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Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

Publications 2009

Publications of 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009.


  • Feireisl, Eduard - Novotný, A.,  Singular limits in thermodynamics of viscous fluids,  Basel: Birkhäuser, 2009. 382 pp. ISBN 978-3-7643-8842-3..
  • Křížek, Michal - Somer, L. - Šolcová, A.,  Kouzlo čísel: od velkých objevů k aplikacím,  Praha: Academia, 2009. 365 pp. (Galileo: 39). ISBN 978-80-200-1610-2..
  • Kuřina, F. - Cachová, J. - Hošpesová, A. - Kupčáková, M. - Petrášková, V. - Saxl, Ivan - Tichá, Marie,  Matematika a porozumění světu: setkání s matematikou po základní škole,  Praha: Academia, 2009. 331 pp. ISBN 978-80-200-1743-7..
  • Rachůnková, I. - Staněk, S. - Tvrdý, Milan,  Solvability of Nonlinear Singular Problems for Ordinary Differential Equations,  New York: Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2009. 268 pp. ISBN 9789774540400..

Chapters of Monographs

  • Feireisl, Eduard - Novotný, A.,  Small Péclet number approximation as a singular limit of the full Navier-Stokes-Fourier system,  In New directions in mathematical fluid mechanics. Basel: Birkhäuser, 2009. pp.123-152.
  • Feireisl, Eduard - Vasseur, A.,  New perspectives in fluid dynamics: mathematical analysis of a model proposed by Howard Brenner,  In New directions in mathematical fluid mechanics. Basel: Birkhäuser, 2009. pp.153-180.
  • Rontó, András - Ronto, M.,  Successive Approximation Techniques in Non-Linear Boundary Value Problems,  In Handbook of Differential Equations: Ordinary Differential Equations, 4 4. New York: Elsevier, 2009. pp.441-592.
  • Kuřina, F. - Tichá, Marie - Hošpesová, A.,  Dzieciece wyobrazeniai elementarne zdolnosci geometryczne,  In Dziecko i matematyka. Rzeszow: Wydawnictwo Universytetu Rzieszowkiego, 2009. pp.69-80.
  • Kuřina, F. - Tichá, Marie - Hošpesová, A.,  On children's images and geometrical literacy,  In Child and mathematics. Rzeszow: Wydawnictwo Universytetu Rzieszowkiego, 2009. pp.53-64.
  • Tichá, Marie - Hošpesová, A.,  Rozvíjení didaktických znalostí obsahu matematického vzdělávání v přípravě učitelů 1. stupně,  In Možnosti rozvíjení didaktických znalostí obsahu u budoucích učitelů. Brno: Paido, 2009. pp.119-128.

Papers in Scientific Journals

  • Ambrozie, Calin-Grigore - Müller, Vladimír,  Dominant Taylor Spectrum and Invariant Subspaces,  Journal of Operator Theory, 2009, Vol.61, no.1, pp.101-111.
  • Ebenlendr, Tomáš - Sgall, J.,  Optimal and online preemptive scheduling on uniformly related machines,  Journal of Scheduling, 2009, Vol.12, no.5, pp.517-527.
  • Ebenlendr, Tomáš - Jawor, W. - Sgall, Jiří,  Preemptive Online Scheduling: Optimal Algorithms for All Speeds,  Algorithmica, 2009, Vol.53, no.4, pp.504-522.
  • Eisner, Jan - Kučera, Milan - Väth, M.,  Global Bifurcation for a Reaction-Diffusion System with Inclusions,  Zeitschrift für Analysis und Ihre Anwendungen, 2009, Vol.29, no.4, pp.373-409.
  • Arazy, J. - Engliš, Miroslav - Kaup, W.,  Holomorphic retractions and boundary Berezin transforms,  Annales de l'Institut Fourier, 2009, Vol.59, no.2, pp.641-657.
