E-journals - individually subscribed in year
2010 (availibility
of archives varies)
- A
- Z List of E-Journal titles - subscribed
in 2010 - ! for all
e-journals - access
via cataloque EZB
- for full access use
link [full
text = plný text] = access via
the Library
EZProxy server - info
about EZProxy server
- link "www"
= webpage of e-resource, access before payment
(abstracts e.g.)
- marked "P"=
print - it means the journal is available also in printed
version (subscription or D=donation)
- some of journals
with reference to abstract or content, subscribed in 2010 (or
donated "D") only in printed version are recorded in italics.
- !! For access to all available
e-journals (contained in A
- Z List of E-Journal titles and in publishers´collections
and free journals too) - use common
access via catalogue EZB/Library.
If you have difficulties or
questions, please contact us.