BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM is an international journal for experimental botany. It publishes original scientific papers and brief communications, reviews on specialized topics, and book reviews in plant physiology, biochemistry, physiological anatomy, ecophysiology, genetics, molecular biology, and pathophysiology. Only papers presenting generally valid findings are usually accepted. Papers should not be published or under consideration for publication elsewhere.
The manuscripts in English should be prepared in electronic version (text in MS Word for Windows, figures and photographs as JPG or TIF files) and submitted on-line (new submission). Other correspondence should be sent to editorial office by e-mail:
Every manuscript is reviewed usually by two reviewers familiar with the relevant field of research, being from a different country or at least from different institution from the author.
In further correspondence do not forget to use manuscript number.
[Original papers]
[Brief communications]
[Review articles]
[Book reviews]
[SI units and symbols]
[Examples of figure design]
[Most common abbreviations]
The length of a paper including figures, tables and references should not exceed 12 pages (final size in the journal). The paper should be arranged as follows:
The results and discussion might be joined together. Units, dimensions, terms, symbols, abbreviations, etc., recommended by the Système International d'Unités (SI)
(see the section SI units and symbols)
should be used.
Line drawings should be surrounded by a frame which forms their axes. Grid marks should point inwards. As far as possible, different curves should be individually labelled. Alongside the scale of the ordinate and abscissa the quantity measured should be given, followed by appropriate dimension in SI units in brackets, e.g.: TRANSPIRATION RATE [mg(H2O) m–2 s–1] (see the Examples of figure design).
Photographs must be of the press quality with a full range of tones and of good contrast. Colour photographs are printed on authors' expenses (ca. 120 EUR per page).
References in the text should contain the authors' names followed by the year of publication, e.g. Amesz (1989) or (Lüttge et al. 1989, Herbert and Nilson 1991). References at the end of the paper should be arranged alphabetically (by authors' names) (for abbreviations of journal titles see the section Most common abbreviations):
Scebba, F., Sebastiani, L., Vitagliano, C.: Activities of antioxidant enzymes during senescence of Prunus armeniaca leaves. - Biol. Plant. 44: 41–46, 2001.
Tausz, M.: The role of glutathione in plant response and adaptation to natural stress. - In: Grill, D., Tausz, M., De Kok, L.J. (ed.): Significance of Glutathione in Plant Adaptation to the Environment. Pp. 101–122. Kluwer Academic Press, Dordrecht - Boston - London 2001.
Koch, G.W., Mooney, A.A. (ed.): Carbon Dioxide and Terrestrial Ecosystems. - Academic Press, San Diego - New York - Boston - London - Sydney - Tokyo - Toronto 1996.
Gribova, Z.P., Antonovskiï, V.L.: [Ultraviolet radiation effect on paramagnetic centres of plant leaves and chloroplasts.] - Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. biol. 1991(1): 51–58, 1991. [In Russ.]
Titles of articles written in languages other than English are given only in English translation (see the above example). However, book titles should be given also in the original language.
Additional key words (10 or less) best characterizing the contents of article and not contained in its title follow the abstract. The list of abbreviations in alphabetical order is also necessary.
Papers not longer than 4 pages (final size in the journal) including abstract, text, references, one table and one figure, or two figures, or two tables are usually published more rapidly than the longer papers.
Short but comprehensive reviews with full bibliography are accepted after preliminary discussion of the intended topics with the editors.
Reviews of new books up to 1 page (final size in the journal) dealing with experimental botany or related fields, sent to the Editor, are published as soon as possible.
The journal publishes announcements of conferences, symposia, etc. in the respective fields only on free pages.
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© 1998-99 Institute of Experimental Botany,
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic |