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Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

037283 - UJF-V 970062 FR eng C
Adam, J. - Čaloun, P. - Honusek, M. - Kalinnikov, V. G. - Kreipe, G. - Osipenko, B. P. - Priemyshev, A. N. - Pronskikh, V. S. - Stegailov, V. I. - Cupko-Sitnikov, V. M.
New data on the .SUP.159 Yb decay.
In: ENAM95. - (Ed. de Saint Simon, M.; Sorbin, O.). - Gif-Sur-Yvette, Frontiers 1995. - S. 535-536.
[International Conference on Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses. Arles (FR), 95.05.19-95.05.23]

037284 - UJF-V 970063 FR eng C
Adam, J. - Čaloun, P. - Stegailov, V. I. - Pražák, F.
Multidetector spectrometer for the measurement of g-g-coincidencies - "DODECAHEDRON".
In: ENAM95. - (Ed. de Saint Simon, M.; Sorbin, O.). - Gif-Sur-Yvette, Frontiers 1995. - S. 817-818.
[International Conference on Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses. Arles (FR), 95.05.19-95.05.23]

024555 - UJF-V 950092 RU eng A
Adam, J. - Zákoucký, D. - Kalinnikov, V. G. - Priemyshev, A. N. - Pronskij, V. S. - Stegailov, V. I. - Tsupko-Sitnikov, V. M. - Čaloun, P. - Yushkevich, Y. V.
Gamma-rays of .SUP.159 Er(T.SUB.1/2=36.O min) with the energy over 18OO keV.
In: Abstracts of the Reports of the International Conference. - Dubna, JINR 1995. - S. 453.
[International Conference on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear Structure. Sankt-Petersburg (RU), 95.06.27-95.06.30]

024556 - UJF-V 950093 RU eng A
Adam, J. - Zákoucký, D. - Priemyshev, A. N. - Pronskij, V. S. - Stegailov, V. I.
Analysis of the gamma-rays spectra corresponding to decays of A-chain nuclei.
In: Abstracts of the Reports of the International Conference on Nuclear Spectroscopy. - Dubna, JINR 1995. - S. 538.
[International Conference on Nuclear Spectroscopy. St. Peterbourg ( RU), 95.06.27-95.06.30]

029409 - UJF-V 960002 SG eng J
Adam, J.
Extended s-matrix technique and .upsilon./c expansion.
Few Body Problems in Physics, 334, 192 (1995).
[AIP Conference. Williamsburg (US), 94.05.26-94.05.31]
Grant: KSK1048601

024546 - UJF-V 950083 SG eng C
Adam, J. - Arenhövel, H.
Frame dependence of nuclear operators.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference "Mesons and Nuclei at Intermediate Enegies". - (Ed. Khankhasayev, M. Kh.; Kurmanov, Zh. B.). - -, World Scientific 1995. - S. 600-605.
[International Conference "Mesons and Nuclei at Intermediat e Energies". Dubna (RU), 94.05.02-94.05.07]
Grant: GA202/94/0370IA148410

024508 - UJF-V 950044 US eng J
Adam, J. - Stadler, A. - Henning, H. - Sauer, P. U.
Triton calculations with .pí. and .rho. exchange three-nucleon forces.
Physical Review. C, 51, 2896-2904 (1995).
Grant: IA148410GA202/94/0370
[Impact factor:1.873(92) 1.967(93) 1.842(94) 2.045(95) 1.993(96) 1.975(97) 2.308(98) 2.446(99) 2.384(00) 2.695(01) 2,848(02) 2.708(03) ]

024510 - UJF-V 950046 US eng J
Adam, J. - Witala, H. - Hüber, D. - Glöckle, W. - Golak, J. - Stadler, A.
Effects of the three-nucleon forces due to .pí. and .rho. exchanges in the three-nukleon continuum.
Physical Review. C, 52, 1254-1259 (1995).
Grant: IA148410GA202/94/0370
[Impact factor:1.873(92) 1.967(93) 1.842(94) 2.045(95) 1.993(96) 1.975(97) 2.308(98) 2.446(99) 2.384(00) 2.695(01) 2,848(02) 2.708(03) ]

030743 - UJF-V 960066 JP eng C
Ahn, J. K. - Bassalleck, B. - Chung, M. S. - En'yo, H. - Fukuda, T. - Funahashi, H. - Goto, Y. - Higashi, A. - Ieri, M. - Iinuma, M. - Imai, K. - Itow, Y. - Kanda, H. - Kim, G. D. - Kim, Y. D. - Lee, J. M. - Masaike, A. - Matsuda, Y. - Mihara, S. - Okada, K. - Park, I. S. - Park, Y. M. - Saito, N. - Shin, Y. M. - Sim, K. S. - Susukita, R. - Takashima, R. - Takeutchi, F. - Tlustý, P. - Yamashita, S. - Yokkaichi, S. - Yoshida, M.
.SIGMA.SUP.+ scattering experiment at KEK.
In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Nuclear and Particle Physics with Meson Beams in the 1 GeV/c Region. - (Ed. Sugimoto, S.). - Tokyo, Universal Academy 1995. - S. 287-291.
[International Symposium on Nuclear and Particle Physics with Meson Beams in the 1 GeV/c Region. Tokyo (JP), 95.03.15-95.03.18]
Grant: KSK1048601

029417 - UJF-V 960010 RU eng V
Anne, R. - Bazin, D. - Borcea, C. - Borrel, V. - Carstoiu, F. - Corre, J. M. - Dlouhý, Z. - Fomichev, A. S. - Guillemaud-Mueller, D. - Keller, H. - Kordyasz, A. - Lewitowicz, M. - Lukyanov, S. M. - Mueller, A. C. - Pecina, I. - Penionzhkevich, Y. E. - Roussel-Chomaz, P. - Saint-Laurent, M. G. - Skobelev, N. K. - Sorlin, O. - Tarasov, O. B.
Quasielastic scattering of .SUP.8 B and .SUP.7 Be on .SUP.12 C at 40 MeV/nucleon. Dubna, JINR 1995. - 81 s.

026804 - UJF-V 950013 GB eng J
Azarko, I. I. - Karpovich, I. A. - Kozlov, I. P. - Kozlova, E. I. - Odzhaev, V. B. - Popok, V. N. - Hnatowicz, V.
Influence of ion implantation on the properties of polymer films.
Solid State Communications, 95 [1] 49-51 (1995).
[Impact factor:1.764(91) 1.369(92) 1.539(93) 1.446(94) 1.337(95) 1.528(96) 1.323(97) 1.297(98) 1.428(99) 1.271(00) 1.381(01) 1,671(02) 1.602(03) ]

024617 - UJF-V 950161 FR eng A
Bartlett, D. T. - McAulay, I. R. - Schrewe, U. J. - Schnuer, K. - Menzel, H. G. - Spurný, F.
Dosimetry for occupational exposure to cosmic radiation.
In: 8th Symposium on Neutron Dosimetry. - Fontenay-aux-Roses, EC-IPSN 1995. - S. 99.
[Symposium on Neutron Dosimetry /8./. Paris (FR), 95.11.13-95.11.17]
Grant: CT(XE) 92-0026

024503 - UJF-V 950039 US eng J
Bečvář, F. - Cejnar, P. - Honzátko, J. - Konečný, K. - Tomandl, I. - Chrien, R. E.
E1 and M1 strengths studied from two-step .gama.-cascades following capture of thermal neutrons in .SUP.162 Dy.
Physical Review. C, 52, 1278-1294 (1995).
Grant: IA14853GA202/94/0502
[Impact factor:1.873(92) 1.967(93) 1.842(94) 2.045(95) 1.993(96) 1.975(97) 2.308(98) 2.446(99) 2.384(00) 2.695(01) 2,848(02) 2.708(03) ]

026814 - UJF-V 950023 IT eng C
Bečvář, F. - Cejnar, P. - Honzátko, J. - Tomandl, I. - Gunsing, F. - Robinson, S. J.
Simulation of gamma cascades following neutron capture.
In: Proceedings pf a specialists' meeting on Measurement, Calculation and Evaluation orf Photon Production Data. - (Ed. Coceva, C.; Mengoni, A.; Ventura, A.). - Bologna, Enea 1995. - 81-92 s. - ( NEA/NSC/DOC (95) 1.).
[Measurement, calculation and evalution of photon production data. Bologna (IT), 94.11.09-94.11.11]

024614 - UJF-V 950158 FR eng A
Bednář, J. - Turek, K. - Spurný, F.
Angular response to neutrons of the electrochemically etched CR--39 with different radiators.
In: 8th Symposium on Neutron Dosimetry. - Fontenay-aux-Roses, CE-IPSN 1995. - S. 38.
[Symposium on Neutron Dosimetry /8./. Paris (FR), 95.11.13-95.11.17]

030762 - UJF-V 960106 CZ eng J
Bejšovec, V. - Trejbal, Z.
Li ion source for the cyclotron U-120 M.
Acta Polytechnica, 35 [4] 57-58 (1995).
[Nukleonika '95. Praha (CZ), 95.06.21-95.06.22]
Grant: GA202/96/0602KSK1048601

030911 - BFU-R 960143 CZ eng C
Bém, P. - Kroha, V. - Vincour, J. - Kozubek, S.
Source of fast neutrons for biological studies on the cyclotron U-120.
In: Proceedings of the Symposium at Brno. - (Ed. Kozubek, S.; Horneck, G.). - Brno, KIRAMO 1995. - S. 27-29.
[Radiation Biology and its Application in Space Research, Mutation Induction by Ionizing Radiation. Nedvědice (CZ), 94.11.10-94.11.12]
Grant: GA204/93/2451

024598 - UJF-V 950137 CZ eng C
Bém, P. - Vincour, J. - Kroha, V. - Kozubek, S.
Source of fast neutrons for biological studies on the cyclotron U-120 M.
In: Proceedings of Symposium on the Radiation Biology and its Application. - Brno, Biofyzikální ústav AV 1995. - S. 48.
[Symposium on the Radiation Biology and its Application. Brno (CZ), 94.11.10-94.11.12]

024639 - UJF-V 950184 CZ fre V
Bottollier-Depois, J. F. - Plawinski, L. - Médioni, R. - Spurný, F. - Votočková, I. - Bednář, J.
Dosimetrie des rayonnements cosmiques au bord d`un satellite - Projet IBIS. Praha, ODZ ÚJF AV ČR 1995. - 10 s.
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 335402

024647 - UJF-V 950192 FR fre V
Bottollier-Depois, J. F. - Plawinski, L. - Médioni, R. - Spurný, F. - Votočková, I. - Bednář, J.
Dosimétrie du rayonnement cosmique dans le cadre l`expérience IBIS. Fontenay-aux-Roses, Institut de Protection et de Sureté Nucléaire 1995. - 7 s.
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 335402

024615 - UJF-V 950159 FR eng A
Bottollier-Depois, J. F. - Spurný, F. - Mazal, A.
Microdosimetric investigations in realistic fields.
In: 8th Symposium on Neutron Dosimetry. - Fontenay-aux-Roses, EC-IPSN 1995. - S. 15.
[Symposium on Neutron Dosimetry /8./. Paris (FR), 95.11.13-95.11.17]
Grant: CT(XE) 93-0072

029411 - UJF-V 960004 RU rus C
Brianson, M. - Brudanin, V. B. - Vylov, C. - Egorov, V. G. - Zaparov, S. E. - Kovalenko, V. E. - Kovalík, A. - Revenko, A. V. - Ruchadze, N. I. - Salamatin, A. V. - Sandukovskij, V. G. - Timkin, V. V. - Cupko-Sitnikov, V. V. - Stekl, I. - Vorobel, V.
Nizkofonovyj spektrometr TGV dlja poiska dvojnogo beta-ras pada.
In: Tezisy dokladov Mezhdunarodnogo soveschania "Jadernaya spektroskopia i struktura atomnogo jadra". - Dubna, JINR 1995. - S. 419.
[Mezhdunarodnoe soveschanie "Jadernaya spektroskopia i struktura atomnogo jadra". Sankt-Peterburg (RU), 95.06.27-95.06.30]
Grant: GA202/94/0022KSK1048601

029412 - UJF-V 960005 RU rus C
Brianson, S. - Brudanin, V. B. - Vylov, C. - Egorov, V. G. - Zaparov, S. E. - Kovalenko, V. E. - Kovalík, A. - Revenko, A. V. - Ruchadze, N. I. - Salamatin, A. V. - Sandukovskij, V. G. - Timkin, V. V. - Cupko-Sitnikov, V. V. - Stekl, I. - Vorobel, V.
Issledovanie fonovych uslovij dlja poiska dvojnogo beta-ra spada na spektrometre TGV.
In: Tezisy dokladov Mezhdunarodnogo soveschania "Jadernaya spektroskopia i struktura atomnogo jadra". - Dubna, JINR 1995. - S. 420.
[Mezhdunarodnoe soveschanie "Jadernaya spektroskopia i struktura atomnogo jadra". Sankt-Peterburg (RU), 95.06.27-95.06.30]
Grant: GA202/94/0022KSK1048601

024511 - UJF-V 950047 RU rus J
Burjan, V. - Aleksandrov, D. V. - Nikolski, E. Yu. - Novatskij, B. G. - Stepanov, D. N. - Kroha, V. - Novák, J.
Novyje izmerenija masy izotopa .SUP.4 H v reakcijach s radoaktivnym pučkom .SUP.6 He i ionami .SUP.6 Li.
Pisma v ŽETF62, -, 18-23 (1995).

030763 - UJF-V 960107 CZ eng J
Burjan, V. - Cejpek, J. - Fojtů, J. - Kroha, V. - Pecina, I.
Interaction of .SUP.3 He ions with .SUP.13 C and .SUP.14 C nuclei.
Acta Polytechnica, 35 [4] 59-61 (1995).
[Nukleonika '95. Praha (CZ), 95.06.21-95.06.22]
Grant: IAA1048605KSK1048601

024585 - UJF-V 950123 SG eng C
Bydžovský, P. - Sotona, M.
Elastic scattering of K.SUP.+ from light nuclei.
In: 9th Few-Body Systems Supplementum. - Singapore, World Scientific 1995. - S. 61-64.
[International Conference on Mesons and Light Nuclei. Stráž pod Ralskem (CZ), 95.06.03-95.06.07]
Grant: IA148401

037364 - UJF-V 970149 RU eng J
Chuburkov, Y. T. - Perelygin, V. P. - Zvára, I. - Szeglowski, Z. - Shtanko, S. P. - Buklanov, G. V. - Kharitonov, Y. P. - Belov, A. G. - Drobina, T. P. - Bugrov, V. N. - Bisplinghoff, B. - Brandt, R.
A novel approach to the problem of highly sensitive regular analyses for man-made plutonium in enviroment and human body.
Radiochimica Acta, 68 [4] 227-231 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.583(91) 0.858(92) 0.611(93) 0.519(94) 0.541(95) 0.843(96) 0.718(97) 1.010(98) 0.787(99) 0.775(00) 0.660(01) 0,809(02) 0.940(03) ]

024586 - UJF-V 950124 SG eng C
Cieplý, A.
Nuclear Structure Effects in Light Pionic Atoms.
In: 9th Few-Body Systems Supplementum. - Singapore, World Scientific 1995. - S. 121-126.
[International Conference on Mesons and Light Nuclei. Stráž pod Ralskem (CZ), 95.06.03-95.06.07]

024582 - UJF-V 950120 SG eng C
Cieplý, A. - Mach, R.
Theoretical description of the lightest pionic atoms.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Mesons and Nuclei at Intermediate Energies. - (Ed. Khankhasayev, M. K.; Kurmanov, Z. B.). - Singapore, World Scientific 1995. - S. 555-560.
[International Conference on Mesons and Nuclei at Intermediate Energies. Dubna (RU), 94.05.02-94.05.07]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) A14801IA148401

030747 - UJF-V 960077 NL eng J
Coppola, R. - Lukáš, P. - Montanari, R. - Rustichelli, F. - Vrána, M.
X-ray and neutron diffraction line broadening measurements in a martensitic steel for fusion technology.
Materials Letters, 22, [-] 21 (1995).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 202/93/1361KSK1010601
[Impact factor:0.803(91) 0.695(92) 0.653(93) 0.660(94) 0.715(95) 0.779(96) 0.629(97) 0.534(98) 0.578(99) 0.632(00) 0.670(01) 0,892(02) 0.774(03) ]

037365 - UJF-V 970150 RU rus J
Čuburkov, Y. T. - Nam, C. S. - Al'pert, L. K. - Zvára, I.
Entropija i entalpija adsorbcii gazoobraznych chloridov metallov na kvarcevom stěkle kak funkcija sostava molekul.
Radiochimia, 37 [6] 528-536 (1995).

