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Matematický ústav Akademie věd České republiky, v.v.i.

Publications 2004

Publications of 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008.


  • Bartušek, M. - Došlá, Zuzana - Graef, J. R.,  The nonlinear limit-limit/limit-circle problem,  Boston: Birkhäuser, (2004), 175 pp.
  • Hlaváček, Ivan - Chleboun, Jan - Babuška, I.,  Uncertain Input Data Problems and the Worst Scenario Method,  Amsterdam: Elsevier (North-Holland Series in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 46),  (2004), 458 pp.
  • Novotný, A. - Straškraba, Ivan,  Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Compressible Flow,  Oxford: Oxford University Press, (2004), 506 pp.

Chapters of Monographs

  • Balcar, Bohuslav,  Zero-Dimensional Spaces,  Encyclopedia of General Topology. Amsterdam: Elsevier, (2004), pp.323-325.
  • Daněk, J. - Denk, F. - Hlaváček, Ivan - Nedoma, Jiří - Stehlík, J. - Vavřík, P.,  On the Stress-Strain Analysis of the Knee Replacement,  Computational Science and its Applications. Berlin: Springer, (2004), pp.456-466.
  • Matousková, Eva - Reich, S. - Zaslavski, A.J.,  Genericity in nonexpansive mapping theory,  Advanced Courses of Mathematical Analysis (Aizpuru, T.), World Scientific, (2004), pp.81-98.
  • Kurzweil, Jaroslav,  The revival of the Riemannian approach to integration,  Banach Center Publications. Orlicz Centenary Volume. Warszawa: Polish Academy of Science, (2004), pp.147-158.
  • Pelant, Jan,  Extensions of Topological Spaces,  Encyclopedia of General Topology. Amsterdam: Elsevier, (2004), pp.204-207.
  • Paturi, R. - Pudlák, Pavel,  Circuit lower bounds and linear codes,  Notes of Mathematical Seminars of St. Petersburg Department of Steklov Institute of Mathematics (Hirsch, E.), St. Petersburg: Steklov Institute of Mathematics, (2004), pp.188-204.
  • Pudlák, Pavel - Rödl, V.,  Pseudorandom sets and explicit constructions of Ramsey graphs,  Complexity of computations and proofs (Krajíček, J.), Napoli: Dipartimento di Matematica della Seconda Universita di Napoli, (2004), pp.327-346.
  • Pruhs, K. - Torng, E. - Sgall, Jiří,  Online scheduling,  Handbook of Scheduling: Algorithms, Models, and Performance Analysis. Kap. 15. Boca Raton: CRC Press, (2004), pp.1-41.
  • Vejchodský, Tomáš,  On the nonnegativity conservation in semidiscrete parabolic problems,  Conjugate Gradient Algorithms and Finite Element Methods. Berlin: Springer Verlag, (2004), pp.197-210.
  • Vondráček, Jiří,  Počátky učení,  Chování dítěte raného věku a rodičovská péče. Praha: Grada Publishing, (2004), pp.41-51.

Papers in Scientific Journals

  • Adamec, Ladislav,  A Remark on Matrix Equation $x^{/Delta}=A(t)x$ on Small Time Scales,  Journal of Difference Equations and Applications,  10 (2004), pp.1107-1117.
  • Ambrozie, C. - Müller, Vladimír,  Invariant subspaces for polynomially bounded operators,  Journal of Functional Analysis,  213 (2004), pp.321-345.
  • Ambrozie, Calin-Grigore,  Remark on the Operator-valued Interpolation for Multivariable Bounded Analytic Functions,  Indiana University Mathematics Journal,  53 (2004), pp.1551-1576.
  • Balcar, Bohuslav - Hernández, F. - Hrušák, M.,  Combinatorics of dense subsets of the rationals,  Fundamenta Mathematicae,  183 (2004), pp.59-80.
  • Došlá, Zuzana - Kobza, A.,  Global asymptotic properties of third order difference equations,  Computers & Mathematics With Applications,  48 (2004), pp.191-200.
  • Došlá, Zuzana - Vrkoč, Ivo,  On an extension of the Fubini theorem and its applications in ODEs,  Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications,  57 (2004), pp.531-548.
  • Cecchi, M. - Došlá, Zuzana - Marini, M,  On recessive and dominant solutions for half-linear difference equations,  Journal of Difference Equations and Applications,  10 (2004), pp.797-808.
  • Cecchi, M. - Došlá, Zuzana - Marini, M,  Positive solutions and singular discrete boundary value problems,  Abstract and Applied Analysis,  4  (2004), pp.271-283.
  • Cecchi, M. - Došlá, Zuzana - Marini, M,  Principal solutions and minimal sets of quasilinear differential equations,  Dynamic Systems and Applications,  13 (2004), pp.223-234.
  • Engliš, Miroslav - Zhang, G.,  On the Faraut-Koranyi hypergeometric functions in rank two,  Annales de l´Institut Fourier,  54 (2004), pp.1855-1875.
  • Engliš, Miroslav - Lukkassen, D. - Peetre, J. - Persson, L. E.,  On the formula of Jacques-Louis Lions for reproducing kernels of harmonic and other functions,  Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik: Crelles journal,  570 (2004), pp.89-129.
  • Engliš, Miroslav,  Some problems in operator theory on bounded symmetric domains,  Acta Applicandae Mathematicae,  81 (2004), pp.51-71.
  • Ali, S. T. - Engliš, Miroslav - Gazeau, J. P,  Vector Coherent States from Plancherelďs Theorem, Clifford Algebras and Matrix Domains,  Journal of Physics. A - Mathematical and General Physics,  37 (2004), pp.6067-6089.
  • Fabián, Marián - Borwein, J. - Cheng, L. - Revalski, J. P.,  A One Perturbation Variational Principle and Applications,  Set-Valued Analysis,  12 (2004), pp.49-60.
  • Fabián, Marián - Montesinos, V. - Zizler, V.,  A characterization of subspaces of weakly compactly generated Banach spaces,  Journal of the London Mathematical Society,  69 (2004), pp.457-464.
  • Fabián, Marián - Godefroy, G. - Montesinos, V. - Zizler, V.,  Inner characterizations of weakly compactly generated Banach spaces and their relatives,  Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,  297 (2004), pp.419-455.
  • Feireisl, Eduard - Issard-Roch, F. - Petzeltová, Hana,  A non-smooth version of the Lojasiewitz-Simon theorem with applications to non-local phase-field systems,  Journal of Differential Equations,  199 (2004), pp.1-21.
  • Ducomet, B. - Feireisl, Eduard - Petzeltová, Hana - Straškraba, Ivan,  Global in Time Weak Solutions for Compressible Barotropic Self-Gravitating Fluids,  Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems,  11 (2004), pp.113-130.
  • Feireisl, Eduard - Issard-Roch, F. - Petzeltová, Hana,  Long-time behaviour and convergence towards equilibria for a conserved phase field model,  Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems,  10 (2004), pp.239-252.
  • Ducomet, B. - Feireisl, Eduard,  On the Dynamics of Gaseous Stars,  Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis,  174 (2004), pp.221-266.
  • Feireisl, Eduard,  On the Motion of a Viscous, Compressible, and Meat Conducting Fluid,  Indiana University Mathematics Journal,  53 (2004), pp.1707-1740.
  • Fiedler, Miroslav - Vavřín, Zdeněk,  Generalized Hessenberg Matrices,  Linear Algebra and Its Applications,  380 (2004), pp.95-105.
  • Gogatishvili, Amiran - Opic, Bohumír - Neves, J.S.,  Optimality of embeddings of Bessel-potential-type spaces into Lorentz-Karamata spaces,  Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. A - Mathematics,  134 (2004), pp.1127-1147.
  • Hájek, Petr Pavel - Johanis, M,  Characterization of reflexivity by equivalent renorming*,  Journal of Functional Analysis,  211 (2004), pp.163-172.
  • Granero, A. S. - Hájek, Petr Pavel - Santalucía, V. M.,  Convexity and w*-compactness in Banach spaces,  Mathematische Annalen,  328 (2004), pp.625-631.
  • Hájek, Petr Pavel - Johanis, M.,  Isomorphic embeddings and harmonic behaviour of smooth operators*,  Israel Journal of Mathematics,  143 (2004), pp.299-315.
  • Hakl, Robert - Lomtatidze, Alexander - Stavroulakis, I.P,  On a boundary value problem for scalar linear functional differential equations,  Abstract and Applied Analysis,  2004 (2004), pp.45-67.
  • Hakl, Robert - Lomtatidze, Alexander - Šremr, Jiří,  On nonnegative solutions of a periodic type boundary value problem for first order scalar functional differential equations,  Functional Differential Equations,  11 (2004), pp.363-394.
  • Hakl, Robert,  On periodic-type boundary value problems for functional differential equations with a positively homogeneous operator,  Miskolc Mathematical Notes,  5  (2004), pp.33-55.
  • Hakl, Robert - Lomtatidze, Alexander - Šremr, Jiří,  Solvability of a periodic type boundary value problem for first order scalar functional differential equations,  Archivum mathematicum,  40 (2004), pp.89-109.
  • Hlaváček, Ivan - John, O. - Kufner, Alois - Málek, Josef - Nečasová, Šárka - Stará, J. - Sverák, V.,  In Memoriam Jindřich Nečas,  Mathematica Bohemica,  129 (2004), pp.421-446.
  • Ilucová, Lucia - Saxl, Ivan,  Improved grain size estimation: w-s diagram,  Acta Metallurgica Slovaca,  10 (2004), pp.152-163.
  • Komenda, Jan,  Discussion on Supervisory Control of Discrete Event Systems with Dynamical Marking Attribution,  European Journal of Control,  10 (2004), pp.63-64.
  • Kopecká, Eva - Reich S.,  A note on the von Neumann alternating projections algorithm,  Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis,  5  (2004), pp.379-386.
  • Bauschke, H.H. - Matousková, Eva - Reich, S.,  Projection and proximal point methods: convergence results and counterexamples,  Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications,  56 (2004), pp.715-738.
  • Krajíček, Jan,  Approximate Euler characteristic, dimension, and weak pigeonhole principles,  Journal of Symbolic Logic,  69 (2004), pp.201-214.
  • Krajíček, Jan,  Combinatorics of first order structures and propositional proof systems,  Archive for Mathematical Logic,  43 (2004), pp.427-441.
  • Krajíček, Jan,  Diagonalization in proof complexity,  Fundamenta Mathematicae,  182 (2004), pp.181-192.
  • Krajíček, Jan,  Dual weak pigeonhole principle, pseudo-surjective functions, and provability of circuit lower bounds,  Journal of Symbolic Logic,  69 (2004), pp.265-286.
  • Krajíček, Jan,  Implicit proofs,  Journal of Symbolic Logic,  69 (2004), pp.387-397.
  • Liu, L. - Liu, T. - Křížek, Michal - Lin, T. - Zhang,S.,  Global superconvergence and a posteriori error estimators of the finite element method for a quasi-linear elliptic boundary value problem of nonmonotone type,  SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis,  42 (2004), pp.1729-1744.
  • Somer, L. - Křížek, Michal,  On a connection of number theory with graph theory,  Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,  54 (2004), pp.465-485.
  • Liu, L. - Davies, K. B. - Yuan, K. - Křížek, Michal,  On symmetric pyramidal finite elements,  Dynamics of Continuous Discrete and Impulsive Systems-Series B-Applications & Algorithms,  11 (2004), pp.213-227.
  • Brandts, J. - Korotov, S. - Křížek, Michal,  Over de rechthoekige driehoek en zijn hogerdimensionale generalisaties,  Nieuwe Wiskrant,  24 (2004), pp.12-16.
  • Křížek, Michal - Somer, L,  Sophie Germain little suns,  Mathematica Slovaca,  54 (2004), pp.433-442.
  • Kufner, Alois - Persson, L. E. - Wedestig, A,  A study of some constants characterizing the weighted Hardy inequality,  Banach Center Publications,  64 (2004), pp.135-146.
  • Kufner, Alois - Gogatishvili, Amiran - Persson, L. E. - Wedestig, A.,  An equivalence theorem for integral conditions related to Hardy's inequality,  Real Analysis Exchange,  29 (2004), pp.867-880.
  • Kurzweil, Jaroslav - Schwabik, Štefan,  McShane equi-integrability and vitaliďs convergence theorem,  Mathematica Bohemica,  129 (2004), pp.141-157.
  • Kurzweil, Jaroslav - Schwabik, Štefan,  On McShane integrability of Banach space-valued functions,  Real Analysis Exchange,  29 (2004), pp.763-780.
  • Lomtatidze, Alexander - Vodstčil, Petr,  On nonnegative solutions of second order linear functional differential equations,  Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics,  32 (2004), pp.59-88.
  • Markl, Martin,  Homotopy algebras are homotopy algebras,  Forum Mathematicum,  16 (2004), pp.129-160.
  • Maslowski, Bohdan - Schmalfuss, B.,  Random Dynamical Systems and Stationary Solutions of Differential Equations Driven by the Fractional Brownian Motion,  Stochastic Analysis and Applications,  22 (2004), pp.1577-1607.
  • Berkani, M. - Medková, Dagmar,  A Note on the Index of B-Fredholm Operators,  Mathematica Bohemica,  129 (2004), pp.177-180.
  • Medková, Dagmar - Krutitskii, P,  The Harmonic Dirichlet Problem for a Cracked Domain with Jump Conditions on Cracks,  Applicable Analysis,  83 (2004), pp.661-671.
  • Medková, Dagmar,  The Oblique Derivative Problem for the Laplace Equation in a Plain Domain,  Integral Equations and Operator Theory,  48 (2004), pp.225-248.
  • Medková, Dagmar,  Which solutions of the third problem for the Poisson equation are bounded?,  Abstract and Applied Analysis. -,  2004 (2004), pp.501-510.
  • Mukhigulashvili, Sulkhan,  On the unique solvability of the Dirichlet problem for a second-order linear functional-differential equation,  Differential Equations,  40 (2004), pp.515-523.
  • Badea, C. - Müller, Vladimír,  Invertible extensions and growth conditions,  Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences,  339 (2004), pp.21-26.
  • León-Saavedra, Fernando - Müller, Vladimír,  Rotations of Hypercyclic and Supercyclic Operators,  Integral Equations and Operator Theory,  50 (2004), pp.385-391.
  • Nečasová, Šárka,  Asymptotic properties of the steady fall of a body in viscous fluids,  Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences,  27 (2004), pp.1969-1995.
  • Amrouche, Ch. - Nečasová, Šárka - Sokolowski, J.,  Shape Sensitivity of the Dirichlet Laplacian in the Hale Space,  Bulletin Polish Academy of Sciences,  52 (2004), pp.365-380.
  • Nečasová, Šárka - Penel, P.,  Steady fall of a body in viscos compressible fluids,  Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics,  15 (2004), pp.137-149.
  • Neuman, František,  A General Construction of Linear Differential Equations with Solutions of Prescribed Properties,  Applied Mathematics Letters,  17 (2004), pp.71-76.
  • Neuman, František,  Smooth and discrete systems - algebraic, analytic, and geometrical representations,  Advances in Difference Equations,  2  (2004), pp.111-120.
  • Ondreját, Martin,  Existence of global mild and strong solutions to stochastic hyperbolic evolution equations driven by a spatially homogeneous Wiener process,  Journal of Evolution Equations,  4  (2004), pp.169-191.
  • Ondreját, Martin,  Uniqueness for stochastic evolution equations in Banach spaces,  Dissertationes Mathematicae,  426 (2004), pp.1-63.
  • Opic, Bohumír,  Limiting reiteration theorems for real interpolation,  Actas del Colloquium,  52 (2004), pp.137-155.
  • Holický, P. - Pelant, Jan,  Internal descriptions of absolute Borel classes,  Topology and its Applications,  141 (2004), pp.87-104.
  • Ivanov, S. - Nedev, S. - Pelant, Jan,  On proximities generated by countable families of entourages,  Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,  45 (2004), pp.535-541.
  • Zelený, M. - Pelant, Jan,  The structure of the sigma-ideal of sigma-porous sets,  Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,  45 (2004), pp.37-72.
  • Pravda, Vojtěch - Pravdová, Alena - Coley, A. - Milson, R.,  Bianchi indentities in higher dimensions,  Classical and Quantum Gravity,  21 (2004), pp.2873-2897.
  • Coley, A. - Milson, R. - Pravda, Vojtěch - Pravdová, Alena,  Classification of the Weyl tensor in higher dimensions,  Classical and Quantum Gravity,  21 (2004), pp.35-41.
  • Coley, A. - Milson, R. - Pravda, Vojtěch - Pravdová, Alena,  Vanishing scalar invariant spacetimes in higher dimensions.,  Classical and Quantum Gravity,  21 (2004), pp.5519-5542.
  • Přikryl, Petr - Gatskevich, E. - Černý, R.,  Computational model of pulsed laser-induced melting, evaporation and solidification of CdZnTe,  Computational Materials Science,  31 (2004), pp.389-404.
  • Rontó, Andrei,  New differential inequalities whose properties guarantee the solvability of the Cauchy problem for linear functional differential equations,  Dopovidi Nacional´noj Akademii Nauk Ukrainy,  (2004), pp.26-32.
  • Rontó, Andrei - Ronto, M. - Shchobak, N.,  On parametrization of three-point nonlinear boundary-value problems,  Nonlinear Oscillations,  7  (2004), pp.384-402.
  • Dilnaya, N. Z. - Rontó, Andrei,  On the solvability of the Cauchy problem for systems of linear functional differential equations with $(/vec/sigma,/tau) $-positive right-hand sides,  Dopovidi Nacional´noj Akademii Nauk Ukrainy. -,  (2004), pp.29-35.
  • Rontó, Andrei,  On the unique solvability of linear equations determined by monotone decomposable operators,  Mathematical Notes. A Publication of the University of Miskolc,  5  (2004), pp.71-82.