  • Engliš, Miroslav,  Berezin transforms on pluriharmonic Bergman spaces,  American Mathematical Society. Transactions, 2009, Vol.361, no.3, pp.1173-1188.
  • Engliš, Miroslav,  Toeplitz operators and localization operators,  American Mathematical Society. Transactions, 2009, Vol.361, no.2, pp.1039-1052.
  • Engliš, Miroslav - Guo, K. - Zhang, G.,  Toeplitz and Hankel operators and Dixmier trances on the unit ball of C-n,  Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 2009, Vol.137, no.11, pp.3669-3678.
  • Engliš, Miroslav - Rochberg, R.,  The Dixmier trace of Hankel operators on the Bergman space,  Journal of Functional Analysis, 2009, Vol.257, no.5, pp.1445-1479.
  • Engliš, Miroslav - Upmeier, H.,  Toeplitz Quantization and Asymptotic Expansions: Geometric Construction,  Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 2009, Vol.5, 021.
  • Fabian, Marián - Revalski, J. P.,  A Variational Principle in Reflexive Spaces with Kadec-Klee Norm,  Journal of Convex Analysis, 2009, Vol.16, no.1, pp.211-226.
  • Fabian, Marián - Gonzáles, A. - Montesinos, V.,  A note on biorthogonal systems in weakly compactly generated Banach spaces,  Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae-Mathematica, 2009, Vol.34, no.2, pp.555-564.
  • Fabian, Marián - Montesinos, V. - Zizler, Václav,  Sigma-finite dual dentability indices,  Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2009, Vol.350, no.2, pp.498-507.
  • Fabian, Marián - Montesinos, V. - Zizler, Václav,  Sigma-locally uniformly rotund and sigma-weak* Kadec dual norms,  Topology and its Applications, 2009, Vol.156, no.7, pp.1374-1380.
  • Fabian, Marián - Gonzáles, A. - Zizler, Václav,  Flat sets, l(p)-generating and fixing c(0) in the nonseparable setting,  Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society Series A-Pure Mathematics and Statistics, 2009, Vol.87, no.2, pp.197-210.
  • Fabian, Marián - Montesinos, V. - Zizler, Václav,  On weak compactness in L_1 spaces,  Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 2009, Vol.39, no.6, pp.1885-1893.
  • Bucur, D. - Feireisl, Eduard,  The incompressible limit of the full Navier-Stokes-Fourier system on domains with rough boundaries,  Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 2009, Vol.10, no.5, pp.3203-3229.
  • Bulíček, M. - Feireisl, Eduard - Málek, J.,  A Navier-Stokes-Fourier system for incompressible fluids with temperature dependent material coefficients,  Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 2009, Vol.10, no.2, pp.992-1015.
  • Feireisl, Eduard - Novotný, A.,  The Oberbeck-Boussinesq approximation as a singular limit of the full Navier-Stokes-Fourier system,  Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics, 2009, Vol.11, no.2, pp.274-302.
  • Feireisl, Eduard - Poul, L.,  On compactness of the velocity field in the incompressible limit of the full Navier-Stokes-Fourier system on large domains,  Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2009, Vol.32, no.10, pp.1269-1286.
  • Feireisl, Eduard - Pražák, D.,  A stabilizing effect of a high-frequency driving force on the motion of a viscous, compressible, and heat conducting fluid,  Discrete and Continuous Dynamical systems, 2009, Vol.2, no.1, pp.95-111.
  • Feireisl, Eduard - Petzeltová, Hana - Rocca, E.,  Existence of solutions to a phase transition model with microscopis movements,  Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2009, Vol.32, no.11, pp.1345-1369.
  • Gogatishvili, Amiran - Pick, Luboš,  Calderón-type theorems for operators of non-standard endpoint behavior,  Indiana University Mathematics Journal, 2009, Vol.58, no.4, pp.1831-1852.
  • Gogatishvili, Amiran - Kufner, Alois - Persson, L. E.,  Some new scales of weight characterizations of the class Bp./sub,  Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 2009, Vol.123, no.4, pp.365-377.
