central Europe. - České Budějovice, ISB 1999. - S. 7-11.
[Soil Zoology in Central Europe. České Budějovice (CZ), 99.04.27-99.04.30]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA526/97/0631; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK2005601

065411 - UPB-H 990078 RIV CZ eng C
Boháč, J. - Jedlička, P. - Frouz, J.
Changes in communities of staphylinid beetles (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) during secondary succession in abandoned fields.
In: Soil Zoology in Central Europe. - České Budějovice, ISB 1999. - S. 19-25.
[Soil Zoology in Central Europe. České Budějovice (CZ), 99.04.27-99.04.30]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA526/97/0631

065395 - UPB-H 990121 RIV GB eng J
Brzeski, M. W. - Háněl, L.
Paratylenchinae: postembryonic developmental stages of Paratylenchus straeleni (de Coninck, 1931) and P. steineri Golden, 1961 (Nematoda: Tylenchulidae).
Nematology, 1, 497-505 (1999).

065396 - UPB-H 990122 GB eng J
Brzeski, M. W. - Háněl, L. - Nico, A. I. - Castillo, P.
Paratylechinae: redescription of Paratylenchus arculatus Luc, de Guiran,1962, a new senior synonym of P. nainianus Edward,Misra, 1963 (Nematoda: Tylenchulidae).
Nematology, 1, 375-380 (1999).

065440 - UPB-H 990109 CZ cze N
Diviš, J. - Krištůfek, V.
Strupovitost brambor a možnost ochrany.
Farmář, [4] 22-23 (99.10.20).

066944 - UPB-H 990127 CZ eng C
Dolejš, P. - Ditrich, O. - Machula, T. - Kalousková, N. - Půžová, G.
Removal of Cryptosporidium parvum and Giardia intestinalis in drinking water treatment.
In: Actual Questions of Water Biology. - Praha, CSAO 1999. - S. 78-82.
[Actual Questions of Water Biology. Praha (CZ), 99.08.15-99.08.18]

068304 - PAU-O 20000076 DE eng A
Dolejš, P. - Ditrich, O. - Machula, T. - Kalousková, N. - Půžová, G.
Monitoring of Giardia intestinalis and Cryptosporidium parvum in Czech drinking water sources.
In: Proceedings of WHO Conference on Water, Sanitation and Health. - Bad Elster, Who Conference on Water, Sanitation and Health 1999. - S. 1.
[Who Conference on Water, Sanitation and Health. Bad Elster (DE), 00.00.00]

068305 - PAU-O 20000077 FR eng A
Dolejš, P. - Ditrich, O. - Machula, T. - Kalousková, N. - Půžová, G.
Occurence and separation of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts and Giardia intestinalis cysts in drinking water treatment.
In: IWSA and IAWQ conference proceedings "Minimising risk from Cryptosporidium and other Waterborne Particles. - Paris, IWSA and IAWQ conference proceedings 1999. - S. 1.
[Minimising risk from Cryptosporidium and other Waterborne Particles. Paris (FR), 00.00.00]

068311 - PAU-O 20000083 CZ cze A
Dolejš, P. - Ditrich, O. - Machula, T. - Kalousková, N. - Půžová, G.
Odstraňování Cryptosporidium parvum a Giardia intestinalis při úpravě pitných vod.
In: Sborník semináře. - Praha, - 1999. - S. 1.
[Aktuální otázky vodárenské biologie. Praha (CZ), 00.00.00]

065428 - UPB-H 990095 CZ eng A
Elhottová, D. - Tříska, J.
GC-MS/MS detection of poly-b-hydroxyalkanoates (PHA) as prokaryotic storage compounds.
In: Abstracts 13th International Congress of the Hungarian Society for Microbiology. - Budapešť, HHM 1999. - S. 23.
[International Congress of the Hungarian Society for Microbiology /13./. Budapešť (HU), 99.08.30-99.09.01]

064474 - BU-J 990627 RIV GB eng J
Elster, J. - Lukešová, A. - Svoboda, J. - Kopecký, J. - Kanda, H.
Diversity and abundance of soil algae in the polar desert, Sverdrup Pass, central Ellesmere Island.
Polar Record, 35, [-] 231-254 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 206/93/1177; -(CA) OGP0009897; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK2005601

060253 - UPB-H 990001 CZ eng A
Frouz, J.
Adult migration of soil dwelling Diptera with respect to vegetation cover, succession age and larval breeding sites.
In: 5th Central European Workshop on Soil Zoology. - České Budějovice, ISB 1999. - S. 18-18.
[Central European Workshop on Soil Zoology /5./. České Budějovice ( CZ), 99.04.27-99.04.30]

060254 - UPB-H 990002 CZ eng A
Frouz, J.
General pattern and mechanisms of soil dwelling Dipera communities changes during vegetation succession.
In: 5th Central European Workshop on Soil Zoology. - České Budějovice, ISB 1999. - S. 19-19.
[Central European Workshop on Soil Zoology /5./. České Budějovice ( CZ), 99.04.27-99.04.30]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA526/98/P156

