Department of Teratology

Head: MUDr. Miroslav Peterka, CSc.

RNDr. Zbynek Likovsky, CSc.
MUDr. Renata Peterkova, CSc.

Ph.D. Students:
Mgr. Maria Hovorakova
Mgr. Tereza Krausova
MUDr. Tomas Boran

Technical Assistants:
Bronislava Rokytova
Ivana Koppova

Videnska 1083, 142 20 Prague 4
Phone: (+420) 296 442 232
Fax: (+420) 296 442 604

      The laboratory is engaged in problems of experimental and clinical teratology with the aim of contributing to knowledge on the etiopathogenesis of developmental defects. Only a small part of inborn defects in man is explained either by prenatal exposure to a harmful external factor (15% of cases) or by genetic reasons (20% of cases). Most developmental defects (65%) are thought to result from prenatal exposure to the combined effect of several sub-threshold doses of external factors that act either simultaneously or sequentially; a genetic predisposition is presumed in some of these cases. Our research is focused on the identification of mechanisms implicated in the origin of developmental disturbances induced by either external or genetic factors in two models - chick embryogenesis and mouse odontogenesis, respectively.
      Research at the Department of Teratology focuses on the following main topics:
- Chick embryogenesis
- Mouse odontogenesis
- Craniofacial malformations in man

Chick embryogenesis

      In recent years, the chick embryo model has been defined as a tool of experimental teratology, and a method of experimental intervention by external factors has been worked out and standardized in our Department.
      Cleft beak in chicks is employed as a model to verify the hypothesis that a subthreshold dose of an external harmful factor can also induce a developmental disturbance, provided it acts repeatedly or in combination with other factors.
      Our original test method for embryotoxicity in the chick embryo allowed us to estimate minimum embryotoxic doses for chemical substances (drugs, harmful chemical and physical factors). Using this method, we have also predicted the range of embryotoxic doses of vitamin A. Vitamin A was later determined to be the most treacherous human teratogen.
      The rRNA transcription intensity appeared to be a sensitive marker of latent developmental alterations without structural defects. In chicks, embryonic proerythroblast and hepatocyte rRNA transcription was significantly decreased following a single administration of embryotoxic factors. We focused also on the target organ toxicity of chemical compounds within the peripheral nervous system, especially on the study of pathogenic mechanisms involved in the development of peripheral sensory neuropathy. Organotypic cultures of dorsal root ganglia maintained with a semi-solid culture medium represent the main model system used in these studies. These approaches also allow us to reveal factors that do not lead to a gross structural malformation at the organism or organ levels, but that may induce minor structural defects at the tissue level, potentially resulting in postnatal functional deficiency of the corresponding organ.

Fig. 1: The mean incidence of orofacial clefts in the districts of the Czech Republic during 1983-1997.

      Our data may contribute to an elucidation of the etiopathogenesis of most inborn defects in man, where neither exposure to a strong external factor nor any genetic disturbance can be found.

Mouse odontogenesis

      A functionally specialized dentition is present in mice: each jaw quadrant includes one permanently growing incisor separated from three molars by a toothless jaw segment - the diastema. We have investigated the prenatal development of mouse dentition using qualitative and quantitative histology, 3-D computer-assisted reconstruction and an in situ hybridization method. The mouse functional dentition appears to originate by secondary reduction of the embryonic, more numerous, dental pattern. Either their integration during incisor development or their regression in the prospective diastema results in the reduction of the tooth primordia. Also, the large tooth primordium, which has been generally considered as the early stage of the first molar, appears to be just a rudimental structure in front of the real molar tooth. Epithelial apoptosis is involved in the regression of the rudimental tooth primordia and the positioning of the mesial end of the first molar tooth in mice. The apoptosis has been classified as programmed cell death: BMP-4 and BMP-2 appeared to be involved in its regulation. From this aspect, mouse odontogenesis represents a natural tool for studies of the mechanisms regulating the existence of tooth-bearing and toothless areas in dentition.
      The normogenesis data are compared with the tabby (EDA) mice in which disturbances of tooth development occur due to an altered genotype. The aim isto identify some morphogenetic mechanisms and regulatory factors involved in the determination of tooth number, shape and size. The results may contribute to elucidating the etiopathogenesis of some dental defects in man. (This part of our research is conducted in collaboration with the INSERM U-595, Strasbourg, France).

Craniofacial malformations in man

      Our experimental observations in the mouse revealed the participation of a developmental disturbance of the mandible during the origin of an isolated cleft palate. In patients with isolated cleft palate, a shortening of the mandible has also been recorded, associated with a higher frequency of hypodontia in the lower jaw. The correspondence between experimental and clinical findings suggests that the mechanisms involved in the origin of a cleft palate in experimental animals operate also in man.
      In patients with orofacial developmental disturbances, roentgenometric and anthropometric methods are used to assess the effectiveness of surgical and orthodontic procedures and to evaluate the adequacy of their final outcome. Attention is paid to facial growth patterns and their effect on the therapeutic results. Postnatal lesions resulting from prenatal impairment of morphogenetic functions are analysed in detail, contributing to the elucidation of the etiopathogenesis of these malformations. Current research projects are focused on predicting the postnatal growth of the jaws and on detecting factors that promote the severe skeletal and dental anomalies associated with orofacial clefts.

Fig. 2:
A. Patient with unilateral cleft lip.
B. Injection of a test substance into the amniotic sac of the chick embryo in ovo.
C. Unilateral cleft beak in the chick embryo after intraamniotic injection of styrene on day 4.
D – F. The first upper molar in the mouse. Computer aided 3D reconstruction of the dental epithelium (D) and papilla mesenchyme (E) at embryonic day 19.0. F – functional tooth in the adult mouse.

Relevant publications before 1998

1. Peterka M., Dostal M. (1977)
Influence of cleft palate on growth of the maxilla in mouse embryos. J. Cleft Palate 14: 206-210

2. Peterka M., Jelinek R. (1978)
Differences in the size of palatal processes in mouse embryos with cleft palate induced in two critical periods. J. Cleft Palate 15: 13-19

3. Peterka M., Jelinek R. (1983)
Origin of hydrocortisone induced orofacial clefts in the chick embryo. J. Cleft Palate 20: 35-46

4. Peterka M., Müllerova Z. (1983)
Tooth size in children with cleft lip and palate. J. Cleft Palate 20: 307-313

5. Peterkova R. (1983)
Dental lamina develops even within the mouse diastema. J. Craniofac. Genet. Dev. Biol. 3: 133-142

6. Peterkova R. (1985)
The common development origin and phylogenetic aspects of teeth, rugae palatinae and fornix vestibuli oris in the mouse. J. Craniofac Genet. and Dev. Biol. 5: 89-104

7. Peterkova R., Klepacek I., Peterka M. (1987)
Prenatal development of rugae palatinae in mice: Scanning electron microscopic and histologic studies. J. Craniofac. Genet. Dev. Biol. 7: 169-189

8. Peterka M., Jelinek R., Pavlik A. (1992)
Embryotoxicity of 25 psychotropic drugs: A study using CHEST. Reproduct. Toxicol. 6: 367-374

9. Peterkova R., Peterka M., Ruch J.V. (1993)
Morphometric analysis of potential maxillary diastemal dental anlagen in three strains of mice. J. Cran. Genet. Dev. Bio. 13: 213-222

10. Peterkova R., Peterka M., Vonesch J.L., Ruch J.V. (1993)
Multiple developmental origin of the upper incisor in mouse: Histological and computer assisted 3-D-reconstructions. Int. J. Develop. Biol. 37: 581-588

11. Peterkova R., Peterka M., Vonesch J.L., Ruch J.V. (1995)
The adult upper jaw tooth formula in mouse results from reduction of the embryonic dental pattern. J. Connect. Tissue Res. 32: 77

12. Peterkova R., Peterka M., Vonesch J.L., Ruch J.V. (1995)
Contribution of 3-D computer assisted reconstructions to study of the initial steps of mouse odontogenesis. Int. J. Dev. Biol. 39: 239-247

13. Tureckova J., Sahlberg C., Aberg T., Ruch J.V., Thesleff I., Peterkova R. (1995)
Comparison of expression of the msx-1, msx-2, BMP-2 and BMP-4 genes in the mouse upper diastemal and molar tooth primordia. Int. J. Dev. Biol. 39: 459-468

14. Peterka M., Peterkova R., Likovsky Z. (1997)
Cleft beak induced by hydrocortisone in the chick is prevented by increased cell division after experimental reduction of amniotic fluid. Anat. Embryol. 195: 387-391

15. Ruch J.V., Lesot H., Peterkova R., Peterka M. (1997)
Evolving rodent dentition. BioEssays 19: 1041-1041

Publications 1998-2005

1. Peterkova R., Peterka M., Vonesch J.-L., Tureckova J., Viriot L., Ruch J.V., Lesot H. (1998)
Correlation between apoptosis distribution and BMP-2 and BMP-4 expression in vestigial tooth primordia in mice. Eur. J. Oral Sci. 106: 667-670

2. Cermakova P., Peterka M., Capkova J., Tureckova J., Ruch J.V., Lesot H., Peterkova R. (1998)
Comparison of the tooth shape and size in tabby and non-tabby mice. Acta Vet. Brno 67: 3-14

3. Lesot H., Peterkova R., Vonesch J.-L., Viriot L., Tureckova J., Peterka M., Ruch J.V. (1998)
Early stages of tooth morphogenesis in mouse analyzed by 3-D reconstructions. Eur. J. Oral Sci. 106: 64-70

4. Mandys V., Viale M., Vrana J., Cafaggi S., Esposito M. (1998)
Neurotoxic effect of cisplatin and cisplatin-procaine complex DPR studied in organotypic cultures of chick dorsal root ganglia. Anti-cancer Drugs 9: 659-663

5. Smahel Z., Müllerova Z., Nejedly A., Horak I. (1998)
Changes craniofacial development due to modifications of the treatment of unilateral cleft lip and palate. Cleft Palate Craniofac. J. 35: 240-247

6. Lesot H., Peterkova R., Schmitt R., Meyer J.M., Viriot L., Vonesch J.L., Senger B., Peterka M., Ruch J.V.(1999)
Initial features of the inner dental epithelium histo-morphogenesis in the first lower molar in mouse. Int. J. Dev. Biol. 43: 245-254

7. Tlaskalova-Hogenova H., Stepankova R., Tuckova L., Cukrowska B., Hudcovic T., Bendjelloul F., Maly P., Jirkovska M., Mandys V., Kofronova O., Verdu E.F., Bercik P., Farre M., Prokesova L., Funda D.P., Kozakova H., Michetti P., Cebra J. (1999)
Effector mechanisms in intestinal immunity and inflamation. In: Innovative Concepts in Inflamatory Bowel Diseases. (Falk Symposium 105), J. Emmrich and s. Liebe, Eds., Kluver Academic Publishers, pp. 74-83

8. Otova B., Sladka M., Damoiseaux J., Panczak A., Mandys V., Francova K., Kudlackova M. (1999)
Characterization of T-cell lymphomas in the Prague inbred Sprague-Dawley/Cub rat strain: A model of spontaneous hematologic malignancy. Transplant. Proc. 31: 1618-1619

9. Otova B., Mraz M., Mandys V., Panczak A., Schramlova J., Votruba I., Holy A. (1999)
Therapeutic effect of heat shock on T-cell lymphoma in inbred Sprague-Dawley. Fol. Biol. (Prague) 45:121-131

