Budeme referovat dva články uvedených autorů s x_1=1.3446 a x_2=1.3289.
An algorithm is presented which finds (the size of) a maximum independent set of an n vertex graph in tim O(2^(0.276 n)) improving on a previous bound of O(2^(n/3)).
We present several polynomial-time approximation algorithms for the one-dimensional bin-packing problem, using a subroutine to solve a certain linear programming relaxation of the problem. Our main results is: There is a polynomial-time algorithm A such that A(I)<=OPT(I)+O(log^2(OPT(I))).
Free binary decision diagrams (FBDDs) are graph-based data structures representing Boolean functions with a constraint (additional to binary decision diagrams) that each variable is tested during the computation at most once. The function EAR_n is a Boolean function on n x n Boolean matrices; EAR_n(M)=1 iff the matrix M contains two equal adjacent rows. We prove that the size of optimal FBDDs computing EAR_n is 2^{Theta(log^2 n)}.
We give a new proof showing that it is NP-hard to color a 3-colorable graph using just four colors. This result is already known (Khanna, Linial, Safra 1992), but our proof is novel as it does not rely on the PCP theorem, while the earlier one does.
Probereme Schoeningův algoritmus pro 3-SAT pracující v průměrném čase cca (4/3)^n a jeho zlepšení z tohoto článku.
Over years coding theory and complexity theory have benefited from a
number of mutually enriching connections. This article focuses on a new
connection that has emerged between the two topics in the recent years.
This connection is centered around the notion of "list-decoding" for error-correcting
codes. In this survey we describe the list-decoding problem, the algorithms
that have been developed, and a diverse collection of applications within
complexity theory.