SI units and symbols
Basic SI units
metre m
kilogramme kg
second s
kelvin K
ampere A
mole mol
Unit, dimension
Do not use
micrometre µm µ
microgramme µg µ
minute* min min.
hour* h hr, hrs
day d
degree Celsius (centigrade) °C (e.g., 20 °C) ° C (e.g., 20° C)
pasqual Pa atm, torr, mmHg, bar
joule J cal, kWh
watt per metre square W m–2 cal cm–2 min–1
molar, millimolar M, mM
becquerel Bq Ci, C, c
counts per second s–1 cpm
hertz Hz c/sec
volume per volume cm3 m–3 vpm
mass per mass µg g–1 ppm
volume cm3, dm3 ml, l
mass per volume g dm–3 g/l

*Do not use for scientific dimensions. The relevant unit is s (second). 
Common SI prefixes
109 giga- G
106 mega- M
103 kilo- k
10–2 centi- c
10–3 milli- m
10–6 micro- µ
10–9 nano- n
10–12 pico- p
10–-15 femto- f

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bp  © 1998-99 Institute of Experimental Botany,
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic