ÚTAM - Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky


Zpět na seznam ústavů                     Domovská stránka ASEP

Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

074010 - UTAM-F 20000040 RIV SIGLE DE eng C
Bauer, E. - Herle, I.
Stationary States in Hypoplasticity.
In: Constitutive Modelling of Granular Materials. - (Ed. Kolymbas, D.). - Berlin, Springer -Verlag 2000. - S. 167-192.
[Developments and Perspectives of Hypoplasticity. Horton (GR), 99.06.29-99.07.03]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAB2071901; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1067601

074006 - UTAM-F 20000036 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Berka, L. - Horečka, L. - Běhal, J. - Minster, J. - Václavík, P.
Experimental Analysis of Kinematic and Deformation Characteristics of a Fatigue Crack.
In: IC Engineering Mechanics 2000. - (Ed. Náprstek, J.; Minster, J.). - Žďár nad Sázavou, ŽĎAS 2000. - S. 25-30.
[IC Engineering Mechanics 2000. Svratka (CZ), 00.05.15-00.05.18]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA101/97/0649; GA ČR(CZ) GA101/97/0730; GA ČR(CZ) GA101/00/0941

074053 - UTAM-F 20000086 RIV SIGLE ES eng C
Brožová, A. - Šplíchal, K. - Fiala, Z.
Constraint Effect on Environmentally Assisted Cracking of the Austenite Steel 08Kh18N10T in the Concentrated Solutions at 270 degrees of Celsius.
In: 13th European Conference on Fracture. - San Sebastian, Elsevier 2000. - S. 10-16.
[European Conference on Fracture /13./. San Sebastian (ES), 00.09.06-00.09.09]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010601

074001 - UTAM-F 20000031 RIV SIGLE GB eng J
Bucháček, K.
Canonical Forms of Constitutive Equations of Mixtures.
International Journal of Engineering Science, 38 [6] 643-672 ( 2000).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1076602
[Impact factor:0.446(91) 0.555(92) 0.445(93) 0.633(94) 0.439(95)0.472(96) 0.528(97) 0.414(98) 0.440(99) 0.597(00)0.799(01) 0,791(02) 0.735(03) ]

074046 - UTAM-F 20000079 RIV SIGLE PL eng C
Drdácký, M.
Problems of Experimental Research of Semirigid Joints and Structures.
In: Semi-Rigid Joints in Metal and Composite Structures. - (Ed. Gižejowski, M.A.; Barszcz, A.M.). - Warszawa, Oficyna Wydawnicza 2000. - S. 1-22.
[Wezly podatne w konstrukcjach metalowych i zespolonych.. Warszawa ( PL), 00.11.24-00.11.25]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/93/0362; GA ČR(CZ) GA103/97/S051

074055 - UTAM-F 20000088 RIV SIGLE CA eng C
Drdácký, M.
Methodology for Cultural Heritage Safeguarding and Enhancement Plans in Small Historic Towns and Micro-Regions.
In: The Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium of World Heritage Cities. - (Ed. Martínez, J.M.). - Québec, OWHC 2000. - S. 271-279.
[Innovation in the Management of World Heritage Cities. Santiago de Compostella (ES), 99.10.20-99.10.24]

074057 - UTAM-F 20000090 RIV SIGLE GB eng M
Drdácký, M.
Management of Historic Centres.
In: Management of Historic Centres. Conservation of the European Built Heritage Series. - (Ed. Pickard, R.). - London, New York, SPON PRESS 2000. - S. 62-83.

105924 - UTAM-F 20033106 SIGLE CZ cze D
Drdácký, M.
Experimentální analýza tenkostěnných systémů. Prosecká 76, Praha 9, ÚTAM AV ČR 37 s.
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2071913

074022 - UTAM-F 20000052 RIV SIGLE US eng C
Drdácký, M. - Kratěna, J.
Forensic Practice in the Czech Republic.
In: Proc. Second Congress Forensic Engineering. - (Ed. Rens, K.L.; Bosela, P.A.). - Reston, ASCE 2000. - S. 322-331.
[Forensic Engineering. San Juan (PR), 00.05.21-00.05.27]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/97/S051

074021 - UTAM-F 20000051 RIV SIGLE CZ sla C
Drdácký, M. - Sadovský, Z.
Pravdepodobnostné aspekty vplyvu korózie na stabilitu tenkostenných prvkov konštrukcií.
In: Spolehlivost konstrukcí. - (Ed. Cigánek, J.). - Ostrava, DT Ostrava 2000. - S. 105-108.
[Spolehlivost konstrukcí. Ostrava (CZ), 00.03.15]

074048 - UTAM-F 20000081 RIV SIGLE JP eng J
Feda, J.
Transformation of Soil Structure by Diffusion.
Soils and Foundations, 40 [4] 283-290 (2000).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/00/1043

074049 - UTAM-F 20000082 RIV SIGLE CZ eng J
Feda, J.
A Study of Soil Cementation.
Engineering Mechanics, 7 [4] 283-290 (2000).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/00/1043

074050 - UTAM-F 20000083 RIV SIGLE AU eng C
Feda, J.
Specific Soil Behaviour - Collapses.
In: GeoEng 2000. - (Ed. Ervin, M.C.). - USA, Techn.Publ.Comp. 2000. - S. 60-65.
[GeoEng 2000. Melbourne (AU), 00.11.19-00.11.24]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2071803

074051 - UTAM-F 20000084 RIV SIGLE AU eng C
Feda, J.
Ground Improvement by Soil Structure Modification.
In: GeoEng 2000. - (Ed. Ervin, M.C.). - USA, Techn. Publ. Comp. 2000. - S. 50-55.
[GeoEng 2000. Melbourne (AU), 00.11.19-00.11.24]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) OC C7.10

074052 - UTAM-F 20000085 RIV SIGLE US eng C
Feda, J.
Modeling Grain Crushing and Debonding of Soils.
In: Geot.Spec.Publication. - (Ed. Marr, W.A.). - Denver, ASCE 2000. - S. 57-64.
[Geo Denver 2000. Denver (US), 00.08.05-00.08.08]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2071803

080253 - UTAM-F 20013003 RIV SIGLE NL eng C
Feda, J.
Notes on geotechnics in the university curriculum.
In: Geotechnical Engineering Education and Training. - (Ed. Manoliu, I., Antonescu,I., Radulescu, N.). - Rotterdam, A.A.Balkema 2000. - S. 207-209.
[First International Conference on GeotechnicalEngineering Education and Training. Sinaia (RO), 00.06.12-00.06.14 (WRD)]

074013 - UTAM-F 20000043 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Fiala, Z.
Implementation of a Simple Algorithm for the Continuous Determination of the Local Stiffness Matrix during Computation.
In: Engineering Mechanics 2000. - (Ed. Náprstek, J.; Minster, J.). - Žďár nad Sázavou, ŽĎAS 2000. - S. 93-98.
[Engineering Mechanics 2000. Svratka (CZ), 00.05.15-00.05.18]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA106/00/1347

074054 - UTAM-F 20000087 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Fiala, Z.
Thermodynamical Framewok of Non-linear Fracture Mechanics - Studies and Perspectives I.
In: Computational Mechanics, I, II. - (Ed. Křen, J.). - Plzeň, ZČU Plzeň 2000. - S. 95-98.
[Computational Mechanics. Nečtiny (CZ), 00.10.30-00.11.01]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA106/99/1467

074002 - UTAM-F 20000032 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Fischer, C.
A Comparison of Two Stochastic Methods for Solving the Random Response.
In: IC Engineering Mechanics 2000. - (Ed. Náprstek, J.; Minster, J.). - Žďár nad Sázavou, ŽĎAS 2000. - S. 51-56.
[IC Engineering Mechanics 2000. Svratka (CZ), 00.05.15-00.05.18]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/99/0122

074058 - UTAM-F 20000091 CZ cze M
Fischer, O.
Působení větru na věže a stožáry.
In: František Faltus (1901-1989). - (Ed. Studnička, J.). - Praha, ČKAIT 2000. - S. 33-34.

074035 - UTAM-F 20000068 RIV SIGLE CZ cze C
Frýba, L.
Analýza konstrukcí s rychle jedoucím zatížením.
In: Engineering Mechanics 2000. - (Ed. Náprstek, J.; Minster, J.). - Žďár nad Sázavou, ŽĎAS 2000. - S. 179-184.
[Engineering Mechanics 2000. Svratka (CZ), 00.05.15-00.05.18]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV103/96/K034; GA ČR(CZ) GA103/98/1479

074036 - UTAM-F 20000069 CZ cze N
Frýba, L.
Železnice zvětšuje rychlost.
Věda, technika a my, 53 [5] 18-20 (00.05.15).
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) ME 154

074063 - UTAM-F 20000097 CZ cze J
Frýba, L.
Jsou ortotropní desky vhodné pro železniční mosty?
Ocelové konstrukce, příloha Mosty, 2 [3] 20-22 (2000).
Grant: GA AV ČR(XC) ERRI D 191

074060 - UTAM-F 20000094 RIV SIGLE CH eng C
Frýba, L. - Bousquet, C. - Bröuhwiler, E. - Elfgren, L. - Mancel, F.
Fatigue Investigations of Concrete Railway Bridges.
In: Congress of IABSE. - (Ed. Badouille, F.). - Z"urich, IABSE 2000. - S. 296-297.
[Congress of IABSE. Luzern (CH), 00.09.18-00.09.21]
Grant: -(XX) ERRI D 216

074061 - UTAM-F 20000095 NL eng/fre/ger V
Frýba, L. - Bousquet, C. - Brůhwiler, E.
Fatigue of Concrete Railway Bridges. Praha, UTAM- AV ČR 2000. - 50 s.
Grant: -(XX) ERRI D 216

074092 - UTAM-F 20000126 RIV SIGLE JP eng C
Frýba, L. - Náprstek, J. - Pirner, M. - Yoshikawa, N.
Safety of Concrete Panels after Repeated Load Actions.
In: Japan Conference of Structural Safety and Reliability. - (Ed. Yoshikawa, N.). - Tokyo, University of Tokyo 2000. - S. 405-408.
[Japan Conference of Structural Safety and Reliability. Tokyo (JP), 00.11.06-00.11.08]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) ME 154

074062 - UTAM-F 20000096 NL eng/fre/ger V
Frýba, L. - Schlöafli, P.
Fatigue Tests of Elements of Reinforced Concrete Bridges in Laboratory. Praha, UTAM 2000. - 60 s.
Grant: GA AV ČR(XC) ERRI D 216

074007 - UTAM-F 20000037 RIV CZ cze B
Gajdoš, L.
Spolehlivost plynovodních potrubí. (Ed. Gajdoš, L.). - Praha, Vydavatelství ČVUT 2000. - 217 s.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/98/0823

074008 - UTAM-F 20000038 RIV SIGLE CZ cze C
Gajdoš, L.
Procesy poškozování plynovodů v dlouhodobém provozu.
In: Rehabilitace vysokotlakých plynovodů po dlouhé době jejich provozu. - (Ed. Crha, P.). - Praha, ČPNS 2000. - S. 11/1-11/15.
[Rehabilitace vysokotlakých plynovodů po dlouhé době jejich provozu. Praha (CZ), 00.03.14-00.03.15]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2071903

