ÚZFG - Ústav živočišné fyziologie a genetiky


Zpět na seznam ústavů                     Domovská stránka ASEP

Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

045927 - UZFG-Y 970088 US eng J
Čepica, S. - Musilová, P. - Stratil, A. - Juráková, M. - Rubeš, J.
Assigment of porcine CYBA gene encoding NADPH oxidase-light chain (p22-phox) to Chromosome region 6p15.
Mammalian Genome, 8, 299-300 (1997).
[Impact factor:6.302(92) 3.144(93) 4.006(94) 2.714(95) 2.561(96) 2.069(97) 1.946(98) 1.890(99) 2.137(00) 2.318(01) 2,233(02) 2.685(03) ]

044598 - UZFG-Y 970034 PL pol J
Čepica, S. - Stratil, A. - Schroffel, J.
Badania z zakresu genetyki molekularnej u zwierzat gospodarskich w Czechoch.
Prace i materialy zootechnicne, 7, 57-58 (1997).

044613 - UZFG-Y 970051 GB eng J
Dostál, J. - Veselský, L. - Marounek, M. - Železná, B. - Jonáková, V.
Inhibition of bacterial and boar epididymal sperm immunogenicity by boar seminal immunosuppressive component in mice.
Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, 111, 135-141 (1997).
[Impact factor:2.336(91) 2.211(92) 1.736(93) 1.802(94) 1.840(95) 2.255(96) 2.038(97) 1.728(98) 1.908(99) 1.970(00) 2.148(01) 2,865(02) ]

044574 - UZFG-Y 970007 GB eng J
Dvořák, P. - Flechon, J. E. - Thompson, E. M. - Horák, V. - Adenot, P. - Renard, J. P.
Embryoglycans regulate FGF-2 meditated mesoderm induction in the rabbit embryo.
Journal of Cell Science, 110, 1-10 (1997).
Grant: GA524/965/K162
[Impact factor:3.293(91) 3.593(92) 3.432(93) 4.336(94) 4.827(95) 4.935(96) 5.081(97) 5.453(98) 6.044(99) 5.996(00) 6.213(01) 6,954(02) 7.250(03) ]

044580 - UZFG-Y 970015 GB eng A
Dvořák, P. - Hampl, A. - Kusakabe, M.
FGF-2 Signalling in Mouse es Cells.
In: Abstract - FGF-2 Signalling in mouse es Cells. - Brighton, Brighton 1997. - S. 14.
[European Congress for Molecular Cell Biology. Brighton (GB), 97.03.22-97.03.25]
Grant: GA524/96/K162VS96115

044588 - UZFG-Y 970023 DE eng J
Filippucci, M. G. - Kawalika, M. - Macholán, M. - Scharf, A. - Burda, H.
Allozyme differentiation and systematic relationship of Zambia Giant mole-rats, Cryptomys mechowi (Bathyergidae, Rodentia).
Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde, 62, 172-178 (1997).
[Impact factor:0.433(92) 0.305(93) 0.320(94) 0.351(95) 0.441(96) 0.274(97) 0.189(98) 0.302(99) 0.467(00) 0.367(01) 0,370(02) ]

044601 - UZFG-Y 970037 FR eng B
Gollman, G. - Piálek, J. - Szymura, J. M. - Arntzen, J. W.
Bombina bombina.
In: Atlas of Amphibians and Reptiles in Europe. - (Ed. Gasc, J.P. et al.). - Paris, Societas Europae a Herpetology 1997. - S. 96-97.

044600 - UZFG-Y 970036 FR eng B
Gollmann, G. - Szymura, J. M. - Arntzen, J. W. - Piálek, J.
Bombina variegata.
In: Atlas of Amphibians and Reptiles in Europe. - (Ed. Gasc, J.P. et al.). - Paris, Societas Europae a Herpetology 1997. - S. 98-99.

045922 - UZFG-Y 970083 SK eng Cx
Hodrová, B. - Kopečný, J.
Chitinolytic enzymes of anaerobic fungi.
In: Sborník 17. dnu fyziólogie hospodárských zvierat. - Košice, UFHZ SAV 1997. - S. 19.
[Dni fyziólogie hospodárských zvierat /17./. Košice (SK), 97.11.12-97.11.14]
Grant: GA524/97/1221

045938 - UZFG-Y 970099 CZ eng A
Horák, V.
The rabbit onner cell mass cultured in serum-free medium.
In: Abstracty ze symposia. - (Ed. Horák, V.; Dvořák, P.). - Praha, Česká společnost histo- a cytochemická 1997. - S. 50.
[Progress in Basic, Applied and Diagnostic Histochemistry. Praha ( CZ), 97.12.10-97.12.12]
Grant: GA505/95/1601

056167 - UZFG-Y 980027 CZ eng A
Horák, V. - Dvořák, P.
The rabbit inner cell mass cultured in serum-free medium.
In: Abstracts-Progress in Basic, Applied and diagnostic Histochemistry. - Praha, Czech Soc. Histochem. Cytochem. 1997. - S. 50.
[Progress in Basic, Applied and Diagnostic Histochemistry. Praha ( CZ), 97.12.10-97.12.12]

044620 - UZFG-Y 970060 CZ cze J
Horák, V. - Linhart, O. - Vandeputte, M.
Vliv pohlaví na růst u dvouletého sumce velkého, Silurus glanis.
Bulletin VÚHR, 33 [3] 189-196 (1997).