060278 - UPB-H 990026 DE eng A
Frouz, J.
Changes in communities of soil dwelling Diptera larvae during forest reclamation in two contrasting post mining areas.
In: Ecology of post-mining landscapes. - Cottbus, BTU 1999. - S. -.
[Ecology of post-mining landscapes. Cottbus (DE), 99.03.15-99.03.19]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) ME 076

065397 - UPB-H 990063 RIV GB eng J
Frouz, J.
Use of soil dwelling Diptera (Insecta,Diptera) as bioindicators: a review of ecological requirements and response to disturbance.
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 74, 167-186 (1999).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK2017602
[Impact factor:0.401(91) 0.304(92) 0.730(93) 0.738(94) 0.726(95) 0.555(96) 0.661(97) 0.643(98) 0.975(99) 0.903(00) 1.297(01) 1,369(02) 1.444(03) ]

065412 - UPB-H 990079 RIV CZ eng C
Frouz, J.
Adult migration of soil dwelling Diptera with respect to vegetation cover, succession age and larval breeding sites - preliminary results.
In: Soil Zoology in Central Europe. - České Budějovice, ISB 1999. - S. 53-62.
[Soil Zoology in Central Europe. České Budějovice (CZ), 99.04.27-99.04.30]

065429 - UPB-H 990096 CZ eng A
Frouz, J.
Adult migration of soil dweilling diptera with respect to vegetation cover, succession age and larval breeding sites.
In: Central European Workshop on Soil Zoology. - České Budějovice, ISB 1999. - S. 18-18.
[Soil Zoology in Central Europe. České Budějovice (CZ), 99.04.27-99.04.30]

065439 - UPB-H 990108 CZ cze K
Frouz, J.
Obnova společenstev půdních organismů a tvorba půdy na plochách lesnicky rekultivovaných výsypek.
In: Hornická Příbram ve vědě a technice. - Příbram, NNK 1999. - S. 50-59.
[Hornická Příbram ve vědě a technice. Příbram (CZ), 99.08.12-99.08.14]

065441 - UPB-H 990110 CZ cze N
Frouz, J.
Obnova společenstev půdních organizmů na plochách lesnicky rekultivovaných hnědouhelných výsypek a jejich význam pro tvorbu půdy.
Ochrana přírody, 157-159 (99.08.23).

065413 - UPB-H 990080 RIV CZ eng C
Frouz, J. - Bastl, J. - Paoletti, M.
Copper concentration in bodies of soil dwelling dipteran larvae in copper polluted fields.
In: Soil Zoology in Central Europe. - České Budějovice, ISB 1999. - S. 63-66.
[Soil Zoology in Central Europe. České Budějovice (CZ), 99.04.27-99.04.30]

060265 - UPB-H 990013 CZ eng A
Frouz, J. - Bastl, J. - Paoletti, M. G.
Copper concentration in bodies of soil dwelling dipteran larvae in copper polluted field.
In: 5th Central European Workshop on Soil Zoology. - České Budějovice, ISB 1999. - S. 57-57.
[Central European Workshop on Soil Zoology /5./. České Budějovice ( CZ), 99.04.27-99.04.30]

060279 - UPB-H 990027 DE eng A
Frouz, J. - Holec, M.
Succession and soil forming activity of ants (Formicidae) on heaps after brown coal mining in Sokolov coal mining district.
In: Ecology of post-mining landscapes. - Cottbus, BTU 1999. - S. -.
[Ecology of post-mining landscapes. Cottbus (DE), 99.03.15-99.03.19]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) ME 076

060273 - UPB-H 990021 DB eng A
Frouz, J. - Keplin, B. - Tajovský, K. - Pižl, V. - Starý, J. - Lukešová, A. - Balík, V. - Háněl, L. - Materna, J. - Duker, C.
Soil biota development in two contrasting post mining chronosequences.
In: Ecology of post-mining landscapes. - Cottbus, BTU 1999. - S. -.
[Ecology of post-mining landscapes. Cottbus (DE), 99.03.15-99.03.19]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) ME 076

060286 - UPB-H 990035 RIV SK eng J
Frouz, J. - Olejníček, J.
Flight patterns of Chironomidae and Dolichopodidae (Diptera) in a suburban fallow area: the effect of vegetation mosaic.
Biologia, 54 [2] 169-178 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA526/98/P156
[Impact factor:0.050(91) 0.050(92) 0.038(93) 0.043(94) 0.079(95) 0.110(96) 0.283(97) 0.194(98) 0.220(99) 0.165(00) 0.208(01) 0,169(02) 0.183(03) ]

065442 - UPB-H 990111 CZ cze V
Frouz, J. - Pepperl, J. - Přikryl, I.
Návrat přírody do krajiny poznamenané těžbou uhlí. České Budějovice, UPB AV ČR 1999. - 17 s.