024596 - UJF-V 950135 FR eng A
Dlouhý, Z. - Borcea, C. - Anne, R. - Fomichev, A. - Guillemaud-Mueller, D. - Pecina, I.
Energy dependence of break up cross section for loosely bound nuclei.
In: Proceedings of International Conference on Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses. - Arles, ENAM 1995. - S. PB3.
[International Conference on Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses. Arles (FR), 95.06.19-95.06.23]

024569 - UJF-V 950107 NL eng J
Dlouhý, Z. - Corre, J. - Borcea, C. - Borrel, V. - Carstoiu, F. - Fomichev, A. - Guillemaud-Mueller, D. - Lewitowicz, M. - Lukyanov, S. M. - Kordyasz, A. - Mueller, A. C. - Negoita, F. - Penionzhkevich, Y. E.
Integral measurement of break-up excitation function using a multiple silicon telescope.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. A, 359, 511 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.795(91) 0.962(92) 0.968(93) 1.188(94) 1.091(95) 1.038(96) 0.890(97) 0.896(98) 0.921(99) 0.964(00) 1.026(01) 1,167(02) 1.166(03) ]

024597 - UJF-V 950136 FR eng A
Dlouhý, Z. - Lewitowicz, M. - Pecina, I. - Carstoiu, F.
Search for proton-halo in light exotic nuclei.
In: Proceedings of International Conference on Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses. - Arles, ENAM 1995. - S. PB8.
[International Conference on Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses. Arles (FR), 95.06.19-95.06.23]

030764 - UJF-V 960108 CZ eng J
Dlouhý, Z. - Pecina, I.
Study of light exotic nuclei using secondary radioactive beams.
Acta Polytechnica, 35 [4] 64-65 (1995).
[Nukleonika '95. Praha (CZ), 95.06.21-95.06.22]

024573 - UJF-V 950111 US eng J
Dobeš, J.
F-spin mixing and M1 properties of the low-lying states in the neutron-proton interacting boson model.
Physical Review. C, 52 [3] 1419-1430 (1995).
Grant: GA202/93/2472
[Impact factor:1.873(92) 1.967(93) 1.842(94) 2.045(95) 1.993(96) 1.975(97) 2.308(98) 2.446(99) 2.384(00) 2.695(01) 2,848(02) 2.708(03) ]

030754 - UJF-V 960098 CZ eng J
Dobeš, J.
Microscopy of the interacting boson model.
Acta Polytechnica, 35 [4] 66-67 (1995).
[Nukleonika '95. Praha (CZ), 95.06.21-95.06.22]
Grant: GA202/94/0371KSK1048601

024594 - UJF-V 950133 NL eng J
Dragoun, O. - Ryšavý, M. - Dragounová, N. - Brabec, V. - Fišer, M.
An improved method for the measurement of fine effects in electron spectra.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. A, 365 [2] 385-391 (1995).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/93/1146
[Impact factor:0.795(91) 0.962(92) 0.968(93) 1.188(94) 1.091(95) 1.038(96) 0.890(97) 0.896(98) 0.921(99) 0.964(00) 1.026(01) 1,167(02) 1.166(03) ]

029616 - UJF-V 960024 CZ eng J
Dragoun, O. - Špalek, A. - Ryšavý, M. - Brabec, V. - Dragounová, N. - Kovalík, A. - Řízek, J.
Search for heavy neutrinos in beta spectrum of .SUP.241 Pu.
Acta polytechnica, 35 [4] 70-71 (1995).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/93/1146KSK1048601

026818 - UJF-V 950027 US eng J
Duclos, P. - Exner, P.
Curvature-induced bound states in quantum waveguides in two and three dimensions.
Reviews in Mathematical Physics, 7 [1] 73-102 (1995).
Grant: IA148409
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.000(93) 0.000(94) 0.942(95) 0.813(96) 0.929(97) 0.726(98) 0.814(99) 0.895(00) 0.938(01) 1,130(02) 0.835(03) ]

026811 - UJF-V 950020 SU eng J
Efimov, A. D. - Kudojarov, M. F. - Li, A. S. - Pasternak, A. A. - Adam, J. - Honusek, M. - Špalek, A.
Lifetimes and structure of excited state of Ru.SUP.102 yrast band.
Yaděrnaja fizika - Physics of Atomic Nuclei, 58 [1] 1-9 (1995).

029618 - UJF-V 960028 DE eng J
Endršt, R. - Švorčík, V. - Rybka, V. - Hnatowicz, V.
Surface modification of polymers induced by ion implantation.
Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, 137, 25-28 (1995).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/93/0121KSK1048601
[Impact factor:0.648(91) 0.239(92) 0.290(93) 0.582(94) 0.580(95) 0.291(96) 0.249(97) 0.000(98) 0.444(99) 0.264(00) 0.380(01) 0,290(02) 0.407(03) ]

024518 - UJF-V 950054 US eng J
Exner, P.
The absence of the absolutely continuous spectrum for .delta.' Wannier-Stark ladders.
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 36, 4561-4570 (1995).
Grant: IA148409
[Impact factor:0.777(91) 0.880(92) 0.902(93) 0.969(94) 0.967(95) 1.048(96) 1.102(97) 1.019(98) 0.976(99) 1.008(00) 1.151(01) 1,387(02) 1.481(03) ]

024519 - UJF-V 950055 GB eng J
Exner, P.
A quantum pipette.
Journal of Physics. A, 28, 5323-5330 (1995).
Grant: IA148409
[Impact factor:2.214(91) 2.189(92) 2.060(93) 1.779(94) 1.657(95) 1.528(96) 1.480(97) 1.545(98) 1.387(99) 1.365(00) 1.542(01) 1,406(02) 1.357(03) ]

026819 - UJF-V 950028 US eng J
Exner, P.
Lattice kroning-penney models.
Physical Review Letters, 74 [18] 3503-3506 (1995).
Grant: IA148409
[Impact factor:7.290(91) 7.375(92) 7.111(93) 6.626(94) 6.297(95) 6.477(96) 6.140(97) 6.017(98) 6.095(99) 6.462(00) 6.668(01) 7,323(02) 7.035(03) ]

024580 - UJF-V 950118 FR eng J
Exner, P. - Duclos, P. - Šťovíček, P.
Curvature induced resonances in a two-dimensional Dirichlet tube.
Annales de l' institute H. Poincaré Physique théorique, 62 [1] 81-101 (1995).
Grant: IA148409

026809 - UJF-V 950018 NL eng J
Fink, D. - Klett, R. - Mathis, C. - Chadderton, L. T. - Vacík, J. - Hnatowicz, V.
Depth profiles of fullerene in ion implanted polyimide.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. B, 100, 69-79 (1995).
[Impact factor:1.179(91) 1.152(92) 1.157(93) 1.073(94) 1.193(95) 1.140(96) 1.016(97) 1.093(98) 1.118(99) 0.955(00) 1.041(01) 1,158(02) 1.041(03) ]

029623 - UJF-V 960041 DE eng V
Fink, D. - Klett, R. - Mathis, C. - Vacík, J. - Hnatowicz, V. - Chadderton, L. T.
Doping of latent tracks with ions and organic molecules. Berlin, ISL Hahn-Meitner-Institute 1995. - 79-80 s.

029624 - UJF-V 960042 DE eng V
Fink, D. - Klett, R. - Szimkoviak, P. - Vacík, J. - Wang, L. - Chadderton, L. T.
Ion induced fullerite damage and sputtering. Berlin, ISL Hahn-Meitner-Institute 1995. - 83-84 s.

026816 - UJF-V 950025 GB eng J
Fink, D. - Klett, R. - Vacík, J. - Hnatowicz, V.
Doping of nuclear tracks with fullerene solution.
Radiation Measurements, 25 [1-4] 85-88 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.000(93) 0.000(94) 0.760(95) 0.452(96) 0.530(97) 3.109(98) 0.572(99) 0.638(00) 1.003(01) 0,974(02) 0.948(03) ]

029415 - UJF-V 960008 NL eng J
Fink, D. - Mueller, M. - Klett, R. - Chadderton, L. T. - Palmetshofer, L. - Kastner, J. - Vacík, J. - Hnatowicz, V. - Popok, V.
Sputtering of fullerene by noble gas ions at high fluences.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. B, 103, 415-422 (1995).
Grant: KSK1010601
[Impact factor:1.179(91) 1.152(92) 1.157(93) 1.073(94) 1.193(95) 1.140(96) 1.016(97) 1.093(98) 1.118(99) 0.955(00) 1.041(01) 1,158(02) 1.041(03) ]

029416 - UJF-V 960009 NL eng J
Fink, D. - Mueller, M. - Klett, R. - Vacík, J. - Hnatowicz, V. - Červená, J.
Three-dimensional implantation distribution of Li implanted into pyrographite,as revealed by solid state tomography in combination with neutron depth profiling.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. B, 103, 423-428 (1995).
Grant: KSK1010601
[Impact factor:1.179(91) 1.152(92) 1.157(93) 1.073(94) 1.193(95) 1.140(96) 1.016(97) 1.093(98) 1.118(99) 0.955(00) 1.041(01) 1,158(02) 1.041(03) ]

029619 - UJF-V 960029 GB eng J
Foltynová, V. - Voska, L. - Povýšil, C. - Kučera, J. - Pilecká, N. - Rakovič, M.
A comparison of sodium amounts in compact bone, red marrow and yellow marrow sections as determined by instrumental neutron activation analysis.
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 201 [6] 477-480 (1995).
Grant: KSK1048601
[Impact factor:0.422(91) 0.471(92) 0.354(93) 0.613(94) 0.368(95) 0.244(96) 0.330(97) 0.291(98) 0.605(99) 0.488(00) 0.398(01) 0,502(02) 0.472(03) ]

026823 - UJF-V 950032 DE eng J
Fomichev, A. S. - David, I. - Dlouhý, Z. - Lukyanov, S. M. - Oganessian, Y. T. - Penionzhkevich, Y. E. - Perelygin, V. P. - Skobelev, N. K. - Tarasov, O. B. - Wolski, R.
Fission of .SUP.209 Bi induced by .SUP.6 He ions.
Zeitschrift für Physik. A, 351, [-] 129-130 (1995).

029418 - UJF-V 960011 RU eng V
Fomichev, A. S. - David, I. - Dlouhý, Z. - Kharitonov, Y. P. - Lukyanov, S. M. - Oganessian, Y. T. - Penionzhkevich, Y. E. - Perelygin, V. P. - Skobelev, N. K. - Tarantin, N. I. - Tarasov, O. B. - Wolski, R.
Measurement of fusion cross section with .SUP.6 He neutron rich nuclei. Dubna, JINR 1995. - 130 s.

024543 - UJF-V 950080 CZ cze J
Frána, J. - Jiráň, L.
Konec "falešných" muzejních exponátů?
Magazín T95, 38 [3] 48-50 (1995).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA404/94/1013

024544 - UJF-V 950081 CZ eng B
Frána, J. - Jiráň, L. - Maštalka, A. - Moucha, V.
Artifacts of copper and copper alloys in prehistoric Bohemia from the view point of analyses of element composition.
In: Praehistorica Archaeologica Bohemica. - (Ed. Fridrich, J.). - Praha, Archeologický ústav AV ČR 1995. - S. 125-296.

024545 - UJF-V 950082 CZ eng A
Frána, J. - Maštalka, A. - Jiráň, L. - Moucha, V.
INAA and XRF analysis of archaelogical bronzes from Bohemia.
In: Book of Abstracts - 10th Spectroscopic Conference. - Praha, Spektroskopická společnost Jana Marca Marci 1995. - S. S-P-1.
[Spectroscopic Conference with International Participation /10./. Lanškroun (CZ), 95.06.14-95.06.16]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA404/94/1013

029410 - UJF-V 960003 RU rus A
Gorozhankin, V. M. - Kalinnikov, V. G. - Kovalík, A. - Kotovskij, N. Yu. - Lebedev, N. A. - Machmud, M. A. - Novgorodov, A. F. - Ryšavý, M. - Solnyshkin, A. A. - Jakushev, E. A.
E1-perechod s energiej 7,7 keV v raspade .SUP.158 Er - .SU P.158 Ho.
In: Tezisy dokladov Mezhdunarodnogo soveschania "Jadernaya spektroskopia i struktura atomnogo jadra". - Dubna, JINR 1995. - S. 88.
[Mezhdunarodnoe soveschanie "Jadernaya spektroskopia i struktura atomnogo jadra". Sankt-Peterburg (RU), 95.06.27-95.06.30]
Grant: KSK1048601

029621 - UJF-V 960034 FR eng C
Gorozhankin, V. M. - Kalinnikov, V. G. - Kovalík, A. - Kotovskij, N. Yu. - Lebedev, N. A. - Mahmoud, M. A. - Novgorodov, A. F. - Solnizshkin, A. A. - Yakushev, E. A. - Ryšavý, M.
The 7.7 keV transition in the .SUP.158 Er decay and a question of a fast first-forbidden beta.transition.
In: ENAM95. - (Ed. de Saint Simon, M.; Sorlin, O.). - Gif-sur-Yvette, Frontiers 1995. - S. 559-560. - ().
[International Conference on Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses. Arles (FR), 95.05.19-95.05.23]
Grant: KSK1048601

029424 - UJF-V 960017 CZ cze J
Havránek, V.
Příspěvek metody PIXE k analýzám atmosférických aerosolů.
Československý časopis pro fyziku, 45 [3] 210-212 (1995).
Grant: KSK1010601

030742 - UJF-V 960063 CZ cze D
Havránek, V.
Studium povrchových vrstev pevných látek jadernými analytickými metodami. Řež-Praha, ÚJF AV ČR 1995. - 150 s.
Grant: KSK1048601

