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of Milan Odehnal
for years 1980-1989
1. R.S.Šafrata, M. Koláč, J. Matas, M. Odehnal, K. Švec:
Deuterized cerium lanthanum magnesium nitrate as a magnetic thermometer.
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 41 (1980) 405-407.

2. M. Odehnal, V. Petříček:
Some remarks on the theory of SQUID structures. I. Topology of SQUID structures-A unified picture.
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 39 (1980) 505-552.

3. R.S. Šafrata, K. Švec, M. Odehnal, J. Matas, M. Koláč:
Final temperatures attainable by adiabatic demagnetization of the CLMN.
Physica B+C 107 (1981) 559-560.

4. M. Odehnal, A. Pentinnen:
Some remarks about the flux periodicity in SQUIDS.
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 57 (1984) 331-347.

5. M. Kohl, M. Odehnal, V. Petříček:
Superconductive and hopping mechanisms of DC conductivity in NbxNy.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 34 (1984) 870-881.

6. J. Grygar, M. Odehnal, V. Petříček, K. Prikner:
Possibility of detecting the magnetic-field of a rotating neutron star with SQUID.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 422 (1984) 355-355.

7. M. Odehnal:
Some nonstandard applications of superconducting quantum interferometers - SQUIDs.
Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur 11 (1985) 5-56.

8. M. Odehnal, J. Grygar, K. Prikner, V. Petříček:
Possibility of the detection of ultra-low-frequency dipole radiation from obliquely rotating magnetized neutron-stars.
Bulletin of the Astronomical Institutes of Czechoslovakia 36 (1985) 369-375.

9. J. Kuzník, M. Odehnal:
Analog simulations of Josephson junction in a microwave field. Devil's staircase, fractal dimension, and decay constants.
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 65 (1986) 353-374.

10. J. Kuzník, M. Odehnal, S. Šafrata, J. Endal:
DC and ac Josephson effects observed in high-temperature superconductor YBaCuO.
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 69 (1987) 313-323.

11. M. Kohl, M. Odehnal, V. Petříček, R. Tichý, S. Šafrata:
Observation of higher order NMR larmor lines by SQUID in solids at low magnetic field.
J. Low Temp. Phys. 72 (1988) 319 - 343.

12. R. Tichý, M. Odehnal, V. Petříček, S. Šafrata, E. Pollert, J. Kamarád, J. Hejtmánek, O. Smrčková, D. Sýkorová:
SQUID behavior at liquid nitrogen temperature in high-Tc superconductors of the type Y-Ba-Cu-O.
J. Low Temp. Phys. 70 (1988) 187 - 190.

13. G.B. Donaldson, M. Odehnal, C.M. Pegrum, J.R. Buckley:
Parametric and non-linear behaviour of a YBa2Cu3O7-δ RF squid at 77K.
Physica C 153-155 (1988) 1407-1408.

14. J. Kuzník, M. Odehnal, S. Šafrata, J. Endal:
Inverse AC Josephson effect and chaos in YBaCuO-Nb point contact.
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 72 (1988) 283-289.

15. J. Kuzník, M. Odehnal, P. Seidel:
Simulation of Josephson junction in a microwave field.
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 72 (1988) 391-406.

16. M. Kohl, M. Odehnal, S. Šafrata, K. Vacek:
High temperature superconductor YBa2.15Cu2.85O6.5 in microwave field of the ESR spectrometer - Evidence of granular superconductivity.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 38 (1988) 457-460.

17. P. Boháček, M. Nevřiva, F. Novotný, M. Odehnal, E. Pollert, J. Prachařová, J. Růžička, S. Šafrata, T. Těthal, B. Trunda, A. Tříska:
High Tc Bi-Ca-Sr-Cu-O superconducting system - Influence of preparation conditions.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 38 (1988) 461-464.

18. M. Kohl, M. Odehnal, M. Plintovič, S. Šafrata:
Low-field magnetization curves of YBa2Cu3O7-x and BiSrCaCu2O5.5: Effects of Josephson medium.
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 74 (1989) 503-517.

19. C.M. Pegrum, J.R. Buckley, M. Odehnal:
The properties and potential applications of bulk RF SQUIDs made from YBaCuO, BiSrCaCuO and TlCaBaCuO.
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 25 (1989) 872-875.

20. M. Kohl, M. Odehnal, M. Plintovič, S. Šafrata, K. Vacek:
Non-resonant microwave-absorption in low magnetic-fields in samples of YBa2Cu3O7-x and BiCaSrCu2O5.5 at 77 K.
Superconductor Science and Technology 1 (1989) 326-328.

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 M i c h a l    R a m e s    (ramesm@fzu.cz)
Last update: Feb 9 2010
2010 © Dept. of Magnetism and Low Temperatures