  • Gogatishvili, Amiran - Neves, J. S. - Opic, Bohumír,  Optimal embeddings and compact embeddings of Bessel-potential-type spaces,  Mathematische Zeitschrift, 2009, Vol.262, no.3, pp.645-682.
  • Gogatishvili, Amiran - Neves, J. S. - Opic, Bohumír,  Optimal Embeddings of Bessel-Potential-Type Spaces into Generalized Hölder Spaces Involving k-Modulus of Smoothness,  Potential Analysis, 2009.
  • Borwein, J. - Guirao, A. J. - Hájek, Petr Pavel - Vanderwerff, J.,  Uniformly convex functions on Banach spaces,  Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 2009, Vol.137, no.3, pp.1081-1091.
  • Hájek, Petr Pavel - Johanis, M.,  Uniformly Gâteaux approximations of Lipschitz functions on c0(.GAMMA.),  Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2009, Vol.350, no.2, pp.623-629.
  • Hájek, Petr Pavel - Lancien, G. - Procházka, A.,  Weak* dentability index of spaces C([0, alpha]),  Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2009, Vol.353, no.1, pp.239-243.
  • Hlaváček, Ivan,  Unilaterial contact of elastoplastic bodies with uncertain input data,  ZAMM-Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 2009, Vol.89, no.3, pp.189-206.
  • Hlaváček, Ivan - Novotny, A. A. - Sokolowski, J. - Zochowski, A.,  On topological derivatives for elastic solids with uncertain input data,  Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 2009, Vol.141, no.3, pp.569-595.
  • Announi, M. - Grafakos, L. - Honzík, Petr,  On an inequality of Sagher and Zhou concerning Stein's lemma,  Collectanea Mathematica, 2009, Vol.60, no.3, pp.297-306.
  • Honzík, Petr,  Maximal functions of multilinear multipliers,  Mathematical Research Letters, 2009, Vol.16, no.6, pp.995-1006.
  • Hrubeš, Pavel,  Kreisel's conjecture with minimality principle,  Journal of Symbolic Logic, 2009, Vol.74, no.3, pp.976-988.
  • Hrubeš, Pavel,  On lengths of proofs in non-classical logics,  Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 2009, Vol.157, 2-3, pp.194-205.
  • Bock, I. - Jarušek, Jiří,  Solvability of dynamic contact problems for elastic von Kármán plates,  SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 2009, Vol.41, no.1, pp.37-45.
  • Bock, I. - Jarušek, Jiří,  On hyperbolic contact problems,  Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications, 2009, Vol.43, no.2, pp.25-40.
  • Jarušek, Jiří - Sofonea, M.,  On the solvability of dynamic elastic-visco-plastic contact problems with adhesion,  Annals of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, 2009, Vol.1, no.2, pp.191-214.
  • Jeřábek, Emil,  Proof Complexity of the Cut-free Calculus of Structures,  Journal of Logic and Computation, 2009, Vol.19, no.2, pp.323-339.
  • Jeřábek, Emil,  Substitution Frege and extended Frege proof systems in non-classical logics,  Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 2009, Vol.159, no.2, pp.1-48.
  • Jeřábek, Emil,  Approximate counting by hashing in bounded arithmetic,  Journal of Symbolic Logic, 2009, Vol.74, no.3, pp.829-860.
  • Jeřábek, Emil,  Canonical Rules,  Journal of Symbolic Logic, 2009, Vol.74, no.4, pp.1171-1205.
  • Černý, R. - Hencl, S. - Kolář, Jan,  Integral functionals that are continuous with respect to the weak topology on W-0(1,p)(Omega),  Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, 2009, Vol.71, 7-8, pp.2753-2763.
  • Komenda, Jan - Lahaye, S. - Boimond, J.-L.,  Supervisory Control of (max,+) automata: a behavioral approach,  Discrete Event Dynamic Systems-Theory and Applications, 2009, Vol.19, no.4, pp.525-549.
