ÚTIA - Ústav teorie informace a automatizace


Zpět na seznam ústavů                     Domovská stránka ASEP

Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

044552 - UTIA-B 970117 FR eng J
Andris, P. - Costeira, J. P. - Dobrovodský, K. - Haindl, M. - Kittler, J. - Kurdel, P. - Santos-Victor, J. - Stoddart, A. J.
ERCIM News, - [31] 25 (1997).
Grant: Copernicus(XE) INCO 96:0174

044497 - UTIA-B 970058 CZ eng V
Aranda-Bricaire, E. - Čelikovský, S.
Constructive Nonsmooth Stabilization of Triangular Systems. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1997. - 15 s. - (Research Report. 1907).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) A207 5702

040637 - UTIA-B 970041 SG eng C
Bakule, L. - de la Sen, M.
Decentralized stabilization of input delayed systems under uncertainties.
In: Proceedings of the 1st European Conference on Structural Control. - (Ed. Rodellar, J.). - Singapore, World Scientific 1997. - S. 40-47.
[Structural Control /1./. (ES), 96.05.29-96.05.31]

045376 - UTIA-B 970216 US eng C
Baramov, L.
Solutions to a class of nonstandard nonlinear H_infty control problems.
In: Proceedings of the 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. - (Ed. Douček, P.). - San Diego, IEEE Control Systems Society 1997. - S. 4629-4634.
[IEEE Conference on Decision and Control /36./. (US), 97.12.13-97.12.15]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) A207 5702

045346 - UTIA-B 970185 GB eng J
Baramov, L. - Kimura, H.
Nonlinear L2-gain suboptimal control. (Ed. Plešingr, J.). -
Automatica, 33 [7] 1247-1262 (1997).
[Impact factor:0.796(91) 0.736(92) 0.825(93) 0.900(94) 0.834(95) 0.782(96) 0.871(97) 0.741(98) 0.911(99) 1.280(00) 1.449(01) 1,630(02) 1.683(03) ]

045359 - UTIA-B 970199 ES eng C
Bělohlávek, R. - Novák, V.
Learning linguistic context for linguistic oriented fuzzy control.
In: FUZZ/IEEE '97. Proceedings. - (Ed. Simek, K.). - Barcelona, University of Barcelona 1997. - S. 1167-1172.
[FUZZ/IEEE '97. (ES), 97.07.01-97.07.05]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/96/0985

040602 - UTIA-B 970001 CZ eng V
Berec, L.
A Multi-Model Methods to Complete Fault Diagnosis: The Bayesian Way. An Introductory Treatment. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1997. - 14 s.
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) A207 5603; GA AV ČR(CZ) A207 5606; Copernicus (XE) CT 94:0237

056813 - UTIA-B 981242 CZ eng D
Berec, L.
Model Structure Identification: Global and Local Views Bayesian Solution. Dr.Dissertation. (Ed. Serpico, S. B.). - Praha, Fakulta jaderná a fyzikálně inženýrská ČVUT 1997. - 160 s.

056059 - ENTU-I 980002 US eng B
Berec, L. - Kárný, M.
Identification of reality in Bayesian context.
In: Computer-intensive methods in control and signal processing: Curse of dimensionality. - (Ed. Warwick, K.; Kárný, M.). - Boston, Birkhauser 1997. - S. 181-193.

045309 - UTIA-B 970145 BE eng C
Berec, L. - Rojíček, J.
Control period selection: Verification on coupled tanks.
In: European Control Conference. [CD-ROM]. - (Ed. Gevers, M.). - Brussels, EUCA 1997. - 287 kB s.
[ECC '97 /4./. (BE), 97.07.01-97.07.04]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) A207 5606; Copernicus(XE) CP 94:1174

056060 - ENTU-I 980003 SIGLE BE eng C
Berec, L. - Rojíček, J.
Control period selection: verification on coupled tanks.
In: Preprints of European control conference EC 97 [CD-ROM]. - (Ed. Bastin, G.; Gevers, M.). - Brussels, - 1997. - 287 kB s.

056142 - UTIA-B 980140 SK cze C
Böhm, J.
Návrh adaptivního LQ regulátoru s doplňkovým korekčním členem.
In: Proceedings of the 11th Conference Process Control '97. - (Ed. Li, F.). - Bratislava, Slovak University of Technology 1997. - S. 125-129.
[Process Control '97. (SK), 97.06.08-97.06.11]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 102/97/0927; Copernicus(XE) CP-1174

056144 - UTIA-B 980142 PL eng C
Böhm, J.
Smooth tuning of adaptive LQ controller from PID to LQ properties.
In: Control and Management in Computer Integrated Systems. - (Ed. Simek, K.). - Gliwice, Silesian Technical University 1997. - S. 15-21.
[Dycomans Workshop /4./. (PL), 97.09.25-97.09.27]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) K107 5601; Copernicus(XE) CP-1264

056143 - UTIA-B 980141 BG eng C
Böhm, J. - Fessl, J.
Experience with the use of LQ adaptive controllers in selected loops in the power plant.
In: Preprints of the International Workshop on Information Processing and Control in Power Generation. - (Ed. Li, F.). - Sofia, Start Engineering 1997. - S. 13-19.
[Information Processing and Control in Power Generation /3./. (BG), 97.05.22-97.05.23]
Grant: Copernicus(XE) CP-1264

044537 - UTIA-B 970099 CZ eng V
Briechle, K. - Rojíček, J.
Using ABET for Controlling a Real System: A Concise Guide. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1997. - 15 s. - (Research Report. 1908).
Grant: Copernicus(XE) CP 94:1174

044519 - UTIA-B 970080 US eng C
Colaneri, P. - Kučera, V.
Model matching for periodic systems.
In: Proceedings of the American Control Conference. - Piscataway, IEEE 1997. - S. 3143-3144.
[AAC '97. Albuquerque (US), 97.06.04-97.06.06]

044528 - UTIA-B 970090 SK eng C
Colaneri, P. - Kučera, V.
Model matching with stability for periodic discrete-time systems.
In: Preprints of the 2nd IFAC Workshop on New Trends in Design of Control Systems. - (Ed. Kozák, Š.; Huba, M.). - Bratislava, Slovak University of Technology 1997. - S. 65-70.
[IFAC Workshop on New Trends in Design of Control Systems /2./. Smolenice (SK), 97.09.07-97.09.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0861; CNR(IT) MURST

044547 - UTIA-B 970111 US eng J
Colaneri, P. - Kučera, V.
The model matching problem for periodic discrete-time systems.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 42 [10] 1472-1476 (1997).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK107 5601
[Impact factor:0.945(91) 0.994(92) 0.931(93) 0.867(94) 0.833(95) 0.918(96) 0.819(97) 0.874(98) 1.643(99) 1.488(00) 1.222(01) 1,553(02) 1.896(03) ]

056137 - UTIA-B 980078 US eng C
Čelikovský, S.
Local stabilization and controllability of a class of nontriangular nonlinear systems.
In: Proceedings of the 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. - (Ed. Warwick, K.). - Piscataway, IEEE Control Systems Society 1997. - S. 1728-1733.
[IEEE Conference on Decision and Control /36./. (US), 97.12.10-97.12.12]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 207 5702

056138 - UTIA-B 980079 US eng C
Čelikovský, S. - Aranda-Bricaire, E.
Constructive nonsmooth stabilization of a class of nonlinear single-input systems.
In: Proceedings of the 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. - (Ed. Warwick, K.). - Piscataway, IEEE Control Systems Society 1997. - S. 1734-1736.
[IEEE Conference on Decision and Control /36./. (US), 97.12.10-97.12.12]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 207 5702

044499 - UTIA-B 970060 US eng J
Čelikovský, S. - Nijmeijer, H.
On the relation between local controllability and stabilizability for a class of nonlinear systems.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 42 [1] 90-94 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/0053
[Impact factor:0.945(91) 0.994(92) 0.931(93) 0.867(94) 0.833(95) 0.918(96) 0.819(97) 0.874(98) 1.643(99) 1.488(00) 1.222(01) 1,553(02) 1.896(03) ]

045322 - UTIA-B 970158 CZ eng C
Darbellay, G. A.
Stochastic Predictability.
In: European Conference on Signal Analysis and Prediction I. - (Ed. Sovka, P.). - Praha, ICT Press 1997. - S. 203-206.
[ECSAP '97 /1./. (CZ), 97.06.24-97.06.27]

045339 - UTIA-B 970178 US eng A
Darbellay, G. A.
The mutual information as a measure of statistical dependence. Abstract.
In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Information Theory 1997. Abstracts. - (Ed. Wenzel, S.). - Piscataway, IEEE 1997. - S. 405.
[International Symposium on Information Theory. (DE), 97.06.29-97.07.04]

056812 - UTIA-B 980217 CH eng A
Darbellay, G. A.
An algorithm for estimating the degree of dependence between two random vectors. Abstract.
In: International Symposium on Mathematical Programming. Abstracts. - (Ed. Nikodemová, D.). - Lausanne, EPFL 1997. - S. 72.
[ISMP '97 /16./. (CH), 97.08.24-97.08.29]

045323 - UTIA-B 970160 GB eng J
Darbellay, G. A. - Finardi, M.
Could nonlinear dynamics contribute to intra-day risk management? (Ed. Sovka, P.). -
The European Journal of Finance, 3 [4] 311-324 (1997).

043351 - UIVT-O 970126 CZ eng J
Darbellay, G. A. - Sláma, M.
How Nonlinear is Your Time Series? A New Method and Case Study.
Neural Network World, 7 [4/5] 483-493 (1997).
[PASE'97 International Workshop on Parallel Applications in Statistics and Economics /6./. Mariánské Lázně (CZ), 97.11.09-97.11.12]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 106/96/0183; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/1311

044511 - UTIA-B 970072 DE eng C
de Baets, B. - Mareš, M. - Mesiar, R.
On the invariance of classes of shape generators.
In: European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing. Proceedings. - 1 - Aachen, Mainz 1997. - S. 10-14.
[EUFIT '97 /5./. Aachen (DE), 97.09.08-97.09.11]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/96/0414

044523 - UTIA-B 970085 DE eng C
de Baets, B. - Mareš, M. - Mesiar, R.
Fuzzy zeroes and indistinguishability of real numbers.
In: Computational Intelligence. Theory and Applications. Proceedings. - (Ed. Reusch, B.). - Berlin, Springer 1997. - S. 299-303. - (Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1226).
[International Conference Fuzzy Days /5./. Dortmund (DE), 97.04.15-97.04.17]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/96/0414; GA MŠk(CZ) VS*96063; ACE Phare(XE) P95-2014-R

045335 - UTIA-B 970174 NL eng J
de Baets, B. - Mareš, M. - Mesiar, R.
T-partitions of the real line generated by idempotent shapes. (Ed. Wenzel, S.). -
Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 91 [2] 177-184 ( 1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/96/0414
[Impact factor:0.498(91) 0.712(92) 0.655(93) 0.610(94) 0.445(95) 0.460(96) 0.346(97) 0.331(98) 0.468(99) 0.393(00) 0.470(01) 0,550(02) 0.577(03) ]

045315 - UTIA-B 970151 GR eng C
Derviz, A.
Shadow prices and equilibria in production, export, import and investment of an open economy.
In: Exchange Rate Movements and the Real Economy. - (Ed. Papazoglou, Ch.). - Athens, Bank of Greece 1997. - S. 45-66.
[Exchange Rate Movements and the Real Economy. (GR), 97.09.05-97.09.08]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) A808 5701

045316 - UTIA-B 970152 AU eng C
Derviz, A.
Shadow asset prices and equilibria under restriction on portfolio composition and adjustment speed.
In: Quantitative Methods in Finance 1997. - (Ed. Platen, E.). - Sydney, Westpac 1997. - S. 80-116.
[Quantitative Methods in Finance 1997. (AU), 97.08.20-97.09.03]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) A808 5701

056136 - UTIA-B 980077 US eng C
Eldem, V. - Özcaldiran, K. - Zagalak, P.
A note on diagonal decoupling.
In: Proceedings of the 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. - (Ed. Warwick, K.). - Piscataway, IEEE Control Systems Society 1997. - S. 1425-1430.
[IEEE Conference on Decision and Control /36./. (US), 97.12.10-97.12.12]

056126 - UTIA-B 980001 CZ eng V
Fialová, L.
A Computer Software for Graphical Processing of Musical Compositions. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1997. - 20 s.

