General Assembly in Lecce,
September 20 - 25, 2001

To the members of the European Microscopy Society
Message Date: Mon, 25 June 2001

The Executive Board of the European Microscopy Society proposes to organize a General Assembly during the EMS extension of the 5th MCEM meeting in Lecce (Southern Italy) September 20 - 25, 2001. This meeting will take place immediately following the Italian SIME General Assembly meeting.

The agenda of this EMS General Assembly meeting contains the following points:

  1. the EMS membership situation
  2. planning of scientific activities, workshops and specialized meetings
  3. EMS-extensions in 2002 and 2003, contracts
  4. EMC 2004 in Israel
  5. finances
  6. the yearbook, new material to be included
  7. e-communication
  8. the EMS logo
  9. any further matter to be discussed

Details about the congress organized in Lecce may be found on the web site:

with best wishes,

Eddie Wisse,
Secretary of EMS

This page was prepared by
Petr Schauer,
ISI ASCR, Brno, Czech Republic
updated on July 13, 2001
(transfer to the CSMS home page)