  • Kirchheim, B. - Kopecká, Eva - Müller, S.,  Do projections stay close together?,  Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2009, Vol.350, no.2, pp.859-871.
  • Koucký, Michal,  Circuit complexity of regular languages,  Theory of Computing Systems, 2009, Vol.45, no.4, pp.865-879.
  • Farwig, R. - Kračmar, S. - Krbec, Miroslav - Nečasová, Šárka - Penel, P.,  Weighted L2 and Lq approaches to fluid flow past a rotating body,  Banach Center Publications, 2009, Vol.86, pp.59-81.
  • Kračmar, S. - Krbec, Miroslav - Nečasová, Šárka - Penel, P. - Schumacher, K.,  An Lq-approach with generalized anisotropic weight of the weak solution of the Oseen flow around a rotating body in the whole space,  Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, 2009, Vol.71, no.12, e2940-e2957.
  • Eleuteri, M. - Kopfová, J. - Krejčí, Pavel,  Magnetohydrodynamic Flow with Hysteresis,  SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 2009, Vol.41, no.2, pp.435-464.
  • Krejčí, Pavel - Liero, M.,  Rate independent Kurzweil processes,  Applications of Mathematics, 2009, Vol.54, no.2, pp.117-145.
  • Krejčí, Pavel - Rocca, E. - Sprekels, J.,  A bottle in freezer,  SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 2009, Vol.41, no.5, pp.1851-1873.
  • Kuhnen, K. - Krejčí, Pavel,  Compensation of Complex Hysteresis and Creep Effects in Piezoelectrically Actuated Systems - A New Preisach Modeling Approach,  IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2009, Vol.54, no.3, pp.537-550.
  • Brandts, J. - Korotov, S. - Křížek, Michal - Šolc, J.,  On Nonobtuse Simplicial Partitions,  SIAM Review, 2009, Vol.51, no.2, pp.317-335.
  • Křížek, Michal,  Does a Gravitational Aberration Contribute to the Accelerated Expansion of the Universe?,  Communications in Computational Physics, 2009, Vol.5, no.5, pp.1030-1044.
  • Liu, L. - Huang, M. - Yuan, K. - Křížek, Michal,  Numerical Approximation of a Nonlinear 3D Heat Radiation Problem,  Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2009, Vol.1, no.1, pp.125-139.
  • Somer, L. - Křížek, Michal,  On symmetric digraphs of the congruence xk = y(mod n),  Discrete Mathematics, 2009, Vol.309, no.10, pp.1999-2009.
  • Bonnet, R. - Faouzi, L. - Kubiś, Wieslaw,  Free Boolean algebras over unions of two well orderings,  Topology and its Applications, 2009, Vol.156, no.7, pp.1177-1185.
  • Kubiś, Wieslaw,  Banach spaces with projectional skeletons,  Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2009, Vol.350, no.2, pp.758-776.
  • Lomtatidze, Alexander - Opluštil, Z. - Šremr, Jiří,  Solvability conditions for a nonlocal boundary value problem for linear functional differential equations,  Fasciculi Mathematici, 2009, Vol.41, pp.81-96.
  • Fregiel, Y. - Markl, Martin - Yau, D.,  The L-deformation complex of diagrams,  New York Journal of Mathematics, 2009, Vol.15, pp.353-392.
  • Markl, Martin - Merkulov, S. - Shadrin, S.,  Wheeled PROPs, graph complexes and the master equation,  Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 2009, Vol.213, no.4, pp.496-535.
  • Markl, Martin,  Natural Differential Operators and Graph Complexes,  Differential Geometry and Its Applications, 2009, Vol.27, no.3, pp.257-278.
  • Duncan, T. E. - Maslowski, Bohdan - Pasik-Duncan, B.,  Solutions of linear and semilinear distributed parameter equations with a fractional Brownian motion,  International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 2009, Vol.23, no.2, pp.114-130.