056127 - UTIA-B 980002 CZ cze V
Fialová, L.
Numerická analýza notových posloupností W.A.Mozarta. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1997. - 228 s.

056128 - UTIA-B 980003 CZ cze V
Fialová, L.
Numerická analýza notových posloupností G.F.Händela. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1997. - 104 s.

044553 - UTIA-B 970118 CZ cze V
Fidler, J.
Řešení úlohy optimálního řízení s nediferenciálními omezeními a obecnými okrajovými podmínkami. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1997. - 38 s. - (Research Report. 1910).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) A207 5702; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK107 5601

056811 - UTIA-B 981213 CZ cze D
Flusser, J.
Integrální invarianty pro popis a automatické rozpoznávání objektů. Habilitační práce. (Ed. Plačková, A.). - Praha, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta UK 1997. - 44 s.

040615 - UTIA-B 970017 CZ eng V
Flusser, J. - Suk, T.
Degraded Image Analysis: An Invariant Approach. (Ed. Hamza, M. H.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1997. - 28 s.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1694

044557 - UTIA-B 970123 NL eng J
Flusser, J. - Suk, T.
Classification of degraded signals by the method of invariants.
Signal Processing, 60 [2] 243-249 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1694; GA ČR(CZ) GA205/95/0293
[Impact factor: 0.702(99) 0.685(00) 0.488(01) 0,536(02) 0.569(03) ]

044558 - UTIA-B 970124 CZ eng C
Flusser, J. - Suk, T.
Selecting the best features in the case of decreasing robustness.
In: Proceedings of the 1st IAPR TC1 Workshop on Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition. - (Ed. Pudil, P.; Novovičová, J.; Grim, J.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1997. - S. 49-54.
[STIPR '97 /1./. Prague (CZ), 97.06.09-97.06.11]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1694

040616 - UTIA-B 970019 CZ eng V
Gao, H. - Kárný, M.
Dual Bayesian Adaptive Control of A Simple Stochastic System. (Ed. Hamza, M. H.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1997. - 6 s.
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) A207 5606; Copernicus(XE) CT 94:0237

045306 - UTIA-B 970142 BE eng C
Gao, H. - Kárný, M. - Sláma, M.
Performance of feasible Markov chain-based predictors for nonlinear systems.
In: European Control Conference. [CD-ROM]. - (Ed. Gevers, M.). - Brussels, EUCA 1997. - 198 kB s.
[ECC '97 /4./. (BE), 97.07.01-97.07.04]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) A207 5606; GA AV ČR(CZ) A207 5603

044510 - UTIA-B 970071 CZ eng C
Gottwald, S. - Novák, V.
On the consistency of fuzzy theories.
In: Proceedings of the 7th International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress. - 1 - (Ed. Mareš, M.; Mesiar, R.; Novák, V.; Ramík, J.; Stupňanová, A.). - Prague, Academia 1997. - S. 168-171.
[IFSA '97 /7./. Prague (CZ), 97.06.25-97.06.29]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/96/0414

040603 - UTIA-B 970002 CZ eng V
Grim, J.
Maximum-Likelihood Structuring of Probabilistic Neural Networks. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1997. - 18 s.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/0320; GA MŠk(CZ) VS*96063; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK107 5601

040631 - UTIA-B 970035 CZ eng C
Grim, J.
Mixture of experts architectures for neural networks as a special case of conditional expectation formula.
In: Proceedings of the 1st IAPR TC1 Workshop on Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition. - (Ed. Grim, J.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1997. - S. 55-60.
[STIPR '97 /1./. (CZ), 97.06.09-97.06.11]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK107 5601; GA AV ČR(CZ) A207 5703; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96063

040613 - UTIA-B 970015 US eng C
Guy, T. V. - Kárný, M.
Spline-based hybrid adaptive controller.
In: Modelling, Identification and Control. Proceedings. - (Ed. Hamza, M. H.). - Anaheim, IASTED-Acta Press 1997. - S. 118-122.
[IASTED International Conference /16./. (AT), 97.02.17-97.02.19]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) A207 5606; Copernicus(XE) CP 94:1174

056808 - UTIA-B 980202 CZ eng V
Haindl, M. - Havlíček, V.
Texture Analysis. (Ed. Plačková, A.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1997. - 18 s.
Grant: Copernicus(XE) 960174

056809 - UTIA-B 980203 CZ eng V
Haindl, M. - Havlíček, V.
Prototype Implementation of the Texture Analysis Objects. (Ed. Plačková, A.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1997. - 10 s.
Grant: Copernicus(XE) 960174

040635 - UTIA-B 970039 CZ eng C
Haindl, M. - Šimberová, S.
A scratch removal method.
In: Proceedings of the 1st IAPR TC1 Workshop on Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition. - (Ed. Grim, J.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1997. - S. 61-66.
[STIPR '97 /1./. (CZ), 97.06.09-97.06.11]

056133 - UTIA-B 980010 SG eng B
Haindl, M. - Šimberová, S.
A regression model contribution to astronomical image reconstruction.
In: Data Analysis in Astronomy. - (Ed. Heck, A.). - Singapore, World Scientific 1997. - S. 303-310.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA205/95/0293

056988 - ASU-R 980153 SG eng C
Haindl, M. - Šimberová, S.
A regression model contribution to astronomical image reconstruction.
In: Data analysis in astronomy. - (Ed. DiGesu, V.; Duff, M.; Heck, A.; Maccarone, M.C.; Scarsi, L.; - Zimmerman, H.V.). - Singapore, World Scientific Publishing 1997. - S. 303-309.
[International Workshop on Data Analysis in Astronomy /5./. Erice ( IT), 96.10.27-96.11.03]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA205/95/0293; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1003601

040610 - UTIA-B 970012 FR eng Jx
Haindl, M. - Wiedermann, J.
ERCIM meetings in Prague. (Ed. Štěpán, J.). -
ERCIM News, [28] 2-3 (1997).

040606 - UTIA-B 970005 CZ eng C
Haindl, M. - Žid, P.
A range image segmentation method.
In: Czech Pattern Recognition Workshop '97. Proceedings. - (Ed. Pajdla, T.). - Praha, Czech Pattern Recognition Society 1997. - S. 69-76.
[Czech Pattern Recognition Workshop '97. (CZ), 97.02.17-97.02.20]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK107 5601

044525 - UTIA-B 970087 DE eng C
Haindl, M. - Žid, P.
Fast segmentation of range images.
In: Images Analysis and Processing. - (Ed. Del Bimbo, A.). - Berlin, Springer 1997. - S. 295-302. - (Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1310).
[International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing. Florence (IT), 97.09.17-97.09.19]

045317 - UTIA-B 970153 CZ eng C
Haindl, M. - Žid, P.
A range image segmentation method.
In: Week of Doctoral Students 1997. Proceedings. - (Ed. Šafránková, J.). - Praha, MFF UK 1997. - S. 115-121.
[WDS '97. (CZ), 97.06.24-97.06.27]
Grant: Copernicus(XE) INCO 96:0174

056810 - UTIA-B 980205 CZ eng V
Haindl, M. - Žid, P.
Scene Segmentation. (Ed. Plačková, A.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1997. - 14 s.
Grant: Copernicus(XE) 960174

045369 - UTIA-B 970209 CZ eng C
Halíř, R. - Flusser, J.
Estimation of profiles of sherds of archaeological pottery.
In: Czech Pattern Recognition Workshop '97. Proceedings. - (Ed. Pajdla, T.). - Praha, Czech Pattern Recognition Society 1997. - S. 126-130.
[Czech Pattern Recognition Workshop '97. (CZ), 97.02.17-97.02.20]

044498 - UTIA-B 970059 US eng J
Händel, P. - Tichavský, P.
Frequency rate estimation at high SNR.
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 45 [8] 2101-2105 (1997).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK107 5601; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0466
[Impact factor:0.637(92) 0.886(93) 1.234(94) 1.291(95) 1.565(96) 1.238(97) 1.402(98) 1.552(99) 1.203(00) 1.268(01) 1,159(02) 1.458(03) ]

044556 - UTIA-B 970122 NL eng J
Händel, P. - Tichavský, P.
Asymptotic noise gain of polynomial predictors.
Signal Processing, 62 [2] 247-250 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0466; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK107 5601
[Impact factor: 0.702(99) 0.685(00) 0.488(01) 0,536(02) 0.569(03) ]

040641 - UTIA-B 970047 FI eng C
Händel, P. - Tichavský, P. - Savaresi, S. M.
Performance analysis of a constrained high order adaptive notch filter.
In: Proceedings of the 1997 Finnish Signal Processing Symposium. - (Ed. Montesanto, A.). - Pori, TTKK 1997. - S. 21-24.
[Finnish Signal Processing Symposium. (FI), 97.05.22]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0466

044555 - UTIA-B 970120 FR eng V
Henrion, D. - Šebek, M.
Symmetric Matrix Polynomial Equation: Interpolation Results. Toulouse, LAAS-CNRS 1997. - 28 s. - (LAAS Report. 97040).
Grant: Copernicus(XE) CP 93:2424

045307 - UTIA-B 970143 BE eng C
Henrion, D. - Šebek, M.
An efficient numerical method for the discrete time symmetric matrix polynomial equation.
In: European Control Conference. [CD-ROM]. - (Ed. Gevers, M.). - Brussels, EUCA 1997. - 174 kB s.
[ECC '97 /4./. (BE), 97.07.01-97.07.04]
Grant: Copernicus(XE) CP 93:2424

044491 - UTIA-B 970050 NL eng J
Heřmanská, J. - Kárný, M.
Bayesian estimation of effective half-life in dosimetric applications.
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 24 [4] 467-482 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA312/94/0679; Commission EU(XE) Cost OC B2.20
[Impact factor:0.250(92) 0.412(93) 0.431(94) 0.285(95) 0.118(96) 0.275(97) 0.346(98) 0.295(99) 0.374(00) 0.420(01) 0,458(02) 0.711(03) ]

045310 - UTIA-B 970146 CY eng C
Hušek, P. - Šebek, M. - Štecha, J.
Numerical operations among rational matrices: Standard techniques and interpolation.
In: Proceedings of the 5th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Systems. [CD-ROM]. - (Ed. Gevers, M.). - Paphos, FOCUS 1997. - 80168 B s.
[IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Systems /5./. (CY), 97.07.21-97.07.23]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0861

045328 - UTIA-B 970166 US eng B
Hušková, M.
L1- Test procedures for detection of change.
In: L1- Statistical Procedures and Related Topics. - (Ed. Dodge, Y.). - California, Institute of Mathematical Statistics 1997. - S. 57-70.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/97/1163

045329 - UTIA-B 970167 US eng B
Hušková, M.
Limit theorems for M-processes.
In: Advances in Combinatorial Methods and Applications to Probability and Statistics. - (Ed. Balakrishnan, N.). - Boston, Birkhäuser 1997. - S. 522-534.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/94/0472

040619 - UTIA-B 970022 CZ eng J
Janžura, M.
Asymptotic results in parameter estimation for Gibbs random fields. (Ed. Hamza, M. H.). -
Kybernetika, 33 [2] 133-159 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/96/0731
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

