ÚTIA - Ústav teorie informace a automatizace


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Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

012107 - UTIA-B 930191 CZ eng R
Bakule, L.
Rec.: Lunze, J. / Robust Multivariable Feedback Control.
Kybernetika, 29 [4] 402-403 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275103
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

012108 - UTIA-B 930192 CZ eng R
Bakule, L.
Rec.: Trave, L. - Titli, A. - Tarras, A. / Large Scale Systems: Decentralization, Structure Constraints and Fixed Modes.
Kybernetika, 29 [2] 201-202 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275103
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

012017 - UTIA-B 930095 ES spa C
Bakule, L. - Rodellar, J.
Controlor Descentralizado de Estructuras Usando Solapamiento.
In: Numerical Methods in Engineering. - 1 - (Ed. Navarrina, F.; Casteleiro, M.). - Barcelona, SEMNI 1993. - S. 204-213.
[Numerical Methods in Engineering. La Coruna (ES), 93.05.19-93.05.21]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275103

012091 - UTIA-B 930174 CH eng C
Balemi, S. - Kozák, P. - Smedinga, R.
Discrete Event Systems: Modeling and Control. Basel, Birkhäuser 1993. - 230 s. - (Progress in Systems and Control Theory. 13).
[WODES '92. Prague (CZ), 92.08.26-92.08.28]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27502; GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27558

012086 - UTIA-B 930168 BE eng C
Ben-Tal, A. - Kočvara, M. - Zowe, J.
A Nonsmooth Approach to Simultaneous Geometry and Topology Design of Trusses.
In: Topology Design of Structures. - (Ed. Bendsoe, M. P.; Mota-Soares, C. A.). - Leuven, Kluwer Academic 1993. - S. 31-42. - ( NATO ASI Series.).
[Workshop on Topology Design of Structures. Sesimbra (PT), 92.06.20-92.06.26]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA175101

012082 - UTIA-B 930164 FR eng C
Boček, P. - Jílovec, S. - Skřivánek, J.
Tram Traffic Control under Extraordinary Conditions.
In: Second European Congress on Systems Science. - 4 - Paris, Afcet 1993. - S. 1371-1376.
[European Congress on Systems Science /2./. Prague (CZ), 93.10.04-93.10.08]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA275114

011989 - UTIA-B 930062 sk cze C
Böhm, J.
LQ adaptivní regulátor v prostředí systémů reálného času.
In: Riadenie procesov. Zborník prednášok. - Bratislava, Chemicko-technologická fakulta STU 1993. - S. 14-18.
[Riadenie procesov /9./. Tatranské Matliare (SQ), 93.06.01-93.06.03]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275110

011983 - UTIA-B 930056 CZ eng C
Buráň, P.
Modelling and Simulation of Mechanical Systems with Open Chains
In: Modelling and Simulation of Systems - (Ed. Štefan, J.). - Ostrava, House of Technology 1993. - S. 331-342. - (Acta MOSIS 51).
[Moravo-Silesian International Symposium on Modelling and Simulation of Systems /5./. Olomouc (CZ), 93.06.01-93.06.04]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27505

011996 - UTIA-B 930069 FR eng C
Buráň, P. - Doležal, J.
Modelling, Control and Optimization of Mechanical Systems with Open Chains in Robotics.
In: System Modelling and Optimization. - Vol.2 - Compiegne, IFIP 1993. - S. 875-877.
[IFIP Conference on System Modelling and Optimization /16./. Compiegne (FR), 93.07.05-93.07.09]

012034 - UTIA-B 930113 GB eng C
Buráň, P. - Doležal, J.
Mechanical Systems with Open Chains: Modelling, Control and Optimization.
In: Robotics and Manufacturing. - (Ed. Hamza, M. H.). - Oxford, IASTED 1993. - S. 1-4.
[IASTED International Conference on Robotics and Manufacturing. Oxford (GB), 93.09.23-93.09.25]

012050 - UTIA-B 930130 CZ eng V
Buráň, P. - Doležal, J.
Modelling, Control and Optimization of Mechanical Systems with Open Chains in Robotics. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1993. - 23 s. - (Research Report. 1772).

011995 - UTIA-B 930068 NL eng C
Čelikovský, S.
Topological Linearization of Nonlinear Systems: Applications to the Nonsmooth Stabilization.
In: Proceedings of the Second European Control Conference. - 1 - (Ed. Nieuwenhuis, J. W.; Praagman, C.; Trentelman, H. L.). - Groningen, IFAC 1993. - S. 41-44.
[ECC '93 /2./. Groningen (NL), 93.06.28-93.07.01]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27531

012029 - UTIA-B 930108 NL eng J
Čelikovský, S.
On the Stabilization of the Homogeneous Bilinear Systems.
Systems & Control Letters, 21 [6] 503-510 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27531
[Impact factor:0.819(91) 0.758(92) 0.734(93) 0.689(94) 0.775(95) 0.639(96) 0.517(97) 0.412(98) 0.846(99) 0.896(00) 1.071(01) 1,203(02) 1.248(03) ]

011982 - UTIA-B 930055 CZ eng C
Derviz, A.
Simulation of Demand-Oriented Nets of Economic Agents in a Semiaggregated Environment.
In: Modelling and Simulation of Systems. - (Ed. Štefan, J.). - Ostrava, House of Technology 1993. - S. 119-128. - (Acta MOSIS. 51).
[Moravo-Silesian International Symposium on Modelling and Simulation of Systems /5./. Olomouc (CZ), 93.06.01-93.06.04]

012039 - UTIA-B 930119 FR eng C
Derviz, A.
Strategies and Decisions in Economic Petri Nets.
In: Second European Congress on Systems Science. - 3 - Paris, Afcet 1993. - S. 945-952.
[European Congress on Systems Science /2./. Prague (CZ), 93.10.05-93.10.08]

012112 - UTIA-B 930196 GR eng V
Derviz, A.
Evolutionary Strategies in Network Models of Industrial Dynamics. Athens, University of Economics and Business 1993. - 19 s. - ( Technical Report.).

012111 - UTIA-B 930195 CZ eng C
Derviz, A. - Weinberger, J.
Network Simulations for Managerial Decisions.
In: Vybrané problémy simulačních modelů. - (Ed. Štefan, J.). - Ostrava, VŠB 1993. - S. 50-52.
[Podzimní moravskoslezské kolokvium /15./. Ostrava (CZ), 93.09.07-93.09.09]

012088 - UTIA-B 930171 AT eng C
Doležal, J.
Some Comments to the Issue of Decision Support Systems.
In: Challenges to Systems Analysis in the Nineties and Beyond. - (Ed. Keyfitz, N.). - Laxenburg, IIASA 1993. - S. 145-147.
[IIASA '92. Laxenburg (AT), 92.05.12-92.05.13]

011966 - UTIA-B 930031 sk cze C
Doležal, J. - Fidler, J.
Dialogový systém OPTIA pro minimalizaci funkcí více proměnných.
In: Zborník prednášok 12. sympózia o algoritmoch. ALGORITMY '93. - Bratislava, Fakulta hospodárskej informatiky EU 1993. - S. 36-43.
[ALGORITMY '93. Stará Lesná (SQ), 93.04.26-93.04.29]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27505

011967 - UTIA-B 930032 sk cze C
Doležal, J. - Fidler, J.
Teorie a praxe vývoje systémů pro podporu rozhodování.
In: Zborník prednášok 12. sympózia o algoritmoch. ALGORITMY '93. - Bratislava, Fakulta hospodárskej informatiky EU 1993. - S. 28-35.
[ALGORITMY '93. Stará Lesná (SQ), 93.04.26-93.04.29]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27505

012057 - UTIA-B 930137 FR eng C
Doležal, J. - Fidler, J.
On Parameter Optimization Approach to Optimal Control Problems.
In: IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. - Le Touquet, IEEE 1993. - S. 450-455.
[IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man an Cybernetics. Le Touquet (FR), 93.10.17-93.10.20]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27505

010925 - UOCHB-X 930064 US eng J
Exner, O. - Kramosil, I. - Vajda, I.
Mathematical Evaluation of the Fit of a Theory with Experimental Data.
Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences, 33 [3] 407-411 (1993).
Grant: IA17555
[Impact factor:1.263(91) 1.982(92) 1.767(93) 1.803(94) 1.407(95) 1.777(96) 2.073(97) 2.609(98) 2.066(99) 2.929(00) 3.009(01) 2,902(02) 3.078(03) ]

013812 - UTIA-B 940037 US eng J
Feistauerová, J. - Vajda, I.
Testing system entropy and prediction error probability.
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 23 [5] 1352-1358 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 17503
[Impact factor:0.655(92) 0.678(93) 0.649(94) 0.876(95) 0.811(96) 0.506(97) 0.866(98) 0.665(99) ]

011959 - UTIA-B 930019 GB eng J
Flusser, J. - Suk, T.
Pattern Recognition by Affine Moment Invariants.
Pattern Recognition , 26 [1] 167-174 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27529
[Impact factor:0.805(91) 0.661(92) 0.903(93) 0.691(94) 0.621(95) 0.691(96) 0.781(97) 1.118(98) 0.979(99) 1.077(00) 1.353(01) 1,038(02) 1.611(03) ]

011993 - UTIA-B 930066 NL eng B
Flusser, J. - Suk, T.
Classification of Objects and Patterns by Affine Moment Invariants.
In: Image Processing: Theory and Applications. - (Ed. Vernazza, G.). - Amsterdam, Elsevier 1993. - S. 345-348.
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27529

012030 - UTIA-B 930109 DB eng C
Flusser, J. - Suk, T.
Character Recognition by Affine Moment Invariants.
In: Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns. - (Ed. Chetverikov, D.; Kropatsch, W.). - Berlin, Springer 1993. - S. 572-577. - (Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 719).
[CAIP '93 /5./. Budapest (HU), 93.09.13-93.09.15]

