ÚMBR - Ústav molekulární biologie rostlin


Zpět na seznam ústavů                     Domovská stránka ASEP

Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

038777 - UMBR-M 970003 GB eng J
Beneš, K. - Vitha, S. - Michalová-Voldánová, M.
The influence of freezing/defreezing procedure on the activity of beta-glucuronidase in tissues of transgenic plants.
Histochemical journal, 28, 308 (1996).
[Impact factor:1.358(91) 1.247(92) 1.324(93) 1.524(94) 1.500(95) 1.561(96) 1.747(97) 1.397(98) 1.161(99) 1.078(00) 1.169(01) 1,150(02) 0.671(03) ]

039350 - UEB-Q 970167 SK eng A
Doleželová, M. - Macas, J. - Lucretti, S. - Doležel, J.
The use of Vicia faba hairy root culture for preparation of chromosome suspensions.
Biologia, 51 [suppl. 4] 1 (1996).
[Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology. Nitra (SK), 95.10.02-95.10.06]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 521/96/K 117GA204/93/1097
[Impact factor:0.050(91) 0.050(92) 0.038(93) 0.043(94) 0.079(95) 0.110(96) 0.283(97) 0.194(98) 0.220(99) 0.165(00) 0.208(01) 0,169(02) 0.183(03) ]

033997 - UMBR-M 960002 NL eng J
Fránová-Honetšlegrová, J. - Vibio, M. - Bertaccini, A.
Electron microscopy and molecular identification of phytoplasmas associated with strawberry green petals in the Czech Republic.
European journal of plant pathology, 102, 831-836 (1996).
Grant: OK251
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.000(93) 0.000(94) 0.844(95) 0.953(96) 1.027(97) 1.072(98) 1.122(99) 1.090(00) 1.010(01) 1,475(02) 1.259(03) ]

033998 - UMBR-M 960003 DE eng J
Gualberti, G. - Doležel, J. - Macas, J. - Lucretti, S.
Preparation of pea (Pisum sativum L.) chromosome and nucleus suspensions from single root tips.
Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 92, 744-751 (1996).
Grant: GA204/93/1097
[Impact factor:1.914(91) 2.095(92) 2.364(93) 2.536(94) 2.452(95) 2.313(96) 2.040(97) 2.224(98) 2.082(99) 2.358(00) 2.438(01) 2,264(02) 2.287(03) ]

033999 - UMBR-M 960004 SK eng J
Hlinková, E. - Ondřej, M.
Characteristics of transgenic tobacco plants carrying phytohormone synthesis T-DNA genes.
Biológia, 51, 43-48 (1996).
[Impact factor:0.050(91) 0.050(92) 0.038(93) 0.043(94) 0.079(95) 0.110(96) 0.283(97) 0.194(98) 0.220(99) 0.165(00) 0.208(01) 0,169(02) 0.183(03) ]

054184 - UMBR-M 980028 CZ cze J
Kocábek, T.
Inzerční mutageneze a její význam pro klonování rostlinných genů.
Biologické listy, 61, 161-176 (1996).

067095 - UMBR-M 990048 RIV SK eng J
Kocábek, T. - Rakouský, S. - Vlasák, J.
Construction and use of a new T-DNA tagging vector.
Biologia, 51, 25-26 (1996).

034000 - UMBR-M 960005 SK eng J
Lipavská, H. - Voráčková, Z. - Konečný, P.
The relationship between the levels of edogenous nonstructural carbohydrates and the transfer efficiency of in vitro grown plants to ex vitro conditions.
Biológia, 51, 84 (1996).
[Impact factor:0.050(91) 0.050(92) 0.038(93) 0.043(94) 0.079(95) 0.110(96) 0.283(97) 0.194(98) 0.220(99) 0.165(00) 0.208(01) 0,169(02) 0.183(03) ]

038779 - UMBR-M 970006 GB eng J
Macas, J. - Gualberti, G. - Nouzová, M. - Samec, P. - Lucretti, S. - Doležel, J.
Construction of chromosome-specific DNA libraries covering the whole genome of field bean (Vicia faba L).
Chromosome research, 4, 531-539 (1996).
Grant: GV521/96/K117
[Impact factor: 0.000(96) 2.006(97) 2.256(98) 1.576(99) 1.725(00) 1.835(01) 1,828(02) 2.038(03) ]

034001 - UMBR-M 960006 CZ eng J
Matoušek, J. - Trněná, L.
7 SL RNA palymorphism in hop (Humulus lupulus L.).
Plant production, 42, 173-177 (1996).
Grant: GV521/96/K117GA503/95/1583
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.003(92) 0.000(93) 0.012(94) 0.008(95) 0.170(96) 0.214(97) 0.168(98) 0.192(99) 0.256(00) 0.237(01) 0,333(02) 0.276(03) ]

038778 - UMBR-M 970005 CZ eng J
Matoušek, J. - Trněná, L. - Dědič, P. - Ptáček, J. - Krejčová, J.
PCR amplification and analysis of potato virus S (PVS) coat protein region as a source for anti-PVS antisense RNA system.
Vědecké práce (Výzkumný ústav bramborářský), 12, 43-52 (1996).
Grant: GA521/96/1308

034002 - UMBR-M 960007 GB eng J
Mráz, I. - Honetšlegrová, J. - Šíp, M.
Diagnosis of strawbery vein banding virus a nonradioactive probe.
Acta virologica, 40, 139-141 (1996).
Grant: GA513/93/2490
[Impact factor:0.438(91) 0.275(92) 0.205(93) 0.347(94) 0.362(95) 0.481(96) 0.454(97) 0.500(98) 0.476(99) 0.558(00) 0.644(01) 0,660(02) 0.683(03) ]

034003 - UMBR-M 960008 CZ eng J
Neumann, P.
Statistical evaluation of the effect of individual heat shock parameters on the effectiveness of triploidy induction in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mydiss WALBAUM, 1792).
Bulletin VÚRH Vodňany, 32, 32-38 (1996).

034004 - UMBR-M 960009 CZ cze J
Ondřej, M.
Transgenní rostliny, prostředí a šlechtění.
Informační listy genetické společnosti G. Mendela, 17, 11-14 ( 1996).

054185 - UMBR-M 980029 CZ cze C
Ondřej, M.
Transgenoze genomu kulturních rostlin.
In: Perspektivy některých nových směrů ve šlechtění kulturních obilovin. - Praha, Českomoravská šlechtitelská a semenářská asociace 1996. - S. 2-3.
[Obilnářský seminář 96. Praha (CZ), 96.12.04]

067096 - UMBR-M 990049 RIV SK eng J
Ondřej, M. - Pavingerová, D. - Rakouský, S.
Agrobacterium transformation of Arabidopsis thaliana with by-pass of tissue culture.
Biologia, 51, 25 (1996).

034005 - UMBR-M 960010 CZ eng J
Oriniaková, P. - Matoušek, J.
Viroid infection of hop (Humulus lupulus) mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens and conditions for hop transformation.
Plant production, 42, 233-239 (1996).
Grant: GA503/95/1583
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.003(92) 0.000(93) 0.012(94) 0.008(95) 0.170(96) 0.214(97) 0.168(98) 0.192(99) 0.256(00) 0.237(01) 0,333(02) 0.276(03) ]

034006 - UMBR-M 960011 NL eng J
Pavingerová, D. - Gális, I. - Ondřej, M.
Tissue culture and transformatin of Oenothera biennis.
Biologia plantarum, 38, 27-32 (1996).
[Impact factor:0.203(91) 0.215(92) 0.114(93) 0.168(94) 0.299(95) 0.413(96) 0.393(97) 0.566(98) 0.414(99) 0.424(00) 0.426(01) 0,583(02) 0.919(03) ]

034008 - UMBR-M 960014 GB eng J
Petrzik, K. - Lehmann, P.
Classification of turnip mosaic virus isolates according to the 3'-untranslated region.
Acta virologica, 40, 151-155 (1996).
[Impact factor:0.438(91) 0.275(92) 0.205(93) 0.347(94) 0.362(95) 0.481(96) 0.454(97) 0.500(98) 0.476(99) 0.558(00) 0.644(01) 0,660(02) 0.683(03) ]

034007 - UMBR-M 960013 NL eng J
Petrzik, K. - Špak, J. - Nebesářová, J. - Fránová, J.
The effect of virus infection on morphology and protein components of pollen grains.
Biologia plantarum, 38, 445-450 (1996).
[Impact factor:0.203(91) 0.215(92) 0.114(93) 0.168(94) 0.299(95) 0.413(96) 0.393(97) 0.566(98) 0.414(99) 0.424(00) 0.426(01) 0,583(02) 0.919(03) ]

067094 - UMBR-M 990047 RIV SK eng J
Rakouský, S. - Vincenciová, R. - Kocábek, T.
Time course dependency of GUS gene expression in infiltrated plants of Arabidopsis thaliana L.
Biologia, 51, 26 (1996).

034009 - UMBR-M 960016 NE eng J
Samec, P. - Našinec, V.
The use of RAPD technique for the identification and classification of Pisum sativum L. genotypes.
Euphytica, 89, 229-234 (1996).
[Impact factor:0.351(92) 0.501(93) 0.579(94) 0.585(95) 0.758(96) 0.768(97) 0.638(98) 0.692(99) 0.621(00) 0.765(01) 0,716(02) 0.705(03) ]

039249 - UMBR-M 970025 AU eng J
Šantrůček, J. - Sage, R. F.
Acclimation of stomatal conductance to a CO2-enriched atmosphere and elevated temperature in Chenopodium album.
Australian journal of plant physiology, 23, 467-478 (1996).
Grant: GA204/93/0693
[Impact factor: 2.643(95) 2.347(96) 2.185(97) 1.843(98) 1.579(99) 1.355(00) 1.562(01) 1,552(02) 2.398(03) ]

034010 - UMBR-M 960017 DE eng J
Šiffel, P. - Braunová, Z. - Šindelková, E. - Cudlín, P.
The effect of simulated acid rain on chlorophyll fluorescence spectra of spruce seedlings (Picea abies L. Karst.).
Journal of plant physiology, 148, 271-275 (1996).
Grant: GA204/93/0261
[Impact factor:1.060(91) 0.915(92) 1.006(93) 1.088(94) 1.142(95) 1.203(96) 1.179(97) 1.195(98) 1.143(99) 0.943(00) 1.018(01) 0,941(02) 1.149(03) ]

034011 - UMBR-M 960021 GB eng J
Šiffelová, G. - Pavelková, M. - Klabouchová, A. - Wiesner, I. - Našinec, V. - Kiss, G. B. - Kaló, P. - Csanadi, G. - Endre, G. - Felfoldi, K.
Genetic map of diploid alfalfa based on DNA markers.
Journal of experimental botany, 47 [Supplement] 31 (1996).
[Society for Experimental Biology, Annual Meeting. Lancaster (GB), 96.05.24-96.05.29]
[Impact factor:1.628(91) 1.478(92) 1.558(93) 1.463(94) 1.620(95) 1.931(96) 1.988(97) 2.218(98) 2.482(99) 2.314(00) 2.433(01) 2,852(02) 3.180(03) ]

034013 - UMBR-M 960023 GB eng J
Šimon, T. - Kálalová, S. - Petrzik, K.
Identification of Rhizobium strains and evaluation of their competitiveness.
Folia microbiologica, 41, 65-72 (1996).
Grant: GA502/93/0480
[Impact factor:0.200(91) 0.257(92) 0.268(93) 0.307(94) 0.147(95) 0.225(96) 0.312(97) 0.518(98) 0.402(99) 0.752(00) 0.776(01) 0,979(02) 0.857(03) ]

034012 - UMBR-M 960022 CZ cze J
Špak, J.
Molice skleníková - nové nebezpečí?
Zahradnictví, 21 [1] 14-15 (1996).

038780 - UMBR-M 970013 GB eng J
Vitha, S. - Beneš, K. - Michalová-Voldánová, M.
Effects of fixation on beta-glucuronidase activity in transgenic plants.
Histochemical journal, 28, 309 (1996).
[Impact factor:1.358(91) 1.247(92) 1.324(93) 1.524(94) 1.500(95) 1.561(96) 1.747(97) 1.397(98) 1.161(99) 1.078(00) 1.169(01) 1,150(02) 0.671(03) ]

Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Zpět na seznam ústavů                     Domovská stránka ASEP
Datum poslední úpravy: 2005-04-11