040634 - UTIA-B 970038 CZ eng C
Janžura, M.
A MCMC solution to the knowledge integration problem.
In: Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing. - (Ed. Rao, C. R.). - Praha, VŠE 1997. - S. 62-73.
[WUPES '97 /4./. (CZ), 97.01.22-97.01.25]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/96/0731

040639 - UTIA-B 970044 CZ eng C
Janžura, M.
Aproximace aposteriorních distribucí.
In: ROBUST '96. Sborník prací deváté letní školy JČMF. - (Ed. Dohnal, G.). - Praha, JČMF 1997. - S. 73-84.
[ROBUST '96. (CZ), 96.09.02-96.09.06]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) A207 5603

045356 - UTIA-B 970196 PL eng C
Ježek, J. - Preisler, M.
Use of delta distributions in space-time control systems.
In: Dycomans Workshop 4. Control and Management in Computer Integrated Systems. Preprints. - (Ed. Simek, K.). - Zakopane, Institute of Automatic Control 1997. - S. 41-44.
[Dycomans Workshop /4./. (PL), 97.09.25-97.09.28]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/0294

044563 - UTIA-B 970129 NL eng C
Jiroušek, R.
Artificial intelligence, the marginal problem and inconsistency.
In: Distributions with Given Marginals and Moment Problems. - (Ed. Beneš, V.; Štěpán, J.). - Dordrecht, Kluwer 1997. - S. 223-234.
[Distributions with Given Marginals and Moment Problems. Prague (CZ) , 96.09.02-96.09.06]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) VS*96008; GA ČR(CZ) GA201/94/0471

044568 - UTIA-B 970134 US eng C
Jiroušek, R.
Composition of probability measures on finite spaces.
In: Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. Proceedings. - (Ed. Geiger, D.; Shenoy, P. P.). - San Francisco, Morgan Kaufmann 1997. - S. 274-281.
[Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence /13./. Providence (IS), 97.08.01-97.08.03]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) VS*96008

044548 - UTIA-B 970113 NL eng J
Jiroušek, R. - Kushmerick, N.
Constructing probabilistic models.
International Journal of Medical Informatics, 45 [6] 9-18 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/94/0471; GA MŠk(CZ) VS*96008; Copernicus(XE) CT 93:0053
[Impact factor: 0.000(97) 0.357(98) 0.511(99) 0.699(00) 1.459(01) 1,000(02) 1.178(03) ]

045333 - UTIA-B 970171 DE eng C
Kadlec, J.
Rapid prototyping and parallel processing under MATLAB 5.
In: Tagungsband. 3. Zittauer Workshop Magnetlagertechnik. - (Ed. Worlitz, F.). - Zittau, IPM 1997. - S. 101-104.
[Zittauer Workshop Magnetlagertechnik /3./. (DE), 97.09.11-97.09.12]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0926; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0118; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/1614

045334 - UTIA-B 970172 DE eng C
Kadlec, J.
Para-Mat parallel processing under MATLAB.
In: Simulationstechnik. Tagungsband. - (Ed. Wenzel, S.). - Braunschweig, Vieweg 1997. - S. 684-687.
[Simulationstechnik /11./. (DE), 97.11.11-97.11.14]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 102/95/0626; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/1614; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0118

045347 - UTIA-B 970186 CZ eng C
Kadlec, J.
Parallel processing on Alphas under MATLAB 5.
In: SOFSEM '97: Theory and Practice of Informatics. - (Ed. Jeffery, K. G.). - Berlin, Springer 1997. - S. 440-448.
[Seminar on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Informatics /24./. (CZ), 97.11.22-97.11.29]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/0926; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0118; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/1614

045332 - UTIA-B 970170 GB eng J
Kadlec, J. - Gaston, F. M. F. - Irwin, G. W.
A parallel fixed-point predictive controller. (Ed. Balakrishnan, N.). -
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 11 [5] 415-430 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/0897; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/1614; SERC(GB)
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 0.167(93) 0.211(94) 0.514(95) 0.194(96) 0.307(97) 0.181(98) 0.291(99) 0.342(00) 0.241(01) 0,540(02) 0.602(03) ]

045350 - UTIA-B 970189 KR eng C
Kadlec, J. - Vialatte, C.
Rapid prototyping and parallel processing under MATLAB 5.
In: MATLAB Conference 1997. - (Ed. Bouchon-Meunier, B.). - Seoul, Kimhua Technology 1997. - S. 120-125.
[MATLAB Conference '97. (KR), 97.10.13-97.10.14]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 102/95/0626; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/1614; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0118

040628 - UTIA-B 970032 NL eng C
Kaňková, V.
On an epsilon-solution of minimax problem in stochastic programming.
In: Distributions with Given Marginals and Moment Problems. - (Ed. Štěpán, J.). - Dordrecht, Kluwer 1997. - S. 211-216.
[Distributions with Given Marginals and Moment Problems. (CZ), 96.09.02-96.09.06]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) A107 5502

040636 - UTIA-B 970040 CZ eng V
Kaňková, V.
On Empirical Estimates in Stochastic Programming Problems with Probability Objectives. (Ed. Grim, J.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1997. - 17 s.
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) A107 5502; GA ČR(CZ) GA402/96/0420

044542 - UTIA-B 970104 CZ eng C
Kaňková, V.
A note on test of stability in economic input-output systems.
In: Information Asymmetries on Capital Markets Emerging in Transition Countries, the Case of the Czech Capital Market. - (Ed. Vošvrda, M.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1997. - S. 175-180.
[Workshop to ACE Phare Project P95-2014-R. Prague (CZ), 97.04.21-97.04.23]
Grant: ACE Phare(XE) P95-2014-R

044546 - UTIA-B 970110 DE eng J
Kaňková, V.
On estimates in time dependent stochastic optimization.
Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 77 [ Supplement] 587-588 (1997).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) A107 5502
[Impact factor:0.142(91) 0.174(92) 0.133(93) 0.388(94) 0.105(95) 0.182(96) 0.128(97) 0.107(98) 0.171(99) 0.407(00) 0.238(01) 0,085(02) 0.154(03) ]

045313 - UTIA-B 970149 MX eng C
Kaňková, V.
Convexity, Lipschitz property and differentiability in two-stage stochastic nonlinear programming problems.
In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Approximation and Optimization in the Caribbean. [WWW]. - (Ed. Guddat, J.). - Puebla, Universidad Autónoma 1997. - S.
[Approximation and Optimization in the Caribbean /3./. (MX), 95.10.08-95.10.13]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) A107 5502

045314 - UTIA-B 970150 CH eng A
Kaňková, V.
A note on exponential rate convergence in stochastic programming problems. Abstract.
In: International Symposium on Mathematical Programming. Abstracts. - (Ed. Guddat, J.). - Lausanne, EPFL 1997. - S. 142.
[ISMP '97 /16./. (CH), 97.08.24-97.08.29]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/96/0420; GA AV ČR(CZ) A107 5502

045318 - UTIA-B 970154 DE eng A
Kaňková, V.
A note on the relationship between Kolmogorov metric and distribution sensitivity in stochastic programming. Abstract.
In: International Conference on Optimization and Optimal Control. Abstracts. - (Ed. Šafránková, J.). - Lambrecht, Pfalzakademie 1997. - S. -.
[Optimization and Optimal Control. (DE), 97.02.24-97.02.28]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) A107 5502; GA ČR(CZ) GA402/96/0420

045319 - UTIA-B 970155 DE eng A
Kaňková, V.
A note on stability and estimates in multistage stochastic programming. Abstract.
In: Stochastische Modelle und Steuerung. 2. GAMM-Workshop. Abstracts. - (Ed. Šafránková, J.). - Dresden, Technische Universität 1997. - S. 9.
[Stochastische Modelle und Steuerung /2./. (DE), 97.03.17-97.03.21]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) A207 5506; GA ČR(CZ) GA402/96/0420

045343 - UTIA-B 970182 CZ eng J
Kaňková, V.
On the stability in stochastic programming: the case of individual probability constraints. (Ed. Plešingr, J.). -
Kybernetika, 33 [5] 525-546 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/93/0631; GA ČR(CZ) GA402/96/0420
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

056130 - UTIA-B 980005 CZ eng V
Kaňková, V.
A Note on Contamination in Stochastic Programming Problems-General Case. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1997. - 19 s.
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 107 5502; GA ČR(CZ) GA402/96/0420

044502 - UTIA-B 970063 CZ eng C
Kaňková, V. - Sladký, K.
Risk-sensitive optimality criteria in multistage stochastic optimization.
In: Proceedings of the Mathematical Methods in Economics. - (Ed. Bauerová, D.; Hančlová, J.; Hrbáč, L.; Močkoř, J.; Ramík, J.). - Ostrava, VŠB 1997. - S. 95-101.
[MME '97 /15./. Ostrava (CZ), 97.09.09-97.09.11]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) A107 5502; GA AV ČR(CZ) A207 5506

044554 - UTIA-B 970119 CZ eng V
Kárný, M. - Böhm, J. - Nedoma, P.
Experiments with an Adaptive Network-Type LQG Control Design. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1997. - 20 s. - (Research Report. 1911).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0118; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2075606; GA AV ČR (CZ) A207 5603

045301 - UTIA-B 970137 DE eng B
Kárný, M. - Nedoma, P. - Berec, L.
Statistical decision making and neural networks.
In: Dealing with Complexity. A Neural Networks Approach. - (Ed. Kůrková, V.). - Berlin, Springer 1997. - S. 29-46.
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) A207 5603; GA AV ČR(CZ) A207 5606; Copernicus (XE) CP 94:1174; Copernicus(XE) CP 94:1320

044526 - UTIA-B 970088 US eng J
Kárný, M. - Šámal, M. - Böhm, J. - Backfrieder, W. - Bergmann, H.
Factor analysis of dynamic data: New algorithm finding a unique basis for factor space.
Journal of Nuclear Medicine. Supplement, 38 [5] 209 (1997).
[Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine /44./. San Antonio (US), 97.06.01-97.06.05]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) A207 5606; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK107 5601
[Impact factor: 3.326(99) 3.617(00) 4.510(01) 4,587(02) 4.899(03) ]

045302 - UTIA-B 970138 DE eng B
Kárný, M. - Warwick, K. - Kůrková, V.
Dealing with Complexity. A Neural Networks Approach. (Ed. Kůrková, V.). - Berlin, Springer 1997. - 308 s.
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) A207 5603; GA AV ČR(CZ) A207 5606; Copernicus (XE) CP 94:1174; Copernicus(XE) CP 94:1320

040614 - UTIA-B 970016 CZ eng V
Khailova, N.
Bayes Paradigm in Practice - Examples. Version 1. (Ed. Hamza, M. H.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1997. - 23 s.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0118; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2147701

044538 - UTIA-B 970100 IT eng C
Kittler, J. - Stoddart, A. J. - Santos-Victor, J. - Costeira, J. P. - Haindl, M. - Dobrovodský, K. - Andris, P. - Kurdel, P.
Virtuous: Autonomous acquisition of virtual reality models from real world scenes.
In: International Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region. - (Ed. Ceccarelli, M.). - Cassino, Studio 22 Edizion 1997. - S. 487-492.
[RAAD '97 /6./. Cassino (IT), 97.06.26-97.06.28]
Grant: Copernicus(XE) INCO 96:0174

039830 - UIVT-O 970054 CZ eng J
Klán, P. - Darbellay, G.
An Information-Theoretic Adaptive Method for Time Series Forecasting. (Ed. Pappas, C.). -
Neural Network World, 7 [2] 227-238 (1997).
Grant: Fonds National Suisse de la Recherche Scientifique(XE) CP93:9630