024571 - UJF-V 950109 TR eng C
Havránek, V. - Maenhant, W. - Beyaert, K. - Ducastel, G. - Hanssen, J. E.
Long-term study of the troposphere aerosol at NYALESUND, SPITSBERGEN: chemical composition and contribution from natural sources to the non-sea-salt sulfate during summer.
In: Proceedings of 35th IUPAC Congress. - Istanbul, IUPAC Congress 1995. - S. 161-162.
[IUPAC Congress /35./. Istanbul (TR), 95.08.14-95.08.19]

024570 - UJF-V 950108 GB eng J
Havránek, V. - Maenhant, W. - Ducastel, G. - Hanssen, J. E.
Mass size distributions for atmospheric particulate elements at the Zeppelin station in Spitsbergen.
Journal of Aerosol Science, 26/1, S443-S444 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.317(91) 0.213(92) 0.576(93) 1.597(94) 1.197(95) 1.168(96) 1.378(97) 1.508(98) 1.887(99) 2.071(00) 1.605(01) 1,895(02) 1.738(03) ]

024509 - UJF-V 950045 US eng J
Henning, H. - Adam, J. - Sauer, P. U. - Stadler, A.
Relations between isoscalar charge form factors of two- and three- nucleon systems.
Physical Review. C, 52, R471-R475 (1995).
Grant: IA148410GA202/94/0370
[Impact factor:1.873(92) 1.967(93) 1.842(94) 2.045(95) 1.993(96) 1.975(97) 2.308(98) 2.446(99) 2.384(00) 2.695(01) 2,848(02) 2.708(03) ]

025390 - UTAM-F 950003 US eng J
Hlaváček, M. - Novák, J.
The role of synovial fluid filtration by cartilage in lubrication of synovial joints -3. Squeeze-film lubrication: axial symmetry under low loading conditions.
Journal of Biomechanics, 28 [10] 1193-1198 (1995).
Grant: IA27151IAA2071502
[Impact factor:0.720(91) 1.020(92) 1.058(93) 1.548(94) 1.302(95) 1.512(96) 1.461(97) 1.484(98) 1.536(99) 1.474(00) 1.856(01) 1,889(02) 2.005(03) ]

026795 - UJF-V 950004 GB eng J
Hnatowicz, V. - Kvítek, J. - Švorčík, V. - Rybka, V. - Popok, V.
Anomalous diffusion of iodine ions into polypropylene implanted with F and I ions.
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 55, [-] 451-454 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.752(91) 0.969(92) 0.966(93) 0.870(94) 0.896(95) 0.934(96) 0.841(97) 0.886(98) 0.952(99) 0.881(00) 0.992(01) 0,927(02) 1.017(03) ]

026800 - UJF-V 950009 GB eng J
Hnatowicz, V. - Kvítek, J. - Švorčík, V. - Rybka, V.
Long term changes of polypropylene implanted with .I.ions.
European Polymer Journal, 31 [5] 449-451 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.717(91) 0.834(92) 0.852(93) 0.719(94) 0.804(95) 0.721(96) 0.677(97) 0.600(98) 0.720(99) 0.745(00) 0.779(01) 0,952(02) 1.086(03) ]

029414 - UJF-V 960007 NL eng J
Hnatowicz, V. - Vacík, J. - Červená, J. - Švorčík, V. - Rybka, V. - Popok, V. - Fink, D. - Klett, R.
Doping of ion implanted polyethylene with metallocarborane.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. B, 105, 241-244 (1995).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/93/0121KSK1010601
[Impact factor:1.179(91) 1.152(92) 1.157(93) 1.073(94) 1.193(95) 1.140(96) 1.016(97) 1.093(98) 1.118(99) 0.955(00) 1.041(01) 1,158(02) 1.041(03) ]

026827 - UJF-V 950037 DE eng J
Hnatowicz, V. - Vacík, J. - Peřina, V. - Švorčík, V. - Rybka, V. - Popok, V. - Jankovskij, O. - Fink, D. - Klett, R.
Doping of latent tracks in polyethylene by iodine diffusion.
Radiation Measurements, 25 [1-4] 71-72 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.000(93) 0.000(94) 0.760(95) 0.452(96) 0.530(97) 3.109(98) 0.572(99) 0.638(00) 1.003(01) 0,974(02) 0.948(03) ]

029615 - UJF-V 960023 CZ eng J
Honzátko, J.
Radiative Capture of Neutrons at NPI Řež.
Acta Polytechnica, 35 [4] 84-85 (1995).
Grant: KSK1048601

024502 - UJF-V 950038 SE eng J
Honzátko, J. - Konečný, K. - Tomandl, I. - Bečvář, F. - Cejnar, P.
Two step .gama.-cascades following thermal neutron capture in .SUP.143,145 Nd.
Physica Scripta, T56, 253-255 (1995).
Grant: GA202/94/0502
[Impact factor:0.839(91) 0.878(92) 0.000(93) 0.991(94) 1.052(95) 0.827(96) 0.762(97) 0.674(98) 0.663(99) 0,748(02) 0.688(03) ]

029622 - UJF-V 960037 RU eng C
Honzátko, J. - Tomandl, I. - Bečvář, F. - Cejnar, P.
Study of photon strength functions in .SUP.116 In.
In: Proceedings. - Dubna, JINR 1995. - 109+7 s.
[International Seminar on Interaction of Neutrons with Nuclei /3./. Dubna (RU), 95.04.26-95.04.28]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/94/0502IAA1048602GA202/96/0218KSK1048601

030755 - UJF-V 960099 CZ eng J
Hošek, J.
On the origin of elementary particle masses.
Acta Polytechnica, 35 [4] 86-87 (1995).
[Nukleonika'95. Praha (CZ), 95.06.21-95.06.22]
Grant: KSK1048601

026812 - UJF-V 950021 US eng J
Hradečný, Č. - Slovák, J. - Těthal, T. - Jermolajev, I.
Light-induced drift of barium atoms.
Physical Review. A, 51 [4] 3374-3377 (1995).
[Impact factor:1.091(91) 1.135(92) 1.149(93) 1.228(94) 1.190(95) 1.241(96) 1.267(97) 1.272(98) 1.111(99) 1.122(00) 1.220(01) 1,483(02) 1.324(03) ]

025797 - URE-Y 950079 CZ eng C
Hradilová, J. - Kolářová, P. - Schröfel, J. - Čtyroký, J. - Vacík, J. - Peřina, V. - Vojtěch, D. - Tagiev, E.
Low Temperature Er3+ Diffusion into Lithium Niobate.
In: Photonics'95. - Prague, European Optical Society 1995. - S. 147-150.
[Photonics'95. Prague (CZ), 95.08.23-95.08.25]
Grant: IAA267401; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/0783

029421 - UJF-V 960014 SE eng J
Hřivnáčová, I. - Kvasil, J. - Nosek, D. - Sheline, R. K.
Vibrational admixtures in low-lying states in odd-odd rare-earth nuclei.
Physica Scripta, 56, 256 (1995).
Grant: KSK1048601
[Impact factor:0.839(91) 0.878(92) 0.000(93) 0.991(94) 1.052(95) 0.827(96) 0.762(97) 0.674(98) 0.663(99) 0,748(02) 0.688(03) ]

024629 - UJF-V 950173 GB eng J
Janeczek, J. - Pernička, F.
The measurement of CT scanner radiation dose profile using TL dosemeters.
Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 60 [3] 231-235 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.242(91) 0.231(92) 0.148(93) 0.241(94) 0.289(95) 0.412(96) 0.552(97) 0.534(98) 0.582(99) 0.581(00) 0.768(01) 0,555(02) 0.617(03) ]

026794 - UJF-V 950003 NL eng J
Jankovskij, O. - Švorčík, V. - Rybka, V. - Hnatowicz, V. - Popok, V.
Diffusion of iodine into polyethylene implanted with 15O keV As ions.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. B, 95, [-] 192-196 (1995).
[Impact factor:1.179(91) 1.152(92) 1.157(93) 1.073(94) 1.193(95) 1.140(96) 1.016(97) 1.093(98) 1.118(99) 0.955(00) 1.041(01) 1,158(02) 1.041(03) ]

026793 - UJF-V 950002 GB eng J
Jelínek, M. - Olšan, V. - Jastrabík, L. - Studnička, V. - Hnatowicz, V. - Kvítek, J. - Havránek, V. - Dostálová, T. - Zergioti, I. - Petrakis, A.
Effect of processing parameters on the properties of hydroxilapatite films grown by pulsee laser deposition.
Thin Solid Films, 257, 125-129 (1995).
[Impact factor:1.244(91) 1.029(92) 1.141(93) 1.409(94) 1.313(95) 1.318(96) 1.034(97) 1.019(98) 1.101(99) 1.160(00) 1.266(01) 1,443(02) 1.598(03) ]

024637 - UJF-V 950182 CZ eng V
Johansson, L. - Satehrberg, A. - Bednář, J. - Spurný, F.
To the contribution of walls scattered neutrons to the radiation field inside the high energy X-rays irradiation room. Praha, ODZ ÚJF AV ČR 1995. - 8 s.
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 335402

029625 - UJF-V 960043 CZ eng C
Kolářová, P. - Hradilová, J. - Novák, P. - Schröfel, J. - Vacík, J. - Čtyroký, J.
APE Process of fabrication of planar and channel waveguides from non-toxic adipic acid.
In: Photonics 1995. - Praha, European Optical Society 1995. - S. 190-193.
[Photonics 1995. Praha (CZ), 95.08.23-95.08.25]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/0783; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA267401KSK1010601

053978 - UJF-V 980171 RIV SG eng C
Kovalík, A. - Brudanin, V. B. - Rukhadze, N. - Salamatin, A. - Štekl, I. - Egorov, V. - Kovalenko, V. - Vylov, T. - Vorobel, V. - Timkin, V. - Revenko, A. - Zaparov, S. E. - Sandukovskij, V. G. - Tsupko-Sytnikov, V. - Briancon, C. - Janout, Z. - Pospíšil, S. - Kubašta, J. - Koníček, J.
The high sensitivity double beta spectrometer TGV.
In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Weak and Electromagnetic Interactions in Nuclei /4./. - (Ed. Ejiri, H.; Kishimoto, T.; Sato, T.). - Singapore, World Scientific 1995. - S. 228-231.
[International Symposium on Weak and Electromagnetic Interactions in Nuclei /4./.. Osaka (JP), 95.06.12-95.06.16]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/98/1216

030781 - UJF-V 960267 CZ cze I
Kovář, I. - Wagner, R. - Uličný, J.
Program na měření ionizačních proudů elektrometrem Keithley 617 v proudovém režimu. Praha, ODZ ÚJF AV ČR 1995. - 34 s.

029617 - UJF-V 960027 CZ eng J
Kracík, B. - Maštalka, A. - Řízek, J. - Zákoucký, D.
Search for nuclear excitation by positron annihilation in .beta.SUP.+ - decay of .SUP.58 Co.
Acta Polytechnica, 35 [4] 93-95 (1995).
Grant: KSK1010601

024515 - UJF-V 950051 CZ cze D
Kroha, V.
Studium reakcí neutronového přenosu na některých jádrech p-slupky. Řež, Ústav jaderné fyziky AV ČR 1995. - 147 s.

026825 - UJF-V 950034 PL eng J
Kučera, J.
Elemental characterization of new polish and U.S.NIST geological, environmental and biological reference materials by neutron activation analysis and comments on the methodology of interlaboratory comparisons.
Chemia Analyticzna, 40, [-] 405 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.180(91) 0.323(92) 0.292(93) 0.293(94) 0.437(95) 0.503(96) 0.564(97) 0.542(98) 0.515(99) 0.689(00) 0.337(01) 0,539(02) 0.415(03) ]

030756 - UJF-V 960100 CZ eng J
Kučera, J.
A new role for neutron activation analysis in harmonization and improving quality of chemical analysis.
Acta Polytechnica, 35 [4] 103-104 (1995).
[Nukleonika '95. Praha (CZ), 95.06.21-95.06.22]
Grant: KSK1048601

026808 - UJF-V 950017 GB eng J
Kučera, J. - Bencko, V. - Sabbioni, E. - Van der Venne, M. T.
Review of trace elements in blood, serum and urine for the Czech and Slovak populations and critical evaluation of their possible use as reference values.
Science of the Total Environment, 166, [-] 211-234 (1995).
Grant: GA202/93/2326
[Impact factor:0.782(91) 0.618(92) 0.685(93) 0.742(94) 0.735(95) 0.795(96) 0.947(97) 1.249(98) 1.126(99) 1.252(00) 1.396(01) 1,537(02) 1.455(03) ]

026803 - UJF-V 950012 CH eng J
Kučera, J. - Faltejsek, J.
Interactive programme for evaluation of circular analyses (IPECA).
Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 352, [-] 80-86 (1995).
[Impact factor:1.213(92) 0.973(93) 0.975(94) 1.065(95) 1.038(96) 1.398(97) 1.513(98) 1.428(99) 1.418(00) 1.649(01) 1,948(02) 1.924(03) ]

024567 - UJF-V 950105 CA eng C
Kučera, J. - Lener, J. - Kodl, M. - Skokanová, V. - Švandová, E. - Mňuková, J.
Health effect of vanadium exposure on general population.
In: Proceedings of 5th COMTOX Symposium on Toxicology and Clinical Chemistry of Metals. - Vancouver, TRIUMF 1995. - S. 52.
[COMTOX Symposium on Toxicology and Clinical Chemistry of Metals /5./. Vancouver (CA), 95.07.10-95.07.13]

024566 - UJF-V 950104 CA eng C
Kučera, J. - Lener, J. - Mňuková, J. - Bayerová, E.
Search for a test of occupational exposure to vanadium.
In: Proceedings of 5th COMTOX Symposium on Toxicology and Clinical Chemistry of Metals. - Vancouver, TRIUMF 1995. - S. 16.
[COMTOX Symposium on Toxicology and Clinical Chemistry of Metals /5./. Vancouver (CA), 95.07.10-95.07.13]

026802 - UJF-V 950011 CH eng J
Kučera, J. - Mader, P. - Miholová, D. - Cibulka, J. - Faltejsek, J. - Kordík, D.
Preparation of the bovine kidney and bovine muscle reference materials and the certification of element contents from interlaboratory comparisons.
Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 352, [-] 66-72 (1995).
[Impact factor:1.213(92) 0.973(93) 0.975(94) 1.065(95) 1.038(96) 1.398(97) 1.513(98) 1.428(99) 1.418(00) 1.649(01) 1,948(02) 1.924(03) ]

026810 - UJF-V 950019 GB eng J
Kučera, J. - Soukal, L.
Cadmium losses on wet and dry ashing of plant materials.
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 193 [1] 33-38 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.422(91) 0.471(92) 0.354(93) 0.613(94) 0.368(95) 0.244(96) 0.330(97) 0.291(98) 0.605(99) 0.488(00) 0.398(01) 0,502(02) 0.472(03) ]

024552 - UJF-V 950089 CZ eng J
Kugler, A.
Nuclear flow in heavy ion collisions.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 45, 545-552 (1995).
Grant: IA14808
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

030757 - UJF-V 960101 CZ eng J
Kugler, A.
Experimental study of compressed and hot hadron mass in relativistic heavy ion collisions.
Acta Polytechnica, 35 [4] 105-106 (1995).
[Nukleonika '95. Praha (CZ), 95.06.21-95.06.22]
Grant: KSK1048601

030768 - UJF-V 960210 DE eng C
Kugler, A.
Flow in relativistic heavy-ion collisions.
In: Proceedings of the TAPS Workshop 3 - Electromagnetic and Hadronic Probes of Nuclear Matter. - (Ed. Simon, R. S.). - Darmstadt, Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung 1995. - S. 187.
[TAPS Workshop /3./. Bosen (DE), 95.09.10-95.09.15]
Grant: KSK1048601

024507 - UJF-V 950043 DE eng V
Kugler, A. - Nayak, T. K. - Gutbrod, H. H. - Purschke, M. L. - Steinhauser, P. - van Nieuwenhuizen, G. J. - Lohner, H. - Roland, G. - Steinberg, P. - Wyslouch, B. - Rak, J. - Šumbera, M.
Performance of the silicon drift detector in WA98 experiment at CERN. Darmstadt, GSI 1995. - 269 s.