074088 - UTAM-F 20000122 CZ cze V
Gajdoš, L. - Micka, M. - Šperl, M.
Analýza nejdůležitějších směrů výzkumu svařovaných trub pro vysoké tlaky plynu. Praha, UTAM, AV ČR 2000. - 32 s.
Grant: GA MPO(CZ) FA-E3/009

074064 - UTAM-F 20000098 RIV SIGLE CZ cze J
Gajdoš, L. - Šperl, M.
Kvantifikace provozního poškození plynovodů.
Plyn, 80 [12] 279-282 (2000).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2071903

074012 - UTAM-F 20000042 RIV SIGLE NL eng C
Herle, I.
Influence of Pressure Level and Stress Amplitude on the Compaction of Granular Soils.
In: Compaction of Soils, Granulates and Powders. - (Ed. Kolymbas, D.; Fellin, W.). - Rotterdam, Balkema 2000. - S. 285-295.
[International Workshop on Compaction of Soils, Granulates and Powders. Innsbruck (AT), 00.02.28-00.02.29]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/99/P005; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1067601

074065 - UTAM-F 20000099 RIV SIGLE PL eng J
Herle, I.
Granulometric Limits of Hypoplastic Models.
Task Quarterly, Scientific Bulletin of Academic Computer Centre in Gdansk, 4 [3] 389-408 (2000).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAB2071901

074011 - UTAM-F 20000041 RIV SIGLE DE eng C
Herle, I. - Doanh, T. - Wu, W.
Comparison of Hypoplastic and Elastoplastic Modelling of Undrained Triaxial Tests on Loose Sand.
In: Constitutive Modelling of granular Materials. - (Ed. Kolymbas, D.). - Berlin, Springer - Verlag 2000. - S. 333-351.
[Developments and Perspectives of Hypoplasticity. Horton (GR), 99.06.29-99.07.03]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAB2071901

074009 - UTAM-F 20000039 RIV SIGLE DE ger M
Herle, I. - Kolymbas, D.
Mechanisches Verhalten von Silog"utern.
In: Silobauwerke und ihre spezifischen Beanspruchungen. - (Ed. Eibl, J.; Gudehus, G.). - Weinheim, Wiley- VCH 2000. - S. 105-128.
Grant: DFG(DE) SFB219

074020 - UTAM-F 20000050 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Hlaváček, M.
Squeeze - Film Lubrication of the Human Ankle Joint with the Superficial Zone of Articular Cartilage Intact or Worn out.
In: Engineering mechanics 2000. - (Ed. Náprstek, J.; Minster, J.). - Žďár nad Sázavou, ŽĎAS 2000. - S. 49-54.
[Engineering Mechanics 2000. Svratka (CZ), 00.05.15-00.05.18]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/00/0008

074066 - UTAM-F 20000100 RIV SIGLE GB eng J
Hlaváček, M.
Author,s Response.
Journal of Biomechanics, 33 [10] 1333-1334 (2000).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1076602
[Impact factor:0.720(91) 1.020(92) 1.058(93) 1.548(94) 1.302(95) 1.512(96) 1.461(97) 1.484(98) 1.536(99) 1.474(00) 1.856(01) 1,889(02) 2.005(03) ]

074067 - UTAM-F 20000101 RIV SIGLE GB eng J
Hlaváček, M.
Squeeze-film Lubrication of the Human Ankle Joint with Synovial Fluid Filtrated by Articular Cartilage with the Superficial Zone Worn out.
Journal of Biomechanics, 33 [11] 1415-1422 (2000).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/00/0008
[Impact factor:0.720(91) 1.020(92) 1.058(93) 1.548(94) 1.302(95) 1.512(96) 1.461(97) 1.484(98) 1.536(99) 1.474(00) 1.856(01) 1,889(02) 2.005(03) ]

074068 - UTAM-F 20000102 RIV SIGLE CZ eng J
Hlaváček, M.
Synovial Fluid Filtration by Articular Cartilage with a Worn-out Surface Zone in the Human Ankle Joint during Walking- I.A Mathematical Mixture Model.
Acta Technica, 45 [3] 295-321 (2000).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/00/0008

074069 - UTAM-F 20000103 RIV SIGLE CZ eng J
Hlaváček, M.
Synovial Fluid Filtration by Articular Cartilage with a Worn-out Surface Zone in the Human Ankle Joint during Walking- II. Numerical Results for Steady Pure Sliding.
Acta Technica CSAV, 45 [4] 375-396 (2000).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/00/0008

074043 - UTAM-F 20000076 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Jíra, J. - Micka, M.
Influence of Spiral Weld on Local Stress State of Wall of HP Pipeline.
In: Engineering Mechanics 2000. - (Ed. Náprstek, J.; Minster, J.). - Žďár nad Sázavou, ŽĎAS 2000. - S. 59-64.
[Engineering Mechanics 2000. Svratka (CZ), 00.05.15-00.05.18]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2071004

074015 - UTAM-F 20000045 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Jiroušek, O.
Biomechanical Analysis of an Implant Used in Finger Reconstruction Surgery on the Basis of Data Obtained from Computer Tomography.
In: Engineering Mechanics 2000. - (Ed. Náprstek, J.; Minster, J.). - Žďár nad Sázavou, ŽĎAS 2000. - S. 91-94.
[Engineering Mechanics 2000. Svratka (CZ), 00.05.15-00.05.18]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2071003

074071 - UTAM-F 20000105 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Jiroušek, O.
Construction of Mathematical Models for the Finite Element Analysis on Basis of Data Obtained from Computer Tomography.
In: Biomechanics of man 2000. - (Ed. Vaverka, F., Janura, M.). - Olomouc, Palacký University 2000. - S. 60-63.
[Biomechanics of Man 2000. Olomouc (CZ), 00.11.24-00.11.25]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2071003

074072 - UTAM-F 20000106 RIV SIGLE CZ cze C
Jiroušek, O. - Jírová, J.
Tvorba matematických modelů pro metodu konečných prvků na základě dat získaných z počítačové tomografie.
In: 8th ANSYS Users Meeting. - (Ed. Stárek, M., Schwangmajer, J.). - Brno, SVS FEM 2000. - S. 1-5.
[ANSYS Users Meeting /8./. Lednice (CZ), 00.09.14-00.09.15]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2071003

074070 - UTAM-F 20000104 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Jírová, J. - Jíra, J. - Micka, M.
Selected Problems of Hip Joint Alloplasty.
In: Biomechanics of Man 2000. - (Ed. Vaverka, F., Janura, M.). - Olomouc, Palacký University 2000. - S. 64-67.
[Biomechanics of Man 2000. Olomouc (CZ), 00.11.24-00.11.25]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1076602

074014 - UTAM-F 20000044 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Jírová, J. - Jíra, J. - Micka, M.
Modelling of Strain State of Cementless Spherical Acetabular Cup.
In: Engineering Mechanics 2000. - (Ed. Náprstek, J.; Minster, J.). - Žďár nad Sázavou, ŽĎAS 2000. - S. 84-89.
[Engineering mechanics 2000. Svratka (CZ), 00.05.15-00.05.18]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/00/0831

074073 - UTAM-F 20000107 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Kafka, V.
Micromechanical Aspects of Inception of Cracks in Articular Cartilage.
In: Biomechanics of Man 2000. - (Ed. Vaverka, F., Janura, M.). - Olomouc, Palacký University 2000. - S. 276-279.
[Biomechanics of Man 2000. Olomouc (CZ), 00.11.24-00.11.25]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/00/0008

074004 - UTAM-F 20000034 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Kafka, V. - Vokoun, D.
The Common Mechanical Factor of Shape Memory.
In: IC Engineering Mechanics 2000. - (Ed. Náprstek, J.; Minster, J.). - Žďár nad Sázavou, ŽĎAS 2000. - S. 229-234.
[IC Engineering Mechanics 2000. Svratka (CZ), 00.05.15-00.05.18]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/98/P104; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2071801

074074 - UTAM-F 20000108 RIV SIGLE FR eng C
Kafka, V. - Vokoun, D.
Heterogeneity on the Atomic Scale and Shape Memory Phenomena.
In: 4th EUROMECH - Solid Mechanics Conference. - (Ed. Potier-Ferry, M.; Toth, L. S.). - Metz, Université de Metz 2000. - S. 570-570.
[EUROMECH - Solid Mechanics Conference /4./. Metz (FR), 00.06.26-00.06.30]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2071801

074023 - UTAM-F 20000055 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Kolář, P. - Kubák, J. - Vavřík, D.
A New Approach to the Solution of Thin Walled Structures.
In: Engineering Mechanics 2000. - (Ed. Náprstek, J.; Minster, J.). - Žďár nad Sázavou, ŽĎAS 2000. - S. 257-260.
[Engineering Mechanics 2000. Svratka (CZ), 00.05.15-00.05.18]

074003 - UTAM-F 20000033 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Korouš, J. - Pták, S. - Plešek, J. - Masák, J.
Performance of Reduced Quadrature Elements in Creep Problems.
In: IC Engineering Mechanics 2000. - (Ed. Náprstek, J.; Minster, 4J.). - Žďár nad Sázavou, ŽĎAS 2000. - S. 151-156.
[IC Engineering Mechanics 2000. Svratka (CZ), 00.05.15-00.05.18]

074019 - UTAM-F 20000049 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Koudelka, P.
Lateral Pressures of Granular Mass - Experiment No. 2.
In: Proceedings EAN 2000. - (Ed. Vyskočil, J.). - Brno, VUT Brno 2000. - S. 6-13.
[EAN 2000. Třešť (CZ), 00.06.06-00.06.08]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/97/0702

074076 - UTAM-F 20000110 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Koudelka, P.
Nonlinear Lateral Pressures and Slip Surfaces of Granular Mass.
In: 17. IS Danubia - Adria Symp. on Experimental Methods in Solid Mechanics. - (Ed. Zachariew, J.). - Praha, UT Praha 2000. - S. 163-166.
[IS Danubia - Adria Symp. on Experimental Methods in Solid Mechanics /17./. Praha (CZ), 00.10.17-00.10.19]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/98/0632

074077 - UTAM-F 20000111 RIV SIGLE AU eng C
Koudelka, P.
Nonlinear Bicomponent Lateral Pressures and Slip Surfaces ofGranular Mass.
In: Geoeng 2000. - (Ed. Haberfield, Ch.). - Rotterdam, Balkema 2000. - S. 157-164.
[Geoeng 2000. Melbourne (AU), 00.11.24-00.11.25]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/98/0632

074078 - UTAM-F 20000112 RIV SIGLE AU eng C
Koudelka, P.
On the Theory of General Lateral Pressure in Granular Multi-phase Materials.
In: Geoeng 2000. - (Ed. Haberfield, Ch.). - Rotterdam, Balkema 2000. - S. 560-565.
[Geoeng 2000. Melbourne (AU), 00.11.24-00.11.25]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/98/0632

074079 - UTAM-F 20000113 RIV SIGLE CZ cze C
Koudelka, P.
Nesoulad EC7-1 a ČSN 73 0037 s poznatky o zemním tlaku.
In: 24. konf.- Zakládání staveb. - (Ed. Weiglová, K., Procházka, J.). - Brno, UT Brno 2000. - S. 236-240.
[Zakládání staveb /24./. Brno (CZ), 00.11.24-00.11.27]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/98/0632

