Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic |
Publications 2005
Publications of 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009.
Eck, C. - Jarušek, Jiří - Krbec, Miroslav,
Unilateral Contact Problems. Variational Methods and Existence Theorems.
Boca Raton: Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2005, 398 pp.
Došlý, O. - Řehák, Pavel,
Half-linear differential equations.
Amsterdam: North-Holland, 2005, 517 pp.
Schwabik, Štefan - Ye, G.,
Topics in Banach Space Integration.
New Jersey: World Scientific (Series in Real Analysis, 10), 2005, 298 pp.
Sochor, Antonín,
Metamatematika teorií množin. Praha: Karolinum, 2005, 203 pp.
Chapters of Monographs
Engliš, Miroslav,
Operator models and Arveson+s curvature invariant.
Topological Algebras, their Applications, and Related Topics (Jarosz, K.).
Warszawa: PAN (Banach Center Publications. 67), (2005), pp.171-183.
Feireisl, Eduard,
Mathematics of viscous, compressible, and heat conducting fluids.
Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and Related Analysis (Chen, G.).
Providence: American Mathematical Society (Contemporary Mathematics 371), (2005), pp.133-151.
Beneš, V. - Saxl, Ivan,
Stereological estimation of the rose of direction from the rose of intersections.
Recent Advances in Applied Probability (Baeze-Yates, R.).
Berlin: Springer Verlag, (2005), pp.65-96.
Papers in Scientific Journals
Adamec, Ladislav,
A note on a generalization of Diliberto+s theorem for certain differential equations
of higher dimension,
Applications of Mathematics, 50 (2005), pp.93-101.
Adamec, Ladislav,
A remark on Liouville's formula on small time scales,
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 304 (2005), pp.504-510.
Ambrozie, Calin - Eschmeier, J.,
A commutant lifting result on analytic polyhedra,
Banach Center Publications, 67 (2005), pp.83-108.
Ambrozie, Calin,
On a completion of prehilbertian spaces,
Portugaliae Mathematica, 62 (2005), pp.73-88.
Balcar, Bohuslav - Jech, Thomas - Pazák, Tomáš,
Complete ccc Boolean algebras, the order sequential topology, and a problem of von Neumann.,
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society., 37 (2005), pp.885-898.
Balcar, Bohuslav - Hrušák, M.,
Distributivity of the algebra of regular open subsets of .beta. R / R,
Topology and its Applications,
149 (2005), pp.1-7.
Eisner, Jan - Kučera, Milan - Recke, L.,
Direction and Stability of Bifurcation Branches for Variational Inequalities,
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 301 (2005), pp.276-294.
Eisner, Jan - Kučera, Milan - Recke, L.,
A global bifurcation result for variational inequalities,
Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Their Applications,
64 (2005), pp.253-264.
Eisner, Jan - Kučera, Milan - Recke, L.,
Smooth bifurcation for an obstacle problem.,
Differential and Integral Equations, 18 (2005), pp.121-140.
Eisner, Jan - Kučera, Milan - Recke, L.,
Smooth dependence on parameters of solutions to variational inequalities,
Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications, 62 (2005), pp.849-861.
Engliš, Miroslav,
Berezin-Toeplitz quantization on the Schwartz space of bounded symmetric domains,
Journal of Lie Theory, 15 (2005), pp.27-50.
Ali, S. T. - Engliš, Miroslav,
Quantization methods: a-guide for physicists and analysts,
Reviews in Mathematical Physics, 17 (2005), pp.391-490.
Bonet, J. A. - Engliš, Miroslav - Taskinen, J.,
Weighted $L^/infty$-estimates for Bergman projections,
Studia mathematica,
171 (2005), pp.67-92.
Fabian, Marián - Hájek, Petr Pavel - Montesinos, V. - Zizler, Václav,
A quantitative version of Krein's Theorem. To the memory of Vlastimil Pták,
Revista Matematica Iberoamericana, 21 (2005), pp.237-248.
Fabian, Marián - Montesinos, V. - Zizler, Václav,
Biorthogonal Systems in Weakly Lindelöf Spaces,
Canadian Mathematical Bulletin - Bulletin Canadien de Mathematiques,
48 (2005), pp.69-79.