060287 - UPB-H 990036 DE eng J
Frouz, J. - Šantrůčková, H. - Elhottová, D.
The effect of bibionid larvae feeding on the microbial community of litter and on reconsumed excrements.
Pedobiologia, 43, 221-230 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA204/93/0254
[Impact factor: 0.556(95)0.667(96) 0.657(97) 0.620(98) 0.798(99) 0.520(00)0.605(01) 0,832(02) 0.711(03) ]

060274 - UPB-H 990022 DE eng A
Frouz, J. - Tajovský, K. - Rusek, J. - Heinkele, T.
Development of Ah horizons in colliery spoil heaps in the Sokolov mining district (Czech Republic) and in dump soils of the Lusatian mining district (Germany).
In: Ecology of post-mining landscapes. - Cottbus, BTU 1999. - S. -.
[Ecology of post=mining landscapes. Cottbus (DE), 99.03.15-99.03.19]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) ME 076

066945 - UPB-H 990128 GR eng A
Halbriter, A. - Krištůfek, V.
The main steps of microbial ecology and their contributors.
In: 11th International Symposium on the Biology of Actinomycetes. - Heraklion, SISSI 1999. - S. 157-157.
[International Symposium on the Biology of Actinomycetes /11./. Heraklion (GR), 99.10.24-99.10.28]

065430 - UPB-H 990097 HU eng A
Halbritter, A. - Krištůfek, V.
Milestones of microbial ecology and the key personalities behind.
In: Abstracts of 13th International Congress of the Hungarian Society for Microbiology. - Budapešť, MMH 1999. - S. 91-91.
[International Congress of the Hungarian Society for Microbiology /13./. Budapešť (HU), 99.08.30-99.09.01]

060266 - UPB-H 990014 CZ eng A
Háněl, L.
Microdistribution of soil nematodes (Nematoda) in a climax spruce forest at Žofín National Nature Reserve, Czech Republic.
In: 5th Central European Workshop on Soil Zoology. - České Budějovice, ISB 1999. - S. 58-58.
[Central European Workshop on Soil Zoology /5./. České Budějovice ( CZ), 99.04.27-99.04.30]

065409 - UPB-H 990076 RIV CZ eng M
Háněl, L.
In: Aquatic invertebrates of the Pálava Biosphere Reserve of UNESCO. - Brno, NCSA 1999. - S. 67-77.

065414 - UPB-H 990081 RIV CZ eng C
Háněl, L.
Microdistribution of soil nematodes (Nematoda) in a climax spruce forest at Žofín National Natural Reserve, Czech Republic.
In: Soil Zoology in Central Europe. - České Budějovice, ISB 1999. - S. 75-79.
[Soil Zoology in Central Europe. České Budějovice (CZ), 99.04.27-99.04.30]

066939 - UPB-H 990131 CZ eng J
Háněl, L.
Fauna of soil nematodes (Nematoda) in Trojmezná hora Reserve.
Silva Gabreta, 3, 89-94 (1999).

065415 - UPB-H 990082 RIV CZ eng C
Holec, M.
Spiders (Aranea) in alder plantations of various age on heaps after brown coal mining.
In: Soil Zoology in Centra Europe. - České Budějovice, ISB 1999. - S. 81-90.
[Soil Zoology in Central Europe. České Budějovice (CZ), 99.04.27-99.04.30]

060285 - UPB-H 990034 RIV NL eng J
Hopkins, D. W. - Chudek, J. A. - Bignell, D. E. - Frouz, J. - Webster, E. A. - Lawson, T.
Application of 13C NMR to investigate the transformations and biodegradation of organic materials by wood- and soil-feeding termites, and a coprophagous litter-dwelling dipteran larva.
Biodegradation, 9, 423-431 (1999).
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.000(93) 0.000(94) 1.466(95)1.971(96) 1.571(97) 1.054(98) 0.785(99) 1.109(00)0.831(01) 1,023(02) 0.819(03) ]

060267 - UPB-H 990015 CZ eng A
Hopkins, D. W. - Frouz, J. - Šustr, V. - Chudek, J. A.
Application of solid-state 13C NMR to the analyses of food and faeces of litter-feeding invertebrates.
In: 5th Central European Workshop on Soil Zoology. - České Budějovice, ISB 1999. - S. 59-59.
[Central European Workshop on Soil Biology /5./. České Budějovice ( CZ), 99.04.27-99.04.30]

065416 - UPB-H 990083 RIV CZ eng C
Hopkins, D. W. - Frouz, J. - Šustr, V. - Chudek, J. A.
Preliminary observations by solid-state 13C NMR on carbon transformations in leaf litter during feeding by two soil invertebrates.
In: Soil Zoology in Central Europe. - České Budějovice, ISB 1999. - S. 91-95.
[Soil Zoology in Central Europe. České Budějovice (CZ), 99.04.27-99.04.30]

065398 - UPB-H 990065 RIV DE eng J
Hubert, J. - Šustr, V. - Smrž, J.
Feeding of the oribatid mite Scheloribates laevigatus (Acari: Oribatida) in laboratory experiments.
Pedobiologia, 43, 328-339 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA206/97/0629
[Impact factor: 0.556(95)0.667(96) 0.657(97) 0.620(98) 0.798(99) 0.520(00)0.605(01) 0,832(02) 0.711(03) ]

060268 - UPB-H 990016 CZ eng A
Jedlička, P. - Boháč, J. - Frouz, J.
Changes in communities of staphylinid beetles (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) during secondary succession in abandoned fields.
In: 5th Central European Workshop on Soil Zoology. - České Budějovice, ISB 1999. - S. 62-62.
[Central European Workshop on Soil Zoology /5./. České Budějovice ( CZ), 99.04.27-99.04.30]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA526/97/0631

