D e p a r t m e n t   o f   M a g n e t i s m   a n d   L o w   T e m p e r a t u r e s
S i t e   T r o j a
(u p   t o   2 0 0 8   D e p a r t m e n t   o f   L o w   T e m p e r a t u r e s)
of Tymofyi Chagovets
for years 2005-2008
1. A.V. Gordeev, T.V. Chagovets, F. Soukup, L. Skrbek:
Decaying Counterflow Turbulence in He II.
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 138 (2005) 549-554.

2. T.V. Chagovets, A.V. Gordeev, M. Rotter, F. Soukup, J. Šindelář, L. Skrbek:
Steady and Decaying Quantum Turbulence Generated in He II Flow Channel by Counterflow and Pure Superflow.
Acta Physica Slovaca 56 (2006) 169-172.

3. T.V. Chagovets, L. Doležal, J. Dupák, A.V. Gordeev, J. Prachařová, M. Rotter, F. Soukup, J. Šindelář, L. Skrbek:
Experimental Setup for Generating and Probing He II flows.
Acta Physica Slovaca 56 (2006) 173-176.

4. M. Blažková, T.V. Chagovets, J. Pešička, M. Rotter, L. Skrbek:
Quartz Tuning Fork - Frequency Standard For Digital Watches - an Efficient Tool To Study Boundary Layer Flows.
Proc. Of the Colloquium Fluid Dynamics (Kolokvium Dynamika tekutin 2006), ISBN 80-87012-01-1.

5. M. Blažková, T.V. Chagovets, M. Rotter, D. Schmoranzer, L. Skrbek:
Cavitation in liquid helium due to a vibrating quartz fork.
Proc. Of the Colloquium Fluid Dynamics (Kolokvium Dynamika tekutin 2007), ISBN 978–80–87012–07–09, 2007, 9-10.

6. T.V. Chagovets, L. Skrbek:
Steady and decaying flow of He II in a channel with ends blocked by superleaks.
Physical Review Letters 100 (2008) 215302(4)-215302(4).

7. T.V. Chagovets, L. Skrbek:
On flow of He II in channels with ends blocked by superleaks.
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 153 (2008) 162-188.

8. M. Blažková, T.V. Chagovets, M. Rotter, D. Schmoranzer, L. Skrbek:
Cavitation in Liquid Helium Observed in a Flow Due to a Vibrating Quartz Fork.
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 150 (2008) 194-199.

9. R. de Graaf, R. Hänninen, T.V. Chagovets, V.B. Eltsov, M. Krusius, R.E. Solntsev:
The Dynamics of Vortex Generation in Superfluid 3He-B.
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 153 (2008) 197-227.

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    M a i n t a i n e d   b y 
 M i c h a l    R a m e s    (ramesm@fzu.cz)
Last update: Feb 9 2010
2010 © Dept. of Magnetism and Low Temperatures