Fabian, Marián - Kalenda, O.F.K. - Kolář, Jan,
Filling Analytic Sets by the Derivatives of C1-Smooth Bumps,
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 133 (2005), pp.295-303.
Ducomet, B. - Feireisl, Eduard,
A regularizing effect of radiation in the equations of fluid dynamics,
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 28 (2005), pp.661-685.
Feireisl, Eduard - Schimperna, G.,
Large time behaviour of solutions to Penrose-Fife phase change model,
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 28 (2005), pp.2117-2132.
Feireisl, Eduard - Novotný, A. - Petzeltová, Hana,
On a class of physically admissible variational solutions to the Navier-Stokes-Fourier system,
Zeitschrift für Analysis Und Ihre Anwendungen, 24 (2005), pp.75-101.
Feireisl, Eduard - Novotný, A.,
Weak sequential stability of the set of admissible variational solutions to
the Navier-Stokes-Fourier system,
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 37 (2005), pp.619-650.
Gogatishvili, Amiran - Koskela, P.,
A non-doubling Trudinger inequality,
Studia mathematica, 170 (2005), pp.113-119.
Carro, M. - Gogatishvili, Amiram - Martín, J. - Pick, L.,
Functional properties of rearrangement invariant spaces defined in terms of oscillations,
Journal of Functional Analysis, 229 (2005), pp.375-404.
Gogatishvili, Amiram - Opic, Bohumír - Trebels, W.,
Limiting reiteration for real interpolation with slowly varying functions,
Mathematische Nachrichten, 278 (2005), pp.86-107.
Gogatishvili, Amiram - Neves, J. S. - Opic, Bohumír,
Optimality of embeddings of Bessel-potential-type spaces into generalized Hölder spaces,
Publicacions Matematiques, 49 (2005), pp.297-327.
Deville, R. - Hájek, Petr Pavel,
On the range of the derivative of G_teaux-Smooth functions on separable Banach spaces,
Israel Journal of Mathematics, 145 (2005), pp.257-269.
Hájek, Petr Pavel - Rychtář, J.,
Renorming James Tree Space,
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 357 (2005), pp.3775-3788.
Hájek, Petr Pavel,
Some Remark on Biorthogonal Systems in Banach Spaces,
Milan Journal of Mathematics, 73 (2005), pp.211-220.
Hakl, Robert - Mukhigulashvili, Sulkhan,
On a boundary value problem for n-th order linear functional differential systems,
Georgian Mathematical Journal, 12 (2005), pp.229-236.
Hakl, Robert,
On a boundary value problem for nonlinear functional differential equations,
Boundary Value Problems, 2005 (2005), pp.263-288.
Hakl, Robert - Mukhigulashvili, Sulkhan,
On one estimate for periodic functions,
Georgian Mathematical Journal, 12 (2005), pp.97-114.
Hlaváček, Ivan - Lovíšek, J.,
Semi-Coercive Variational Inequalities with Uncertain Input Data Applications to Shallow Shells,
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 15 (2005), pp.273-299.
Chleboun, Jan - Kocna, P.,
Isotope Selective Nondispersive Infrared Spectrometry Can Compete with Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry
in Cumulative 13CO2 Breath Tests: Assessment of Accuracy,
Klinická biochemie a metabolismus, 13 (2005), pp.92-97.
John, Kamil,
w*-Basic sequences and reflexivity of Banach spaces,
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, 55 (2005), pp.677-681.
Kolman, Karel,
A two-level method for nonsymmetric eigenvalue problems,
Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, 21 (2005), pp.1-12.
Chrobak, M. - Kolman, P. - Sgall, Jiří,
The greedy algorithm for the minimum common string partition problem.,
ACM Transactions on Algorithms., 1 (2005), pp.350-366.
Komenda, Jan - van Schuppen, J. H.,
Control of Discrete-Event Systems with Partial Observations Using Coalgebra and Coinduction,
Discrete Event Dynamical Systems: Theory and Applications, 15 (2005), pp.257-315.