060269 - UPB-H 990017 CZ eng A
Jedlička, P. - Frouz, J.
Changes in communities of soil dwelling Coleoptera during secondary succession on abandoned fields.
In: 5th Central European Workshop on Soil Zoology. - České Budějovice, ISB 1999. - S. 63-63.
[Central European Workshop on Soil Zoology /5./. České Budějovice ( CZ), 99.04.27-99.04.30]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA526/97/0631

065417 - UPB-H 990084 RIV CZ eng C
Jedlička, P. - Frouz, J.
Changes in communities of soil dwelling Coleoptera during secondary succession on abandoned fields a preliminary report.
In: Soil Zoology in Central Europe. - České Budějovice, ISB 1999. - S. 117-122.
[Soil Zoology in Central Europe. České Budějovice (CZ), 99.04.27-99.04.30]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA526/97/0631

046140 - UPB-H 980005 RIV DE eng J
Krištůfek, V. - Fischer, S. - Buhrmann, J. - Zeltins, A. - Schrempf, H.
In situ monitoring of chitin degradation by Streptomyces lividans pCHIO2 within Enchytraeus crypticus (Oligochaeta) feeding on Aspergillus proliferans.
FEMS Microbiological Ecology, 28, 41-48 (1999).
[Impact factor:1.708(91) 1.813(92) 1.974(93) 1.703(94) 1.766(95) 1.842(96) 2.266(97) 2.367(98) 2.405(99) 2.439(00) 2.847(01) 2,589(02) 2.947(03) ]

065399 - UPB-H 990066 RIV US eng J
Krištůfek, V. - Fischer, S. - Buhrmann, J. - Zeltins, A. - Schrempf, H.
In situ monitoring of chitin degradation by Streptomyces lividans pCHIO12 within Enchytraeus crypticus (Oligochaeta) feeding on Aspergillus proliferans.
FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 28, 41-48 (1999).
[Impact factor:1.708(91) 1.813(92) 1.974(93) 1.703(94) 1.766(95)1.842(96) 2.266(97) 2.367(98) 2.405(99) 2.439(00)2.847(01) 2,589(02) 2.947(03) ]

060272 - UPB-H 990020 RIV SK eng C
Krištůfek, V. - Halbritter, A.
Detection of streptomycete growing cells after in situ hybridization.
In: Život v pode 2. - Bratislava, IMSAS 1999. - S. 116-119.
[Život v pode /2./. Bratislava (SK), 99.01.19-99.01.19]

065431 - UPB-H 990098 HU eng A
Krištůfek, V. - Schrempf, H.
Effect of Streptomyces lividans pCHIO12 on the development of Enchytraeus crypticus populations.
In: Abstracts of 11th International Symposium on the Biology of Actinomycetes. - Heraklion, GRT 1999. - S. 156-156.
[International Symposium on Biology of Actinomycetes /11./. Heraklion (GR), 99.10.24-99.10.28]

060275 - UPB-H 990023 DE eng A
Lukešová, A.
Succession of soil algae in post-mining areas.
In: Ecology of post-mining landscapes. - Cottbus, BTU 1999. - S. -.
[Ecology of post-mining landscapes. Cottbus (DE), 99.03.15-99.03.19]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) ME 076

060300 - UPB-H 990060 HU eng A
Lukešová, A.
Dominant soil algae.
In: International workshop and training course on microalgal biology and biotechnology. - Mosonmagyarovar, ISB 1999. - S. 14-16.
[International workshop and training course on microalgal biology and biotechnology. Mosonmagyarovar (HU), 99.06.13-99.06.26]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA526/97/0631

060255 - UPB-H 990003 CZ eng A
Lukešová, A. - Tajovský, K.
Interaction between soil algae and millipedes.
In: 5th Central European Workshop on Soil Zoology. - České Budějovice, ISB 1999. - S. 30-30.
[Central European Workshop on Soil Zoology /5./. České Budějovice ( CZ), 99.04.27-99.04.30]

065418 - UPB-H 990085 RIV CZ eng C
Lukešová, A. - Tajovský, K.
Interactions between soil algae and saprophagous invertebrates (Diplopoda and Oniscidea).
In: Soil Zoology in Central Europe. - České Budějovice, ISB 1999. - S. 187-195.
[Soil Zoology in Central Europe. České Budějovice (CZ), 99.04.27-99.04.30]

065432 - UPB-H 990099 CZ eng A
Lukešová, A. - Worland, R.
Ice nucleation activity of some Antarctic terrestrial algae and their effect on the cold tolerance of terrestrial arthropods feeding on them.
In: Abstract of International Conference Ecology of Antarctic Coastal Oasis. - Valtice, BBK 1999. - S. 15-15.
[Ecology of Antarctic Coastal Oasis. Valtice (CZ), 99.09.21-99.09.23]

060256 - UPB-H 990004 CZ eng A
Materna, J.
Collembola (Hexapoda) of different vegetation patches in mountain beech and spruce forest.
In: 5th Central European Workshop on Soil Zoology. - České Budějovice, ISB 1999. - S. 32-32.
[Central European Workshop on Soil Zoology /5./. České Budějovice ( CZ), 99.04.27-99.04.30]

