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© 2000 - 2010   Jiri Stary        Česky  English

Department of laboratory research on geomaterials

Research workers
  • Doc. Ing. Jiri Scucka, Ph.D.
    head of the department
  • Ing. Eva Plevova, Ph.D.
    deputy head of the department
  • Ing. Pavel Konecny, Dr.
  • Ing. Alena Kozusnikova, CSc.
  • Prof. Ing. Petr Martinec, CSc.
  • Ing. Vera Sugarkova, Ph.D.
  • Ing. Lenka Vaculikova, Ph.D.
  • Ing. Leona Vavro
Research assistants
  • Ing. Katerina Mareckova
Technical staff
  • Anezka Duskova
  • Rudolf Koval
  • Milan Kraus
  • Renata Papcunova
  • Jiri Strilka
  • Jan Sleboda
External workers
  • Ing. Vera Fialova
  • Doc. Ing. Zuzana Navratilova, CSc.
  • RNDr. Josef Polacek, CSc.
  • Ing. Bozena Schejbalova, CSc.
  • Prof. Ing. Zdenek Vasicek, DrSc.
Main research topics

  • Geology of coal basins

    Geological documentation of boreholes and mining workings. Sedimenthological and lithological analysis. Analysis of rock failure. Correlation horizons in coal basins (coal tonsteins, tuffites). Relation of geological structure to locality of the outbursts of gases and coal and gas accumulation). Anomalous structure in massif (red beds, tectonic zones, contact metamorphism, hypergenous zones).

  • Mineralogy and petrography

    Sedimentary rocks (mineralogical composition, grain size, sorting coefficient, angularity and round-ness of clasts, identification of carbonates and clay minerals, coal matter in sediments, petrographical classification of rocks). Other rock types (grain size, identification of minerals, alteration of rock-forming minerals, crystallochemistry, petrochemical recalculation and geochemistry, petrographical classification of rocks). Industrial materials (abrasive materials, micro-particles, silicate building materials – texture, structure, composition, grain size, identification of components and minerals, type and intensity of corrosion and alteration). Coal petrology (maceral analysis, mineralization of coal, failure analysis before and after loading tests, micro-hardness).

  • Image processing and analysis of geomaterials and building materials

    Digital imaging of geomaterials and building materials at microscopic and macroscopic level. Reconstruction imaging methods for visualization of microscopic objects. Quantitative image analysis of structures and textures. Shape, size and orientation analysis of particles. Determination of porosity and pore size distribution. Quantification of line objects (intensity and orientation of micro-fracturing, fibre reinforcement, etc.). Quantification of geological documentation in photographs of underground working faces and rock profiles (proportional repre-sentation of rock types, discontinuities, tectonic zones, etc.).

  • Study of physical properties of geomaterials

    Basic: water content, porosity, mass and volume density, ultrasonic wave velocity, water absorption and related properties. Thermal conductivity, specific thermal capacity, thermal expansion. Permeability in triaxial state of stress. Compression and tensile strength, Young modulus, Poisson ratio in uniaxial and triaxial state of stress. Measurement of permeability and ultrasonic wave velocity changes in process of deformation.

  • Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy of geomaterials

    Application of molecular spectroscopy in the mid-infrared region (4000 - 400 cm-1) to the characterization of various kinds of geomaterials (identification of individual minerals, mineral components in mixtures, determination of specific functional groups and study of physicochemical changes in structure of materials). Infrared spectra can be collected from solid or liquid form of samples by means of selected measuring techniques: KBr disc, nujol suspension, single reflection ATR (diamond or ZnSe crystal).

  • Thermal and thermo-mechanical analysis

    Measuring of simultaneous TGA/DTA curves of various kinds of organic and inorganic materials. Application of thermal analysis especially in carbon materials, coal, rock and mineral research. Characterization of materials and changes in mass associated with the reactions to the final temperature 1200°C and studying the thermodynamics of various processes.