Kopecká, Eva,
Almost isometries and orthogonality,
Journal of Functional Analysis, 222 (2005), pp.253-273.
Krajíček, Jan,
Hardness assumptions in the foundations of theoretical computer science,
Archive for Mathematical Logic, 44 (2005), pp.667-675.
Krajíček, Jan,
Structured pigeonhole principle, search problems and hard tautologies,
Journal of Symbolic Logic, 70 (2005), pp.619-630.
Krbec, Miroslav - Schmeisser, H.-J.,
Refined limiting imbeddings for Sobolev spaces of vector-valued functions,
Journal of Functional Analysis, 227 (2005), pp.372-388.
Edmunds, D. E. - Krbec, Miroslav,
Variations on Yano+s Extrapolation Theorem,
Revista Matemática Complutense, 18 (2005), pp.111-118.
Krejčí, Pavel,
The hysteresis limit in relaxation oscillation problems.,
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 22 (2005), pp.103-123.
Křížek, Michal - Luca, F. - Somer, L.,
From Fermat Numbers to Geometry,
Mathematical Spectrum. A magazine for students and teachers of mathematics in schools,
colleges and universities, 38 (2005), pp.56-63.
Korotov, S. - Křížek, Michal,
Global and Local Refinement Techniques Yielding Nonobtuse Tetrahedral Partitions,
Computers & Mathematics with Applications. An International Journal,
50 (2005), pp.1105-1113.
Beilina, L. - Korotov, S. - Křížek, Michal,
Nonobtuse tetrahedral partitions that refine locally towards Fichera-like corners.,
Applications of Mathematics.,
50 (2005), pp.569-581.
Brandts, J. - Křížek, Michal,
Superconvergence of Tetrahedral Quadratic Finite Elements,
Journal of Computational Mathematics,
23 (2005), pp.27-36.
Křížek, Michal,
Superconvergence phenomena on three-dimensional meshes,
International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling,
2 (2005), pp.43-56.
Le, Hong-Van,
Statistical manifolds are statistical models.,
Journal of Geometry,
84 (2005), pp.83-93.
Lomtatidze, Alexander - Štěpánková, H.,
On sign constant and monotone solutions of second order linear functional differential equations,
Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics,
35 (2005), pp.65-90.
Lomtatidze, Alexander - Vodstrčil, Petr,
On sign constant solutions of certain boundary value problems for second-order functional
differential equations,
Applicable Analysis, 84 (2005), pp.197-209.
Markl, Martin,
Free Homotopy Algebras,
Homology, Homotopy and Applications, 7 (2005), pp.123-137.
Barceanu, B. - Markl, Martin - Papadima, S.,
Multiplicative models for configuration spaces of algebraic varieties,
Topology, 44 (2005), pp.415-440.
Lada, T. - Markl, Martin,
Symmetric Brace Algebras,
Applied Categorical Structures, 13 (2005), pp.351-370.
Goldys, B. - Maslowski, Bohdan,
Exponential ergodicity for stochastic Burgers and 2D Navier-Stokes equations,
Journal of Functional Analysis, 226 (2005), pp.230-255.
Brzezniak, Z. - Maslowski, Bohdan - Seidler, Jan,
Stochastic nonlinear beam equations,
Probability Theory and Related Fields, 132 (2005), pp.119-149.
Duncan, T. E. - Maslowski, Bohdan - Pasik-Duncan, B.,
Stochastic equations in Hilbert space with a multiplicative fractional Gaussian noise,
Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 115 (2005), pp.1357-1383.
Medková, Dagmar,
Boundedness of the solution of the third problem for the Laplace equation,
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, 55 (2005), pp.317-340.
Medková, Dagmar,
Conditions ensuring T-1 (Y) C Y,
Extrakta Mathematicae, 20 (2005), pp.43-50.
Medková, Dagmar - Krutitskii, P,
Neumann and Robin problems in a cracked domain with jump conditions on cracks,
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 301 (2005), pp.99-114.
Mukhigulashvili, Sulkhan,
On a periodic boundary value problem for second-order linear functional differential equations,
Boundary Value Problems, 3 (2005), pp.247-261.
Kiguradze, I. - Mukhigulashvili, Sulkhan,
On periodic solutions of two-dimensional nonautonomous differential systems,
Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications, 60 (2005), pp.241-256.
Mukhigulashvili, Sulkhan - Šremr, Jiří,
On the solvability of the Dirichlet problem for nonlinear second-order functional-differential
Differential Equations, 41 (2005), pp.1-11.
Badea, C. - Müller, Vladimír,
Growth Conditions and Inverse Producing Extensions,
Journal of Operator Theory, 54 (2005), pp.415-439.
Müller, Vladimír - Ptak, M.,
Hyperreflexivity of finite-dimensional subspaces,
Journal of Functional Analysis, 218 (2005), pp.395-408.
Barraa, M. - Müller, Vladimír,
On the essential numerical range,
Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum, 71 (2005), pp.285-298.
Müller, Vladimír,
Power bounded operators and supercyclic vectors II,
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 133 (2005), pp.2997-3004.
Kračmar, S. - Nečasová, Šárka - Penel, P.,
Estimates of weak solutions in anisotropically weighted Sobolev spaces to the stationary
rotating Oseen equations,
IASME Transactions, 6 (2005), pp.854-861.
Nečasová, Šárka,
On the problem of the Stokes flow and Oseen flow in R3 with Corious force arising from fluid
IASME Transactions, 7 (2005), pp.1262-1270.
Nečasová, Šárka,
Steady fall of a rigid body in viscous fluid,
Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications, 63 (2005), pp.2113-2119.
Nečasová, Šárka - Penel, P.,
Weak solution of the problem of the steady fall of a rigid body in compressible fluid dynamics,
IASME Transactions, 7 (2005), pp.1271-1278.
Neuman, František,
Constructing and solving equations - inverse operations,
Aequationes Mathematicae, 70 (2005), pp.77-87.
Neuman, František,
Systems of Not Sufficiently Smooth Functions,
Technical News., 1/20/ 2/2 (2005), pp.93-101.
Neustupa, Jiří - Penel, P.,
Incompressible viscous fluid flows and the generalized impermeability boundary conditions,
IASME Transactions, 2 (2005), pp.1254-1261.
Ondreját, Martin,
Brownian representations of cylindrical local martingales, martingale problem and strong Markov
property of weak solutions of SPDEs in Banach spaces,
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, 55 (2005), pp.1003-1039.
Edmunds, D. E. - Gurka, P. - Opic, Bohumír,
Compact and continuous embeddings of logarithmic Bessel potential spaces,
Studia mathematica, 168 (2005), pp.229-250.
Gurka, P. - Opic, Bohumír,
Sharp Embeddings of Besov Spaces with Logarithmic Smoothness,
Revista Matemática Complutense, 18 (2005), pp.81-110.
Aizicovici, S. - Petzeltová, Hana,
Convergence of solutions of phase-field systems with a nonconstant latent heat,
Dynamic Systems and Applications, 14 (2005), pp.163-174.
Pravdová, Alena - Pravda, Vojtěch - Coley, A.,
A note on the peeling theorem in higher dimensions,
Classical Quantum Gravity, 22 (2005), pp.2535-2538.
Milson, R. - Coley, A. - Pravda, Vojtěch - Pravdová, Alena,
Alignment and algebraically special tensors in Lorentzian geometry,
International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics, 2 (2005), pp.21-61.
Pravda, Vojtěch - Zaslavskii, O.B.,
Curvature tensors on distorted Killing horizons and their algebraic classification,
Classical Quantum Gravity, 22 (2005), pp.5053-5071.
Pelavas, N. - Coley, A. - Milson, R. - Pravda, Vojtěch - Pravdová, Alena,
VSI_i spacetimes and the epsilon-property,
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 46 (2005), pp.1-6.
Pravda, Vojtěch - Pravdová, Alena,
Wands of the Black Ring,
General Relativity and Gravitation, 37 (2005), pp.1277-1287.
Gatskevich, E. - Ivlev, G. - Přikryl, Petr - Černý, R. - Cháb, Vladimír - Cibulka, O.,
Pulsed laser-induced phase transformations in CdTe single crystals,
Applied Surface Science, 248 (2005), pp.259-263.