012035 - UTIA-B 930115 sk cze C
Flusser, J. - Suk, T.
Momentové invarianty pro rozpoznávání obrazců.
In: Zborník prednášok 12. sympózia o algoritmoch. ALGORITMY '93. - Bratislava, Fakulta hospodárskej informatiky EU 1993. - S. 65-76.
[ALGORITMY '92. Stará Lesná (SQ), 93.04.26-93.04.29]

012087 - UTIA-B 930170 CZ eng C
Flusser, J. - Suk, T. - Šimberová, S.
An Experimental Study on Uniqueness of the Affine Moment Invariants.
In: Czech Pattern Recognition Workshop '93. - (Ed. Hlaváč, V.; Pajdla, T.). - Praha, Czechoslovak Pattern Recognition Society 1993. - S. 119-125.
[Czech Pattern Recognition Workshop '93. Temešvár (CZ), 93.11.04-93.11.06]

012100 - UTIA-B 930184 JP eng J
Gawthrop, P. J. - Ježek, J. - Jones, R. W. - Sroka, I.
Grey-box Model Identification.
Control Theory and Advanced Technology, 9 [1] 139-158 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27505

011988 - UTIA-B 930061 sk cze C
Halousková, A. - Kárný, M.
Fiktivní data: Způsob využití nepřesných znalostí pro zlepšení identifikace.
In: Riadenie procesov. Zborník prednášok. - Bratislava, Chemicko-technologická fakulta STU 1993. - S. 92-94.
[Riadenie procesov /9./. Tatranské Matliare (SQ), 93.06.01-93.06.03]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275110

011986 - UTIA-B 930059 GB eng J
Halousková, A. - Kárný, M. - Nagy, I.
Adaptive Cross-Direction Control of Paper Basis Weight.
Automatica, 29 [2] 425-429 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275110
[Impact factor:0.796(91) 0.736(92) 0.825(93) 0.900(94) 0.834(95) 0.782(96) 0.871(97) 0.741(98) 0.911(99) 1.280(00) 1.449(01) 1,630(02) 1.683(03) ]

011953 - UTIA-B 930013 SE eng V
Händel, P. - Tichavský, P.
Adaptive Filtering for Periodic Signal Enhancement and Tracking. Uppsala, Uppsala University 1993. - 14 s. - (Research Report. UPTEC 93025R).

011971 - UTIA-B 930044 FR eng J
Haslinger, J. - Hoffmann, K. H. - Kočvara, M.
Control Fictitious Domain Method for Solving Optimal Shape Design Problems.
RAIRO/Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 27 [2] 157-182 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA175101
[Impact factor:0.406(92) 0.351(93) 0.218(94) 0.438(95) 0.343(96) 0.266(97) 0.439(98) 0.382(99) 0.564(00) 0.246(01) 0,530(02) 0.697(03) ]

012085 - UTIA-B 930167 CZ eng C
Havel, J. - Klimešová, D.
The Civil Use of Aerial and Remote Sensed Data.
In: CATE '93. Community-Army-Technology-Environment. - Brno, Vojenská akademie 1993. - S. 121-124.
[International Conference CATE '93. Brno (CZ), 93.09.27-93.09.29]

012043 - UTIA-B 930123 CZ cze C
Havel, J. - Klimešová, D. - Saic, S.
Využití údajů z dálkového průzkumu Země.
In: Hodnocení vlivu hospodářské činnosti na životní prostředí. - 1 - Praha, IUAPPA 1993. - S. 120-124.
[Mezinárodní konference Hodnocení vlivu hospodářské činnosti na životní prostředí /2./. Praha (CZ), 93.09.20-93.09.23]

011968 - UTIA-B 930041 CZ eng V
Hench, J. J.
Identification of Linear Periodic State-Space Models. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1993. - 15 s. - (Research Report. 1767).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275102

012126 - UTIA-B 930212 CZ eng V
Hench, J. J.
The Quotient Singular Value Decomposition and the Periodic QZ Decomposition. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1993. - 19 s. - (Research Report. 1775).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275102

012127 - UTIA-B 930213 CZ eng V
Hench, J. J.
Special Decompositions via the Periodic Schur and QZ Decompositions. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1993. - 16 s. - (Research Report. 1774).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275102

012084 - UTIA-B 930166 NL eng C
Herrera, A. N. - Torres, J. A. - Ruiz, J. J.
The Nonregular Morgan's Problem: A Polynomial Solution for the Case of Two Outputs.
In: Proceedings of the Second European Control Conference. - 4 - (Ed. Nieuwenhuis, J. W.; Praagman, C.; Trentelman, H. L.). - Groningen, IFAC 1993. - S. 2275-2278.
[ECC '93. /2./. Groningen (NL), 93.06.28-93.07.01]

013075 - UMG-J 940038 SG eng J
Hraba, T. - Doležal, J.
Contribution of mathematical modelling to elucidation of AIDS pathogenesis.
Journal of Biological Systems, 1 [4] 349-362 (1993).

013804 - UTIA-B 940028 CZ cze V
Hrnčíř, F.
Ověření použitelnosti adaptivní zamítací metody při generování vzorků z jednorozměrné hustoty. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1993. - 8 s. - (Research Report. 1770).

011964 - UTIA-B 930028 GB eng B
Hunt, K. J. - Šebek, M. - Kučera, V.
H2 Control Problems.
In: Polynomial Methods in Optimal Control and Filtering. - (Ed. Hunt, K. J.). - London, P. Peregrinus 1993. - S. 29-55. - (IEE Control Engineering Series. 49).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27501

011973 - UTIA-B 930046 CZ eng V
Janžura, M.
Asymptotic Results in Parameter Estimation for Gibbs Random Fields. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1993. - 22 s. - (Research Report. 1763).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA275114

012015 - UTIA-B 930093 SE eng C
Janžura, M.
Asymptotic Rényi Distances for Random Fields.
In: Sixth Joint Swedish-Russian International Workshop on Information Theory. - (Ed. Mansson, L.). - Lund, Studentlitteratur 1993. - S. 432-436.
[International Workshop on Information Theory /6./. Mölle (SE), 93.08.22-93.08.27]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA275114

012027 - UTIA-B 930106 NL eng C
Janžura, M.
Asymptotic Efficiency of the Maximum Pseudo-Likelihood Estimators for Gibbs Random Fields.
In: Stochastic Processes and their Applications. - Amsterdam, Urije Universiteit 1993. - S. 82-83.
[Stochastic Processes and their Applications. Amsterdam (NL), 93.06.21-93.06.25]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA275114

012033 - UTIA-B 930112 sk eng C
Janžura, M.
Probability Models for Image Processing.
In: Image Processing and Neural Networks '93. - (Ed. Mokriš, I.). - Liptovský Mikuláš, VVTŠ 1993. - S. 38-43.
[Image Processing and Neural Networks '93. Liptovský Mikuláš (SQ), 93.05.19-93.05.20]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA275114

012042 - UTIA-B 930122 FR eng C
Janžura, M.
Inference in Large Discrete Stochastic Systems.
In: Second European Congress on Systems Science. - 3 - Paris, Afcet 1993. - S. 908-914.
[European Congress on Systems Science /2./. Prague (CZ), 93.10.05-93.10.08]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA275114

012014 - UTIA-B 930092 SE eng C
Janžura, M. - Koski, T. - Otáhal, A.
Minimum Entropy of Error Principle in Estimation: A Short Survey.
In: Sixth Joint Swedish-Russian International Workshop on Information Theory. - (Ed. Mansson, L.). - Lund, Studentlitteratur 1993. - S. 429-431.
[International Workshop on Information Theory /6./. Mölle (SE), 93.08.22-93.08.27]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA275114

019729 - UTIA-B 950044 IT eng J
Jarušek, J.
Solvability of unilateral hyperbolic problems involving viscoelasticity via penalization.
Stability & Applied Analysis of Continuous Media, 3 [2] 129-140 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA175101

012064 - UTIA-B 930145 CZ cze J
Jeníček, T. - Králik, J. - Štěrba, J. - Vostrý, Z. - Záworka, J.
Dynamický simulační systém SIMONE. Simulace kompresních stanic.
Plyn, 73 [9] 264-273 (1993).

012065 - UTIA-B 930146 CZ cze J
Jeníček, T. - Králik, J. - Štěrba, J. - Vostrý, Z. - Záworka, J.
Dynamický simulační systém SIMONE. Simulace řízených ventilů.
Plyn, 73 [5] 137-143 (1993).

012066 - UTIA-B 930147 CZ cze J
Jeníček, T. - Králik, J. - Štěrba, J. - Vostrý, Z. - Záworka, J.
Dynamický simulační systém SIMONE. Speciální funkce simulačního systému.
Plyn, 73 [10] 265-276 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27509

012069 - UTIA-B 930150 CZ cze J
Jeníček, T. - Králik, J. - Štěrba, J. - Vostrý, Z. - Záworka, J.
Dynamický simulační systém SIMONE. Příklady simulace přechodových dějů.
Plyn, 73 [2] 33-38 (1993).

012063 - UTIA-B 930144 CZ cze J
Jeníček, T. - Králik, J. - Vostrý, Z. - Štěrba, J. - Záworka, J.
Dynamický simulační systém SIMONE. Úvod do praktické simulace potrubních sítí.
Plyn, 73 [1] 2-9 (1993).

012101 - UTIA-B 930185 sk cze C
Ježek, J.
Zobecnění polynomiálního přístupu pro lineární systémy s proměnnými koeficienty.
In: Paradigmy automatického riadenia. - Žilina, VŠDS 1993. - S. 42-51.
[Paradigmy automatického riadenia. Súlov (SQ), 93.09.07-93.09.09]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27505

013796 - UTIA-B 940005 GB eng B
Ježek, J.
Polynomial equations, conjugacy and symmetry.
In: Polynomial Methods in Optimal Control and Filtering. - (Ed. Hunt, K. J.). - London, Peregrinus 1993. - S. 249-277. - (IEE Control Engineering Series. 49).