045943 - UZFG-Y 970105 CZ eng A
Horák, V. - Matolín, S.
Distribution of muscle fibre types in gluteus medius muscle of thoroughbreds.
In: Abstracty ze symposia. - Praha, Česká společnost histo - a cytochemická 1997. - S. 12.
[Progress in Basic, Applied and Diagnostic Histochemistry. Praha ( CZ), 97.12.10-97.12.12]

044605 - UZFG-Y 970042 CZ cze A
Ieradi, L. A. - Wlosoková, E. - Sartoretti, A. - Allegra, F. - Cristaldi, M. - Zima, J. - Macholán, M.
Přídatné chromosomy a mutagenní zátěž v populacích myšice lesní /Apodemus flavicollis/.
In: Sborník abstraktů. - (Ed. Pižl, V.). - České Budějovice, ÚPB AV ČR 1997. - S. 20.
[Sjezd českých zoologů /9./. České Budějovice (CZ)]

044204 - UMG-J 970108 CZ cze A
Jonáková, V. - Dostál, J. - Železná, B. - Veselský, L.
Účinek seminálního imunosupresoru na humorální imunitní responsi u myší.
Imunologický zpravodaj, 12 [2] 70 (1997).
[Kongres českých a slovenských imunológov. Piešťany (SK), 97.09.07-97.09.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/0844; GA ČR(CZ) GV524/96/K162

044569 - UZFG-Y 970001 US eng J
Kaláb, P. - Sršeň, V. - Farstad, W. - Krogenes, A. - Motlík, J. - Hatne, A. L.
MAP Kinase Activation and RAF-1 Synthesis in Blue Fox Oocytes is Controlled by Cumulus Granulosa Cells.
Theriogenology, 47 [1] 400 (1997).
Grant: GA524/96/K162GA505/94/0924
[Impact factor:1.725(92) 1.787(93) 1.967(94) 1.395(95) 2.320(96) 1.727(97) 1.760(98) 1.923(99) 2.062(00) 1.965(01) 2,387(02) 1.839(03) ]

044581 - UZFG-Y 970016 GB eng Cx
Kalačnjuk, G. - Marounek, M. - Savka, O. - Voityuk, O. - Gerasymiv, M. - Romanyshyna, L. - Lytsur, J.
Intracellular enzymes and metabolism of secondary intermediates in the syntrophic rumen bacteria.
In: Evolution of the rumen microbial ecosystem. - Aberdeen, RRI - INRA 1997. - S. 49.
[Rumen Microbiology Symposium. Aberdeen (GB), 97.03.20-97.03.21]

044594 - UZFG-Y 970029 UA ukr C
Kalačnjuk, G. - Marounek, M. - Savka, O. - Licur, J.
Metabolični osoblivosti ekosistěmi mikroorganizmiv rubcja za DII produktiv reakci mailarda /PRM/.
In: Tezi dopobidej. - Kijev, Ukrajinska AV Kijev 1997. - S. 18-19.
[Ukrajinský biochemicky sjezd /7./. Kijev (UA), 97.09.03-97.09.05]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA64556

056173 - UZFG-Y 980101 FR eng Cx
Kaňka, J. - Smith, S. D. - Soloy, E. - Holm, P. - Callesen, H.
Nucleolar Ultrastructure in Early Bovine Nucleus transfer Embryos.
In: Association europeenne de transfert embryonnaire. - Lyon, Edition Fondation Marcel Merieux 1997. - S. 162.
[Scientific meeting, european Embryotransfer Association /13./. Lyon (FR), 97.00.00]
Grant: GA524/96/K162

044631 - UZFG-Y 970071 US eng J
Kaňka, J. - Soloy, E. - Viuff, D. - Smith, S. D. - Callesen, H. - Greve, T.
Time course of pronuclear deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis in parthenogenetically activated bovine oocytes.
Biology of Reproduction, 57 [1] 27-35 (1997).
[Impact factor:3.257(92) 2.782(93) 2.666(94) 3.123(95) 3.222(96) 3.036(97) 3.327(98) 3.417(99) 3.605(00) 3.508(01) 3,689(02) 3.646(03) ]

045928 - UZFG-Y 970089 CZ cze J
Knoll, A. - Nebola, M. - Dvořák, J.
Amplifikace specifického fragmentu genu APOE u prasat metodou PCR.
Živočišná výroba, 42 [8] 375-382 (1997).
[Impact factor:0.012(91) 0.004(92) 0.033(93) 0.042(94) 0.063(95) 0.255(96) 0.194(97) 0.192(98) 0.195(99) ]

044604 - UZFG-Y 970041 GB eng J
Knoll, A. - Nebola, M. - Dvořák, J. - Čepica, S.
Detection of a Ddel PCR RFLP within inbrou 1 of the porcine MYOD1 /MYF3/ locus.
Animal Genetics, 28 [4] 321 (1997).
Grant: GA523/96/0597
[Impact factor:1.241(92) 1.720(93) 2.151(94) 1.354(95) 1.235(96) 1.076(97) 1.013(98) 1.000(99) 0.863(00) 1.020(01) 1,443(02) 1.387(03) ]

045941 - UZFG-Y 970102 GB eng Cx
Kopečný, J. - Fliegerová, K. - Gregg, K.
Transformation of B. Fibrisolvens with pBHf Plasmid.
In: The Evolution the Rumen Microbial Ecosystem. - Aberdeen, Rowett Research Institute Aberdeen 1997. - S. 54.
[Join RRI-INRA Rumen Microbiology Symposium. Aberdeen (GB), 97.03.20-97.03.22]

055925 - UZFG-Y 980005 FR eng J
Kopečný, J. - Fliegerová, K. - Gregg, K.
Transformation of butyrivibrio fibrisolvens strains with pBHg plasmid.
Reproduction Nutrition Development. Supplement, 1997 [1-88] 72-73 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA523/96/0103
[Impact factor:0.516(91) 0.579(92) 0.743(93) 0.549(94) 0.716(95) 1.116(96) 0.619(97) 0.685(98) 0.922(99) 1.351(00) 1.567(01) 0,872(02) 0.780(03) ]

044615 - UZFG-Y 970053 AU eng B
Kopečný, J. - Gregg, K. - Harmdorf, B. - Henderson, K. - Wong, C.
Genetically modified rumen bacteria protect sheep from fluoroacetate poisoning.
In: Recent Advances in Animal Nutritien in Australia - Armidale, University of New England 1997. - S. 63-67.