Pudlák, Pavel,
An improved exponential-time algorithm for k-SAT.,
Journal of the ACM., 52 (2005), pp.337-364.
Kiguradze, I. - Půža, Bedřich,
On some boundary value problems for fourth order functional differential equations,
Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics, 35 (2005), pp.55-64.
Kiguradze, I. - Půža, Bedřich,
On two-point boundary value problems for second order singular
functional differential equations,
Functional Differential Equations, 12 (2005), pp.271-294.
Rontó, Andrei - Šremr, Jiří,
Abstract differential inequalities and the Cauchy problem for infinite-dimensional linear
functional differential equations,
Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2005 (2005), pp.235-250.
Agarwal, R.P. - Rontó, Andrei,
Linear functional differential equations possessing solutions with a given growth rate,
Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2005 (2005), pp.49-65.
Rontó, Andrei,
On the initial value problem for systems of linear differential equations with argument deviations,
Mathematical Notes. A Publication of the University of Miskolc, 6 (2005), pp.105-127.
Samoilenko, A. M. - Dilnaya, N. Z. - Rontó, Andrei,
Rozvjaznist' zadači i Cauchy dlja a linijnych integro-dyferencialnych rivnjan
z peretvorenym arhumentom,
Nelineini Kolyvannya, 8 (2005), pp.388-403.
Řehák, Pavel,
Hardy inequality on time scales and its application to half-linear dynamic equations,
Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 5 (2005), pp.495-507.
Ponížil, P. - Procházka, J. - Čermák, R. - Saxl, Ivan,
Anisotropic Grain Size Estimation Using Computer Simulations and w-s diagram,
WSEAS Transactions on Computers, 4 (2005), pp.728-735.
Saxl, Ivan,
De Moivreova rozdělení,
Forum Statisticum Slovacum, 1 (2005), pp.81-90.
Saxl, Ivan - Ponížil, P. - Sülleiová, K.,
Grain size estimation in anisotropic materials,
Materials Science Forum, 482 (2005), pp.239-242.
Král, D. - Sgall, Jiří,
Coloring graphs from lists with bounded size of their union,
Journal of Graph Theory, 49 (2005), pp.177-186.
Šíma, Jiří - Sgall, Jiří,
On the Non-Learnability of a Single Spiking Neuron,
Neural Computation, 17 (2005), pp.2635-2647.
Šíma, Jiří - Sgall, Jiří,
On the Non-Learnability of a Single Spiking Neuron,
Neural Computation,
17 (2005), pp.2635-2647.
Šilhavý, Miroslav,
Divergence measure fields and Cauchy' s stress theorem,
Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Universita di Padova,
113 (2005), pp.15-45.
Šilhavý, Miroslav - Lucchesi, M. - Zani, N.,
Singular equilibrated stress fields for no-tension panels,
Lecture notes in applied and computational mechanics,
23 (2005), pp.255-265.
Rachůnková, I. - Tvrdý, Milan,
Non-ordered lower and upper functions in second order impulsive periodic problems,
Dynamics of Continuous Discrete and Impulsive Systems. Series A-Mathematical Analysis,
12 (2005), pp.397-415.
Rachůnková, I. - Tvrdý, Milan,
Second-order periodic problem with Phi-Laplacian and impulses,
Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications,
63 /Speci (2005), pp.257-266.
Vanžura, Jiří,
Restrictions of 3-forms in dimension 7 to subspaces of codimension 1,
Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo,
75 (2005), pp.325-332.
Cecchi, M. - Došlá, Z. - Vrkoč, Ivo,
Summation inequalities and half-linear difference equations,
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,
302 (2005), pp.1-13.
Contributions to International Proceedings
Adamec, Ladislav,
Simple Floquet theory on time scales,
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Difference Equations and
Applications ICDEA 2003 (Elaydi, S.).
Boca Raton: Chapman & Hall/CRC, (2005), pp.1-4.
Eisner, Jan - Kučera, Milan - Recke, L.,
Smooth bifurcation and variation of the contact sets for an obstacle problem,
Equadiff 2003. International Conference on Differential Equations (Dumortier, F.).
