doc. Mirjam Fried, PhD

doc. Mirjam Fried, PhD

Filozofická fakulta UK Praha (1976-1981), obor čeština – latina – angličtina
University of California at Berkeley (1987-1989), M.A. – obor obecná lingvistika
University of California at Berkeley (1989-1995), Ph.D. – Grammatical subject and its role in the grammar of case languages

Dosažená praxe:
University of Oregon – Visiting Assist. Professor (1997/1998)
University of California at Berkeley – Lecturer (1998-2001)
Princeton University – Assistant Professor (2001-2008)
University of Helsinki – docentka lingvistiky (2008-dosud)
Ústav pro jazyk český AV ČR– vědecká pracovnice (2008-dosud)

Vydané publikace:
M. Fried & H. C. Boas (eds.), Grammatical constructions: back to the roots. Amsterdam: John Benjamins 2005.
J-O. Östman & M. Fried (eds.), Construction Grammars: cognitive grounding and theoretical extensions. Amsterdam: John Benjamins 2005.
M. Fried & J-O. Östman (eds.), Construction Grammar in a cross-language perspective. Amsterdam: John Benjamins 2004.
F. Štícha & M. Fried (eds.), Gramatika a korpus II / Grammar and Corpora II. Praha: Academia v tisku.

Články v zahraničních periodikách a tematických sbornících:
Constructions and constructs: mapping a shift between predication and attribution. In A. Bergs & G. Diewald (eds.), Constructions and language change. Walter de Gruyter.

Constructing grammatical meaning: isomorphism and polysemy in Czech reflexivization. Studies in Language 31(4): 721-764.
A Frame Semantic account of morphosemantic change: the case of Old Czech věřící. In D. Divjak & A. Kochanska (eds.), Cognitive Paths into the Slavic Domain, 283-315. Mouton de Gruyter.

Agent back-grounding as a functional domain: reflexivization and passivization in Czech and Russian.” In T. Solstad & B. Lyngfelt (eds.), Demoting the agent: passive, middle and other voice phenomena [Linguistics today 96], 83-109. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

A frame-based approach to case alternations: the swarm-class verbs in Czech. Cognitive Linguistics 16/3:475-512.
Construction Grammar and spoken language: the case of pragmatic particles. Journal of Pragmatics 37(11): 1752-1778. (Fried & Östman)
The cognitive grounding of Construction Grammar. (Östman & Fried) In J-O. Östman & M. Fried (eds.), Construction Grammars: Cognitive grounding and theoretical extensions, 1-13. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Czech reflexivization and the invariance principle revisited. Slavic and East European Journal 48.4: 627-653.
Predicate semantics and event construal in Czech case marking. In M. Fried & J-O. Östman (eds.), Construction Grammar in a cross-language perspective, 87-120. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Construction Grammar: a thumbnail sketch.” (Fried & Östman) In M. Fried & J-O. Östman (eds.), Construction Grammar in a cross-language perspective, 11-86. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Historical and intellectual background of Construction Grammar. (Östman & Fried) In M. Fried & J-O. Östman (eds.), Construction Grammar in a cross-language perspective, 1-10. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
The semantics and pragmatics of agent demotion vs. ‘passive’. In T. Solstad, B. Lyngfelt & M.F. Krave (eds.), Pre-proceedings of Demoting the agent: passive and other voice-related phenomena, 31-39. Oslo: University of Oslo.

Dimensions of syntactic change: evidence from the long -nt- participle in Old Czech texts. In R.A. Maguire & A. Timberlake (eds.), The American Contributions to the Thirteenth International Congress of Slavists, 79-92.
Word order. In Handbook of Pragmatics, 1-13. John Benjamins.

Inherent vs. derived clisis: evidence from Czech proclitics. Journal of Linguistics 35: 43-64.
From interest to ownership: a constructional view of external possessors. In D.L. Payne & I. Barshi (eds.), External Possession Constructions, 473-504. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
The ‘free’ datives in Czech as a linking problem. In K. Dziwirek, H. Coats, and C. Vakareliyska (eds.), Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics 7: 145-166. Ann Arbor: Michigan Slavic Publications.
Responses to the linguistics papers presented at NAATC –Varieties of Czech. Modern Czech Studies, Brown Slavic Contributions Vol. XI, 48-53. Brown University.
Kannada gerund in adnominal positions: a functional perspective. Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistic Society.

Second-position clitics in Czech: syntactic or phonological? Lingua 94: 155-175.
Grammatical functions in case languages: subjecthood in Czech. Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistic Society: 184-193.

1993, The role of argument structure in Turkish causativization. Proceedings of Western Conference on Linguistics 93, Volume 6: 136-148.

1992, What’s in a causative: the semantics of Kannada -isu. Proceedings of the Twenty- Eighth Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society.

Články v domácích sbornících a periodikách:
2007, The polyfunctional structure of jestli in spoken Czech. In F. Štícha & J. Šimandl (eds.), Grammar and Corpora, 57-67. Praha: ÚJČ AV ČR.

2005, The stability of meaning-form associations across time. In P. Nejedlý & M. Vajdlová (eds.), Verba et historia, 77-86. Praha.

1993, Complex present participles in Old Czech. Listy filologické CXVI: 37-52.