044614 - UZFG-Y 970052 GB eng J
Kopečný, J. - Hodrová, B.
The effect of yellow affinity substance on cellulases of rumino coccus flavefaciens.
Letters in Applied Microbiology, 25, 191-196 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 1203/94/785
[Impact factor:1.206(91) 1.042(92) 1.097(93) 1.040(94) 0.764(95) 0.948(96) 1.008(97) 0.964(98) 1.157(99) ]

045929 - UZFG-Y 970090 SK eng Cx
Kopečný, J. - Hodrová, B.
Bacterial enzymes involved in chitin degradation in the rumen.
In: Sborník 17. dnu fyziólogie hospodárských zvierat. - Košice, UFHZ SAV 1997. - S. 36.
[Dni fyziólogie hospodárských zvierat /17./. Košice (SK), 97.11.12-97.11.14]

045930 - UZFG-Y 970091 SK eng Cx
Kopečný, J. - Hodrová, B.
Hydrobytic enzymes of anaerobic fungi: Degradation of celluose.
In: Sborník 17. dnu fyziólogie hospodárských zvierat. - Košice, UFHZ SAV 1997. - S. 20.
[Dni fyziólogie hospodárských zvierat /17./. Košice (SK), 97.11.12-97.11.14]

056169 - UZFG-Y 980030 GB eng J
Kopečný Michal, - Stratil, A. - Čepica, S.
Polymorphism at the porcine LEPR gene detected by PCR-DGGE.
Animal Genetics, 28 [6] 461 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 253/97/1305
[Impact factor:1.241(92) 1.720(93) 2.151(94) 1.354(95) 1.235(96) 1.076(97) 1.013(98) 1.000(99) 0.863(00) 1.020(01) 1,443(02) 1.387(03) ]

056171 - UZFG-Y 980072 GB eng J
Kotlík, P. - Ráb, P. - Šůlová, K.
Allozyme give evidence for interbreeding between hemiclonal hybrid frog Rana esculenta and its parental species R. ridibunda and R. lessonae at syntopic locality.
Gene families and isozymes, 30, 41-42 (1997).
Grant: IA645107

080395 - UZFG-Y 20010077 DE eng M
Kotlík, P. - Zavadil, V.
Rana lessonae.
In: Czech Recent and Fossil Amphibians and Reptiles. - (Ed. Nečas, P.; Modrý, D.; Zavadil, V.). - Frankfurt am Main, Chimaira 1997. - S. 64-65. - (Chimaira.).

080397 - UZFG-Y 20010079 DE eng M
Kotlík, P. - Zavadil, V.
Rana esculenta.
In: Czech Recent and Fossil Amphibians and Reptiles. - (Ed. Nečas, P.; Modrý, D.; Zavadil, V.). - Frankfurt a. M., Chimaira 1997. - S. 68-69. - (Chimaira.).

080415 - UZFG-Y 20010097 CZ eng A
Kotlík, P. - Zavadil, V.
Long-term presence of Rana lessonae albinos in western Bohemia (With some notes on the albinism in hybridogenetic frogs).
In: Herpetology 97. - (Ed. Roček, Z.; Hart, S.). - Praha, - 1997. - S. 115-116.
[World Congress of Herpetology /3./. Praha (CZ), 97.08.02-97.08.10 ( WRD)]

080396 - UZFG-Y 20010078 DE eng M
Kotlík, P. - Zavadil, V. - Nečas, P.
Rana ridibunda.
In: Czech Recent and Fossil Amphibians and Reptiles. A Atlas and Field Guide. - Frankfurt a. M., Chimaira 1997. - S. 66-67.

045931 - UZFG-Y 970092 SK eng Cx
Krbeček, V. - Škarda, J. - Kovářů, H. - Fišar, Z.
Somatotropin may decrease adipose tissue lipogenesis by modulation of GTP-binding proteine Gq/G11.
In: Sborník 17. dnu fyziólogie hospodárských zvierat. - Košice, UFHZ SAV 1997. - S. 42.
[Dni fyziólogie hospodárských zvierat /17./. Košice (SK), 97.11.12-97.11.14]
Grant: IAA7045608

045932 - UZFG-Y 970093 SK eng Cx
Krejčí, P. - Gladysz, A. - Polkowska, J. - Šimůnek, J. - Tománek, M.
The long term effect of low protein diet on the levels of growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor I in growing.
In: Sborník 17. dnu fyziólogie hospodárských zvierat. - Košice, UFHZ SAV 1997. - S. 43.
[Dni fyziólogie hospodárských zvierat /17./. Košice (SK), 97.11.12-97.11.14]

044625 - UZFG-Y 970065 ES eng Cx
Kubelka, M. - Kaláb, P. - Nagyová, E. - Kalous, J. - Motlík, J.
The effect of Butyrolactone 1, a specific inhibitor of CDK-kinases on GVBD and chromosome condensation during the first meiotic division of pig and cattle oocytes.
In: The effect of Butyrolactone 1 on meiosis. - Cuenca, EMBO 1997. - S. 39.
[Meiotic maturation. Cuenca (ES), 97.09.04-97.09.07]

056170 - UZFG-Y 980047 GB eng J
Kubelka, M. - Moor, R. M.
Behaviour of primitive type A spermatogonia nuclei and fibroblast nuclei after transplantation to early meiotic ooplast or mitotic cytoplasts.
Zygote, 5, 219-227 (1997).
[Impact factor: 0.000(97) 1.092(98) 1.098(99) 1.365(00) 0.800(01) 0,992(02) 1.294(03) ]

056150 - UBO-W 980001 CZ eng J
Lusková, V. - Šlechtová, V. - Povž, M. - Šlechta, V. - Lusk, S.
Genetic variability of Chondrostoma nasus populations in rivers of the Black Sea and the Baltic Sea drainage systems.
Folia zoologica, 46 [Supplement 1] 27-36 (1997).
[The Biology of the Genus Chondrostoma Agassiz, 1835. Bonn (DE), 96.10.10-96.10.13]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA514/95/0203; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA687402
[Impact factor:0.176(91) 0.091(92) 0.145(93) 0.213(94) 0.291(95) 0.407(96) 0.364(97) 0.314(98) 0.182(99) 0.240(00) 0.287(01) 0,234(02) 0.494(03) ]

044597 - UZFG-Y 970032 CZ eng J
Macholán, M. - Zima, J.
Absence of the B chromosome in karyotypes of the yelow-necked wood mouse /Apodemus flavicollis/ from Asia Minor.
Folia Zoologica, 46 [2] 191-192 (1997).
[Impact factor:0.176(91) 0.091(92) 0.145(93) 0.213(94) 0.291(95) 0.407(96) 0.364(97) 0.314(98) 0.182(99) 0.240(00) 0.287(01) 0,234(02) 0.494(03) ]

044627 - UZFG-Y 970067 CZ cze J
Marounek, M.
Intensivní živočišná výroba, životní prostředí a biotechnologie.
Bioprospect, 7 [2-3] 7-10 (1997).

045937 - UZFG-Y 970098 CZ cze B
Marounek, M.
Základy fyziologie trávení skotu.
In: Chov dojeného skotu. - Praha, APROS 1997. - S. 36-39.

044586 - UZFG-Y 970021 CZ cze J
Marounek, M. - Jurčišin, V. - Skřivanová, V. - Kalačnjuk, G.
Účinek salinomycinu na fermentaci v slepém střevu býka in vitro.
Živočišná výroba, 42 [6] 251-253 (1997).
[Impact factor:0.012(91) 0.004(92) 0.033(93) 0.042(94) 0.063(95) 0.255(96) 0.194(97) 0.192(98) 0.195(99) ]

044623 - UZFG-Y 970063 SK cze C
Marounek, M. - Klein, P. - Skřivanová, V. - Tůmová, E.
Vliv antimikrobiálních krmných aditiv na užitkovost a stravitelnost živin u brojlerových králíků.
In: Zborník referátov. - Nitra, Výzkumný ústav živočišnej výroby 1997. - S. 175-177.
[Konferencie s medzinárodnou účasťou poriadaná pri priležitosti 50. výročia založenia ústavu. Nitra (SK), 97.10.08-97.10.09]

045925 - UZFG-Y 970086 FR eng J
Marounek, M. - Rada, V. - Máchová, M. - Huk, J. - Dušková, D.
Microflora in the honeybee digestive tract: counts, characteristics and sensitivy to veterinary drugs.
Apidologie, 28, 357-365 (1997).
[Impact factor: 0.606(95) 0.729(96) 0.767(97) 0.791(98) 1.325(99) 1.384(00) 1.750(01) 1,245(02) 1.125(03) ]

044595 - UZFG-Y 970030 DB eng J
Marounek, M. - Savka, O. - Skřivanová, V.
Effect of salinomycin on in vitro fermentation in pigs.
Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 77, 111-116 ( 1997).
[Impact factor: 0.719(95) 0.567(96) 0.447(97) 0.607(98) 0.442(99) 0.354(00) 0.418(01) 0,707(02) 0.766(03) ]

044592 - UZFG-Y 970027 NL eng B
Marounek, M. - Skřivan, M. - Jurčišin, V.
Enzymatic determination of starch in the hen calcal contents. Wageningen, Wageningen Pers 1997. - S. 129142.

045934 - UZFG-Y 970095 CZ cze J
Marounek, M. - Skřivanová, V. - Skřivan, M. - Tůmová, E. - Laštovková, J.
Vliv krmné směsi na užitkovost, stravitelnost živin a kvalitu masa králíků kombinace novozélandský bílý a kalifornský.
Živočišná výroba, 42 [10] 459-465 (1997).
[Impact factor:0.012(91) 0.004(92) 0.033(93) 0.042(94) 0.063(95) 0.255(96) 0.194(97) 0.192(98) 0.195(99) ]

045936 - UZFG-Y 970097 CZ cze C
Marounek, M. - Skřivanová, V. - Skřivan, M. - Tůmová, E. - Klein, P.
Vliv výživy na parametry užitkovosti brojlerových králíků.
In: Nové směry v chovu brojlerových králíků. - Praha, ČZU Praha 1997. - S. 4-7.
[Nové směry v chovu brojlerových králíků /4./. Praha (CZ), 97.11.19]

045921 - UZFG-Y 970082 CZ cze J
Marounek, M. - Skřivanová, V. - Tůmová, E. - Skřivan, M. - Pavlásek, I.
Vliv doplňku antimikrobiálních krmných aditiv a antikokcidik na stravitelnost živin, užitkovost a zdravotní stav brojlerových králíků.
Veterinární medicína, 42 [8] 225-231 (1997).
[Impact factor:0.112(91) 0.028(92) 0.076(93) 0.088(94) 0.250(95) 0.162(96) 0.189(97) 0.231(98) 0.220(99) 0.188(00) 0.348(01) 0,204(02) 0.608(03) ]

044585 - UZFG-Y 970020 GB eng J
Marounek, M. - Šimůnek, J. - Dušková, D. - Skřivanová, V.
Effect of ionophores on in vitro calcal fermentation in rabbits.
Joural of Agricultural Science, 128, 495-498 (1997).
[Impact factor:0.317(91) 0.213(92) 0.576(93) 1.597(94) 1.197(95) 1.168(96) 1.378(97) 1.508(98) 1.887(99) 2.071(00) 1.605(01) 1,895(02) 1.738(03) ]

044587 - UZFG-Y 970022 CZ eng J
Marounek, M. - Vovk, S. - Benda, V.
Fermentation patterns in rabbit calcal cultures supplied with plant polysacharides and lactate.
Acta Veterinaria Brno, 67, 9-13 (1997).
[Impact factor:0.075(91) 0.052(92) 0.075(93) 0.076(94) 0.079(95) 0.120(96) 0.132(97) 0.288(98) 0.227(99) 0.240(00) 0.274(01) 0,370(02) 0.336(03) ]

045942 - UZFG-Y 970103 US eng J
Matoušek, J. - Kim, J.-S. - Souček, J. - Říha, J. - Ribó, M. - Leland, P. - Raines, R. T.
Ribomucleases Endowed with Specific Toxicity for Spermatogenetic Layers.
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 118B [4] 881-888 (1997).
[Impact factor:0.760(91) 0.623(92) 0.619(93) 0.640(94) 0.531(95)0.618(96) 0.748(97) 0.645(98) 0.916(99) ]

045924 - UZFG-Y 970085 CZ eng J
Míšek, I. - Bravo, C. - Tichý, F. - Horký, D. - Šťastná, M. - Válka, J. - Veselý, J.
Patency Failures in Microvascular Prosthetic Grafts.
Acta Veterinaria Brno, 66 [3] 183-188 (1997).
[Impact factor:0.075(91) 0.052(92) 0.075(93) 0.076(94) 0.079(95) 0.120(96) 0.132(97) 0.288(98) 0.227(99) 0.240(00) 0.274(01) 0,370(02) 0.336(03) ]

045923 - UZFG-Y 970084 SE eng A
Míšek, I. - Witter, K. - Lesot, H. - Peterka, M.
Early Development of Dolphin (Stenella attennata)Homodont Dentition in 3D Reconstructions.
In: TMD 97- Programme and Abstracts. - (Ed. Linde, A.). - Goeteborg, Goeteborg Univ. 1997. - S. 57.
[International Conference on Tooth Morphogenesis and Differentiation /6./. Goeteborg (SE), 97.06.11-97.06.15]

044583 - UZFG-Y 970018 PL eng J
Motlík, J. - Carnwath, J. W. - Herrmann, D. - Terletski, V. - Anger, M. - Niemann, H.
RNA differential display patterns from pig granulosa cells.
Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica, 35 [suppl.2] 39 (1997).
[Symposium of Tissue Culturers of Central European Countries /2./. Krakow (PL), 97.06.25-97.06.28]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV524/96/K162
[Impact factor: 0.712(99) 0.388(00) 0.594(01) ]

045939 - UZFG-Y 970100 DB eng A
Motlík, J. - Procházka, R. - Nagyová, E. - Brem, G.
Paracrine and autocrine regulation of cumulus expansion in porcine follicles.
In: Abstract Booklet. - Mariensee, European society for domestic animal reproduction 1997. - S. 21.
[Conference of the european society for domestic animal reproduction /1./. Mariensee (DB), 97.11.27-97.11.29]

044578 - UZFG-Y 970011 GB eng J
Murphy, M. - Stinnakre, M. G. - Beaufort, C. S. - Sweeney, C. - Kubelka, M. - Carrington, M. - Bréchot, C. - Sobczak-Thepot, J.
Disruption of the Murine Cyclin A2 Gene Results in Early Embryonic Lethality.
Nature Genetics, 15, 83-86 (1997).
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 19.844(93) 22.568(94) 28.543(95) 31.473(96) 38.854(97) 40.361(98) 30.693(99) 30.910(00) 29.600(01) 26,711(02) 26.494(03) ]

044603 - UZFG-Y 970040 US eng J
Musilová, P. - Stratil, A. - Juráková, M. - Rubeš, J. - Čepica, S.
Assignment of the gene for outer dense fiber of sperm tails /ODF/ to porcine Chromosome 4p11-p14.
Mammalian Genome, 8 [8] 628 (1997).
Grant: GA514/94/1051MZEP0960006093
[Impact factor:6.302(92) 3.144(93) 4.006(94) 2.714(95) 2.561(96) 2.069(97) 1.946(98) 1.890(99) 2.137(00) 2.318(01) 2,233(02) 2.685(03) ]

044616 - UZFG-Y 970056 US eng J
Nagyová, E. - Lefevre, B. - Pesty, A. - Testart, J.
Acquisition of meiotic competence is related to the functionality of the phosphoinositide /calcium signaling pathway/in the mouse oocyte.
Experimental Cell Research, 236 [1] 193-200 (1997).
[Impact factor:2.527(91) 2.839(92) 2.907(93) 2.980(94) 3.525(95) 3.567(96) 3.056(97) 3.051(98) 3.256(99) 3.860(00) 5.096(01) 4,712(02) 3.949(03) ]

044572 - UZFG-Y 970005 US eng J
Nagyová, E. - Procházka, R. - Motlík, J.
Porcine oocytes produce CEEF only during their growth period and transition to metaphase I.
Theriogenology, 47 [1] 197 (1997).
Grant: IAA745401
[Impact factor:1.725(92) 1.787(93) 1.967(94) 1.395(95) 2.320(96) 1.727(97) 1.760(98) 1.923(99) 2.062(00) 1.965(01) 2,387(02) 1.839(03) ]

044584 - UZFG-Y 970019 GB eng J
Niini, T. - Stratil, A. - Čížová, D. - Sandberg, K.
A parially deficient and atypical equine transferrin variant, TF N.
Animal Genetics, 28 [3] 233-234 (1997).
[Impact factor:1.241(92) 1.720(93) 2.151(94) 1.354(95) 1.235(96) 1.076(97) 1.013(98) 1.000(99) 0.863(00) 1.020(01) 1,443(02) 1.387(03) ]

044602 - UZFG-Y 970039 GB eng J
Niini, T. - Stratil, A. - Schroffelová, D. - Sandberg, K.
A partially deficient and atypical equine transferrin variant, TF N.
Animal Genetics, 28 [3] 233-234 (1997).
[Impact factor:1.241(92) 1.720(93) 2.151(94) 1.354(95) 1.235(96) 1.076(97) 1.013(98) 1.000(99) 0.863(00) 1.020(01) 1,443(02) 1.387(03) ]

045935 - UZFG-Y 970096 GB eng J
Pavlok, A. - Kaláb, P. - Bobák, P.
Fertilisation competence of bovine normally matured or aged oocytes, protein synthesis, H1 and MBP kinase activity.
Zygote, 5, 235-246 (1997).

044573 - UZFG-Y 970006 US eng J
Piálek, J. - Barton, N. H.
The spread of an advantageous allele across a barrier: The effects of random drift and selection against heterozygotes.
Genetics, 145 [2] 493-504 (1997).
[Impact factor:3.852(91) 3.673(92) 4.039(93) 4.871(94) 4.509(95) 4.928(96) 4.275(97) 4.450(98) 4.221(99) 4.687(00) 4.803(01) 4,483(02) 4.276(03) ]

045918 - UZFG-Y 970078 GB eng J
Piálek, J. - Hauffe, H. C.
Evolution of the Chromosomal Races of Mus Musculus Domesticus in the Rhaetian Alps: The Roles of Whole-arm Reciprocal Translocation.
Biological Journal of The Linnean Society, 62, 255-278 (1997).
[Impact factor:1.143(91) 1.158(92) 1.427(93) 0.971(94) 1.264(95) 0.932(96) 0.988(97) 1.594(98) 1.684(99) 2.316(00) 2.308(01) 1,705(02) 1.661(03) ]

045919 - UZFG-Y 970079 CZ eng Cx
Piálek, J. - Zavadil, V.
Morphological Differentiation between Members of the Triturus Cristatus Superspecies in the Czech Republic.
In: Herpetology 97. - Praha, Third World Congress of Herpetology 1997. - S. 162.
[Herpetology 97 /3./. Praha (CZ), 97.08.02-97.08.10]

044589 - UZFG-Y 970024 FI eng J
Polyakov, A. V. - Borodin, P. M. - Lukáčová, L. - Searle, J. B. - Zima, J.
The hypothetical Old-Northern chromosome race of Sorex araneus found in the Ural Mts.
Annales Zoologici Fennici, 34 [2] 139-142 (1997).
[Impact factor:0.462(91) 0.582(92) 0.429(93) 1.386(94) 0.743(95) 1.185(96) 0.445(97) 0.798(98) 0.692(99) 0.620(00) 0.824(01) 1,544(02) 0.918(03) ]

045940 - UZFG-Y 970101 CZ cze C
Procházka, R. - Kaláb, P.
Vliv experimentálního růstového faktoru (ERF) ma kumulární buňky prasat.
In: 14. Biologické dny. - Praha, Ústav makromolekulární chemie AV ČR 1997. - S. PS 13.
[Biologické dny /14./. Praha (CZ), 97.11.03-97.11.06]

044570 - UZFG-Y 970003 US eng J
Procházka, R. - Kaláb, P. - Miyano, T.
EGF Stimulated Expansion of Porcine Oocyte-Cumulus Complexes is Affected by the Size of the Donor Folucle.
Theriogenology, 47 [1] 199 (1997).
Grant: GZ(AT) 45379/1-IV/3a/94
[Impact factor:1.725(92) 1.787(93) 1.967(94) 1.395(95) 2.320(96) 1.727(97) 1.760(98) 1.923(99) 2.062(00) 1.965(01) 2,387(02) 1.839(03) ]

044582 - UZFG-Y 970017 PL eng J
Procházka, R. - Nagyová, E. - Motlík, J.
Paracrine and autocrine regulation of cumulus expansion inporcine follicles.
Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica, 35 [suppl. 2] 26 (1997).
[Symposium of Tissue Culturers of Central European Countries /2./. Krakow (PL), 97.06.25-97.06.28]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 524/96/K162142
[Impact factor: 0.712(99) 0.388(00) 0.594(01) ]

044612 - UZFG-Y 970050 PL eng Cx
Procházka, R. - Nagyová, E. - Motlík, J.
Paracrine and autocrine regulation of cumulus expansion in porcine follicles.
In: Folia histochemica et cytobiologica. - Krakow, Polish histochemical and cytochemical society 1997. - S. 26.
[Symposium of tissue cultures /2./. Krakow (PL), 97.06.25-97.06.28]

044621 - UZFG-Y 970061 CZ cze J
Ráb, P.
Kolik je na světě druhů ryb.
Vesmír, 76 [8] 435-443 (1997).

044622 - UZFG-Y 970062 CZ cze J
Ráb, P.
Měsíčníci - ryby čeledi Molidae.
Vesmír, 75 [10] 596 (1997).

045916 - UZFG-Y 970075 CZ cze J
Ráb, P.
Mřenka mramorovaná-asijský prvek v naší ichtyofauně.
Živa, 45 [4] 179-181 (1997).

045917 - UZFG-Y 970076 CZ cze J
Ráb, P. - Gregorová, R.
Kongres ichtyologů v Terstu.
Živa, 45 [4] - (1997).

045926 - UZFG-Y 970087 IT eng J
Ráb, P. - Jankun, M.
Multiple polymorphism of chromosome no. 1 in the karyotype of whitefish, Coregonus lavaretus (Salmonidae) from lake system Saimaa, Finland.
Caryologia, 50 [2] 185-195 (1997).
[Impact factor:0.394(91) 0.274(92) 0.263(93) 0.141(94) 0.194(95) 0.147(96) 0.221(97) 0.338(98) 0.180(99) 0.361(00) 0.258(01) 0,267(02) 0.337(03) ]

056172 - UZFG-Y 980073 CZ cze C
Ráb, P. - Lusk, S.
Biodiverzita ryb střední Evropy ve světle nových poznatků.
In: Biodiverzity ichtyofauny ČR 2. - Brno, ÚEK AV ČR 1997. - S. 0.
[Biodiverzita ichtyofauny ČR II. Brno (CZ), 97.11.04]
Grant: GA206/97/0684

044626 - UZFG-Y 970066 IT eng A
Ráb, P. - Lusk, S. - Rábová, M.
Two new diploid-polypoid komplexes inthe spiny loach genus Cobitis in central Europe.
In: Book of Abstracts. - Trieste, Domenico Fulgione 1997. - S. 76.
[Congress of European Ichtyologists /9./. Trieste (IT), 97.08.24-97.08.30]
Grant: GA206/97/0684

044624 - UZFG-Y 970064 IT eng A
Ráb, P. - Ozouf-Costaz, C.
Considerations on the possible ancestral position of NORs in teleosteans.
In: Book of Abstracts. - Trieste, Domenico Fulgione 1997. - S. 76.
[Congress of European Ichtyologists /9./. Trieste (IT), 97.08.24-97.08.30]
Grant: IAA6045704

044576 - UZFG-Y 970009 DE eng J
Rada, V. - Marounek, M.
Effect of maduramicin and monensin on survival of Lactobacillus salivarius 51R administered in the crop and caeca of young chickens.
Archives of Animal Nutrition, 50, 25-29 (1997).
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.000(93) 0.000(94) 1.209(95) 0.295(96) 0.513(97) 0.597(98) 0.810(99) 0.446(00) 0.640(01) 0,597(02) 0.674(03) ]

044593 - UZFG-Y 970028 UA ukr C
Savka, O. - Marounek, M. - Kalačnjuk, G. - Licur, J.
Metabolična adaptacija mikrobnoj populjacii rubcja do okremich kormovich anti.
In: Tezi dopobidej. - Kijev, Ukrajinska AV Kijev 1997. - S. 35-36.
[Ukrajinský biochemický sjezd /7./. Kijev (UA), 97.09.03-97.09.05]

043082 - UEM-P 970073 NL eng J
Sedmera, D. - Míšek, I. - Klíma, M.
On the development of cetacean extremities:I. Hind limb rudimentation in the spotted dolphin (Stenella attenuata).
European Journal of Morphology, 35, 25-30 (1997).
Grant: AV ČR(CZ) 645109
[Impact factor: 0.477(95) 0.348(96) 0.265(97) 0.568(98) 0.405(99) 0.850(00) 0.622(01) 0,342(02) ]

043083 - UEM-P 970074 NL eng J
Sedmera, D. - Míšek, I. - Klíma, M.
On the development of cetacean extremities:II. Morphogenesis and histogenesis of the flippers in the spotted dolphin (Stenella attenuata).
European Journal of Morphology, 35, 117-123 (1997).
Grant: AV ČR(CZ) 645109
[Impact factor: 0.477(95) 0.348(96) 0.265(97) 0.568(98) 0.405(99) 0.850(00) 0.622(01) 0,342(02) ]

044575 - UZFG-Y 970008 DE eng J
Skřivanová, V. - Marounek, M.
Effect of ascorbic acid on performance, mortality digestibility of nutrients and quality of meat of rabbits housed at 25°C.
Archiv für Tierzucht, 40 [2] 153-157 (1997).
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.000(93) 0.000(94) 1.209(95) 0.295(96) 0.513(97) 0.597(98) 0.810(99) 0.446(00) 0.640(01) 0,597(02) 0.674(03) ]

044590 - UZFG-Y 970925 NL eng A
Skřivanová, V. - Marounek, M. - Pavlásek, I.
Effect of nitrovin and virginiamycin on digestibility of nutrients and incidence of coccidiosis in rabbits.
In: Book of Abstracts of the 48. Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production. - (Ed. Van Arendonk, J.A.M.). - Wageningen, Wageningen Pers 1997. - S. 98.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA524/97/1306

044591 - UZFG-Y 970026 NL eng B
Skřivanová, V. - Marounek, M. - Pavlásek, I. - Šimůnek, J. - Klein, P.
Performance and parasite incidence in young calves fed acidified milk and lasalocid. Wageningen, Wageningen Pers 1997. - S. 99.

044617 - UZFG-Y 970057 US eng J
Slavík, T. - Kopečný, V. - Fulka, J.
Developmental failure of hybrid embryos originated after fertilization of bovine oocytes with ram spermatozoa.
Molecular Reproduction and Development, 48 [3] 344-349 (1997).
[Impact factor:2.003(92) 2.212(93) 2.425(94) 2.229(95) 2.513(96) 2.189(97) 2.399(98) 2.658(99) 2.535(00) 2.296(01) 2,322(02) 2.543(03) ]

044607 - UZFG-Y 970044 CZ cze A
Slivková, L. - Macholán, M. - Piálek, J. - Zima, J.
Rozmanitost karyotypu a její evoluce u rejska obecného /Sorex araneus/.
In: Sborník abstraktů. - České Budějovice, ÚPB AV ČR 1997. - S. 46.
[Sjezd českých zoologů /9./. České Budějovice (CZ)]

044608 - UZFG-Y 970046 GB eng J
Sršeň, V. - Pavlok, A. - Procházka, R. - Kubelka, M. - Motlík, J. - Soloy, E.
Establishment of the block against sperm penetration in parthenogenetically activated bovine oocytes matured in vitro.
Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, 111 [1] 151-157 (1997).
[Impact factor:2.336(91) 2.211(92) 1.736(93) 1.802(94) 1.840(95) 2.255(96) 2.038(97) 1.728(98) 1.908(99) 1.970(00) 2.148(01) 2,865(02) ]

044630 - UZFG-Y 970070 GB eng J
Sršeň, V. - Pavlok, A. - Soloy, E. - Hyttel, P. - Thomsen, P. D. - Smith, S. D.
Establishment of the block against sperm penetration in parthenogenetically activated bovine oocytes matured in vitro.
Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, 111 [1] 151-157 (1997).
Grant: GA524/96/K162
[Impact factor:2.336(91) 2.211(92) 1.736(93) 1.802(94) 1.840(95) 2.255(96) 2.038(97) 1.728(98) 1.908(99) 1.970(00) 2.148(01) 2,865(02) ]

044571 - UZFG-Y 970004 US eng J
Sršeň, V. - Procházka, R. - Schellander, K.
Effect of Protein Kinase C Stimulators on Activation of Bovine Oocytes.
Theriogenology, 47 [1] 211 (1997).
Grant: GZ(AT) 45379/1-IV/3/94
[Impact factor:1.725(92) 1.787(93) 1.967(94) 1.395(95) 2.320(96) 1.727(97) 1.760(98) 1.923(99) 2.062(00) 1.965(01) 2,387(02) 1.839(03) ]

045920 - UZFG-Y 970080 US eng J
Sršeň, V. - Wandjii, S. - Nathanielsz, P. W. - Eppig, J. J. - Fortune, J. E.
Initiation of growth of baboon primordial follicles in vitro.
Human Reproduction, 12 [9] 1993-2001 (1997).
[Impact factor:1.334(91) 1.328(92) 2.047(93) 2.130(94) 2.913(95)2.790(96) 2.421(97) 3.650(98) 2.297(99) 2.887(00)2.969(01) 3,710(02) 3.731(03) ]

056168 - UZFG-Y 980029 GB eng J
Stratil, A. - Čepica, S. - Čížová-Schröffelová, D. - Geldermann, H.
Some new variants of serum protease inhibitors in Meishan pigs.
Animal Genetics, 28 [6] 446-447 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA514/94/0269GA523/96/0597
[Impact factor:1.241(92) 1.720(93) 2.151(94) 1.354(95) 1.235(96) 1.076(97) 1.013(98) 1.000(99) 0.863(00) 1.020(01) 1,443(02) 1.387(03) ]

044606 - UZFG-Y 970043 GB eng J
Stratil, A. - Peelman, L. - Poucke, M. - Čepica, S.
A HinfI PCR-RFLP at the porcine leptin /LEP/ gene.
Animal Genetics, 28 [5] 371-372 (1997).
Grant: GA523/97/1305
[Impact factor:1.241(92) 1.720(93) 2.151(94) 1.354(95) 1.235(96) 1.076(97) 1.013(98) 1.000(99) 0.863(00) 1.020(01) 1,443(02) 1.387(03) ]

045933 - UZFG-Y 970094 SK eng Cx
Škarda, J. - Lavriv, P.
Stimulation and inhibition of mammogenesis by steroid hormones and their analogues.
In: Sborník 17. dnu fyziólogie hospodárských zvierat. - Košice, UFHZ SAV 1997. - S. 71.
[Dni fyziólogie hospodárských zvierat /17./. Košice (SK), 97.11.12-97.11.14]

056176 - UZFG-Y 980122 ES eng A
Šlechta, V. - Flajšhans, M. - Kohlmann, K. - Šlechtová, V.
Genetic aspect of breeding and gene resource conservation of tench, Tinca tinca L.
In: Abstract book of the 2nd International Workshop on Biology and Culture of Tench. - Badajoz, Consejería de Medio Ambiente, Urbanismo y Turismo, Junta de Extremadura 1997. - S. 0.
[International Workshop on Biology and Culture of the Tench (Tinca tinca L. 1758). Badajoz (ES), 97.09.02-97.09.06]

056174 - UZFG-Y 980120 GB eng Cx
Šlechtová, V. - Flajšhans, M. - Linhart, O. - Šlechta, V.
Genetic resource of commercially important fish species in the Czech Republic: Present state and future strategy.
In: Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Genetics in Aquaculture. - Stirling, University of Stirling 1997. - S. 1.
[International Symposium on Genetics in Aquaculture /6./. Stirling ( GB), 97.06.24-97.06.28]
Grant: GA523/97/S056

056175 - UZFG-Y 980121 GB eng C
Šlechtová, V. - Šlechta, V. - Flajšhans, M. - Linhart, O. - Gela, D.
Genetic characterisation of carp lines using biochemical genetic markers.
In: Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Genetics in Aquaculture. - Stirling, University of Stirling 1997. - S. 0.
[International Symposium on Genetics in Aquaculture /6./. Stirling ( GB), 97.06.24-97.06.28]
Grant: GA523/97/S056

039625 - BFU-R 970006 CZ eng J
Španová, A. - Kovářů, H. - Lisá, V. - Lukášová, E. - Rittich, B.
Estimation of Apoptosis in C6 Glioma Cells Treated with Antidepressants.
Physiological Research, 46, 161-164 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA309/95/1121; GA ČR(CZ) GA505/95/0357
[Impact factor:0.177(92) 0.300(93) 0.318(94) 0.588(95) 0.532(96) 0.807(97) 0.616(98) 0.521(99) ]

044618 - UZFG-Y 970058 US eng J
Šutovský, P. - Oko, R. - Hewitson, L. - Schatten, G.
The removal of the sperm pevinuclear theca and its association with the bovine oocyte surpace during fertilization.
Developmental Biology, 188 [1] 75-84 (1997).
[Impact factor:3.779(92) 4.256(93) 4.468(94) 4.752(95) 4.963(96) 5.289(97) 6.018(98) 6.049(99) 5.540(00) 5.558(01) 5,194(02) 5.351(03) ]

044579 - UZFG-Y 970012 US eng J
Šutovský, P. - Schatten, G.
Depletion of Glutatione during Bovine Oocyte Maturation Reversibly Bloocks the Decondencation of the Male Pronucleus and Pronuclear Apposition during Fertilization.
Biology of Reproduction, 56 [6] 1503-1512 (1997).
[Impact factor:3.257(92) 2.782(93) 2.666(94) 3.123(95)3.222(96) 3.036(97) 3.327(98) 3.417(99) 3.605(00)3.508(01) 3,689(02) 3.646(03) ]

044619 - UZFG-Y 970059 US eng J
Šutovský, P. - Tengowski, M. W. - Navara, C. S. - Zoran, S. S. - Schatten, G.
Mitochondrial sheath movement and detachment in mammalian, but not nonmammalian, sperm induced by disulfide bond reduction.
Molecular Reproduction and Development, 47 [1] 79-86 (1997).
[Impact factor:2.003(92) 2.212(93) 2.425(94) 2.229(95) 2.513(96) 2.189(97) 2.399(98) 2.658(99) 2.535(00) 2.296(01) 2,322(02) 2.543(03) ]

044599 - UZFG-Y 970035 NL eng J
Tanzarella, C. - Degrassi, F. - Zima, J. - Ieradi, L. A. - Cristaldi, M.
Crest-staining of micronuclei in free-living rodents.
Mutation Research, 379 [1] 120 (1997).
[Impact factor:1.727(91) 1.960(92) 1.868(93) 1.975(94) 2.065(95) 2.060(96) 1.754(97) 2.067(98) 2.107(99) 2.148(00) 2.545(01) 3,158(02) 3.433(03) ]

044178 - UMG-J 970079 US eng J
Veselský, L. - Dostál, J. - Železná, B.
Effect of boar seminal Immunosuppressive component on humoral immune response in mice.
American Journal of Reproductive Immunology, 38 [2] 106-113 ( 1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA310/93/0307; GA ČR(CZ) GV524/96/K162
[Impact factor:1.931(92) 1.253(93) 1.980(94) 1.707(95) 1.942(96) 1.858(97) 1.707(98) 2.448(99) 1.932(00) 2.020(01) 1,413(02) 2.088(03) ]

044205 - UMG-J 970109 CZ cze A
Veselský, L. - Dostál, J. - Železná, B. - Jonáková, V.
Effect of seminal immunnosuppressive component on immunogenicity of bacteria and spermatozoa.
In: 3. symposium českých reprodukčních imunologů. - Žďár nad Sázavou, Společnost reprodukčních imunologů 1997. - S. 12.
[Symposium českých reprodukčních imunologů /3./. Žďár nad Sázavou ( CZ), 97.05.29-97.06.01]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA303/96/0844; GA ČR(CZ) GV524/96/K162

044577 - UZFG-Y 970010 GB eng J
Wallace, R. J. - McKain, N. - Broderick, G. A. - Rode, L. M. - Walker, N. D. - Newbold, C. J. - Kopečný, J.
Peptidases of the Rumen Bacterium, PREVOTELLA RUMINICOLA.
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Srovnávací a populační cytogenetika savců paleartické zoogeografické oblasti. Liběchov, Brno 1997. - 79+přílohy s.

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Karyotypic relationships of the garden dormouse /Eliomys quercinus/ from central Europe.
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056710 - UZFG-Y 980165 RIV SI eng J
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044629 - UZFG-Y 970069 DB eng J
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