056553 - UTIA-B 980168 BE eng C
Klán, P. - Maršík, J. - Wilkie, J. - Gorez, R. - Smrček, F. - Krejčí, L.
Industrial controller ZEPADIG 10 self-tuning and autotuning algorithms.
In: European Control Conference. /CD-ROM/. - (Ed. Bastin, G.; Gevers, M.). - Brussels, EUCA 1997. - S. 145 kB.
[ECC '97 /4./. Brussels (BE), 97.07.01-97.07.04]

043331 - UIVT-O 970103 BE eng A
Klán, P. - Maršík, J. - Wilkie, J. - Gorez, R. - Smrček, F. - Krejčí, L.
Controller ZEPADIG 10 Self-Tuning and Autotuning Algorithms.
In: European Control Conference ECC 97. Final Programme and Paper Summaries. - II - Brussels, European Union Control Association 1997. - S. TH-A I5.
[ECC 97. Brussels (BE), 97.07.01-97.07.04]
Grant: COPERNICUS(XE) 93:9630

043355 - UIVT-O 970130 BE eng C
Klán, P. - Maršík, J. - Wilkie, J. - Gorez, R. - Smrček, F. - Krejčí, L.
Controller ZEPADIG 10 Self-Tuning and Autotuning Algorithms. [CD-ROM].
In: European Control Conference ECC 97. - Brussels, European Union Control Association 1997. - 22 Kb s.
[ECC 97. Brussels (BE), 97.07.01-97.07.04]
Grant: COPERNICUS(XE) 93:9630

044539 - UTIA-B 970101 CZ eng C
Kodera, J. - Vošvrda, M.
A description of the capital market in the Czech Republic (1995-1996).
In: Information Asymmetries on Capital Markets Emerging in Transition Countries, the Case of the Czech Capital Market. - (Ed. Vošvrda, M.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1997. - S. 1-22.
[Workshop to ACE Phare Project P95-2014-R. Prague (CZ), 97.04.21-97.04.23]
Grant: ACE Phare(XE) P95-2014-R

045362 - UTIA-B 970202 CZ eng V
Kodera, J.
A Dynamic Model of Inflation. (Ed. Ramík, J.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1997. - 9 s.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/94/0588

056556 - UTIA-B 980188 BE eng A
Kraffer, F.
State-space algorithm for the row-reduction of a polynomial matrix. Abstract.
In: Benelux Meeting of Systems and Control. Abstracts. - Namur, FUNDP 1997. - S. 45.
[Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control /16./. Houffalize (BE), 97.03.05-97.03.07]

056557 - UTIA-B 980189 BE eng C
Kraffer, F.
Row-reduction without polynomial operations: An algorithm.
In: European Control Conference. /CD-ROM/. - (Ed. Bastin, G.; Gevers, M.). - Brussels, EUCA 1997. - S. 173 kB.
[ECC '97 /4./. Brussels (BE), 97.07.01-97.07.04]

045377 - UTIA-B 970217 US eng C
Kraffer, F. - Kwakernaak, H.
A state-space algorithm for the spectral factorization.
In: Proceedings of the 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. - (Ed. Douček, P.). - San Diego, IEEE Control Systems Society 1997. - S. 4880-4881.
[IEEE Conference on Decision and Control /36./. (US), 97.12.13-97.12.15]

045308 - UTIA-B 970144 BE eng C
Kraus, F. J. - Kučera, V.
Robust assignment of polynomial matrix polytopes.
In: European Control Conference. [CD-ROM]. - (Ed. Gevers, M.). - Brussels, EUCA 1997. - 160 kB s.
[ECC '97 /4./. (BE), 97.07.01-97.07.04]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0861

044513 - UTIA-B 970074 GB eng J
Krejčí, R. - Bartoš, M. - Dvořák, J. - Nedoma, J. - Stehlík, J.
2D and 3D finite element pre- and post-processing in orthopaedy.
International Journal of Medical Informatics, 45 [1] 83-89 ( 1997).
[Impact factor: 0.000(97) 0.357(98) 0.511(99) 0.699(00) 1.459(01) 1,000(02) 1.178(03) ]

044504 - UTIA-B 970065 PL eng C
Krejčí, R. - Šimberová, S. - Flusser, J.
Half-blind restoration of images corrupted by atmospheric turbulence.
In: Pattern Recognition and Information Processing. - (Ed. Krasnoproshin, V.; Soldek, J.; Ablameyko, S.; Shmerko, V.). - Szczecin, WUPS 1997. - S. 384-387.
[PRIP '97 /4./. Minsk (BY), 97.05.20-97.05.22]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA205/95/0293

056981 - ASU-R 980022 BY eng C
Krejčí, R. - Šimberová, S. - Flusser, J.
Half-blind restoration of images corrupted by atmospheric turbulence.
In: Pattern recognition and image processing. - Szcecin, Technical University of Szcecin 1997. - S. 384-388.
[International conference of pattern recognition and image processing /4./. Minsk (BY), 97.05.20-97.05.22]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA205/95/0293

044505 - UTIA-B 970066 US eng V
Kružík, M.
DiPerna-Majda Measures and Uniform Integrability. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota 1997. - 15 s. - (IMA Preprint Series.; Research Report. 1494).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/96/0228

044506 - UTIA-B 970067 US eng V
Kružík, M.
Numerical Approach to Double Well Problems. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota 1997. - 19 s. - (IMA Preprint Series.; Research Report. 1485).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/96/0228

056554 - UTIA-B 980171 CZ eng J
Kružík, M. - Roubíček, T.
On the measures of DiPerna and Majda.
Mathematica Bohemica, 122 [4] 383-399 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/96/0228; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1075707

044564 - UTIA-B 970130 NL eng C
Kříž, O.
Inconsistent marginal problem on finite sets.
In: Distributions with Given Marginals and Moment Problems. - (Ed. Beneš, V.; Štěpán, J.). - Dordrecht, Kluwer 1997. - S. 235-242.
[Distributions with Given Marginals and Moment Problems. Prague (CZ) , 96.09.02-96.09.06]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/94/0471

045321 - UTIA-B 970157 CZ cze C
Kříž, O.
Některé aspekty terciálního řízení U a Q v ES ČR.
In: Řízení napětí a jalových výkonů v elektrizační soustavě České republiky. 2. ročník. - (Ed. Beran, J.). - Praha, EGÚ 1997. - S. 67-71.
[Řízení napětí a jalových výkonů v elektrizační soustavě České republiky. /2./. (CZ), 97.11.04-97.11.05]

040611 - UTIA-B 970013 ES eng C
Kučera, V.
Control system design via parametrization.
In: Computer Aided System Theory and Technology. - (Ed. Pichler, F. R.). - Las Palmas, Universidad de Las Palmas 1997. - S. 87-89.
[EUROCAST '97 /5./. (ES), 97.02.24-97.02.28]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0861

040612 - UTIA-B 970014 US eng C
Kučera, V.
The Riccati equation of optimal control.
In: Modelling, Identification and Control. Proceedings. - (Ed. Hamza, M. H.). - Anaheim, IASTED-Acta Press 1997. - S. 1-2.
[IASTED International Conference /16./. (AT), 97.02.17-97.02.19]

040621 - UTIA-B 970024 SK eng C
Kučera, V.
Robust regional pole placement.
In: Proceedings of the 11th Conference Process Control '97. - (Ed. Dvoran, J.). - Bratislava, Slovak University of Technology 1997. - S. 116-122.
[Process Control '97 /11./. (SK), 97.06.08-97.06.11]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0861

044496 - UTIA-B 970057 AT eng Jx
Kučera, V.
Control theory and forty years of IFAC: A personal view.
IFAC Newsletter, [3] 4 (1997).

044527 - UTIA-B 970089 TR eng C
Kučera, V.
A bridge between state-space and transfer-function methods.
In: Preprints of the 4th Symposium on Advances in Control Education. - Istanbul, Bogazici University 1997. - S. 3-10.
[ACE '97 /4./. Istanbul (TR), 97.07.14-97.07.16]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0861

044529 - UTIA-B 970091 PL eng C
Kučera, V.
Feedback realization of cascade compensators.
In: Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics. - 2 - (Ed. Domek, S.; Emirsajlow, Z.; Kaszynski, R.). - Szczecin, WUPS 1997. - S. 431-438.
[MMAR '97 /4./. Miedzyzdroje (PL), 97.08.26-97.08.29]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0861

044530 - UTIA-B 970092 SK cze C
Kučera, V.
Návrh robustních regulátorů metodou umístění pólů.
In: Zborník stretnutia katedier a ústavov kybernetiky a automatizácie SR a ČR. - (Ed. Sarnovský, J.). - Košice, Technická univerzita 1997. - S. 173-185.
[SKÚ '97. Stará Lesná (SK), 97.09.10-97.09.12]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) VS 97034; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0861

044535 - UTIA-B 970097 SK eng C
Kučera, V.
Linear systems: Transfer functions, structure, and control.
In: Preprints of the International Summer School on Computer Aided Education in Automation and Control. - (Ed. Huba, M.). - Bratislava, Slovak University of Technology 1997. - S. 196-220.
[Computer Aided Education in Automation and Control. Bratislava (SK) , 97.08.24-97.09.06]

045311 - UTIA-B 970147 CY eng C
Kučera, V.
Transfer function equivalence of feedback/feedforward compensators.
In: Proceedings of the 5th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Systems. [CD-ROM]. - (Ed. Gevers, M.). - Paphos, FOCUS 1997. - 438 kB s.
[IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Systems /5./. (CY), 97.07.21-97.07.23]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0861

040617 - UTIA-B 970020 GB eng J
Kučera, V. - Martínez, G. - Malabre, M.
Partial model matching: Parametrization of solutions. (Ed. Hamza, M. H.). -
Automatica, 33 [5] 975-977 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/0294; CONACYT(MX) 2529P-A9509
[Impact factor:0.796(91) 0.736(92) 0.825(93) 0.900(94) 0.834(95) 0.782(96) 0.871(97) 0.741(98) 0.911(99) 1.280(00) 1.449(01) 1,630(02) 1.683(03) ]

044565 - UTIA-B 970131 GB eng C
Kulhavý, R.
Approximate fault detection and isolation using compressed data.
In: Preprints of IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes. - 2 - (Ed. Patton, R. J.; Chen, J.). - Hull, IFAC 1997. - S. 1009-1014.
[SAFEPROCESS '97. Hull (GB), 97.08.26-97.08.28]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) A207 5603; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0466

044567 - UTIA-B 970133 BE eng C
Kulhavý, R.
System identification: From matching data to matching probabilities.
In: European Control Conference. - Plenary Lectures and Mini-Courses. - (Ed. Bastin, G.; Gevers, M.). - Brussels, EUCA 1997. - S. 131-160.
[ECC '97 /4./. Brussels (BE), 97.07.01-97.07.04]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) A207 5603; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0466

044566 - UTIA-B 970132 JP eng C
Kulhavý, R. - Tesař, L.
On dual expression of prior information in Bayesian parameter estimation.
In: Preprints of the 11th IFAC Symposium on System Identification. - 2 - (Ed. Sawaragi, Y.; Sagara, S.). - Kitakyushu, IFAC 1997. - S. 451-456.
[SYSID '97. Kitakyushu (JP), 97.07.08-97.07.11]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 207 5603; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0466

055017 - UMG-J 980026 IE eng A
Lipoldová, M. - Svobodová, M. - Krulová, M. - Havelková, H. - Badalová, J. - Nohýnková, E. - Holáň, V. - Volf, P. - Démant, P.
Complex genetic control of Leishmania major induced pathology in mice.
Immunology Letters, 56 [1-3] 213 (1997).
[European Immunology Meeting /13./. Amsterdam (NL), 97.06.22-97.06.25]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA5052604; GA ČR(CZ) GA310/96/1311
[Impact factor:1.513(91) 1.559(92) 1.241(93) 1.223(94) 1.241(95) 1.255(96) 1.096(97) 1.485(98) 1.494(99) 1.546(00) 2.009(01) 1,847(02) 1.710(03) ]