Nedávné konferenční referáty (výběr):
2008, The emergence of a modal particle: jestli in spoken Czech”. AAASS, sekce Formal analysis of syntactic change in Slavic. Philadelphia, USA.
2007, Constructional semantics: a way to minimize coding effort? 10th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference 10, sekce Motivation in Language. Krakow.
2006, Constructional properties of a text-cohesion marker in spoken Czech. 4th International Conference in Construction Grammar. Tokio.

External possession in Lithuanian. AATSEEL, sekce Case. Washington, DC.
Between grammar and discourse: the polysemous structure of jestli in spoken Czech. Grammar and Corpora I. Praha.
Frames, context, and constructions: a diachronic perspective. 9th International Pragmatics Association Conference. Riva del Garda.
Morphosemantic change and the grammaticalization/lexicalization dichotomy. From Ideational to Interpersonal: Perspectives from Grammaticalization. Leuven.

Matters of belief in Old Czech texts: the diachronic structure of věřící. Perspectives on Slavistics I. Leuven.
The semantics and pragmatics of agent demotion vs. ‘passive’. Demoting the Agent. Oslo.

Persuasion in action: frames, explicit and implicit. (Fried & Östman) 17th International Congress of Linguists (CIL17). Praha.
Construction Grammar and spoken language: The case of discourse markers. (Fried & Östman) 8th International Pragmatics Conference. Toronto.

2002, Grammaticalization can be a bumpy road: evidence from Old Czech ‘long’ participles and pseudo-participles. New Reflections on Grammaticalization 2. Amsterdam.

2001, Participial adjectives in Old Czech: a constructional analysis of language change. 7th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference. Santa Barbara, California.

The grammar of Czech datives of empathy. 7th International Pragmatics Conference. Budapest.
The role of affectedness in grammatical patterning. Conference on Cognitive Typology. Antwerp.

1999, Lexical vs. constructional meaning: evidence from Czech case marking. 6th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference. Stockholm.

Plenární referáty na mezinárodních konferencích:
2009 Linguistic Society of Belgium. Lessius Antwerp.
2008 Diachronic syntax in Slavonic languages: gradual changes in focus. Regensburg.
2007 Possession: delimiting a grammatical category in a usage-based analysis. Grammar and Corpora II. Praha.
2006 The emergence of jestli as a modal particle in spoken Czech: a Construction Grammar account. Perspectives on Slavistics II. Regensburg.
2006 Language variation and change in Construction Grammar. 2nd Scandinavian Dialect Syntax Meeting. Solf, Finland.
2004 Constructional maps and the representation of grammatical meaning. 3rd International Conference in Construction Grammar. Marseille.
2004 The stability of meaning-form associations across time. Verba et historia. Praha.
2002 Issues in representing flexible word order: beyond discourse structure. 2nd International Conference on Construction Grammar. Helsinki.

Nedávná pozvání k jiným zahraničním přednáškám:
2008 Representing the dynamic aspects of grammatical structure. Workshop on constructions and variation. Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies. Freiburg.
2008 Construction Grammar. Postgraduální kurz Constructions, discourse, and cognition. University of Helsinki.
2008 Frames and constructions. Postgraduální kurz Constructions, discourse, and cognition. University of Helsinki.
2007 Dialogical discourse in the hands of a construction grammarian. Construction Grammar and Interactional Linguistics. University of Helsinki.
2006 Pragmatic particles in Construction Grammar. Nordic Center of Excellence on Micro-comparative Syntax. University of Helsinki.
2005 Semantic factors in decategorialization: a case study in Old Czech long -nt- participles. AAASS, panel on Slavic Diachronic Morphosyntax. Salt Lake City.
2001 A constructional analysis of the verb-adjective-noun continuum. Katedra anglistiky, University of Helsinki.
2001 Pragmatics and grammar: discourse datives in Czech. Max Planck Institute, Leipzig.
1999 Nominalization in Kannada as a discourse-structuring strategy. Workshop on Analyzing Spoken Language. University of Helsinki.

Členství ve vědeckých společnostech
International Cognitive Linguistics Association, Association for Linguistic Typology, Slavic Cognitive Linguistics Association, Slavic Linguistics Society, International Pragmatics Association, American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies.

Práce v redakčních radách
Frames and Constructions
Cognitive Linguistics
Knižní řada Constructional Approaches to Language. John Benjamins
Odborné posudky pro Chicago University press & CSLI Publications; časopisy Language, Linguistic typology, Cognition, Spatial cognition and computation.
Posudky konferenčních abstraktů:
- German Cognitive Linguistics Association 2008.
- International Conference on Construction Grammar 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008.
- Conceptual Structure, Discourse, and Language, 2006.
- Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics 2005, 2007.
- International Cognitive Linguistics Conference 2001.
- Berkeley Linguistic Society 1988-1992.

Pořádání konferencí
5th International Conference on Construction Grammar 2008, Austin, Texas. Členka Mezinárodního organizačního výboru.
4th International Conference on Construction Grammar 2006, Tokio. Členka Mezinárodního organizačního výboru.
9th International Pragmatics Association Conference, Riva del Garda. Spolu-pořadatelka sekce “Context in Constructions”. 2005.
1st International Conference on Construction Grammar, Berkeley. 2000. Pořadatelka.

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