024549 - UJF-V 950086 NL eng J
Kugler, A. - Pleskač, R.
Mass dependence in the flow of light fragments emitted from the expanding collision zone.
Nuclear Physics. A, 583, 571-574 (1995).
Grant: IA14808
[Impact factor:1.830(91) 1.936(92) 1.746(93) 1.821(94) 2.157(95) 1.825(96) 1.988(97) 2.595(98) 2.088(99) 1.854(00) 2.074(01) 1,568(02) 1.761(03) ]

030765 - UJF-V 960112 CN eng A
Kugler, A. - Tlustý, P. - Wagner, V. - Pleskač, R.
Experimental study of pionic flow in relativistic heavy ion collisions.
In: Heavy Ion Physics and Its Applications. Abstracts. - Lanzhou, Institute of Modern Physical AS 1995. - S. 5.
[International Symposium on Heavy Ion Physics and Its Applications /2./. Lanzhou (CN), 95.08.29-95.09.01]

030771 - UJF-V 960213 DE eng C
Kugler, A. - Tlustý, P. - Wagner, V. - Pleskač, R. - Taranenko, A.
Experimental study of pionic flow in relativistic heavy-ion collisions.
In: Proceedings of the TAPS Workshop 3 - Electromagnetic and Hadronic Probes of Nuclear Matter. - (Ed. Simon, R. S.). - Darmstadt, Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung 1995. - S. 209-219.
[TAPS Workshop /3./. Bosen (DE), 95.09.10-95.09.15]
Grant: GA104/95/0653KSK1048601

024547 - UJF-V 950084 NL eng J
Kugler, A. - van Pol, J. H. G. - Ballester, F. - Díaz, J. - Franke, M. - Hlaváč, S. - Holzmann, R. - Kühn, W. - Lautridou, P. - Lefevre, F. - Löhner, H. - Marin, A. - Marques, M. - Martinez, G. - Matulewicz, T. - Mittig, W. - Notheisen, M. - Novotny, R. - Ostendorf, R. W. - Roussel-Chomaz, P. - Siemssen, R. H. - Schubert, A. - Schutz, Y. - Simon, R. S. - Wilschut, H. W.
Hard photons as a probe to study dissipation mechanisms.
Nuclear Physics. A, 583, 373-378 (1995).
Grant: IA14808
[Impact factor:1.830(91) 1.936(92) 1.746(93) 1.821(94) 2.157(95) 1.825(96) 1.988(97) 2.595(98) 2.088(99) 1.854(00) 2.074(01) 1,568(02) 1.761(03) ]

030766 - UJF-V 960113 CN eng A
Kugler, A. - Wagner, V. - Tlustý, P. - Pachr, M. - Šumbera, M.
Experimental observation of an anticorrelation between pion and baryon emission in relativistic heavy ion collisions.
In: Book of Abstracts of International Nuclear Physics Conference. - Beijing, China Institute of Atomic Energy 1995. - S. 27.
[International Nuclear Physics Conference. Beijing (CN), 95.08.21-95.08.26]

024562 - UJF-V 950099 DE eng J
Kulda, J.
Towards Ideal Neutron Monochromator Crystal.
Physica. B, 213 and 214, 926-928 (1995).
[Impact factor: 0.864(96) 0.991(97) 0.619(98) 0.725(99) 0.893(00) 0.663(01) 0,609(02) 0.908(03) ]

029426 - UJF-V 960019 DE eng J
Kulda, J. - Ishii, Y. - Katano, S.
Dynamical structure analysis applied to Si and Ge.
Physica. B, 213/214, 427-429 (1995).
Grant: KSK1010601
[Impact factor: 0.864(96) 0.991(97) 0.619(98) 0.725(99) 0.893(00) 0.663(01) 0,609(02) 0.908(03) ]

030748 - UJF-V 960078 NL eng J
Kulda, J. - Ishii, Y. - Katano, S.
Dynamical Structure Analysis Applied to Si and Ge.
Physica B, 213/214, [-] 427-429 (1995).
Grant: GA202/96/0551KSK1010601
[Impact factor: 0.864(96) 0.991(97) 0.619(98) 0.725(99) 0.893(00) 0.663(01) 0,609(02) 0.908(03) ]

024561 - UJF-V 950098 GB eng J
Kulda, J. - Rejmánková, P. - Baruchel, J. - Calemczuk, R. - Salce, B.
An X-ray topographic investigation of .alpha.-LiIO.SUB.3 under a direct or alternating current ellectric field.
Journal of Physics. D, 28, A69-A73 (1995).
[Impact factor: 1.100(96) 1.090(97) 0.000(98) 1.188(99) 1.179(00) 1.260(01) 1,366(02) 1.265(03) ]

024559 - UJF-V 950096 CZ eng A
Kulda, J. - Šaroun, J.
Experience with elastically Bent perfect crystals.
In: Proceedings of WENNET International Workshop on Neutron Scattering Applications. - (Ed. Pleštil, J.). - Praha, ÚMCh AV ČR 1995. - S. L3.
[International Workshop on Neutron Scattering Applications. Praha ( CZ), 95.10.04-95.10.06]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 202/93/1361

024513 - UJF-V 950049 CZ eng J
Kuzmiak, M. - Hron, M.
A new approach to the calculation of the gain of an energy amplifier.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 45 [9] 751-755 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

024537 - UJF-V 950074 US eng J
Lombard, R. J. - Marcos, S. - Mareš, J.
Description of hypernuclei in scalar derivative coupling model.
Physical Review. C, 51, 1784 (1995).
Grant: IA148401
[Impact factor:1.873(92) 1.967(93) 1.842(94) 2.045(95) 1.993(96) 1.975(97) 2.308(98) 2.446(99) 2.384(00) 2.695(01) 2,848(02) 2.708(03) ]

024560 - UJF-V 950097 NL eng J
Lukáš, P. - Coppola, R. - Montanari, R. - Rustichelli, F. - Vrána, M.
X-ray and neutron diffraction line broadening measurements in a martensitic steel for fusion technology.
Materials Letters, 22, 17-21 (1995).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 202/93/1361
[Impact factor:0.803(91) 0.695(92) 0.653(93) 0.660(94) 0.715(95) 0.779(96) 0.629(97) 0.534(98) 0.578(99) 0.632(00) 0.670(01) 0,892(02) 0.774(03) ]

026813 - UJF-V 950022 GB eng J
Lukáš, P. - Elefeld, B. - Ioffe, A. - Mikula, P. - Vrána, M.
Topography in coherent beams of a neutron interferometer.
Journal of Physics. D, 28, [-] A88-A91 (1995).
Grant: GA202/93/0361
[Impact factor: 1.100(96) 1.090(97) 0.000(98) 1.188(99) 1.179(00) 1.260(01) 1,366(02) 1.265(03) ]

024563 - UJF-V 950100 DE eng J
Lukáš, P. - Ioffe, A. - Mikula, P. - Vrána, M. - Alefeld, B.
Neutron topography of interferometer output beams.
Physica. B, 213 and 214, 833 (1995).
Grant: IA148404GA202/93/0361
[Impact factor: 0.864(96) 0.991(97) 0.619(98) 0.725(99) 0.893(00) 0.663(01) 0,609(02) 0.908(03) ]

024529 - UJF-V 950065 CZ eng A
Lukáš, P. - Janovec, J. - Macek, K. - Mikula, P. - Strunz, P. - Vrána, M.
Investigation of residual strains in metals using high-resolution neutron diffractometer equipped with cylindrically Bent perfect crystals.
In: Proceedings of WENNET International Workshop on Neutron Scattering Applications. - (Ed. Pleštil, J.). - Praha, ÚMCH AV ČR 1995. - S. C6.
[International Workshop on Neutron Scattering Applications. Praha ( CZ), 95.10.04-95.10.06]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 202/93/1361

030750 - UJF-V 960083 US eng C
Lukáš, P. - Janovec, J. - Macek, K. - Mikula, P. - Strunz, P. - Vrána, M. - Zaffagnini, M.
Micro stresses in welded high-strength stainless steels.
In: Neutron Scattering in Materials Science 2. - (Ed. Neumann, D. A.; Russell, T. P.; Wuensch, B. J.). - Pittsburg, Material Research Society 1995. - S. 403-408.
[1994 Fall Meeting - MRS. Boston (US), 94.11.28-94.12.01]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 202/93/1361GA202/96/0551KSK1010601

024521 - UJF-V 950057 DE eng V
Lukáš, P. - Mikula, P. - Vrána, M. - Ioffe, A.
Determination of the neutron-electron scattering amplitude by the interferometrical measurement of the .SUP.2O8 Pb neutron scattering length. Berlin, Hahn Meitner Institut 1995. - 341-342 s.
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA148404

024526 - UJF-V 950062 SE eng C
Lukáš, P. - Mikula, P. - Vrána, M. - Pleštil, J. - Pospíšil, H. - Tuzar, Z. - Ioffe, A. - Wiedenmann, A.
SANS and neutron interferometry studies of solubilization of unsoluble compounds in micellar aqueous solutions.
In: Proceedings of International Conference ECM 16. - Lund, International Conference 1995. - S. 160.
[International Conference ECM /16./. Lund (SE), 95.08.06-95.08.11]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA148404

030745 - UJF-V 960075 US eng J
Macek, K. - Lukáš, P. - Janovec, J. - Mikula, P. - Strunz, P. - Vrána, M. - Zaffagnini, M.
Austenite content and dislocation density in electron-beam welds of a stainless maraging steel.
Materials Science and Engineering. A, 208, [-] 131-138 (1995).
Grant: GA202/96/0551KSK1010601
[Impact factor:0.801(92) 1.049(93) 0.986(94) 0.853(95) 0.852(96) 0.842(97) 0.748(98) 0.943(99) 0.897(00) 0.978(01) 1,107(02) 1.365(03) ]

030758 - UJF-V 960102 CZ eng J
Mach, R.
Interactions of pions with nuclei.
Acta Polytechnica, 35 [4] 110-111 (1995).
[Nukleonika '95. Praha (CZ), 95.06.21-95.06.22]
Grant: KSK1048601

023368 - MBU-M 950519 DE eng A
Mader, P. - Doucha, J. - Kučera, J. - Kopecký, J. - Stejskalová, I. - Miholová, D. - Száková, E.
Microalgae as designed universal reference material in environmental and food analysis.
In: Proceeding of Workshop. - Bergholz-Rehbrucke, IGV 1995. - 1 s.
[European Workshop "Biotechnology of Microalgae" /2./. Bergholz-Rehbrucke (DE), 95.09.11-95.09.12]

024575 - UJF-V 950113 NL eng J
Majling, L.
Production of .Lambda. hypernuclei with a large neutron excess and a neutron halo.
Nuclear Physics. A, 585, 211c (1995).
Grant: IA148401
[Impact factor:1.830(91) 1.936(92) 1.746(93) 1.821(94) 2.157(95) 1.825(96) 1.988(97) 2.595(98) 2.088(99) 1.854(00) 2.074(01) 1,568(02) 1.761(03) ]

024588 - UJF-V 950126 SG eng C
Majling, L.
The hypernuclei with neutron halo.
In: 9th Few-Body Systems Supplementum. - Singapore, World Scientific 1995. - S. 165-168.
[International Conference on Mesons and Light Nuclei. Stráž pod Ralskem (CZ), 95.06.03-95.06.07]
Grant: IA148401

024589 - UJF-V 950127 SG eng C
Majling, L.
Production of .Lambda. hypernuclei with a large neutron excess and a neutron halo.
In: 9th Few-Body Systems Supplementum. - Singapore, World Scientific 1995. - S. 53.
[International Conference on Mesons and Light Nuclei. Stráž pod Ralskem (CZ), 95.06.03-95.06.07]
Grant: IA148401

024590 - UJF-V 950128 RU rus C
Majling, L.
Spektroskopija .Lambda. giperjader s bolszim izbytkom neutronov.
In: Proceedings of International Conference on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear Structure. - Dubna, JINR 1995. - S. 143.
[International Conference on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear Structure. St. Petersbourg (RU), 95.06.27-95.06.30]

024576 - UJF-V 950114 RU eng C
Majling, L. - Eramzhyan, R. A.
Spectroscopy of .Lambda. hypernuclei: progress, problems, prospects.
In: Proceedings of International Conference Mesons and Nuclei at Intermediate Energies. - -, World Scientific 1995. - S. 759-770.
[International Conference Mesons and Nuclei at Intermediate Energies. Dubna (RU), 94.05.02-94.05.07]
Grant: IA148401

024619 - UJF-V 950163 FR eng A
Marek, M. - Burian, J. - Rataj, J. - Spurný, F.
Reactor-based epithermal neutron beam enhancement at Rez.
In: Eight Symposium on Neutron Dosimetry. - Fontenay-aux-Roses, EC-IPSN 1995. - S. 133.
[Symposium on Neutron Dosimetry /8./. Paris (FR), 95.11.13-95.11.17]

024536 - UJF-V 950073 NL eng J
Mareš, J. - Cooper, E. D. - Jennings, B. K.
Hyperon-nucleus interaction at intermediate energies.
Nuclear Physics. A, 585, 157c (1995).
Grant: IA148401
[Impact factor:1.830(91) 1.936(92) 1.746(93) 1.821(94) 2.157(95) 1.825(96) 1.988(97) 2.595(98) 2.088(99) 1.854(00) 2.074(01) 1,568(02) 1.761(03) ]

024541 - UJF-V 950078 CA eng V
Mareš, J. - Friedman, E. - Gal, A. - Jennings, B. K.
Constraints on .SIGMA. nucleus dynamics from Dirac phenomenology of .SIGMA.SUP.- atoms. Vancouver, TRIUMF 1995. - - s.