  • Rontó, Andrei,  Some exact conditions for the solvability of the initial-value problem for systems of linear functional-differential equations,  Nonlinear Oscillations,  7  (2004), pp.521-537.
  • Dilnaya, N. Z. - Rontó, Andrei,  Some new conditions for the solvability of the Cauchy problem for systems of linear functional-differential equations,  Ukrainian Mathematical Journal,  56 (2004), pp.1033-1053.
  • Malaguti, L. - Řehák, Pavel - Taddei, V,  Bounded solutions and wavefronts for discrete dynamics,  Computers & Mathematics With Applications,  47 (2004), pp.1079-1094.
  • Řehák, Pavel,  On certain comparison theorems for half-linear dynamic equations on time scales,  Abstract and Applied Analysis,  7  (2004), pp.551-565.
  • Řehák, Pavel,  Opial and Lyapunov type inequalities for half-linear dynamic equations,  Dynamic Systems and Applications,  13 (2004), pp.445-458.
  • Marini, M. - Matucci, S. - Řehák, Pavel,  Oscillation of coupled nonlinear discrete systems,  Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,  295 (2004), pp.459-472.
  • Hrabě, J. - Hrabětová, S. - Segeth, Karel,  A Model of Effective Diffusion and Tortuosity in the Extracellular Space of the Brain,  Biophysical Journal,  87 (2004), pp.1606-1617.
  • Šolín, P. - Segeth, Karel,  Non-uniqueness of almost unidirectional inviscid compressible flow*,  Applications of Mathematics,  49 (2004), pp.247-268.
  • Epstein, L. - Sgall, Jiří,  Approximation schemes for scheduling on uniformly related and identical parallel machines,  Algorithmica,  39 (2004), pp.43-57.
  • Sgall, Jiří - de Paepe, W. E. - Lenstra, J. K. - Sitters, R. A. - Stougie L.,  Computer-aided complexity classification of dial-a-ride problems,  INFORMS Journal on Computing,  16 (2004), pp.120-132.
  • Fischer, I. - Newman, I. - Sgall, Jiří,  Functions that have read-twice constant width branching programs are not necessarily testable,  Random Struct. Algorithms,  24 (2004), pp.175-193.
  • Majerech, V. - Sgall, Jiří - Tichý, Tomáš - Woeginger, G. - Král, D,  It is tough to be a plumber,  Theoretical Computer Science,  313 (2004), pp.473-484.
  • Chrobak, M. - Sgall, Jiří,  The weighted 2-server problem,  Theoretical Computer Science,  324 (2004), pp.289-319.
  • Koliha, J. J. - Rakočevič, V. - Straškraba, Ivan,  The difference and sum of projectors,  Linear Algebra and Its Applications,  388 (2004), pp.279-288.
  • Šilhavý, Miroslav - Duda, F. P,  Dislocation walls in crystals under single slip,  Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,  193 (2004), pp.5385-5409.
  • Šilhavý, Miroslav,  On SO(n) invariant rank 1 convex functions,  Journal of Elasticity,  71 (2004), pp.235-246.
  • Šilhavý, Miroslav,  On semiconvexity properties of rotationally invariant functions in two dimensions,  Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,  54 (2004), pp.559-571.
  • Tichý, Tomáš,  Randomized On-line Scheduling on 3 processors,  Operations Research Letters,  32 (2004), pp.152-158.
  • Rachůnková, I. - Tvrdý, Milan,  Construction of non-constant lower and upper functions for impulsive periodic problems,  Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, Proceedings 7th Coll. QTDE,  19 (2004), pp.1-8.
  • Rachůnková, I. - Tvrdý, Milan,  Existence results for impulsive second-order periodic problems,  Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications,  59 (2004), pp.133-146.
  • Rachůnková, I. - Tvrdý, Milan,  Nonmonotone impulse effects in second-order periodic boundary value problems,  Abstract and Applied Analysis,  7  (2004), pp.577-590.
  • Vanžura, Jiří,  Characterization of one type of multisymplectic 3-forms in odd dimensional,  Supplemento ai Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo,  72 (2004), pp.203-209.
  • Vejchodský, Tomáš,  On the Nonmonotony of Nonlinear Elliptic Operators in Divergence Form,  Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications,  14 (2004), pp.25-33.
  • Vodstrčil, Petr,  On nonnegative solutions of a certain nonlocal boundary value problem for second order linear functional differential equations,  Georgian Mathematical Journal,  11 (2004), pp.583-602.
