Position: scientific
Group: Low Cycle Fatigue Group
Rooms: 125
Phone numbers: +420 532 290 341
Fax: +420 541 218 657
![]() ZIZKOVA 22
616 62 Brno Czech Republic
ICO: 68081723
DIC: CZ68081723 |
![]() doc. RNDr. Karel Obrtlík, CSc.
Position: scientific
Group: Low Cycle Fatigue Group Rooms: 125 Phone numbers: +420 532 290 341 Fax: +420 541 218 657 E-mail: obrtlik@DELETE-THIS.CZ@DELETE-THIS.COMipm.COM.cz Projects Low cycle fatigue-creep interaction in advanced high temperature structural materials
Influence of selected factors on fatigue properties of ADI
Effect of cycle asymmetry on short crack growth and fatigue life in advanced structural materials
Publications: 2010 KRUML T, OBRTLÍK K, PETRENEC M, POLAK J: Cyclic response and fatigue life of TiAl alloys at high temperatures. Key Eng. Mater. 417-418 (2010) 585–588.
2009 KRUML T, OBRTLÍK K, PETRENEC M, POLÁK J: Low-cycle fatigue properties of TiAl alloy with high Nb content. Int. J. Mat. Res. (formerly Z. Metallkd.) 100 (2009) 349–352.
MAN J, OBRTLÍK K, POLÁK J: Extrusions and intrusions in fatigued metals. Part 1. State of the art and history. Phil. Mag. 89 (2009) 1295–1336.
MAN J, KLAPETEK P, MAN O, WEIDNER A, OBRTLÍK K, POLÁK J: Extrusions and intrusions in fatigued metals. Part 2. AFM and EBSD study of the early growth of extrusions and intrusions in 316L steel fatigued at room temperature. Phil. Mag. 89 (2009) 1337–1372.
OBRTLÍK K, PETRENEC M, MAN J, POLÁK J, HRBÁČEK K: Isothermal fatigue behavior of cast superalloy Inconel 792-5A at 23 and 900 °C. J. Mater. Sci. 44 (2009) 3305–3314.
2008 OBRTLÍK K, CHLUPOVÁ A, PETRENEC M, POLÁK J: Low cycle fatigue of cast superalloy Inconel 738LC at high temperature. Key Eng. Mater. 385–387 (2008) 581–584.
ZAPLETAL J, VĚCHET S, KOHOUT J, OBRTLÍK K: Fatigue lifetime of ADI from ultimate tensile strength to permanent fatigue limit. Strength of Materials 40 (2008) 32–35.
PETRENEC M, OBRTLÍK K, POLÁK J, MAN J: Dislocation structures in nickel based superalloy inconel 792-5A fatigued at room temperature and 700 °C. Mater. Sci. Forum 567–568 (2008) 429–432.
2007 ROBERTSON C, OBRTLÍK K, MARINI B: Dislocation structures in 16MND5 pressure vessel steel strained in uniaxial tension at different temperatures from -196 °C up to 25 °C. J. Nucl. Mater. 366 (2007) 58–69.
JULIŠ M, OBRTLÍK K, POSPÍŠILOVÁ S, PODRÁBSKÝ T: Surface relief evolution in cast superalloy INCONEL 738LC fatigued at room temperature. Acta Metall. Slovaca 13 (2007) 573–577.
PETRENEC M, OBRTLÍK K, POLÁK J: High temperature low cycle fatigue of superalloys Inconel 713LC and Inconel 792-5A. Key Eng. Mater. 348–349 (2007) 101–104.
PETRENEC M, OBRTLÍK K, POLÁK J, MAN J: Effect of temperature on the low cycle fatigue of cast Inconel 792-5A. Key Eng. Mater. 345–346 (2007) 383–386.
2006 MAN J, KLAPETEK P, OBRTLÍK K, POLÁK J: Early stages of fatigue damage in 316L steel. In: Proc. of the 16th European Conf. of Fracture (ECF 16), Fracture of Nano and Engineering Materials and Structures, E.E. Gdoutos (ed.). Dordrecht, Springer, 2006, CD ROM, paper No. 521-man.
MAN J, KLAPETEK P, MAN O, OBRTLÍK K, POLÁK J: AFM and EBSD study of the early stages of surface relief evolution in fatigued 316L steel at room temperature. In: Proc. of the 9th Int. Fatigue Congress (Fatigue 2006), CD ROM. Elsevier, 2006, paper No. FT330, 10p.
PETRENC M, OBRTLÍK K, POLÁK J, KRUML T: Fatigue behaviour of cast nickel based superalloy INCONEL 792-5A at 700 °C. Materials and Technology 40 (2006) 175–178.