012071 - UTIA-B 930152 GB eng J
Ježek, J. - Hunt, K. J.
Coupled Polynomial Equations for LQ Control Synthesis and an Algorithm for Solution.
International Journal of Control, 58 [5] 1155-1167 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27505
[Impact factor:0.552(91) 0.669(92) 0.610(93) 0.617(94) 0.599(95) 0.413(96) 0.459(97) 0.518(98) 0.530(99) 0.705(00) 0.736(01) 0,861(02) 0.912(03) ]

012079 - UTIA-B 930160 IT eng C
Jiroušek, R.
Graph Modelling in Probability Distribution Processing.
In: Probabilistic Methods in Expert Systems. - Roma, Societá Italiana di Statistica 1993. - S. 121-137.
[Probabilistic Methods in Expert Systems. Roma (IT), 93.10.14-93.10.15]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27564

012110 - UTIA-B 930194 NL eng C
Jiroušek, R.
Approximations of Probability Distributions by Three Types of Graph Models.
In: Uncertainty in Intelligent Systems. - (Ed. Bouchon-Meunier, B.; Valverde, L.; Yager, R. R.). - Amsterdam, North-Holland 1993. - S. 39-48.
[Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty. Mallorca (ES) , 92.07.11-92.07.16]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27564

027700 - UTIA-B 961013 CZ eng D
Jiroušek, R.
Probabilistic Methods in Artificial Intelligence. DrSc. Dissertation. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1993. - 122 s.

027704 - UTIA-B 961037 CZ eng D
Jiroušek, R.
Graph Modelling in Artificial Intelligence. Habilitation. Praha, FIS VŠE 1993. - 118 s.

012045 - UTIA-B 930125 FR eng C
Jiroušek, R. - Kříž, O. - Vejnarová, J.
Information in Human and Formalized Knowledge.
In: Second European Congress on Systems Science. - 3 - Paris, Afcet 1993. - S. 899-907.
[European Congress on Systems Science /2./. Prague (CZ), 93.10.05-93.10.08]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27564

011961 - UTIA-B 930024 BE eng C
Kadlec, J.
The Lattice-Ladder with Generalized Forgetting.
In: Linear Algebra for Large Scale and Real-Time Applications. - (Ed. Moonen, M. S.; Golub, G. H.; De Moor, B. L. R.). - Leuven, Kluwer Academic 1993. - S. 397-398. - (NATO ASI Series.; Series E: Applied Sciences. 232).
[Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Linear Algebra for Large Scale and Real-Time Applications. Leuven (BE), 92.08.03-92.08.14]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27511

012056 - UTIA-B 930136 CZ eng C
Kadlec, J.
Transputer Implementation of Block Regularised Filtering.
In: Progress in Transputer Computing Technology. - (Ed. Kulhavá, L.; Schier, J.; Kárný, M.). - Prague, ÚTIA AV ČR 1993. - S. 1-15.
[International Workshop TCT '93. Prague (CZ), 93.05.04-93.05.05]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/0897

012058 - UTIA-B 930139 US eng C
Kadlec, J.
The Cell Level Description of Systolic Block Regularised QR Filter.
In: VLSI Signal Processing. - (Ed. Eggermont, L. D. J.; Dewilde, P.). - New York, IEEE 1993. - S. 298-306.
[VLSI Signal Processing. Veldhoven (NL), 93.10.20-93.10.22]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/0897

012083 - UTIA-B 930165 CZ eng C
Kadlec, J.
Structure Determination and Tracking for Parallel Radial Basis Function Based Nonlinear Networks.
In: Innovative Approaches to Modelling and Optimal Control of Large Scale Pipeline Networks. - (Ed. Králik, J.). - Prague, ÚTIA AV ČR 1993. - S. 75-84.
[International Workshop SIMONE /2./. Prague (CZ), 93.09.27-93.09.30]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/0897

011960 - UTIA-B 930022 GB eng V
Kadlec, J. - Gaston, F. M. F. - Irwin, G. W.
Parallel Implementation of Restricted Parameter Tracking. Belfast, Queen's University 1993. - 17 s. - (Research Report. 1/2).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27511

012002 - UTIA-B 930076 GB eng C
Kadlec, J. - Gaston, F. M. F. - Irwin, G. W.
A Nonlinear Systolic Filter with Radial Basis Function Estimation.
In: Neural Computing Research and Applications. - (Ed. Hilger, A.). - London, IOP Publ. 1993. - S. 183-190.
[Neural Computing Research and Applications. Belfast (GB), 92.06.25-92.06.26]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27511

012115 - UTIA-B 930201 US eng C
Kadlec, J. - Gaston, F. M. F. - Irwin, G. W.
Regularised Lattice-Ladder Adaptive Filter.
In: Mutual Impact of Computing Power and Control Theory. - (Ed. Kárný, M.; Warwick, K.). - New York, Plenum Press 1993. - S. 245-257.
[IFAC Workshop on the Mutual Impact of Computing Power and Control Theory. Prague (CZ), 92.09.01-92.09.02]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27511

011987 - UTIA-B 930060 CZ eng J
Kaňková, V.
Stability in Stochastic Programming - the Case of Unknown Location Parameter.
Kybernetika, 29 [1] 80-101 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27561
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

011990 - UTIA-B 930063 CZ eng C
Kárný, M. - Halousková, A.
Decisions under Uncertainty. Adaptive Systems.
In: Applied Automatic Control. WAAC '93. - Prague, Czech Technical University 1993. - S. 1-10.
[International Workshop on Applied Automatic Control. WAAC '93. Prague (CZ), 93.05.17-93.05.22]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275110

012081 - UTIA-B 930162 GB eng C
Kárný, M. - Halousková, A.
Pre-tuning of Self-tuners.
In: Advances in Model-Based Predictive Control. - Oxford, Oxford University 1993. - S. 119-129.
[Conference on Advances in Model-Based Predictive Control. Oxford ( GB), 93.O9.20-93.09.21]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275110

012123 - UTIA-B 930209 US eng C
Kárný, M. - Halousková, A. - Böhm, J.
MIMO - A Set of SISO? Multivariate System Adaptively Controlled as a Set of Single-Input Single-Output Models.
In: Mutual Impact of Computing Power and Control Theory. - (Ed. Kárný, M.; Warwick, K.). - New York, Plenum Press 1993. - S. 213-224.
[IFAC Workshop on the Mutual Impact of Computing Power and Control Theory. Prague (CZ), 92.09.01-92.09.02]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27522

012119 - UTIA-B 930205 US eng C
Kárný, M. - Nagy, I.
Recursive Least Squares Approximation of Bayesian Non-Gaussian/Non-Linear Estimation.
In: Mutual Impact of Computing Power and Control Theory. - (Ed. Kárný, M.; Warwick, K.). - New York, Plenum Press 1993. - S. 123-134.
[IFAC Workshop on the Mutual Impact of Computing Power and Control Theory. Prague (CZ), 92.09.01-92.09.02]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27515; GA AV ČR(CZ) 27522

013817 - UTIA-B 940144 CZ eng J
Kárný, M. - Šámal, M.
Bayesian rank estimation with application to factor analysis.
Kybernetika, 29 [6] 433-443 (1993).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA312/94/0679; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/0228
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

012048 - UTIA-B 930128 US eng C
Kárný, M. - Warwick, K.
Mutual Impact of Computing Power and Control Theory. New York, Plenum Press 1993. - 385 s.
[IFAC Workshop on the Mutual Impact of Computing Power and Control Theory. Prague (CZ), 92.09.01-92.09.02]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27522

027701 - UTIA-B 961016 CZ cze D
Klán, P.
Příspěvek k adaptivní predikci výstupu regulovaných soustav. Kandidátská disertační práce. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1993. - 54 s.

012047 - UTIA-B 930127 CZ cze C
Klimešová, D. - Havel, J. - Saic, S.
Temporální analýza území.
In: Hodnocení vlivu hospodářské činnosti na životní prostředí. - 1 - Praha, IUAPPA 1993. - S. 129-132.
[Mezinárodní konference Hodnocení vlivu hospodářské činnosti na životní prostředí /2./. Praha (CZ), 93.09.20-93.09.23]

012068 - UTIA-B 930149 AT eng C
Klimešová, D. - Havel, J. - Saic, S.
Multitemporal and Multisource Analysis - Landscape Dynamics.
In: Image Analysis and Synthesis. - Graz, Joanneum 1993. - S. 34-38.
[Image Analysis and Synthesis. Graz (AT), 93.06.02-93.06.04]

012067 - UTIA-B 930148 CZ eng C
Klimešová, D. - Suk, T. - Saic, S.
Temporal Analysis of Aerial Data.
In: Czech Pattern Recognition Workshop '93. - (Ed. Hlaváč, V.; Pajdla, T.). - Praha, Czechoslovak Pattern Recognition Society 1993. - S. 149-152.
[Czech Pattern Recognition Workshop '93. Temešvár (CZ), 93.11.04-93.11.06]

011969 - UTIA-B 930042 GB eng J
Kočvara, M.
An Adaptive Multigrid Technique for Three-Dimensional Elasticity.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 36 [ 10] 1703-1716 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA175101
[Impact factor:0.789(91) 1.006(92) 0.871(93) 1.002(94) 1.012(95) 1.162(96) 1.114(97) 1.002(98) 1.335(99) 1.266(00) 1.239(01) 1,468(02) 1.691(03) ]

012016 - UTIA-B 930094 NL eng C
Kočvara, M.
An Iterative Method for Adaptive Finite Element Computation.
In: Reliability in Computational Mechanics. - (Ed. Demkowicz, L.; Oden, J. T.; Babuška, I.). - Amsterdam, North-Holland 1993. - S. 433-442.
[Workshop on Reliability in Computational Mechanics /2./. Krakow ( PL), 91.10.00]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 17507

027702 - UTIA-B 961018 CZ eng D
Kočvara, M.
Local Multigrid Methods for Elliptic Problems. CSc. Dissertation. Praha, MÚ AV ČR 1993. - 70 s.