  • Duncan, T. E. - Maslowski, Bohdan - Pasik-Duncan, B.,  Semilinear stochastic equations in a Hilbert space with a fractional Brownian motion,  SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 2009, Vol.40, no.6, pp.2286-2315.
  • Medková, Dagmar,  The Integral Equation Method and the Neumann Problem for the Poisson Equation on NTA Domains,  Integral Equations and Operator Theory, 2009, Vol.63, no.21, pp.227-247.
  • Medková, Dagmar - Varnhorn, W.,  The Stokes Equations in Exterior n-Dimensional Domains,  International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2009, Vol.50, no.2, pp.175-180.
  • Badea, C. - Grivaux, S. - Müller, Vladimír,  Multiples of Hypercyclic Operators,  Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 2009, Vol.137, no.4, pp.1397-1403.
  • Badea, C. - Müller, Vladimír,  On weak orbits of operators,  Topology and its Applications, 2009, Vol.156, no.7, pp.1381-1385.
  • Bračič, J. - Müller, Vladimír,  Local spectrum and local spectral radius of an operator at a fixed vector,  Studia mathematica, 2009, Vol.194, no.2, pp.155-162.
  • Müller, Vladimír - Nešetřil, J. - Rödl, V.,  Some recollections on early work with Jan Pelant,  Topology and its Applications, 2009, Vol.156, no.7, pp.1438-1443.
  • Müller, Vladimír - Vršovský, Jan,  Orbits of linear operators tending to infinity,  Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 2009, Vol.39, no.1, pp.219-230.
  • Amrouche, Ch. - Nečasová, Šárka - Raudin, Y.,  From strong to very weak solutions to the stokes system with Navier boundary concitions in the half-space,  SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 2009, Vol.41, no.5, pp.1795-1812.
  • Ducomet, B. - Nečasová, Šárka,  On a fluid model of neutron star,  Annali dell´Universitá di Ferrara, 2009, Vol.55, no.1, pp.153-193.
  • Ducomet, B. - Nečasová, Šárka,  Free boundary problem for the equations of spherically symmetric motion of compressible gas with density-dependent viscosity,  Journal of Evolution Equations, 2009, Vol.9, no.3, pp.469-490.
  • Ducomet, B. - Nečasová, Šárka,  A boundary value problem for the spherically symmetric motion of a pressureless gas with a temperature-dependent viscosity,  Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2009, Vol.32, no.16, pp.2071-2101.
  • Nečasová, Šárka,  On the motion of several rigid bodies in an incompressible non-Newtonian and heat-conducting fluid,  Annali dell´Universitá di Ferrara, 2009, Vol.55, pp.325-352.
  • Kučera, P. - Neustupa, Jiří,  On perturbations of solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations with large initial data and their dynamics,  Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, 2009, Vol.71, no.12, pp.2690-2695.
  • Neustupa, Jiří,  Stability of a Steady Viscous Incompressible Flow Past an Obstacle,  Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics, 2009, Vol.11, no.1, pp.22-45.
  • Neustupa, Jiří,  Existence of a weak solution to the Navier-Stokes equation in a general time-varying domain by the Rothe method,  Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2009, Vol.32, no.6, pp.653-683.
  • Neustupa, Jiří,  On the teady Navier-Stokes Boundary Value Problem in an Unbounded 2D Domain with Arbitrary Fluxes through the Components of the Boundary,  Annali dell´Universitá di Ferrara, 2009, Vol.55, no.2, pp.353-365.
  • Ortaggio, Marcel,  Bel-Debever criteria for the classification of the Weyl tensors in higher dimensions,  Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2009, Vol.26, no.19, pp.195015.
  • Ortaggio, Marcel - Pravda, Vojtěch - Pravdová, Alena,  Higher dimensional Kerr-Schild spacetimes,  Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2009, Vol.26, no.2, pp.1-28.
  • Ortaggio, Marcel - Pravda, Vojtěch - Pravdová, Alena,  Asymptotically flat, algebraically special spacetimes in higher dimensions,  Physical Review D: Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 2009, Vol.80, no.8, 084041.
