Colloquium aktualni

Epistemic Aspects of Many-valued Logic

Prague International Colloquium

September 13-16, 2010
Institute of Philosophy, Prague, Czech Republic

The role of the probability calculus and its generalizations in providing a formal framework for addressing traditional epistemological probabilities is well established. The aim of the colloquium is to explore the role of other calculi of uncertainty in epistemology - in particular those based on many-valued logics. Topics to be covered include

• the epistemological uses of uncertainty calculi

• the relation of fuzzy logics to the probability calculus

• epistemological interpretations of many-valued logics

• foundations of fuzzy logics and probability

• counterparts (if any) of conditionalization in fuzzy frameworks

• learning in fuzzy logics, conditionalization in probability and in fuzzy logics, calibration in probability and fuzzy logics

• vagueness as a linguistic and as an epistemic concepts


Invited speakers include Colin Howson and Peter Milne.


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