060257 - UPB-H 990005 CZ eng A
Materna, J.
Collembolan succession on afforested colliery spoil heaps in two contrasting post-mining landscapes.
In: 5th Central European Workshop on Soil Zoology. - České Budějovice, ISB 1999. - S. 33-33.
[Central Europen Workshop on Soil Zoology /5./. České Budějovice ( CZ), 99.04.27-99.04.30]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) ME 076

060280 - UPB-H 990028 DE eng A
Materna, J.
Collembola of reclaimed coal-mining dumps in two contrasting post-mining areas.
In: Ecology of post-mining landscapes. - Cottbus, BTU 1999. - S. -.
[Ecology of post-mining landscapes. Cottbus (DE), 99.03.15-99.03.19]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) ME 076

065419 - UPB-H 990086 RIV CZ eng C
Materna, J.
Collembola of different vegetation patches in mountain beech and spruce forests.
In: Soil Zoology in Central Europe. - České Budějovice, ISB 1999. - S. 211-221.
[Soil Zoology in Central Europe. České Budějovice (CZ), 99.04.27-99.04.30]

065420 - UPB-H 990087 RIV CZ eng C
Materna, J.
Collembolan succession on afforested colliery spoil heaps in two contrasting post - mining landscapes.
In: Soil Zoology in Central Europe. - České Budějovice, ISB 1999. - S. 223-231.
[Soil Zoology in Central Europe. České Budějovice (CZ), 99.04.27-99.04.30]

065437 - UPB-H 990106 CZ cze J
Novák, F.
Nitrifikace v půdě horských smrkových porostů v Beskydech.
Zpravodaj Beskydy, 12, 23-38 (1999).

066940 - UPB-H 990123 CZ eng J
Novák, F.
Nitrogen transformation in Norway spruce forest soil in Trojmezná hora (Bohemian Forest).
Silva Gabreta, 3, 183-194 (1999).

065438 - UPB-H 990107 RIV CZ cze J
Novák, F. - Kalousková, N. - Machovič, V. - Brus, J.
Složení a struktura fulvokyselin horizontu B podzolové půdy z Trojmezí (Šumava).
Journal of Forest Science, 45, 554-565 (1999).

060258 - UPB-H 990006 CZ eng A
Nováková, A.
The effect of feeding of bibionid larvae on composition of litter microfungal community.
In: 5th Central Europen Workshop on Soil Zooology. - České Budějovice, ISB 1999. - S. 35-35.
[Central Europen Workshop on Soil Zoology /5./. České Budějovice ( CZ), 99.04.27-99.04.30]

060270 - UPB-H 990018 RIV SK cze C
Nováková, A.
Srovnání dvou metod mikroskopického stanovení biomasy hub v půdě.
In: Život v podě II. - (Ed. Ďugová, O.; Vizárová, G.). - Bratislava, IMSAV 1999. - S. 62-64.
[Život v pode /2./. Bratislava (SK), 99.01.19-99.01.19]

060281 - UPB-H 990029 DE eng A
Nováková, A.
Soil micromycetes in two contrasting post-mining chronosequences.
In: Ecology of post-mining landcapes. - Cottbus, BTU 1999. - S. -.
[Ecology of post-mining landscapes. Cottbus (DE), 99.03.15-99.03.19]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) ME 076

065421 - UPB-H 990088 RIV CZ eng C
Nováková, A. - Frouz, J.
The effect of feeding of bibionid larvae on composition of litter microfungal community.
In: Soil Zoology in Central Europe. - České Budějovice, ISB 1999. - S. 243-248.
[Soil Zoology in Central Europe. České Budějovice (CZ), 99.04.27-99.04.30]

065433 - UPB-H 990100 CZ eng A
Nováková, A. - Frouz, J.
The effect of feeding of bibionid larvae on composition of litter microfulgal community.
In: Abstracts of the 5th Central European Workshop on Soil Zoology. - České Budějovice, ISB 1999. - S. 35-35.
[Soil Zoology in Central Europe. České Budějovice (CZ), 99.04.27-99.04.30]

066946 - UPB-H 990129 CZ eng A
Picek, T. - Šantrůčková, H. - Šimek, M. - Čížková, H. - Bauer, V. - Lukavská, J.
Microbial activities in sediment of a helthy and declining reed stand.
In: International Conference on Phragmites-dominated wetlands, their functions and sustainable use. - Třeboň, ICCS 1999. - S. 44-44.
[International Congress on Phragmites-dominated wetlands, their functions and sustainable use. Třeboň (CZ), 99.04.18-99.04.23]

066947 - UPB-H 990130 HU eng A
Picek, T. - Tykva, R. - Šantrůčková, H. - Šimek, M. - Pavlů, B.
Glucose decomposition in soil after change of aeration status.
In: 13th International Congress of the Hungarian Socirty for Microbiology. - Budapest, ECCS 1999. - S. 77-78.
[International Congress of the Hungarian Society for Microbiology /13./. Budapest (HU), 99.08.29-99.09.01]