  • Rontó, András - Rontó, M.,  Successive approximation method for some linear boundary value problems for differential equations with a special type of argument deviation,  Miskolc Mathematical Notes, 2009, Vol.10, no.1, pp.69-95.
  • Matucci, S. - Řehák, Pavel,  Rapidly varying decreasing solutions of half-linear difference equations,  Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 2009, Vol.49, no.8, pp.1692-1699.
  • Řehák, Pavel,  A Willett type criterion with the best possible constant for linear dynamic equations,  Advances in Discrete Dynamical Systems, 2009, vol. 53, pp.261-269.
  • Sklenička, Václav - Kuchařová, Květa - Svoboda, Milan - Saxl, Ivan,  Creep Response and Microstructural Changes During Intermittent Heating of Advanced Tempered Martensitic 9-12%Cr Steels,  Materials Science Forum, 2009, 604-605, pp.367-377.
  • Sklenička, Václav - Dvořák, Jiří - Král, Petr - Svoboda, Milan - Saxl, Ivan,  Some factors affecting the creep behaviour of metallic materials processed by equal-channel angular pressing,  International Journal of Materials Research, 2009, Vol.100, no.6, pp.762-766.
  • Schwabik, Štefan,  Variational measures and the Kurzweil-Henstock integral,  Mathematica Slovaca, 2009, Vol.59, no.6, pp.731-752.
  • Federson M. - Schwabik, Štefan,  A new approach to impulsive retarded differential equations: stability results,  Functional Differential Equations (Israel Seminar) 16 (2009), No.4, 583-607.
  • Bulíček, M. - Haslinger, J. - Málek, J. - Stebel, Jan,  Shape Optimization for Navier-Stokes Equations with Algebraic Turbulence Model: Existence Analysis,  Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 2009, Vol.60, no.2, pp.185-212.
  • Djordjevič, D.S. - Koliha, J. J. - Straškraba, Ivan,  Factorization of EP elements in C*-algebras,  Linear & Multilinear Algebra, 2009, Vol.57, no.6, pp.587-594.
  • Straškraba, Ivan,  Recent progress in the mathematical theory of 1D barotropic flow,  Annali dell´Universitá di Ferrara, 2009, Vol.55, no.2, pp.395-405.
  • Lucchesi, M. - Šilhavý, Miroslav - Zani, N.,  Equilibrated divergence measure stress tensor fields for heavy masonry bodies,  European Journal of Mechanics A-Solids, 2009, Vol.28, no.2, pp.223-232.
  • Šilhavý, Miroslav,  The divergence theorem for divergence measure vectorfields on sets with fractal boundaries,  Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 2009, Vol.14, no.5, pp.445-455.
  • Opluštil, Z. - Šremr, Jiří,  On a non-local boundary value problem for linear functional differential equations,  Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations. Proceedings 6ďth Colloquium Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, 2009, Vol.36, pp.1-13.
  • Šremr, Jiří,  On the characteristic initial value problem for linear partial functional-differential equations of hyperbolic type,  Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, 2009, Vol.52, no.1, pp.241-262.
  • Halas, Z. - Tvrdý, Milan,  Continuous Dependence of Solutions of Generalized Linear Differential Equations on a Parameter,  Functional Differential Equations (Israel Seminar), 2009, Vol.12, no.3, pp.299-313.
  • Kolodziejczyk, L. A. - Thapen, Neil,  The polynomial and linear time hierarchies in V-0,  Mathematical Logic Quarterly, 2009, Vol.55, no.5, pp.509-514.
  • Hošpesová, A. - Tichá, Marie,  Following the Path of the Teacher´s Development: Joint Reflection,  New Educational Review, 2009, Vol.17, no.1, pp.212-232.