024577 - UJF-V 950115 NL eng J
Mareš, J. - Friedman, E. - Gal, A. - Jennings, B. K.
Constraints on .SIGMA. nucleus dynamics from Dirac phenomenology of .SIGMA.SUP.- atoms.
Nuclear Physics. A, 594, 311 (1995).
Grant: IA148401
[Impact factor:1.830(91) 1.936(92) 1.746(93) 1.821(94) 2.157(95) 1.825(96) 1.988(97) 2.595(98) 2.088(99) 1.854(00) 2.074(01) 1,568(02) 1.761(03) ]

024535 - UJF-V 950072 NL eng J
Mareš, J. - Jennings, B. K.
Relativstic mean field theory and hypernuclei.
Nuclear Physics. A, 585, 347c (1995).
Grant: IA148401
[Impact factor:1.830(91) 1.936(92) 1.746(93) 1.821(94) 2.157(95) 1.825(96) 1.988(97) 2.595(98) 2.088(99) 1.854(00) 2.074(01) 1,568(02) 1.761(03) ]

024539 - UJF-V 950076 CA eng V
Mareš, J. - Jennings, B. K.
Relativistic mean field theory and hypernuclei. Vancouver, TRIUMF 1995. - - s.

024542 - UJF-V 950079 US eng C
Mareš, J. - Jennings, B. K.
Relativistic description of .LAMBDA.,.SIGMA. and .XI. hypernuclei.
In: Proceedings of 5th Conference Intersections of Particle and Nuclear Physics. - (Ed. Seestrom, S. J.). - New York, AIP 1995. - S. 593.
[Conference Intersections of Particle and Nuclear Physics /5./. St. Petersburg (US), 94.05.31-94.06.06]
Grant: IA148401

024587 - UJF-V 950125 SG eng C
Mareš, J. - Jennings, B. K.
Strange Baryonic Systems.
In: 9th Few-Body Systems Supplementum. - Singapore, World Scientific 1995. - S. 127-140.
[International Conference on Mesons and Light Nuclei. Stráž pod Ralskem (CZ), 95.06.03-95.06.07]
Grant: IA148401

024538 - UJF-V 950075 US eng J
Mareš, J. - Lombard, R. J.
Towards a model independent analysis of single particle spectra.
Physical Review. C, 52, 170 (1995).
Grant: IA148401
[Impact factor:1.873(92) 1.967(93) 1.842(94) 2.045(95) 1.993(96) 1.975(97) 2.308(98) 2.446(99) 2.384(00) 2.695(01) 2,848(02) 2.708(03) ]

024565 - UJF-V 950102 FR eng V
Mareš, J. - Lombard, R. J.
Towards a model independent analysis of single particle spectra. Orsay, IPN 1995. - - s.

024540 - UJF-V 950077 CA eng V
Mareš, J. - Lombard, R. J. - Marcos, S.
Description of hypernuclei in scalar derivative coupling model. Vancouver, TRIUMF 1995. - - s.

030779 - UJF-V 960238 CZ eng C
Michalik, V.
Complex DNA damage - the role oflesiono multiplicity.
In: Radiation biology and its application in space research. - (Ed. Kozubek, S.; Horneck, G.). - Brno, Kiramo 1995. - S. 199-204.
[Radiation biology and its application in space research. Nedvědice (CZ), 94.11.10-94.11.12]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA135102KSK1067601

024603 - UJF-V 950147 US eng J
Michalik, V. - Spotheim-Maurizot, M. - Charlier, M.
Calculation of Hydroxyl Radical Attack on Different Forms of DNA.
Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 13 [2] 1-11 ( 1995).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 1048505; GA ČR(CZ) 204/93/2452
[Impact factor:1.905(91) 1.788(92) 1.592(93) 1.489(94) 1.528(95) 1.500(96) 1.283(97) 1.634(98) 1.407(99) 1.826(00) 1.243(01) 1,009(02) 1.131(03) ]

030773 - UJF-V 960232 NL eng J
Michalik, V. - Spotheim-Maurizot, M. - Charlier, M.
Calculated radiosensitivities of different forms of DNA in solution.
Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research. B, 105 [ 1-4] 328-331 (1995).
[International symposium on ionizing radiation and polymers /1./. Guadeloupe (FR), 94.11.14-94.11.19]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA135102KSK1048601
[Impact factor:1.179(91) 1.152(92) 1.157(93) 1.073(94) 1.193(95) 1.140(96) 1.016(97) 1.093(98) 1.118(99) 0.955(00) 1.041(01) 1,158(02) 1.041(03) ]

030774 - UJF-V 960233 US eng J
Michalik, V. - Spotheim-Maurizot, M. - Charlier, M.
Calculation of hydroxyl radical attack on different forms of DNA.
Journal of biomolecular structure and dynamics, 13 [3] 565-575 ( 1995).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA135102KSK1048601
[Impact factor:1.905(91) 1.788(92) 1.592(93) 1.489(94) 1.528(95) 1.500(96) 1.283(97) 1.634(98) 1.407(99) 1.826(00) 1.243(01) 1,009(02) 1.131(03) ]

024604 - UJF-V 950148 US eng B
Michalik, V. - Tartier, L. - Spotheim-Maurizot, M. - Charlier, M.
Reaction of Hydroxyl Radical with B- and Z-DNA.
In: Radiation Damage in DNA: Structure/Function Relationships at Early Times. - (Ed. Fuciarelli, A. F.; Zimbride, I. D.). - Columbus, Richland, Battele 1995. - S. 19-27.
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA135102; GA ČR(CZ) 204/93/2452

030746 - UJF-V 960076 CZ eng J
Mikula, P. - Lukáš, P.
Řež's neutron diffraction laboratory.
Acta Polytechnica, 35 [4] 112-114 (1995).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 202/93/1361GA202/96/0551KSK1010601

024525 - UJF-V 950061 SK eng A
Mikula, P. - Lukáš, P. - Šaroun, J. - Vrána, M. - Wagner, V.
Modifications in neutron bragg diffraction techniques for strain/stress measurements in polycrystalline materials.
In: Proceedings of International Conference "X-ray Powder Diffraction Analysis of Real Structure of Matter". - Liptovský Mikuláš, Slovakia 1995. - S. 29.
[International Conference "X-ray Powder Diffraction Analysis of Real Structure of Matter". Liptovský Mikuláš (SK), 95.08.21-95.08.25]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 202/93/1361

024534 - UJF-V 950071 DE eng J
Mikula, P. - Lukáš, P. - Šaroun, J. - Wagner, V. - Kulda, J.
Cylindrically bent perfect crystals as neutron monochromators.
Physica. B, 213 and 214, 922-925 (1995).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 202/93/1361
[Impact factor: 0.864(96) 0.991(97) 0.619(98) 0.725(99) 0.893(00) 0.663(01) 0,609(02) 0.908(03) ]

029427 - UJF-V 960020 DE eng J
Mikula, P. - Lukáš, P. - Šaroun, J. - Wagner, V. - Kulda, J.
Progress in neutron monochromators using elastically bent perfect crystals.
Physica. B, 213/214, 922-925 (1995).
Grant: GA202/96/0551GA202/93/1361KSK1010601
[Impact factor: 0.864(96) 0.991(97) 0.619(98) 0.725(99) 0.893(00) 0.663(01) 0,609(02) 0.908(03) ]

030744 - UJF-V 960074 CZ cze J
Mikula, P. - Lukáš, P. - Vrána, M. - Klimanek, P. - Kschidock, T. - Janovec, J. - Macek, K. - Eschner, T. - Wagner, V.
Využití neutronové difrakční optiky pro měření zbytkových napětí v polykrystalických materiálech.
Jemná mechanika a optika, 40 [9] 291-294 (1995).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 202/93/1361GA202/96/0551GA202/93/1361KSK1010601

030749 - UJF-V 960082 CZ eng C
Mikula, P. - Lukáš, P. - Vrána, M. - Klimanek, P. - Kschidock, T. - Janovec, J. - Macek, K. - Eschner, T. - Wagner, V.
Neutron diffraction optics for materials strain Characterization.
In: Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Materials and Technologies. - Plzeň, ASM International 1995. - S. 65-69.
[International Conference on Advanced Materials and Technologies. Plzeň (CZ), 95.06.13-95.06.16]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 202/93/1261GA202/96/0551KSK1010601

024530 - UJF-V 950066 CZ eng A
Mikula, P. - Vrána, M. - Lukáš, P. - Wagner, V.
Use of bragg diffraction optics for high-resolution diffractometry.
In: Proceedings of WENNET International Workshop on Neutron Scattering Applications. - (Ed. Pleštil, J.). - Praha, ÚMCH AV ČR 1995. - S. L1O.
[International Workshop on Neutron Scattering Aplications. Praha ( CZ), 95.11.04-95.11.06]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 202/93/1361

024531 - UJF-V 950068 GB eng A
Mikula, P. - Vrána, M. - Lukáš, P. - Wagner, V.
High-resolution neutron powder diffractometry on samples of small dimensions.
In: Abstracts book of EPDIC IV. - (Ed. Cernik, R. J.; Warburton, B.; Matthews, V.; Porter, V.; Travis, D.). - Chester, EPDIC IV 1995. - S. 126.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 202/93/1361

024532 - UJF-V 950069 GB eng A
Mikula, P. - Vrána, M. - Lukáš, P.
Bent perfect crystal monochromators for strain-stress measurements.
In: Abstracts book of EPDIC IV. - (Ed. Cernik, R. J.; Warburton, B.; Matthews, V.; Porter, V.; Travis, D.). - Chester, EPDIC IV 1995. - S. 86.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 202/93/1361

024533 - UJF-V 950070 DE eng J
Mikula, P. - Vrána, M. - Lukáš, P. - Šaroun, J. - Strunz, P. - Wagner, V. - Alefeld, B.
Bragg optics for strain/stress measurement techniques.
Physica. B, 213 and 214, 845-847 (1995).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 202/93/1361
[Impact factor: 0.864(96) 0.991(97) 0.619(98) 0.725(99) 0.893(00) 0.663(01) 0,609(02) 0.908(03) ]

024572 - UJF-V 950110 US eng J
Navrátil, P. - Geyer, H. B. - Dobaszewski, J.
Boson-fermion mapping of collective fermion-pair algebras.
Physical Review. C, 52 [3] 1394-1406 (1995).
Grant: GA202/93/2472
[Impact factor:1.873(92) 1.967(93) 1.842(94) 2.045(95) 1.993(96) 1.975(97) 2.308(98) 2.446(99) 2.384(00) 2.695(01) 2,848(02) 2.708(03) ]

024574 - UJF-V 950112 US eng J
Navrátil, P. - Geyer, H. B. - Dobeš, J. - Dobaszewski, J.
SDG fermion-pair algebraic SO(12) and Sp(10) models and their boson realizations.
Annals of Physics, 243 [2] 218-246 (1995).
[Impact factor:2.608(92) 1.991(93) 1.979(94) 2.223(95) 2.183(96) 1.957(97) 2.111(98) 1.870(99) 1.859(00) 1.968(01) 2,014(02) 2.525(03) ]

030753 - UJF-V 960096 BG eng J
Neov, S. - Gerasimova, I. - Kozhukharov, V. - Mikula, P. - Lukáš, P.
Structural study of complex tellurite glasses.
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, -, [-] 53-56 (1995).
[Impact factor:1.118(91) 1.177(92) 0.970(93) 1.072(94) 1.132(95) 1.318(96) 1.017(97) 1.062(98) 1.340(99) 1.269(00) 1.363(01) 1,435(02) 1.563(03) ]

024512 - UJF-V 950048 GB eng J
Novák, J. - Hlaváček, M.
The role of synovial fluid filtration by cartilage in lubrication of synovial joints - III.
Journal of Biomechanics, 28 [10] 1193-1198 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.720(91) 1.020(92) 1.058(93) 1.548(94) 1.302(95) 1.512(96) 1.461(97) 1.484(98) 1.536(99) 1.474(00) 1.856(01) 1,889(02) 2.005(03) ]

029413 - UJF-V 960006 NL eng J
Odzhaev, V. B. - Azarko, I. I. - Karpovich, I. A. - Kozlov, I. P. - Popok, V. N. - Sviridov, D. V. - Hnatowicz, V. - Jankovskij, O. N. - Rybka, V. - Švorčík, V.
The properties of polyethylene and polyamide implanted with B ions to high doses.
Materials Letters, 23, 163-166 (1995).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 202/93/012KSK1010601
[Impact factor:0.803(91) 0.695(92) 0.653(93) 0.660(94) 0.715(95) 0.779(96) 0.629(97) 0.534(98) 0.578(99) 0.632(00) 0.670(01) 0,892(02) 0.774(03) ]

026796 - UJF-V 950005 DK eng J
Odzhaev, V. B. - Popok, V. N. - Červená, J. - Hnatowicz, V. - Kvítek, J. - Vacík, J.
Depth distribution of boron and radiation defects in .Si. dual implanted with .B. and .N. ions.
Physica Status Solidi. A, 147a [1] 91-97 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.414(91) 0.492(92) 0.573(93) 0.596(94) 0.558(95) 0.547(96) 0.655(97) 0.782(98) 1.010(99) 1.035(00) 1.025(01) 0,979(02) 0.950(03) ]

024516 - UJF-V 950052 CZ eng D
Pachr, M.
The neutron emission from Bi + Pb collisions at 1 GeV/u. Řež, Ústav jaderné fyziky AV ČR 1995. - 124 s.

