Tuesday 25 October 2005 at 15:00
Leonid Pourovskii
(Ecole Polytechnique - CPHT Palaiseau, France)
Perturbative approach to electronic correlations in actinides
A new technique has been implemented for realistic
electronic structure calculations of f-electron systems with moderately
strong correlations. The technique is based on the dynamical mean field
theory (DMFT) with a perturbative treatment of effective quantum impurity
problem using a spin-polarized version of the T-matrix in combination
with the fluctuating exchange approximation (SPTF). The present many-body
approach properly includes effects of strong spin-orbit
coupling. This technique has been applied to a number of actinide
compounds, including the Pu delta phase, Pu and U monochalcogenides, the
PuCoGa5 and
UGe2 superconductors. We have obtained both magnetic and
spectral properties of these compounds in good agreement with experiment.
By taking into account dynamical correlations within the DMFT one is able
to reproduce some characteristic many-body features in photoemission
spectra of Pu-based compounds, namely the 'three-peak' structure observed
in the non-magnetic δ-Pu and Pu monochalcogenides,
as well as characteristic narrow peak at the Fermi level in PuCoGa5.