045327 - UTIA-B 970165 GB eng J
Liu, X. - Čelikovský, S.
Feedback control of affine nonlinear singular control systems. (Ed. van Dort, A. M.). -
International Journal of Control, 68 [ 4] 753-774 (1997).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275403
[Impact factor:0.552(91) 0.669(92) 0.610(93) 0.617(94) 0.599(95) 0.413(96) 0.459(97) 0.518(98) 0.530(99) 0.705(00) 0.736(01) 0,861(02) 0.912(03) ]

044522 - UTIA-B 970084 CN eng J
Liu, X. P. - Kučera, V.
Strong decoupling of descriptor systems via proportional state feedback.
Kybernetika, 33 [4] 371-386 (1997).
Grant: NSF(CN)
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

040622 - UTIA-B 970025 CZ eng C
Mareš, M.
Fuzzy coalition forming.
In: Proceedings of the Seventh International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress. - (Ed. Stupňanová, A.). - Prague, Academia 1997. - S. 70-73.
[IFSA '97 /7./. (CZ), 97.06.25-97.06.29]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/96/0414; GA MŠk(CZ) VS*96063; EU(XE) Phare ACE-P95-2014-R

040642 - UTIA-B 970048 SIGLE CZ eng C
Mareš, M.
Fuzzification possibilities in the capital market model.
In: Workshop to ACE-Project P95-2014-R. - (Ed. Vošvrda, M.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1997. - S. 151-157.
[Workshop to ACE Project P95-2014-R. (CZ), 97.04.21-97.04.23]
Grant: ACE Phare(XE) P95-2014-R

044533 - UTIA-B 970095 CZ cze C
Mareš, M.
Internet ve vědě jako model rovnováhy.
In: RUFIS '97. Úloha univerzit v budoucí informační společnosti. - (Ed. Hlavička, J.; Květoň, K.). - Praha, ČVUT 1997. - S. 131-136.
[RUFIS '97. Praha (CZ), 97.09.24-97.09.27]

044543 - UTIA-B 970106 NL eng J
Mareš, M.
Weak arithmetics of fuzzy numbers.
Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 91 [2] 143-153 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/96/0414; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96063; ACE Phare(XE) P95-2014-R
[Impact factor:0.498(91) 0.712(92) 0.655(93) 0.610(94) 0.445(95) 0.460(96) 0.346(97) 0.331(98) 0.468(99) 0.393(00) 0.470(01) 0,550(02) 0.577(03) ]

045341 - UTIA-B 970180 CZ cze C
Mareš, M.
Kritická cesta s vágními činnostmi.
In: Multidisciplinární přístupy k podpoře rozhodování v ekonomii a managementu. Workshop '97 grantu VS 96063. - (Ed. Plešingr, J.). - Jindřichův Hradec, Fakulta managementu JU 1997. - S. 5-14.
[Workshop '97. Grant VS 96063. (CZ), 97.11.12-97.11.13]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/96/0414; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96063

056140 - UTIA-B 980112 CZ eng J
Mareš, M.
Verbal quantitative information in economic reality. (Ed. Warwick, K.). -
Acta Oeconomica Pragensia. Informace, ekonomie a společnost, 5 [1] 121-134 (1997).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 107 5503; GA ČR(CZ) GA402/96/0414; PHARE(XE) P95-2014-R

067261 - UTIA-B 990109 RIV CZ cze M
Mareš, M.
Umělá inteligence se dobře prodává.
In: Manažerské rozhledy 97. Sborník odborných článků. - Jindřichův Hradec, Fakulta managementu JU 1997. - S. 22-28.
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1075601

067262 - UTIA-B 990111 RIV CZ cze M
Mareš, M.
Metoda kritické cesty v reálných podmínkách.
In: Manažerské rozhledy 97. Sborník odborných článků. - Jindřichův Hradec, Fakulta managementu JU 1997. - S. 54-64.
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) VS96063

040623 - UTIA-B 970026 CZ eng C
Mareš, M. - Mesiar, R. - Novák, V. - Ramík, J. - Stupňanová, A.
Proceedings of the 7th International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress. (Ed. Stupňanová, A.). - Prague, Academia 1997. - 2400 s.
[IFSA '97 /7./. (CZ), 97.06.25-97.06.29]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/96/0414; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96063; EU(XE) Phare ACE-P95-2014-R

067259 - UTIA-B 990062 FR eng J
Matulík, R.
Notebook for the Blind.
ERCIM News, [28] 19 (1997).

067260 - UTIA-B 990064 CZ cze J
Matulík, R.
GIN - zápisník pro nevidomé.
Computerworld, 8 [10] 45 (1997).

044550 - UTIA-B 970115 CZ eng J
Menéndez, M. L. - Morales, D. - Pardo, L. - Vajda, I.
Testing in stationary models based on divergences of observed and theoretical frequencies.
Kybernetika, 33 [5] 465-475 (1997).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) A107 5709; DGICYT(ES) PB93-0068; DGICYT(ES) PB93-0022
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

040618 - UTIA-B 970021 CZ eng V
Menéndez, M. - Morales, D. - Pardo, L. - Vajda, I.
About Parametric Estimation and Testing Based on Sample Quantiles. (Ed. Hamza, M. H.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1997. - 30 s.
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) A107 5709; UCM(ES) PR219/94-5307; DGICYT(ES) PB94-0308

044508 - UTIA-B 970069 CZ eng C
Mesiar, R.
k-Order Pan-discrete fuzzy measures.
In: Proceedings of the 7th International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress. - 1 - (Ed. Mareš, M.; Mesiar, R.; Novák, V.; Ramík, J.; Stupňanová, A.). - Prague, Academia 1997. - S. 488-490.
[IFSA '97 /7./. Prague (CZ), 97.06.25-97.06.29]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/96/0414

044514 - UTIA-B 970075 DE eng C
Mesiar, R.
Universal triangular conorms.
In: European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing. Proceedings. - 1 - Aachen, Mainz 1997. - S. 44-47.
[EUFIT '97 /5./. Aachen (DE), 97.09.08-97.09.11]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/96/0414

044524 - UTIA-B 970086 SK eng C
Mesiar, R. (Ed.)
Advanced Control: Fuzzy, Neural, Genetic. Preprints of the International Summer School. Bratislava, Slovak University of Technology 1997. - 255 s.
[Advanced Control. Bratislava (SK), 97.08.24-97.09.06]

045331 - UTIA-B 970169 NL eng J
Mesiar, R.
Possibility measures, integration and fuzzy possibility measures. (Ed. Balakrishnan, N.). -
Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 92 [2] 191-196 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/96/0414
[Impact factor:0.498(91) 0.712(92) 0.655(93) 0.610(94) 0.445(95) 0.460(96) 0.346(97) 0.331(98) 0.468(99) 0.393(00) 0.470(01) 0,550(02) 0.577(03) ]

045336 - UTIA-B 970175 NL eng J
Mesiar, R.
Triangular-norm-based addition of fuzzy intervals. (Ed. Wenzel, S.). -
Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 91, 231-237 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/96/0414
[Impact factor:0.498(91) 0.712(92) 0.655(93) 0.610(94) 0.445(95) 0.460(96) 0.346(97) 0.331(98) 0.468(99) 0.393(00) 0.470(01) 0,550(02) 0.577(03) ]

045337 - UTIA-B 970176 NL eng J
Mesiar, R.
Shape preserving additions of fuzzy intervals. (Ed. Wenzel, S.). -
Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 86, 73-78 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/96/0414
[Impact factor:0.498(91) 0.712(92) 0.655(93) 0.610(94) 0.445(95) 0.460(96) 0.346(97) 0.331(98) 0.468(99) 0.393(00) 0.470(01) 0,550(02) 0.577(03) ]

045364 - UTIA-B 970204 NL eng J
Mesiar, R. - Fullér, R.
Fuzzy Sets and Systems. Special Issue: Fuzzy Arithmetic. (Ed. Ramík, J.). -
Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 91 [2] 135-269 (1997).
[Impact factor:0.498(91) 0.712(92) 0.655(93) 0.610(94) 0.445(95) 0.460(96) 0.346(97) 0.331(98) 0.468(99) 0.393(00) 0.470(01) 0,550(02) 0.577(03) ]

045349 - UTIA-B 970188 SK eng C
Mesiar, R. - Kalina, M. - Stupňanová, A. - Nánásiová, O. - Haluška, J. (Eds.)
Proceedings of the Fuzzy Sets, Quantum Structures and Related Topics and Mathematics and Music. (Ed. Bouchon-Meunier, B.). - Bratislava, STU 1997. - 45 s.
[International Seminars of the Fuzzy Sets, Quantum Structures and Related Topics and Mathematics and Music. (SK), 97.04.18-97.04.20]

045363 - UTIA-B 970203 NL eng J
Mesiar, R. - Klement, E. P. - Weber, S. - Grabisch, M. (Eds.)
Fuzzy Sets and Systems. Special Issue: Fuzzy Measures and Integrals. (Ed. Ramík, J.). -
Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 92 [2] 137-260 (1997).
[Impact factor:0.498(91) 0.712(92) 0.655(93) 0.610(94) 0.445(95) 0.460(96) 0.346(97) 0.331(98) 0.468(99) 0.393(00) 0.470(01) 0,550(02) 0.577(03) ]

045348 - UTIA-B 970187 DE eng C
Mesiar, R. - Komorníková, M.
Triangular norm-based aggregation of evidence under fuzziness.
In: Aggregation and Fusion of Imperfect Information. - (Ed. Bouchon-Meunier, B.). - Berlin, Springer 1997. - S. 11-35.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/96/0414

044507 - UTIA-B 970068 CZ eng C
Mesiar, R. - Novák, V.
On fitting operations.
In: Proceedings of the Seventh International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress. - 1 - (Ed. Mareš, M.; Mesiar, R.; Novák, V.; Ramík, J.; Stupňanová, A.). - Prague, Academia 1997. - S. 286-290.
[IFSA '97 /7./. Prague (CZ), 97.06.25-97.06.29]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/96/0414

045338 - UTIA-B 970177 US eng J
Mesiar, R. - Pap, E.
On additivity and pseudo-additivity of a pseudo-additive measure based integral. (Ed. Wenzel, S.). -
The Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics, 5 [2] 351-364 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/96/0414

045365 - UTIA-B 970205 SK eng J
Mesiar, R. - Riečan, B.
Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications. Special Volume: Fuzzy Structures. (Ed. Ramík, J.). -
Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications, 13, 1-248 (1997).
[IFSA Congres '97 /7./. (CZ), 97.06.23-97.06.24]

045325 - UTIA-B 970163 CZ eng C
Michálek, J.
Detecting changes in econometric models.
In: Proceedings of the Mathematical Methods in Economics. - (Ed. Ramík, J.). - Ostrava, VŠB 1997. - S. 130-134.
[MME '97 /15./. (CZ), 97.09.09-97.09.11]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/96/0428

044549 - UTIA-B 970114 US eng J
Morales, D. - Pardo, L. - Vajda, I.
Some new statistics for testing hypotheses in parametric models.
Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 62 [1] 137-168 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/96/0415; UCM(ES) PR219/94-5307; DGICYT(ES) PB94-0308
[Impact factor:0.331(92) 0.387(93) 0.304(94) 0.291(95) 0.351(96) 0.301(97) 0.339(98) 0.359(99) 0.432(00) 0.500(01) 0,492(02) 0.320(03) ]