011952 - UTIA-B 930012 DB eng V
Kočvara, M. - Outrata, J.
On the Solution of Optimum Design Problems with Variational Inequalities. Bayreuth, Mathematisches Institut 1993. - 21 s. - (Research Report. 434).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 17507

012022 - UTIA-B 930100 DB eng V
Kočvara, M. - Outrata, J.
A Numerical Solution of Two Selected Shape Optimization Problems. Bayreuth, Mathematisches Institut 1993. - 25 s. - (Research Report. 464).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 175101

011970 - UTIA-B 930043 DB eng V
Kočvara, M. - Zowe, J.
An Iterative Two-Step Algorithm for Linear Complementarity Problems. Bayreuth, Mathematisches Institut 1993. - 12 s. - (Research Report. 446).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA175101

013816 - UTIA-B 940112 CZ eng C
Kočvara, M. - Zowe, J.
A combined SORP-PCG algorithm for linear complementarity problems.
In: Proceedings of the Seminar Numerical Mathematics in Theory and Practice. - (Ed. Křížková, J.). - Plzeň, Západočeská univerzita 1993. - S. 97-104.
[Numerical Mathematics in Theory and Practice. Plzeň (CZ), 93.01.25-93.01.26]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA175101

012131 - UTIA-B 930217 CZ cze N
Kolář, P.
Kupónová privatizace: rekapitulace a hodnocení 1.vlny.
Akcionář, [3] 8-9 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27550

012132 - UTIA-B 930218 CZ cze N
Kolář, P.
Ohlédnutí za první vlnou.
Hospodářské noviny, 20 (93.01.28).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27550

027707 - UTIA-B 960089 CZ cze J
Kotásková, J. - Kožený, J. - Vajda, I.
Vzorce osobnosti 11. Interakce morální úrovně a lokalizace kontroly v sociálním kontextu.
Československá psychologie, 37 [5] 385-397 (1993).
[Impact factor: 0.196(99) 0.295(00) 0.195(01) 0.190(02) 0.232(03) ]

011954 - UTIA-B 930014 CS cze B
Kovanic, P.
Analýza účetních výkazů.
In: Abeceda účetních znalostí pro každého. - Praha, Trizonia 1993. - S. 259-290.
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27520

011980 - UTIA-B 930053 CZ eng C
Kovanic, P.
Gnostical Models of Economics.
In: Modelling and Simulation of Systems. - (Ed. Štefan, J.). - Ostrava, House of Technology 1993. - S. 97-102. - (Acta MOSIS. 51).
[Moravo-Silesian International Symposium on Modelling and Simulation of Systems /5./. Olomouc (CZ), 93.06.01-93.06.04]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27520

012073 - UTIA-B 930154 CZ eng C
Kovanic, P.
Intelligent Load Monitoring and Forecasting.
In: Innovative Approaches to Modelling and Optimal Control of Large Scale Pipeline Networks. - (Ed. Králik, J.). - Prague, ÚTIA AV ČR 1993. - S. 157-160.
[International Workshop SIMONE /2./. Prague (CZ), 93.10.27-93.10.30]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27509

012117 - UTIA-B 930203 US eng C
Kovanic, P.
Smart Matrices.
In: Mutual Impact of Computing Power and Control Theory. - (Ed. Kárný, M.; Warwick, K.). - New York, Plenum Press 1993. - S. 159-167.
[IFAC Workshop on the Mutual Impact of Computing Power and Control Theory. Prague (CZ), 92.09.01-92.09.02]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27520

012125 - UTIA-B 930211 DB eng A
Kovanic, P.
Gnostical Modelling of Uncertainty.
In: Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems. - Regensburg, University of Regensburg 1993. - S. 189.
[International Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems. Regensburg (DB), 93.08.02-93.08.06]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27520

012134 - UTIA-B 930221 FR eng C
Kovanic, P. - Barack, R.
Robust Survival Problem as an Optimization Problem.
In: System Modelling and Optimization. Abstracts. - 2 - Compiegne, IFIP 1993. - S. 831-843.
[IFIP Conference on System Modelling and Optimization /16./. Compiegne (FR), 93.07.05-93.07.09]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27520

012118 - UTIA-B 930204 US eng C
Kovanic, P. - Böhm, J.
Robust PID Control.
In: Mutual Impact of Computing Power and Control Theory. - (Ed. Kárný, M.; Warwick, K.). - New York, Plenum Press 1993. - S. 339-348.
[IFAC Workshop on the Mutual Impact of Computing Power and Control Theory. Prague (CZ), 92.09.01-92.09.02]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27520

011984 - UTIA-B 930057 CZ cze N
Kovanic, P. - Kolář, P.
Vybrané výsledky finanční analýzy dřevozpracujícího průmyslu na území bývalé ČSFR.
Hospodářské noviny, [117] 17 (93.06.16).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27520

011956 - UTIA-B 930016 CS cze N
Kovanic, P. - Kolář, P.
Vybrané výsledky finanční analýzy stavebnictví a geologie na území bývalé ČSFR.
Hospodářské noviny, [49] 15 (93.03.11).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27520

011950 - UTIA-B 930010 CS cze N
Kovanic, P. - Kovanicová, D.
Důvěřujete průměru?
Akcionář, 4 [6] 8-9 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27520

011957 - UTIA-B 930017 CS cze N
Kovanic, P. - Kovanicová, D.
Trvalý význam dat z kupónové privatizace.
Akcionář, 4 [4] 8-9 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27520

011976 - UTIA-B 930049 CZ cze N
Kovanic, P. - Kovanicová, D.
Úskalí analýzy poměrových ukazatelů.
Akcionář, 4 [7] 8-9 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27520

012124 - UTIA-B 930210 FR eng C
Kovanic, P. - Žofková, I.
Medical Experience with Small Data Samples Processing.
In: Second European Congress on Systems Science. - 4 - Paris, AFCET 1993. - S. 1107-1116.
[European Congress on Systems Science /2./. Prague (CZ), 93.10.05-93.10.08]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27520

012052 - UTIA-B 930132 CA eng V
Kozák, P.
Supervisory Control of Discrete Event Processes: A Real-Time Extension. Toronto, University of Toronto 1993. - 27 s. - (Research Report. 9301 ).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27502; GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27558

012075 - UTIA-B 930156 CZ eng V
Kozák, P.
Supervisory Control of Discrete Event Processes: A Real-Time Extension. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1993. - 30 s. - (Research Report. 1777).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27502; GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27558

012089 - UTIA-B 930172 US eng C
Kozák, P.
Improving Characteristics of Discrete Event Controllers with Hybrid Controllability of Events.
In: Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems. - Detroit, IEEE 1993. - S. 632-635.
[Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems /36./. Detroit (US), 93.08.16-93.08.18]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27502; GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27558

012093 - UTIA-B 930176 CH eng C
Kozák, P.
The Cat-and-Mouse Problem with Least Delays.
In: Discrete Event Systems: Modeling and Control. - (Ed. Balemi, S.; Kozák, P.; Smedinga, R.). - Basel, Birkhäuser 1993. - S. 199-206. - (Progress in Systems and Control Theory. 13).
[WODES '92. Prague (CZ), 92.08.26-92.08.28]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27502; GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27558

012094 - UTIA-B 930177 CH eng C
Kozák, P.
Unifying Framework for Discrete Event System Control Theory.
In: Discrete Event System: Modeling and Control. - (Ed. Balemi, S.; Kozák, P.; Smedinga, R.). - Basel, Birkhäuser 1993. - S. 95-110. - (Progress in Systems and Control Theory. 13).
[WODES '92. Prague (CZ), 92.08.26-92.08.28]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27502; GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27558

013814 - UTIA-B 940060 US eng C
Kozák, P.
Control of real-time discrete event systems with hybrid controllability of events.
In: 32nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. - New York, IEEE 1993. - S. 223-228.
[IEEE Conference on Decision and Control /32./. San Antonio (US), 93.12.15-93.12.17]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27502; GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27558

012053 - UTIA-B 930133 CA eng V
Kozák, P. - Wonham, W. M.
Synthesis of Database Management Protocols. Toronto, University of Toronto 1993. - 26 s. - (Research Report. 9311 ).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27502; GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27558

012054 - UTIA-B 930134 CA eng V
Kozák, P. - Wonham, W. M.
Fully Decentralized Solutions of Supervisory Control Problems. Toronto, University of Toronto 1993. - 27 s. - (Research Report. 9310 ).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27502; GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27558

011992 - UTIA-B 930065 GR eng C
Kraffer, F. - Pejchová, S. - Šebek, M.
Numerical Behaviour of Linear Polynomial Operations or What Do Experiments Reveal?
In: New Directions in Control Theory and Applications. Proceedings. - Chania, IEEE 1993. - S. 233-237.
[IEEE Mediterranean Symposium on New Directions in Control Theory and Applications. Chania (GR), 93.06.21-93.06.23]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275102

012095 - UTIA-B 930179 US eng C
Kraus, F. J. - Mansour, M. - Kučera, V.
Coprimeness of Polytopes of Polynomials.
In: Proceedings of the American Control Conference. - 1 - Evanston, IEEE 1993. - S. 231-235.
[American Control Conference. San Francisco (US), 93.06.02-93.06.04]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275102

012104 - UTIA-B 930188 DB eng C
Kříž, O.
On Extensions of Marginals for Decision-Making.
In: Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning and Uncertainty. - (Ed. Clarke, M.; Kruse, R.; Moral, S.). - Berlin, Springer 1993. - S. 205-212. - (Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 747).
[European Conference ECSQARU '93. Granada (ES), 93.11.08-93.11.10]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27510

012105 - UTIA-B 930189 CH eng C
Kříž, O.
The Cat-and-Mouse Problem as a System of Boolean Equations.
In: Discrete Event Systems: Modeling and Control. - (Ed. Balemi, S.; Kozák, P.; Smedinga, R.). - Basel, Birkhäuser 1993. - S. 181-187. - (Progress in Systems and Control Theory. 13).
[WODES '92. Prague (CZ), 92.08.26-92.08.28]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27510

012114 - UTIA-B 930200 US eng C
Kříž, O.
Expert System-Driven Controllers.
In: Mutual Impact of Computing Power and Control Theory. - (Ed. Kárný, M.; Warwick, K.). - New York, Plenum Press 1993. - S. 369-379.
[IFAC Workshop on the Mutual Impact of Computing Power and Control Theory. Prague (CZ), 92.09.01-92.09.02]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27510

011963 - UTIA-B 930027 GB eng B
Kučera, V.
The Algebraic Approach to Control System Design.
In: Polynomial Methods in Optimal Control and Filtering. - (Ed. Hunt, K. J.). - London, P. Peregrinus 1993. - S. 1-28. - (IEE Control Engineering Series. 49).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27501

011991 - UTIA-B 930064 GR eng C
Kučera, V.
The Pole Placement Equation - A Survey.
In: New Directions in Control Theory and Applications. Proceedings. - Chania, IEEE 1993. - S. 229-232.
[IEEE Mediterranean Symposium on New Directions in Control Theory and Applications. Chania (GR), 93.06.21-93.06.23]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275102

011994 - UTIA-B 930067 NL eng C
Kučera, V.
The LQG and H2 Designs: Two Different Problems?
In: Proceedings of the Second European Control Conference. - 1 - (Ed. Nieuwenhuis, J. W.; Praagman, C.; Trentelman, H. L.). - Groningen, IFAC 1993. - S. 334-337.
[ECC '93 /2./. Groningen (NL), 93.06.28-93.07.01]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275102

013797 - UTIA-B 940013 CZ eng V
Kučera, V.
The pole placement equation - a survey. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1993. - 6 s. - (Research Report. 1780).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275102

013798 - UTIA-B 940014 CZ eng V
Kučera, V.
Diophantine equations in control - a survey. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1993. - 33 s. - (Research Report. 1778).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275102

013807 - UTIA-B 940031 GB eng J
Kučera, V.
Diophantine equations in control - A Survey.
Automatica, 29 [6] 1361-1375 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27501
[Impact factor:0.796(91) 0.736(92) 0.825(93) 0.900(94) 0.834(95) 0.782(96) 0.871(97) 0.741(98) 0.911(99) 1.280(00) 1.449(01) 1,630(02) 1.683(03) ]

027705 - UTIA-B 961038 CZ eng D
Kučera, V.
Analysis and Design of Discrete Linear Control Systems. Habilitation. Praha, FEL ČVUT 1993. - 472 s.

012097 - UTIA-B 930181 AU eng C
Kučera, V. - Kraus, F. J.
FIFO Stable Control Systems.
In: Preprints of the 12th World Congress IFAC. - 1 - Sydney, IFAC 1993. - S. 91-96.
[World Congress IFAC /12./. Sydney (AU), 93.07.18-93.07.23]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275102

013800 - UTIA-B 940017 CZ eng V
Kučera, V. - Souza de, C. E.
A necessary and sufficient condition of output feedback stabilizability. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1993. - 7 s. - (Research Report. 1779).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 275102

013820 - UTIA-B 940218 CZ eng C
Kulhavá, L. - Schier, J. - Kárný, M.
Progress in Transputer Computing Technology. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1993. - 86 s.
[International Workshop TCT '93. Praha (CZ), 93.05.04-93.05.05]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/0897

012018 - UTIA-B 930096 GB eng J
Kulhavý, R.
Implementation of Bayesian Parameter Estimation in Adaptive Control and Signal Processing.
The Statistician, 42 [4] 471-482 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27515; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275109
[Impact factor:0.167(92) 0.163(93) 0.167(94) 0.435(95) 0.483(96) 0.000(97) 0.000(98) 0.341(99) 0.500(00) 0.478(01) 0,621(02) 0.414(03) ]

012098 - UTIA-B 930182 AU eng C
Kulhavý, R.
Can Approximate Bayesian Estimation be Consistent with the Ideal Solution?
In: Preprints of the 12th World Congress IFAC. - 4 - Sydney, IFAC 1993. - S. 225-228.
[World Congress IFAC /12./. Sydney (AU), 93.07.18-93.07.23]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275109

012121 - UTIA-B 930207 US eng C
Kulhavý, R.
On Design of Approximate Finite-Dimensional Estimators: the Bayesian View.
In: Mutual Impact of Computing Power and Control Theory. - (Ed. Kárný, M.; Warwick, K.). - New York, Plenum Press 1993. - S. 13-39.
[IFAC Workshop on the Mutual Impact of Computing Power and Control Theory. Prague (CZ), 92.09.01-92.09.02.]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27515

012074 - UTIA-B 930155 GB eng J
Kulhavý, R. - Zarrop, M. B.
On a General Concept of Forgetting.
International Journal of Control, 58 [4] 905-924 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27515
[Impact factor:0.552(91) 0.669(92) 0.610(93) 0.617(94) 0.599(95) 0.413(96) 0.459(97) 0.518(98) 0.530(99) 0.705(00) 0.736(01) 0,861(02) 0.912(03) ]

012062 - UTIA-B 930143 CZ eng V
Lachout, P.
Expansion of the Sum. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1993. - 6 s. - (Research Report. 1773).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/93/0232

013810 - UTIA-B 940035 LV eng J
Lachout, P. - Studený, M. - Šindelář, J.
On set-valued measures.
Informatica, 4 [1/2] 21-44 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA275114; GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27560

019730 - UTIA-B 950180 CZ eng J
Loiseau, J. J. - Zagalak, P.
On various interpretations of Rosenbrock's theorem.
Kybernetika, 29 [6] 583-592 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275102
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

011999 - UTIA-B 930072 NL eng J
Luschgy, H. - Rukhin, A. L. - Vajda, I.
Adaptive Tests for Stochastic Processes in the Ergodic Case.
Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 45 [1] 45-59 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 17503
[Impact factor:0.432(91) 0.492(92) 0.419(93) 0.690(94) 0.465(95) 0.445(96) 0.445(97) 0.454(98) 0.543(99) 0.594(00) 0.844(01) 0,682(02) 0.789(03) ]

012006 - UTIA-B 930083 CZ eng J
Mareš, M.
Remarks on Fuzzy Quantities with Finite Support.
Kybernetika, 29 [2] 133-143 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27553
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

012007 - UTIA-B 930084 CZ eng J
Mareš, M.
Algebraic Equivalences over Fuzzy Quantities.
Kybernetika, 29 [2] 121-132 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27553
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

012008 - UTIA-B 930085 CZ cze N
Mareš, M.
Koaliční hry v životě praktickém.
Vesmír, 72 [4] 185-188 (1993).

012009 - UTIA-B 930086 FR eng J
Mareš, M.
Algebraic Purism is Expensive if It Concerns Fuzzy Quantities.
Busefal, - [53] 44-53 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27553

012010 - UTIA-B 930088 CZ eng R
Mareš, M.
Rec.: / Fuzzy Approach to Reasoning and Decision - Making.
Kybernetika, 29 [1] 103 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27553
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

012011 - UTIA-B 930089 CZ eng R
Mareš, M.
Rec.: Cressman, R. / The Stability Concept of Evolutionary Game Theory.
Kybernetika, 29 [2] 202 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27553
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

012012 - UTIA-B 930090 CZ eng R
Mareš, M.
Rec.: Chang, Y. L. - Sullivan, R. S. / Quantitative Systems for Business Plus.
Kybernetika, 29 [1] 104 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27553
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

012038 - UTIA-B 930118 FR eng C
Mareš, M.
Computation with Fuzzy Quantities.
In: Second European Congress on Systems Science. - 3 - Paris, Afcet 1993. - S. 1065-1070.
[European Congress on Systems Science /2./. Prague (CZ), 93.10.05-93.10.08]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27553

012051 - UTIA-B 930131 RO eng J
Mareš, M.
Fuzzification of Multicriteria Decision-Making.
Fuzzy Systems and Artificial Intelligence, 1 [2] 15-24 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27553

027703 - UTIA-B 961019 CZ cze D
Mareš, M.
Matematický model kooperativních situací. Doktorská disertační práce. Praha, MFF UK 1993. - 118 s.

