Membership Fees of the Czechoslovak Microscopy Society

For the individual members, the one year membership fee amounts to 250 Kc (CZK - Czech Crowns or an equivalent in US Dollars).

For the corporate members, the one year membership fee amounts to 5000 Kc (or an equivalent in US Dollars).

If your membership subscription for this year has not been paid yet, please do so using your birth number (or the identification number for the corporate members) as the variable symbol to any of our bank accounts shown below as soon as possible.

1. Czech Crown Account (it is possible to use the CSMS postal order for this account)
Bank:Ceska sporitelna a.s., pobocka Palackeho 59, Brno - Kralovo Pole, Ceska republika
Account Number:1353874349/0800
Swift address:CSPO CZ PP
Account Name: Ceskoslovenska spolecnost pro elektronovou mikroskopii
Currency:Kc (CZK - Czech Crown)
2. Foreign Currency Account
Bank:Ceskoslovenska obchodni banka a.s., pobocka Brno, Sumavská 33, 611 40  Brno, Ceska republika
Account Number:372669813/0300
Swift address:CEKO CZ PP BRN
Account Name:Ceskoslovenska spolecnost pro elektronovou mikroskopii
Currency: USD (US Dollar)

This page was prepared by
Petr Schauer,
ISI ASCR, Brno, Czech Republic
updated on April 8, 2002
(transfer to the CSMS home page)