New York: World Scientific, (2005), pp.281-283.
Eisner, Jan - Kučera, Milan - Recke, L.,
Smooth bifurcation and exchange of stability for variational inequalities,
Equadiff 2003. International Conference on Differential Equations. (Dumortier, F.).
New York: World Scientific, (2005), pp.307-309.
Plešek, Jiří - Gabriel, Dušan - Hlaváček, Ivan,
Using the worst scenario method for error and scatter estimation in elasto-plastic analysis,
Computational Plasticity VIII-Fundamentals and Applications. (Owen, D.).
Barcelona: International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering, (2005), pp.1134-1137.
Sklenička, Václav - Král, Petr - Ilucová, Lucie - Saxl, Ivan - Dvořák, Jiří - Svoboda, Milan,
Inhomogenity of microstructure and creep of ECAP Aluminium,
Materials Science Forum. Uetikon-Zuerich: Trans Tech Publications Ltd, (2005), pp.245-250.
Bock, I. - Jarušek, Jiří,
On the dynamic contact problem for a viscoelastic von Kármán plate with a free boundary,
5th Workshop on Functional Analysis and its Applications in Mathematical Physics and Optimal
Control (Bock, I.).
Bratislava: Slovak University of Technology, (2005), pp.8-14.
Komenda, Jan - van Schuppen, J. H.,
Modular antipermissive control of discrete-event systems,
Proceedings of IFAC World Congres. Praha, (2005), pp.1-6.
Komenda, Jan - van Schuppen, J. H. - Gaudin, B. - Marchand, H.,
Modular supervisory control with general indecomposable specification languages,
Proceedings of Joint 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference.
Sevilla: IEEE Press, (2005), pp.3474-3479.
Komenda, Jan - van Schuppen, J. H.,
Supremal Sublanguages of General Specification Languages Arising in Modular Control of Discrete-Event
Proceedings of Joint 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference.
Sevilla: IEEE Press, (2005), pp.2775-2780.
Koucký, Michal - Pudlák, Pavel - Thérien, D.,
Bounded-depth Circuits: Separating Wires from Gates.,
Proceedings of the 37th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC).
Baltimore: ACM Press, 2005 (Gabow, H.), (2005), pp.257-265.
Krajíček, Jan,
Proof complexity,
European congress of mathematics (ECM). Zurich: European Mathematical Society, (Laptev, A.),
(2005), pp.221-231.
Krejčí, Pavel,
An application of non-smooth mechanics in real analysis,
Equadiff 2003. International Conference on Differential Equations. (Dumortier, F.).
New York: World Scientific, (2005), pp.49-58.
Krejčí, Pavel,
Hysteresis in Singularly Perturbed Problems,
Singular Perturbations and Hysteresis. (Mortell, M.).
Philadelphia: SIAM, (2005), pp.73-100.
Brandts, J. - Korotov, S. - Křížek, Michal,
The Strengthened Cauchy-Bunyakowski-Schwarz Inequality for n-Simplicial Linear Finite Elements,
Proceedings of the Third Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applications (Lietal, Z.).
Berlin: Springer, (Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences. 3401), (2005), pp.203-210.
Kufner, Alois,
A remark on K-th order Hardy inequalities,
Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics,
248 (2005), pp.138-146.
Goldys, B. - Maslowski, Bohdan,
Exponential ergodicity for stochastic reaction-diffusion equations,
Proceedings SPDEs 2005, Chapman & Hall, 2005, pp.115-132.
Kračmar, S. - Nečasová, Šárka - Penel, P.,
Anisotropically weighted estimates of weak solutions to the stationary rotating Oseen equations,
Proceedings of the WSEAS/IASME International Conference:3rd IASME/WSEAS International
Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Aerodynamics. (Hassan, I.) Atheny: WSEAS/IASME,
(2005), pp.12-17.
Nečasová, Šárka - Penel, P.,
On the steady fall of a body in a compressible fluid,
Proceedings of the WSEAS/IASME international conferences: 3rd IASME/WSEAS international
conference of fluid mechanics and aerodynamics. (Hassan, I.), Atheny: WSEAS/IASME,
(2005), pp.30-35.