027708 - UTIA-B 960101 CZ eng R
Mareš, M.
Rec.: Dieudoné, J. / Mathematics - the Music of Reason.
Kybernetika, 29 [4] 401-402 (1993).
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

012003 - UTIA-B 930078 GB eng J
Maršík, J. - Klán, P. - Strejc, V.
Easy Design of Deadbeat Control Using Plant Step Response Only.
Control Engineering Practice, 1 [2] 381-384 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27513
[Impact factor: 0.285(99) 0.303(00) 0.531(01) 0,452(02) 0.536(03) ]

012135 - UTIA-B 930222 FR eng V
Martínez García, J. C. - Malabre, M. - Kučera, V.
The Partial Model Matching Problem with Stability: Algebraic and Structural Solutions. Nantes, Laboratoire d'Automatique 1993. - 17 s. - (Rapport Interne LAN-ECN. 93.20).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275102

012070 - UTIA-B 930151 US eng J
Matúš, F. - Flusser, J.
Image Representations via a Finite Radon Transform.
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 15 [10] 996-1006 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27564
[Impact factor:1.906(92) 1.917(93) 2.006(94) 1.940(95) 2.085(96) 1.668(97) 1.417(98) 1.882(99) 2.094(00) 2.289(01) 2,923(02) 3.823(03) ]

012096 - UTIA-B 930180 JP eng A
Matúš, F. - Flusser, J.
Picture Coding by a Finite Radon Transform.
In: General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science. - Kyoto, URSI 1993. - S. 106.
[General Assembly of the URSI /24./. Kyoto (JP), 93.08.25-93.09.02]

011978 - UTIA-B 930051 CZ eng C
Mertl, V.
Real-Time Modelling of Gnostical Intelligent Sensors.
In: Modelling and Simulation of Systems. - (Ed. Štefan, J.). - Ostrava, House of Technology 1993. - S. 34-38. - (Acta MOSIS. 51).
[Moravo-Silesian International Symposium on Modelling and Simulation of Systems /5./. Olomouc (CZ), 93.06.01-93.06.04]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27520

013813 - UTIA-B 940049 LV eng C
Michálek, J.
A simple test for tracking the regular behaviour of a technological process.
In: Sixth International Vilnius Conference on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics. Abstracts. - 2 - Vilnius, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics 1993. - S. 28-29.
[Conference in Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics /6./. Vilnius (LV), 93.06.28-93.07.03]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27528

012004 - UTIA-B 930081 CZ eng J
Michálek, J. - Skřivánek, J.
A Method of Detecting Changes in the Behaviour of a Random Sequence Based on the Bayes Approach.
Kybernetika, 29 [2] 166-179 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27528
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

011951 - UTIA-B 930011 CZ cze V
Mikoláš, R.
Reálná omezení pro adaptivní řízení. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1993. - 20 s. - (Research Report. 1762).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27504

012020 - UTIA-B 930098 CZ eng B
Nedoma, P.
PARASOL - CADCS PARAllel Task SOLver. (User's Guide - Version 1.0.) Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1993. - 23 s.
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27554

012031 - UTIA-B 930110 CZ eng C
Nedoma, P.
CADCS Software and Parallel Tasks.
In: Progress in Transputer Computing Technology. - (Ed. Kulhavá, L.; Schier, J.; Kárný, M.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1993. - S. 79-86.
[International Workshop TCT '93. Praha (CZ), 93.05.04-93.05.05]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27554

012055 - UTIA-B 930135 CZ eng C
Nedoma, P.
PARASOL - CADCS Parallel Task Solver.
In: Innovative Approaches to Modelling and Optimal Control of Large Scale Pipeline Networks. - (Ed. Králik, J.). - Prague, ÚTIA AV ČR 1993. - S. 85-91.
[International Workshop SIMONE /2./. Prague (CZ), 93.09.27-93.09.30]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27554

012116 - UTIA-B 930202 US eng C
Nedoma, P.
Extensions of Standard CADCS Environment for Parallel Computation and Real Time Control.
In: Mutual Impact of Computing Power and Control Theory. - (Ed. Kárný, M.; Warwick, K.). - New York, Plenum Press 1993. - S. 225-232.
[IFAC Workshop on the Mutual Impact of Computing Power and Control Theory. Prague (CZ), 92.09.01-92.09.02]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27522

012128 - UTIA-B 930214 CZ eng V
Nedoma, P.
Object Oriented Interactive CADCS. Design Laboratory Dlab. Tutorial. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1993. - 29 s. - (Research Report. 1783).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27554

012129 - UTIA-B 930215 CZ eng V
Nedoma, P.
Object Oriented Interactive CADCS. Design Laboratory Dlab. User's Guide. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1993. - 34 s. - (Research Report. 1784).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27554

012130 - UTIA-B 930216 CZ eng V
Nedoma, P.
Object Oriented Interactive CADCS. Design Laboratory Dlab. Programmer's Guide. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1993. - 74 s. - (Research Report. 1785).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27554

012019 - UTIA-B 930097 GB eng V
Novovičová, J. - Pudil, P. - Kittler, J.
Feature Selection for Discrimination Based on Finite Mixtures Approximation of Class Densities. Surrey, University of Surrey 1993. - 26 s. - (Research Report. 1/93).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275107

011998 - UTIA-B 930071 US eng J
Österreicher, F. - Vajda, I.
Statistical Information and Discrimination.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 39 [3] 1036-1039 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 17503
[Impact factor:1.230(92) 1.163(93) 1.971(94) 1.840(95) 1.698(96) 1.354(97) 2.083(98) 2.009(99) 0.654(00) 2.077(01) 2,045(02) 2.245(03) ]

012000 - UTIA-B 930073 CZ eng J
Otáhal, A.
Relative Stationary Probabilities.
Kybernetika, 29 [2] 144-148 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA275114

012046 - UTIA-B 930126 FR eng C
Otáhal, A.
Finite Relative Stationary Random Sequences.
In: Second European Congress on Systems Science. - 3 - Paris, Afcet 1993. - S. 915-918.
[European Congress on Systems Science /2./. Prague (CZ), 93.10.05-93.10.08]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA275114

011958 - UTIA-B 930018 US eng J
Outrata, J.
On Necessary Optimality Conditions for Stackelberg Problems.
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 76 [2] 305-320 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 17507
[Impact factor:0.343(91) 0.321(92) 0.333(93) 0.316(94) 0.373(95) 0.520(96) 0.537(97) 0.517(98) 0.536(99) 0.558(00) 0.568(01) 0,402(02) 0.583(03) ]

012023 - UTIA-B 930101 DB eng V
Outrata, J. - Zowe, J.
A Numerical Approach to Optimization Problems with Variational Inequality Constraints. Bayreuth, Mathematisches Institut 1993. - 28 s. - (Research Report. 463).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA175101

011949 - UTIA-B 930008 GB eng J
Paukert, T. - Rubeška, I. - Kovanic, P.
New Look at Analytical Data Through the Gnostical Method.
Analyst, 118 [2] 145-148 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27520
[Impact factor:1.588(92) 1.425(93) 1.816(94) 1.641(95)1.679(96) 1.614(97) 1.843(98) 1.677(99) 1.818(00)2.003(01) 2,292(02) 2.251(03) ]

011972 - UTIA-B 930045 CZ eng V
Pejchová, S.
Software Package for Polynomial Operations I. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1993. - 22+37 s. - (Research Report. 1765).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275102

012036 - UTIA-B 930116 sk cze C
Pik, J.
Podobnost mezi událostmi v systémech diskrétních událostí.
In: Zborník prednášok 12. sympózia o algoritmoch. ALGORITMY '93. - Bratislava, Fakulta hospodárskej informatiky EU 1993. - S. 193-201.
[ALGORITMY '93. Stará Lesná (SQ), 93.04.26-93.04.29]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27558

012092 - UTIA-B 930175 CH eng C
Pik, J.
Similarity of Events in Discrete Event Systems.
In: Discrete Event Systems: Modeling and Control. - (Ed. Balemi, S.; Kozák, P.; Smedinga, R.). - Basel, Birkhäuser 1993. - S. 71-78. - (Progress in Systems and Control Theory. 13).
[WODES '92. Prague (CZ), 92.08.26-92.08.28]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27558

013806 - UTIA-B 940030 GB eng R
Pudil, P.
Rec.: McLachlan, G. J. / Discriminant Analysis and Statistical Pattern Recognition.
International Association for Pattern Recognition, 15 [4] 4-5 ( 1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 275107

013805 - UTIA-B 940029 NL eng J
Pudil, P. - Novovičová, J. - Choakjarernwanit, N. - Kittler, J.
An analysis of the Max-Min approach to feature selection and ordering.
Pattern Recognition Letters, 14 [11] 841-847 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275107
[Impact factor:0.375(92) 0.275(93) 0.381(94) 0.621(95) 0.329(96) 0.304(97) 0.344(98) 0.315(99) 0.346(00) 0.552(01) 0,409(02) 0.809(03) ]

012090 - UTIA-B 930173 CZ eng C
Pudil, P. - Novovičová, J. - Kittler, J.
Computationally Efficient Quasioptimal Algorithms for Feature Selection.
In: Czech Pattern Recognition Workshop '93. - (Ed. Hlaváč, V.; Pajdla, T.). - Praha, Czechoslovak Pattern Recognition Society 1993. - S. 12-17.
[Czech Pattern Recognition Workshop '93. Temešvár (CZ), 93.11.04-93.11.06]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275107

012102 - UTIA-B 930186 GB eng C
Pudil, P. - Novovičová, J. - Kittler, J.
Automatic Machine Learning of Decision Rule for Classification Problems in Image Analysis.
In: Proceedings of the 4th British Machine Vision Conference. - 1 - (Ed. Worth, J. I.). - Sheffield, BMVA Press 1993. - S. 15-24.
[British Machine Vision Conference /4./. Guildford (GB), 93.09.21-93.09.23]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275107

013818 - UTIA-B 940200 DE eng J
Roubíček, T.
Evolution of a microstructure: a convexified model.
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 16, [-] 625-642 ( 1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA175101
[Impact factor:0.285(91) 0.321(92) 0.333(93) 0.247(94) 0.265(95) 0.315(96) 0.234(97) 0.289(98) 0.287(99) 0.344(00) 0.418(01) 0,541(02) 0.713(03) ]

013819 - UTIA-B 940201 GB eng B
Roubíček, T.
Microstructure evolution models.
In: Metz Days '92. - (Ed. Chipot, M.). - Harlow, Longmann 1993. - S. 67-73. - (Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics. 296).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA175101

053397 - UTIA-B 980182 DE eng B
Roubíček, T.
Modern numerical methods and software in optimization.
In: Modern Mathematical Methods of Optimization. - 1 Mathematical Topics. - (Ed. Elster, K. H.). - Berlin, Akademie Verlag 1993. - S. 361-371.

