Visualization of electron density maps from Jana2000 vith OpenDx

OpenDx is an open source version of IBM's Visualization Data Explorer. It can be downloaded from Plotting of isosurfaces is just a small subset of the OpenDx possibilities. In this document we provide a quick guide to plotting Contour output. Advanced usage requires reading of OpenDx documentation.

Installation of OpenDx

Currently we have experience only with the version for Windows98. We downloaded from the OpenDx page. After decompression we ran the setup program in a standard way known to Windows users. OpenDx has been originally developed for Unix platforms and in Windows it needs a running X11 emulation program. We have been using eXceed.

  • Sometimes the program stopped working with messages like "Server connection broken" or "Could not connect to dxexec". Solution: restart of OpenDx.
  • Exceed worked correctly except problems with keyboard buttons like arrows, Home, End etc. These buttons did not work in the graphics interface but they could be replaced with mouse operations.

    Preparation of data with Jana2000

    Only maps generated in orthogonal axes can be saved in the stf file format without deformation.

    All crystal systems

  • Calculate Fourier map in an independent volume

  • In Contour choose "General section"
  • Define a section of non-zero width. An interpolation step about 0.1A is sufficient for smooth contours.

  • Save all sections in the stf format

    Another possibility for orthogonal, tetragonal and cubic systems

  • Calculate Fourier map in a user-defined volume. In the given example "Step" is in fractional units.

  • In Contour choose "Fourier map(s) from m81 file"
  • Save all sections in the stf format

    Starting OpenDx

    We assume the program has been installed in default location c:\opendx. The main program menu is started by c:\opendx\bin\Menu.bat. Don't forget that an X11 emulation must be running in this time.

    Preliminary work

    OpenDx provides a lot of functions that can be used for creation of OpenDx programs. Such a program is necessary also for plotting of isosurfaces. Fortunately it can be created like a copy of a demo sample. Another necessary file contains data description. Both files - the program and the data description - can be created once for all and then only edited with respect to plotted data.

    In the following two paragraphs we shall create the program file "" and the data description file "data.general". The extensions ".net" and ".general" are mandatory, the basic names are arbitrary.

    Creation of program file ""

  • Choose "Edit visual programs"
  • Open file c:/opendx/samples/tutorial/ It will start the "Visual program editor".

  • Double-click "Import". It will open the Import dialogue. Check "Name" checkbox and replace the string "cloudwater.dx" with c:/opendx/data.general. This is the name of the data description file that we shall create later. The quotes " can be omited. Note that we are using unix-like slash / though the system is Windows.

  • Close the Import dialogue and choose "File" and "Save As".
  • Save the program with name c:/opendx/
  • Close the window "Edit visual programs"

    Creation of data description file "data.general"

  • Choose "Import data". It will open the "Data Prompter" dialogue. Select "Grid or Scattered file".

  • Press "Describe data". It will open the second "Data prompter" box.

  • In the "Data file" textbox fill in the pathname of your stf file
  • In the "Header" choose "# of lines" and type 7. This is the stf header that should be skipped by OpenDx.
  • Type the grid size according to the stf file header
  • Select "Data order" = "Column"
  • In the Grid positions "origin" is 0 and "delta" is the interpolation step used for calculation of General section by Contour program (usually 0.1).
  • Choose "File" and "Save as" and save the data description in c:/opendx/data.general
  • Close both windows of "Data prompter"
  • Close OpenDx by "Quit" button in the mani menu of OpenDx. If you want continue with the next paragraph of this recipe close OpenDx and start it again in order to get the standard behaviour.

    Plotting of isosurfaces

    In this part we assume that both the program file (c:/opendx/ and the data description file (c:/opendx/data.general) have been already created.

  • Start the main program menu by c:\opendx\bin\Menu.bat.

  • Choose "Import data" in the main menu of OpenDx. It will open the "Data prompter" window.

  • In the "Data file name" textbox type the fullname of the data description file, i.e. c:/opendx/data.general and press Enter. This will select "Grid or scattered file" checkbox and open the second window of the Data prompter.

  • Edit definitions according to your stf file. Then save the description file by choosing "File" and "Save".
  • In the first window of the Data prompter press "Test import" button. This will test whether your stf file is readable. The testing may take a while. The test results are displayed in the "Message window".

  • Close all windows except the main menu
  • In the main menu choose "Run visual programs". In the "File selection" dialogue find c:/opendx/ Press OK. After some time dependent on the size of the map the "Image" window will appear in the screen. After pressing Ctrl-F the image of electron density will appear in the "Image" window.

  • In the "Image" window choose "Windows" and "Open visual program editor". This will open the Visual program editor.

  • Double-click "Isosurface". This will open the "Isosurface" dialogue.
  • Select the "Value" checkbox and type the electron density limit. The value depends on the plotted map and can be estimated with "Locator" of the Contour program.

  • Press "Apply" or "OK" button. The image will be automatically redrawn. Close the "Visual program editor" window.

  • The image should be in the same orientation like in the Contour plot. If you don't see what you have expected a possible reason could be that OpenDx remembers the last picture. Restart of OpenDx solves it (though we believe there is also some more elegant solution).

  • In the "Image" window choose "Options" and "View control". Then the image can be rotated or scaled. The last figure shows the image after rescaling.

  • The image can be saved in various formats by choosing "File" and "Save image"


    We are not experienced users of OpenDx and we cannot guarantee this recipe shows the best way of displaying Jana electron density maps.