    Based on dilatometry, studying of dimensional changes as a function of temperature of various geomaterials during heating and/or cooling process at a certain rate, usually 3 – 30 K/min. The measurement can be taken under a various gases or air atmosphere.

Technical equipment
  • ThermoNicolet Avatar 320 FTIR Spectrometer
  • Optical polarization and fluorescence microscope Nikon Eclipse 80i with motorized scanning stage Märzhäuser Scan-24-410; optical polarization and fluorescence microscope Olympus BX 50
  • Image processing and analysis system LUCIA DI (Laboratory Imaging, Ltd.)
  • Complete Micro Hardness Tester 240V 50 - 60 Hz (CSM Instruments)
  • Colour stationary CCD cameras Nikon DS-5M (5 Mpx) and DVC 1310 (1,3 Mpx)
  • Stereomicroscope NIKON SMZ-2T
  • Multi-modular thermal analyser SETSYS 1200 fy SETARAM with two measurement heads (TG-ATD 1600°C rod for the simultaneous measurement of TG and DTA curves and the head TMA – Quartz for the simultaneous measurement of thermal dilatation)
  • Mechanical press Zwick 1494 (max. force 600 kN)
  • Karman’s triaxial cell KTK 100 with confining pressure up to 100 MPa and possibility of permeability measurement in deformation process
  • Apparatus for measurement of ultrasonic wave velocity in the process of loading
  • Izomet 2104 for measurement of thermal conductivity and specific thermal capacity
  • Gas chromatograph DANI 1000 DPC: (C1 - C4), H2, range of content: 0 - 5000 ppm; hydrocarbons C1 - C4 are determined by the column Rt Alumina Plot with FID detection, gas chromatography with µTCD detection is used for analysis of hydrogen
  • Stationary gas analysers for CH4, CO, CO2, O2, range of content: vol. %
Solved projects
  • Project No. 105/04/1019 Influence of temperature on permeability changes of rocks in triaxial state of stress (Grant agency CR, 2004 - 2006, responsible investigator Alena Kozusnikova).
  • Project No 205/05/0871 Sorption properties of microparticles of clay minerals (Grant agency CR, 2005 - 2007, responsible investigator Zuzana Navrátilova).
  • Project No. 105/03/D079 New posssibilities of identification of clay minerals and micas in sedimentary rocks using infrared spectroscopy (Grant agency CR, 2003 – 2006, responsible investigator Lenka Vaculikova).
  • Publication project No. E300860601 Influence of finishing deep coal mining on surface and environment (Grant agency ASCR, 2006, responsible investigator Petr Martinec).
Selected publications
  • H. Bartonkova, M. Maslan, R. Zboril, J. Pechousek, O. Schneeweiss, P. Martinec: Moessbauer study of iron oxide modified montmorillonite – Hyperfine Interaction, No.12, 2006, Springer Science and Business Media B.V.
  • M. Caslavsky, M. Dopita, P. Dvorak, Vl. Homola, J. Jirasek, A. Kozusnikova, P. Martinec, P. Panek, J. Pegrimocova, E. Plevova, M. Sivek, P. Straka, L. vaculikova, J. Vasek: Atlas uhli ceske casti hornoslezske panve. Vydavatelstvi Anagram, Ostrava, 2005. P. Martinec, J. Jirasek, A. Kozusnikova, M. Sivek (eds.), 60 stran, anglicke resume 6 stran, 410 obrazovych priloh na CD.
  • J. Foldyna, A. Kozusnikova: Some remarks on coal substance behaviour in tectonic stress field: comparison with the results of triaxial compression tests. Intralayer deformation in Ostrava-Karvina coal seam. Proceedings of the XIII. International congress on the Carboniferous and Permian, 28.8.-2.9.1995, Krakow, Poland, 1997.