013808 - UTIA-B 940032 DB eng J
Rubio, A. M. - Aguilar, L. Z. - Víšek, J. Á.
Testing for differences between models.
Computational Statistics, 8, [-] 57-70 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27557
[Impact factor: 0.213(99) 0.159(00) 0.185(01) 0,227(02) 0.282(03) ]

013809 - UTIA-B 940033 CZ eng J
Rubio, A. M. - Víšek, J. Á.
Discriminability of robust test under heavy contamination.
Kybernetika, 29 [4] 377-388 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27557
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

012049 - UTIA-B 930129 CZ eng V
Schier, J.
A Systolic Block-Regularized Algorithm for the Recursive Least Squares Identification with the Inverse Update. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1993. - 51 s. - (Research Report. 1771).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/0897

013821 - UTIA-B 940219 CZ eng C
Schier, J.
Fast quality evaluation in preliminary tuning of adaptive controller.
In: Progress in Transputer Computing Technology. - (Ed. Kulhavá, L.; Schier, J.; Kárný, M.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1993. - S. 33-44.
[International Workshop TCT '93. Praha (CZ), 93.05.04-93.05.05]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/0897

011979 - UTIA-B 930052 CZ eng C
Skřivánek, J.
Application of One Probabilistic Method to the Error Signals Classification Utilizing the Simulation Approach.
In: Modelling and Simulation of Systems. - (Ed. Štefan, J.). - Ostrava, House of Technology 1993. - S. 88-92. - (Acta MOSIS. 51).
[Moravo-Silesian International Symposium on Modelling and Simulation of Systems. Olomouc (CZ), 93.06.01-93.06.04]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27528

011955 - UTIA-B 930015 CS eng J
Studený, M.
Convex Cones in Finite-Dimensional Real Vector Spaces.
Kybernetika, 29 [2] 180-200 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27510
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

012005 - UTIA-B 930082 NL eng B
Studený, M.
Description of Conditional Independence Structures by Means of Imsets: A Connection with Product Formula Validity.
In: Uncertainty in Intelligent Systems. - (Ed. Bouchon-Meunier, B.; Valverde, L.; Yager, R. R.). - Amsterdam, Elsevier 1993. - S. 179-194.
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27510

012109 - UTIA-B 930193 DB eng C
Studený, M.
Formal Properties of Conditional Independence in Different Calculi of AI.
In: Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning and Uncertainty. - (Ed. Clarke, M.; Kruse, R.; Moral, S.). - Berlin, Springer 1993. - S. 341-348. - (Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 747).
[European Conference ECSQARU '93. Granada (ES), 93.11.08-93.11.10]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275105

012044 - UTIA-B 930124 FR eng C
Studený, M. - Matúš, F. - Vejnarová, J.
Decomposition of Large Systems and Independence Structures.
In: Second European Congress on Systems Science. - 3 - Paris, Afcet 1993. - S. 891-898.
[European Congress on Systems Science /2./. Prague (CZ), 93.10.05-93.10.08]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275105

012032 - UTIA-B 930111 US eng J
Syrmos, V. L. - Zagalak, P.
Computing Normal External Descriptions and Feedback Design.
Linear Algebra and its Applications, 188, [-] 613-639 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275102
[Impact factor:0.352(91) 0.374(92) 0.357(93) 0.430(94) 0.405(95) 0.341(96) 0.329(97) 0.392(98) 0.385(99) 0.491(00) 0.423(01) 0,462(02) 0.656(03) ]

012099 - UTIA-B 930183 US eng C
Syrmos, V. L. - Zagalak, P.
Computing Normal External Descriptions and Feedback Design.
In: Proceedings of the American Control Conference. - Evanston, IEEE 1993. - S. 1578-1582.
[American Control Conference. San Francisco (US), 93.06.02-93.06.04]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275102

012028 - UTIA-B 930107 DB eng C
Šámal, M. - Kárný, M. - Zahálka, D.
Identification and Parametrization of a Compartmental Model Using Factor Analysis.
In: Radioactive Isotopes in Clinical Medicine and Research. - (Ed. Höfer, R.; Bergman, H.; Sinzinger, H.). - Stuttgart, Schattauer 1993. - S. 96-97.
[Conference on Nuclear Medicine /20./. Badgastein (AT), 92.06.14-92.06.18]

012080 - UTIA-B 930161 DB eng C
Šámal, M. - Kárný, M. - Zahálka, D.
Bayesian Identification of a Physiological Model in Dynamic Scintigraphic Data.
In: Information Processing in Medical Imaging. - (Ed. Barrett, H. H.). - Berlin, Springer 1993. - S. 422-437.
[Information Processing in Medical Imaging. Flagstaff (US), 93.06.14-93.06.18]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275110

013794 - UTIA-B 940003 GB eng B
Šebek, M.
n-D polynomial equations.
In: Polynomial Methods in Optimal Control and Filtering. - (Ed. Hunt, K. J.). - London, Peregrinus 1993. - S. 184-209. - (IEE Control Engineering Series. 49).

013795 - UTIA-B 940004 GB eng B
Šebek, M.
J-spectral factorisation.
In: Polynomial Methods in Optimal Control and Filtering. - (Ed. Hunt, K. J.). - London, Peregrinus 1993. - S. 278-307. - (IEE Control Engineering Series. 49).

019731 - UTIA-B 950242 NL eng C
Šebek, M.
Sub-optimum H_infinity problem for 2-D MIMO systems.
In: Proceedings of the Second European Control Conference. - 3 - (Ed. Nieuwenhuis, J. W.; Praagman, C.; Trentelman, H. L.). - Groningen, IFAC 1993. - S. 1476-1479.
[ECC '93. Groningen (NL), 93.06.28-93.07.01]

011760 - ASU-R 930038 DB eng C
Šimberová, S. - Suk, T.
Enhancement of Skylab X-Ray Images.
In: Proceedings of the 5th European Southern Observatory and Space Telescope European Coordinating Facility Data Analysis Workshop. - (Ed. Grosbol, P.J.; Warmels, R.H.). - Garching bei Muenchen, European Southern Observatory 1993. - S. 2-8.
[European Southern Observatory and Space Telescop. Garching bei Muenchen (DB), 93.04.26-93.04.28]

011761 - ASU-R 930039 DB eng C
Šimberová, S. - Suk, T.
Digital Processing of Skylab X-ray Images of the Solar Corona.
In: The 5th Internation Conference of Computer Analysis and Image Processing 1993. - (Ed. Chetverikov, D.; Kropatch, W.). - Berlin, Springer 1993. - S. 759-765. - (Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 719).
[International Conference of Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns 93 /5./. Budapest (HU), 93.09.12-93.09.15]

012113 - UTIA-B 930199 DB eng C
Šimberová, S. - Suk, T.
Digital Processing of Skylab X-ray Images of the Solar Corona.
In: Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns. - Berlin, Springer 1993. - S. 759-765. - (Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 719).
[International Conference CAIP '93 . Budapest (HU), 93.09.13-93.09.15]

011981 - UTIA-B 930054 CZ eng C
Šindelář, J.
Gnostical Models of Quantification under Uncertainty
In: Modelling and Simulation of Systems - (Ed. Štefan, J.). - Ostrava, House of Technology 1993. - S. 343-347. - (Acta MOSIS 51).
[Moravo-Silesian International Symposium on Modelling and Simulation of Systems /5./. Olomouc (CZ), 93.06.01-93.06.04]

012060 - UTIA-B 930141 CZ eng V
Šindelář, J.
Optimality Principles in Gnostical Theory of Uncertain Data. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1993. - 26 s. - (Research Report. 1760).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27560; GA AV ČR(CZ) 27520

012061 - UTIA-B 930142 CZ eng V
Šindelář, J.
Necessary Conditions in Theory of M-Estimators. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1993. - 35 s. - (Research Report. 1759).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27560; GA AV ČR(CZ) 27520

012072 - UTIA-B 930153 US eng J
Šindelář, J.
Models in Gnostical Theory.
International Journal of General Systems, 21 [3] 365-378 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27560; GA AV ČR(CZ) 27520
[Impact factor:0.275(91) 0.761(92) 0.293(93) 0.318(94) 0.268(95)0.214(96) 0.319(97) 0.175(98) 0.457(99) 0.268(00)0.229(01) 0,241(02) 0.172(03) ]

012122 - UTIA-B 930208 US eng C
Šindelář, J.
Fundamental Properties of Real Computers.
In: Mutual Impact of Computing Power and Control Theory. - (Ed. Kárný, M.; Warwick, K.). - New York, Plenum Press 1993. - S. 135-150.
[IFAC Workshop on the Mutual Impact of Computing Power and Control Theory. Prague (CZ), 92.09.01-92.09.02]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27560; GA AV ČR(CZ) 27520

013799 - UTIA-B 940016 CZ eng V
Šindelář, J. - Boček, P.
On Kolmogorov complexity of infinite sequences. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1993. - 23 s. - (Research Report. 1761).

011962 - UTIA-B 930026 US eng J
Teboulle, M. - Vajda, I.
Convergence of Best phi-Entropy Estimates.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 39 [1] 297-301 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 17503
[Impact factor:1.230(92) 1.163(93) 1.971(94) 1.840(95) 1.698(96) 1.354(97) 2.083(98) 2.009(99) 0.654(00) 2.077(01) 2,045(02) 2.245(03) ]

011974 - UTIA-B 930047 CZ eng V
Tichavský, P.
Large Sample Asymptotics for Signal-Subspace Methods in Sinusoidal Frequency Estimation. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1993. - 20 s. - (Research Report. 1766).