Nečasová, Šárka,
Stokes flow and Oseen flow in R3 with the Corious force,
Proceedings of the WSEAS/IASME international conferences: 3rd IASME/WSEAS international
conference of fluid mechanics and aerodynamics. (Hassan, I.) Atheny: WSEAS/IASME,
(2005), pp.30-35.
Neuman, František,
On Representation of a Smooth System by Discrete One,
Proceedings of the 10-th International Modelling School of AMSE-UAPL.
Rzeszów: Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Rzeszowskiej,
(2005), pp.149-154.
Petzeltová, Hana,
Convergence of solutions of a non-local phase-field system with memory,
Equadiff 2003. Proceedings of the International Conference on Differential Equations.
Singapore: World Scientific, (2005), pp.663-665.
Roubíček, Filip,
Le changement des stratégies d´instruction dans le contexte d´une reforme du curriculum.,
CIEAEM 57, Changements dans la société: un défi pour l´enseignement des mathématiques.
Piazza Armerina: GRIM (Spagnolo, F.), (2005), pp.67-71.
Roubíček, Filip,
Representation as a factor influencing the envinonment of the geometry teaching.,
International Symposium: Elementary Math Teaching - Proceedings.
Praha: UK v Praze, PedF (Novotná, J.) 2005, pp.360-361.
Matucci, S. - Řehák, Pavel,
Necessary and sufficient conditions for oscillation of coupled nonlinear discrete systems,
Proceedings of 9th ICDEA. (Allen, L.) Singapore: World Scientific,
(2005), pp.171-183.
Saxl, Ivan - Ponížil, P. - Hlawiczková, M.,
Application of computer simulation in stereology,
Proceedings of 9th European Congress on Stereology and Image Analysis and of 7th. STERMAT Conference.
Krakow: Polish Society for Stereology, (2005), pp.307-323.
Feder, T. - Hell, P. - Král, D. - Sgall, Jiří,
Two algorithms for general list matrix partitions,
Proceedings of the 16th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA).
New York, Philadelphia: ACM, SIAM, (2005), pp.870-876.
Tichá, Marie - Hošpesová, A.,
Collective reflection - a way of improving teachers + competence,
CIEAEM 57 - Proceedings plenaires, oral presentations in working groups, workshops, posters.
Palermo: GRIM, (2005), pp.93-97.
Tichá, Marie - Hošpesová, A.,
Developing Mathematics Teacher+s Competence,
CERME 4. Fourth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education.
http://cerme 4.crm.cs, (2005), pp.1-10.
Hošpesová, A. - Tichá, Marie - Macháčková, Jana,
Developing the Competences of Primary School Teachers via Collective Reflection,
Aquas de Lindória: ICMI (http://stwww.weizmann.ac.il/G-math/ICMI/log_inihtml),
(2005), pp.99 kB.
Tichá, Marie - Hošpesová, A.,
Schüler entdecken - und was der Lehrer dazu?,
Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2005 (Graumann, G.).
Bielefeld: Verlag Franz Becker, (2005), pp.577-580.
Tichá, Marie - Hošpesová, A.,
Wir lernen lehren, Beiträge zum Mathematikunterrichr 2004 (Heinze, A.).
Hildesheim: Franz Becker, (2005), pp.585-588.
Rachůnková, I. - Tvrdý, Milan,
Method of lower and upper functions in impulsive periodic boundary value problems,
EQUADIFF 2003, International Conference on Differential Equations (Dumortier, F.).
Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, (2005), pp.252-257.
Contributions to Regional Proceedings
Gogatishvili, Amiram - Neves, J. S. - Opic, Bohumír,
Optimality of embeddings of Bessel-potential-type spaces,
Proceedings of the Conference held in Milovy (Drábek, P.), Bohemian-Moravian Uplands.
Praha: Mathematical Institute Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic,
(2005) pp.97-112.
Krbec, Miroslav,
Extrapolation. Recent results and challenges,
Proceedings of the Conference held in Milovy (Drábek, P.),
Bohemian-Moravian Uplands.