  • J. Jureczka, M. Galka, W. Krieger, Kwarczynski, P. Martinec, M. Dopita: Atlas map geologiczno-złoźowych polskiej i czeskiej częśti Gornosląskiego Zagłębia Węglowego (1:200 000). Panstwowy Institut geologiczny, Ministerstvo Środowiska, Warzsawa, 2005, 31 str., 14 map, (polsko-anglicky).
  • A. Kędzior, M. Doktor, P. Martinec: Warunki sedimentacji i architektura cial piasczyczstych warstw zabrskich (Namur B) w Czeskiej cześci gornosląskiego zaglebia weglowego-porownanie z czestia Polska. Proc. XXVI Symposium nt. Geologia Formacji weglonosnych Polski. Akademia Gorniczo-Hutnicza w Krakowie, 51-54, Krakow, 2003.
  • Z. Klika, T. Kozubek, P. Martinec, Ch. Klikova: Mathematical modelling of bituminous coal seams burning contempora-neously with the formation of variegated beds body.- Int. Journ. Coal Geology, 59 (2004): 137-151, Elsevier.
  • P. Konecny Jr., A. Kozusnikova: Measuring of gas – permeability of coal and clastic sedimentary rocksat triaxial state of stress. Coalbed Methane and Coal Geology, R. Gayer, I. Harris (ed.), Geological Society Special Publication No. 109, 1996, 227-229.
  • P. Konecny Jr., A. Kozusnikova: Permeability of coal of the Upper Silesian basin (Czech republic). Bulletin of the Czech Geological Survay, CGU Praha, Vol. 74, No.2, 1999, 155-158.
  • P. Konecny Jr., A. Kozusnikova, P. Martinec: Rock mass as a porous medium: Gas filtration ability in triaxial state of stress. Proc. of the 9th International Congress on Rock Mechanics, Paris, 1999, 761-764.
  • A. Kozusnikova: Relationship between the hydrogen content of coal and the lithological characteristics of rocks overlying the coal seam. Coalbed Methane and Coal Geology, Gayer, R. & Harris, I. (ed.), Geological Society Special Publication No. 109, 1996, 231-236.
  • A. Kozusnikova, K. Mareckova: Analysis of rock failure after triaxial testing. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, Vol.36 (1999), No. 2, 1999, 243-251.
  • A. Kozusnikova, P. Martinec, J. Pesek, P. Valterova: Coal clasts in the Carboniferous sediments of the Upper Silesian basin. Carboniferous and Permian of the World : XIV ICCP Proceedings, Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, Memoirs 19 (Hills L.V., Henderson Ch.M., Bamber E.W. eds.), Calgary, Canada, 2002, 895-901.
  • A. Kozusnikova, P. Konecny Jr., J. Chmelova, J. Scucka: Evaluation of rock failure by various physical methods in laboratory conditions.- ISRM International Symposium on Rock Engineering for Moutainous Regions, Eurock 2002, Funchal, 2002, 707-714.
  • A. Kozusnikova, V. Fialova, I. Hoch: Anomalous drill-core parting in the sediments of the Upper Silesian basin. Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, Vol. 73, 2003, 139-143.
  • A. Kozusnikova: Changes of permeability of coal in the process of deformation.- Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Geologica, Vol.46, Nos 2-4 (2001), UK, Nakladatelstvi Karolinum, Praha, 2003, 75-77.
  • F. Kovanda, V. Balek, V. Dornicak, P. Martinec, M. Maslan, L. Vaculikova, D. Kolousek, M. Bountsewa: Thermal behaviour of synthetic pyroaurite-like anionic clay. Journal of Thermal Analysis, vol. 71, 2003, 727-737.
  • P. Martinec et al: Termination of underground coal mining and its impact on the environment, ANAGRAM, 128 pp. Ostrava, 2006, (in Czech and English version).
