Instructions for Authors
Manuscript preparation
content of submitted manuscripts must fall into the
field of normal and pathological physiology, biochemistry,
biophysics, and pharmacology. Authors must submit papers
reporting on original work, which had not previously been
published elsewhere. Papers will be accepted by the editors upon
the recommendation of two referees. All papers will be published
in English.
Each animal experimentation should be in accordance with the
Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (1985), NIH,
Bethesda, or European Guidelines on Laboratory Animal Care, whereas human studies must be in accordance with the
Declaration of Helsinki (2000) of the World Medical Association.
In both cases the approval by the Ethics Committee of the
respective institution is required. The adherence to the above
principals should be explicitly mentioned in the Section Methods
of each original article published in Physiological Research.
Papers concerning
biology, immunology, or genetics should be sent to Folia
Biologica (Prague), an international journal specialized in
these research topics. The address for manuscript submission is and their web site is
Three types of manuscripts will be considered
for publication:
- Review giving personal views presented by
prominent scientists on contemporary developments in their
field of interest. It should not exceed
9000 words
(altogether with Title page, References and figure and table
legends) with a maximum of 3 figures or 3 tables.
- Full Length
Paper published in the journal are usually between six and
eight printed pages including references and a maximum of 5
figures or tables, this is about 4500 words of
the entire manuscript.
- Rapid
Communication or Short Communication should
not exceed 2000 words, with a maximum of 2 figures or
tables, i.e. 4 printed pages (including figures and tables).
Manuscript style
Review must be sub-divided into the following sections:
Title page should comprise:
- A title of the
- First name(s) and surname of author(s)
- Institutes - author's workplace (affiliation
to be indicated by numbers)
- Full address of corresponding author - Short title (reduced
title of the article, that will appear as a page heading in
the journal at the top of the printed pages, not more than 60
type-written strokes including spaces ).
Summary. Each paper should contain summary of
the main points (not more than 200 words).
Key words. Immediately following the summary,
up to 5 key words should be supplied for subject indexing. Key
words should be taken from the Index Medicus (Medical Subject
Headings) or be composed on the same principle.
- (Text)
Main text is divided into sections
according to the topics.
Full paper
must be sub-divided into the following sections:
Title page should comprise:
- A title of the
- First name(s) and surname of author(s)
- Institutes - author's workplace (affiliation
to be indicated by numbers)
- Full address of corresponding author - Short title (reduced
title of the article, that will appear as a page heading in
the journal at the top of the printed pages, not more than 60
type-written strokes including spaces ).
Summary. Each paper should contain summary of
the main points (not more than 200 words).
Key words. Immediately following the summary,
up to 5 key words should be supplied for subject indexing. Key
words should be taken from the Index Medicus (Medical Subject
Headings) or be composed on the same principle.
Introduction should contain background of the
subject matter and explanation, why the research was carried
Methods. In this section, all materials and
methods must be clearly described.
Discussion should be well-arranged and
Acknowledgments of financial support or
technical assistance may follow the main body of the paper.
References are to be listed in alphabetical
order, are not numbered, and must correspond to citations in
the text. They must include: name and initials of all
authors (in Capital letters), full title of paper, name of
journal abbreviated according to Index Medicus (in Italics),
volume number (in bold), first and last page and year of
publication, e.g.:
reaction in skinned rat psoas muscle fibers and their myofibrils.
Physiol Res 48: 27-35, 1999.
Differentiation of constrictive pericarditis and restrictive
cardiomyopathy by Doppler echocardiography. Circulation
79: 357-376, 1989.
(Please, take notice, that there are NO empty line between
two references)
References to monographs
should be supplemented by the name of publishers, place of
publication and in the case of a conference or symposial
proceedings also by the name of editors, e.g.:
OLNEY JW: Neurocytology of excitatory amino acids. In:
Kainic Acid as a Tool in Neurobiology. EG MCGEER, JW OLNEY,
PL MCGEER (eds), Raven Press, New York, 1978, pp 95-121.