  • Erban, R. - Chapman, S.J. - Kevrekidis, I.G. - Vejchodský, Tomáš,  Analysis of stochastic chemical system close to a SNIPER bifurcation of its mean-field model,  Siam Journal on Applied Mathematics, 2009, Vol.70, no.3, pp.984-1016.
  • Hannukainen, A. - Korotov, S. - Vejchodský, Tomáš,  Discrete maximum principle for FE solutions of the diffusion-reaction problem on prismatic meshes,  Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2009, Vol.226, no.2, pp.275-287.
  • Vejchodský, Tomáš - Šolín, P.,  Discrete maximum principle for Poisson equation with mixed boundary conditions solved by hp-FEM,  Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2009, Vol.1, no.2, pp.201-214.
  • Caprini, I. - Fischer, Jan - Vrkoč, Ivo,  On the ambiguity of field correlators represented by asymptotic perturbation expansions,  Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical, 2009, Vol.42, no.39, pp.395403.
  • Zajíček, Ondřej,  A note on scheduling parallel unit jobs on hypercubes,  International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 2009, Vol.20, no.2, pp.341-349.

Contributions to International Proceedings

  • Ebenlendr, Tomáš - Sgall, Jiří,  Semi-online preemptive scheduling: one algorithm for all variants,  In 26th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science. Leibniz: Schloss Dagstuhl, 2009. pp.349-360.
  • Ebenlendr, Tomáš - Sgall, Jiří,  A lower bound for scheduling of unit jobs with immediate decision on parallel machines,  In Approximation and online algorithms. Berlin: Springer, 2009. pp.43-52.
  • Eisner, Jan - Kučera, Milan - Recke, L.,  Bifurcation direction and exchange of stability for an elliptic unilateral BVP,  In More Progresses in Analysis - Proceedings of the 5th International ISAAC Congress. New York: World Scientific Publishing, 2009. pp.675-684.
  • Bock, I. - Jarušek, Jiří,  Dynamic contact problem for a viscoelastic full von Kármán system,  In proceedings of the 7th workshop on functional analysis and its applications in mathematical physics and optimal control. Bratislava: Slovak University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, 2009. pp.3-8.
  • Komenda, Jan - Lahaye, S. - Boimond, J.-L.,  Control of (max,+) Automata: a single step approach,  In Proceedings of European Control Conference. Budapest: European Union Control Association, 2009. pp.1985-1990.
  • Komenda, Jan - Lahaye, S. - Boimond, J.-L.,  Controllability of (max,+) formal power series,  In Proceedings of IFAC DCDS'09. Bari: The International Federation of Automatic Control, 2009. pp.97-102.
  • Komenda, Jan - Lahaye, S. - Boimond, J.-L.,  Le produit synchrone des automates (max,+),  In Modélisation des systemes réactifs: MSR 2009. Paris: Lavoisier, 2009. pp.55-60.
  • Hansen, K.A. - Koucký, Michal - Miltersen, P.B.,  Winning concurrent reachability games requires doubly-exponential patience,  In Proceedings of the 24th Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, LISC 2009. Los Angeles: IEEE Computer Society, 2009. pp.332-341.
  • Hansen, K.A. - Koucký, Michal,  A new characterization of ACC(0) and probabilistic CC0,  In Proceedings of the 24th Annual IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity. Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society, 2009. pp.27-34.
  • Korotov, S. - Křížek, Michal - Šolc, Jakub,  On a Discrete Maximum Principle for Linear FE Solutions of Elliptic Problems with a Nondiagonal Coefficient Matrix,  In Numerical Analysis and Its Applications. Berlin: Springer, 2009. pp.384-391.
  • Kučera, Milan,  Influence of Signorini boundary conditions on bifurcation in reaction-diffusion systems,  In More Progresses in Analysis - Proceedings of the 5th International ISAAC Congress. New York: World Scientific Publishing, 2009. pp.601-610.
  • Doing, B. - Groves, S. - Macháčková, Jana,  Lesson study - Could it work for you?,  In SEMT 09 - International Symposium, Elementary Maths Teaching. Proceedings. Praha: Pedagogická fakulta UK, 2009. pp.271-272.