074080 - UTAM-F 20000114 RIV SIGLE CZ cze C
Koudelka, P.
Poznatky z výzkumu bočního tlaku zrnitých materiálů.
In: 24. Konf.- Zakládání staveb. - (Ed. Weiglová, K., Procházka, J.). - Brno, UT Brno 2000. - S. 241-245.
[Konf. Zakládání staveb /24./. Brno (CZ), 00.11.24-00.11.27]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/98/0632

074018 - UTAM-F 20000048 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Koudelka, P. - Valach, J.
Displacement and Slip Surfaces of Granular Mass behind a Retaining Wall - Experiment E2.
In: Engineering Mechanics 2000. - (Ed. Náprstek, J.; Minster, J.). - Žďár nad Sázavou, ŽĎAS 2000. - S. 121-128.
[Engineering Mechanics 2000. Svratka (CZ), 00.05.15-00.05.18]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/98/0632

074032 - UTAM-F 20000064 RIV SIGLE CZ eng J
Křístek, V. - Škaloud, M.
The Influence of Shear Effects on the Deflections of Steel Box Girder Bridges.
Acta Polytechnica, 40 [2] 78-80 (2000).
[First International Conference on Advanced Engineering Design. Praha (CZ), 99.05.31-99.06.02]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/97/0074

074016 - UTAM-F 20000046 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Kult, J.
Modelling of Interphalangeal Joint Prosthesis.
In: Engineering Mechanics 2000. - (Ed. Náprstek, J.; Minster, J.). - Žďár nad Sázavou, ŽĎAS 2000. - S. 51-54.
[Engineering Mechanics 2000. Svratka (CZ), 00.05.15-00.05.18]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2071003

074075 - UTAM-F 20000109 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Kult, J.
Interaction of Bone an Swanson,s Finger Joint Implant.
In: Biomechanics of Man 2000. - (Ed. Vaverka, F.m Janura, M.). - Olomouc, Palacký University 2000. - S. 78-81.
[Biomechanics of Man 2000. Olomouc (CZ), 00.11.24-00.11.25]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2071003

074101 - UTAM-F 20000135 RIV SIGLE CZ cze C
Laš, V. - Vavřík, D. - Zemčík, R.
Numerická a experimentální analýza plastické deformace v blízkém okolí čela trhliny.
In: Experimental Stress Analysis. - (Ed. Vlk, M., Kotek,V.). - Brno, Czech Society for Mechanics 2000. - S. 62-70.
[Experimental Stress Analysis 2000. Třešť (CZ), 00.06.06-00.06.08]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA106/99/1467

074033 - UTAM-F 20000065 RIV SIGLE GB eng J
Maquoi, R. - Škaloud, M.
Stability of Plates and Plated Structures - General Report.
Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 55 [1-3] 45-68 (2000).
[Stability and Ductility of Steel Structures. Timisoara (RO), 99.09.09-99.09.11]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/97/0002; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2071701
[Impact factor:0.112(91) 0.078(92) 0.151(93) 0.113(94) 0.178(95) 0.357(96) 0.259(97) 0.237(98) 0.341(99) 0.418(00) 0.388(01) 0,296(02) 0.543(03) ]

074030 - UTAM-F 20000062 CZ cze K
Marek, P.
Ke kvalitativně novému posudku spolehlivosti stavebních konstrukcí.
In: Spolehlivost konstrukcí. - (Ed. Cigánek, J.). - Ostrava, DT Ostrava 2000. - S. 1-4.
[Spolehlivost konstrukcí. Ostrava (CZ), 00.03.15-00.03.16]
Grant: GA ČR(XC) 103/00/0215

074082 - UTAM-F 20000116 RIV SIGLE US eng C
Marek, P.
Serviceability Assessment Using the Probabilistic Simulation-Based ReliabilityAssessment Concept.
In: 8th ASCE Specialty Conference on Probabilistic Mechanics and Structural Reliability. - (Ed. Kareem, A., Haldar, A., Spencer, B.F., Johnson, E.). - Notre Dame, ASCE 2000. - S. 100-108.
[ASCE Specialty Conference on Probabilistic Mechanics and Structural Reliability.. Notre Dame (US), 00.07.24-00.07.26]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/98/0215; GA ČR(CZ) GV103/96/K034

074083 - UTAM-F 20000117 RIV SIGLE TR eng C
Marek, P.
Will the Partial Factors Method Applied in Current Codes Survive the Year 2000?
In: Steel Stuctures of the 2000,s. - (Ed. Arda, T.S., Bayramoglu, G., Yorgun, C.). - Istambul, Istambul TU 2000. - S. 45-53.
[Steel Structures of the 2000,s. Istambul (TR), 00.09.11-00.09.13]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/98/0215; GA ČR(CZ) GV103/96/K034

074031 - UTAM-F 20000063 CZ cze K
Marek, P. - Bradáč, J.
Využití metody SBRA pro předpověď doby životnosti betonové konstrukce.
In: Spolehlivost konstrukcí. - (Ed. Cigánek, J.). - Ostrava, DT Ostrava 2000. - S. 59-64.
[Spolehlivost konstrukcí. Ostrava (CZ), 00.03.15-00.03.16]
Grant: GA ČR(XC) 103/00/0215

074084 - UTAM-F 20000118 RIV SIGLE SK eng C
Marek, P. - Fischer, O. - Pirner, M.
Application of the SBRA Method to the Solution of Problems in Dynamics of Structures.
In: Dynamics of Civil Engineering and Transport Structures and Wind Engineering. - (Ed. Melcer, J., Feranec, V.). - Žilina, University of Žilina 2000. - S. 251-256.
[Dynamics of Civil Engineering and Transport Structures and Wind Engineering. Výhne (SK), 00.07.18-00.07.21]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/98/0215; GA ČR(CZ) GV103/96/K034

