Volume 55, Issue 5, 2006



Physiol. Res. 55:  467-474, 2006  Abstrakt  | Full text
Acute pancreatitis: proteinase-activated receptor-2 as Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
R. Matěj, D. Housa, T. Olejár (Inst. Biophys., First Med. Sch., Charles Univ., Prague, Czech Republic)

Physiol. Res. 55:  475-481, 2006  Abstrakt  | Full text
Folate co-administration improves the effectiveness of fenofibrate to decrease the lipoprotein oxidation and endothelial dysfunction surrogates.
O. Mayer Jr., J. Šimon, L. Holubec, R. Pikner, L. Trefil (Second Dept. Intern. Med., Med. Fac., Charles Univ., Univ. Hosp., Plzeň, Czech Republic)

Physiol. Res. 55:  483-490, 2006  Abstrakt  | Full text
Effect of gene polymorphisms on lipoprotein levels in patients with dyslipidemia of metabolic syndrome.
A. Stančáková, L. Baldaufová, M. Javorský, M. Kozárová, J. Šalagovič, I. Tkáč (Dept Intern. Med. IV, Fac. Med., Šafárik Univ., Košice, Slovakia)

Physiol. Res. 55:  491-500, 2006  Abstrakt  | Full text
Oxidized low-density lipoprotein (Oxidized LDL) and the risk of preeclampsia.
C. Qiu, T. T. T. Phung, S. Vadachkoria, M. Muy-Rivera, S. E. Sanchez, M. A. Williams (Ctr Perinatal Studies, Swedish Med. Ctr, Seattle, WA, USA)

Physiol. Res. 55:  501-512, 2006  Abstrakt  | Full text
Changes in placental adipocytokine gene expression associated with gestational diabetes mellitus.
M. Meller, C. Qiu, S. Vadachkoria, D. F. Abetew, D. A. Luthy, M. A. Williams (Ctr Perinatal Studies, Swedish Med. Ctr, Seattle, WA, USA)

Physiol. Res. 55:  513-526, 2006  Abstrakt  | Full text
Differential right and left ventricular diastolic tolerance to acute afterload and NCX gene expression in Wistar rats.
J. Correia Pinto, T. Henriques-Coelho, R. Roncon-Albuquerque Jr, A. F. Leite-Moreira (Life Health Sci. Res. Inst. (ICVS), Sch.Health Sci., Univ. Minho, Braga, Portugal)

Physiol. Res. 55:  527-533, 2006  Abstrakt  | Full text
Perfusion pressure manipulation in porcine sepsis: effects on intestinal hemodynamics.
A. Kroužecký, M. Matějovič, J. Radej, R. Rokyta Jr., I. Novák (Intensive Care Unit, First Med. Dept., Med. Fac. Teaching Hospital, Charles Univ., Plzeň, Czech Republic)

Physiol. Res. 55:  535-542, 2006  Abstrakt  | Full text
Hypoxic stress-enhanced expression and release of adrenomedullin (AM) and up-regulated AM receptors, while glucose starvation reduced AM expression and release and down-regulated AM receptors in monkey renal cells.
J. Dřímal, J. Dřímal Jr., D. Dřímal (Inst. Exp. Pharmacol., Slovak Acad. Sci., Bratislava, Slovakia)

Physiol. Res. 55:  543-549, 2006  Abstrakt  | Full text
Thermal, cardiac and adrenergic responses to repeated local cooling.
L. Janský, E. Matoušková, V. Vávra, S. Vybíral, P. Janský, D. Jandová, I. Knížková, P. Kunc (Fac. Biol., Southbohemian Univ., České Budějovice, Czech Republic)

Physiol. Res. 55:  551-560, 2006  Abstrakt  | Full text
Protective effect of S-adenosylmethionine against galactosamine-induced injury of rat hepatocytes in primary culture.
O. Kučera, Z. Červinková, H. Lotková, P. Křiváková, T. Roušar, V. Mužáková, R. Héžová, R. Kanďár, E. Rudolf (Dept. Physiol., Med. Fac. in Hradec Králové, Charles Univ. in Prague, Czech Republic)

Physiol. Res. 55:  561-568, 2006  Abstrakt  | Full text
Effect of thyroxine on antioxidant defense system in the liver of rats of different age.
Z. S. Saičić, D. N. Mijalković, A. L. Nikolić, D. P. Blagojević, M. B. Spasić (Inst. Biol. Res. “Siniša Stanković“, Dept. Physiol., Belgrade, Serbia)

Physiol. Res. 55:  569-575, 2006  Abstrakt  | Full text
Hydrogen peroxide metabolism in alveolar macrophages after exposure to hypoxia and heat.
E. M. Lobanova, A. D. Tahanovich (Dept. Biochem., Belarusian State Med. Univ., Minsk, Belarus)

Physiol. Res. 55:  577-584, 2006  Abstrakt  | Full text
Early and late allergic phase related cough response in sensitized guinea pigs with experimental allergic rhinitis.
M. Brozmanová, V. Čalkovský, J. Plevková, V. Bartoš, L. Plank, M. Tatár (Dept. Pathophysiol., Jessenius Fac. Med., Comenius Univ., Martin, Slovakia)

Physiol. Res. 55:  585-589, 2006  Abstrakt  | Full text
Different sensitivity of miniature endplate currents of the rat extensor digitorum longus, soleus and diaphragm muscles to a novel acetylcholinesterase inhibitor C-547.
K. A. Petrov, I. V. Kovyazina, V. V. Zobov, E. A. Bukharaeva, E. E. Nikolsky, F. Vyskočil (Kazan Inst. Organic Physical Chem., Russian Acad. Sci., Russia)

Short Communication

Physiol. Res. 55:  591-596, 2006  Abstrakt  | Full text
Adenosine potentiates stimulatory effects on granulocyte-macrophage hematopoietic progenitor cells in vitro of IL-3 and SCF, but not those of G-CSF, GM-CSF and IL-11.
M. Hofer, A. Vacek, M. Pospíšil, L. Weiterová, J. Holá, D. Štreitová, V. Znojil (Inst. Biophys., Acad. Sci Czech Rep., Brno, Czech Republic)

This number was issued in October 2006

© 2006 by the Institute of Physiology, Czech Academy of Sciences