PETRENEC M, POLÁK J, OBRTLÍK K, MAN J: Dislocation structures in cyclically strained X10CrAl24 ferritic steel. Acta Mater. 54 (2006) 3429–3443.
PETRENEC M, OBRTLÍK K, POLÁK J: Dislocation arrangements in cyclically strained Inconel 713LC. In: Proc. of the 16th European Conf. of Fracture (ECF 16), Fracture of Nano and Engineering Materials and Structures, E.E. Gdoutos (ed.). Dordrecht, Springer, 2006, CD ROM, paper No. 525-pet.
2005 OBRTLÍK K, ROBERTSON CH, MARINI B: Dislocation structures in 16MND5 pressure vessel steel strained in uniaxial tension at –196 °C. Z. Metallkde 96 (2005) 909–912.
OBRTLÍK K, ROBERTSON CH, MARINI B: Dislocation structures in 16MND5 pressure vessel steel strained in uniaxial tension. J. Nucl. Mater. 342 (2005) 35–41.
PETRENEC M, OBRTLÍK K, POLÁK J, MAN J, HRBÁČEK K: Fatigue behaviour of cast nicked based superalloy INCONEL 792-5A at room temperature. Materials Engineering 12 (3/2005) 21–24.
PETRENEC M, OBRTLÍK K, POLÁK J: Inhomogeneous dislocation structure in fatigued INCONEL 713 LC superalloy at room and elevated temperatures. Mater. Sci. Engng A400–401 (2005) 485–488.
PETRENEC M, OBRTLÍK K, POLÁK J, MAN J, HRBÁČEK K: Fatigue behaviour of cast nickel based superalloy INCONEL 792-5A at room temperature. Materials Engineering 12 (2005) 21–24 (in Czech).
POLÁK J, MAN J, OBRTLÍK K: Atomic force microscopy study of the early fatigue damage. Mater. Sci. Forum 482 (2005) 45-50.
2004 MAN J, PETRENEC M, OBRTLÍK K, POLÁK J: AFM and TEM study of cyclic slip localization in fatigued ferritic X10CrAl24 stainless steel. Acta Mater. 52 (2004) 5551–5561.
2003 MAN J, OBRTLÍK K, POLÁK J: Study of surface relief evolution in fatigued 316L austenitic stainless steel by AFM. Mater. Sci. Engng A351 (2003) 123–132.
POLÁK J, MAN J, OBRTLÍK K: AFM evidence of surface relief formation and models of fatigue crack nucleation. Int. J. Fatigue 25 (2003) 1027–1036.
POLÁK J, MAN J, OBRTLÍK K, KRUML T: The shape of extrusions and intrusions produced by cyclic straining. Z. Metallkde. 94 (2003) 1327–1330.
2002 MAN J, OBRTLÍK K, BLOCHWITZ C, POLÁK J: Atomic Force Microscopy of surface relief in individual grains of fatigued 316L austenitic stainless steel. Acta Mater. 50 (2002) 3767–3780.
MAN J, VIČAR M, POLÁK J, OBRTLÍK K: Slip localization and surface relief evolution in fatigued ferritic X10CrAl24 stainless steel. Materials Engineering 9 (2002) 140–145 (in Czech).
PETRENEC M, OBRTLÍK K, POLÁK J: Dislocation structure in fatigued Inconel 713 LC superalloy at room and high temperature. Materials Engineering 9 (2002) 146–149 (in Czech).
D. W. Bale, M. Henderson, B. Dubiel, A. Czyrska-Filemonowicz, C. Guardamagna, P. Bontempi, P. Mulvihill, P. Lukáš, K. Obrtlík and H. Kolkman: The low cycle fatigue behaviour of as cast single crystals CM186LC, in: Materials for Advanced Power Engineering 2002, J.Lecomte-Beckers, M.Carton, F.Schubert and P.J.Ennis (Editors), Forschungszentrum Jülich 2002, Part 1, pp. 149-158.
2001 POLÁK J, MAN J, OBRTLÍK K: Fatigue damage in aluminium-lithium alloys, Part II. Initiation and short crack growth. Metallic Mater. 39 (2001) 179–189 (in Czech).
KUNZ L, LUKÁŠ P, OBRTLÍK K: Microstructure of CMSX-4 single crystals after creep and fatigue. Acta Metallurgica Slovaca 7 (2001) 409–413.
L. Kunz, P. Lukáš and K. Obrtlík: Microstructure of CMSX-4 single crystals after creep and fatigue, Acta Metallurgica Slovaca, Vol. 7, 2001, pp. 409-413.
2000 MAN J, OBRTLÍK K, POLÁK J: Surface relief and its relation to the crystallographic orientation in fatigued copper single crystals. Metallic Mater. 38 (2000) 339–353 (in Czech).
Last update
11. 11. 2009 |