  • Dittrichová, J. - Mrázek, M. - Pilařová, M. - Procházková, E. - Sobotková D. - Vondráček, Jiří,  Psychický stav dětí z těhotenství po asistované reprodukci ve třetím roce zivota,  Česká gynekologie. Časopis České gynekologické a porodnické společnosti,  69 (2004), pp.172-177.
  • Křivan, Vlastimil - Vrkoč, Ivo,  Should handled prey be considered? Some consequences for functional response predator-prey dynamics and optimal foraging theory,  Journal of Theoretical Biology,  227 (2004), pp.167-174.

Contributions to International Proceedings

  • Engliš, Miroslav,  Some variations on the Berezin quantization method,  Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Contemporary Problems in Mathematical Physics (Govaerts, J.), Singapore, World Scientific,  (2004), pp.450-464.
  • Gogatishvili, Amiran - Moriton, S. - Niwa, M. - Sobukawa, T.,  Interpolation theorems for Block-Lorentz spaces,  Proceedings of the International Symposium on Banach and Function Spaces, Yokohama: Yokohama Publishers,  (2004), pp.215-223.
  • Ilucová, Lucia - Král, P. - Svoboda, M. - Saxl, Ivan - Sklenička, V.,  Estimation of grain size and size inhomogeneity in ultrafine-grained aluminium processed by ECAP method,  Proceedings 25th Riso International Symposium on Materials Science Evolution of Deformation Microstructures in 3D. Roskilde: Riso National Laboratory,  (2004), pp.363-368.
  • Komenda, Jan,  Coalgebra and coinduction in decentralized supervisory control,  Proceedings IFAC Control System Design. Oxford: Elsevier Science Ltd,  (2004), pp.193-198.
  • Komenda, Jan,  Modular Control of Large Distributed Discrete Event Systems,  Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Systems Science Volume II. Wroclaw: Politechnika Wroclaw,  (2004), pp.175-184.
  • Komenda, Jan - van Schuppen, J. H.,  Supremal Normal Sublanguages of Large Distributed Discrete Event Systems,  Proceedings of the 7th IFAC International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems. Reims: CWI,  (2004), pp.73-78.
  • Korotov, S. - Křížek, Michal,  Discrete Maximum Principles in Finite Element Modelling,  Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications. Proceedings of ENUMATH 2003 the 5th European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications. Berlin: SpringerVerlag,  (2004), pp.580-586.
  • Korotov, S. - Křížek, Michal,  Dissection of an arbitrary polyhedron into nonobtuse tetrahedra,  Proceedings Conference ECCOMAS, vol. II. Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä, 2004,  (2004), pp.1-8.
  • Brandts, J. - Korotov, S. - Křížek, Michal,  Survey of discrete maximum principles for linear elliptic and parabolic problems,  Proceedings Conference ECCOMAS, vol. II. Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä,  (2004), pp.1-19.
  • Medková, Dagmar,  Which solutions of the Third Problem for the Poisson Equation are Bounded?,  International Conference on Differential, Difference Equations and Their Applications (Siafarikas, P.), Hindawi Publishing Corporation,  (2004), pp.247-256.
  • Müller, Vladimír,  On the Taylor functional calculus,  Non-normed Topological Algebras. Takaddoum: Ecole Normale Supérieure B.P (Kinani, A.),  (2004), pp.63-65.
  • Müller, Vladimír,  Orbits of Operators,  Proceedings of the First International School Advances Courses of Mathematical Analysis I. (Aizpuru-Tomáš, A.), New Jersey: World Scientific,  (2004), pp.53-79.
  • Nečasová, Šárka,  Some remarks on the asymptotic properties of the steady fall of a body in viscous fluids,  Proceedings of the Conference of Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics 2004, Praha: Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR,  (2004), pp.99-104.
  • Přikryl, Petr - Ivlev, G. D. - Gatskevich, E. I. - Zhvavyi, S. P. - Černý R. - Cháb, Vladimír - Cibulka, O.,  Phase transformations induced in CdTe single crystal by ruby laser pulsed irradiation,  Eight International Conference on Laser and Laser Information Technologies. Bellingham: Kluwer,  (2004), pp.10-17.
  • Roubíček, Filip,  Geometrization, Communication and Semiotic Representations,  Iwww.ICME-10.dk. Kodaň,  (2004), pp.1-11.
  • Marini, M. - Matucci, S. - Řehák, Pavel,  Strongly decaying solutions of nonlinear forced discrete systems,  Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Difference Equations (Aulbach, B.), Boca Raton: CRC,  (2004), pp.493-500.
  • Ponížil, P. - Procházka, J. - Čermák, R. - Saxl, Ivan,  Grain size estimation in anisotropic materials,  Proceedings of 8th International Research/Expert Conference Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology, Neum: TMT,  (2004), pp.223-226.