060259 - UPB-H 990007 CZ eng A
Pižl, V.
Earthworms of urban greens in Brussels.
In: 5th Central Europen Workshop on Soil Zoology. - České Budějovice, ISB 1999. - S. 36-36.
[Central European Workshop on Soil Zoology /5./. České Budějovice ( CZ), 99.04.27-99.04.30]

060276 - UPB-H 990024 DE eng A
Pižl, V.
Earthworm succession in afforested colliery spoil heaps in the Sokolov region, Czech Republic.
In: Ecology of post-mining landscapes. - Cottbus, BTU 1999. - S. -.
[Ecology of post-mining landscapes. Cottbus (DE), 99.03.15-99.03.19]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) ME 076

065400 - UPB-H 990067 DE eng J
Pižl, V.
Development of earthworm population in afforested colliery spoil heaps in northern Bohemia, Czech Republic.
Pedobiologia, 1999, 691-697 (1999).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK2017602
[Impact factor: 0.556(95)0.667(96) 0.657(97) 0.620(98) 0.798(99) 0.520(00)0.605(01) 0,832(02) 0.711(03) ]

065401 - UPB-H 990068 RIV DE eng J
Pižl, V.
Earthworm succession in abandoned fields - a comparison of deductive and sequential approaches to study.
Pedobiologia, 43, 705-712 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA526/97/0631
[Impact factor: 0.556(95)0.667(96) 0.657(97) 0.620(98) 0.798(99) 0.520(00)0.605(01) 0,832(02) 0.711(03) ]

065402 - UPB-H 990069 RIV DE eng J
Pižl, V.
Earthworm communities in hardwood floodplain forests of the Morava and Dyje Rivers as influenced by different inundation regimes.
Ekológia, 18, 199-206 (1999).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK2017602
[Impact factor: 0.133(95) 0.125(96) 0.059(97) 0.213(98) 0.145(99) 0.109(00) 0.192(01) 0,246(02) 0.100(03) ]

065422 - UPB-H 990089 RIV CZ eng C
Pižl, V.
Earthworms of urban greens in Brussels.
In: Soil Zoology in Central Europe. - České Budějovice, ISB 1999. - S. 249-259.
[Soil Zoology in Central Europe. České Budějovice (CZ), 99.04.27-99.04.30]

065443 - UPB-H 990112 CZ cze N
Pižl, V.
Žížaly a jejich význam v orných půdách.
Farmář, 24-25 (99.05.15).

065447 - UPB-H 990116 CZ cze A
Pižl, V.
Rozšíření žížalovitých (Lumbricidae) v Národním parku Podyjí.
In: Abstrakta referátů z koference:"Zoologické dny". - Brno, BOS 1999. - S. 7-7.
[Zoologické dny. Brno (CZ), 99.11.04-99.11.05]

065451 - UPB-H 990120 CZ cze V
Pižl, V. - Starý, J. - Tajovský, K.
Půdně zoologický průzkum CHKO Blanský les. Lumbricidae, Oniscidea, Diplopoda, Chilopoda a Oribatida vybraných lokalit CHKO Blanský les. České Budějovice, ÚPB AV ČR 1999. - 16 s.

060296 - UPB-H 990045 CZ cze V
Pižl, V. - Tajovský, K.
Lumbricidae, Oniscidea, Diplopoda a Chilopoda CHKO Poodří. Zpráva o inventarizačním průzkumu půdních Oligochaet (Lumbricidae), Isopod, Diplopod a Chilopod v nejvýznačnějších ekosystémech na území CHKO Poodří. České Budějovice, Ústav půdní biologie AVČR 1999. - 37 s.

065450 - UPB-H 990119 CZ cze V
Pižl, V. - Tajovský, K.
Lumbricidae, Oniscidea, Diplopoda a Chilopoda Národního parku Podyjí.Závěrečná zpráva. České Budějovice, ÚPB AV ČR 1999. - 152 s.

066942 - UPB-H 990125 CZ cze M
Pižl, V. - Tajovský, K.
Výzkum půdních živočichů v CHKO Poodří.
In: Poodří, současné výsledky výzkumu v CHKO Poodří. - Ostrava, Společnost přátel Poodří 1999. - S. 58-58.

060282 - UPB-H 990031 CZ cze N
Rusek, J.
Sláma M.E.F., Tesaříkovití Cerambycidae České a Slovenské republiky.
Živa, 47, 10-11 (99.03.24).

060283 - UPB-H 990032 CZ cze N
Rusek, J.
Je střední Evropa ohrožena globálními změnami?
Živa, 47 [2] 77-79 (99.05.20).

065445 - UPB-H 990114 CZ cze R
Rusek, J.
Sláma, M.E.F.: Tesaříkovití - Cerambycidae České republiky a Slovenské republiky.
Rec.: Sláma, J.: Tesaříkovití - Cerambycidae České republiky a Slovenské republiky.
Živa, 47, 10-11 (1999).

065446 - UPB-H 990115 CZ cze R
Rusek, J.
Václav Skuhravý, Marcela Skuhravá: Bejlomorky lesních stromů a keřů.
Rec.: Skuhravý, V. - Skuhravá, M.: Bejlomorky lesních stromů a keřů.
Živa, 47, 53-53 (1999).