024506 - UJF-V 950042 CZ eng J
Pachr, M. - Kugler, A. - Wagner, V. - Šumbera, M. - Sobolev, J. G. - Simon, R. S. - Hlaváč, S.
Neutron emission from Bi + Pb collisions at 1 GeV/u.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 45, 663-672 (1995).
Grant: IA14808GA202/95/0217
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

030777 - UJF-V 960236 LU eng B
Palágyi, S.
Radionuclide distributions in undisturbed soil and related gamma dose rates in air.
In: Radiation protection. Deposition of radionuclides, their subsequent relocation in the environment and resulting implications. - Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities 1995. - S. 35-46. - ().
Grant: EU(CZ) CT92-0038KSK1067601

024568 - UJF-V 950106 US eng J
Pecina, I. - Anne, R. - Bazin, D. - Borcea, C. - Borrel, V. - Carstoiu, F. - Corre, J. - Dlouhý, Z. - Fomichev, A.
Quasielastic scattering of .SUP.8 B and .SUP.7 Be on .SUP.12 C at 40 MeV/nucleon.
Physical Review. C, 52, 191 (1995).
[Impact factor:1.873(92) 1.967(93) 1.842(94) 2.045(95) 1.993(96) 1.975(97) 2.308(98) 2.446(99) 2.384(00) 2.695(01) 2,848(02) 2.708(03) ]

026822 - UJF-V 950031 NL eng J
Penionzhkevich, Y. E. - Cherepanov, E. A. - Dlouhý, Z. - Zuzaan, P.
Investigation of the elastic scattering and fission reactions induced by .SUP.6 He beam.
Nuclear Physics. A, 583, [-] 791-794 (1995).
[Impact factor:1.830(91) 1.936(92) 1.746(93) 1.821(94) 2.157(95) 1.825(96) 1.988(97) 2.595(98) 2.088(99) 1.854(00) 2.074(01) 1,568(02) 1.761(03) ]

037363 - UJF-V 970148 GB eng J
Perelygin, V. P. - Chuburkov, Y. T. - Zvára, I. - Szeglowski, Z.
On the determination of subpicogram concentrations of Pu in enviroment and living species.
Radiation Measurements, 25 [1/4] 355-358 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.000(93) 0.000(94) 0.760(95) 0.452(96) 0.530(97) 3.109(98) 0.572(99) 0.638(00) 1.003(01) 0,974(02) 0.948(03) ]

024645 - UJF-V 950190 CZ eng V
Pernička, F.
The Measurement of Environmental Radiation Doses and Dose Rates. Praha, ODZ ÚJF AV ČR 1995. - 9 s.
Grant: CT(XE) 92-0018

024621 - UJF-V 950165 HU eng C
Pernička, F. - Linh, H. Q.
Use of UFO for TL glow curve analysis.
In: Solid State Dosimetry. Proceedings of the 11. International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry. - Ashford, Nuclear Technology Publishing 1995. - S. 81. - ().
[International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry /11./. Budapest ( HU), 95.07.10-95.07.14]
Grant: CT(XE) 92-0018

024601 - UJF-V 950140 CZ cze C
Peřina, V.
Měření složitých povrchových systémů metodou RBS.
In: Sborník anotací Nucleonika. - Praha, FJFI ČVUT 1995. - S. 15.
[Nucleonika 1995. Praha (CZ), 95.06.21]
Grant: GA202/95/0177GA202/93/0121GA106/94/1701

029627 - UJF-V 960045 CZ eng J
Peřina, V.
RBS analyses of complex layered structures.
Acta Polytechnica, 35, 124-127 (1995).
Grant: KSK1010601

024599 - UJF-V 950138 CZ eng J
Peřina, V. - Janča, J.
Deposition and characterization of organosilicon thin films from TEOS+O.SUB.2 gas mixture.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 45, 851-862 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

024600 - UJF-V 950139 CZ eng C
Peřina, V. - Janča, J.
RF plasma deposition and characterization of organosilicon thin films from TEOS+O.SUB.2 gas mixtures.
In: Proceedings of 17th Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology. - (Ed. Píchal, J.). - Praha, EF ČVUT - ÚFP AV ČR 1995. - S. 275-277.
[Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology /17./. Prague (CZ), 95.06.13-95.06.16]

024602 - UJF-V 950141 GB eng J
Peřina, V. - Zemek, J. - Knížek, K. - Jurek, K.
Black and gray silicon nitrides, structure, composition and bondings.
Journal of Materials Research, -, 807 (1995).
Grant: GA202/95/0177
[Impact factor:2.623(92) 2.077(93) 2.000(94) 1.761(95) 1.571(96) 1.588(97) 1.539(98) 1.574(99) 1.315(00) 1.539(01) 1,530(02) 1.635(03) ]

029419 - UJF-V 960012 GB eng J
Petráček, V.
Observation of Cu-phtalocine single molecules and islands deposited on gold and highly oriented pyrolytic graphite substrates.
International Journal of Electronics, 78 [2] 267-272 (1995).
Grant: KSK1048601
[Impact factor:0.191(91) 0.305(92) 0.238(93) 0.258(94) 0.211(95) 0.290(96) 0.242(97) 0.245(98) 0.348(99) 0.350(00) 0.295(01) 0,193(02) 0.249(03) ]

029420 - UJF-V 960013 DE eng J
Petráček, V.
Interpretation of STN and STS data by means of the computer model of the tunelling proces.
International Journal of Electronics, 78 [2] 273-277 (1995).
Grant: KSK1048601
[Impact factor:0.191(91) 0.305(92) 0.238(93) 0.258(94) 0.211(95) 0.290(96) 0.242(97) 0.245(98) 0.348(99) 0.350(00) 0.295(01) 0,193(02) 0.249(03) ]

037367 - UJF-V 970152 RU eng V
Pfrepper, G. - Pfrepper, R. - Krauss, D. - Yakushev, A. B. - Timokhin, S. N. - Zvára, I.
On-line ion exchange chromatography of radioisotopes of tungsten as a homolog of element 106. Dubna, OIJaI 1995. - 147-149 s.

037368 - UJF-V 970153 RU eng V
Pfrepper, G. - Pfrepper, R. - Krauss, D. - Yakushev, A. B. - Timokhin, S. N. - Zvára, I.
Study of the chemical state of element 104 in fluoride solutions. Dubna, OIJaI 1995. - 157-159 s.

037369 - UJF-V 970154 RU eng V
Pfrepper, G. - Pfrepper, R. - Krauss, D. - Yakushev, A. B. - Timokhin, S. N. - Zvára, I.
Determination of the chemical state of short-lived isotopes of hafnium by on-line chromatography. Dubna, OIJaI 1995. - 164-165 s.

030769 - UJF-V 960211 DE eng C
Pleskač, R.
Determination of the pion azimuthal distribution with respect to the reaction plane.
In: Proceedings of the TAPS Workshop 3 - Electromagnetic and Hadronic Probes of Nuclear Matter. - (Ed. Simon, R. S.). - Darmstadt, Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung 1995. - S. 194-203.
[TAPS Workshop /3./. Bosen (DE), 95.09.10-95.09.15]
Grant: GA202/93/1144KSK1048601

024517 - UJF-V 950053 CZ eng D
Rak, J.
The experimental study of the muon capture by .SUP.28 Si,.SUP.1O B and .SUP.11 B nuclei. Řež, Ústav jaderné fyziky AV ČR 1995. - 120 s.

024504 - UJF-V 950040 NL eng J
Rak, J. - Egorov, V. - Filipova, T. - Kachalkin, A. - Kovalenko, V. - Salamatin, A. - Shitov, J. - Štekl, I. - Vassiliev, S. - Vorobel, V. - Vylov, T. - Yutlandov, I. - Zaparov, S. - Deutsch, J. - Prieels, R. - Grenacs, L. - Brudanin, V. - Briancon, H.
Measurement of the induced pseudoscalar form factor in the capture of polarized muons by .SUP.28 Si nuclei.
Nuclear Physics. A, 587, 577-595 (1995).
[Impact factor:1.830(91) 1.936(92) 1.746(93) 1.821(94) 2.157(95) 1.825(96) 1.988(97) 2.595(98) 2.088(99) 1.854(00) 2.074(01) 1,568(02) 1.761(03) ]

024514 - UJF-V 950050 CZ eng J
Rak, J. - Kuzmiak, M. - Urbánek, Z.
Mathematical modelling of the ion motion in the isochronous magnetic and radio frequency electric fields.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 45 [10] 817-820 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

026807 - UJF-V 950016 GB eng J
Rakovič, M. - Broulík, P. - Kučera, J. - Foltýnová, V. - Pilecká, N.
Determination of the sodium-to-calcium ratio in femora of normal and diabetic rats by INAA.
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 199 [6] 471-476 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.422(91) 0.471(92) 0.354(93) 0.613(94) 0.368(95) 0.244(96) 0.330(97) 0.291(98) 0.605(99) 0.488(00) 0.398(01) 0,502(02) 0.472(03) ]

026821 - UJF-V 950030 GB eng J
Rakovič, M. - Foltýnová, V. - Pilecká, N. - Povýšil, C. - Kučera, J.
Sodium-to-calcium ratio in sections of undecalcified bone of human male individuals of different age categories as determined by INAA.
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 200 [3] 205-209 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.422(91) 0.471(92) 0.354(93) 0.613(94) 0.368(95) 0.244(96) 0.330(97) 0.291(98) 0.605(99) 0.488(00) 0.398(01) 0,502(02) 0.472(03) ]

024644 - UJF-V 950189 LU eng B
Rybáček, K. - Tomášek, M. - Paretzke, H. G. - Tschiersch, J.
Resuspension of deposited material. Final scientific report DRD NPI AS CR 411/95.
In: Radiation protection. Deposition of radionuclides, their subsequent relocation in the environment and resulting implications. - Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities 1995. - S. 59-82. - ().
Grant: CT(XE) 92-0038

029620 - UJF-V 960033 FR eng C
Ryšavý, M. - Brabec, V. - Dragoun, O. - Dragounová, N. - Řízek, J. - Špalek, A.
Some results concerning evaluation of the neutrino mass in the .beta.SUP.- decay measurements.
In: ENAM95. - (Ed. de Saint Simon, M.; Sorbin, O.). - Gif-Sur-Yvette, Frontiers 1995. - S. 761-762. - ().
[International Conference on Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses. Arles (FR), 95.05.19-95.05.23]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/93/1146KSK1048601

026820 - UJF-V 950029 CZ eng J
Řízek, J. - Ryšavý, M. - Brabec, V.
Effect of nuclear structure on the single particle .BETA.SUP.- transitions in deformed nuclei.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 45 [6] 477-489 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

030767 - UJF-V 960189 AU eng J
Smejkal, J. - Platchkov, S. - Truhlík, E.
Hidden local symmetries and meson exchange currents.
Few-Body Systems Supplement, 8, 264-268 (1995).
Grant: KSK1048601
[Impact factor:0.787(91) 1.020(92) 2.185(93) 1.377(94) 1.891(95) 1.820(96) 0.582(97) 1.359(98) 1.260(99) 1.552(00) 1.857(01) 1,773(02) 1.034(03) ]

024583 - UJF-V 950121 SG eng C
Smejkal, J. - Truhlík, E.
Hidden chiral symmetry and low-energy theorem.
In: 9th Few-Body Systems Supplementum. - Singapore, World Scientific 1995. - S. 311-314.
[International Conference on Mesons and Light Nuclei. Stráž pod Ralskem (CZ), 95.06.03-95.06.07]
Grant: IA148410GA202/94/0370

053754 - UCHP-M 980123 GB eng J
Smolík, J. - Hartman, M. - Sýkorová, I. - Kučera, J.
Emission fluxes of heavy metal from the fluidized bed combustion of fossil fuels.
Journal of Aerosol Science, 26 [Suppl. 1] S655 (1995).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA104/95/0653
[Impact factor:0.317(91) 0.213(92) 0.576(93) 1.597(94) 1.197(95) 1.168(96) 1.378(97) 1.508(98) 1.887(99) 2.071(00) 1.605(01) 1,895(02) 1.738(03) ]

024581 - UJF-V 950119 SG eng C
Sotona, M.
High resolution hypernuclear spectroscopy in electroproduction.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Mesons and Nuclei at Intermediate Energies. - (Ed. Khankhasayev, M. K.; Kurmanov, Z. B.). - Singapore, World Scientific 1995. - S. 787-792.
[International Conference on Mesons and Nuclei at Intermediate Energies. Dubna (RU), 94.05.02-94.05.07]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/93/1147IA148401

030759 - UJF-V 960103 CZ eng J
Sotona, M.
Hypernuclear Physics.
Acta Polytechnica, 35 [4] 142-143 (1995).
[Nukleonika '95. Praha (CZ), 95.06.21-95.06.22]
Grant: KSK1048601

024584 - UJF-V 950122 SG eng C
Sotona, M. - Gisbani, E. - Frullani, S. - Garibaldi, F. - Iodice, M. - Urcioli, G. M. - de Leo, R. - Leone, A. - Perrino, R. - Chang, C. C. - Markowitz, P. - Baker, O. K. - Saito, T.
Strangeness studies of proton and nuclei in CEBAF Hall A.
In: 9th Few-Body Systems Supplementum. - Singapore, World Scientific 1995. - S. 374-378.
[International Conference on Mesons and Light Nuclei. Stráž pod Ralskem (CZ), 95.06.03-95.06.07]

024606 - UJF-V 950150 FR fre J
Spurný, F.
Compte Rendu des 18 Journées Tchéques d`Hygiene des Rayonnements.
Radioprotection, 30 [1] 137-138 (1995).

024609 - UJF-V 950153 GB eng J
Spurný, F.
Dosimetry of neutrons and High Energy Particles with Nuclear Track Detectors.
Radiation Measurements, 25 [1-4] 429-436 (1995).
[Nuclear Tracks in Solids. Dubna (RU), 94.08.24-94.08.28]
Grant: IA335402
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.000(93) 0.000(94) 0.760(95) 0.452(96) 0.530(97) 3.109(98) 0.572(99) 0.638(00) 1.003(01) 0,974(02) 0.948(03) ]

024612 - UJF-V 950156 CZ cze J
Spurný, F.
17. Mezinárodní konference o stopách jaderných částic v pevné fázi.
Bezpečnost jaderné energie, 3(41) [7/8] 193-196 (1995).

024613 - UJF-V 950157 CZ cze J
Spurný, F.
11. Valné shromáždění EURADOS.
Bezpečnost jaderné energie, 3(41) [7/8] 196-198 (1995).

024618 - UJF-V 950162 FR eng A
Spurný, F.
To the aircrew exposure to cosmic radiation.
In: Eight Symposium on Neutron Dosimetry. - Fontenay-aux-Roses, EC-IPSN 1995. - S. 101.
[Symposium on Neutron Dosimetry /8./. Paris (FR), 95.11.13-95.11.17]
Grant: CT(XE) 92-0026

024642 - UJF-V 950187 CZ eng V
Spurný, F.
CEC Projet FI3P-CT93-0072: "Individual Electronic Neutron Dosimeter." Final Scientific Report. Praha, ODZ ÚJF AV ČR 1995. - 8 s.
Grant: CT(XE) 93-0072

024643 - UJF-V 950188 CZ eng V
Spurný, F.
CEC Project FI3P-CT92-0026: "Detection and the Dosimetry of Neutrons and Charged Particles at Aviation Atitudes in the Earths` Atmosphere." Final Scientific Report. Praha, ODZ ÚJF AV ČR 1995. - 9 s.
Grant: CT(XE) 92-0026

030780 - UJF-V 960239 CZ eng C
Spurný, F.
Aircrew exposure to cosmic radiation: Field characteristics and radiation protection aspects.
In: Radiation biology and its application in space research. - (Ed. Kozubek, S.; Horneck, G.). - Brno, Kiramo 1995. - S. 205-209.
[Radiation biology and its application in space research. Nedvědice (CZ), 94.11.10-94.11.12]
Grant: EU(CZ) CT92-0026; GA AV ČR(CZ) 335402KSK1067601

030778 - UJF-V 960237 CZ eng C
Spurný, F. - Bottollier-Depois, J. F. - Votočková, I.
Microdosimetric characteristics of some reference and other radiation fields.
In: Radiation biology and its application in space research. - (Ed. Kozubek, S.; Horneck, G.). - Brno, Kiramo 1995. - S. 14-21.
[Radiation biology and its application in space research. Nedvědice (CZ), 94.11.10-94.11.12]
Grant: EU(CZ) CT93-0072; GA AV ČR(CZ) 335402KSK1067601

024624 - UJF-V 950168 SK eng C
Spurný, F. - Vlček, B.
To the use of bubble detectors in personal neutron dosimetry.
In: Proceedings of the 19th Radiation Hygiene Days. - Bratislava, Society of Nuclear Medicine and Radiation Hygiene of Slovak Medical Association 1995. - S. 43-45.
[Radiation Hygiene Days /19./. Jasná pod Chopkom (SK), 95.11.20-95.11.23]
Grant: CT(XE) 93-0072

024616 - UJF-V 950160 FR eng A
Spurný, F. - Votočková, I.
Radiation field characteristics at some radionuclide radiation sources as measured with different instruments.
In: Eight Symposium on Neutron Dosimetry. - Fontenay-aux-Roses, EC-IPSN 1995. - S. 88.
[Symposium on Neutron Dosimetry /8./. Paris (FR), 95.11.13-95.11.17]
Grant: CT(XE) 93-0072

024620 - UJF-V 950164 GB eng A
Spurný, F. - Votočková, I.
The responses of bubble damage neutron detectors in reference neutron fields.
In: Solid State Dosimetry. Proceedings of the 11. International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry. - Ashford, Nuclear Technology Publishing 1995. - S. 42. - ().
[International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry /11./. Budapest ( HU), 95.07.10-95.07.14]
Grant: CT(XE) 93-0072

024622 - UJF-V 950166 US eng A
Spurný, F. - Votočková, I.
To the aircraft members exposure to cosmic radiation.
In: International Symposium on the Natural Radiation Environment (NRE VI). - Potsdam, Clarkson University 1995. - S. 241.
[International Symposium on the Natural Radiation Environment (NRE VI). Québec (CA), 95.06.05-95.06.09]
Grant: CT(XE) 92-0026

024623 - UJF-V 950167 SK eng C
Spurný, F. - Votočková, I.
Aircrew exposure to cosmic radiation. New analysis, recommendations EURADOS.
In: Conference Proceedings of the 19th Radiation Hygiene Days. - Bratislava, Society of Nuclear Medicine and Radiation Hygiene of Slovak Medical Association 1995. - S. 40-42.
[Radiation Hygiene Days /19./. Jasná pod Chopkom (SK), 95.11.20-95.11.23]
Grant: CT(XE) 92-0026

024630 - UJF-V 950175 CZ cze V
Spurný, F. - Votočková, I.
Stanovení dozimetrických a mikrodozimetrických charakteristik u referenčního zdroje Cf 252 a v blízkosti jeho stínění. Praha, ODZ ÚJF AV ČR 1995. - 13 s.