  • Sgall, Jiří - Chrobak, M. - Jawor, W. - Tichý, Tomáš,  Improved online algorithms for buffer management in QoS switches,  Proceedings of the 12th European Symposium on Algorithms. Berlin: Springer,  (2004), pp.204-215.
  • Bartal, Y. - Chin, F. Y. L. - Chrobak, M. - Fung, S. P. Y. - Jawor, W. - Lavi, R. - Sgall, Jiří - Tichý, Tomáš,  Online competitive algorithms for maximizing weighted throughput of unit jobs,  Proceedings of the 21st Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS). Berlin: SpringerVerlag,  (2004), pp.187-198.
  • Sgall, Jiří - Chrobak, M. - Jawor, W. - Tichý, Tomáš,  Online scheduling of equal-length jobs: Randomization and restarts help,  Proceedings of the 31st International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP). Berlin: Springer,  (2004), pp.358-370.
  • Ebenlendr, T. - Sgall, Jiří,  Optimal and online preemptive scheduling on uniformly related machines,  Proceedings of the 21st Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS). Berlin: SpringerVerlag,  (2004), pp.199-210.
  • Sgall, Jiří - Kolman, P. - Chrobak, M,  The greedy algorithm for the minimum common string partition problem,  Proceedings of the APPROX. Berlin: Springer,  (2004), pp.84-95.
  • Tichá, Marie - Hošpesová, A,  Learn to teach via collective reflection,  http://www.ICME-10.dk, T3G 23. Kodaň,  (2004), pp.1-8.
  • Tichá, Marie,  On studentďs preconceptions of fractions,  Proceedings ICME-10. Kodaň: University of Kobenhaven,  (2004), pp.208-208.
  • Hošpesová, A. - Tichá, Marie,  Reflections on the results of international comparative studies,  CIEAEM 54 / A challenge for mathematics education: To reconcile commonalities and differences. Barcelona,  (2004), pp.233-239.
  • Hošpesová, A. - Tichá, Marie,  Selfreflection and improving mathematics classroom culture,  CERME 3. European research in mathematics education III. Pisa: Pisa, University Press,  (2004), pp.1-40.
  • Rachůnková, I. - Tvrdý, Milan,  Nonmonotone Impulse Effects in Second-Order Periodic Boundary Value Problems,  International Conference on Differential, Difference Equations and Their Applications (Siafarikas, P.), New York: Hindawi Publishing Corporation,  (2004), pp.323-336.
  • Vejchodský, Tomáš,  Local a Posteriori Error Estimator Based on the Hypercircle Method,  European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering. Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä,  (2004), pp.1-15.
  • Vejchodský, Tomáš,  Method of Lines and Conservation of Nonnegativity,  European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering. Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä,  (2004), pp.1-18.
  • Zítka, Martin - Segeth, Karel - Šolín, P,  Higher-Order FEM for a System of Nonlinear Parabolic PDEďS in 2D with A-Posteriori Error Estimates,  Proceedings of ENUMATH Conference, Prague 2003. Berlin: Springer,  (2004), pp.854-863.
  • Zítka, Martin - Šolín, P. - Segeth, Karel,  PARSYS_2D - a higher-order FEM solver for systems of nonlinear elliptic and parabolic equations,  ECCOMAS 2004. European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering. Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä,  (2004), pp.1-15.

Contributions to Regional Proceedings

  • Chleboun, Jan - Kocna, P.,  On cumulative 13C breath tests: An effort to improve the accuracy of test results revealed a substantial uncertainty in input data,  Programy a algoritmy numerické matematiky (Chleboun, J.), Praha: Mathematical Institute Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic,  (2004), pp.82-87.
  • Křížek, Michal,  Matematik Karel Petr (1868-1950),  Učenci očima kolegů a záků. Praha: Academia,  (2004), pp.101-108.
  • Katrnoska, F. - Křížek, Michal,  Významné milníky matematické genetiky,  Matematika - fyzika - informatika,  14 (2004), pp.1-12.
  • Roubíček, Filip,  Geometrické kompetence a jejich hodnocení ve vyučování matematice (Ausbergerová, M.),  9.setkání učitelů matematiky vsech typů a stupňů škol. Plzeň: Vydavatelský servis, (2004), pp.281-284.
  • Roubíček, Filip,  Geometrické etudy,  Dva dny s didaktikou matematiky 2004 (Jirotková, D.). Praha: Univerzita Karlova, Pedagogická fakulta, (2004), pp.94-100.