074025 - UTAM-F 20000057 CZ cze J
Marek, P. - Korouš, J.
Spolehlivost ocelové konstrukce při zvýšené teplotě za požáru.
Stavební obzor, 9 [6] 168-171 (2000).
[Spolehlivost konstrukcí. Ostrava (CZ), 00.03.15-00.03.16]
Grant: GA ČR(XC) 103/00/0215

074027 - UTAM-F 20000059 CZ cze J
Marek, P. - Korouš, J.
Posudek spolehlivosti ocelového nosníku a sloupu vystavených požáru.
Stavební obzor, 6 [6] 168-171 (2000).
[Spolehlivost konstrukcí. Ostrava (CZ), 00.03.15-00.03.16]
Grant: GA ČR(XC) 103/00/0215

074081 - UTAM-F 20000115 RIV SIGLE US eng C
Marek, P. - Krejsa, M.
Probabilistic Performance-Based Design Using SBRA as a Tool.
In: 8th ASCE Specialty Conference on Probabilistic Mechanics and Structural Reliability. - (Ed. Kareem, M., Haldar, A., Spencer, B.F., Johnson, E.). - Notre Dame, ASCE 2000. - S. 54-61.
[ASCE Specialty Conference on Probabilistic Mechanics and Structural Reliability /8./. Notre Dame (US), 00.07.24-00.07.26]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/98/0215

074085 - UTAM-F 20000119 RIV SIGLE SK cze C
Marek, P. - Krejsa, M.
Posudek spolehlivosti ocelového nosníku namáhaného nárazem.
In: Dynamics of Civil Engineering and Transport Structures and Wind Engineering. - (Ed. Melcer, J., Feranec, V.). - Žilina, University of Žilina 2000. - S. 311-319.
[Dynamics of Civil Engineering and Transport Structures andWind Engineering. Výhne (SK), 00.07.18-00.07.21]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/98/0215

074086 - UTAM-F 20000120 RIV SIGLE CZ cze J
Marek, P. - Němec, L.
Zatížení sněhem a větrem.
Stavební obzor, 9 [10] 289-297 (2000).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/98/0215; GA ČR(CZ) GV103/96/K034

074028 - UTAM-F 20000060 CZ cze K
Marek, P. - Pirner, M.
Posouzení použitelnosti televizní věže zatížené větrem.
In: Spolehlivost konstrukcí. - (Ed. Cigánek, J.). - Ostrava, DT Ostrava 2000. - S. 51-54.
[Spolehlivost konstrukcí. Ostrava (CZ), 00.03.15-00.03.16]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV103/96/K034; GA ČR(CZ) GA103/00/0215

074026 - UTAM-F 20000058 CZ cze K
Marek, P. - Václavek, L.
Posudek pravděpodobnosti poruchy ocelové nosné soustavy s přihlédnutím k montážním tolerancím.
In: Spolehlivost konstrukcí. - (Ed. Cigánek, J.). - Ostrava, DT Ostrava 2000. - S. 41-46.
[Spolehlivost konstrukcí. Ostrava (CZ), 00.03.15-00.03.16]
Grant: GA ČR(XC) 103/00/0215

074029 - UTAM-F 20000061 CZ cze K
Marek, P. - Vlk, M.
Metoda SBRA v problematice únavy kmitající ocelové mostní stojky.
In: Spolehlivost konstrukcí. - (Ed. Cigánek, J.). - Ostrava, DT Ostrava 2000. - S. 47-57.
[Spolehlivost konstrukcí. Ostrava (CZ), 00.03.15-00.03.16]
Grant: GA ČR(XC) 103/00/0215

074047 - UTAM-F 20000080 RIV SIGLE IT eng C
Michoinová, D. - Lesák, J. - Drdácký, M. - Urušadze, Š.
Inspection and Efficiency of Consolidation of Delaminated Parts of Historic Lime Plasters.
In: 5th International Congress on Restoration of Architectural Heritage Firenze 2000. - (Ed. Avramidou, N.). - Florencie, CICOP-University of Florence 2000. - S. 1120-1125.
[International Congress on Resoration of Architectural Heritage Firenze 2000 /5./. Florencie (IT), 00.09.17-00.09.24]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/97/S051; GA MK(CZ) PK99P04OPP006

105927 - UTAM-F 20033109 RIV SIGLE IT eng C
Michoinová, D. - Lesák, J. - Drdácký, M. - Urushadze, S.
Inspection and efficiency of consolidation of delaminated parts of historic lime plasters.
In: Intern. congress CICOP. - (Ed. Verdiana, S.). - Florencie, University of Florence 2000. - S. 2097-2103.
[Intern. congress CICOP :Restoration of architectural heritage Firenze 2000 /5./. Florencie (IT), 00.07.17-00.07.24 (WRD)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2071913

074044 - UTAM-F 20000077 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Micka, M. - Jíra, J.
Study of the Effect of Internal Pressure on Local Buckling of a Pipe.
In: Engineering Mechanics 2000. - (Ed. Náprstek, J.; Minster, J.). - Žďár nad Sázavou, ŽĎAS 2000. - S. 65-70.
[Engineering Mechanics 2000. Svratka (CZ), 00.05.15-00.05.18]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2071004

074087 - UTAM-F 20000121 RIV SIGLE CZ cze C
Micka, M. - Jíra, J.
Modelování lokálního zboulení trubky.
In: ANSYS Users Meeting. - (Ed. Stárek, M.). - Brno, SVS FEM 2000. - S. 1-6.
[ANSYS Users Meeting. Lednice (CZ), 00.09.14-00.09.15]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2071004