024632 - UJF-V 950177 CZ eng V
Spurný, F. - Votočková, I.
WG7 EURADOS Intercomparison of the Methods of Dosimetry and Spectrometry in Neutron-Gamma Mixed Fields: Results of Measurements Performed by Collaborators of Radiation Dosimetry of Czech Academy of Science. Praha, ODZ ÚJF AV ČR 1995. - 5 s.
Grant: CT(XE) 93-0072

024634 - UJF-V 950179 CZ cze V
Spurný, F. - Votočková, I.
Stanovení charakteristik pole směsného záření ve svazku intermediálních neutronů pro BNCT. Praha, ODZ ÚJF AV ČR 1995. - 6 s.

024635 - UJF-V 950180 CZ eng V
Spurný, F. - Votočková, I.
Aircrew and passengers exposures during some other european flights (1994-1995). Praha, ODZ ÚJF AV ČR 1995. - 7 s.
Grant: CT(XE) 92-0026

024636 - UJF-V 950181 CZ cze V
Spurný, F. - Votočková, I.
Upřesnění dozimetrických a mikrodozimetrických charakteristik u referenčního zdroje Cf 252 CSOD. Praha, ODZ ÚJF AV ČR 1995. - 6 s.

024611 - UJF-V 950155 CZ cze J
Spurný, F. - Votočková, I. - Kurkdjian, J. - Médioni, R. - Nikodemová, D.
Dozimetrické charakteristiky polí záření u radionuklidových zdrojů neutronů.
Bezpečnost jaderné energie, 3(41) [9/10] 251-255 (1995).
Grant: CT(XE) 93-0072

024638 - UJF-V 950183 CZ eng V
Spurný, F. - Votočková, I. - Turek, K.
Equipment and detectors calibration behind shielding of CERN high energy particle accelerator SPS-III. April 1995. Praha, ODZ ÚJF AV ČR 1995. - 10 s.
Grant: CT(XE) 92-0026

024640 - UJF-V 950185 CZ eng V
Spurný, F. - Votočková, I. - Turek, K.
Intercomparison of Methods Studied in the Frame of the CEC Project FI3P-CT-0072 "Individual Electornic Neutron Dosemeter". Praha, ODZ ÚJF AV ČR 1995. - 8 s.
Grant: CT(XE) 93-0072

030760 - UJF-V 960104 CZ eng J
Srnka, D. - Šlesinger, J. - Venos, D. - Zákoucký, D.
Semiconductor HPGe particle detectors designed for low-temperature nuclear orientation experiments.
Acta Polytechnica, 35 [4] 144-145 (1995).
[Nukleonika '95. Praha (CZ), 95.06.21-95.06.22]
Grant: GA202/94/0364KSK1010601

024520 - UJF-V 950056 DE eng V
Strunz, P. - Lukáš, P. - Wiedenmann, A. - Zrník, J.
SANS study of heat treated single-crystal nickel-based superalloys CMSX3 and ZS26. Berlin, Hahn Meitner Institut 1995. - 289-290 s.
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA148404

024558 - UJF-V 950095 CZ eng A
Strunz, P. - Šaroun, J.
SANS investigation of porosity in plasma-sprayed Al.SUB.2 O.SUB.3.
In: Proceedings of WENNET International Workshop on Neutron Scattering Applications. - (Ed. Pleštil, J.). - Praha, ÚMCh AV ČR 1995. - S. P11.
[International Workshop on Neutron Scattering Applications. Praha ( CZ), 95.10.04-95.10.06]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA148404

024522 - UJF-V 950058 IT eng C
Strunz, P. - Zrník, J. - Wiedenmann, A. - Lukáš, P.
Small-angle neutron scattering study of single-crystal nickel-based superalloys and precipitate shape modelling.
In: Proceedings of International Conference "EUROMAT 95". - Padua-Venice, Symposia, D. E. 1995. - S. 499-501. - ().
[International Conference "EUROMAT 95". Padua-Venice (IT), 95.09.25-95.09.28]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA148404

030752 - UJF-V 960085 US eng C
Swalowe, G. M. - Osborn, J. C. - Lukáš, P. - Mikula, P. - Vrána, M.
Plastic strain estimation from neutron bragg peaks.
In: Neutron Scattering in Materials Science II. - (Ed. Neumann, D. A.; Russel, T. P.; Wuensch, B. J.). - Pittsburg, Material Research Society 1995. - S. 435-440.
[1994 Fall Meeting, MRS. Boston (US), 94.11.28-94.12.01]

024527 - UJF-V 950063 SE eng A
Šaroun, J. - Lukáš, P. - Mikula, P. - Dubský, J. - Kolman, B. - Hempel, A. - Eichhorn, F.
Investigation of porosity in plasma-sprayed Al.SUB.2 O.SUB.3 deposits by small-angle neutron scattering.
In: Proceedings of International Conference ECM 16. - Lund, International Conference 1995. - S. 162.
[International Conference ECM 16. Lund (SE), 95.08.06-95.08.11]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA148404GA202/95/0216

029428 - UJF-V 960021 US eng J
Šimeček, P. - Törmanen, S. - Ahonen, P. - Carpenter, M. - Fahlander, S. - Gascon, J. - Julin, R. - Lampinen, A. - Lönnroth, T. - Nyberg, J. - Pakkanen, A. - Piiparinen, M. - Schiffer, K. - Juutinen, S. - Sletten, G. - Virtanen, A.
Band structures in .SUP.132 Ba.
Physical Review. C, 52 [6] 2946 (1995).
[Impact factor:1.873(92) 1.967(93) 1.842(94) 2.045(95) 1.993(96) 1.975(97) 2.308(98) 2.446(99) 2.384(00) 2.695(01) 2,848(02) 2.708(03) ]

024595 - UJF-V 950134 FR eng A
Šimečková, E. - Kracíková, T. I. - Krmar, M. - Finger, M. - Janata, A. - Lebedev, N. A. - Pavlov, V. N. - Shabalin, D. E.
The decay of oriented .SUP.166 TmGd.
In: Proceedings of International Conference on Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses. - Arles, ENAM 1995. - S. PD46.
[International Conference on Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses. Arles (FR), 95.06.19-95.06.23]

067040 - UPT-D 990113 ES eng A
Široký, P. - Vorlíček, V. - Sobota, J. - Peřina, V.
C:N and C:N:O films: preparation and properties.
In: The 6th European Conference on Diamond, Diamond-like and Related Materials - Abstract Book. - Barcelona, Elsevier Science 1995. - S. 11.090.
[Diamond Films '95 /6./. Barcelona (ES), 95.09.10-95.09.15]

026801 - UJF-V 950010 CH eng J
Šperlingová, I. - Dabrowská, L. - Kučera, J. - Tichý, M.
Preparation of a reference material "Creatinine in human urine".
Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 352, [-] 87-91 (1995).
[Impact factor:1.213(92) 0.973(93) 0.975(94) 1.065(95) 1.038(96) 1.398(97) 1.513(98) 1.428(99) 1.418(00) 1.649(01) 1,948(02) 1.924(03) ]

024505 - UJF-V 950041 CZ eng J
Šumbera, M.
Experiment ALICE.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 45, 579-590 (1995).
Grant: GA202/95/0217
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

026798 - UJF-V 950007 GB eng J
Švorčík, V. - Endršt, R. - Rybka, V. - Arenholz, E. - Hnatowicz, V. - Černý, F.
Nitrogen implantation into polyimide.
European Polymer Journal, 31 [2] 189-191 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.717(91) 0.834(92) 0.852(93) 0.719(94) 0.804(95) 0.721(96) 0.677(97) 0.600(98) 0.720(99) 0.745(00) 0.779(01) 0,952(02) 1.086(03) ]

026815 - UJF-V 950024 NL eng J
Švorčík, V. - Kozlova, J. I. - Rybka, V. - Hnatowicz, V.
Diffusion of FeCl.SUB.3 into ion implanted polyethylene.
Material Letters, 23, [-] 321-324 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.803(91) 0.695(92) 0.653(93) 0.660(94) 0.715(95) 0.779(96) 0.629(97) 0.534(98) 0.578(99) 0.632(00) 0.670(01) 0,892(02) 0.774(03) ]

026805 - UJF-V 950014 NL eng J
Švorčík, V. - Miček, I. - Rybka, V. - Hnatowicz, V.
Surface properties of polyethylene implanted with N, F and Ar ions.
Material Letters, 23, [-] 167-171 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.803(91) 0.695(92) 0.653(93) 0.660(94) 0.715(95) 0.779(96) 0.629(97) 0.534(98) 0.578(99) 0.632(00) 0.670(01) 0,892(02) 0.774(03) ]

026799 - UJF-V 950008 GB eng J
Švorčík, V. - Rybka, V. - Hnatowicz, V. - Bačáková, L. - Lisá, V. - Kocourek, F.
Surface properties and biocompatibility of ion-implanted polymers.
Journal of Materials Chemistry, 5 [1] 27-30 (1995).
[Impact factor:1.563(92) 1.545(93) 1.524(94) 1.449(95) 1.660(96) 1.810(97) 1.885(98) 2.317(99) 2.379(00) 2.736(01) 2,683(02) 2.659(03) ]

029422 - UJF-V 960015 GB eng J
Švorčík, V. - Rybka, V. - Hnatowicz, V. - Bačáková, L.
Polarity, resistivity and biocompatibility of polyethylene doped with carbon black.
Journal of Materials Science Letters, 14, 1723-1724 (1995).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/93/0121KSK1010601
[Impact factor:0.487(91) 0.511(92) 0.485(93) 0.444(94) 0.430(95) 0.420(96) 0.467(97) 0.349(98) 0.474(99) 0.496(00) 0.489(01) 0,504(02) 0.470(03) ]

026792 - UJF-V 950001 GB eng J
Švorčík, V. - Rybka, V. - Miček, I. - Hnatowicz, V. - Kvítek, J.
Study of polycarbonate degradation induced by irradiation with He ions.
Journal of Materials Research, 10 [2] 468-472 (1995).
[Impact factor:2.623(92) 2.077(93) 2.000(94) 1.761(95) 1.571(96) 1.588(97) 1.539(98) 1.574(99) 1.315(00) 1.539(01) 1,530(02) 1.635(03) ]

026797 - UJF-V 950006 GB eng J
Švorčík, V. - Rybka, V. - Stibor, I. - Hnatowicz, V.
Electrical conductivity of ion implanted polyimide.
Journal of Electrochemical Society, 142 [2] 590-593 (1995).

024528 - UJF-V 950064 CZ eng A
Taran, Y. V. - Schreiber, J. - Mikula, P. - Lukáš, P. - Vrána, M. - Bokuchava, G. D. - Kockelmann, H.
Neutron diffraction measurements of residual stresses in an austenitic steel tube with a welded ferritic cover.
In: Proceedings of WENNET International Workshop on Neutron Scattering Applications. - (Ed. Pleštil, J.). - Praha, ÚMCH AV ČR 1995. - S. P13.
[International Workshop on Neutron Scattering Applications. Praha ( CZ), 95.10.04-95.10.06]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 202/93/1361

030770 - UJF-V 960212 DE eng C
Taranenko, A.
Azimuthal anisotropy of the .gamma.gamma. combinatorial background.
In: Proceedings of the TAPS Workshop 3 - Electromagnetic and Hadronic Probes of Nuclear Matter. - (Ed. Simon, R. S.). - Darmstadt, Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung 1995. - S. 204-208.
[TAPS Workshop /3./. Bosen (DE), 95.09.10-95.09.15]
Grant: GA202/93/1144KSK1048601

029423 - UJF-V 960016 CZ eng V
Tlustý, P. - Kugler, A. - Taranenko, A. - Nosek, L. - Marek, T. - Shishov, P. N. - Astakhov, V. I.
Test of multichannel high voltage system for time-of-flight system of the HADES spectrometer. Řež, ÚJF AV ČR 1995. - 1-7 s.

024628 - UJF-V 950172 CZ cze C
Tomášek, M.
Tritium ve srážkách a vzdušné vlhkosti v Praze (1991-1994).
In: Ovzduší `95. - (Ed. Vančura, R.; Mátlová, Z.). - Brno, Tocoen 1995. - S. 72.
[Ovzduší `95. Mílovy, Devět skal (CZ), 95.03.26-95.03.29]
Grant: CT(XE) 92-0173

024633 - UJF-V 950178 CZ cze V
Tomášek, M.
Kontaminace budovy ODZ ÚJF AV ČR tritiem. Praha, ODZ ÚJF AV ČR 1995. - 8 s.