  • Macháčková, Jana - Roubíček, Filip,  On one geometrical environment supporting natural differentiation,  In SEMT 09 - International Symposium, Elementary Maths Teaching. Proceedings. Praha: Pedagogická fakulta UK, 2009. pp.307.
  • Ortaggio, Marcel - Pravda, Vojtěch - Pravdová, Alena,  On Kerr-Schild spacetimes in higher dimensions,  In Physics and mathematics of gravitation. New York: AIP, 2009. pp.364-367.
  • Roubíček, Filip,  Argumentation comme un élément des activités mathématiques,  In Quaderni di Ricerca in Didattica. Scienze Matematiche. Palermo: GRIM, 2009. pp.485-488.
  • Roubíček, Filip,  Opportunities of development of language structures in mathematics,  In SEMT 09 - International Symposium, Elementary Maths Teaching. Proceedings. Praha: Pedagogická fakulta UK, 2009. pp.220-225.
  • Dolk, M. - Hošpesová, A. - Krauthausen, G. - Roubíček, Filip - Scherer, P. - Selle, A. - Swoboda, E. - Tichá, Marie,  Natural Differentiation in Mathematics (NaDiMa),  In SEMT 09 - International Symposium, Elementary Maths Teaching. Proceedings. Praha: Pedagogická fakulta UK, 2009. pp.271-272.
  • Kubínová, Lucie - Janáček, Jiří - Saxl, Ivan - Eržen, I. - Mao, X. W.,  Measurement of capillary length from 3D microscopic image data by methods of image analysis and stereology,  In MC 2009: Microscopy Conference. Life Sciences. Vol.2. Graz: Verlag der Technischen Universität, 2009. pp.407-408.
  • Šístek, Jakub - Burda, P. - Mandel, J. - Damašek, Alexandr - Novotný, Jaroslav - Sousedík, Bedřich,  On a parallel implementation of the BDDC method and its application to the Stokes problem,  In Proceedings of ParCFD 2009. Moffett Field, California: NASA Ames Research Center, 2009. pp.183-187.
  • Šístek, Jakub - Novotný, Jaroslav - Burda, Pavel - Čertíková, Marta,  Implementation of the BDDC method based on the frontal and multifrontal algorithm,  In SNA '09 - Seminar on Numerical Analysis & Winter School. Ostrava: Institute of Geonics AS CR, 2009. pp.83-86.
  • Tichá, Marie,  Problem posing in teacher training and as a research object in didactics: two complementary perspectives,  In Pre-Proceedings CIEAEM 61: Mathematical activity in classroom practice and as a research object in didactics: two complementary. For the Memory of Claude Janvier. Montréal: Université de Montréal, 2009. pp.357-360.
  • Tichá, Marie,  Die Aufgabenbildung als Motivation zur Entwicklung der mathematischen Grundbildung,  In Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht. Münster: VTM Verlag, 2009. pp.903-906.
  • Tichá, Marie,  Problem posing in teacher training and as a research object in didactics: two complementary perspectives,  In Quaderni di Ricerca in Didattica. Scienze Matematiche. Palermo: GRIM, 2009. pp.445-449.
  • Hannukainen, A. - Korotov, S. - Vejchodský, Tomáš,  On weakening conditions for discrete maximum principles for linear finite element schemes,  In Numerical Analysis and Its Applications. Berlin: Springer, 2009. pp.297-304.
  • Vejchodský, Tomáš,  Discrete maximum principle for prismatic finite elements,  In ALGORITMY 2009. Bratislava: Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, 2009. pp.266-275.

Contributions to Regional Proceedings

  • Rákosník, Jiří,  Česká digitální matematická knihovna DML-CZ,  In Matematika na vysokých školách - sborník 8.roč. semináře. Praha: JČMF a ČVUT Praha, 2009. pp.37-45.

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