10. Smahel Z., Mullerova Z., Nejedly A. (1999)
Effect of primary repositioning of tha nasal septum on facial growth in unilateral cleft lip and palate. Cleft Palate Craniofac. J. 36: 310-313

11. Kieffer S., Peterkova R., Vonesch J.L., Peterka M., Ruch J.V., Lesot H. (1999)
Morphogenesis of the lower incisor in mouse from bud to early bell stage. Int. J. Dev. Biol. 43: 531-539

12. Miard S., Peterkova R., Vonesch J.L., Ruch J.V., Peterka M., Lesot H. (1999)
Alterations in the incisor development in the Tabby mouse. Int. J. Dev. Biol. 43: 517-529

13. Smetana K., Likovsky Z., Jiraskova I., Cermak J. (1999)
The asymmetric distribution of interphasic silverstained nucleolus organizer regions in human and rat proerythroblasts. Fol. Biol. Prague 45: 243-246

14. Viriot L., Lesot H., Vonesch J.L., Ruch J.V., Peterka M., Peterkova R. (2000)
The presence of rudimentary odontogenic structures in mouse embryonic mandible requires reinterpretation of developmental control of first lower molar histomorphogenesis. Int. J. Dev. Biol. 44: 233-240

15. Bendjelloul F., Maly P., Mandys V., Jirkovska M., Prokesova L., Tuckova L., Tlaskalova-Hogenova H. (2000)
Intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) deficiency protects mice against severe forms of experimentally induced colitis. Clin. Exp. Immunol. 119:57-63.

16. Likovsky Z., Smetana K. (2000)
Nucleolar coefficient of granulocyte precursors and granulocytes after visualization of nucleoli by two different methods. Acta Histochem. 102: 95-102

17. Peterka M., Peterkova R., Vonesch J.-L., Ruch J.V., Cam Y., Lesot H. (2000)
Position and growth of upper and lower tooth primordia in prenatal mouse - 3D study. J. Craniofac. Genet. Dev. Biol. 20: 35-43

18. Bobkova K., Otova B., Marinov I., Mandys V., Panczak A., Votruba I., Holy A. (2000)
Anticancer effect of PMEDAP - monitoring of apoptosis. Anticancer Research 20: 1041-1048

19. Sameshima G.T., Smahel Z. (2000)
Facial growth in adulthood after primary periosteoplasty or primary bone grafting in UCLP. Cleft Palate Craniofac. J. 37: 379-84

20. Peterka M., Peterkova R., Tvrdek M., Kuderova J., Likovsky Z. (2000)
Significant differences in the incidence of orofacial clefts in fifty-two Czech districts between 1983 and 1997. Acta Chir. Plast. 4: 124-129

21. Viet Nhung Nguyen., Mirejovsky T., Melinova L., Mandys V. (2000)
CD44 and its V6 spliced variant in lung carcinomas: Relation to NCAM, CEA, EMA and UP1 and prognostic significance. Neoplasma 47,6: 400-408

22. Viet Nhung Nguyen., Mirejovsky P., Mirejovsky T., Melinova L., Mandys V. (2000)
Expression of cyclin D1, Ki-67 and PCNA in non-small cell lung cancer: prognostic significance and comparison with p53 and bcl-2. Acta Histochem. 102: 323-338

23. Peterkova R., Peterka M., Viriot L., Lesot H. (2000)
Dentition development and budding morphogenesis. J. Craniofac. Genet. Dev. Biol. 20: 158-172

24. Duskova M., Kozak J., Mazanek J., Smahel Z., Vohradnik M. (2000)
Bioceramics as an option in correction of facial skeleton deformities. J. Craniofacial Surg. 11: 470-479

25. Duskova M., Kozak J., Smahel Z. (2000)
Augmentation of facial skeleton with ceramics in congenital disorders and in posttraumatic or postoperative deformities. Eur. J .Plast. Surg. 23: 57-63

