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How to Turn Brain Drain into Brain Gain
Yvona Kostelecká, Josef Bernard, Věra Patočková, Tomáš Kostelecký
In order to compete in the global labor market of top-qualified workers, many states introduce various types of targeted policies to improve the migration balance of highly qualified workers. The book offers a systematic review of the policies used by different countries in an attempt to encourage scientists and researchers working abroad to return to their home country or in an effort at least to make it easier for information, know-how, and experiences acquired abroad to be passed on back home. This study is based on an analysis of scientific literature, texts published by institutions organizing various forms of return programs, websites with information for potential program participants, and personal correspondence and interviews with professionals working in this specific field.
Experience with applying policies aimed at influencing the migration of highly qualified workers indicate that the best chance of success is enjoyed by those migration policies that employ a complex design, combining an individual approach, targeting an individual scientist, and a structural approach, aimed at changing the domestic science and research environment. Typically, the programs tend to be successful in middle income or high income countries that have a sufficiently strong domestic foundation in science, and have an economy that shows signs of stable growth.

Migration of highly skilled, the return of scientists and researchers, migration policy, programs supporting return

Introduction ..................................................................................9

1. The International Migration of Scientists
and Researchers, Its Specific Features,
and the Attempts to Influence It............................................11

2. The Policies to Influence the Migration
of Highly Educated People .....................................................19

2.1. Restrictive, compensatory, and stimulation policies ......................20
2.2. Recruitment policies ..........................................................................25
2.2.1. Supporting policies for the recruitment
of foreign scientists ....................................................................26
2.2.2. The assessment of recruiting policies
for foreign scientists ...................................................................31
2.3. The policies supporting return of skilled labor force
from abroad back to a homeland.....................................................34
2.3.1. The policies supporting long-term returns ..............................36 The sandwich programs.....................................................37 Scholarship for the stays abroad
with the condition of return ...............................................40 Return grants for those who completed
a stay abroad.......................................................................45 Reintegration programs .....................................................49 Multinational programs ..............................................49 European national programs......................................54 Non-European national programs .............................65 Internet information portals ...............................................75
2.3.2. The policies supporting short-term returns .............................79

Conclusion ..................................................................................87


Subject Index ..............................................................................97

About the Authors ....................................................................101

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