074005 - UTAM-F 20000035 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Minster, J.
Mechanical Properties of Rheonomic Materials.
In: IC Engineering Mechanics 2000. - (Ed. Náprstek, J.; Minster, J.). - Žďár nad Sázavou, ŽĎAS 2000. - S. 3-14.
[IC Engineering Mechanics 2000. Svratka (CZ), 00.05.15-00.05.18]

074089 - UTAM-F 20000123 RIV SIGLE CZ cze C
Minster, J. - Fiala, Z. - Václavík, P.
Deformační analýza rozhraní dvou materiálů pomocí Moirové interferometrie.
In: Experimentální analýza napětí 2000. - (Ed. Vlk, M., Kotek,V., Krejsa,J.). - Brno, VUT Brno 2000. - S. 193-198.
[Experimentální analýza napětí 2000. Třešť (CZ), 00.06.06-00.06.08]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA101/97/0730; GA ČR(CZ) GA101/00/0941

074090 - UTAM-F 20000124 RIV SIGLE BG eng C
Minster, J. - Hristova, J.
Creep Behaviour of Long-Term Epoxy Matrix Composites.
In: Mechanics and Technology of Composite Materials. - (Ed. Zachariev, G.). - Sofia, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences 2000. - S. 300-306.
[Mechanics and Technology of Composite Materials /9./. Sofia (BG), 00.09.11-00.09.14]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1076602

074037 - UTAM-F 20000070 RIV SIGLE US eng C
Náprstek, J.
Sound Wave Scattering at Randomly Rough Surfaces in Fraunhofer Domain.
In: Fourteenth Engineering Mechanics Conference. - (Ed. Tassoulas, J.L.). - Austin, University of Texas 2000. - S. 5-12.
[Fourteenth Engineering Mechanics Conference. Austin (US), 00.05.21-00.05.24]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/99/0122

074038 - UTAM-F 20000071 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Náprstek, J.
Resonance Speeds of Axle Forces Row Moving along a Beam.
In: Dynamics of Machines 2000. - (Ed. Dobiáš, I.). - Praha, UT AV ČR 2000. - S. 145-152.
[Colloquium Dynamics of Machines 2000. Praha (CZ), 00.02.08-00.02.09]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/99/0122

074039 - UTAM-F 20000072 RIV SIGLE GB eng J
Náprstek, J.
A Posteriori Estimate of the Random Response of a Dynamic System with Autocorrelated Additive Noises.
Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 15 [8] 73-80 (2000).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/99/0122; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1076602
[Impact factor: 0.612(97) 0.886(98) 0.522(99) 0.403(00)0.514(01) 0,972(02) 0.586(03) ]

074040 - UTAM-F 20000073 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Náprstek, J.
Stability Assessment of Flutter - Type Vibration Using Lyapunov Function.
In: Engineering mechanics 2000. - (Ed. Náprstek, J.; Minster, J.). - Žďár nad Sázavou, ŽĎAS 2000. - S. 17-24.
[Engineering Mechanics 2000. Svratka (CZ), 00.05.15-00.05.18]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/99/0122

074091 - UTAM-F 20000125 RIV SIGLE JP eng C
Náprstek, J.
Modelling of Random Aeroelastic Stability Effects of Slender Beam in Post-Critical State.
In: Japan Conference of Structural Safety and Reliability. - (Ed. Yoshikawa, N.). - Tokyo, University of Tokyo 2000. - S. 9-16.
[Japan Conference of Structural Safety an Reliability. Tokyo (JP), 00.11.06-00.11.08]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) ME 154

074093 - UTAM-F 20000127 RIV SIGLE NL eng C
Náprstek, J.
Nonlinear Stability of Flutter - Type Vibration in Wind.
In: Flow Induced Vibration. - (Ed. Ziada, S., Staubli,T.). - Rotterdam, Balkema 2000. - S. 445-454.
[Flow Induced Vibration /7./. Luzern (CH), 00.06.19-00.06.22]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/99/0122; GA ČR(CZ) GA103/99/0756

074094 - UTAM-F 20000128 RIV SIGLE DE eng C
Náprstek, J.
Random Response Stability Domains of a Non-linear System in an Air Flow.
In: Bluff Body Aerodynamics and Application. - (Ed. Niemann, H.J.). - Bochum, Ruhr University Bochum 2000. - S. 259-262.
[BBAAIV/4./. Bochum (DE), 00.07.11-00.07.14]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/99/0122

074095 - UTAM-F 20000129 RIV SIGLE US eng C
Náprstek, J.
Bifurcation and Post-Critical Flutter -Type Random Vibrations of Slender Structures.
In: Probabilistic Mechanics Conference ASCE. - (Ed. Spencer, B.). - Notre Dame, Notre Dame University 2000. - S. 2000-2006.
[Probabilistic Mechanics Conference ASCE /8./. Notre Dame (US), 00.07.24-00.07.26]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/99/0122; GA ČR(CZ) GA103/99/0756

074096 - UTAM-F 20000130 RIV SIGLE IT eng C
Náprstek, J.
Construction of Lyapunov Function in Stochastic Domain Using First Integrals of Deterministic System.
In: EUROMECH 413 - Stochastic Dynamics of Non-linear Mechanical Systems. - (Ed. Paola, M.). - Palermo, University of Palermo 2000. - S. 247-256.
[EUROMECH 413. Palermo (IT), 00.06.12-00.06.14]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/99/0122; GA ČR(CZ) GA101/98/1508