  • P. Martinec, B. Schejbalova: History and environmental impact of mining in Ostrava-Karvina coal field (Upper Silesian Coal Basin, Czech Republic).- Geologica Belgica (2004) 7/3-4: 215-223.
  • Z. Navratilova, L. Vaculikova: Sorpcni vlastnosti jilovych mineralu. Chemicke Listy, vol. 98, 2004, 696-716.
  • Z. Navratilova, L. Vaculikova: Electrodeposition of mercury film on electrodes modified with clay minerals, Chemical Papers, vol. 60, No. 5, 2006, 348-352.
  • M. Niederoest, J. Niederoest, J. Scucka: Automatic 3D Reconstruction and Visualization of Microscopic Objects from a Monoscopic Multifocus Image Sequence. International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. XXXIV-5/W10. International Workshop on Visualization and Animation of Reality-based 3D Models, Tarasp-Vulpera, Switzerland, 2002.
  • M. Niederoest, J. Niederoest, J. Scucka: Shape From Focus: Fully Automated 3D Reconstruction and Visualization of Microscopic Objects. In: 6th International Conference on Optical 3-D Measurement Techniques, Vol. II., Zurich, Switzerland, 2003, 236-243.
  • E. Plevova: Effects of Lewis Acids on the Resultant Properties of Char and Coal Tar after Carbonisation, KARBO, 2003, Vol. XLVIII, Nr. 2, 2003, 82–84.
  • E. Plevova, M. Kaloc, V. Sugarkova: Vliv rezidualnich chloridu na karbonizaci uhli. Ropa, uhlie, plyn a petrochemia, roc. 46 (1-2), 2004, str. 100.
  • V. Sugarkova, V. Slovak, M. Kaloc: Anthracene Catalytic Polycondensation in Presence of Chloride Agents. CARBON 2003, 6. – 10. July 2003, Oviedo, Spain, 2003.
  • V. Sugarkova et al: A Controlled Thermolysis of Some Carbochemical Hydrocarbons. 12thInternational Conference on Coal Science, 2. – 6. November 2003, Australia, 2003.
  • V. Sugarkova, E. Plevova, M. Kaloc: Effect of Anthracene Thermal Exposure on Mesophase Properties. International Conference on Coal Science and Technology, 9. - 14. October 2005, Okinawa, 2005.
  • J. Scucka, P. Martinec, T. Senne, H. Luis, F. Pude: Form- und Größenänderungen von Mineralabrasivpartikeln beim Wasserabrasiv-Injektorstrahlverfahren. In: Schuttgut, 2003, Vol. 9, No. 6, Trans Tech Publications, 2003, 414 – 423.
  • J. Scucka, P. Martinec, R. Snuparek, V. Vesely: Image Processing and Analysis in Geotechnical Investigation. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology: Special Issue Safety in the Underground Space. Vol. 21, No. 3-4, 2006.
  • J. Scucka, K. Soucek: Stavba a vlastnosti geokompozitnich materialu s polyuretanovymi pojivy. In Documenta geonica 2007/1. Ostrava: Akademie ved Ceske republiky, Ustav geoniky, 2007. s. 1-247.
  • J. Ulrych, F. Fediuk, M. Lang, P. Martinec: Late Paleozoic volcanic rocks of the Intra – Sudetic Basin, Bohemian Massif: petrological and geochemical characteristics.- Chemie der Erde - Geochemistry 64 (2004): 127-153, Elsevier GmbH.
  • L. Vaculikova, E. Plevova: Identification of clay minerals and micas in sedimentary rocks. Acta geodynamica et geomaterialia, 2005, 2, 163-171.
  • L. Vaculikova: Nove moznosti identifikace jilovych mineralu a slid v sedimentarnich horninach metodou infracervene spektroskopie s Fourierovou transformaci. Zaverecna zprava k postdoktorskemu grantovemu projektu GACR. Ostrava, 2006, 36 + 96 p., GA CR GP105/03/D079.
  • R. Zboril, M. Maslan, K. Barcova, E.Ferrow, P. Martinec: Thermal behaviour of pyrope at 1000°C and 1100°C: mechanism of Fe+2 oxidation and decomposition model.- Phys. Chem. Minerale, Vol. 30, Springer-Verlag, 2003, 620-627.