Praha: Mathematical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic,
(2005) pp.176-187.
Křížek, Michal,
Abelovu cenu v roce 2005 získal Peter Lax,
Pokroky matematiky, fyziky & astronomie, 50 (2005) pp.265-26.
Křížek, Michal - Šolcová, A.,
Jak spolu souvisí chaos, fraktály a teorie čísel.,
Matematika na vysokých školách. Sborník 6. ročníku semináře.
Praha: ČVUT a Jednota českých matematiků a fyziků,
(2005) pp.96-113.
Křížek, Michal,
O geometrické interpretaci některých pojmů z teorie čísel.,
Pokroky matematiky, fyziky & astronomie., 50 (2005) pp.75-79.
Brandts, J. - Korotov, S. - Křížek, Michal,
O triangulacích bez tupých úhlů,
Pokroky matematiky, fyziky & astronomie, 50 (2005) pp.193-208.
Nečasová, Šárka,
Steady Fall of a Rigid Body in Viscous Fluid,
Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics (Příhoda, J.).
Praha: Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR, (2005) pp.77-80.
Opic, Bohumír,
Limiting Reiteration Formulae for Real Interpolation and Applications,
Proceedings of the Conference held in Milovy (Drábek, P.), Bohemian-Moravian Uplands.
Praha: Mathematical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic,
(2005) pp.259-270.
Roubíček, Filip,
Cesta do školy,
Učitelský NÁPADník 2. stupeň ZS a víceletá gymnázia.
Praha: Paabe, 2005 (Kvapilová, H.) C2, (2005) .
Roubíček, Filip,
Modely domů,
Učitelský NÁPADník pro 2. stupeň ZS a víceletá gymnázia.
Praha: Raabe, 2005 (Kasíková, H.) C3, (2005) .
Roubíček, Filip,
Thaletova kruznice,
Učitelský NÁPADník 2. stupeň ZS a víceletá gymnázia.
Praha: Raabe, 2005 (Kvapilová, H.) C1,
(2005) .
Segeth, Karel - Šolín, P. - Doležel, I.,
Higher-order numerical quadrature in 2D and 3D,
Proceedings Conference, Liberec 2004.
Liberec: Technical University of Liberec, (2005) pp.203-210.
Šolín, P. - Segeth, Karel - Doležel, I.,
Numerical quadrature for higher-order finite element methods,
Proceedings of Summer School. Ostrava: VSB-Technická univerzita,
(2005) pp.121-130.
Segeth, Karel - Šolín, P. - Zítka, M.,
Singularities in Electro- and Magnetostatics, and Their Efficient Resolution by hp-FEM,
Proceedings of the Seminar of Applied Mathematics. (Kučera, P.). Praha: Czech Technical University,
(2005) pp.155-172.
Šimša, Jaromír,
Calculation of the number .pi. from perimeters of regular polygons,
Rozhledy matematicko-fyzikální,
80 (2005) pp.6-14.
Šimša, Jaromír,
Úlohy pro MO - objevné nápady nebo rutinní manipulace?,
Ani jeden matematický talent nazmar. Praha: Pedagogická fakulta UK,
(2005) pp.26-39.
Tichá, Marie - Macháčková, Jana - Hošpesová, A.,
Mathematics classroom and collective reflection,
International Symposium: Elementary Math Teaching - Proceedings. (Novotná, J.).
Praha: Pedagogická fakulta UK, (2005) pp.307-315.
Research Reports
Král, D. - Tichý, Tomáš - Sgall, Jiří,
Randomized strategies for the plurality problem,
KAM-DIMATIA Series 2005-722 and ITI Series 2005-238, Praha: Charles University.
Research Reports
Král, D. - Tichý, Tomáš - Sgall, Jiří,
Randomized strategies for the plurality problem,
KAM-DIMATIA Series 2005-722 and ITI Series 2005-238.
Praha: Charles University (2005), 16 pp.
Lecture Notes
Vitásek, Emil,
Vybrané kapitoly z teorie numerických metod pro řesení differenciálních rovnic
[2.rozsířené vyd.],
Plzeň: Západočeská univerzita (2005) , 169 pp.