26. Bendjelloul F., Rossmann P., Maly P., Mandys V., Jirkovska M., Prokesova L., Tuckova L., Tlaskalova-Hogenova H. (2000)
Detection of ICAM-1 in experimentally induced colitis of ICAM-1-deficient and wild-type mice: An immunohis tolochemical study. The Histochemical J. 32: 703-709

27. Delling U., Tureckova J., Lim H.W., De Windt L.J., Rotwein P., Molkentin J.D. (2000)
A calcineurin-NFATc3-dependent pathway regulates skeletal muscle differentiation and slow myosin heavy-chain expression. Mol. Cell Biol. 20: 6600-11

28. Peterka M., Klepacek I. (2001)
Light irradiation increases embryotoxicity of photodynamic sensitizers (5-aminolevulinic acid and Protoporphyrin IX) in chick embryos. Reprod. Toxicol. 15: 111-116

29. Janoutova J., Likovsky Z., Smetana K. (2001)
Satellite nucleoli in the megakaryocytic lineage of rats. Physiol. Res. 50: 113-117

30. Klepacek I., Jirsa M., Peterka M. (2001)
Embryotoxicity of TPPS4 and PS3 photosensitizers in chicken embryo under different light conditions. Neoplasma 48: 214-220

31. Dostalova S., Sonka K., Smahel Z., Weiss V., Marek J., Horinek D. (2001)
Craniofacial abnormalities and their relevance for sleep apnoea syndrome aetiopathogenesis in acromegaly. Eur. J. Endocrinol. 144: 491-7

32. Viale M., Vannozzi M.O., Mandys V., Esposito M. (2001)
Time-dependent influence of procaine hydrochloride on cisplatin antitumour activity in P388 tumor bearing mice. Anticancer Res. 21: 485-7

33. Lisi S., Peterkova R., Kristenova P., Vonesch J.L., Peterka M., Mitolo V., Lesot H. (2001)
Crown morphology and pattern of odontoblast differentiation in lower molars of Tabby mice. J. Dental Research. 80:1980-1983

34. Lesot H., Lisi S., Peterkova R., Peterka M., Mitolo V., Ruch J.V. (2001)
Epigenetic signals during odontoblast differentiation. Adv. Dent. Res. 15: 8-13

35. Pock L., Petrovska P., Becvar R., Mandys V., Hercogova J. (2001)
Verrucous form of chilblain lupus erythematosus. J. Eur. Ac. Dermatol. Venerol. 15: 448-451

36. Valerianova M., Votruba I., Holy A., Mandys V., Otova B. (2001)
Antitumour Activity of N6 - Substituted PMEDAP Derivatives Against T-Cell Lymphoma. Anticancer Res. 27: 2057-2064

37. Cam Y., Fausser J.L., Vonesch J.L., Peterkova R., Peterka M., Halaskova M., Lesot H. (2002)
Asymmetrical morphogenesis and medio-lateral positioning of molars during mouse development. Eur. J. Oral. Sci. 110: 35-43

38. Peterka M., Lesot H., Peterkova R. (2002)
Body weight in mouse embryos specifies staging of tooth development. Connect. Tissue. Res. 43: 186-190

39. Peterkova R., Peterka M., Viriot L., Lesot H. (2002)
Development of the vestigial tooth primordia as part of mouse odontogenesis. Connect. Tissue. Res. 43: 120-128

40. Lesot H., Fausser J.L., Kieffer-Combeau S., Meyer J.M., Peterkova R., Peterka M., Ruch J.V. (2002)
Cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions during initial enamel organ histo-morphogenesis in the mouse. Connect. Tissue. Res. 43: 191-200

41. Viriot L., Peterkova R., Peterka M., Lesot H. (2002)
Evolutionary implications of the occurrence of two vestigial tooth germs during early odontogenesis in mouse lower jaw. Connect. Tissue. Res. 43: 129-133.