045352 - UTIA-B 970191 JP eng C
Nedoma, P. - Kárný, M. - Böhm, J.
ABET: MATLAB toolbox for prior design of LQG adaptive controllers.
In: Preprints of the 11th IFAC Symposium on System Identification. - (Ed. Sagara, S.). - Kitakyushu, IFAC 1997. - S. 91-93.
[SYSID '97. (JP), 97.07.08-97.07.11]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) A207 5606; Copernicus(XE) CT 94:0237; Copernicus (XE) CP 94:1174; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK107 5601

056129 - UTIA-B 980004 CZ eng V
Nedoma, P. - Kárný, M. - Böhm, J. - Bůcha, J. - Rojíček, J. - Berec, L.
ABET97. Adaptive Bayesian Estimation Toolbox for MATLAB. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1997. - 39 s.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0118

045330 - UTIA-B 970168 CZ eng V
Nedoma, P. - Kárný, M. - Pecha, P. - Kuča, P.
Predictive Capabilities of Bayesian Models under Sparce Informative Data with Application to Detection of Trends in Background Dose Rate Measurements. (Ed. Balakrishnan, N.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1997. - 47 s.
Grant: Copernicus(XE) PL963365

045360 - UTIA-B 970200 CH eng C
Novák, V.
Evaluating linguistic expressions and their role in the design of the fuzzy control strategy.
In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Fuzzy Logic and Applications. - (Ed. Steele, N.). - Zürich, Academic Press 1997. - S. 89-94.
[ISFL '97 /2./. (CH), 97.02.12-97.02.14]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) A108 6501; GA ČR(CZ) GA201/96/0985

044515 - UTIA-B 970076 DE eng C
Novák, V. - Perfilieva, I.
On model theory in fuzzy logic in broader sense.
In: European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing. Proceedings. - 1 - Aachen, Mainz 1997. - S. 142-147.
[EUFIT '97 /5./. Aachen (DE), 97.09.08-97.09.11]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/96/0414

045358 - UTIA-B 970198 ES eng C
Novák, V. - Perfilieva, I.
On logical and algebraic foundations of approximate reasoning.
In: FUZZ/IEEE '97. Proceedings. - (Ed. Simek, K.). - Barcelona, University of Barcelona 1997. - S. 693-698.
[FUZZ/IEEE '97. (ES), 97.07.01-97.07.05]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) A108 6501

045357 - UTIA-B 970197 FR eng J
Novák, V. - Zorat, A. - Fedrizzi, M.
A simple procedure for pattern pre-recognition based on fuzzy logic analysis. (Ed. Simek, K.). -
International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 5 [1] 31-45 (1997).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) A108 6501
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.000(93) 0.000(94) 0.630(95) 0.500(96) 0.542(97) 0.578(98) 0.342(99) 0.417(00) 0.538(01) 0,828(02) 0.536(03) ]

045305 - UTIA-B 970141 BE eng C
Nováková, E. - Kárný, M.
New approach to control design for Markov chains.
In: European Control Conference. [CD-ROM]. - (Ed. Gevers, M.). - Brussels, EUCA 1997. - 221 kB s.
[ECC '97 /4./. (BE), 97.07.01-97.07.04]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) A207 5606; Copernicus(XE) CP 94:1174

044501 - UTIA-B 970062 GB eng B
Novovičová, J. - Pudil, P.
Feature selection and classification by modified model with latent structure.
In: Dealing with Complexity a Neural Networks Approach. - (Ed. Kárný, M.; Warwick, K.; Kurkova, V.). - London, Springer 1997. - S. 126-138.
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) A207 5608; GA AV ČR(CZ) A207 5606

040605 - UTIA-B 970004 DE eng V
Outrata, J.
Optimality Conditions for a Class of Mathematical Programs with Equilibrium Constraints. Erlangen, Institut für Angewandte Mathematik 1997. - 17 s.
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) A107 5707; GIF(DE) 0455/95

044532 - UTIA-B 970094 DE eng C
Outrata, J.
On a special class of mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints.
In: Recent Advances in Optimization. - (Ed. Gritzmann, P.; Horst, R.; Sachs, E.; Tichatschke, R.). - Berlin, Springer 1997. - S. 246-260. - (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems. 452 ).
[French-German Conference on Optimization /8./. Trier (DE), 96.07.21-96.07.26]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) A107 5707

040624 - UTIA-B 970027 US eng C
Outrata, J. - Kočvara, M.
A nonsmooth approach to optimization problems with equilibrium constraints.
In: Complementarity and Variational Problems. - (Ed. Pang, J.S.). - Philadelphia, SIAM 1997. - S. 148-164.
[International Conference on Complementarity Problems. (US), 95.11.01-95.11.04]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA175101; BMBF(DE) 03ZO7BAY

040629 - UTIA-B 970033 DE eng C
Outrata, J. - Kočvara, M.
On exterior penalties in equilibrium problems.
In: Operations Research. Proceedings 1996. - (Ed. Schuster, K. P.). - Berlin, Springer 1997. - S. 37-42.
[Symposium on Operations Research (SOR 96). (DE), 96.09.03-96.09.06]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) A107 5707

044492 - UTIA-B 970051 US eng J
Pardo, M. C. - Vajda, I.
About distances of discrete distributions satisfying the data processing theorem of information theory.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 43 [4] 1288-1293 (1997).
Grant: DGICYT(ES) PB93-0068; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/0320
[Impact factor:1.230(92) 1.163(93) 1.971(94) 1.840(95) 1.698(96) 1.354(97) 2.083(98) 2.009(99) 0.654(00) 2.077(01) 2,045(02) 2.245(03) ]

045326 - UTIA-B 970164 NL eng C
Pechová, E. - Pecha, P. - Nedoma, P.
Application of PC-COSYMA code such a verification tool used in stage of NPP design.
In: Proceedings of the 4th COSYMA Users Group Meeting. - (Ed. van Dort, A. M.). - Arnhem, KEMA 1997. - S. 1-23.
[COSYMA Users Group Meeting /4./. (CZ), 97.09.23-97.09.24]

044495 - UTIA-B 970055 US eng J
Picard, P. - Lafay, J. F. - Kučera, V.
Feedback realization of nonsingular precompensators for linear systems with delays.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 42 [6] 848-852 (1997).
[Impact factor:0.945(91) 0.994(92) 0.931(93) 0.867(94) 0.833(95) 0.918(96) 0.819(97) 0.874(98) 1.643(99) 1.488(00) 1.222(01) 1,553(02) 1.896(03) ]

044521 - UTIA-B 970083 KR eng C
Pik, J.
Incorrect observations in failure diagnosis of discrete event systems.
In: Intelligent Manufacturing Systems '97. Preprints. - Seoul, IFAC 1997. - S. 203-206.
[IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems '97. /4./. Seoul (KR), 97.07.21-97.07.23]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) A207 5505; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1671

044531 - UTIA-B 970093 CZ eng C
Pik, J.
Transformation of structural patterns or discrete events? An application of structural methods in discrete event systems.
In: Proceedings of the 1st IAPR TC1 Workshop on Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition. - (Ed. Pudil, P.; Novovičová, J.; Grim, J.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1997. - S. 119-124.
[Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition /1./. Prague (CZ), 97.06.09-97.06.11]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) A207 5505; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1671

044534 - UTIA-B 970096 AT eng C
Pik, J.
A hierarchical event structure: An application of the selectivity principle in discrete event systems.
In: The Role of Pragmatics in Contemporary Philosophy. - 2 - (Ed. Weingartner, P.; Schurz, G.; Dorn, G.). - Kirchberg, The Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society 1997. - S. 770-775.
[International Wittgenstein Symposium /20./. Kirchberg (AT), 97.08.10-97.08.16]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) A207 5505; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1671

045304 - UTIA-B 970140 NL eng C
Pik, J.
Event uncertainty in failure diagnosis of discrete event systems.
In: Advances in Intelligent Systems. - (Ed. Morabito, F. G.). - Amsterdam, IOS Press 1997. - S. 414-417.
[AMSE-ISIS '97. (IT), 97.09.11-97.09.13]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1671; GA AV ČR(CZ) A207 5505

056132 - UTIA-B 980008 GR eng C
Preisler, M.
2-D space-time control systems.
In: Life Cycle Approaches to Production Systems. Management, Control, Supervision. Proceedings. - Rion, University of Patras 1997. - S. 492-499.
[ASI '97. (HU), 97.07.14-97.07.18]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/0294

045374 - UTIA-B 970214 CZ cze C
Pudil, P. - Fuka, K. - Plešingr, J. - Somol, P. - Vrňata, R.
Vize a koncepce výstupu z projektu "Multidisciplinární přístupy k podpoře rozhodování v ekonomii a managementu".
In: Multidisciplinární přístupy k podpoře rozhodování v ekonomii a managementu. Workshop '97 - Grant VS 96063. - (Ed. Plešingr, J.). - Jindřichův Hradec, FM JU 1997. - S. 41-49.
[Workshop '97 - Grant VS 96063. (CZ), 97.11.12-97.11.13]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) VS96063; GA ČR(CZ) GA402/97/1242

044551 - UTIA-B 970116 FR eng J
Pudil, P. - Haindl, M.
Statistical techniques in pattern recognition.
ERCIM News, - [31] 57 (1997).

056145 - UTIA-B 980157 CZ eng C
Pudil, P. - Novovičová, J. - Grim, J. (Eds.)
Proceedings of the 1st IAPR TC1 Workshop on Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition. (Ed. Warwick, K.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1997. - 210 s.
[STIPR '97 /1./. (CZ), 97.06.09-97.06.11]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 207 5608; GA AV ČR(CZ) 207 5606; GA MŠk(CZ) VS 96063; GA ČR(CZ) GA402/97/1242

040632 - UTIA-B 970036 CZ eng C
Pudil, P. - Novovičová, J. - Somol, P. - Vrňata, R.
Conceptual base of feature selection consulting system.
In: Proceedings of the 1st IAPR TC1 Workshop on Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition. - (Ed. Grim, J.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1997. - S. 125-134.
[STIPR '97 /1./. (CZ), 97.06.09-97.06.11]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) VS96063; GA AV ČR(CZ) A207 5608; GA ČR(CZ) GA402/97/1242

045344 - UTIA-B 970183 CZ eng Cx
Pudil, P. - Novovičová, J. - Somol, P. - Vrňata, R.
User oriented approach to feature selection in statistical pattern recognition.
In: Multidisciplinární přístupy k podpoře rozhodování v ekonomii a managementu. Workshop '97 grantu VS 96063. - (Ed. Plešingr, J.). - Jindřichův Hradec, Fakulta managementu JU 1997. - S. 15-26.
[Workshop '97. Grant VS 96063. (CZ), 97.11.12-97.11.13]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) VS96063; GA ČR(CZ) GA402/97/1242

045372 - UTIA-B 970212 CZ cze C
Pudil, P. - Říhová, Z.
Participativní rozhodování z hlediska chování manažérů a distribuce informací. Vybrané výsledky mezinárodní studie.
In: Manažérské rozhledy '96. Sborník prací FM JU. - (Ed. Mildeová, J.). - Jindřichův Hradec, FM JU 1997. - S. 33-34.
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) VS96063

045375 - UTIA-B 970215 DE eng C
Pudil, P. - Říhová, Z.
Potential of floating search methods for managing redundant information.
In: Proceedings of the 4th Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks. - (Ed. Douček, P.). - München, R.Oldenbourg 1997. - S. 72-81.
[IDIMT'96 /4./. (CZ), 96.10.16-96.10.18]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) VS96063

045353 - UTIA-B 970192 CZ eng J
Roubíček, T.
Nonconcentrating generalized Young functionals. (Ed. Sagara, S.). -
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae, 38 [1] 91-99 (1997).

045354 - UTIA-B 970193 DE eng B
Roubíček, T.
Relaxation in Optimization Theory and Variational Calculus. (Ed. Sagara, S.). - Berlin, Walter de Gruyter 1997. - 474 s.

