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Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences

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Czech Republic

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RNDr. Tomáš Kostelecký, CSc. is a leader of the department "Regional and Local Problems" in the Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences. He co-operates with members of the Socio-economics of Housing Team on the grant project Housing Standards and their Growth Potentials in Comparison with Situation in the EU Countries.
1983 - 1988 M.A. in Human Geography and Demography
Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic.
1988 - 1992 Postgraduate studies at the Institute of Geography of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. The title of the submitted dissertation: "Geography of elections as part of the political geography". Dissertation defended and PhD. obtained at Charles University, Prague.
Professional Experience
1992 Research Fellow, Institute of Geography, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague.
1993 - 1994 Researcher, Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague.
1995 - 1996 Senior Researcher, Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague.
1996 - 1997 Research Fellow, Woodrow Wilson International Center For Scholars, Washington D.C., USA.
1997 - 1997 Senior Researcher, Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague.
1997 - 1998 Scientific Secretary and Senior Researcher, Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague.
1999 Research Fellow, Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan.
2000 - 2000 Senior Researcher and Vice-Chairman of the Scientific Board, Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague.
2000 - 2002 Research Director, The Gallup Organization Czech Republic, Prague.
2002 - Senior Researcher, Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague.
2002 - Lecturer, Collegium Hieronymi Pragensis.
1993 Regional Variation of Social Problems in the Czech Republic. Supported by Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Czech Reublic.
1993 - 1995 Political, Economic and Social Behaviour During the Post-Communist Transformation In The Czech Republic - The Regional Perspective. Supported by Research Support Scheme of Open Society Institute.
1995 - 1996 Housing Market and Its Social Context - the Situation in Prague and Brno. Supported by IWM Vienna.
1996 - 1998 Trh bydlení, jeho regionální diferenciace a sociální souvislosti (Housing Market, Its Regional Variations and Social Context). Supported by Grant Agency of the Czech Republic.
1999 - 2000 Rise or Fall of Political Regionalism?. Supported by Research Support Scheme of the Open Society Institute.
2000 - 2002 Vliv teritoriálně specifických faktorů na formování politických orientací voličů - analýza, metodologie, teorie (Regional specific factors and their influence on the formation of elector's political orientation - analysis, methodology theory). Supported by Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (since 2001 was the project led by PhDr. Zdena Vajdová).
Research fellowships, conferences
1990 University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Department of Human Geography, 1 month.
1993 University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Department of Human Geography, 2 months.
1996 - 1997 Woodrow Wilson International Center For Scholars, Washington D.C., USA, 9 months.
1999 Slavic Research Center, University of Hokkaido, Sapporo, Japan, 12 months.
Membership in scientific societies and boards
1988 - Member of the Czech Geographic Society.
1993 - 1997 Member of the Czech Geographic Society Secretary of the Foundation "Interdisciplinary Centre for Comparative Research in the Social Sciences", Prague.
1995 - Member of the Czech Demographic Society.
1999 - Member of the Discipline Board (Geography), Charles University, Prague.
2000 - 2002 Member of the Scientific Board of the Institute of Sociology, The Czech Academy of Sciences (between January 2000 and October 2000 Vice-Chairman of the Board).
2002 - Elected Representative of the Institute of Sociology in the Academic Assembly of the Czech Academy of Sciences.
2003 - Member of the Scientific Board of the Institute of Sociology, The Czech Academy of Sciences (between January 2000 and October 2000 Vice-Chairman of the Board).
Awarded Prices
1994 Josef Hlavka Price.
1994 Otto Wichterle Price.

Kostelecký, T. - Jehlička, P. (1992): "The Development of Czechoslovak Green Party since the Elections 1990". Environmental Politics, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 72-94, London, Frank Cass.

Kostelecký, Tomáš - Jehlička, Petr - Sýkora, Luděk (1993): Czechoslovak parliamentary elections 1990: old patterns, new trends and a lots of surprises. In: J.O'Loughlin and H.van der Wusten (eds.). The New Political Geography of Eastern Europe. London, Belhaven Press, pp. 235-254.

Kostelecký, T. (1993): "Parliamentary elections 1992 in the Czech Republic in the eyes of geographer: no great surprises" (in Czech). Geografické rozhledy, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 4-6, Czech geographics society, Prague.

Kostelecký, T. (1994). "Economic, social and historical determinants of voting patterns: 1990 and 1992 parliamentary elections in the Czech Republic". Czech Sociological Review 2: pp. 209-228.

Kostelecký, T. (1994). Spatial Distribution of Social Problems in the Czech Republic (in Czech). Prague: Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences. Working Papers No. 5/1994. 107 p.

Kostelecký, T. (1995). Political, Economic and Social Behaviour During the Post-Communist Transformation In The Czech Republic - The Regional Perspective (in Czech). Prague: Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences. Working Papers No. 5/1995. 88 p. Grant Research Support Scheme of Open Society Institute No. 16/93.

Kostelecký, Tomáš - Jehlička, Petr (1995). Czechoslovakia: Greens in a post-Communist society. In: Richardson, D., Rootes, Ch. (eds.). The Green Challenge. The development of Green Parties in Europe. London, Routledge, pp. 208-231.

Kostelecký, Tomáš (1995). Changing Party Allegiances in a Changing Party System: the 1990 and 1992 Parliamentary elections in the Czech Republic. In: Wightman, G. (ed.). Party formation in East-Central Europe. Post-Communist Politics in Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland and Bulgaria. Aldershot, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., pp. 79-107.

Kostelecký, Tomáš (1996): The Results of the 1990 Parliamentary Elections in Regional Perspective. In: H.D.Klingemann (ed.): Election handbook 1990 - Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary, Slovenia. Berlin, WZB.

Kostelecký, Tomáš - Kroupa, Aleš (1996). Party Organisation and Structure at National Level and Local Level in the Czech Republic Since 1989. In: Lewis, P. (ed.). Party Structure and Organisation in East-Central Europe. Aldershot, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.

Kostelecký, Tomáš (1996). Local Elections as a Mechanism of the Installation of Local Political Elites. In: Hampl, M. (ed.). Geografická organizace společnosti a transformační procesy v České republice. Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague. Pp. 353-360.

Kostelecký, Tomáš (1996). Factors Underlying Social Stratification: Regions and the Type of Settlement (In Czech). In: Machonin, P., Tuček, M. Česká společnost v transformaci. Praha, Sociologické nakladatelství, pp. 301-311.

Nedomová, Alena - Kostelecký, Tomáš (1997). "The Czech National Identity". Czech Sociological Review, Vol. 5, 1:79-92.

Vajdová, Z., Kostelecký, T. (1997). "The Political Culture of Local Communities. The Case of Three Towns." (In Czech). Sociologický časopis 33: 445-465.

Kostelecký, T. (1998). Trh s bydlením a jeho sociální souvislosti - situace v Praze a v Brně. (Housing Market and Its Social Context - the Situation in Prague and Brno). Prague, Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences. Working Papers 1/98.

Nedomová A., Buštíková L., Heřmanová E., Kostelecký T., Vajdová Z., Vojtěchovská, P. (1999). Trh bydlení, jeho regionální diferenciace a sociální souvislosti. (Housing Market - Regional Variations and Its Social Consequences). Prague, Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences. Working Papers 2/99. 82 p.

Heřmanová E., Kostelecký T. (2000). "Regionální diferenciace na trhu bydlení a její příčiny" (Regional Differentiation of the Housing Market and its Causes). Sociologický časopis, Vol. 36, 1:41-56.

Kostelecký, T. (2000). "Navrhované změny volebního zákona vzešlé z dodatků "opoziční smlouvy" v roce 2000 a jejich možné důsledky." (Proposed Changes to the Electoral Law Resulting from Amendments to the 'Opposition Agreement' in 2000 and their Possible Consequences). Sociologický časopis, Vol. 36, 3:299-305.

Kostelecký, T. (2000). "Housing and Its Influence on the Development of Social Inequalities in the Post-Communist Czech Republic". Czech Sociological Review, Vol. 8, 2:177-193.

