Jana2006 Ad Hoc workshops - preliminary registration page
Waiting for participants . . . .
The purpose of this page is to collect requirements for future Jana2006 Ad Hoc workshops. As soon as five
people with an overlap of four topics appear we shall organize with them Ad Hoc Workshop.
Topics available:
(INT1) Introduction to Jana software, solution of simple 3d structures
(INT2) Introduction to modulated structures, solution of simple 4d structures
(PWD) Refinement of powder data
(TW) Twins and multiphases of 3d and modulated structures
(CHF) Application of charge flipping to 3d and modulated structures
(DIS) Disorder, mixed sites, application of rigid body refinement for disordered structures
(RIG) Rigid body refinement and application of local symmetry
(CRENEL) Discontinuous modulation functions (crenel and sawtooth)
(COMM) Commensurate structures
(COMP) Composite structures
(FIVE) Five dimensional structures
(MAG) Magnetic structures
(ELD) Electron diffraction
any other topic (please specify)
Preliminary registrations:
Please send your request to dusek@fzu.cz
Maud Giot | INT1 | INT2 | PWD | CHF | MAG | TW | COMM | | | | | | | | | |
Premysl Beran | | | PWD | | MAG | TW | | COMP | | | | | | | | |
Frantisek Laufek | | | | | | | | COMP | CRENEL | DIS | ELD | | | | | |
Veronika Zinth | | INT2 | | CHF | | TW | COMM | | CRENEL | | | FIVE | | | | |
Stefan Liebig | INT1 | | PWD | | | | | | | DIS | | | | | | |
Claire Wilson | INT1 | INT2 | | | | TW | COMM | | | | | | RIG | | | |