Course: Continuum Mechanics
Faculty of Mechanical Enginering, Czech Technical University in Prague
Kinematics: Lagrangean and Eulerean descriptions, deformation gradient, multiplicative decomposition, strain tensors, material derivative, velocity gradient. Fundamental laws: mass conservation, balance of linear and angular momentum, balance of energy, entropy, Clausius-Duhem inequality, dissipation inequality. Mechanics of solids:coupled problem of thermo-elasticity and heat conduction under finite strains, hypo-elasticity, objective rates (Jaumann, Green-Naghdi, Oldroyd). Mechanics of fluids: inviscid flow (Euler), shock waves (Hugoniot), viscous flow (Newton-Stokes, Navier-Stokes, Reynolds). More than 120 worked out examples.
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Click to download the lectures in PDF (only in Czech): Část 1 | Část 2 | Část 3
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