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Informační seznam časopisů American Chemical Society

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Tištěné časopisy

Nabídka informací v jiných knihovnách

Publikační činnost

Užitečné odkazy

Ústavy areálu Krč, AV ČR

plné texty dostupné pouze z IP adres Mikrobiologického ústavu
  • Accounts of Chemical Research
  • Analytical Chemistry
  • Biochemistry
  • Bioconjugate Chemistry
  • Biomacromolecules
  • Biotechnology Progress -- Copublished with the Am. Inst. of Chem. Engineers
  • Chemical & Engineering News
  • Chemical Innovation/CHEMTECH
  • Chemical Research in Toxicology
  • Chemical Reviews
  • Chemistry of Materials
  • Crystal Growth & Design
  • Energy & Fuels
  • Environmental Science & Technology
  • Industrial & Engineering
  • Chemistry Research
  • Inorganic Chemistry
  • Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
  • Journal of the American Chemical Society
  • Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data
  • Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences
  • Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry
  • Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
  • Journal of Natural Products -- Copublished with the Am. Soc. of Pharmacognosy
  • The Journal of Organic Chemistry
  • The Journal of Physical Chemistry A
  • The Journal of Physical Chemistry B
  • Journal of Proteome Research
  • Langmuir
  • Macromolecules
  • Modern Drug Discovery
  • Nano Letters
  • Organic Letters
  • Organic Process Research & Development    -- Published in cooperation with the Royal Society of Chemistry
  • Organometallics
  • Today's Chemist at Work
  • Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan and Chemistry Letters are distributed in North America through the ACS Publications Division

Aktualizováno 8.4.2008| SVI FgÚ AV ČR |