060260 - UPB-H 990008 CZ eng A
Rusek, J. - Rusek, J.
Impact of winter road salting on soil Collembola and other microarthropods.
In: 5the Central European Workshop on Soil Zoology. - České Budějovice, ISB 1999. - S. 37-37.
[Central European Workshop on Soil Zoology /5./. České Budějovice ( CZ), 99.04.27-99.04.30]

065423 - UPB-H 990090 RIV CZ eng C
Rusek, J. - Rusek, J.
Impact of winter road salting on soil Collembola and other microarthropods.
In: Soil Zoology in Central Europe. - České Budějovice, ISB 1999. - S. 261-268.
[Soil Zoology in Central Europe. České Budějovice (CZ), 99.04.27-99.04.30]

060261 - UPB-H 990009 CZ eng A
Rusek, J. - Šubrt, M.
Epigeic Collembola in a mixed forest - grassland ecotone.
In: 5th Central European Workshop on Soil Zoology. - České Budějovice, ISB 1999. - S. 38-38.
[Central European Workshop on Soil Zoology /5./. České Budějovice ( CZ), 99.04.27-99.04.30]

065424 - UPB-H 990091 RIV CZ eng C
Rusek, J. - Šubrt, M.
Epigeic Collembola in a mixed forest - grassland ecotone.
In: Soil Zoology in Central Europe. - České Budějovice, ISB 1999. - S. 269-276.
[Soil Zoology in Central Europe. České Budějovice (CZ), 99.04.27-99.04.30]

060262 - UPB-H 990010 CZ eng A
Starý, J.
Changes of oribatid mite communities (Acari: Oribatida) during secondary succession.
In: 5th Central European Workshop on Soil Zoology. - České Budějovice, ISB 1999. - S. 43-43.
[Central European Workshop on Soil Zoology /5./. České Budějovice ( CZ), 99.04.27-99.04.30]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA526/97/0631

065425 - UPB-H 990092 RIV CZ eng C
Starý, J.
Changes of oribatid mite communities (Acari: Oribatida) during secondary succession on abandoned fields.
In: Soil Zoology in Central Europe. - České Budějovice, ISB 1999. - S. 315-323.
[Soil Zoology in Central Europe. České Budějovice (CZ), 99.04.27-99.04.30]

065434 - UPB-H 990103 HU eng A
Starý, J. - Lukešová, A. - Nováková, A. - Krištůfek, V.
Interactions between oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida) and soil microflora.
In: Abstracts of the 13th International Congress of the Hungarian Society for Microbiology. - Budapešť, HHM 1999. - S. 91-91.
[International Congress of the Hungarian Society for Microbiology /13./. Budapešť (HU), 99.08.30-99.09.01]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA206/97/0629

065403 - UPB-H 990070 RIV NL eng J
Šantrůčková, H. - Šantrůček, J. - Květoň, J. - Šimková, M. - Elhottová, D. - Roháček, K.
Carbon balance of a winter wheat - root microbiota system under elevated CO2.
Photosyntetica, 36, 341-354 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA522/96/1083; GA ČR(CZ) GA204/93/0693; Commission EC(XE) EV5V 92-0169
[Impact factor:0.401(91) 0.239(92) 0.304(93) 0.457(94) 0.520(95) 0.659(96) 0.941(97) 0.663(98) 0.734(99) 0.482(00) 0.807(01) 0,773(02) 0.661(03) ]

060284 - UPB-H 990033 RIV GB eng J
Šimek, M.
The response of denitrifiers in a sandy loam soil affected by a long-term fertilization to organic carbon and nitrate.
Folia Microbiologica, 44, 85-89 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA206/96/0169

065404 - UPB-H 990071 RIV GB eng J
Šimek, M. - Hopkins, D. W.
Regulation of potential denitrification by soil pH in long-term fertilized arable soil.
Biology and Fertility of Soils, 30, 41-47 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA206/96/0169; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK2017602
[Impact factor:0.843(92) 0.947(93) 0.908(94) 0.932(95)1.228(96) 1.003(97) 1.083(98) 1.270(99) 1.307(00)1.087(01) 1,242(02) 1.152(03) ]

065405 - UPB-H 990072 RIV GB eng J
Šimek, M. - Hopkins, D. W. - Kalčík, J. - Picek, T. - Šantrůčková, H. - Staňa, J. - Trávník, K.
Biological and chemical properties of arable soil affected by long - term organic and inorganic fertilizer application.
Biology and Fertility of Soils, 29, 300-308 (1999).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK2017602
[Impact factor:0.843(92) 0.947(93) 0.908(94) 0.932(95)1.228(96) 1.003(97) 1.083(98) 1.270(99) 1.307(00)1.087(01) 1,242(02) 1.152(03) ]

065406 - UPB-H 990073 RIV CZ cze J
Šimek, M. - Šantrůčková, H.
Vliv skladování půdních vzorků na mikrobiální biomasu a její aktivitu.
Rostlinná výroba, 45, 415-419 (1999).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA6066901
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.003(92) 0.000(93) 0.012(94) 0.008(95)0.170(96) 0.214(97) 0.168(98) 0.192(99) 0.256(00)0.237(01) 0,333(02) 0.276(03) ]