References should be referred to in the text by the name of
author and year of publication, e.g. (Carlsson 1987) or (Schnermann
and Briggs 1985). If there are more than two authors, then only
the first should be given in the text, e.g.: (Gregor et
al. 1999). A reference cited "in press" should include "accepted
by" with the name of the journal in which it was accepted.
Rapid or Short communicaton will be subdivided into
the following sections:
- Summary
- Main body of
the text
- References
Units. It is necessary to use the Systeme
International d'Unites (SI) for the numerical expression of the
results of measurements. In cases in which the SI unit is
different from the conventional one, the conventional unit
should be added in parentheses. In our journal, "liter" is
marked as "l", not "L".
Text format
- The
manuscripts should be typed in double-line spacing. The form
and contents should be carefully checked to correspond with our
Instructions for Authors. The text of the manuscript sent to
the Editors should be considered as final.
- Electronic
version should be sent via e-mail. Prepare your manuscripts
using Word, preferably Word 97. Required file formats for text
are rtf or doc. Apple/Macintosh files should be avoided.
Submit graphic files separately from the text.
Figure Format
- The number of
illustrations should be kept to a minimum required for
clarification of the text, the maximum of 5 for a full-length
- Prepare high-quality
figures (photographs, graphs or diagrams): Captions will be in English, decimal
place must be denoted by a point (not comma!). Figures should
be sharp unmounted glossy photographs or computer-generated
laser print.
Figures should be
prepared for either single-column width (8 cm), whenever
possible, or for double-column width (17 cm). All drawings for
reduction to a given size should be drawn and lettered to the
same scale. Lettering must be proportionate to the size of the
figure (not to be less than 2 mm high after the reduction).
Freehand, typewritten or dot-matrix lettering is not
- Each figure
will contain a caption. An explanatory text, making the
general meaning clear without reference to the text, should be
at the end of a manuscript text, in the text file.
illustration will be accepted. However, the author
will be expected to make a contribution towards the additional
Required file formats for figures or images: jpg, cdr, or
Manuscript submission
on-line as an attachment to our e-mail address. Both PDF (with tables and figures
in one document) and Word versions (rtf or doc, and separate
figures) are required. The files will be named after the
first author, for example: nowak.doc, nowak.pdf,
Authors are asked to submit a proposal of four foreign
referees and to give their names and e-mail addresses. The
editorial board will then choose one or two from the
proposed referees. This will speed up the whole editing
Revised manuscripts should be sent in
a three-month time. After this time, the manuscript will be
handled as a new paper submission.
Submitted manuscripts or manuscripts after author's
revision that do not follow these Instructions will not be included into the peer-review process.
- Major changes in the proofs
are not permitted.
- Authors should check if the text is
complete and tables or figures are included.
Authors will receive either hard-copy or PDF file (in
e-mail attachment) of the proofs. PDF proofreading should be
print out. Authors will make corrections in a printout
version using black pen. The corrected proofs should be send
immediately back to the Editorial Office or faxed on our fax
number +420 241 062 164.
Page charge
NEW: Further changes
in payment
- 60 EUR (including VAT) as a processing fee will be asked
for each article submitted after March 1, 2010. This fee will
be subtracted from page charge of articles accepted for
- Page charge will be 40 EUR (including VAT) per printed
page for each article except of review articles which will be
charged 20 EUR per printed page only. Additional 150 EUR will
be charged for each printed page containing color
- Processing fee 60 EUR and a special reduced page charge
(20 EUR per printed page) will be required for those articles
which were submitted prior to March 1, 2010 but accepted for
issues published already in 2011.
- There are no changes in the payment for articles accepted
for issues published in 2010.
- The review process will start after the Editorial Office
receives the respective check or documents indicating bank
transfer. If you are not sure whether the topic of your
article is compatible with the scope of Physiological
Research, please, wait until Editorial Office contact you.
- The accepted papers will not appear as preprints on our
website (and in other databases) and they will not be sent to
printing office unless the appropriate page charge is
received. The respective amount will be indicated in the
letter announcing manuscript acceptance.
- The page charge for publishing abstracts from Meetings
covers editorial and publishing expenses and will be set by
the Editorial Office. Overall price for one abstract is 12 EUR.