42. Kristenova-Cermakova P., Peterka M., Lisi S., Lesot H., Peterkova R. (2002)
Postnatal lower jaw dentition in different phenotypes of tabby mice. Connect. Tissue. Res. 43: 283-288

43. Peterkova R., Kristenova P., Lesot H., Lisi S., Vonesch J.-L., Gendrault J.-L., Peterka M. (2002)
Different morphotypes of the tabby (EDA) dentition in the mouse mandible results from a defect in the mesio-distal segmentation of the dental epithelium, Orthodont. Craniofac. Res. 5: 215-226

44. Kristenova P., Peterka M., Lisi S., Gendrault J.-L., Lesot H., Peterkova R. (2002)
Different morphotypes of functional dentition in the lower molar region of tabby (EDA) mice. Orthodont. Craniofac. Res. 5: 205-214

45. Peterka M., Mandys V., Viale M., Caffaggi S., Peterkova R., Esposito M. (2002)
Embryotoxicity of the cisplatin and cisplatin - procaine complex DPR studied in chick embryonic model. Neoplasma 49: 392-398

46. Peterkova R., Peterka M., Lesot H. (2003)
The developing mouse dentition: a new tool for apoptosis study. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1010:453-66.

47. Smahel Z., Trefny P., Mullerova Z., Peterka M. (2003)
Three-dimensional Morphology of the Palate in Subjects with Isolated Cleft Palate at the Stage of Permanent Dentition. Cleft Palate Craniofac J. 40:577-584.

48. Lisi S., Peterkova R., Peterka M., Vonesch J.L., Ruch J.V., Lesot H. (2003)
Tooth morphogenesis and pattern of odontoblast differentiation. Connective Tissue Research. 44:167-170.

49. Ognio E., Lapide M., Ottone M., Mandys V., Peterka M., Parodi B., Viale M. (2003)
Embryo-lethal and teratogenic effect of the new platinum compound DPR in pregnant mice. Arch Toxicol. 77: 584-90.

50. Smahel Z., Trefny P., Formanek P., Mullerova Z., Peterka M. (2004)
Three-dimensional morphology of the palate in subjects with unilateral complete cleft lip and palate at the stage of permanent dentition. Cleft Palate Craniofac J. 41:416-23.

51. Trefny P., Smahel Z., Formanek P., Peterka M. (2004)
Three-Dimensional Analysis of Maxillary Dental Casts Using Fourier Transform Profilometry: Precision and Reliability of the Measurement. Cleft Palate-Craniofac. J. 41:20-26.

52. Peterka M., Peterkova R., Likovsky Z. (2004)
Chernobyl: prenatal loss of four hundred male fetuses in the Czech Republic. Reprod Toxicol. 18:75-79.

53. Boran T., Lesot H., Peterka M., Peterkova R. (2005)
Increased apoptosis during morphogenesis of the lower cheek teeth in tabby/EDAmice. J Dent Res. 84:228-33.

54. Peterkova R., Lesot H., Viriot L., Peterka M. (2005)
The supernumerary cheek tooth in tabby/EDA mice-a reminiscence of the premolar in mouse ancestors. Arch Oral Biol. 50:219-25.

55. Risnes S., Peterkova R., Lesot H.(2005)
Distribution and Structure of Dental Enamel in Incisors of Tabby Mice. Arch Oral Biol. 50:181-184.

56. Witter K., Lesot H., Peterka M., Vonesch J.L., Misek I., Peterkova R. (2005)
Origin and developmental fate of vestigial tooth primordia in the upper diastema of the field vole (Microtus agrestis, Rodentia). Arch Oral Biol. 50:401-409.

57. Hovorakova M., Lesot H., Peterka M., Peterkova R. (2005)
The developmental relationship between the deciduous dentition and the oral vestibule in human embryos.
Anat Embryol 209:303-313.

58. Hovorakova M, Lesot H, Peterkova R, Peterka M (2006)
Origin of the deciduous upper lateral incisor and its clinical aspects. J Dent Res Feb;85(2):167-71.