Kostelecký, T. (2000). Volební systémy a politický konflikt v prostoru. (Electoral Systems and Political Conflict in Space). In Jehlička P., Tomeš J., Daněk P. (eds.). Stát, prostor, politika. Vybrané kapitoly politické geografie. (State, Space, Politics. Selected topics in political geography). KSGRR, Faculty of Science, Charles university, Prague.

Kostelecký, T. (2001). Vzestup nebo pád politického regionalismu? (Rise or fall of political regionalism?). Prague, Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences. Working Papers, 9/2001, 100 p.

Kostelecký, T. (2002). Political Parties after Communism: Developments in East-Central Europe. Washington, D.C., Woodrow Wilson Center Press, 213. p.

Kostelecký, Tomáš (2002). "Vývoj české společnosti v devadesátých letech 20. století v regionálním pohledu." ("The Development of the Czech Society in the last decade of the 20th Century in regional perspective"). In: Region a politika. Prague, Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences. Sociologické texty, 7/2002, pp. 3-29.

Kostelecký, Tomáš - Čermák, Daniel (2002). "Výběrová šetření a analýza agregátních dat - diskuse na téma použitelnosti různých přístupů v komparativních analýzách politického chování." ("Surveys and Aggregate Data Analyses - On the Usability of Different Approaches in Copmarative Analyses of Pilitical Behavior"). In: Region a politika. Prague, Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences. Sociologické texty, 7/2002, pp. 30-50.

Kostelecký, T., Čermák, D. (2003). "Výběrová šetření a analýza agregátních dat - diskuse na téma použitelnosti různých přístupů v komparativních analýzách politického chování." ("Surveys and Aggregate Data Analyses - On the Usability of Different Approaches in Copmarative Analyses of Pilitical Behavior"). Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review 39: 529-550.

Jehlička, P., Kostelecký, T. (2003). "Czech Greens in the 2002 General Election: A New Lease of Life?" Environmental Politics, 12: 133-138

Lux, M., P. Sunega, T. Kostelecký, D. Čermák (2003). Standardy bydlení 2002/03: Finanční dostupnost a postoje občanů. (Housing Standards 2002/03: Financial Affordability and Attitudes towards Housing) Prague: Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences.

Kostelecký, T. (2003). "Regionální změny." ("Regional Changes"). Pp. 54-68. In M. Tuček a kol. Dynamika české společnosti a osudy lidí na přelomu tisíciletí. (Dynamics of czech society and people's destinies in the turn of centuries). Praha: Sociologické nakladatelství.

Kostelecký, T. (2003). "Results of the 1992 and 1996 Parliamentary Elections in the Czech Republic from a Regional Perspective." Pp. 84-108. In Mansfeldová Z. (ed.): Czech Republic: The First Elections in the New Republic, 1992-1996. Berlin: Edition Sigma.

Kostelecký, T., Čermák, D. (2004). Vliv teritoriálně specifických faktorů na formování politických orientací voličů. (The influence of territorial-specific factors on the formation of politicial attitudes of voters). Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review 40:469-488.

Kostelecký, T. (2004). Models as Predictors of Electoral Results: An Alternative Approach for Electoral Districts, pp. 227-242 in D. Drbohlav, J. Kalvoda, V. Voženílek (eds.). Czech Geography at the Down of the Millenium. Olomouc: Czech Geographic Society, Palacky University.

Kostelecký, T., Čermák, D. (2004). Metropolitan Areas in the Czech Republic: Definitions, Basic Characteristics, patterns of Suburbanisation and Their Impact on Political Behaviour. Sociologické studie 04:3.

Lux, M., P. Sunega, T. Kostelecký, D. Čermák, P. Košinár (2004). Standardy bydlení 2003/2004: Bytová politika v ČR: efektivněji a cíleněji. (Housing Standards 2003/2004: Housing policy in the CR: more efficiently and more effective). Prague: The Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences.


- articles in newspapers,

- studies for the Ministry for Regional Development,

- scientific reviews.

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