» Projects » Grant List » Water regime of the soil in the head water regions – observation, evaluation and process modelling

Water regime of the soil in the head water regions – observation, evaluation and process modelling

  • Identification: 526/98/0805 - Grant Agency of the Czech Republic
  • Duration: 1998 - 2000
  • Principal investigator: Ing. Miroslav Tesař CSc.
  • Co-investigator: Prof. Jiří Zezulák DrSc. (Forestry Faculty, Agricultural University)

The present project deals with observation, evaluation and modelling of the soil moisture and transport of water solution through unsaturated soil zone in the headwater regions. This zone is very important due to huge amount of water in this horizon, intensive transport processes of pollutants and nutrients between the soil surface and ground water level and due to important biological processes in the top of the podosphere. Despite above-mentioned facts the attention paid to this zone was smaller compared its importance due to unadequate and time and money consuming approaches of the monitoring of this zone. The authors of the present project are going to keep on the long-term (15 years) research of this topic and to observe, evaluate and simulate with the use of mathematical methods of the water regime in the montainous and submontane regions of the Šumava Mts. The original verified methodology of the observation of the soil water potential and methods of the quantification of the soil moisture in the individual soil layers of the soil profile will be applied in the course of the whole years. The water balance of the soil horizon in the time scale will be a result of this project. This project will contribute to a complex evaluation of the water natural environment by means of integrated monitoring approaches.