056555 - UTIA-B 980186 DE eng J
Roubíček, T. - Schmidt, W. H.
Existence of solutions of certain nonconvex optimal control problems governed by nonlinear integral equations.
Optimization, 42 [1] 91-109 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/96/0228
[Impact factor: 0.206(03) ]

056807 - UTIA-B 980195 RIV ES eng J
Rubio, A. M. - Víšek, J. Á.
Estimating the contamination level of data in the framework of linear regression analysis.
Qüestiió, 21 [1/2] 9-36 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/97/0770

056139 - UTIA-B 980102 DE eng J
Rukhin, A. L. - Vajda, I.
Change-point estimation as a nonlinear regression problem. (Ed. Beran, J.). -
Statistics, 30, [-] 181-200 (1997).
[Impact factor: 0.371(99) 0.267(00) 0.319(01) 0,245(02) 0.439(03) ]

045371 - UTIA-B 970211 CZ cze C
Říhová, Z. - Pudil, P.
Manažérské chování z hlediska participativního rozhodování. Vybrané výsledky mezinárodní studie.
In: Systémové přístupy '96. Sborník. - (Ed. Mildeová, J.). - Praha, VŠE 1997. - S. 105-112.
[Systémové přístupy '96. (CZ), 96.05.12]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) VS96063

045373 - UTIA-B 970213 CZ cze J
Říhová, Z. - Pudil, P.
Šíření a využívání informací z hlediska participativního rozhodování. (Ed. Mildeová, J.). -
Acta Oeconomica Pragensia. Informace, ekonomie a společnost, 5 [1] 93-101 (1997).
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) VS96063; GA ČR(CZ) GA402/97/1242; GA AV ČR(CZ) A207 5608

044544 - UTIA-B 970107 GB eng J
Schier, J.
Estimation of transport delay using parallel recursive modified Gram-Schmidt algorithm.
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 11 [5] 431-442 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/1614
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 0.167(93) 0.211(94) 0.514(95) 0.194(96) 0.307(97) 0.181(98) 0.291(99) 0.342(00) 0.241(01) 0,540(02) 0.602(03) ]

040604 - UTIA-B 970003 CZ rus V
Schlesinger, M. I.
Identifikacija statističeskich parametrov v odnoj modeli uslovnoj nezavisimosti. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1997. - 21 s.
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK107 5601

044545 - UTIA-B 970109 DE eng J
Sladký, K.
Overtaking optimality in dynamic nonnegative systems.
Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 77 [ Supplement] 675-676 (1997).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) A107 5502; GA AV ČR(CZ) A207 5506
[Impact factor:0.142(91) 0.174(92) 0.133(93) 0.388(94) 0.105(95) 0.182(96) 0.128(97) 0.107(98) 0.171(99) 0.407(00) 0.238(01) 0,085(02) 0.154(03) ]

045312 - UTIA-B 970148 MX eng C
Sladký, K.
On composite stability of time-varying discrete interval systems.
In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Approximation and Optimization in the Caribbean. [WWW]. - (Ed. Guddat, J.). - Puebla, Universidad Autónoma 1997. -
[Approximation and Optimization in the Caribbean /3./. (MX), 95.10.08-95.10.13]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) A207 5506

045320 - UTIA-B 970156 DE eng A
Sladký, K.
Perturbations and error bounds for dynamic nonnegative systems. Abstract.
In: Stochastische Modelle und Steuerung. 2. GAMM-Workshop. Abstracts. - (Ed. Šafránková, J.). - Dresden, Technische Universität 1997. - S. 19.
[Stochastische Modelle und Steuerung /2./. (DE), 97.03.17-97.03.21]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) A207 5506; GA ČR(CZ) GA402/96/0420

044516 - UTIA-B 970077 US eng C
Smid, J. - Volf, P.
Dynamics approximation and change point retrieval from a neural networks model.
In: Mathematics of Neural Networks. Models, Algorithms and Applications. - (Ed. Ellacott, S. W.; Mason, J. C.; Anderson, I. J.). - Boston, Kluwer 1997. - S. 333-338.
[World Conference on Neural Networks. Washington (US), 95.06.12-95.06.16]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275408

044518 - UTIA-B 970079 US eng C
Smid, J. - Volf, P.
An incremental construction of a nonparametric regression model.
In: International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics. - Fort Lauderdale, AAAI Press 1997. - S. 466-472.
[AISTAT '97 /6./. Fort Lauderdale (US), 97.01.04-97.01.07]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK107 5601

044520 - UTIA-B 970081 CA eng C
Smid, J. - Volf, P.
Bayesian learning algorithm based on the MCMC method.
In: Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing. - (Ed. Hamza, M. H.). - Calgary, IASTED Acta Press 1997. - S. 164-167.
[Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing. Banff (CA), 97.07.27-97.08.01]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK107 5601

045340 - UTIA-B 970179 US eng C
Smid, J. - Volf, P. - Markham, B. - Seiferth, J.
Modeling and change point detection for satellite instrumentation calibration coefficient time series: An example based on Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper data.
In: Earth Observing Systems. The SPIE paper 3117. - (Ed. Wenzel, S.). - San Diego, S.P.I.E. 1997. - S. 197-205.
[Earth Observing Systems. (US), 97.07.29-97.08.01]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/97/0354

040638 - UTIA-B 970043 US eng C
Smid, J. - Volf, P. - Rao, G.
Monte Carlo approach to Bayesian regression modeling.
In: Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing. - (Ed. Kárný, M.). - Boston, Birkhäuser 1997. - S. 169-180.
[European IEEE Workshop CMP'96 /2./. (CZ), 96.08.28-96.08.30]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/94/0322

045303 - UTIA-B 970139 US eng C
Smid, J. - Volf, P. - Rao, G.
HST battery voltage-current modeling.
In: Proceedings of the 32nd Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference. - (Ed. Kůrková, V.). - New York, AICE 1997. - S. 201-206.
[IECEC '97 /32./. (US), 97.07.27-97.08.01]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/97/0354

045345 - UTIA-B 970184 CZ eng Cx
Somol, P.
Different approaches to initialization of the EM algorithm for use in Gaussian mixture modelling methods.
In: Multidisciplinární přístupy k podpoře rozhodování v ekonomii a managementu. Workshop '97 grantu VS 96063. - (Ed. Plešingr, J.). - Jindřichův Hradec, Fakulta managementu JU 1997. - S. 85-91.
[Workshop '97. Grant VS 96063. (CZ), 97.11.12-97.11.13]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) VS 96063; GA ČR(CZ) GA402/97/1242

045366 - UTIA-B 970206 SE eng C
Soukup, L.
Influence of geometric transformations to the positional accuracy of maps.
In: Proceedings of the 18th ICA/ACI International Cartographic Conference. - (Ed. Ottoson, L.). - Gävle, Swedish Cartographic Society 1997. - S. 761-767.
[ICC '97 /18./. (SE), 97.06.23-97.06.27]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) A207 5603; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK107 5601

045367 - UTIA-B 970207 SK eng C
Soukup, L.
Probability distribution for exact nonlinear estimation.
In: Measurement '97. Proceedings. - (Ed. Plačková, A.). - Bratislava, Ústav merania SAV 1997. - S. 31-34.
[Measurement '97. (SK), 97.05.29-97.05.31]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) A207 5603; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK107 5601

045368 - UTIA-B 970208 CZ eng C
Soukup, L.
Probability distribution of transformed random variables with application to nonlinear feature extraction.
In: Proceedings of the 1st IAPR TC1 Workshop on Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition. - (Ed. Grim, J.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1997. - S. 159-164.
[STIPR '97 /1./. (CZ), 97.06.09-97.06.11]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) A207 5603; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK107 5601

040609 - UTIA-B 970011 NL eng C
Studený, M.
On marginalization, collapsibility and precollapsibility.
In: Distributions with Given Marginals and Moment Problems. - (Ed. Štěpán, J.). - Dordrecht, Kluwer 1997. - S. 191-198.
[Distributions with Given Marginals and Moment Problems /3./. (CZ), 96.09.02-96.09.06]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/94/0471; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96008; Copernicus(XE) CT 93:0053

044493 - UTIA-B 970053 NL eng J
Studený, M.
Semigraphoids and structures of probabilistic conditional independence.
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 21 [1] 71-98 (1997).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 275105; GA ČR(CZ) GA201/94/0471
[Impact factor: 0.337(99) 0.671(00) 0.275(01) 0,379(02) 0.837(03) ]

044494 - UTIA-B 970054 US eng J
Studený, M.
On recovery algorithm for chain graphs.
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 17 [213] 265-293 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/94/0471; GA MŠk(CZ) VS 96008
[Impact factor:0.000(91) 0.000(92) 0.000(93) 0.000(94) 0.630(95) 0.500(96) 0.542(97) 0.578(98) 0.342(99) 0.417(00) 0.538(01) 0,828(02) 0.536(03) ]

044517 - UTIA-B 970078 CZ eng C
Studený, M.
Comparison of graphical approaches to description of conditional independence structures.
In: Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing. - Praha, VŠE 1997. - S. 156-172.
[WUPES '97 /4./. Prague (CZ), 97.01.22-97.01.25]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) VS 96008

044509 - UTIA-B 970070 CZ eng C
Stupňanová, A.
Pseudo-convolutions and their idempotents.
In: Proceedings of the 7th International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress. - 1 - (Ed. Mareš, M.; Mesiar, R.; Novák, V.; Ramík, J.; Stupňanová, A.). - Prague, Academia 1997. - S. 484-487.
[IFSA '97 /7./. Prague (CZ), 97.06.25-97.06.29]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/96/0414

044512 - UTIA-B 970073 DE eng C
Stupňanová, A.
T-sum - idempotents.
In: European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing. Proceedings. - 1 - Aachen, Mainz 1997. - S. 24-28.
[EUFIT '97 /5./. Aachen (DE), 97.09.08-97.09.11]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/96/0414

044500 - UTIA-B 970061 DE eng C
Suk, T. - Flusser, J.
Point projective and permutation invariants.
In: Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns. - (Ed. Sommer, G.; Danilidis, K.; Pauli, J.). - Berlin, Springer 1997. - S. 74-81. - ( Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1296).
[International Conference CAIP '97 /7./. Kiel (DE), 97.09.10-97.09.12]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/1378

044559 - UTIA-B 970125 SK eng C
Šebek, M.
Software package for polynomial matrix operations in control.
In: Preprints of the 2nd IFAC Workshop on New Trends in Design of Control Systems. - (Ed. Kozák, Š.; Huba, M.). - Bratislava, Slovak University of Technology 1997. - S. 32-36.
[IFAC Workshop on New Trends in Design of Control Systems. Smolenice (SK), 97.09.07-97.09.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0861; Copernicus(XE) CP 93:2424

044562 - UTIA-B 970128 SK eng C
Šebek, M.
Numerical methods for polynomial matrices.
In: Preprints of the International Summer School on Computer Aided Education in Automation and Control. - (Ed. Huba, M.). - Bratislava, Slovak University of Technology 1997. - S. 221-224.
[Computer Aided Education in Automation and Control. Bratislava (SK) , 97.08.24-97.09.06]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0861

044561 - UTIA-B 970127 ES eng C
Šebek, M. - Pejchová, S. - Strijbos, R. C. W. - Henrion, D.
Polynomial Matrix Operations in MATLAB.
In: Computer Aided System Theory and Technology. - (Ed. Moreno-Díaz, R.; Pichler, F. R.). - Las Palmas, Universidad de Las Palmas 1997. - S. 139-141.
[EUROCAST '97. Las Palmas (ES), 97.02.24-97.02.28]
Grant: Copernicus(XE) CP 93:2424