074098 - UTAM-F 20000132 RIV SIGLE NL eng C
Náprstek, J.
Dynamic Response of an Overhead Contact Wire and Pantograph Collector to High Speed Moving Load.
In: Wave 2000 Conference. - (Ed. Schmid, G., Chouw, N.). - Rotterdam, Balkema 2000. - S. 121-130.
[Wave 2000 Conference. Bochum (DE), 00.12.13-00.12.15]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/99/0756; GA ČR(CZ) GA103/99/0122

074097 - UTAM-F 20000131 RIV SIGLE NZ eng C
Náprstek, J. - Fischer, C.
Analysis of Non-stationary Response of Structures Due to Seismic Random Processes of Evolutionary Type.
In: 12WCEE 2000. - (Ed. Park, B.). - Auckland, New Zeland SEE 2000. - S. 256-263.
[WCEE 2000/12./. Auckland (NZ), 00.01.30-00.02.04]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/99/0122; GA ČR(CZ) GA103/99/0756

074041 - UTAM-F 20000074 SIGLE CZ eng G
Náprstek, J. - Minster, J.
Engineering Mechanics 2000. (Ed. Náprstek, J.; Minster, J.). - Žďár nad Sázavou, ŽĎAS 2000. - 1076 s.
[Engineering Mechanics 2000. Svratka (CZ), 00.05.15-00.05.18]

074099 - UTAM-F 20000133 RIV SIGLE PL eng C
Pirner, M. - Fischer, O.
One Prototype of the Ball Absorber and its Effect on the Tower.
In: 19th Meeting in Krakow. - (Ed. Ciesielski, R.). - Krakow, Crakow University 2000. - S. 187-196.
[Meeting in Krakow /19./. Krakow (PL), 99.07.13-99.07.16]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV103/96/K034

074045 - UTAM-F 20000078 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Plešek, J. - Korouš, J.
The Use of Euler,s Method for Finite Element Solution of Problems of Viscoplasticity and Creep.
In: Engineering Mechanics 2000. - (Ed. Náprstek, J.; Minster, J.). - Žďár nad Sázavou, ŽĎAS 2000. - S. 145-150.
[Engineering Mechanics 2000. Svratka (CZ), 00.05.15-00.05.18]

074100 - UTAM-F 20000134 RIV SIGLE GB eng C
Škaloud, M. - Zornerová, M. - Brož, P.
Interaction of Buckling and Cumulative Damage in Breathing Webs.
In: Coupled Instabilities in Metal Structures 2000. - (Ed. Camotim, D., Dubina,D., Rondal,J.). - Londýn, Imperial College Press 2000. - S. 257-264.
[CIMS 2000. Lisabon (PT), 00.09.21-00.09.23]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/00/0897; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1076602

074042 - UTAM-F 20000075 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Válek, M. - Procházka, P. - Drdácký, M.
Behavior of Mortars Reinforced by Fibres.
In: Engineering Mechanics 2000. - (Ed. Náprstek, J.; Minster, J.). - Žďár nad Sázavou, ŽĎAS 2000. - S. 181-186.
[Engineering Mechanics 2000. Svratka (CZ), 00.05.15-00.05.18]

074024 - UTAM-F 20000056 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Vavřík, D.
ST2D - Software for Determination of Total Strains on a Surface.
In: Engineering Mechanics 2000. - (Ed. Náprstek, J.; Minster, J.). - Žďár nad Sázavou, ŽĎAS 2000. - S. 129-132.
[Engineering Mechanics 2000. Svratka (CZ), 00.05.15-00.05.18]

074056 - UTAM-F 20000089 RIV SIGLE NL eng M
Wald, F. - Mareš, J. - Sokol, Z. - Drdácký, M.
Component Method for Historical Timber Joints.
In: The Paramount Role of Joints into the Reliable Response of Structures. - (Ed. Banitopoulos, C. C.; Wald, F.). - Dordrecht, Kluver 2000. - S. 123-130.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/97/S051

105928 - UTAM-F 20033110 RIV SIGLE NL eng C
Wald, F. - Mareš, J. - Sokol, Z. - Drdácký, M.
Component method for historical timber joints.
In: The Paramount role of joints into the reliable response of structures. - (Ed. Baniotopoulos, C.C.; Wald, F.). - Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publ. 2000. - S. 417-424.
[The Paramount role of joints into the reliable response of structures. Ouranoupolis (GR), 00.05.21-00.05.23 (EUR)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA103/97/S051
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2071913

074034 - UTAM-F 20000067 RIV SIGLE JP jap C
Yoshikawa, N. - Ben-Haim, Y. - Frýba, L.
Robust Reliability Analysis of Dynamic Beam on Uncertain Foundation.
In: J-Rail 99. - (Ed. Yoshikawa, N.). - Tokyo, IIS - University of Tokyo 2000. - S. 315-318.
[J-Rail 99. Tokyo (JP), 99.12.14]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) ME 154

074017 - UTAM-F 20000047 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Zemánková, J.
Constraint Effects on the Fracture Toughness-Questions andProblems.
In: Engineering Mechanics 2000. - (Ed. Náprstek, J.; Minster, J.). - Žďár nad Sázavou, ŽĎAS 2000. - S. 3-8.
[Engineering Mechanics 2000. Svratka (CZ), 00.05.15-00.05.18]

074102 - UTAM-F 20000136 RIV SIGLE CZ cze C
Zemánková, J.
Termodynamický rámec nelineární lomové mechaniky (studie a perspektivy II).
In: Computational Mechanics 2000. - (Ed. Křen, J.). - Plzeň, ZČU Plzeň 2000. - S. 479-484.
[Computational Mechanics 2000. Nečtiny (CZ), 00.10.30-00.11.01]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA106/99/1467

Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

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