024631 - UJF-V 950176 CZ cze V
Tomášek, M. - Rybáček, K.
Sekvenční analýza forem radiocesia v atmosférickém aerosolu kontaminovaném po havárii JE Černobyl. Praha, ODZ ÚJF AV ČR 1995. - 8 s.
Grant: CT(XE) 92-0038

024625 - UJF-V 950169 SK eng C
Tomášek, M. - Rybáček, K. - Wilhelmová, L.
Speciation of radiocesium in atmospheric aerosol after the Chernobyl accident.
In: Conference Proceedings of the 19th Radiation Hygiene Days. - Bratislava, Society of Nuclear Medicine and Radiation Hygiene of Slovak Medical Association 1995. - S. 105-106.
[Radiation Hygiene Days /19./. Jasná pod Chopkom (SK), 95.11.20-95.11.23]
Grant: CT(XE) 92-0038

030775 - UJF-V 960234 HU eng J
Tomášek, M. - Rybáček, K. - Wilhelmová, L.
Chemical fraction of radioactive cesium in atmospheric aerosol in Prague after the Chernobyl accident.
Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry. Letters, 201 [ 5] 409-416 (1995).
Grant: EU(CZ) FI3P-CT92-0028KSK1048601
[Impact factor:0.422(91) 0.471(92) 0.354(93) 0.613(94) 0.368(95) 0.244(96) 0.330(97) 0.291(98) 0.605(99) 0.488(00) 0.398(01) 0,502(02) 0.472(03) ]

024641 - UJF-V 950186 CZ cze V
Tomášek, M. - Vlčková, Š.
Optimalizace měření nízkých aktivit tritia. Praha, ODZ ÚJF AV ČR 1995. - 13 s.
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 3048506

024627 - UJF-V 950171 SK eng C
Tomášek, M. - Wilhelmová, L.
Tritium volume activity in natural waters of NPP Temelín region.
In: Conference Proceedings of the 19th Radiation Hygiene Days. - Bratislava, Society of Nuclear Medicine and Radiation Hygiene of Slovak Medical Association 1995. - S. 198-199.
[Radiation Hygiene Days /19./. Jasná pod Chopkom (SK), 95.11.20-95.11.23]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA33503; GA AV ČR(CZ) 3048506

030761 - UJF-V 960105 CZ eng J
Trejbal, Z. - Štursa, J.
Isochronous cyclotron U-120M of the Nuclear Physics Institute.
Acta Polytechnica, 35 [4] 149-150 (1995).
[Nukleonika '95. Praha (CZ), 95.06.21-95.06.22]
Grant: GA202/94/0364KSK1010601

029425 - UJF-V 960018 NL eng J
Truhlík, E. - Arenhövel, H.
Electromagnetic meson exchange currents and the Sachs nucleon form factors.
Nuclear Physics. A, 595, 259-285 (1995).
Grant: KSK1048601GA202/94/0370IAA148410
[Impact factor:1.830(91) 1.936(92) 1.746(93) 1.821(94) 2.157(95) 1.825(96) 1.988(97) 2.595(98) 2.088(99) 1.854(00) 2.074(01) 1,568(02) 1.761(03) ]

024591 - UJF-V 950130 SG eng J
Truhlík, E. - Khanna, F. C.
Weak axial pion-exchange currents in the pseudoscalar .pí. NN coupling.
International Journal of Modern Physics. A, 10 [4] 499-525 ( 1995).
[Impact factor:1.618(91) 1.369(92) 1.046(93) 1.519(94) 1.690(95) 1.593(96) 1.586(97) 1.428(98) 1.189(99) 1.338(00) 1.541(01) 1,151(02) 0.906(03) ]

024626 - UJF-V 950170 SK eng C
Turek, K. - Bednář, J. - Neznal, M.
Track etch detectors with air gap for measurement of radon in soil.
In: Conference Proceedings of the 19th Radiation Hygiene Days. - Bratislava, Society of Nuclear Medicine and Radiation Hygiene of Slovak Medical Association 1995. - S. 122-124.
[Radiation Hygiene Days /19./. Jasná pod Chopkom (SK), 95.11.20-95.11.23]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 335402

024646 - UJF-V 950191 CZ eng V
Turek, K. - Bednář, J. - Neznal, M.
Track etch detectors with air gap for measurement of radon in soil. Praha, ODZ ÚJF AV ČR 1995. - 7 s.
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 335402

024607 - UJF-V 950151 GB eng J
Turek, K. - Bednář, J. - Piesch, E.
Determination of the neutron angular response using a single etched track detector.
Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 59 [3] 205-212 (1995).
Grant: ERB(XE) 3510
[Impact factor:0.242(91) 0.231(92) 0.148(93) 0.241(94) 0.289(95) 0.412(96) 0.552(97) 0.534(98) 0.582(99) 0.581(00) 0.768(01) 0,555(02) 0.617(03) ]

024610 - UJF-V 950154 GB eng J
Turek, K. - Bednář, J. - Piesch, E.
New Approach to the Determination of the Angular Response for Neutron Sensitive Plastics.
Radiation Measurements, 25 [1-4] 457-458 (1995).
[Nuclear Tracks in Solids. Dubna (RU), 95.08.24-95.08.28]
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.000(93) 0.000(94) 0.760(95) 0.452(96) 0.530(97) 3.109(98) 0.572(99) 0.638(00) 1.003(01) 0,974(02) 0.948(03) ]

024605 - UJF-V 950149 GB eng J
Turek, K. - Markovskij, D. V. - Svetchkopal, A. N. - Chuvilin, D. Yu. - Konakov, S. A. - Spurný, F.
Study of fusion shielding neutronics in experiments with an assembly containing voids.
Fusion Engineering and Design, 28, 566-570 (1995).
[Impact factor:0.633(92) 0.330(93) 0.709(94) 0.590(95) 0.537(96) 0.423(97) 0.511(98) 0.395(99) 0.702(00) 0.444(01) 0,792(02) 0.753(03) ]

024608 - UJF-V 950152 GB eng J
Turek, K. - Piesch, E. - Bednář, J.
Direct Measurement of the Critical Angle of Incidence in Electrochemically Etched CR-39 and Makrofol Detectors.
Radiation Measurements, 24 [1] 43-51 (1995).
Grant: ERB(XE) 3510
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.000(93) 0.000(94) 0.760(95) 0.452(96) 0.530(97) 3.109(98) 0.572(99) 0.638(00) 1.003(01) 0,974(02) 0.948(03) ]

029626 - UJF-V 960044 CZ eng J
Vacík, J. - Červená, J. - Hnatowicz, V. - Hoffmann, J. - Havránek, V. - Fink, D.
Thermal neutron depth profiling.
Acta Polytechnica, 35 [4] 151-153 (1995).
Grant: GA202/95/0177GA102/96/1238KSK1010601

024554 - UJF-V 950091 NL eng J
Vénos, D. - Srnka, D. - Šlesinger, J. - Zákoucký, D. - Stehno, J. - Severijns, N. - van Geert, A.
Performance of HPGe detectors in the temperature region 2 - 77 K.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. A, 365, 419 (1995).
Grant: GA202/93/1141
[Impact factor:0.795(91) 0.962(92) 0.968(93) 1.188(94) 1.091(95) 1.038(96) 0.890(97) 0.896(98) 0.921(99) 0.964(00) 1.026(01) 1,167(02) 1.166(03) ]

026824 - UJF-V 950033 RU eng J
Vincour, J. - Piskoř, Š.
Spectroscopy of .SUP.13 Be.
JINR Rapid Communications, 1 [69] 11-18 (1995).

024557 - UJF-V 950094 DE eng V
Vrána, M. - Alexandrov, Y. - Ioffe, A.
Influence of interresonance interference scattering on determination of neutron-electron scattering length. Berlin, Hahn-Meitner-Institut 1995. - 339 s.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) A148404

024564 - UJF-V 950101 DE eng J
Vrána, M. - Baranova, T. - Drabkin, G. - Ioffe, A. - Kirsanov, S. - Mezei, F. - Zabijakin, V.
Perfect crystal neutron interferometer set up at BENSC and first experimental results.
Physica. B, 213 and 214, 839 (1995).
Grant: GA202/93/0361IA148404
[Impact factor: 0.864(96) 0.991(97) 0.619(98) 0.725(99) 0.893(00) 0.663(01) 0,609(02) 0.908(03) ]

024524 - UJF-V 950060 SK eng A
Vrána, M. - Eschner, T. - Lukáš, P. - Mikula, P. - Strunz, P. - Šaroun, J. - Wagner, V. - Zaffagnini, M.
Neutron diffraction investigations of residual strains on ARMCO steel samples plastically deformed by rolling.
In: Proceedings of International Conference "X-ray Powder Diffraction Analysis of Real Structure of Matter". - Liptovský Mikuláš, Slovakia 1995. - S. 54.
[International Conference "X-ray Powder Diffraction Analysis of Real Structure of Matter. Liptovský Mikuláš (SK), 95.08.21-95.08.25]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 202/93/1361

030751 - UJF-V 960084 US eng C
Vrána, M. - Klimanek, P. - Kschidoc, T. - Lukáš, P. - Mikula, P.
Investigation of residual strains of the 2nd kind in plastically deformed metallic materials.
In: Neutron Scattering in Materials Science 2. - (Ed. Neumann, D. A.; Russel, T. P.; Wuensch, B. J.). - Pittsburg, Material Research Society 1995. - S. 409-414.
[1994 Fall Meeting, MRS. Boston (US), 94.11.28-94.12.01]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 202/93/1361GA202/96/0551GA202/93/1361KSK1010601

024523 - UJF-V 950059 IT eng C
Vrána, M. - Klimanek, P. - Lukáš, P. - Mikula, P. - Šaroun, J. - Wagner, V.
Neutron optics for micro- and macrostrains investigations.
In: Proceedings of International Conference "EUROMAT 95". - Venice-Padua, Symposia D. E. 1995. - S. 35-40. - ().
[International Conference "EUROMAT 95". Venice-Padua (IT), 95.09.25-95.09.28]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 202/93/1361

024553 - UJF-V 950090 DE eng V
Wagner, V. - Holzman, G. - Schubert, A. - Hlaváč, S. - Lefévre, F. - Löhner, H. - Matulewicz, T. - Metag, V. - Ostendorf, R. - van Pol, J. H. G. - Simon, R. S. - Schutz, Y. - Wilschut, H. W.
Experimental determination of the cross section .sigma.SUB.DELTA. + N + NN + N at lows. Darmstadt, GSI 1995. - 79 s.

030772 - UJF-V 960214 DE eng C
Wagner, V. - Kugler, A. - Pachr, M. - Šumbera, M. - Taranenko, A. - Hlaváč, S. - Lorencz, R. - Wohlgemuth, R. - Simon, R. S.
Detection of relativistic neutrons by BaF.SUB.2 scintilator.
In: Proceedings of the TAPS Workshop 3 - Electromagnetic and Hadronic Probes of Nuclear Matter. - (Ed. Simon, R. S.). - Darmstadt, Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung 1995. - S. 221-238.
[TAPS Workshop /3./. Bosen (DE), 95.09.10-95.09.15]

024551 - UJF-V 950088 NL eng J
Wagner, V. - Marquéz, F. M. - Martínez, G. - Schutz, Y. - Díaz, J. - Franke, M. - Hlaváč, S. - Holzmann, R. - Latridou, P. - Lefévre, F. - Löhner, H. - Marin, A. - Matulewicz, T. - Mittig, W. - Ostendorf, R. W. - van Pol, J. H. G. - Quebert, J. - Roussel-Chomaz, P. - Schubert, A. - Siemssen, R. H. - Simon, R. S. - Sujkowski, Z. - Wilschut, H. W. - Wolf, G.
Density oscillations in systems of colliding heavy ions observed via hard-photon interferometry measurements.
Physics Letters. B, 349, 3O-34 (1995).
[Impact factor:3.227(91) 3.438(92) 3.079(93) 3.056(94) 3.272(95) 3.670(96) 3.581(97) 3.567(98) 3.878(99) 4.213(00) 4.377(01) 4,298(02) 4.066(03) ]

024550 - UJF-V 950087 NL eng J
Wagner, V. - Martínez, G. - Marquéz, F. M. - Schutz, Y. - Wolf, G. - Díaz, J. - Franke, M. - Hlaváč, S. - Holzmann, R. - Latridou, P. - Lefevre, F. - Löhner, H. - Marin, A. - Matulewicz, T. - Mittig, W. - Ostendorf, R. W. - van Pol, J. H. G. - Quebert, J. - Roussel-Chomaz, P. - Schubert, A. - Siemssen, R. H. - Simon, R. S. - Sujkowski, Z. - Wilschut, H. W.
Bremsstrahlung photons as a probe of hot nuclei.
Physics Letters. B, 349, 23-29 (1995).
[Impact factor:3.227(91) 3.438(92) 3.079(93) 3.056(94) 3.272(95) 3.670(96) 3.581(97) 3.567(98) 3.878(99) 4.213(00) 4.377(01) 4,298(02) 4.066(03) ]

024548 - UJF-V 950085 NL eng J
Wagner, V. - Schubert, A. - Holzmann, R. - Hlaváč, S. - Kulessa, R. - Simon, R. S. - Lautridou, P. - Lefevre, F. - Marqués, M. - Matulewicz, T. - Mittig, W. - Ostendorf, R. W. - Roussel-Chomaz, P. - Schutz, Y. - Löhner, H. - van Pol, J. H. G. - Siemssen, R. H. - Wilschut, H. W. - Ballester, F. - Diaz, J. - Marin, A. - Martinez, G. - Metag, V. - Novotny, R. - Quebert, J.
A systematic study of neutral pion squeeze-out at intermediate energies.
Nuclear Physics. A, 583, 385-388 (1995).
Grant: IA14808
[Impact factor:1.830(91) 1.936(92) 1.746(93) 1.821(94) 2.157(95) 1.825(96) 1.988(97) 2.595(98) 2.088(99) 1.854(00) 2.074(01) 1,568(02) 1.761(03) ]

030776 - UJF-V 960235 NL eng J
Wilhelmová, L. - Tomášek, M. - Štukheil, K.
Monitoring of krypton-85 in the atmosphere around Prague.
Environmental monitoring and assessment, 34 [2] 145-149 (1995).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA33503KSK1067601
[Impact factor:0.404(91) 0.325(92) 0.384(93) 0.366(94) 0.497(95) 0.526(96) 0.519(97) 0.498(98) 0.485(99) 0.839(00) 0.388(01) 0,503(02) 0.651(03) ]

030741 - UJF-V 960060 CZ cze C
Zábranská, E. - Rakovič, M. - Foltýnová, V. - Pilecká, N. - Kučera, J. - Glagoličová, A. - Výborný, S.
Vyhodnocení výsledků stanovení obsahů Hg, Zn, Co, Cr a Fe v humánním materiálu pomocí neutronové aktivační analýzy (NAA).
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Grant: KSK1010601

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Cumulative pion and proton production in p-D collisions at 4.45 and 8.9 GeV/c.
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[Impact factor:1.091(91) 1.135(92) 1.149(93) 1.228(94) 1.190(95) 1.241(96) 1.267(97) 1.272(98) 1.111(99) 1.122(00) 1.220(01) 1,483(02) 1.324(03) ]

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The coupled channels T-matrix: It's lowest order Born + Lanczos approximants. Dubna, JINR 1995. - - s.

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[Impact factor:1.091(91) 1.135(92) 1.149(93) 1.228(94) 1.190(95) 1.241(96) 1.267(97) 1.272(98) 1.111(99) 1.122(00) 1.220(01) 1,483(02) 1.324(03) ]

029408 - UJF-V 960001 GB eng J
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Bound-state method with elementary product wave functions.
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Grant: IAA1048602KSK1048601
[Impact factor:2.214(91) 2.189(92) 2.060(93) 1.779(94) 1.657(95) 1.528(96) 1.480(97) 1.545(98) 1.387(99) 1.365(00) 1.542(01) 1,406(02) 1.357(03) ]

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