011975 - UTIA-B 930048 CZ eng V
Tichavský, P.
On Consistency of Cumulant-Based Methods in the Harmonic Retrieval. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1993. - 11 s. - (Research Report. 1768).

012001 - UTIA-B 930074 US eng J
Tichavský, P.
High-SNR Asymptotics for Signal-Subspace Methods in Sinusoidal Frequency Estimation.
IEEE Transaction on Signal Processing, 41 [7] 2448-2460 (1993).
[Impact factor:0.637(92) 0.886(93) 1.234(94) 1.291(95) 1.565(96) 1.238(97) 1.402(98) 1.552(99) 1.203(00) 1.268(01) 1,159(02) 1.458(03) ]

011977 - UTIA-B 930050 US eng C
Tichavský, P. - Händel, P.
Efficient Tracking of Multiple Sinusoids with Slowly Varying Parameters.
In: IEEE Internatinal Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. - 3 Digital Speech Processing. - New York, IEEE 1993. - S. 368-371.
[ICASSP '93. Minneapolis (US), 93.04.27-93.04.30]

011985 - UTIA-B 930058 SE eng V
Tichavský, P. - Händel, P.
Two Algorithms for Adaptive Retrieval of Slowly Time-Varying Multiple Cisoids in Noise. Uppsala, Uppsala University 1993. - 35 s. - (Research Report. UPTEC 93031R).

012026 - UTIA-B 930104 US eng J
Trofino, N. A. - Kučera, V.
Stabilization via Static Output Feedback.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 38 [5] 764-765 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275102
[Impact factor:0.945(91) 0.994(92) 0.931(93) 0.867(94) 0.833(95) 0.918(96) 0.819(97) 0.874(98) 1.643(99) 1.488(00) 1.222(01) 1,553(02) 1.896(03) ]

011948 - UTIA-B 930007 NL eng J
Tuzar, A.
Remark to a Problem on 0-1 Matrices.
Compositio Mathematica, 86 [1] 97-100 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 17507
[Impact factor:0.354(92) 0.463(93) 0.478(94) 0.470(95)0.523(96) 0.463(97) 0.676(98) 0.639(99) 0.600(00)0.447(01) 0,601(02) 0.662(03) ]

012103 - UTIA-B 930187 CZ eng R
Tuzar, A.
Rec.: Neumann, F. / Global Properties of Linear Ordinary Differential Equations.
Kybernetika, 29 [1] 102-103 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA175101
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

012013 - UTIA-B 930091 SE eng C
Vajda, I.
Maximum Likelihood Estimates and Entropy.
In: Sixth Joint Swedish-Russian International Workshop on Information Theory. - (Ed. Mansson, L.). - Lund, Studentlitteratur 1993. - S. 425-428.
[International Workshop on Information Theory /6./. Mölle (SE), 93.08.22-93.08.27]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA275114

012041 - UTIA-B 930121 FR eng C
Vajda, I.
Stochastic System Optimization and Simulated Annealing.
In: Second European Congress on Systems Science. - 3 - Paris, Afcet 1993. - S. 929-935.
[European Congress on Systems Science /2./. Prague (CZ), 93.10.05-93.10.08]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA275114

013815 - UTIA-B 940084 IT eng J
Vajda, I.
Conditions equivalent and doubly equivalent to consistency of approximate MLE's.
Journal of the Italian Statistical Society, 2 [1] 107-125 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA175402

012040 - UTIA-B 930120 FR eng C
Vajda, I. - Morvai, G.
A Survay on Log-Optimum Portfolio Selection.
In: Second European Congress on Systems Science. - 3 - Paris, Afcet 1993. - S. 936-944.
[European Congress on Systems Science /2./. Prague (CZ), 93.10.05-93.10.08]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA275114

011997 - UTIA-B 930070 CZ eng J
Vajda, I. - Österreicher, F.
Existence, Uniqueness and Evaluation of Log-Optimal Investment Portfolio.
Kybernetika, 29 [2] 105-120 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 17503
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

012025 - UTIA-B 930103 CZ eng J
Vaněček, A. - Čelikovský, S.
Wrapped Eigenstructure of Chaos.
Kybernetika, 29 [1] 73-79 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27531
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

019732 - UTIA-B 950244 US eng J
Vejnarová, J. - Klir, G. J.
Measure of strife in Dempster-Shafer theory.
International Journal of General Systems, 22 [1] 25-42 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) A27564
[Impact factor:0.275(91) 0.761(92) 0.293(93) 0.318(94) 0.268(95) 0.214(96) 0.319(97) 0.175(98) 0.457(99) 0.268(00) 0.229(01) 0,241(02) 0.172(03) ]

012024 - UTIA-B 930102 CZ eng J
Volf, P.
Moving Window Estimation Procedures for Additive Regression Models.
Kybernetika, 29 [4] 389-400 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27557
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

012059 - UTIA-B 930140 CZ eng V
Volf, P.
Nonparametric Estimation of Hazard Regression with Application to a Case Study. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1993. - 19 s. - (Research Report. 1776).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27557

012106 - UTIA-B 930190 IT eng C
Volf, P.
Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Intensity-Based Regression Models.
In: Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute. Contributed Papers 49th Session. - 2 - Firenze, ISI 1993. - S. 531-532.
[Session of the International Statistical Institute. Firenze (IT), 93.08.25-93.09.02]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27557

013811 - UTIA-B 940036 LV eng J
Volf, P.
Proportional intensity model for regression in event-history analysis.
Informatica, 4 [1/2] 111-125 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27557

012077 - UTIA-B 930158 CZ eng C
Vostrý, Z.
Transient Optimization of Gas Transport and Distribution.
In: Innovative Approaches to Modelling and Optimal Control of Large Scale Pipeline Networks. - (Ed. Králik, J.). - Prague, ÚTIA AV ČR 1993. - S. 53-62.
[International Workshop SIMONE /2./. Prague (CZ), 93.09.27-93.09.30]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27509

012076 - UTIA-B 930157 CZ eng C
Vostrý, Z. - Záworka, J.
Heat Dynamics with Non-Stationary Gas Flow in Pipes.
In: Innovative Approaches to Modelling and Optimal Control of Large Scale Pipeline Networks. - (Ed. Králik, J.). - Prague, ÚTIA AV ČR 1993. - S. 137-156.
[International Workshop SIMONE /2./. Prague (CZ), 93.09.27-93.09.30]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27509

012120 - UTIA-B 930206 US eng C
Vostrý, Z. - Záworka, J.
Simulation and Control of Gas Transport and Distribution by Large-Scale Pipeline Networks.
In: Mutual Impact of Computing Power and Control Theory. - (Ed. Kárný, M.; Warwick, K.). - New York, Plenum Press 1993. - S. 65-75.
[IFAC Workshop on Mutual Impact of Computing Power and Control Theory. Prague (CZ), 92.09.01-92.09.02]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27509

012133 - UTIA-B 930219 AT eng J
Vošvrda, M.
An Equilibrium Price Attractor in Competitive Equilibrium Models.
Central European Journal for Operations Research, 2 [1] 7-22 ( 1993).

027706 - UTIA-B 961039 CZ cze D
Vošvrda, M.
Teoretická ekonomie. Habilitation. Praha, FSV UK 1993. - 191 s.

012037 - UTIA-B 930117 sk cze C
Zagalak, P.
Morganův problém - co nového po 30ti letech.
In: Paradigmy automatického riadenia. - Žilina, VŠDS 1993. - S. 36-41.
[Paradigmy automatického riadenia.. Súlov (SQ), 93.09.07-93.09.09]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275102

013793 - UTIA-B 940001 CZ eng V
Zagalak, P. - Kučera, V.
Eigenstructure assignment in linear descriptor systems. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1993. - 10 s. - (Research Report. 1781).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275102

011965 - UTIA-B 930029 GB eng B
Zagalak, P. - Kučera, V. - Loiseau, J. J.
Eigenstructure Assignment in Linear Systems by State Feedback.
In: Polynomial Methods in Optimal Control and Filtering. - (Ed. Hunt, K. J.). - London, P. Peregrinus 1993. - S. 210-248. - (IEE Control Engineering Series. 49).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27501

013803 - UTIA-B 940023 CZ eng V
Zagalak, P. - Kučera, V. - Loiseau, J. J.
Dynamics assignment by PD state feedback in linear reachable systems. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1993. - 6 s. - (Research Report. 1782).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275102

013801 - UTIA-B 940018 GB eng J
Zagalak, P. - Lafay, J. F. - Herrera, A. N.
The row-by-row decoupling via state feedback: a polynomial approach.
Automatica, 29 [6] 1491-1499 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275102
[Impact factor:0.796(91) 0.736(92) 0.825(93) 0.900(94) 0.834(95) 0.782(96) 0.871(97) 0.741(98) 0.911(99) 1.280(00) 1.449(01) 1,630(02) 1.683(03) ]

013802 - UTIA-B 940019 CZ eng J
Zagalak, P. - Lafay, J. F. - Loiseau, J. J.
An approach to the Morgan problem.
Kybernetika, 29 [5] 423-430 (1993).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275102
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

012078 - UTIA-B 930159 CZ eng C
Záworka, J.
Project SIMONE - Achievements and Running Development.
In: Innovative Approaches to Modelling and Optimal Control of Large Scale Pipeline Networks. - (Ed. Králik, J.). - Prague, ÚTIA AV ČR 1993. - S. 1-24.
[International Workshop SIMONE /2./. Prague (CZ), 93.09.27-93.09.30]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27509

012021 - UTIA-B 930099 CZ cze V
Zörnigová, L.
Přibližná identifikace markovského řetězce. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1993. - 8 s. - (Research Report. 1769).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275110

Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

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