044560 - UTIA-B 970126 TR eng C
Šebek, M. - Strijbos, R. C. W. - Kwakernaak, H.
Polynomial control toolbox: A new aid for teaching linear systems in Matlab.
In: Preprints of the 4th Symposium on Advances in Control Education. - Istanbul, Bogazici University 1997. - S. 91-95.
[ACE '97 /4./. Istanbul (TR), 97.07.14-97.07.16]
Grant: Copernicus(XE) CP 93:2424

056134 - UTIA-B 980018 CZ eng V
Šindelář, J. - Kárný, M.
Dynamic Decision Making Under Uncertainty Allows Explicit Solution. (Ed. Heck, A.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1997. - 8 s.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0118; GA AV ČR(CZ) 207 5606; GA AV ČR(CZ) 214 7701

045378 - UTIA-B 970218 CZ eng J
Špitálský, J.
A bivariate integral control mechanism model of household consumption. (Ed. Douček, P.). -
Bulletin České ekonometrické společnosti, [7] 3-18 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/96/1589

044536 - UTIA-B 970098 CZ eng V
Tesař, L. - Berec, L.
Extensive Comparison of Some Fault Detection and Isolation Methods. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1997. - 22 s. - (Research Report. 1909).
Grant: Copernicus(XE) CT 94:0237

040625 - UTIA-B 970029 NL eng J
Tichavský, P. - Händel, P.
Recursive estimation of frequencies and frequency rates of multiple cisoids in noise. (Ed. Desachy, J.). -
Signal Processing, 58 [2] 117-129 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0466
[Impact factor: 0.702(99) 0.685(00) 0.488(01) 0,536(02) 0.569(03) ]

040640 - UTIA-B 970046 DE eng C
Tichavský, P. - Händel, P.
Recursive estimation of linearly or harmonically modulated frequencies of multiple cisoids in noise.
In: International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. - (Ed. Montesanto, A.). - München, ICASSP Committee 1997. - S. 1925-1928.
[ICASSP '97. (DE), 97.04.21-97.04.24]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0466

040626 - UTIA-B 970030 CZ eng C
Tichavský, P. - Muravchik, C. - Nehorai, A.
Posterior C-R bounds for performance of adaptive parameter estimation.
In: Proceedings of the 1st European Conference on Signal Analysis and Prediction. - (Ed. Sovka, P.). - Prague, ICT Press 1997. - S. 153-156.
[ECSAP'97. /1./. (CZ), 97.06.24-97.06.27]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0466

040627 - UTIA-B 970031 US eng J
Tichavský, P. - Nehorai, A.
Comparative study of four adaptive frequency trackers. (Ed. Sovka, P.). -
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 45 [ 6] 1473-1484 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0466
[Impact factor:0.637(92) 0.886(93) 1.234(94) 1.291(95) 1.565(96) 1.238(97) 1.402(98) 1.552(99) 1.203(00) 1.268(01) 1,159(02) 1.458(03) ]

056135 - UTIA-B 980019 CZ cze V
Tůma, J. - Šindelář, J.
Manuál k systému Pyrostatika postupného zážehu. Verze 2.1. (Ed. Heck, A.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1997. - 16 s.

045351 - UTIA-B 970190 CZ eng C
Vajda, I. - Grim, J.
About the maximum information and maximum likelihood principles in neural networks.
In: Proceedings of the 1st IAPR TC1 Workshop on Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition. - (Ed. Grim, J.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1997. - S. 189-197.
[STIPR '97 /1./. (CZ), 97.06.09-97.06.11]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) A207 5703; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK107 5601

045355 - UTIA-B 970195 NL eng J
Vajda, I. - Janžura, M.
On asymptotically optimal estimates for general observations. (Ed. Strzelecki, P.). -
Stochastic Processes and their Applications , 72 [1] 27-45 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/93/0232; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA175402
[Impact factor:0.432(91) 0.492(92) 0.419(93) 0.690(94) 0.465(95) 0.445(96) 0.445(97) 0.454(98) 0.543(99) 0.594(00) 0.844(01) 0,682(02) 0.789(03) ]

045324 - UTIA-B 970162 CZ eng J
Vajda, I. - Veselý, A.
Perceptron approximations to Bayesian descrimination and classification of random signals. (Ed. Sovka, P.). -
Neural Network World, 3 [4] 305-323 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/0320; GA ČR(CZ) GA201/96/0415

040620 - UTIA-B 970023 CZ eng C
Valečková, M. - Kárný, M. - Thomas, J.
Estimation of radon dynamics in dwellings.
In: Protection against Radon at Home and at Work. - (Ed. Hamza, M. H.). - Praha, ČVUT 1997. - S. 267-270.
[European Conference on Protection against Radon at Home and at Work. (CZ), 97.06.02-97.06.06]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK107 5601

076331 - UTIA-B 20000077 CZ eng V
van Dijk, N. M. - Sladký, K.
On Approximative Expressions for Cumulative Rewards of Time-Inhomogeneous Nonnegative Systems. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1997. - 11 s.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/96/0420
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A16/98:Z1-075-9-ii; -; E

040630 - UTIA-B 970034 DE eng C
van Dijk, N. M. - Sladký, K.
On uniformization for reducible nonnegative dynamic systems.
In: Operations Research. Proceedings 1996. - (Ed. Schuster, K. P.). - Berlin, Springer 1997. - S. 163-168.
[Symposium on Operations Research (SOR 96). (DE), 96.09.03-96.09.06]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/96/0420

040643 - UTIA-B 970049 CZ eng C
van Dijk, N. M. - Sladký, K.
Sensitivity analysis for interactions in industrial and capital markets.
In: Workshop to ACE-Project P95-2014-R. - (Ed. Vošvrda, M.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1997. - S. 159-174.
[Workshop to ACE-Project P95-2014-R. (CZ), 97.04.21-97.04.23]
Grant: ACE Phare(XE) P95-2014-R

037112 - UTIA-B 960209 GB eng C
Vaněček, A. - Čelikovský, S.
Synthesis of chaos.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaotic and Complex Systems. - (Ed. Galkowski, A.). - Cambridge, University Press 1997. - S. 275-286.
[International Conference NDCCS. Zakopané (PL), 95.11.07-95.11.12]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275403

056141 - UTIA-B 980139 IT eng A
Vaněček, A. - Novotná, D. - Čelikovský, S.
Stabilization on hyperchaotic attractor. Abstract.
In: EuroConference on Nonlinear Dynamics in Physics and Related Science. - (Ed. Li, F.). - Montecatini, EEC Contract 1997. - S. 35.
[Control of Chaos /3./. (IT), 97.05.16-97.05.18]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 207 5702

045342 - UTIA-B 970181 CZ eng V
Včelař, F.
Choice Fuzzy Functions and their Non-Deterministic Properties. (Ed. Plešingr, J.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1997. - 42 s.
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) A107 5503

045299 - UTIA-B 970135 CZ eng C
Vejnarová, J.
A note on the marginal problem with inequality constrains and its "maximum entropy solution".
In: Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing. - Praha, VŠE 1997. - S. 173-183.
[WUPES '97 /4./. (CZ), 97.01.22-97.01.25]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) VS96008

045300 - UTIA-B 970136 DE eng C
Vejnarová, J.
Measures of uncertainty and independence concept in different calculi.
In: Progress in Artificial Intelligence. Proceedings. - (Ed. Cardoso, A.). - Berlin, Springer 1997. - S. 155-166.
[Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence. EPIA '97 /8./. ( PT), 97.10.06-97.10.09]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) VS96008

040633 - UTIA-B 970037 NL eng B
Víšek, J. Á.
Contamination level and sensitivity of robust tests.
In: Handbook of Statistics. - (Ed. Rao, C. R.). - Amsterdam, Elsevier 1997. - S. 633-643.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/94/0322

045361 - UTIA-B 970201 CZ eng C
Víšek, J. Á.
Combining forecasts by their decomposition.
In: Proceedings of the Mathematical Methods in Economics. - (Ed. Ramík, J.). - Ostrava, VŠB 1997. - S. 188-193.
[MME '97 /15./. (CZ), 97.09.09-97.09.11]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/97/0770

056131 - UTIA-B 980007 PL eng J
Víšek, J. Á.
Diagnostics of regression subsample stability.
Probability and Mathematical Statistics, 17 [2] 231-257 (1997).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/94/0322

040608 - UTIA-B 970010 CZ cze C
Volf, P.
Bayesovský odhad parametrů modelu metodami MCMC s aplikací na modelování regresních křivek.
In: ROBUST '96. Sborník prací deváté letní školy JČMF. - (Ed. Dohnal, G.). - Praha, JČMF 1997. - S. 273-283.
[ROBUST '96. (CZ), 96.09.02-96.09.06]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK107 5601

040607 - UTIA-B 970009 CZ eng C
Vomlel, J.
Statistical methods for probabilistic model parameter estimation from incomplete data and their application to the marginal problem.
In: Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing. - (Ed. Pajdla, T.). - Praha, VŠE 1997. - S. 184-193.
[WUPES '97 /4./. (CZ), 97.01.22-97.01.25]
Grant: Copernicus(XE) CT 93:0053

044503 - UTIA-B 970064 CZ cze B
Vošvrda, M.
Výkonnost transformujících se ekonomik: Substituční vztah output-inflace.
In: Česká republika a ekonomické transformace ve střední a východní Evropě. - (Ed. Švejnar, J.). - Praha, Academia 1997. - S. 127-132.

044540 - UTIA-B 970102 CZ eng C
Vošvrda, M.
CAMP and the selected european capital markets.
In: Information Asymmetries on Capital Markets Emerging in Transition Countries, the Case of the Czech Capital Market. - (Ed. Vošvrda, M.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1997. - S. 23-52.
[Workshop to ACE Phare Project P95-2014-R. Prague (CZ), 97.04.21-97.04.23]
Grant: ACE Phare(XE) P95-2014-R

044541 - UTIA-B 970103 CZ eng C
Vošvrda, M. (Ed.)
Information Asymmetries on Capital Markets Emerging in Transition Countries, the Case of the Czech Capital Market. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1997. - 180 s.
[Workshop to ACE Phare Project P95-2014-R. Prague (CZ), 97.04.21-97.04.23]
Grant: ACE Phare(XE) P95-2014-R

045370 - UTIA-B 970210 GB eng R
Zagalak, P.
Rec.: Ogata, K.: Discrete-Time Control Systems. (Ed. Pajdla, T.). -
Automatica, 33 [12] 2281-2282 (1997).
[Impact factor:0.796(91) 0.736(92) 0.825(93) 0.900(94) 0.834(95) 0.782(96) 0.871(97) 0.741(98) 0.911(99) 1.280(00) 1.449(01) 1,630(02) 1.683(03) ]

067211 - UTIA-B 990030 AU eng V
Zitová, B. - Kautsky, J.
Implementation of a Mammogram Enhancement Algorithm. Adelaide, Flinders University of South Australia 1997. - 21 s. - ( Technical Report. 1997/2).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1694
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A16/98:Z1-075-9-ii

067210 - UTIA-B 990029 AU eng V
Zitová, B. - Turcajová, R.
Mammogram Project Breast Pair Similarities. Adelaide, Flinders University of South Australia 1997. - 24 s. - ( Technical Report. 1997/1).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1694
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A16/98:Z1-075-9-ii

043313 - UIVT-O 970084 NL eng J
Zvárová, J. - Studený, M.
Information Theoretical Approach to Constitution and Reduction of Medical Data.
International Journal of Medical Informatics, 45 [1/2] 65-74 ( 1997).
Grant: COPERNICUS(XE) JRP-10053; GA ČR(CZ) GA313/93/0616
[Impact factor: 0.000(97) 0.357(98) 0.511(99) 0.699(00) 1.459(01) 1,000(02) 1.178(03) ]

Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

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