  • Roubíček, Filip,  Několik cest do světa stereometrie,  Cesty (k) poznávání v matematice primární školy. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého, (2004), pp.218-222.
  • Roubíček, Filip,  Práce s textem ve vyučování geometrii,  Jak učit matematice záky ve věku 10-15 let (Stehlíková, N.). Praha: Univerzita Karlova, Pedagogická fakulta, (2004), pp.80-87.
  • Roubíček, Filip,  Sémiotická analýza v didaktice matematiky,  Dvacet pět kapitol z didaktiky matematiky (Hejný, M.), Praha: Univerzita Karlova Pedagogická fakulta, (2004), pp.137-155.
  • Saxl, Ivan,  Filosofické interpretace pravděpodobnosti,  Matematika v proměnách věků III. Praha: Výzkumné centrum pro dějiny vědy, (2004), pp.132-155.
  • Segeth, Karel - Šolín, P. - Zítka, M,  Higher-order methods of lines and error estimates for 2D nonlinear parabolic problems,  15th Summer School Software and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics. Plzeň: University of West Bohemia, (2004), pp.109-117.
  • Šolín, Pavel - Segeth, Karel,  Three ways of interpolation on finite elements,  Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics 12. Praha: Mathematical Institute of the AS CS, (2004), pp.230-241.
  • Kolarčík, W. - Straškraba, Ivan,  Průmyslové aplikace matematiky,  Česká hlava - Svět vědy, 2  (2004), pp.30-32.
  • Šimša, Jaromír,  Důkazy beze slov,  Matematika, fyzika a vzdělávání. Velké Meziříčí: JČMF a VUTIUM, (2004), pp.64-79.
  • Šimša, Jaromír,  Huygensovo vylepsení Archimedovy metody,  Matematika v proměnách věků III. Praha: Výzkumné centrum pro dějiny vědy, (2004), pp.7-31.
  • Tichá, Marie - Hošpesová, A. - Macháčková, J.,  Kompetence učitele a akční výzkum ve vyučování matematice,  9.setkání učitelů matematiky vsech typů a stupňů škol. Plzeň: JČMF, (2004), pp.315-322.
  • Hejný, M. - Tichá, Marie,  Matematické příběhy. Příběh devátý - Hádky řeste nim-em,  Učitel matematiky, 12 (2004), pp.143-150.
  • Hejný, M. - Tichá, Marie,  Matematické příběhy. Příběh osmý - vánoční turnaj,  Učitel matematiky,  12 (2004), pp.80-89.
  • Tichá, Marie - Hošpesová, A.,  Učíme se z praxe,  Cesty (k) poznávání v matematice primární školy. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého, Pedagogická fakulta, (2004), pp.23-33.
  • Vejchodský, Tomáš,  Fast and Guaranteed a Posteriori Error Estimator,  Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics 12. Praha: Matematický ústav AV ČR,  (2004), pp.257-272.

Research Reports

  • Bagchi, A. - Chaudhary, A. - Kolman, P. - Sgall, Jiří,  A simple combinatorial proof of duality of multiroute flows and cuts,  KAM-DIMATA Series 2004-662 and ITI Series 2004-186, Praha: Charles University.
  • Blaser, M. - Manthey, B. - Sgall, Jiří,  An improved approximation algorithm for the asymmetric TSP with strengthened triangle inequality,  KAM-DIMATA Series 2004-657 and ITI Series 2004-180, Praha: Charles University.
  • Chrobak, M. - Jawor, W. - Sgall, Jiří - Tichý, Tomáš,  Improved online algorithms for buffer management in QoS switches,  KAM-DIMATA Series 2004-658 and ITI Series 2004-181, Praha: Charles University.
  • Sgall, Jiří - Šíma, J.,  On the Non-Learnability of a Single Spiking Neuron,  KAM-DIMATIA Series 2004-695 and ITI Series 2004-216, Praha: Charles University.
  • Sgall, Jiří - Woeginger, G.J.,  On the complexity of cake cutting,  KAM-DIMATIA Series 2004-688 and ITI Series 2004-208, Praha: Charles University.
  • Chrobak, M. - Jawor, W. - Sgall, Jiří - Tichý, Tomáš,  Online scheduling of equal-length jobs: Randomization and restarts help,  KAM-DIMATA Series 2004-659 and ITI Series 2004-182, Praha: Charles University.
  • Sgall, Jiří - Feder, T. - Hell, P. - Král, D.,  Two algorithms for general list matrix partitions,  KAM-DIMATIA Series 2004-685 and ITI Series 2004-206, Praha: Charles University.

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