060271 - UPB-H 990019 RIV SK cze C
Šimek, M. - Šantrůčková, H. - Picek, T. - Mašková, Z.
Vliv způsobu obhospodařování na vybrané parametry mikrobiálního společenstva půdy horské louky a na emise plynných metabolitů.
In: Život v pode 2. - (Ed. Ďugová, O.; Vizárová, G.). - Bratislava, IMSAV 1999. - S. 88-89.
[Život v pode /2./. Bratislava (SK), 99.01.19-99.01.19]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA206/96/0169

066941 - UPB-H 990124 CZ cze J
Šumpich, J. - Kůrka, A. - Dudych, A. - Tajovský, K. - Dvořák, M. - Hlaváč, V. - Toman, A. - Bezděčka, P. - Pižl, V. - Ducháč, V.
Výsledky zoologického výzkumu přírodní rezervace Velký Špičák (okres Jihlava).
Vlastivědný sborník Vysočiny, oddělení přírodních věd, 14, 155-175 (1999).

065435 - UPB-H 990104 PL eng A
Šustr, V.
Saccharidades in the gut of millipedes.
In: Abstracts of the 11th International Congress of Myriapodology. - Bielowieza, PPLM 1999. - S. 51-51.
[International Congress of Myriapodology /11./. Bielowieza (PL), 99.07.20-99.07.24]

065407 - UPB-H 990074 RIV CZ eng J
Šustr, V. - Hubert, J.
The influence of thermal acclimation on the amylolytic activity and microanatomy of the alimentary tract of the oribatid mite Galumna elimata (Acari: Oribatei).
European Journal of Entomology, 96, 189-198 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA206/97/0629
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.000(93) 0.167(94) 0.390(95)0.633(96) 0.858(97) 0.661(98) 0.443(99) 0.716(00)0.802(01) 0,520(02) 0.741(03) ]

060263 - UPB-H 990011 CZ eng A
Tajovský, K.
Epigeic activity of millipedes in an abandoned field.
In: 5th Central European Workshop on Soil Zoology. - České Budějovice, ISB 1999. - S. 46-46.
[Central European Workshop on Soil Zoology /5./. České Budějovice ( CZ), 99.04.27-99.04.30]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA526/97/0631

060277 - UPB-H 990025 DE eng A
Tajovský, K.
Millipedes (Diplopoda) and terrestrial isopods (Oniscidea) of colliery spoil heaps in the Sokolov region, Czech Republic.
In: Ecology of post-mining landscapes. - Cottbus, BTU 1999. - S. -.
[Ecology of post-mining landscapes. Cottbus (DE), 99.03.15-99.03.19]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) ME 076

065408 - UPB-H 990075 RIV SK eng J
Tajovský, K.
Impact of inundations on terrestrial arthropod assemblages in Southern Moravian floodplain forests, Czech Republic.
Ekológia, 18, 174-184 (1999).
[Impact factor: 0.133(95) 0.125(96) 0.059(97) 0.213(98) 0.145(99) 0.109(00) 0.192(01) 0,246(02) 0.100(03) ]

065426 - UPB-H 990093 RIV CZ eng C
Tajovský, K.
Epigeic activity of millipedes (Diplopoda) in an abandoned fields.
In: Soil Zoology in Central Europe. - České Budějovice, ISB 1999. - S. 351-356.
[Soil Zoology in Central Europe. České Budějovice (CZ), 99.04.27-99.04.30]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA526/97/0631

065436 - UPB-H 990105 PL eng A
Tajovský, K.
Millipede succession in abandoned fields.
In: Abstracts of the 11th International Congress of Myriapodology - Bielowieza, PPL 1999. - S. 57-57.
[International Congress of Myriapodology /11./. Bielowieza (PL), 99.07.20-99.07.24]

065444 - UPB-H 990113 CZ cze N
Tajovský, K.
Co všechno můžeme vidět na těle mnohonožky.
Živa, [47] 281-283 (99.10.10).

065448 - UPB-H 990117 CZ cze A
Tajovský, K.
Mnohonožky (Diplopoda), stonožky (Chilopoda) a suchozemští stejnonožci (Oniscidea) CHKO Poodří.
In: Abstrakta referátů z konference:"Zoologické dny". - Brno, BBO 1999. - S. 8.
[Zoologické dny. Brno (CZ), 99.11.04-99.11.05]

065449 - UPB-H 990118 CZ cze V
Tajovský, K.
Půdní fauna. Obnova druhově bohatých luk ve vymezeném nadregionálním biocentru Čertoryje v k.ú. Malá Vrbka. České Budějovice, ÚPB AV ČR 1999. - 18 s.

066943 - UPB-H 990126 CZ eng C
Tajovský, K. - Frouz, J. - Starý, J.
Programme, abstracts, list of participants.
In: 5th Central European Workshop on Soil Zoology. - České Budějovice, ISB 1999. - S. 1-95.
[Central European Workshop on Soil Zoology /5./. České Budějovice ( CZ), 99.04.27-99.04.30]

065427 - UPB-H 990094 CZ eng G
Tajovský, K. - Pižl, V.
Soil Zoology in Central Europe. České Budějovice, ISB 1999. - 377 s.
[Soil Zoology in Central Europe. České Budějovice (CZ), 99.04.27-99.04.30]

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